k aily Herald.. mom' FIFTH YEAR. J 'L ATTSM O U T 1 1 ,N K H 1 1 A S K A , FRIDAY. JULY 22. I8)2. NUMB Fit 235 Pktts D If 1 ? i Lt 1 4 ft V i - i 11 4 ' k... r rk i i I- I V i I Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking POwdf,r Highest of alt in leavenin strength latest U. 5. iiovermucui f-ort. y TIME TABLE.' OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS GOING ERST GOING VEST Not. .. S: a. m. No. i. 3:4 P- No. 5. 10. 7 5 :l' P . No.. m No. 81 7 :15 a. m. No. 2 .. H- n p.m. No. 4... No. 8.... No. lo... No. tt ... ."...10 -M a.n.. ....7 ; P. m ... 8 : u h-u Mini leaves for Omaha about two ViVTu" Junihu aud will accommodate pas- BrliKeM. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CAKD. s. .-.. Accon.odat.on f;;;;;;1: S: NTr5iw dally except funday. SECRET SOClETIf. CAJMI N"-sn2 M. W. A. meets every Mtnr sau Fourth Monday evlni?s in KitZKerald ball. Vlaitlng neighbors welcome. P. :. Haiioeu, V. C. : F. Wertenbexjer. W. A.. a. C. Wilde, Clerk. CAPTAIN II K PALMER GAMP NO 50 Soqs of Veterans, dlviHloD of Nebraska. O 8. A. meet every Tuesday nigbt at 7 JO o'clock In their hall in rltlgerald block. All sons and visiting comrade are cordially invited to meet with us J. J. Kurtz, Commander; B. A. Me Klwaln, 1st SeargiMit. ORDRK OK THE WOKLO. Meet at 7 : 30 every Monnay evening at the Grand Army hall. A. K. Urooiu, president. Thus Walling, secretary. AO l" W No 8 Meet 6rt and third Fri day evening of each month at I O U r hull. Frank Verinyiea M V; J fc, Barwick, recorder. GA. HMcConihle Poet No. 45 meets every Saturday evoume at 7 : 30 in their Hall in Kockwood block. All visiting comrades are cordiallv Invited to meet with us. Fred Bates, "oi Adjoitbt ; O. F. Mies, Poet Commadder. KNIGHTS OF FVTII IAS Gauntlet Lodge .u-47. Meets every Vednesdayt eve ning at their hall over Bennet 5c Tutt 8, all visiting knights are cordially invited to attend. M N Griffith, C C: Otis Dovey K of K and S. Ao tr w Xo M Meet second and fourth Friday evening in the month a t IO O F Hall. l Vondran, M V, k P Brown, recordeJ. - - DAL'OHTKKS OF KEHECCA-Bud of Prom i e Idge No. 40 meets the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month in the I I). . V. hU. Mrs. T. E. Williams, N O. ; Sirs. John Cory. Secretary. VvEGKEE OF IIOXOR-Meets the first - ami third Thrursday evenings pf each mouth in I. O. O. F. hall, Fitzgerald block. Mrt. Ad.lie Smith. Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie Hurkel. sister secretary. caH-TLODUE. no. 146. 1. 0. 0. F. toeets ey ery Tuesday night at thelc hall in Fitzgerald block All Odd Fellows are cordially Invited to attend when visiting in the city. Chris Pet ersen. N. li. ; . F, Osborn. Secretary. rtOVAL AKOANAM Cas Coimcll No 1021. R Meet atVhe K. of P. ball in the Pannele A Craig block over Bennett & Tutte, vlslrliig brethren invited. Henry Gerlng. Begent ; Thos Walling, Secretary. YOUKO MEN'S CHKISTION 80CIATlON Waterman block. Main Street. Booms owsn from 8 a m to 8 :30 p n. For men only Gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4 w'eloek. Acconliiiff to the census of 1890, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1,098,576 people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons fitid homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha,' Nebraska. Mr. Van Pelt, editor of the Craig, Mo., Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale, Iowa, and asked the -physician in attendance to give him a dose of something for cholera mor bus and looseness of the bowels. He says: "I felt so much better the next morning that 1 concluded to call on the physician and get liim to fix me up a supply of the medi cince. I was surprised when he handed mea bottleof Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy. He said he prescribed it regu larly in his practice and found it the best he could get or prepare. I can testify to its efficiency in my case at all events." For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. PERSONAL. . Mrs. M. A. Dixon was an Omaha visitor to-day. Miss Rose Reilly left for Lincoln this morning. Will Ilyera has returned home from the Black Hills. Regie ter of Deeds C. C. Parmele is in Nehawka to-day on business. W. J. Streight returned last night from a pleasure trip throhgh Wy oming. Mr. M. Parr and mother, of Oma ha, are the guests of Mrs. Kate Oli ver to-day. Carl Brown, state lecturer of the alliance from California, will speak at 7:30 this evening on Main street. Miss Jennie King and Miss Grace McPherson who have been visiting with their uncle, J. K. Leesley, re turned to Omaha this morning. REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES SAT URDAY. Walking For a Wager. Joft, Howard and wife, the pedes trians, passed through Kearney yesterday afternoon on their way east. They art walking from Seattle to Chicago t.n a wager of $3,CD0. Leaving Seattle March 10, they must reach Chicago Septem ber 15. They carry bedding and cooking utensils in light wheel barrow surmounted by an Ameri can flag. Mrs. Howaii is dressed in men's attire. They claim that they will reach their e&stern termi nus August 28, and have averaged twenty miles per day. The Injunction Dissolved. Judge Chapman, recently granted a temporary injunction, restraining the city and county front collecting taxes on the storehouse building owned by the B. & M. Yesterday the case was argued by tlie attor neys and this morning Judge Chap man read a lengthylecision based upon the statutes, refusing to grant a permanent injunction. Arthur Stotler, son of William Stotler, residing three miles east of Union, died at 2:45 o'clock this morning from the effects of a sun stroke. The funeral occurred this afternoon, Rev. Nichols performing the last sad rites. The deceased was a single man, aged 22 years and 17 days, and in the employ of Ezra Murphy. Three machinists have been trans ferred from Havelock to the shops here. Tom Julian came in and went to work this morning. Fred -How-land and Meek Davis' will goto work here Monday. There is lots of work in- the machine shop here and another engine came in yesterday to be rebuilt., The South Omaha correspondent to the World-Herald this 'morning says: "Dr. Siggins, who ."has been ill for some time, became much worse early in the week and yester day was sent to Little Rock, Arkan sas. His family will follow.. fiim in a few days and spend the summer in the south." - v ' - ' N.E. C. Meeting. Saratoga. N. Y. The provision requiring passen gers to deposit tickets with the joint agent at terminal lines at Saratoga has been cancelled. Tickets will be honored for return from Saratoga or from any intermediate point, any time up to Sep. 15. It is not neces sary to go to Saratoga to have the tickets executed for return. J. FKAXCIS, ' Gen. Pas. Agt. Notice to Water Consumers. The hours set apart to sprinkle lawns are 5:30 to 7 o'clock a. m. and 0 to 8 o'clock p. m. Sprinkling must be confined 'to these hours, and hose found in use except during the above named hours will - be shut off without further notice. 6 Plattsmouth Water Co. Soma Foolish People allow a cough to run until itgets beyond the reach of medicine They say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. The books of the Livingston Loan and Building association are now open for subsrciptiou of stock, for the eigth series beginning Aug. 18, 1892. Remember this is one of the best paying institutions in the county. For full information and stock apply to dw7t Henry R. Gerixg, Sec. For Sale Two desirable resi dence lots in Orchard Hill addition to Plattsmoutfc, within a block of the - Missouri Pacific depot. For fiarticulars call on or address The Ierald oflce. ORGANIZATION. THE PROBLEM THAT HAS AGITATED WOMEN FOR MANY YEARS. What Organization lias Done for Fe males One Writer Saya That It la a Mistake for Women to Regard Men as Enemies Men Have Helped Them. The problem of organization is one which has agitated women who work ever since the sex has been regarded as a factor in industrial competition, and it is apparent, from the almost daily dis cussions of the subject, that it is no nearer solution than it was at its incep tion. The relative sides of the contro versy, whether organization assists in the amelioration of the sex from the evil effects of prejudice, have many cham pions who argue the question of princi ple with much wisdom and enthusiasm, To a casual observer, or even one who is interested in the outcome of the agita tion without taking part in it, the affirmative side of the proposition would seem to be the most logical and popular, and there are many evidences to sub stantiate this view. It is scarcely ten years since organiza tion was tried by industrial women, and an observer epitomizes the result in these words: "Organization has in the first place compelled the recognition of female workers as competitors by the males, who previously usurped the fields into which women have since ventured and succeeded; organization has demon strated the capabilities of woman more than individual merit could have ever done; it has rendered women independ ent of the influences of men in the ad justment of labor and social difficulties and in the matter of compensation. Taking this" view of the matter, which, it may be explained, is advanced by a Wisconsin lady who is much interested in the subject, it would seem that or ganization has not only done much to promote the advancement of women, but has in addition opened up a broad field for discussion as to the claims of women for xecognition in other than an industrial sense. Our correspondent argues that "a woman who, in the face of the strong opposition of men engaged in similar industrial 'pursuits, succeeds in elevating herself by her own efforts to an eqmal plane with them, is certain ly entitled to consideration as a ctor in both the social and official sphe of life." The argument is so logical and patent to the student of the social and indus trial status of women that it needs no comment. The assumption, however, that men oppose the progress of women and in any way seek to retard their ad vancement and restrict their capacity as competitors is ungenerous and, in a large measure, will do much to inspire prejudice in men against women. The facts all tend the other way. Men are not only not opposed to wom en as fellow workers, but would, if en couraged, do more to assist women in their struggle for supremacy than any other influence could possibly do. The developments of the agitation in the past few years have shown this. Work ing women have appealed to the national congress and to the legislative bodies of several states for recognition and have obtained it, purely through the assist ance of men who realized the justice ot the demands. Without the assistance of these men the recognition could never have been secured. Further than this, women have found, when seeking to obtain the questionable benefits of organization achieved by men, that they had only to be sincere to secure the same. If men are once satis fied that female workers are sincere in their efforts to secure independence, and are willing to render all social proposi tions subservient to the purpose, women will have no cause for accrediting an tipathy to men, but on the other hand will precipitate the millennium of their ambitions much sooner than by working alone. The natural conclusion to be deducted from these conditions is, That women shall combine their own (as yet disor ganized and incomplete) interests with those of men. Organization under such circumstances will obtain for a woman what she wants. Men are to be made friends, not enemies. To obtain recog nition from their admirably organized systems of industrial pursuits is as much of a triumph for working women as they will ever secure. This can be done by working with them, not against them. A Club Woman in Jenness Mil ler Illustrated. The Colored Lights In Roman Candles. In making Roman candles a cylin drical case is taken and packed with a lot of stars. At the bottom of the case they put some of the composition they put in rockets, and on top of each star is some more of it. By mixing certain chemicals green and red lights are produced. Green lights like those used in death scenes on the stage at the the ater are made by mixing a great quan tity of nitrate of barytes with small quantities of sulphur, chlorate of pet ash, charcoal pulverized and arsenic. New York Evening Sun. What m "Doublet" Is. The doublet is the imitation of a jewel, the lower part of which, the culet, is an appropriately colored paste, while the upper part, the table, is an inferior gen uine gem, both being fastened upon the culet with a water clear cement. These doublets can readily be distinguished by the expert. Jewelers' Circular. THE AGE OF PAPER. The Time Is Coming When Taper Will Be the Ouly L'seful Thing. The world has seen its iron ago and its brazen age, but this is the age of paper. We are making so many things of pajier that it will soon be true that without paper there is nothing made. We live in paper houses, wear paper clothing, and sit on paper cushions in paer cars rolling on paper wheels. If we lived in Bergen, Norway, we could go on Sun days to a paper church. We do a paper business over paper counters, buying paper goods, paying for them with paper money, and dual in paper stocks on paper margins. We row races in paper boats for paier prizes. We go to paper theaters wheref paper actors play to paper audiences. As the age develops the coming man will become more deeply enmeshed in the paper net. He will awake in the morning and creep from under the pa per clothing of his paper bed and put on his paper dressing gown and his pa per slippers. He will walk over paper carpets, down paper stairs, and seating himself in a paper chair will read the paper news in the morning paper. A paper bell will call him to his breakfast, cooked in a paper oven, served on paper dishes, laid on a paper cloth on a paper table. He will wipe his lips with a pa per napkin, and having put on his paper shoes, paper hat and paper coat, and then taking his paper stick (he has the choice of two descriptions already), he will walk on a paper pavement or ride in a pajier carriage to his paper office. He will organize paper enterprises and make paper profits. He will sail the ocean on paper steam ships and navigate the air in paper bal loons. He will f-moke a paper cigar or paper tobacco in a paper pipe, lighted with a paper match. He will write with a paper pencil, whittle paper sticks with a paper knife, go fishing with a paper fishing rod, a paper line and a paper hook, and put his catch in a paper basket. He will go shooting with a paper gun, loaded with paper cartridges, and will defend his country in pajer forts with paper cannon and paper bombs. Having lived his paper life and achieved a paper fame and paper wealth, he will retire to paper leisure and die in paper peace. There will be a paper funeral, at which the mourners, dressed in paper crape, will wipe their eyes with paper handkerchiefs, and the preacher will preach in a paper pulpit. He will lie in a paper coffin; he has a chance of: doing so already if he is a paper we inear pauper. He will be wrapped in a paper shroud, his name will be engraved on a paper plate, and a paper hearse, adorned with paper plumes, will carry him to a paper lined grave, over which will be raised a paper monument. Paper Rec ord. A Battle with a Bee. An observer writes us that he is satis fied that there is just as much rivalry between humming birds and bees in their quest for honey as there is between members of the human race in their struggle for the good things of life, and describes a recent quarrel that he saw in a Portland garden, where a humming bird with an angry dash expressed its disapproval of the presence of a big bumblebee in the same tree. The usually pugnacious bee incontinently fled, but he did not leave the tree. He diished back and forth among the branches and white blossoms, the humming bird in close pursuit. Where will you find another pair that could dodge and dart equal to these? They were like flashes of light, yet the pursuer followed the track of the pur sued, turning when the bee turned. In short, the bird and the bee controlled the movements of their bodies more quickly and more accurately than he could control the movements of his eyes. The chase was all over in half the time that it has taken to tell it, but the ex citement of a pack of hounds after a fox was no greater. The bee escaped, the bird giving up the whole chase and alighting on a twig. Portland Tran script. The Stomach of a Fish. Mr. Hyman Herman, who has been fishing in Keg creek, near Sanderson ville, Ga., during the past week, has re turned. He had most remarkable luck in the piscatorial sport, and brought to some of his friends large assortments of fish. He gave one string to Mr. Mack Duggan, and while the cook was clean ing a large channel catfish she was dumfounded by discovering two brass buttons in the fish's stomach. On close inspection the following inscription could be discerned on one of the buttons: "Gen. Wheeler, 1864." The other but ton contained these words, "Sherman bound for the sea." They were scratched on the under side of the button by some sharp pointed in strument. It is an historical fact that during Sherman's raid through Georgia he camped one night on the banks of Keg creek, on the same ground which General Wheeler had occupied the night before, and soon after a freshet washed the but tons in the creek. Mr. Duggan has the buttons and intends sending them to the World's fair. He has been offered twelve dollars for them, but refused the offer. Atlanta' Constitution. Lake Erie, it is said, produces more fish to the square mile than any body of water in the world. This is because of the result of the good work done by the fish commissioners. J. H j ill urn iirniuii iu I it I ijinii . n'ii"i " - f - - - could not do better than lo call and inspect his line of furniture, in the way of Parlor sets, Dining room net, Bed Room set, and evenything kept iu o-liret-clas establishment. J. 1. Unruh, PLA iTSMOUTH, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour. O-O - TOs- j. PEABlEIWArS House Furnishing Emporium. -r tc "TliEHE yon can get your house furnished from V V kitchen to parlor and at easy tearme. I han die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also the latest improved Reliable Process (iaeoline stove Call and he convinced. No trouble to show goods. I. Pearleman OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE How's This! , , We offer 1U0 dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the la3t 15 years, and belive him pefectly honorable in all buisness transactions and fin ancially able to carry out an oblig ations made by their firm. West&Truax, Wholesale Drug gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnan & Tarviu, Wholesale druggist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist; Testimonials free.- Colorado's Cool Retreats. During the "tourist season" from June until September the Burling ton route has on sale round trip tickets, at very reduced rates, to the principal resorts of Colorado. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Pueblo and Eetes park (the most attractive spot in the whole state) particularly low rates are in force. July and August are the best months in which to visit Colorado's unrivalled resorts, to all of which the Burlington, with its connec tions, offers unequalled service. The local agent will be glad to give you any desired information. Allow me to add my tribute to the efficacy of Ely's Cream Balm. I was suffering from a severe attack of in fluenza and catarrh and was induced to try your remedy. The result was marvelous. I could hardly articu late, and in less than twenty-four hours the catarrhal symptoms and my hoarseness disappeared and I was able to sing a heavy role in Grand Opera with voice unimpared. I strongly recommend it to all sing ers. Wm. H. Hamilton, leading basso of the CD. Hess Grand Opera Co. I.UNRUH h FOll FlllST CLASS FURNITURE. Iv HANDLES the Whitney baby Carriages and can olTer good bargains in them NEBRASKA. Complete line of UOLI) AND rOKCKLAIN CKOWN8 Bridge work nd fine gold work a SPECIALTY. OH. 8TKINAU8 LOCAL an well as othat an eathettcaKiven lor the paiulesaeitritotiuo ot teeth, 0. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Bio"' J ULIUS PEPPKRBERG. Among Tobacco, Havana alone pleases the taste of the critical connoisseur. No artificial process can en hance its value. The "Bud" cigars are always made of the finest Havana fillers and has always been esteemed above every other brands made ar sold at Platte mouth. Plattsmouth, Xebraak JOHN A DA VIES, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Correspondence Solicited. Office in Uuion Blook PLATTSMOUTH, NSBKA8KA 'VT'flJ .-,. 7 irp--r- 7 f ' , J "