The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 14, 1892, Image 3

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m ay
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to recom
mend some brand of Smoking Tobacco, we unhesitatingly pronounce
Bull Durham Smoking ft
to be the best in the world.
Many times imitated, but never equalled.
Get the genuine. Made only by
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co.,vs
Durham, N. C
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
other application compares with it in efficacy.
T'-iU well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
K.o medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Gv.2:--'.ons arise for its use almost every day.
Ali druggists and dealers have it.
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
fails to siT inptnr.t relief in th worst I
MS. and tfvtjt rcn where other fall, j
DK. R. SOKIPITMANN. St. Pwil. Ulna, i
Scientific American
Agency for
iter Information and free Handbook write to
MUNN CO- 3G1 Broadway. Mw York.
Oldest bureau for securing patent in AmwiuL
Krerr patent taken out by us is broueht tforo
Lb a public by a notice given free of charge iu ttio
jlcientific JVtnmrnu
XAteeat circulation of any scientific paper In ttio
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelliireut
man should be without it. Weekly, !:j.OO a
year; J1J0 six months. Address MUN.N & CO,
Pun I nHim 3C1 Broadway, New York.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skis
A certain core for Chronic Soto Eyes
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, OL
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
at after all other treatment had failed.
It Is pat up in 25 and CO cent boxes.
mm of mi
aajly. Quickly, Permanently Restored.
'Weskkvaeaa. Kcnannrah Debility, and ail
abe train of erlls from early errorsor later excesses,
abe results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full
atrengUi. development, and tone (riven to every
onrao and portion of tbe body, Simple, natural
anetbods. Immediate Improvement seen. Failure
Impossible. S.OMO references. Book, explanations
and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address
JThcse tiny Capsules are superior i
to Jialsam- ot txi".iia, "
Cubebs and Injections, (flyf
They cure in 48 hours the V J
same diseases -without any! neon.
aw a
n ntfDtiAitHll
; i s""."li.flCI)'7l
r !j ! I k
Bl - .NwVwl
r 2- M fS b '' Invisible Tabular Kar Cub.
feijj' !1HI Ot !. VThiipers brard. Comfortable.
Bi. -u,, n I n, f r .lir-uir.lin.fiil. Sold by P. llirot,onlv, CDCC
f'J3 Uruadtisy, Sew fork. Write fur tiouk of prut-feintX
' i T A'i Clnm.', and be !', a luxi
' -..1".""L vV-i'Mewr Fails to
bcautiHi the hair.
ixuriunt jrriiwth.
j ;'. - n.-iir To us loutmui color.
i''Y,';.r. Ciirtr. pralp tliens-j k hair tailing.
fw.aiirt ?! ' lniriri"t.
.n L,-r- i;.ni'. r T nrnn. Ji cnrr tile wurr-t OiUL'li.
v. t-'t J. I ti!itv, lTl.gfstin. Puin,Tke in time.Auct.
!$rtjDER CORNS. The onlv mrc oir? for Ctmi.
M-i'i ik. pam. ic ftfc lruist-, or lil'SCXOw & CO., K V.
How Lost ! How Regained I
Or SKLF-ntESEKVATIOX. A new and only
Gold Medal PUlzn ESSAY on NERVOUS and
and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pages, cloth,
trilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00
by mail, doable sealed. Descriptive Prospect
us with endorsements f-f- r f I criun
of the I'ress and voluntary HKr T I ?riu
testimonials of tho enrei I 1 1 L u. NUW.
Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat
TAIN Cl'RK. AddreBu lr. W. U. Pnrker. or
The TeatKidy Medical Institute, No. 4 Euliincli St..
BoHton, Mans.
The l'eabody Medical Institute has many imi
tators, but no equal. Herald.
The Science of Life, or Self Preservation, Is a
treasure more valuable than troid. Head it now,
evcrv WEAK and NEItVOl'S man, and learn to
be STROXtJ . Medical Itevicw. (Coj.i righted-;
$ Morning
Good all tlie time. It removes
the languor of morning-, sus
tains the energies of noon, lulls ,
the weariness of night.
delicious, sparkling, appetizing.
Don't be deceived !f a dc.nlcr, for the snVe
of larger t-.rc fit, tclK you sumc oihct kind
is "just as :otl " 'tis iulr-ff .o iiniuiuoa
is as good as ilie ijcuine Utrtii".
AGENTS to sell our choice nurserv
stork M;my titio sfc!:iltie to ntTer
writopiick anil secure choice of territory
14 m
How NmIIIvih VVs to l'Trs Craam.
Il.ivo you lieunl bow Hullivan i B
in to f recy.o tho cream?' akel a J., T.
A K. W. ma ii.
Mow ev'rylHty knows Jolni Sullivan.
IIVh all eiiKim er. ami tho moKt phenom
enally lucky man that ever graspou" a
throttle. Whenever there's an accident
or a tr.. in rohltery John has some other
man on his run. He's not only lucky,
but ho is an exiert engineer and an in
genious mechanic.
"Well, how is John going to freeze
the cream?" asked tho renter.
Tim cream I'm alluding to," replied
the railroader, "is that whrth tho 3,000
people on tho big picnic to Do Leon
prings are going to consumo. Right
in front of the engine will lie placed a
flat, car, M rapped to the floor of which
will lo twelve immense freezers. These
freezers are to le connected by rods
with cogs working with similar wheels
on the freezers. These small wheels will
Ixi turned by a larger one on tho side of
tho car. This larger wheel will bo op
erated by a rod connecting with one of
tho big drivers of tlie engine. Under
stand?" "Yes."
"Now yon know how John Sullivan
is going to freeze- the cream. If tho
train stops all of a sudden yon will
know the cream is as hard as a vit
rified brick." Florida Times-Union.
A MoiiHter Trout.
Mr. John Williamson, who is in the
employ of F. M. Warren in the salmon
canning business at the Cascades,
brought from there on Saturday a trout
measuring three feet in length and
weighing twelve pounds. It was caught
in one of the fish wheels there. Mr.
Williamson, who has been in the fish
business for over twenty years, having
Wen for a number of years in the trout
hatching business in California, says ho
has never seen or heard of a trout of this
size and weight. It was a very pretty
one, being covered with large red spots
on both sides.
This is tloubtless what is known here
as the Doll' Varden trout. Once in a
while a lot of these trout come to this
market from Rome stream over near St.
Helen's, and a few lots have como from
tho upper country, Ceeur d'Alene or
Pen d'Oreille. At least the markettnen
said the fish came from these places.
But fishermen sometimes do not tell
where they catch their trout. Many
Dolly Varden trout have been seen here
weighing from six to eight pounds, but
tho one caught by Mr. Williamson beats
all previous records. Portland Oregon
iau. Tlie ltlack Uruninvickers.
The Black Brunswickers, so well
known for their uniform, will hence
forth appear in Prussian uniform only.
Until the last day of April they had
continued to wear the black braided tu
nic as simple and effective a uniform
as a soldier might wish to see. They
had been officered for years by Prussian
officers in Prussian uniform, and this
gave them a peculiar appearance on pa
rade. During the campaign of 1870-1
they were often taken, both by Germans
and French, to be French. Sometimes
the mistake only caused a good deal of
merriment, as, for instance, when a
French staff officer came up to within a
couple of hundred yards where the regi
ment was in hiding as a reserve. Not a
shot was fired at him, because that
would have betrayed the regiment. By
and by the Frenchman rode off, none
the worse and none the wiser. But to
be fired at by friends is unpleasant, and
that has happened to the Black Bruns
wickers; so that it is perhaps well for
them that they will not be mistaken in
tho future. Vanity Fair.
Death in an Iron I'ost.
Twelve-year-old Dan Clewell was a
victim of a boy's jumping game. The
lad stood only six inches higher than the
iron post which he endeavored to jump
and which cost him his life. . Wednes
day, while romping the streets with a
lot of boys, he proposed the game. The
post isn't much thicker than a gas pipe
and has a pointed top and an iron ring
to tie horses to. Dan took the lead and
in the first jump landed heavily with
his stomach on the sharply pointed post.
He cried out with pain and his compan
ions were frightened. Several passing
pedestrians inquired the cause, but the
boys wouldn't tell. The lad kept his ac
cident a secret until forced by his agony
to tell his mother. It was too late for
the doctors to save him. He died from
peritonitis. South Bethlehem Star.
The Trouble with Many Inventions.
We are not quite perfect yet, at least
we are still capable of improvements.
There were more applications for patents
in England last year than during any of
the seven preceding years. Now, Ive
invented lots of things mj'self independ
ently of any suggestion whatever, but
I have never made anything out of it.
It has always happened that the things
have been patented before by some one
else. The other day I thought of an ar
rangement for keeping books from fall
ing over in a shelf that is only half
filled. I find out now that the very
same arrangement is in quite common
use. Barry Pain in Black and White.
Looking for Fruit.
A couple of months ago a Philadel
phia woman bought a rustic table made
of the boughs of some trees from which
the bark had not been removed. About
two weeks ago the table began to throw
out green sprouts, and now the whole
table is in full bloom. The owner hopes
it will turn out to be a fruit tree. Free
The highest viaduct in the world has
just been erected in Bolivia, over the
river Lea, 9,833 feet above the sea level
and 4,008 feet above the river.
There seems to be something in a
name in the case of the twenty-two-year-old
mayor of Alliance, O His
name is ExcelL
It is estimated that all the money paid
in Philadelphia for July interest and
dividends will exceed $10,000,000.
Tlie I'olite Rwimnitr.
Iirf;tly f ho hathinjf wrhoii coinen on
a prominent featur of it apjoars in the
person of tho polito and gentlemanly
bwiiuiuer who is of no earthly conse
quence on land, yet whoso natatorial ac
coinplishineiits render him, iu his own
eyes at least, absolutely bewitching in
tho water.
He is so iolite, is this essentially sum
mer production. His hand is always out
Ht retched to guide into the briny tho
timid, shrinking bather of the ftminiue
Iiersuasion. x gofxi is me nearc ne
needs no introduction. He is abovo the
mere petty trifles of mundane propriety,
and in a spirit of genuine philanthropy
comes to tho rescue of the fair in a pro
miscuous manner delightful to behold.
His attentions are extremely numerous,
yet he does discriminate in a measure,
as his gentle offices are usually per
formed for tho prettier and younger
novices at the shrine of Neptune.
Simply in a spirit of kindness and
with a desiro to overcome their exces
sive timidity he guides them far out
where the, water is deep and the waves
are high, and then smiles rapturously
when they cling to him in abject terror.
Ho does not realize that they would
embrace a rom or spar with the same
fervor, but considers it a compliment to
his own personality, which, in all prob
ability, has made no impression what
ever on the terrified female.
When not playing knight to beauty in
distress he splashes, floats and swims for
the edification of the people assembled
on tho beach and seems to consider him
self the star attraction of the resort. lie
is indigenous to this season and this land.
No other clime could produce so rare
and perfect a upecimen of officious mas
culine vani' f does our own delightful
one. Phil 4t iia Times.
iweo lis Genealogy.
The late Professor Elias Loomis be
came interested in tho subject of gene
alogy in early life, and for nearly forty
j-ears before his first publication he col
lected from time to time materials for a
list of the descendants of his ancestor,
Joseph Loomis, who came from Brain
tree, England, and settled in Windsor,
Conn., in 1039. In 1870 he published a
list containing 4,340 descendants of Jo
seph Loomis bearing the Loomis name.
After five years of research he published
the second edition of -the "Loomis Gene
alogy," in which are given 8.6S0 names
which bore the Loomis name, descen
dants of Joseph Loomis in the male
Five years later, in 18S0, he printed,
in two additional volumes, a provisional
list of 19,000 descendants of Joseph
Loomis in the female branches. At tlie
time of his death he left in manuscript
many corrections and additions that
will be of use to the future Loomis gene
alogist. Newton's Memoria of Elias
He Never Drinks Water.
Jack Irvin, of the Glover's Mill coun
try, bears the distinction of being prob
ably the only living man in the United
States who has not swallowed a drop of
water for thirty-six years. Mr. Irvin is
now in his eighties, and for more than
an average lifetime has rigorously ab
stained from the use of the liquor that
fills but does not inebriate. Neither
does he drink intoxicating liquors. At
his meals Mr. Irvin drinks coffee or tea
or milk, as the notion takes him. Be
tween meals when Mr. Irvin feels his
thirst growing he gets out his pipe and
smokes it. While Mr. Irvin is in pretty
fair health, his neighbors say that his
looks would indicate that he is pretty
well dried up. Glasgow Times.
Canada's Biggest Man.
Leonard Whitton. of Brighton, broth
er of the cheese inspector, James Whit
ton, of Belleville, has continued to gain
in flesh, and is now classed as the big
gest man in Canada. He weighs 409
pounds. His measurement is as fol
lows: Around the shoulders, 5 feet 6
inches; chest, 5 feet 2 inches; hips, 6
feet 2 inches; neck, 1 foot 11 inches;
arm at shoulder, 1 foot 2 inches; arm
below elbow, 1 foot 5 inches; thigh, 3
feet 9 inches; calf, 2 feet. His head
measurement around the temples is 23
inches. Ten years ago he did not weigh
more than 150 pounds. He is under
forty years of age. Brighton Ensign.
Few Accidents on English Kailnays.
The Englishman who, following
Charles Francis Adams, declared that
the safest place in which to spend an
hour or two is an express train on one
of the main railways, has had his idea
confirmed by the fact that last year only
five passengers were killed on all the
railways of the United Kingdom, where
as in the streets of the metropolis alone
147 deaths and 5,784 personal injuries
resulted from accidental circumstances
connected with the vehicular traffic.
Boston Transcript.
Paleface Grooms Wanted.
In the Indian camp on the Grand
Ronde river are seventeen marriageable
Indian girls, some of whom want white
men for husbands and shun the idea of
marrying one of their own race. The
father of one of these girls offers an in
ducement of 200 head of good horse9 to
some young white man who will marry
his daughter. The old Indian states
he must be a young man of good char
acter and address and able to provide
his wife a good home. Asotin (Wash.)
Too Hot to Think.
A Brooklyn housewife took her cook
to task the other day for carelessness
and f orgetfulness. "Why is it, Maggie,"
said she, "that you keep on making the
same mistakes over and over again?
Why do you not try and remember what
I tell you?"
"Sure, mum," was the frank reply, "I
can't be after aggravatin me moind this
hot weather." New York Times.
A Columbus Relit.
It is claimed that the anchor lost by
one of Columbus' ships on the night of
Aug. 2, 1498, off the island of Trinidad,
has been recently unearthed on that
Island. Boston Globe,
Sleep on Left Side.
Many ixtkoiih arc unable to hIccj
U their left nitle. The chiihc hit
lonjr been a puzzle to h Hie iaiiH.
Metropolitan paper upcak with
rcat iiiterewt of Ir. Kr.iiiklin Milcn,
the eminent Indiana Hpecialint in
nervous and heart tliteaneH, who ha
proven that thM habit arisen from a
diHeasctl heart. He hat examinee!
aiul kept on record thousand of
CR8CH. Ilia New Heart Cure, n won
derful remedy, iH Hold at F.O. Kricke
& Co. Thousand tentify to its value
as a cure for heart dim-awe-H. Mrn.
Chas. lk'tioy. Loveland, Colo., Kaj n
itM effectM on her were imirveloiiH.
Klegant book on heart dirteate free.
Some Foolish Peopls
allow a couh to run until it petH
beyond the reach of medicine Ihey
nay, "Oh, it will wear away," hut in
most caneH it wears them away.
Could they be induced to try the
succt'MHful Kemp'n Halsam, which
ia sold on a positive guarantee te
cure, they would aee the' excellent
elfect after taking the firat done.
Price 50c and ifl. Trial aize free. At
all druggists.
Half Rates to Saratoga.
On the occasion of the National
Kducational Asm'ii'h annual con
vention at Saratoga, July 1U l., the
Hurlington roi.te, from July 3 to J il
ly y, inclusive, will sell round trip
tickets from all stations iu Nebras
ka to Saratoga at one lowest lirst
class fare, plus two elollars (mem
bership fee N. K. A.) Tickets are
good for return passage from July
15 to 21; an extension of time; limit
can, however, be obtained by depos
iting tickets at the office of the joint
agent of terminal lines; ;()'.) 1 road
way, Saratoga. The Hurlington
route will run special Pullman
sleeping cars and reclining chair
cars from Lincoln and Omaha
through to Saratoga, leaving Lin
coln at 2:40 p. m. ami Omaha at 4:1.") p.
m., July 9. A folder, giving all par
ticulars, may be had upon applying
to J. Francis, general passenger ami
ticket agent, hiiaha, to whom, or to
local agent li. & M. K. h'., requests
for reservation of births should be
Nothing New Under the Sun
So! not even through cars ti Den
ver, Ogelen, Salt Iake City, San
Francisco and Portland. This is
simply written to remind you that
the Unieni Paciiic is the pioneer in
running through cars to the above
mentioned points and that the pres
ent through car arrangement is un
excelled. We also make TJIK time.
For details addre-ss any agent of
the company, call on jour nearest
agent or write to K. I. Lomax,
G. P. & T. A. U. I'., Omaha Neb.
The following item, clipped from
the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat,
contains information we'll worth
remembering: "Mr. John Roth of
this city, who met with an accident
a few days ago, spraining and
bruising his leg and arm quite
severely, was cured hy one HO-cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Palm."
This remedy is without an etial
for sprains and bruises and should
have a olace in every household.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
A Mute Recovers Speech-
Alphonce Ilemphling, of Summit
township, Butler Co., Penn., made
an affidavit that his twelve year old
son, who had St. Vitus dance for
twelve years, lost his speech, was
completely cured after using three
bottles of Dr. Miles Restorative Ner
vine, and also recovered his spe-ecli.
Thousands testify to wonderful
cures from using it for nervous di
seases, dj'spepsia, nervous debility,
dullness, confusion of mini, head
ache, etc. Four doses ot this Ner
vine cured Mrs. V. E. Burns, South
lietid, Ind., who had been suffering
with constant headache for three
months. Trial bottle and elegant
book free at F. G. Fricke & Co.
Half Rates to New York.
To accommodate Christian .Kn
deavorers and their friends along
its line who desire to attend the
national convention of the Y. P. S.
C. E. at New York, July 7-10, the
Burlington route will on July 4 run
a special strain from Omaha
through to New York, via Chicago
and Niagara Falls, leaving at 11:40
n. m.. after arrival of all trains from
the west. A rate of one fare for the J
round trip has been authorized and
will be open to the general public.
Tickets, good to return any time
within thirty days from date of
purchase, will be on sale at dates to
be announced later. The low rates
in force, the through car facilities
at the disposal of travelers by the
Burlington route, and the delight
ful season of the year, combine to
make this an unequalled oppor
tunity of visitingthe east. Remem
ber that you can purchase tickets
trom your station agent through
to New York. F'ull inforaiation
may be had upon application to the
local agent of the B. & M., or by ad
dressing J. Francis, General Pas
senger Agent, Omaha.
Oregon, Washington and the Nor
west Pacific Coast.
The constant demand oT the trav
eling public to the far west for a
conifortabJe and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
has led to the establishment as
what is known as Pullman Colonist
These cars are built on the same
general plan as the regular first
clasa Pullman Sleeper, the only dif
ference being that they are not up
holstered. They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair matresses.
warm blankets.snow white linen cur
tains plenty of towels, combs, brush
es etc., which secure to the occu
pant of a birth as much' privacy as
is to be had in firet .'class sleepers.
There are also separate toilet rooms
for ladies and gentlemen, and smok
ingis absolutely prohibited. For
full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leaflet. K. L. Lo
max, General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha Nebraska.
Every Month I
many womra atillrr fiom Kictv or I -Scant
Menatruation; tlicy don't know bbbV
who to confida in to get proper advics.
Don't confida in anybody but try
Bradfl eld's
Fcmalo Regulator
a Specific for PAINFUL. PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed fraa.
U by all Uraaa-Ula.
Attorney at-I.Hw. will kIv prompt attontloa
to all bUHlnrixH fiiitriiKtxd to lilui. Ofllow Iu
Uulou block, KiiHt Hldx. l'laUxm.nitli, Neb.
ConHtmitlj keepb on Lund everythin ft
you need to furnish your Iiouno.
ia!d up capital fwi,(Ki,oo )
SurpluH lo.ixxj.ou I A
rs tli Vfry beet f ;.! lit U-s for tlie prouip
triincactloii oi nominate
Hanking Jhisimvss
Htool, lionriji.Kold. I'ovcriiiiif nt. and local ae
uritlCH bought Mini nold. JJfpoHlt nHrtilvfd
ind lnnTfst allowed on tlin crtlfl;ar.fa
Orates drawn, available in any art of tli
United Stalec and all tlie principal tw;m ot
Highest ibarkH prion paid for County War
rants, Stale ana County bonds. r
John Fitzgerald I). HawkHwortb
Ham Waugli. K. K. Whim
ieori?o K. Dovey "
form Fitzgerald. H. WmiikIi.
Frerldf-nt VhttUsM.
. ,t
J. V. Johnson,5',
W. II. C usni no,
-oo()T H EOoo-
GiizGqs - .Bqqp
Capital Paid in
$CO.OOO y-
F It Ciithnian. J W .Johnson. E H Orcusel
Henry tikenbary, M W Morgan. J
A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W
II CushiiiK
A general banxing business trans
acted. Interest allowed on de
Call on
Plattsmouth - . Nebrask;-a
Catholic St. I'aul's Church, ak. teiwe- .
Fifth and Sixth. Father Carney, I'astoi ,
Services : M ass at 8 and 10 :30 a. m. hunda
School at 2 :30, with benediction. (?y
Christian. Corner Locust and Klirhth Hfi ,
Services morning and rvenlnjr. Klder A- '
Oalioway pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m.
Episcopal. St. Luke's Church, corner Tlilr
and Vine. Itev. Jl li. Uuipecf. parlor. Sei ta
vices :11a.m. aLd7 :30P. m. Sunday Scho-r:
at 2 :30 P. m.
German Mkthooist. oorner Sixth St. an .
Granite. Itev. Jlirt. I'at-tor. Services : 11 A. a
and 7 :30 P.M. Sunday School 10 :30 A. m. hi1- an. Services in new church, Co:
ner Sixth and (iranlte stc. Itev. J . T. Bain r
pastor. Sunday-school at ! ; Preachiud,
at 11 a. ni.atid 8 p. m, uji
The . It. S. C. K of tbff church meet ever
Sabbath evening at 7 :I5 in the basement ry
thechucrlt. All are in vited to attend thetT"of
meetings. t,e
Firht JVIfthodist. Sixth St.. betwen Ma'd
and Pearl. Kev. U. F. Uritt. IK I). i.asUr'Jn
Services : 11 A. m 8 :00 p. m. Sunday Scho r.
9 :30 a . m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evei-!
J . !-
Ufrman an. Corner Main at
Ninth. Itev. Wltte, pastor. Services usu id
hours. Sunday t-cbool :30 A. m. Iri
Swf.f.ijish Conorroationau ;ranlte. be
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Colokk.d Baptist. Mt. Olive, Oak. betwe'
'lenh and Kleventh, Kev. A. Koch ell. pa
tor. Services 11a. m. and 7 :30 p. in. Pray i.
meeting Wednesday evening. g
liooms in W a tern, an block. Main street. ,n,
pel meetinfr. for men only, every Sunday h ZT.
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Koorne open week d 7"
from 8:30 a. m to 9:30 p. in. Ibyi1
south .Park Tabernacle Rev. J. FD
Wood, Pastor. Services: Sunday Bcb; i
0a. in.: Preaching, n . m. and 8 p.mf0i,,
prayer meeting Tuesday n!Kbt ; choir pr
tioe Friday night. AU are welcome. 11
M li
L i.- '
- iA -