Herald. .Daily momtB v5 r or now visa. NUMBER 252 JVLATTSMOUTI1, NEBRASKA. TUESDAY. . I ULY ID. 1892. FIFTH YEAH. axis 1 i T1 PSOsEH Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength Latest U. S. Government food re port. UlTRUNUTON & MISSOURI RIVER R. K. TIME TABLE. J OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST No. 2 5:17 P.M. No. 4 10:3 a. a. No. 8 7 ; 44 p. m No. 10 9 : 46 a. m. No. 6 12 :25 a. ni GOING WEST Not. 3 a- m- Na. a 3 :4H p. m No. 5. 9 a. m. No. T 6 :17 p at. NO. 9 4:40 p.m. No. 91... :l Hushbell'8 extra leaves for Omaha about two o'clock lor Omaha and will accommodate pas eugers. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. No. 3M Accomodation Leaves. No 3M arrives. Trains dally except Sunday. .10:5ft a- m, . 4 ;00 p. m. SECRET SOClETlfj ASS CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every C ecnd and Fourth Monday ev-nlnga in . v."ii triaitiniF neighbors welcome. ''...-- n -r-S-rtSnhenr-r. W. A.. nwimu v. . - - - - 8. O. Wilde, cierK. -CAPTAIN H FALMEK CAMP NO 60- sons of Veterans, division ot Nebraska. V S. A? meet every Tuesday lftt at 7 J o'clock in their hall in FitiKerald block. All sous and voting comrade, are cordially invited to meet with us J. J. Kurtz. Commander; B. A. Ale Klwaln. 1st Seargeul. ORDKK OF THE WOKLD. Meets at 7 : 30 every Monoay evening at the '.rand Any ball. A. V. Uroora preiUeut. Thos Wallm. secretary. X o IT W No 8-Iefirt and third ri; A day evenitiK of each month ot I O Ob hall. Frank Vermylea l W; J h. Barw.ck. recorder. GA. K.McConlhie rot No. 45 meets every Saturday evoninK at 7 : 30 in their Hall In Kookw.HHl bWk. Al visiting comrades are cordiallT iDVited to meet with us. Fred Bates. Van Adjuiant ; O. F. Niles. Poet Commadder. Knights OF PYTHIAS Gauntlet Lodge No-47. Meet every Wednesday eve ning at their hall over Bennet 4c Tutt . all viwitinic knights are cordially invited, to att end. l N tiriftitli. C C: Otis Dovey X of K and S. AO V W No Meet second and fourth Friday evenings in the tnotith at lO O K Hall. M Vondran, i W, K P Brown. recordeJ. DAUOHTE1W OF KEBECCA Bud ot Prom-l-e I-odire No. 40 meets the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month in tho F O- O K. hall. Mrs. T. E. Williams. M. O. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary. HEGKEE OF HONOR Meets the first D and third Thrursday evenings of each . . . k kl V iTiorulll tilock. U. Addie Smith. Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie Buraei, sister kiicwj. OA8S LOPOK. No. 146.1. 0. O. F. rneet. , - rv luesaay iiikh - - --7- ttend'Vhen'visUing tlTe cUy."fchris Pet eren. N. U. ; . . oKiwm. PUVAL AKOANAM-C-os Conncil No 1021. r" i. . . 1. u- ..f t hail In th Parmelo & Craig block over' Bennett ft Tutu. vlsU-ing Thos WaUlug. Secretary. Dreiurru iu t s - . . ...viu ntlDIUTIIlV.CIUVTlTllIN Waternmn block. Main Street. Booms ooen from tiiiinra kwi" ,,"r" Gospel mectlug every Sunday afternoon at 4 o eioca. Accordincr to the census of 1890, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1,098,576 people, as the o.-crhtti larcreat city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington . Route." Three fast and comfortable trains dailv. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, Oftneral Passeneer and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Van Pelt, editor of the Craig, Mo., Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale, lowa, ana asuea tne pny sician in attendance to give him t dose of something for cholera mor bus and looseness of the bowels, He says: "I felt so much better the next morning that I concluded to call on the physician and .get him to fix me ud a supply of the .'medi- cince. I was surprised when he handed meabottleof Chamberlain's. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhqea JCeme tlv. He said he prescribed it regu larly in his practice and .found it the best he could get or prepare. I can testify to its efficiency in my case at all events." For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Union Locals. Kendrick VY Sapp spent Sunday 11 Nebraska City. Joe Lambert had hogs on the Nebraska City market Saturday. Mr. Theo Buck arrived home from a visit at Weeping Water Saturday noon. John Pearsley and son, Arther, made a business trip to Platts- tnoutli Thursday. The Union House closed last week. The landord, Silas M. Cox, has re. turned to quiet life. Henry Johnson, a mechanic from Plattsmouth, has been employed in town for a few days. Col. Geo. S. Smith of Omaha will be the orator from abroad that will speak here Monday, August 22. Will M. Tucker and others of Plattsmouth passed through here Saturday enroute for Nebraska City. Charles Tigner came down from Rock Creek Saturday and visited with friends in this vicinity over Sunday. Tos. Allison came down from Murray's vicinity Wednesday and done some trading with our imple ment dealers. Miss Ella Fitchie, a graduate ;of the Wesleyan University at Lin coln, gave an elocutionary enter tainment at the M. K. church Satur day night. A representative of The Herald was in our vicinity Tuesday but we being away did not meet him. We hope to meet him the next time he strays down here. D. W. Foster will sever his connec tion with the Chicago Lumber Co. at this point about September 1 and will return to his farm near town. Who succeeds hitn is not known at this writing. Mr. J. P. Becker, who has been in Omaha since last winter studying stenography and law, has been vis iting at home near Union for a few days. He will return to Omaha and take up his studies the first of the week. Crops of all kinds are about two weeks late. The early spring rains did it. Plenty of farmers are still cultivating their corn. Usually fields of corn are in tassel at this time of the year. With a late fall we will have a crop of fair corn. Otherwise vice versa. The nominations are made, the race it has begun. Keep on the side of protection, whose leader is Harrison. You'll find the party just the thing, Every hour, day and minute: They always led ly republican strings. Hence tiiey are always in it. J. S. B. Eastern Cities and Pleasure Resorto are best reached by the Burlington route. The improved train service now in effect brines Omaha within 40 hours, and Denver within 53 hours, of New York, Boston or Philaael phia. The numerous conventions to be held in Aew York, Saratoga, Detroit and other eastern cities dux- insr the coming summer to which rluretl rates will aoolv offer splendid opportunities of visiting .. . . 1 - A . tlie easi ai an ainiosi nominal iubl The local aerent of the B. & M. R R. will be glad to give you further uiformatiau. Benefit. The P. E. O. Society will , give a garden party at Garfield park, be tween South Fourth and Fifth streets, Thursday evening, July 21, for the benefit of the public library, Admission a book you have read and no longer value or ten cents Donations of books will be thank fully received, they may be old to you but new to others, and can be put to good use at the library. Music will be furnished by the city band and a general good time is expected. A cordial invitation is extended to all and a special invitation to chil dren. Ice cream and cake 15 cents, lemonade five cents. W. C. T. U. Take Notice. Regular meeting at the M. E. church to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. A full report of the convention at Weeping Water from our delegates and other important business. The B. & M. will sell round trip tickets to Denver, Helena and Salt Lake City on July 25 to August 10, inclusive. Final limit, October 10. Tickets will be sold at one lowest first-class fare. J. Francis, General Passenger Agent. Deering Sc Co. vs. Carroll was the title of a case in Judge Archer's court, wherein a judgment was ren dered by default forf 117.40 to-day. Miss Marista Cagney went out to Lincoln this morning. A METROPOLITAN WILDCAT. A Cltjr Woman's Remarkable EijicrlcnM with a Strauge l'uasy. A New York woman had an experi ence a few nights ago which she will not soon forget one which, considering her environment, was very surprising. Her home is a ground apartment, occu pying two floors, however, in ono of the high class apartment houses in Fifty ninth street overlooking the park. The library is on the second floor, and in this room she was seated one night when a peculiar noise from the family parrot, who was in his cage in an oppo site room, attracted her attention. Thinking the bird was merely rest less and wanted his cage covered, she picked up a soft woolen couch cover and started across the hall. At the threshold of the second room she saw crouching on the top of the parrot's cage a gray cat, which had succeeded by his weight and clawing in inclining the cage almost to the tipping angle, poor Poll meanwhile traveling up and down the upper side in a frenzy of fright. The unequal struggle could not have lasted many seconds 'longer, and, urged by the crisis, though really alarmed at the unusual size and fierce appearance of the cat, Poll's mistress advanced into the room shaking the couch cover and attempting, after the manner of women, to "6hoo" the cat away. She had half crossed the apartment when the animal made a spring at her, and but ' for her quick movement in covering her head with the couch cover which she held her face would have re ceived the brunt of the attack. As it was, the cat clawed violently for an in stant at the mass of woolly material in which he was enmeshed; then, aided by the desperate push which the now ter rified woman gave him, leaped to the" floor and dashed into the library. Mrs. recovered her senses and closed the door between herself and the cat, then violently rang the bell for as sistance. The. maids responded and, after carrying Poll to a place of safety in a remote room, an attempt was made to dislodge the cat from the library. At sight of her pursuers the creature began to rush about, jumping through a brass screen with force enough to break it, knocking over bric-a-brac and loose' books, and ending by scaling the win dow casing as if it were a tree and run ning out on the bare curtain pole. From this high perch he glared down at those beneath him until Mr. 's arrival shortly afterward. He was then prod ded down and leaped through a window opened for him to the pavement below, darting off to the park as soon as he reached the ground. Policemen and others familiar with Central park say that 6tray city cats often find homes in its sequestered nooks, growing wild and raising prog eny that become almost as fierce and terrible as a genuine wildcat. In this instance the animal was doubtless driven from its haunts by hunger, and, getting in on the ground, floor, was attracted up stairs to the parrot's cage by the scent of the bird and its food. Her Point of View in New York Times. A Lucky Clerk. Half a century ago a clerk in New York city was wont to take down the shutters of the store at precisely 6 o'clock in the morning. While he was taking them down, rain or shine, a certain old gentleman almost always passed by on his way to his place of business. The old gentleman smiled so benignantly upon the young man that a hearty and familiar "good morning" became nat ural to both. Month after month this mutual greet ing continued, until one morning the old gentleman was missed and he never ap peared again. He was dead. Not long afterward the enterprising and faithful clerk was waited upon by the adminis trator of the old man's estate and in formed that his store and stock of goods had been willed to him. Attracted by the youth's promptness and fidelity, the old gentleman had in quired into his character and circum stances and was satisfied that he could leave his property to no one so likely to make good use of it as the clerk whe took down the shutters at just G o'clock, summer and winter. Through this legacy the clerk was in troduced into a profitable business at once and he afterward became one oi the most wealthy, benevolent and re spected merchants of the city. Youth's Companion. Two Favorite Poets. Now there are two poets whom I feel that I can never judge without a favor able bias. One was Spenser, who was the first poet I ever read as a boy, nol drawn to him by any enchantment ol his matter or style, but simply becaust the first verse of his great poem was A gentle knight was pricking on the plain, and I followed gladly, wishful of ad venture. Of course I understood noth ing of the allegory, never suspected it. fortunately for me, and am surprised tc think how much of the language I un derstood. At any rate, I grew fond oi him, and whenever I see the little brown folio in which I read, my heart warm-, to it as to a friend of my childhood. With Marlowe it was otherwise. With him I grew acquainted during the mosl impressible and receptive period of my youth. He was the first man of genius I had ever really known, and he natur ally bewitched me. What cared I that they said he was a deboshed fellow? nay. an atheist? To me he was the voice ol qne Bimrinc in the desert, of one who had rouna tno water or mo ror wnicn 1 was panting, and was at ret under the palms. How can he ever liecome to me an other poets are? Jauies Kussell Low ell in Harper's. Iefiniiig Cocktail in 'ourt. A witness in a case-recently 011 trial in one of the courts in liosloii testified that the defendant was not a drinking man "and only txk cocktails." Judge Blank, who presided, is a teetotaler. Ho noticed among the Hpectators a well known physician, a loiivivaut, and at the recess called him up to the 1ench 'iiid asked him to define a cocktail. "A cocktail," resixmded the doctor, "is a feather dipped "in an emollient j which is applied to a dry or irritated throat for the removal of dryness or ir ritation." The learned judge thanked him, but the story that the court subsequently dipped a feather in vaseline and touch ed his palate with it under the impres sion that he was taking a cocktail i probably a lawyer's j'arn. Boston Transcript. Coiivictrt of AbyttHinia. In Abyssinia iolitical offenders and obstructionists aro arrested, chained and placed on the small table land ot AbbaSalama, a high, rocky and precip itous mountain about thirty miles from Adowa. So sheer and steep are its sides that the prisoners are drawn up by ropes. Their chance of esc aping is impossible, unless they run the risk oi dashing themselves into eternity on the rocks lielow. On this lonely height there is soil on which they may grow grain, and there are wells with good water. There is no speaker to keep or der, and they may, if they choose, abuse the prime ministers and crowned heads to their hearts' content, but they return no more to the ways of the world. Frederick Villiers in Century. DuHtstornis on the Atlantic. Ships crossing the Atlantic in the lati tude of the Cape Verde islands often en counter duststorins of longer or shortei duration. One of the most remarkable of these paradoxical storms swept down on the German steamer Argentine in the summer of 188'J. It lasted for foui days, during which time the air was so full of dust particles as to make high noonday almost as dark as the darkest midnight. When the "storm" was at its height the sailoi-s were kept busy shov eling the dust from the steamer's decks. The machinery was made to work with great difficulty, and at one time the cap tain, J. G. Scheon, had grave apprehen sions that they would bo dashed upon the Cape Verde reefs. St. Louis lie public. Aurieut Superstition. The ancients peopled all distant lands with monsters and all distant seas with horrors. Unknown and distant coun tries were, to their superstition, peopled with "gorgons, hydras and chimeras dire." The distant seas were filled with monstrous dragons and sei-pents, of which the sea serpent is today, perhaps, a survival. The unknown oceans were filled with whirlpools that sucked in mariners, who were sacrilegious enough to approach them, to an awful death. Perhaps tliese superstitions, as much as any one thing, kept the world for so many centuries an unexplored and un known waste. Yankee Blade. A Heady Keply. Foote's ready reply to the caution, "Your handkerchief, sir, is hanging out of your pocket," was of high merit, both from the surprise and for the cordial way in which the caution was accepted, "Thank you, sir; you know the company better than I do." Gentleman's Maga zine. Heroic Lighthouse Men. Many a deed of heroism is performed by the light keepers in Uncle Sam's em ploy. Scores of people have been saved from the wreck's by the hardy mariners of the New South shoal lightship, who never hesitate to launch a boat in the most violent storm for the purpose of a rescue. On one occasion twent3-seven persons were snatched by them from a watery grave when the City of Newcas tle ran upon the Nantucket banks and sank stern foremost. On another day they caught sight of a black object driven before the gale, and putting forth in pursuit of it rescued a man on a raft, whom they found seated upon the corpse of a fellow castaway, his headburied in his hands and hope less of the aid which came at last. Washington Star. lettuce Fritters. Lettuce fritters are a delicate break fast or luncheon dish. Select crisp rather small leaves of young lettuce and tear apart in pieces about the size of a quarter of a dollar, stir thickly into a batter of one egg, one tablespoonful sweet cream, salt and enough flour to make a moderately stiff batter. Drop by the spoonful in hot lard, or fry in olive oil, just enough to keep the skillet from burning. New York Times. The Young American. One of the most discouraging things which happen to the person who under takes to instruct the juvenile mind is to find that the small boy presents a com plex psychological study every time you see him, while he knows all your weak points twenty minutes after he first meets you. Kate Field's Washington. There is a man in Montezuma, Ga.. who has had his arm dislocated at the shoulder thirty-eight times and his leg dislocated at the bin eight times. J. H cslabl ishiiient. J. I. Unruh, pla rrsMoiTTii, F q FSicijE c go- WILL K Y.VaV CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Drills, Medicines, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour. GrO 4.U j. FEArlLEMAN'S House Furnishing Emporium. W I1EIIE yon can get kitchen to parlor tile the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove (Jail and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. I. Pearleman OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE How's This! , , We offer 100 dollars reward for any case of catarrh thatcan not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belive him pefectly honorable in all buisness transactions and fin ancially able to carry out an oblig ations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Rinnan & Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nal, action directl' upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist; Testimonials free. Colorado's Coof Retreats. Durincr the "tourist season" from June until September the Hurling- ton route has on sale round trip 1 tickets, at very' reduced rates, to the principal resorts of Colorado. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Pueblo and Kstes park (the most attractive spot in the whole state) particularly low rates are. in force. July and August are the best months in which to visit Colorado's unrivalled resorts, to all of which the Burlington, with its connec tions, offers unequalled service. The local agent will be glad to give you any desired information. Allow me to add my tribute to the efficacy of Ely's Cream Balm. I was suffering from a severe attack of in fluenza and catarrh and was induced to try your remedy. The result was marvelous. I could hardly articu late, and in less than twenty-four hours the catarrhal symptoms and my hoarseness disappeared and I was able to sing a heavy role in Grand Opera with voice unimpared. I strongly recommend it to all sing ers. Win. H. Hamilton, leading basso of the C. D. Hess Grand Opera Co. LUNRUII m Fan f'iust class f urn it una. lv IlA;b7(KS the Whitu bhby CarriaVs aiuT can 'idler 'good bargains in them k Parties desiring to furnish a house complete could nut do better than to call and inspect his line ol gj furniture, in Hie way of Parlor nets, Dining room sets, Ited Room set, and evtnytbing kept in a liret-clast NEBRASKA ! ; T Complete line of Paints, and Oils.?s ft 7 your house furnished from ami at easy tearnis. I han I. HOLD AND POKCKLA1N CKOWNH Bridge work and fine gold work s SPECIALTY. OH. 8TKINAUS LOCAL as well ai other ua- w eatneticsKiven tor the painless extraction of cm teeth. j ' 0. a. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald i J ULIUS PKPPKKHKKG. . in , er Among Tobacco, Havana i alone pleases the taste of e" the critical connoisseur. No artificial process can en- 0 ' hance its value. The "Hud" cigars are always made of en tne tinest Havana tillers and has always been esteemed above every other brands made ar sold at Platts mouth. fi Plattsmouth, . Nebrask JOHN A DA VIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW Correspondence Solicited. Office in Uuion Dlook Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska tntlo Dim ib. thin Tel 11 om ' hi AM 1 t . is a it c If ). - fi u s e or la rut A It a ri in iu - e 1 , r iw' io: - a . la: ft bo . w r