iMMENSELVOpJuAF IrI ACKWPJ I S EXFRYWHFRF Bull Durham II BULL Is always uniform in quality. Pure, sweet and clean. The Ideal of Fine Tobacco. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A lons-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by. the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an ffective liniment. Mo other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. IZo medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. evasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists dealers have it. -rue- raresT iir n ior. I mm I -maw 'W w KT.Y BKOTHKrtS. G6 Wtxran 8t- SA8TBC3itf, SCH1FFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Niiiw tails to rive inotaot relief in tha went aassa. and fT--1. nit where tlier fall. IfWMiririiKRWMaMitrbjIia, DR. K. BOHI FFMA N N. 8. Tsal. . Scientific American Agency fortfr U CAVEATS. " TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. fnr Information and free Handbook write to MINN & CO- an RKOAbWAT, fiMW ORK. Oldest bureau for eecanns patents In America. Rrary patent taken out by na la brought before the pub Us by a notice given free of charge In the $ titntxiit &vaxfiam Lanreat elrenlatlon of any adentifle paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It. Weekly, S3.00 a year: UU six months. Address MUNN X Wm ruKLUUKKa. 9C1 Broadway. Kew York. Chamberlain's Eyo and SUn Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eye Tetter, Salt Rhftum, Scald Head, Oh Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples and Plies. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by k after all other treatment had failed, It la put up in 25 and 60 cent boxes. 1W CV.rVL, AGREEABLE. CLEANSING. -risers, Minsrs and Mechanics. i) i-V:iZT S3SP FOR AllAtl WATER. i. ::.iir.g. Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, tc A Delightful Shampoo. RUSSIAN SOAP. . I d mm LaS!y Adapted for Use in Hard Water SMOKING TOBACCO, Whether on the hills Earning ; in the place of business ; or at home, u always tills that niche of com fort a good smoke. Put up In handy packages, and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; it recommends itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. DURHAM mm - - I s- Nrw York, rriro 60 rtn.hmUL. 'jom NESSaHklDHUlBESCURED by 1'Kk'. IdvWU TahsUr Kar Cmmm. I.M. V hnpers hrmrd. Comfortabl. Eunvfiilwherrallmmrllnfail. Sold bj P. IIlMx,ooly, rn rr 653 Broad Ktw Vara. Wrtu fur omtk at pruuferllLX PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cit-ansrs and biautifie. the hair. Promo a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cure, m-alp dim-aM-s hair falliug. t"r. and. 1 ou at Dniprit. l barker's 0inger Tomo. Jt curt the wuiil OtiiKh ftak ?. Drbility, I utl ignition, fata. Take in time. 40 eta, HI VDERCORHS. The only Hire core for Oma a...;., ailpaiu. IJc at lrubit. or litSCOX a CO., JJ. Y. A Family Affair Health for the Baby, Pleasure for the Parents, New Life for the Old Folks. Hires oot Beer THE GREAT TEtfrERAr.CE DRINK Is a family affair a requisite of the home. A 2S cent patkag makes S gallons of a delicious, strengthening, effervescent beverage. Dont be deceived if a dealer, for the sake of lancer urofit. tells tod some ottaer kind Is "Just as good " lis false. No Imltatlou la aa good m the genuine Uiaa. For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, SL Louis, aud all points no-th, east south or west. Tick ets sold and baft gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATK AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. Townsend, G. P. A.St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Phillippi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. II. D. APGAR. Ar-L, Plattsmouth." Telephone, 77. R V' A Menster Htrncture. I spent a long time in wandering about the Manufactures building. It is the biggest building ever planned, and it will have one roof covering thirty ncres. Senator Ingalls came out and looked at it the othttr day, and as he gazed, as tounded at its immensity, he said: "It is an exhalation! Yesterday it was not, today it is and tomorrow it will have passed away. I can see bow you can fence it in, but to roof it almost but passes human conception!" Think of putting a massive glass and iron roof over a thirty acre field! That is wbnt the men are doing here today, and I saw them at work putting up the great iron trusses which will support this roof. You cannot conceive the size of this structure without seeing it. Three hun dred thousand jeople could be seated on the floor and in the galleries and 80,OCu could be seated on the floor alone. The Coliseum at Rome, with all its galleries, could only seat 87,000 people, and it was never roofed except with canvas. You could put four coliseums on that floor, and two pyramids as big as Cheops would sit upon it side by side and leave room for the Capitol at Washington. It the great pyramid was taken to pieces and carried here its material could be stored in this building and you could look down upon its masses of stone from the galleries. This building is about a third of a mile long. Thirty great staircases, so wide that two carriages could be driven up them side by side, will lead to wide galleries and there will be a street fifty feet wide running through the center. With its galleries it will have forty acres of floor 6pace, and it tires one even to think of its possible contents. Chi cago Cor. Lancaster Examiner. Electric Light ou HattleHelds. The ubiquity of electricity is becoming almost proverbial. From the "brightest spot on earth" to the blood stained battle fields is rather a far cry, but there is no end to the application of electricity. A recent telegram from Austria described some experiments of great interest which have recently been carried out successfully there. The difficulty of searching for the wounded on the night after a great battle has been one which has long occupied the attention of mili tary reformers, and the army medical service in Austria has been endeavoring to determine how far the electric light may be utilized for this humane end. The value of powerful search lights with reflectors has been proved in naval affairs, and at Suakiin .and elsewhere soldiers have found them very effective on open ground. They would be equal ly effective under similar conditions for assisting in picking up the wounded, but when the battle has raged over a wide extent of country, or when the fighting has occurred amid woods and brushwood, the use of this class of light is attended with difficulty. Electrical Review. A Dog's Political Preferences. Out at Abilene the man who runs a transfer wagon and smashes the drum mers' trunks owns a dog. He is just a common, old fashioned cur. But the dog votes, and votes right. His master every morning upon the arrival of the Texas and Pacific train gets his dogship to show off before the crowd. "Do you vote for Clark?" the canine is asked. He rises up on his hind feet, his front ones high in the air, his body perfectly erect and nods his head. "Do you vote for Hogg?" the master inquires. The dog gets down flat upon the floor and buries his face in his front legs, the very pic ture of negation. These daily perform ances have come to be well advertised in Abilene and always draw a crowd, Should Judge Clark be successful that dog will be installed in state at Austin next January, and for two years at least will be the best fed animal in Texas. Dallas News. A Roiling Hole. In Noble county, W. Va., there is a fathomless sea, composed of salt water and oil, i rom which gas escapes with a tremendous roar. Twenty years ago a well was drilled there to the depth of 1,900 feet. Some years later water and gas escaped from the hole with great pressure, tearing out the tubing and cut ting a cavern apparently hundreds of feet deep and forty feet in diameter. After it ceased to flow a farmer filled it up and built a barn over it, and again a few days ago a terrific report announced another explosion of the well, oil and water pouring out in abundance. In a single day the hole became fathomless and about forty feet wide. Chicago Herald. An Animal Tramp. Mark Twain made the coyote f amou3 or notorious, if you please. In "Rough ing It" the poor animal is described as the sneak thief of the plains, a tramp of the desert. Whether he is as bad as he is painted or not, the California leg islature has put a price on his head. As a result within the six months just passed 20,299 of these lank animals have been killed in the Golden State at a cost to the government of $101,995. Kansas City Times. Will Be Heard AH Over Paris. A monster bell, one of the largest of its kind, specially cast for the new Church of the Sacred Heart on the heights of Montmartre, has been com pleted at Annecy, in Savoy. This im mense instrument, which, when hung in its lofty position, will be audible all over Paris, weighs, with its clapper, nearly twenty-five tons. Paris Cor. Lon don Telegraph. Ad Karnest Student. City Instructor If you have such a delightful home in the suburbs, why do you wish extra studies which will keep you in the schoolroom after hours? Suburban Boy This is garden weed ing time. Good News. The Best Slan AVas Late. The best man was late at one of last week's weddings, and his appearance after the ceremony had begun created a sensation. Boston Saturday Gazette. WELLINGTON S FAMOUS BALL. Itellvs aixl Itt-aux Who Jlrally In the llianro of lrith." Thy D'ike and DucIwkm of ltichiiiouit. were living in a fine hotel on the line d la lilancliissere, which stcd on its own grounds and had a fruit and flower garden extending to tho city ramparts. Their graces moved in all tho society of Brussels, nnd entertained a great deal. The duchess, who had issued ".0 invita tions for the ball, proposed to recall them when she heard that Najioleou's army was advancing. But Jho Duke, of Wellington, to prevent alarm, requested that the ball might take place. Nevertheless, many English families were frightened awa' from Brussels, and post horses were kept harnessed in the Duke if Richmond's stable, in case bad news from the scene of the conflict should make it advisable for his chil dren to le sent to Autwerp. Tho ma jority of the people of Brussels were violent Bonapartists, and were prepared to entertain Napoleon in great style should he force the British army to re treat and enter their city in triumph. So it was that the Duke of Wellington and many of his officers went to the ball after tho business of the day had lieen attende'd to. While the merry couples were flying around a dispatch from the front was handed to Wellington. He asked the Duke of Richmond for a pri vate room where he might consult with somo of his generals who were present, The duchess dressing room was the only convenient room safe from intrusion. Candles were hastily lighted on the dressing table, at which Wellington sat with n map before him, and having ex plained certain points to his staff they all rejoined tho company. They left the house before 10 o'clock nnd succeeded in doing so without attracting any at tention. Very few, if any, of the dancers guessed how near at hand was the crisis which was to decide the fate of Europe, and it never entered the heads of the young girls that some of their partners were dancing the "dance of death." Manchester Times. The Spider Hunk. The miners of Colorado who have built cabins on the mountain sides know what a pest the small, brown wood spider proves to be. They throw their webs over your best clothes, cooking utensils and in every corner where yon can get them m your eyes and mouth Not only that, but they will drop into the frying pan, water bucket or upon the table when you are eating. But nature furnished us a remedy and a friend when she gave us the spider hawk. The name is given by miners to z small, steel blue wasp about three fourths of an inch in length. He can easily be recognized by the quic k, ner vous stroke of his wings. The wasps 1 mild a nest up among the rafters of your cabin of wood pulp or furze from the outei coating of old dead trees. Then they are ready for business. Every few iniu utes you can see your hawk climbing up the rafters with a spider, sometimes car rying one four or five times his own weight. Sometimes they get a spider so heavy that they will fall many times before they succeed in reaching their net. They never give up, but keep on tryin till they succeed. When the spider is safely placed in the nest the female hawk deposits her egg m the dead body. The hawks lives only in pairs, as far a mv observation goes. They becoiue rather tame. Great Divide. Malay Weapons. The national Malay weap'on, the kris. is said to have been invented by a Java nese monarch of the Fourteenth cen tury. Its varieties are said to exceed a hundred, and there are in Javanese no fewer than fifty names for them. It varies in size, from the two feet wavy blade of Sulu down to a mere tooth pick. But the peculiarity is that the weaioii is never ground, but kept rough and sawlike in edge, by scouring with lime juice or the juice of an unripe pine apple, sometimes mixed with arsensic; and it is on this account that kris wounds are so dangerous. Old specimens are so eaten away by this practice that the blade seems formed from a bunch of wires roughly welded up. Such krises are highly valued, and some of the ancient ones, heirlooms of chiefs, with grotesquely- carved and inlaid hilts and sheaths, are almost unpurchasable. Chambers'J our nal. It Often Depend. A certain prelate had among his sub ordinates an honest and simple minded clergyman, who was in the habit of pre fixing to nearly all his replies the Latin word "distinguo." One day the prelate, wishing to divert himself at the expense of the said clergyman, in the midst of a large social gathering, gravely said to him: "Mr. Thaddeus, would it be right, in a case of emergency, to baptize an in fant with broth?"' "Distinguo" (that depends), replied the ecclesiastic. "With broth from your kitchen, it would be very wrong indeed, but the broth served in the hospital under your management might very properly be used for the purpose, as if it is not pure water, it is not very far off." Storie Scelte. Muscular Exercise and Health. As many diseases, prominent among which are these of the abdominal and pelvic organs, are the consequences of congestion, and as good circulation does much for the prevention of 6uch con gestion, muscular exercise, by improv ing the general circulation both by in creasing the activity of the heart and aiding in the venous return, will do' much to prevent a large class of dis eases. Dr. J. M. Rice in Popular Sci ence Monthly. How Watch Crystals Are Made. Watch crystals are made by blowing a sphere of glass about one yard in diameter, after which the disks are cut from it by means of a pair of compasses having a diamond at the extremity of one leg. New York Journal. A uluiill 1'ouimI ling. At the railway station of Fuents Pnlnicra, near tint town of Ecija, in An duhihia, a man whose face was half con cealed in a $.1ouc1hmI hat approached tho at at ion masttT and handed him a 1mx and an open letter. Then the mysterious individual went away. The ofticial road the letter, which was without signature It simply informed him that he had just received a present. He immediately opened tho ltox, and was astonished to find that it contained a ncwlxirn baby, richly clad. A switchman who was present took pity on the little tiling and offered to adopt it then nnd there, and the station master was glad to get rid of it. Tho switchman took it homo to his wifa. She was delighted with the present, and while undressing it a lettoi fell out of its clothing upon tho floor. This, like the one which tho station master received, was also without signa ture. It was as follows: "Whoevei takes this child and cares for it will be happy." When the good woman's sur prise was over she resumed the work of undressing the baby. During tho opera tion a heap of bank notes fell from it? clothing upon the floor. Husband and wife carefully picked up tho notes and counted them. They footed up the handsome sum of 12.5,000 francs. Now the station master wants that baby, oi rather that money, but the switchman won't give it to him, and a suit is jk'TkI ing in the Spanish courts. San Fran cisco Bulletin. Some "old Iron" from Culm. Two very rusty and very ancient look ing cannon, which look as if they had been buried several centuries, were taken off a freight train at tho Fort Wayne depot yesterday. They were un mounted nnd were boxed up carefully. The two pieces were consigned to the World's fair and listed in the way bill sent to the custom house as "scrap iron." This "scrap iron" came all the way from Cuba and goes to make up what will probably be one of the most interesting exhibits at the World's Columbian ex position. The two old cannon were secured by a United States naval officer detailed on World's fair service on the site of an old abandoned Spanish fort on one of the West India islands. It was on this island which history and tradition says the son of Christopher Columbus built a fort to repel invaders, and the two can non were said to have been part of the armament of the fort. The guns were made in Spain and brought over in one of the vessels attached to the great navi gator's fleet. The valuable relics w'll probably be a part of the government exhibit at the fair. Chicago Times. Treatment for Overheated Hor-s. Dr. Zuill says he believes that in most cases horses are exhausted from brutal indifference on the part of the driver more than from ignorance. On hot daj'g he says horses should be watered at short intervals with all the water they will drink, and their heads frequently bathed with cold water. If tho horse appears to bo much exhausted fifteen or twenty minutes' rest in a shady place will often afford sufficient relief. If at the end of this time evidence of exhaustion con tinues, nothing will give more prompt or efficient relief than to bathe the en tire body with water. In more extreme cases, when tho exhaustion is complete, the animal must be secured so as to pre vent him from injuring himself until he j can be removed in an ambulance, and in the meantime ice should bo applied to his head and ice water to his body to reduce the temperature. Stimulants in the form of alcohol are indicated, but should bo used with the greatest care, and alwaj'S under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon. Philadelphia Led ger. Relief Map f New York State. One of the important exhibits of this state at the World's fair will be a relief map showing each city, village and en tire canal system, the rivers, churches, institutions of learning, etc. The canal system, Niagara falls, Hudson river, etc., will be conventionalized. The county lines will be denned, the heights of mountains above the sea level and bodies of water will be accurately shown.- The mai will be on the scale of one mile to the inch, and will enable the observer at a glance to see the topog raphy and geography of the stat Al bany Journal. A Sure Cure for ISad Suns. An Armenian woman was arrested at Angora a few days ago on the charge of having poisoned her son, Artin, a young man about thirty years of age. At the examination the woman made full avowals, declaring that she had taken the life of her son because she could no longer stand his misconduct. "The woman was afterward subjected to a medical inspection, the physician de claring that sha was not suffering from mental derangement. Levant Herald. An Iceboat ltun by Steam. An icelxjat of new design is to be tried next winter. It is well known that the ordinary iceboat is entirely dexendent on the "wind, but the new vessel carries a steam attachment which renders it en tirely independent of that source of mo tion. The craft is of the usual iceboat form, but is provided with a small boiler carrying 230 pounds pressure of steam and a small engine working on a pair of cogged drivers. Milwaukee Wisconsin. An enterprising Xew Yorker, tempo rarily sojourning in England, has just published a "Guide Book to the Haunt ed Houses of London." There are over 1,000 houses so designated in the great metropolis. The most expensive municipal hall in the world and the largost in -the United States is the city building of Philadel phia. The largest clock in the world is to be in its tower. On a small twig recently broken off from an apple tree near Gainesville, Ga., there were twenty -six apples the size of a large hickory nut. Every Month raany women suffer from Kscssslva or Scant Menstruation; thsy don't know who to confide in to get proper advice. Don't confide in anybody but try Bradficld's Female Regulator Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to ' WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. Kvld by all llmiflalt. yTTOKNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. ittorney HfI.iiw. Will :lve prompt attcntloi ', nil IxiHiiiccN li trusted to lilui. Olltue In Union block, Kiit Hid. J'IhUmiiouUi. Neb. HENRY BOECK The- Lending FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Coustuntly keeps on hand everytliin you need to furnish your house. COUKKIt SIXTH AND MAIN RTKKKT Plattsmouth - Neb F IRST : NATIONAL : HANK 1 aV. Y OK 1'l.ATTHMOIJTII. NEHKAHKA i j Paid up capital f riu,fMio.nn SurpluH lu.ouo.Otf H rs the very Iient facilities for tlie promp ZZ, transaction of liKitlmate , r Ht.oplr m liorirlti f.iilil if(ivi,ii t IfL.l .a- A. :iiriti' lioulit Mini AoM. l-wNlt.i recwl ved t md liilereHt allowed on Mm ceili neater' oralis orawn, avaiiitnin in any part or tlie c United Hlato and ail the, principal towns olJf Kurnnn. u ic lal . 0OLLKCTIONH MA UK AND I'KOM ITI.Y It KM IT lm' TEH. I Highest market prion paid for County War rants, Ktale ana County ImiikIh. . JJIKKCTOKH M John FttzKurald I). Ilitwkxworth o, Ham WaiiKh. K. K. While ' (lenrKe E. Dovey John Fitzgerald. h. Waiih. Frufident Jjolfe' to W. If. CtJSlllXf;, I'l l shli lit. J. W. JOHNSON, ' il l'.-I'll riilmt. (H)OT H EOiin F I . A TTS M O U T 1 1 . NF.IIUAHKA Cnpitnl Pnid in - $CO.OOG F It iliithiii.-m. J W .JoIiiimoii. K H (.reused Henry Kikenharj . M W Morgan. 4 A (Joimor. W Wetteiikainp, VV II CushiiiK I A general LaiiNiti Liihi'iichh traiiH ;ieteI. JutcrcHt ii Mowed on de positt'H. i 1 FOR NKLrAULK INSURANCE Call on SAM'L ItTTKKSOX ri.ittstnouth - . Nebraska I I 'LACKS OK WOKSIIII. Catholic .St. Paul's Church, ak. bet wee Fifth and Sixth. Father Cauiey, 1'a.stor Services: Mass at 8 and 10 :30 a. m. Uuhda School at 2 -:m, with benediction. Christian. Corner Locust and KU'hth Ht Services morning and evening, fclder A Galloway pastor. Sunday School 10 A. M. Epihcoi-ai-. St. Luke's Church, corner Thlr and Vine. Kev. H U. Hiupe. pavtor. 81 vices : 11 a. m. ai d 7 UiOP. u. Sunday Bcbo at 2 :30 p. m. Gkkma.v MKTiioniHT. Corner Sixth Ht. an Granite. Kev. Illrt. Fantor. Services : 11 A. and 7 :30 p. m. Suuday School lo :3u A. m. Pbkbhvtkkian. Services in new church, coi tier Sixth and Granite sts. Kev. J. T. Ualn pastor. Sunday-school at a ;3e ; Freaclilu at 11 a. s p. m. The V. K. s. C. k. of this church meets evr Sabbath evening at 7 :1S In the basement the chucrh. All are invited to attend the meetings. First Mktiioiiist.-Sixth St.. betwen Mai and Pearl. Kev. I.. F. Brltt. I). U. pasto Services : 11 a. m.. H :00 p. m. Sunday 8cho 9 :30 A. m. Prayer meeting V ednesday even inn. ' Gkkman I'kehhvtkkj an. Corner Main an' mth. Kev. W'ltte, pastor. Services us'ii hours. Sunday School 9 :30 A. m. ' Swfkdhh Conorf.oatioxau (iranlte. bt tween Fifth and Sixth. j Coixkk.d Baptist. Mt. Olive. Oak. bet wee Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Ho well, pa.'' tor. Services 11 a. m. and 70p.m. Fray meeting Wednesday evening J VOUKO MFK'a CHKIfTIAK ASSOCIATION Kooms in A aferman block. Main street. V.o?, pel meeting, for men only, every Sunday ' ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooms open week daw from k-30 a. rn.. to : 30 p. in. riV,THJ 1iAKK nacle. Kev. J. t tvood. 1 a.tor. Seivices : SuiJay Bcho o a. m. : J reacMig, n a. m. and 8 p. r jrrayer meetlrp Tuesday nhiht ; choir piJ tice iriday niKht. AU are welcome. 1 r- ttlo to It ;r lin el .i. I. c t t 4 1