fca ; 1 1 ,' 1 1 s f V if- Biackweii's .Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco, composed only of "pure leaf," grown. in the famous Golden Belt, its uniform quality, and rich fragrant aroma recommend it to all who desire a really good smoke. No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which has secured and held the popular favor as has BlackwelP Bull Durham. It is now, as it has been at all times dur ing the last 25 years, the best in the world.. Made only by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM. N. C. Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Alan and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an ffective liniment. y.o other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. ?o medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. TML KUCJl MVL. Vvunc. im BJST BROTHERS. 66 Warren SU.NewToTt Pnceeoets UAYE YOU SCH1FFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Hm fails to rive instant relief in the wnrst I ana eBrta -ram-a where Btfcer. fall. Trial r.it.in t'KEE W BraceMa ar hy A41na DR. B. fiCHTrrMAy N, Bt. real. Scientific American Agency jortjl TRADE MARKS. COPYRIGHTS, to. Km- Information and five HandbooJ writ" MUNN CO- am BKOil)WiT, NW YORJ. Oldest bureau lor socorinB PStentatn Africa. Kvarr patent taken out by lis broucbt be'opo thebhsbyliotice Riren free of charge in tiie Scientific tttmrna Lasra elroulatlrm of any K-ienUfle Pln wtJfdT Splendidly lllurtratert. JNo "U.nt boa Id bo wimout, i " ,;;v 1 rvi - flJO six months. Address MUNN & CO., , lr..s 3C1 Uroadway. Mew York. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, 01 Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch,. Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipple3 and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by It after all other treatment had failed. It Is put up in 25 and CO cent boxes. I w l.THFLT AGREEABLE, CLEANSING. farmers, Miners and Mechanics. PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. .- a Chafing, Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc A leiignuui oumuiwi. . . :;iTE RUSSIAN SOAP. Jpecialry Adapted lor Use in Hard Water . a-' ta- a . mm mm M V. m m M A Nice Quiet Game Is never Complete . without a liberal supply of NESS HI AD ROUES CURED 'eck'i Inviuble Tabular ar Cwb- . Whispers beard. Comfortable. Baccruf ulwhcrol lrrmrdltsfill. Sold by F. lllmx,oaly, CD TC 853 Broadway, New lark. Writ fur book ot proof I 11 tb PARKER'S HAJR BALSAM Clraruicf aod beautifies) the hair. 1 ' runt uresi a lax uri ti t growth. IV ever Fails to Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthful. Coor. CuTvt scalp lirasi & hair tailing. ana s i w ar j 'rupyms rtfia-L-nw'u .airtv.c Tnniit. It 1 11 !- tlie WOPSl CdUITh. Wrnk J.tnm-. J)ebii:ty, IndiKtttion, Puin, Take in time. AU eta. UlUnrurnDNfi. TIi nnWrnm enre for CWma. &ui aii paiu. loc at irugisU, or lilSCOX CtX, K. Y. A Family Affair Health for the Baby, Pleasure for thParents, New Life for the Old Folks, Hires oot geer THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK fls a family aflblr a requialte of the home. A 25 cent f package makes 5 gajlona ot a dellclons, strengthening, effervescent beverage. Don't be deceived if a dealer, for tbe sake of lanrer tiroflt. tells voa tome otber kind is "Just as good " tis false. No imitation is aa good M the genuine iixuas'. For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louie, and all points nth, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag-gag-e checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATE AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. TOWNSEXI), G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Phillippi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgar. Ajxt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. R il.n KUil lrfaaini Every one in New York who e. salad thinks that thoro aro a fow ichj town who cau Ynako a fairly good b"lau dresHing, but that none of them can co.of np to tho dmshings inado by him (tht thinker). I tell yon, fir," said Doggs. the gonr marnl, as he deluges tho lettnco with trreaxe, "that fellow Snoggs thinks he knows how to do. this, but ho doesn't have any more . idea of it than a cow. Think of it, he puts in more vinegar than oil!" At tho same moment Snoggs is mixing a dressing in another part of town and snickering to himself as he remarks: "I was very much amused tho other night at the way Boggs did this. Ho actually inado a dressing without vinegar! I la; Ha!" and every one laughed. Then there is Juggins, of West Thirty fourth street, who also has his peculiar views. "Any man," he declares, "who puts mustard in a salad Bhows his igno ranee." Muggins, of East Sixty-seventh street, also has decided convictions. "What do you think," he roars out; "I saw Juggins putting mustard in a salad dressing." Then some put in sugar. Others think this an awful absurdity. A few use a dab of Worcestershire sauce. Others would rather be lynched than follow their example. The funny thing is that there is only one way to make a salad dressing. That is the way known to the reader of this article. But the funniest thing is that the same diner out will devour the dressing made by Boggs and join in with his jokes at the expense of the dressings made by Snoggs, Muggins and Juggins. Then the same man will eat at the table of Mug gins and apparently sneer with that per son at the efforts of Snoggs, Boggs and Juggins. There's a lot of conceit and deceit about salad dressings. New York Her ald. A Really Absentmlnded Woman. An absentminded woman put herself on record the other morning in a cross town car, -which she boarded at Sixth avenue, bound east. She paid her fare, said "Third avenue" to the conductor, took a second nickel for her ticket on the elevated, and, shutting her purse, gave herself over to some evidently absorbing thought. " The car was full of changing people, as is usual. with crosstown cars, arl a moment later the conductor, making his round again; noticed the nickel and me chanically reached for it. The wo nan gave it to him without a word and iode on. Near Fourth avenue she suddenly started out of her reflections, glanced around," saw that she was near her des tination, took out a third nickel to have it ready and once more knit her brews in meditation. Before Third avenue was reached the conductor passed her again. This time she proffered him the nickel, which he would stolidly have taken save for the intervention of an old gentleman seated opposite. "Madam," he said, "you have already paid your fare twice." The woman started and looked con fused, then a light dawned on her face, she thanked the gentleman, put her nickel into her purse and the purse deep into a mysterious pocket somewhere in the back of her dress just as Third avenue was reached. When last seen she was hurrying up the stairs strug gling to fish the purse out in search of the heretofore too convenient nickel. New York Times. "They Found the Indians. One night in the tent I heard a cow boy tell this story: He was with a big outfit moving cattle, and one day, some where near the line separating Colorado from New Mexico, they encountered a settler's cabin which had been plunder ed by Indians. The settler and his wife and children had been killed. The fore man was sent for, and he immediately ordered that the cattle be allowed to take care of themselves while the cow boys went after the Indians. Three par ties set out at once, one commanded by the foreman and the other two by ex perienced men. One party came back in a day without finding any trace of the Indians: Another party came back in two days without finding any trace of the Indians, but at the end of the third day tho third party came back whooping and yelling and firing off their pistols, they had found the Indians, killed .every one of them and captured their ponies. Cor. Topeka Capital. - The Ice Invasion. On both sides of the Atlantic equally, the intercalation of fossilized forests bears authentic witness to the sweeping over the land of two great waves of ice invasion. The trees manifestly grew where the glaciers had been; again the glaciers crept forward to constitute themselves the sepulchers of the trees. The second advance, however, fell short of the first, and succeeded it at an un known interval of time. Oninions are much divided as to its true significance. Dr. Wright inclines to connect the "forest beds" with merely partial oscillations of the ice front. Edinburgh Review. Fences in England. English bar fences have the appear ance of being bottom side up somewhat as an y looks when inverted. But it is all right; lumber is scarce there, and it isn't necessary to have the bars so close together up where the horses and cattle are as down where the sheep and pigs would be tempted to crawl through. New York Sun. Settling Her. Mr. Richchapp Miss Beauti does not seem to be a very warm friend of yours. Miss Pretti N-o, I believe she and my mother had some sort of a quarrel when they were girls. New York Weekly. Nat oral. "We went bang into the iceberg and slid off to one side. The ship fairly shivered." That was natural. I think Fd shiver, so close to an iceberg. Harper's Bazar. goudaaew Troops la Rattle. " I Wai told a delightful story of one f$ . cent action in which tho Solid -i troorw took a prominent part. T);r J eu. emy was under cover not far oT ut tho firing lino of blacks were blazing away at him as fast us they cCaJd open nd close their rifles. In vjf in their of- .Vers tried to stop them. h waste of ammunition threatened Q become ex trcoely serious, and Ujjr commanding offic Vt a Scotchman w no U2Wi seen many fights Vwith thein, lor ng his temper, rode up anu aown ueurjjd the line cursing them vitu every ubusivv epithet in a fairly adequate Vocabulary ot Arabic in vective, but eir cirely without effect. At last one of tKein hapjiened to turn and discovered'! he beloved bey in evidently a very e. tcil ed state of mind. He at once rose,, tji n back to him, and patting him reas fraqingly on tho boot ho said: "Don't 'fce frightened, bey. It's all right. We'll.) here. We'll tako care of your The S potcti bey, however, was equal to the orcasion. Ho rode out through the line, and'walked his horse up and down in frontof the rifles. "Now," he said, "if you. must lire, fire at me!" After this it isnot surprising to read in dispjttches thattliis officer has twice re cently had his.liorso shot under him. Contemporary Review. Jay Gould's I took. Occasionally Btvjie person knocks at the door of J7 Gould's office in the Western Union building with a copy of "The History of Delaware County, New York, by Jay Gould," to sell. An im pression exists in the minds of many people that Mr. Gould is desirous of suppressing this publication as com pletely as possible, and that ho will pay almost any price to get possession of the few stray copies that are left- Resi dents of Delaware county aro authority for the statement that several years Jigo an agent of Mr. Gould's scoured that county for these books and bought near ly all of them at fancy prices. When ever a copy of this particular history of Delaware county is displayed in that county at the present day the older resi dents will advise the owner, "Jist yon take thet down ter New York, an Jay Gould'll give yer thirty or forty dollars fer it." It is certain that nobody in Mr. Gould's office ever heard of his paying any such prico for one of those ooks. And nobody is able t explain why Mr. Gould should want to suppress the pub lication, unless it is that he thinks there is too much sentiment in it for a man of his present reputation. New York Times. Tho Unrevxaoning Crowd. Speaking of the ueer things to be Been on the streets, it is really astonishing how instinctively one person imitates an other. A man with a passion for psy chical research has been proving this by eome experiments which are, to say the least of it, original. Going along about dusk the other night in advance of a small party of folk, he suddenly turned out into the muddy street, as if avoiding something in front. Unqnestioningly every person behind did the same thing in spite of the mire. It isn't likely that they felt the full humorous force of the incident in quite the way he did, however, when they saw him face about and walk calmly back in the beaten path. The sheep went to all the trouble of jumping over a bar of dust, to be sure, but it would really seem worth while if human beings could think a little more independently and for themselves. The truth of it is, it is just this blind unreasoning herding to gether that leads to half the accidents and panics which are cropping up on all sides. Boston Transcript. Antidotes for Snake Poison. The erfect of snake bite depends partly on the condition of the snake and partly on that of the person bitten and the part attacked. No effectual antidote has yet been discovered. Ammonia and er manganate of potassium will not suffice, although a solution of the latter will take away the poisonous property of the snake's venom if it be mixed therewith. Immediate amputation of a bitten toe or finger is the best course, as the delay of a few seconds may suffice to convey the poison into the patient's circulation. If from the nature of the part bitten amputation cannot be performed, a very tight ligature applied after cauterization and sucking the part is the best course, and the administration of stimulants ia generally reconimended.-Qmrterly Re view, Ilice and Wheat at Weddings. Throwing rice and wheat at a wed ding is a relic of an old Roman custom, and has probably been common in Eng land since Roman times. Brand gives several authorities for it. Friend refers to the case of the bride of Henry VII at Bristol in 1486, when wheat was thrown upon her with the greeting, "Welcome and good luck!" Rice is used similarly at weddings in India, and the substitution of this grain for wheat in our own country of late years may be partly due to that fact; but where wheat cannot readily be come at rice would naturally suggest itself as a substitute. Notes and Queries. A Physician's Fees. South Africa responds to modern in novations. A recent traveler in Kaffir land tells this incident: As we were npsaddling, there passed us a man driving a small flock of goats and several head of cattle. This was the husband of a lady physician who is ruining the practice of the local witch doctors, and he was taking home his wife's fee for attending a patient. Youth's Companion. Not the Man in Question. A laborer in a rough felt hat and long smock walked the other day into the Shakespeare library, and after looking attentively for some time at one of the custodians, went up to him and said, "I 6ay, znr, be yon Mr. Shakespeare as I've heern speak ov?" The custodian ex plained to Hodge that he was not the gentleman referred to. London Telegraph. Umlon Woiuni or Iluuk Oilt Orlvlng. Lady Londonderry drives through in a beautifully turned out carriage, dressed in electric blue, and -earing a small piece of bluo flower in tier black linnet. Viscountess Curzon.in lovely gown of shaded foulard with morveil leux velvet sleeves, a dcepj collar of cream gnipuro, and a widyl brimmed leghorn hat, drives with g reat skill a pair of dark brown9. She is usually ac companied by her little dityghter, and her conveyance is the neatot of park phaetons. Lady Mildred Denion drives her father, Lord Londesborouirh, in his own mail phaeton. She wears' a light coat and a dainty little hat with pink roses. Mrs. Sam Lewis lias a pair of dark browns in her park phaeton, which attract much attention. - . Lady whips are more plentiful than ever in the Lady's mile. A pair, o? horses is the smartest, though many neatly turned out things, drawn by a single animal, look very well. No one drives better than Lady Curzon. Count ess Grosvenor comes near her in skill and Lady Brooko is perhaps equal, but' she cannot be excelled. Among morn ing jedestriars aro often seen the Count ess of Rouirey attired in her favorito dark red and the Marchioness of Down shire in black and white. London Star. Patent Grave Marker. The expense of a funeral in a largo city has grown to such proportions that the average man commits more extrav agance in the act of dying than ho ever did during life. It has been suggested that a much less costly form of grave stone than usually erected would meet all the requirements of affectionate re membrance and respect, and the sugges tion has been carried into effect in the patenting of a "grave marker." This is simply a memorial leaf. It consists of two outer plates bent so as to form a holder for leaves or tablets, adapted to be suspended from a framo to receive and retain objects desired to be kept as mementos of the deceased. Tho tablets beneath the outer plates can bo designed in any desired form, and as they have slides of mica or trans parent material to protect the tokens any object such as photograx'hs, sketches, etc., can be inserted. For instance, a sketch of the life of tho departed or a portrait or a lock of hair can bo placed in the receptacle, where it is securely protected from the weather, and as it is covered by mica it will last for many years without bleaching or decaying. New York Commercial Advertiser. Antidotes for Snake Venom. Snake bites are always dangerous and should be attended to as soon as possible, as the venom spreads very rapidly, par ticularly in warm weather. The follow ing recipo is perfectly reliable and, be ing simple, is easily obtained. Take an onion and cut it crosswise and hold one half of it on the wound until it turns green. Apply persistently and the onion will finally draw out all tho poison. Many old woodsmen will not be without several onions at certain times of year when in the woods. The old white haired darky that first gave me this recipe has spent the best portion of his life in the swamps, where the rattlesnake, copperhead and other deadly repriies abound, and he assured me he has never known it to fail. A strong ligature should be tied tightly above and below the bite to prevent the poison spreading through the system. Copious drafts of brandy should be given freely. A little ammonia taken internally is very good also. The above simple remedy is equally as good for beast as for man. Richmond Times. Chi nose Weddings. The chief incident in a Chinese mar riage is the arrival of the bride in her bridal clothes before the house of her chosen one. This is a de facto fulfill ment of the contract. The wedding day is determined by the parents of the groom. The imperial calendar names the lucky days, and on such days the so called "red celebrations" take place, both in the city and country. The same bridal clothes may be used several times. That the chief part of a Chinese marriage is the arrival of the bride at the house of the groom is illustrated by the fact that the sons are often mar ried without being present at their own weddings. It is not believed to be for tunate to change the wedding day when once decided. If the future husband, therefore, happens to be called away on ! the wedding day the marriage takes place by sending the bride to his house. Exchange, Caught a Partridge on the Fly. A Deering Nimrod tells a good story of a recent adventure with a young par tridge. These chickens of the woods are noted for the celerity with which they disappear from the intruder who blun ders into their coverts; but in this par ticular case one of the flock upon being scared np by the dog flew directly to ward the hunter. The latter, seeing the young partridge coming, held up his hands and caught it as he would a ball. The little creature was much terrified at first, but immediately regained confi dence, so that when the hunter put it upon the ground it stood contentedly a moment eyeing the hunter and then leisurely hopped away. Portland Press. Exercise and Blood Circulation. The circulation is controlled mainly by the action of the heart. When the activity of this organ is increased, there fore tha general circulation will be im proved. Now, the heart is stimulated to action by the presence of blood in its cavities, and muscular exercise, by has tening the flow of venous blood, will be instrumental in . sending more fluid through them in a given period of time, and.consequently in stimulating the or gan to increased activity. Dr. J. M. Rice in Popular Science Monthly. Not Thirsty. Lady Have yon given the goldfish fresh water? New Servant No, ma'am; they have not finished the water I gave them the other day. Exchange. n re er I mow Every Mont many womn aufTr fmm V m r m. Scaot Menstruation; they don't Who tO COnft da in ta ( nrnnar t Don't confide In anybody but try Bradfield's vise, i Fomalo Regulafo specific lor PAINfDL, PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to " WOMAN " mailed fraa. or AS BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ca. ld bjr all Uraaa-Uta. a. TTORNEY A. N. 8ULLIYAN. i, Attorney rui.hu.. vvill KiVr 0int ath-iifiot Uli- k. Kast id --Mnoutn.Vn.12r tu - 'henry boeck - The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND (JNDEPvTAKR. f Constantly keeps on hand cvvrythin you need to furnish your house. COKNKIl SIXTH ANU MAIN STKKKT Plattsmouth Neb IRST : NATIONAL : HANK OK lLATTHMOlJTII. NKKHAHK A Paid up capital .. fM.WIO.OO- HurpliiM lu.0U0.V9 rs tbe very bent f;tcllltlo for the promp transaction of llnltlmate Banking Business Stocks, bonds, uold, government and local se JurilluH bought and sold. lJeMmlt rwelve! md ltiM-rcst allowed on the certificate Draft drawn, available in any part of the unneii mates ana an me principal lewne of Europe. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY KKMIT TKI). BlKbest n.rkrf price paid for County War rants, Htate ana County bonds. . UlKKCTOltS John Fitzgerald I. If awknwortb bain WaiiKi. K. K. While Oeorge K. Dovey iohn Fitzgerald. H. Wa h. I'roHldont ( "f Mh- W. II. CtTKIIlNG, PrcHiili.Hl , J. W. Johnson, t VUe-l'rritli:itt. -00OT H EO00- Citizens - T5iil'i, J PLATTSMOUTH NKKKAHKA Capital Paid in - $CO.OOO . l 1 F It (Jiitliniari. J W Johnson. E 8 (jreimH. Henry Kikenbary. M W Morgan. J A Conner. W WHtenkainp. W II CushiiiK A general bniiNin btiHi'ncHH trans acted. Interest allowed 011 de poshes. FOR RELIABLE INSURANCE Call on SAM E PATTERSON a Plattsmouth - . Nebrawkar: PLACES OK WORSHIP. Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak. between1 Fifth and Sixth. Father Cainey, Pastor Services: Mass at 8 and 10 :30 a. m. Sunday School at 2 :30, with benediction. gt A Chkistiax. Corner Locust and Eighth St Services morning and evening. Klder A Gallow ay pastor. Sunday School 10 A. M. r ei Episcopal. St. Luke's Church, corner Third and Vine. Kev. U U. Bmp ecu. pantor. Ser vices :11a.m. and 7 :30P. m. Sunday School at 2 :30 p. M. u) , . Gkkman Mkthodist. corner Sixth St. and Granite. Hev. Hlrt. Pator. Services : 11 a. hi. and 7 :30 P. m. Sunday School lo :30 a.m. oi . . rt Pbeskytkkian. Services m new church.cor ,n ner Sixth and Granite ste. Kev. J. T. Haird. pa tor. Sunday-school at 9 ; 3l ; Preaching. " at it a. m.aua o p. m. : The . H. S. C. E of tbie church meet every Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basement of thechucrb. All are invited to attend tbeitef meetings. First Mkthodist. Sixth St.. betwen Main and Pearl. Kev. I,. F. Britt. D. V. iator. Servlcea : 11 a. m., 8 :00 p. m. Sunday School. 9 :30A. M. Prayer ineetiug Wednesday even -I int;. German Pkksbvtkkian. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev. Wltte, pastor. Services usual' hours. Sunday fccbool a JO a. m. It Swkedhh Conokeoationau ;ranite, be-' 71 tween Fifth and Sixth. a aa a a.-.. ' Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive. Oak. between' ,y' Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Boawell. paa-l tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :3t) p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. in' . . I o Youno Mfn'8 Christian Association Kooms in W aterman block. Main street. Gon pei meeting, for men only, every Sunday af ternoon at 4 O'clock. Koonn orten n-k Hava f Couth Park Tarkrnaclk. Rev. J. M Wood. Pastor. Services : Sunday School aOa.m. : r reaching, n . m. and 8 p. m. ; prayer meeting Tuesday night; . oil vrml lice Friday nlgbt. AU tre welciai. tlo m U 31 00" 00 i. HI V ' at a 0 ll !aV t 1 ' I tb i1 en in u a r s r J