The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 12, 1892, Image 3

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L- M r v . jfq
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to recom
mend some brand of Smoking Tobacco, we unhesitatingly pronounce
Bull Durham bmoking
to be the best in the world.
Many times imitated, but never equalled.
Get the genuine. Made only by
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co.,
Durham, N. C
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A loncj-tcsted pain reliever.
It.-, use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
i:: u.cdicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
1tKw1?l TH
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
fatila to inntAnfc ri.'iof in thm worst
Aavam, nm aTuet err nhrre ether- full.
Trtel rwkm I'UKIt f lnurcta or kj flalL
lUna DR. R. FOHtFr- MAN N St F-vl. Mhra.
,oaA4j. Scientific American
"1. 'Aaencyfom
for Information and tree Handbook write to
MINN CO- n Bmoadway. New Yokic.
OldMt bvreu for securinc patent, in America.
Krr patent taken out by na U brought before
the pvblia by a notice given free Of cliarcre in Uio
$txtntiiu JVmcricau
Iaraeet etrenlstlon of any scientific panor In the
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No tntellieent
man should be without it. Weekly. :,. oil a
year: 11.40 six months. Addrnia MCN.N & CO,
HuluuikXI Broadway. New York.
Qxamberlains Eyo and Skin
A certain core for Chronic Soro Eyes
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, OL
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
It after all other treatment had failed,
it is put up in 25 and CO cent boxes.
7I0R OIF tm
Easily. Quickly, Permanently Restored.
" BlmueHi lability, and tiV.
the train of ertls from early erroraor later excesses,
the reonlta of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full
strength, development, and tone frlven to every
onran and portion of the body, Simple, natural
method., luiniediate improvement seen. Failure
Impossible. S.uuu reference. Book, explanations
eod proof mailed nea!ed free. Address
These tiny Capsules arc superior
to lialsam 01 conana,
Cubebs ' and Injections. (flUJ)f)
They cure in 48 hours the V J
same didcases "witliout any incoru
a w w
if! 02
by 1'cck'a Invisible Tubular tar Cush
Ion. Whispers heard. Cooifortmble.
i u.- fssluiwiierifal iruiedletifai!. Sold by F. II1mox,ouIv, CQ rlj
U53 liruadwiy, New lark. Write fur bvuk of pruutu inlX
.', -X:i5 Clean-'cj and beautifies the hair.
- .-5a froitits a luxuriant Sfrowth.
--'S Never Fails to Kcstore Gray
. . . ' . Jk 4H i.air io us xomniui. color.
' 7i. t ' i Vj . Cures srn.p tttKea-s ft iiair
-ce Parker s (iinver Toniu. it curi-s tue wort Cotiti,
Wi-ak l.iniL"". IVhiiit.v, Indigestion, J'uin, Take iu time. 5J eta.
ftiNDEHCORNS. The onlv fniro cure for Cam a.
iiI-s u iiiuu. iJc at JJrujoU, or CO., N. Y.
How Lost ! How Regained
Or SKLF-PRBSEKVATTOX. A new and only
Gold Medal FU1ZK ESSAY on NKtiVOUS and
nd WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 paes, cloth,
(Tilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00
by mail, doable sealed. Descriptive Froepecu
H9 with endorsements pnpri CTnin
of the Presa and voluntarr LULL I f.'jr'
testimonials of the cured. I 1 1 Laa NUW,
Consnltatlon in persnn or bj mail. Expert treat
TAIN Cl'KK. Adilre. lr. W. II. Prker. or
The Peatxxiy Medical Institute, No. 4 Culliuch St.,
liooton, Maas.
The IVabody Medical Institute has many imi.
tutorn, but no equal. JltruM.
The Science of Life, or ticlf-Preservation, Is a
treasure more valuahle than irolj. Keiirt H now,
everv WEAK and NKIIVtH'S man, and learn to
be ST KONG . Medial A'eriefr. (Copi rinhtedJ
r TVr.rkn
Good all the time. It removes
the lanruor of morninc sus-
j o '
tains the energies of noon, lulls
the weariness of night.
delicious, sparkling:, appetizing.
Pon't tie deceived if a dealer, for the sake
of larger jirolit, tcliayjii sume other kind
is just as good " 'tis false. No imitation
is as good as ine genuine IIikls .
AGEXTS to sell our choice nursery
stock Many Hue sjcc initios to olTer
writeiuick and secure choice of territorv
X U K -S K K V M E X
K'oclics r,X.
cure, mimm
Strange I'roreillii( on t lie (auius of the
M.w Haven L'ul vert.1 ty I'ernliur Ilitea
Ctfifl C'eremonle. of Skull ami II one.
pW-rull lantl Key anal Wolfs llesul.
Tho flection ceremonies to the Skul ,
lleal 8x-it ius of Yiilo university ur )
-ery iniiirertive. The members of th
junior chtMs on the afternoon of this day
gather in little knots in front of one of
tho big bullilings which are used by tho
scholars as sleeping rooms. Tho win
dows of every other building which i
commands a view of the expectant Btu
dents on the cam put lelov are crowded
with other scholars and their friends.
Suddenly a solemn looking j-oung man.
comes around a corner of one of the dor
mitories, lie goes straight toward tho
waiting crowd without a word to any
one. lie walks in among the fellows,
many of whom are his friends, without
noticing anj-lody. Every other student
stands jerfoctly still, and without turn
ing his head follows with his eyes the
movements of the mysterious looking
fellow who has receutly appeared and
who is going up and down, up and down,
In and out, in and out among the crowd,
looking at nobody, speaking to no one,
apparently seeing nothing. Then he
goes around in a circle. All hold their
breath. Tho people in the windows on
every side lean a little farther out and
watch with increased interest. It is a
moment of intense euspensel All of a
nudden the quiet man, on whom every
body's eyes are fastened, slaps a fellow
student right between the shoulders and
almost knocks him over.
Then a great shout goes up! The
students on the campus are yelling them
selves hoarse. The crowded windows
are alive with frantic men and women
who are waving handkerchiefs and hats,
clapping hands and laughing, each add
ing something to the terrible uproar.
Meanwhile the student who was 6lapped
on the back is tho happiest man in the
immense crowd, for he has been elected
a member of Skull and Bones, the fa
mous secret society of the university.
The first thing the fortunate 6tudent
does when he realizes that he has been
slapped is to go straight to his room, with
otit a word to his most intimate chum,
or even to the man who has so rudely
struck him. He is followed by the man
who did the slapping, and who all this
time has not even so much as smiled or
said "Hallo" to any one in fact has
not recognized the man he is following
except by the slap.
Nobody knows, except these two, what
takes' place in the room, and the men
are not see" tgain that day. for the in
terest of tue people outside is centered
on another man who has come from the
same direction as the first one, and wht
is going through exactly the same per
formances that the first fellow executed.
When he finally slaps a man, auothei
great shout goes up, and then these two
students go away to the room of the one
whose back has been slapped. These
scenes are repeated until forty-five men
have been slapped, for that is the num
ber composing the three societies. Each
society is made up of fifteen men, no
more and no less, and each member is
said to choose one student.
When the forty-five have been selected
the elections are over and the people go
home feeling that they have witnessed
an event more interesting and more ex
citing than the graduating exercises
which take place when a whole class are
about to leave the school. Nothing more
is done to the students who have been
slapped until the next Tuesday. Wliat
occurs then is seen by nobody except a
few of the students who gather in front
of the secret society houses.
The names even of the societies are
not known. They are called Skull and
Bones, Scroll and Key, and Wolfs
Head, because each member wears a
little gold pin, with one or another of
these objects on it as the case may bs
The Skull and Bones pin is a horrid
bit of gold in the shape of a human skull
and crossbones. The Scroll and Key,
as the name implies, is made up of a
small 6heet of gold, like an ancient piece
of paper. On the scroll is a key, above
the kev are the letters "C. S. P." and
below the key are the letters C. C. J
What they stand for only the wearers f f
the pins know.
The other society has for its pin a lit
tie gold head of a savage looking wolf.
Often the ej-es are made of two brightly
shining diamonds.
Another wonderful thing about these
pins is that the wearer never loses one.
He never la j-s it down even for a second.
Of course they have to bathe, and how
do you so suppose they do then? You
would think they would have to lay the
pin aside at that time anyway, wouldn't
you? But they don't; they hold the bit
of gold in their mouths!
"Bones" is the oldest of the three so
cieties. Tradition has it that the pins
first appeared in 1S32. About ten years
later men who had expected an election
to "Bones" and were disappointed or
ganized the Scroll and Key. Wolfs
Head was founded less than ten years
ago, but today is almost as exclusive in
its membership as either of the others,
In fact it generally represents as much
wealth among its members as the two
other societies combined. New York
Iilotting Paper from Cottonseed.
The cottonseed hull is like the scale of
fish, and when it is treated it becomes
pure cellulose. It is absorbent to a won
derful degree and will in all probability
enter largely into the future manufac
ture of blotting paper, even if blotting
paper cannot be made entirely from it.
New York Telegram.
Their Only Use.
Little Boy Mamma, mayn't I wear
long pants?
Mamma What in the world do you
want long pants for?
Little Boy So I can tuck 'em in my
boots w'en it rains. Good News.
Daau't Like rolloenaest
There Is a horse in thia town which
has a double mission in life. One part
of it is to get to lire aa rapidly as poasl
blo with a ton or two of apparatus bo
hind it; the other is to make as many
vacancies as possible in the police force.
Tho animal is a valuable one, well
trained and good to look at. For the
firemen it has a professional regard, to
ward citizens in general it has the
li;LtiL'litineKs which cenerallv goes forth
with a place in the pnblio service, but
toward policemen it displays the nerceer.
of antipathies. The horse belongs to
one of the companies stationed far down
town, and tho engine house is rather
rramied. People having occasion to
enter the nlace have to pass close to ths
animal's stall, and as a result the mem
ber of the iolice force who has business
in the house is likely to have a lively
time of it. To be safe he has to cnmD
around back of a tender and then make
his way along with the caution needed
to keep him out of range of the horse's
If he comes near the animal, it is a
bite or a kick, according to the end
which is approached. The firemen who
are thoroughly acquainted with the pe
culiarities of the steed have a very rea
sonable explanation of its aversion to
brass buttons. It is that at some time a
policeman clubbed it, at a time when
the excitement of a fire made him for
get that perhaps a horse may have a
longer memory than a taxpayer ana
more time to devote to carrying out
schemes of revenge. Ever since that
day no policeman has been able to ap
proach the horse without having gooq
reason to repent his temerity. New
York Times.
Reply Paid Postal Cards.
Reply paid postal cards have been in
use in Austria for many years, and would
be economical and convenient in domes
tic a3 well as in foreign correspondence.
They are composed of two unseparated
postal cards, folded in the form of a tin
gle card, and need no other fastening.
A correspondent can insure a correct
ly addressed and probably prompt an
swer by writing his full address on the
reply fold of the card before mailing it;
the card, on its first journey, being fold
ed so as to cover the reply address. The
receiver has simply to write his answer
on the reply card, tear it off the inquiry
card and remail it.
If oue does not care to preserve the in
quiry or to write a long answer, the
cards need not be separated. In that
case a reply perfectly intelligible, un
equivocal and binding for all business
purposes may be written in one or two
words in answer to a direct question.
The words "yes" or "no" or "forty"
or "41 Temple Place" or "Boston" 01
"Smith & Jones" or "6 per cent." or an)
other short replies, signed with initial,,
or full name, without any heading of
place or date, would, in connection with
the attached inquiry card, convey as full
and definita an answer, and 6how as
plainly when, where and by whom it
was written, as an answer on an ordi
nary card or letter that contain besides
place, date and address a summary of
the inquiry to which it is a reply.
Youth's Companion.
M'onen One Man Hates.
One of the meanest of conversationa
tricks is a favorite one with women. A
fellow has something real nice and
clever to say. He is rounding up nicely
to it, when some chit of a woman takes
a gasp and says, "Oh, yes! I know what
you mean," and, by jingo, says it. Of
course she gets all the credit. I do hate a
woman like that. She is the kind of
woman who says, "Ah, yes!" and then
goes off into a poetic illustration of the
fact you have announced something
nice and dreamy that she never could
have said by herself. I hate that sort of
woman, making herself seem so clever
and bright and poetic and all that from
your brains.
She laughs before you have got your
funny story out and says, "Yes, isn t it
funny?" It makes it so easy for you to
go on, that does. Actually, sometimes
she will finish it for you. That is the
kind of woman I hate too. She is al
ways coming in with a "Yes, but," and
upsetting what you have said, or else
hauling out another side of it that you
didn't mean to have brought up. I hate
women like that. I say let women learn
to cook and sew frills, not talk like
idiots. Washington Post.
Street Car Companies Not Responsible
An incident of special interest in con
nection with the electric street car line
of Halle. Germanv. Is that the German
government stopped the running of the
electric cars immediately after the open
ing ceremony, because they interfered
with the proper working of the tele
grams and telephones. The case came
before the law courts and the judges de
cided in favor or the railroad company,
statin or that the streets of a citv were in
tended for general traffic, and that their
course could not be altered, but that the
nostal authorities could easily make any
nprnssnrr deviation in the line of the
telegraph and telephone wires so as to
place them beyond the influence of the
electric lines, which use the rails ana
earth for the return circuit. New York
A Sooth African Animal.
There is a curious looking animal in
South Africa that looks for all the world
like a piece of toast with four legs, a
head and a tail. It resembles a pussy
cat about the forehead and ears, but its
nose is distinctly that of a rat, while its
tail is not very dissimilar to that of a
fox. This strange animal is called the
aardwolf , and doubtless dwells in South
Africa because, judged by his looks, he
would not be admitted into good animal
society anywhere else. Harper's Young
A Women Hotel Clerk.
The most gorgeous creature ever
evolved in the way of an American hotel
clerk is far less pleasing to look upon
than the petite girl in black who takes
your pounds, shillings and pence in the
office of a hotel in London. New York
stain iitdd Our Dutv.
Kverlxxly haH nt timew failoI to do
their duty toward" Ilienixel v-n.
Hundred of lady render nulfer
f...... ulr 1ij--ilrw-tll- IH-rvnllHI tMM
11 Ulll CI V .v I ...... .... . J ,
Hleetle8tu'HH ami female troubles. (
r a. ... . ,
lA't tllClll loliow lilt" rx..miii: oi rirn.
Herbect liter, Stevens I'oiut, Win.,
who for live years wuiTered greatly
itroMt rat ion and hleeo-
JeHHiiCMH, tried ihyniciuiiH and dif
ferent meuicuicH wiuioui hiicii-hh,
lottlof Dr. Miles' Nervine
canned houikI sleep every niht and
slur ih like a new person. rir.
Kli.abeth Wheeler, Laramie City,
Wyoming, who tried all other reme
dies, declares that after three week's
use of the Tverviue lor lieatlaciie,
nervous prostration, etc., she was
entirely relieved. Sold !' R J.
Frick&Co. Trial bottle Iree. l.
Some Foollsli People
allow a coutjh to run until it uets
. a . r '1 1 .
beyond tlie reacn oi meuicine i ney
say, "Oh, it will wear away," hut in
most cases it wears them away.
Could they be induced to try the
Biiccessful Kemp's Halsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee It
cure, the' would see the excellent
etfect after taking the first dose.
Price fiOc and $1. lrial size tree. At
all druggists.
Half Saratoga.
On the occasion of the National
Educational Ass'n's annual con
vention at Saratoga, July 12-1'), the
Burlington roi.te, from J uly 3 to J u
ly 9, inclusive, will sell round trip
tickets from sill stations in Nebras
ka to Saratoga at one lowest first
class fare, plus two dollars (mem
bership fee N. K. A.) Tickets are
ood for return passage, from July
15 to 21; Jin extension of time limit
can, however, be obtained by depos
iting tickets at the office of the joint
aent of terminal lines; tUV.) Jiroad
way, Saratoga. The JJurlinton
route will run special Pullman
sleeping cars and reclining chair
cars from Lincoln and Omaha
through to Saratoga, leaving Lin
coln at 2:40 p. m.and Omaha at 4:1.1 p.
in., July 9. A folder, n'iviii all par
ticulars, may be had upon applying
to J. Francis, general passenger and
ticket aent, Omaha, to whom, or to
local aent li. Sc M. K. K., requests
for reservation of births should be
Nothing: New Under the Sun
No! not even through cars to Den
ver, Ogden, Salt Lake City. San
Francisco and Portland. This is
simply written to remind you that
the Union Pacific is the pioneer in
running through cars to the above
mentioned points and that the pres
ent through car arrangement is un
excelled. We also make THE time.
For details address a 113' agent of
the company, call 011 your nearest
agent or write to E. L. Lomax,
G. P.& T. A. U. P., Omaha Neb.
The following item, clipped from
the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat,
contains information well worth
remembering: "Mr. John Roth of
this city, who met with an accident
a few days ago, spraining and
bruising his leg and arm quite
severely, was cured y one oO-cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Pain IJalm."
This remedy is without an equal
for sprains and bruises and should
have a olace in every household.
For sale by F. G. Fricke Si Co.
Fell Dead.
These words are very familiar to
our reader, as not a day passes with
out the report of the sudden death
of some prominent citizen. The ex
planation is "Heart Disease." There
fore beware if you have any of the
following symptoms: Short breath,
pain in side, smothering spells,
swo'len ankles, asthmatic breath
ing, weak and hungry spells, tend
erness in shoulder or arm, flutter
ing of heart or irregular pulse.
These symptoms mean heart di
sease. The most reliable remedy is
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which
has saved thosands of lives. Hook
of testimonials free at F. G. Fricke
& Co., who also sell the New Heart
Half Rates to New York.
To accommodate Christian En
deavorers and their friends along
its line who desire to attend the
national convention of the Y. P. S.
C. E. at New York, July 7-10, the
Burlington route will on July 4 run
a special strain from Omaha
through to New York, via Chicago
and Niagara Falls, leaving at 11:40
p. m., after arrival of all trains from
the west. A rate of one fare for the I
round trip has been authorized and
will be open to the general public.
Tickets, good to return any time
within thirty days from date of
purchase, will be on sale at dates to
be annonnced later. The low rates
in force, the through car facilities
at the disposal of travelers b' the
Burlington route, and the delight
ful season of the year, combine to
make this an unequalled oppor
tunity of visitingthe east. Remem
ber that you can purchase tickets
from your station agent through
to New York. Full information
may be had upon application to the
local agent of the B. & M., or by ad
dressing J. Francis, General Pas
senger Agent, Omaha.
Oregon, Washington and the Nor
west Pacific Coast.
The constant demand of the trav
eling public to the far west for a
comfortable and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
has led to the establishment as
what is known as Pullman Colonist
These cars are built on -the same
general plan as the regular first
class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif
ference being that they are not up
holstered. They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair matresses.
warm blankets, snow white linen cur
tains plenty of towels, combs, brush
es etc., which secure to the occu
pant of a birth as much privacy as
is to be had in first 'class sleepers.
There are also separate toilet rooms
for ladies and gentlemen, and smok
ing is absolutely prohibited. For
full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leaflet. H. L. Lo
max, General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha Nebraska.
y Month I
itler from Eickr or I
tion; they don't know
many wamca .uf
who to confide in to get proper advlc
Uou t connde In anybody but try
Fomalo Rogulafor
a Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed free.
Maid .11 lrus.Uia.
Attorney will Rive j.rompt HttentloL
to all liUHliieoN eiitruKted to lilui. Oftlce lu
Unlou block, KhkI Mtfo. J'Uttf mouth. Neb.
The Lending
Constantly keeps on hand everytljin
you need to furnish your house.
fald up capital .vi,io.(
tm the vry t.eM facilities for tlio promt "
traiiHaction of llKltllitatr)
Banking Business
U . . . 1 ... 1 . . - . L
iiiu niier-i allowed on tn certlflcaN
Drafts drawn, available. In any part of tl
United stater) una all the principal twui 1
Highest market price paid for County Wa
laiiL.i, oiuie an. ;oumy ootids.
John Fltz(?ra!l D. Ilstwkwortb
8am WaiiK". K. K. WitlUt
;eor?e E. Dovey
lohn FltztfTaM. s. WuiikIi.
Frecldent Cattle"
I'retihh :nt.
J. V. J Ol I.N Mi
I' ';- I'rmiiimt.
-00OT H EO00
jCiizeis - .Bqqfc
Capital Paid in
F It Outlmian. .1 VV Johnson. K H (ireut
Henry Klkenbary. M W Morgan, .1
A Connor. W Wetteiikainp, W
11 Cushinx
A general ban.ving business trai
acted, interest allowed on
Call 011
f 'lattsmoiith - . Nebrasl
UATtioi.if.-.-.St. Paul's Church, ak. !et
Fifth and Sixth. Father Cat ney. Paul
Services: Muss at 6 and 10 :30 a.m. Sun I
Hcliool at 2 :M, with benediction.
Chkistian. Corner Locust and KiKhtli
services morning and evening. Klder
oailoway pastor, him day School 10A.MJ
Episcopal. St. I.nke's Church, corner T
ana v inn. lit v. 11 15. KuipenH. pactor.
vices :11a.m. and T Mf. m. Sunday Hcl
at, z :w v. m.
Okkman Wktiiodist. corner sixth f t.
Granite. Kev. Ilirt. Pat-tor. Services: II
and 7 :30 l M. Suuday School 10 JO A. M
1'bfjrytkkiaN. Services in new church.
tier hixth and Cramte stn. Kev. J . T. KM
pastor. Sunday-school at a : 3" ; Preacl
at 11 a. in. sod h p. 111.
The V. It. H. C. K of thl church meet el
Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basemen
the chucrli. All are invited to attend t(
First Mkthodist. Sixth St.. betwen
and Pearl. Kev. I,. F. Britt. U. It. pa
Service : 11 a. m.. 8 :00 P. M. Sunday S-
9 :30 a.m. Prayer meeting Y ednesday e
(JftKMAN Pkkhkvtkriaj. Corner Main
ism tn. iiev. ltte, pastor, service
hours. Sunday School 9 :30 A. M.
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Colokkd Baptist. Mt. Olive, oak. bet
Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Itoawell.
tor. Services 11a. m. and 1 -JS). in. I'n
meetiDic W ednesday evening.
Yoosn Men's Christian Ahsociatji
Kooms in W aterman block. Main street.
.. pel meeting, for men only, every Sunday
tenioon at 4 o clock. nom open week
from 8:30 a. in., to 9 : 30 p.m.
South Park Tabf.rnaclk. Ker. J
Wood, Pastor. Services : Sunday Bq
iOa. m.: Preaching. 11 a. tn. and 8 P
f rayer meeting Juesnay niKnt ; ciioir
ice Friday night. All are welcome.
Diucivr, iMMiiiw, kiki. government ana local im in
juntlff bought ami noll. Ur-poNllH rclve r