COPVftWHT IBM All gone woman's suffering and woman's weakness. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription puts a stop to it. It's a remedy for all the delicate de rangements and disorders that make her suffer, and a cure for all the dis eases and disturbances that make her weak. It's a legitimate medi cine, that corrects and cures ; a tonio that invigorates and builds np; a nervine that soothes and strengthens. For bearing - down pains, displacements, all the func tional irregularities peculiar to the sex, it's a safe and certain remedy. Other medicines claim to cure? I That's true. But tbev don't claim ? Slatlsmouth gcrald. COKXKK OK VIXK AM) FIFTH STS TELEPHONE 38. K NOTTS BROS, Publishers PiiIjHhIioI every Thursl:iy, mnl daily every evening except Sunday. KcKiMtercd ut the Pint turnout h, Xehrunka pout pflice n Hccnnd clu muil matter for trunstiiiHsiori tlironh the V. S. mails. - TEKJISHK WfKKLY. One year in advance - - - . - $1 50 One year not in ud vance - - - - 2 00 Six inontliH in advance - - . It Three tiionths in ad vance - - - 40 TKH.1S OH DAILY. One year in advance - - - - ' $fi no nie copy one month SO Fer week by carrier - - - - . 15 FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1SJ2. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. For President I K X J AMI X 1 1 A K K I SOX of Iniann. For Vice-President wiiiTELAW kip;d of Xew Vork. to do this : if the Favorite Pro scription fails to give sati&f action, jin any case for which it's recom i mended, the money paid for it is refunded. I Judge for yourself which is likely ,to be the better medicine, j And think whether something else offered by the dealer is likely to bo j"jnst as good." You pay only for the good you get. On these terms it's the cheapest. 1 K. REYNOLDS, j KegiHterrd Fliyelciaii and riiarin;i-i-t special attention fjiven Practice. lends some popular interest to the organization which has just put a ticket in the field at Omaha. The question an to which of the two great parties will be injured the more, by this tickets depends chiefly on the section in which it displays its greatest strength. If it polls more votes in the ex-slave states than in the others, then the democrats will be 'the principal losers, and vice versa. The third party leaders boast that they will carry two or three states in the south" and about the (same number in the north. In such a case there would hardly be any election by the people, in which event the house of representatives would be called on to make the choice, and the demo cratic candidate would be victori ous. Out no level-headed person in either of the great parties looks for any result of this sort. There is no good reason to assume that the people's party vote anywhere in the south will be great enough even to throw any state of that region into the republican column, nor that it will be heavy enough in the west to take any state away from the repub licans. St. Louis Globe Democrat. Half Rates to New York, To accommodate Christian En- deavorers and their friends along its line who desire to attend the national convention of the Y. I. S, C. K. at New York, July 7-10. the Burlington route will on July 4 run a special strain from Omaha inrougli to iew iorK, via Ciuciiro and Niagara Falls, leaving at 11:40 p. in., alter arrival ot all trains lrom the west. A rate of one fare for the round trip has been authorized and will be open to the general public Tickets, good to return any time within thirty days from date of Curchaae, will be on sale at dates to e announced later. The low rates in force, the through car facilities at the disposal of travelers by the Burlington route, and the delight ful season of the year, combine to make this an unequalled oppor tunity of visiting the east. Remem ber that you can purchase tickets from your station agent through to New York. Full information may be had upon application to the local agent of the B. & M., or by ad dressing J. Francis, General Pas senger. Agent, Omaha. SEXATok IIILL is mad because Grover Cleveland has not apolo gized for "doing up" his snap con vention in Clncago. The independents have put up the same old Weaver, which re minds us ol old "Barkis," whom we would just as soon doubt as to doubt that General Weaver "is willin'." TRADE WI TH CUBA. Reciprocit3r has increased our ex portation of flour to Cuba the last six montlis in an unprecedented de dree. In 1891, from'January to April inclusive, we exported 30,377 barrels. In 1892, during the same period, the amount exported reached 2Cr,049 barrels. to Office 'OCK BLUFFS Neh. Gkovek CLEVELAXI has re quested the committee not to notify him of his nomination till the 20th of this month, so as to give his pri vate secretary time to look through the encyclopedia and cop3" out a speech for him to read. AT last lO J. HANSEN - v J J Buzzards I L n... l DKALKK IN- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND Adlai Stevenson has n U rover Cleveland at iay, and Adlai has noti fied the committee that he and Gro ver will be in one of the halls of Tammany in the city of New York on July 20, ready to be surprised at the mortification of their nomina tion at Chicago. NEVER STRIKES INDIANS. In the course of his New Haven (Conn.) lecture Rev. Thomas Dana, an educated Indian, made this sin gular statement: "The- Indians never cook anything in the house. They always cook outside, giving as their only reason that if they cook inside the steam will collect in their clothing and draw the light ning. Whether this is true or not I do not know, but I know this no Indian wigwam has been struck by lightning since the dawn of history, and no Indian has been killed with lightning for more than luO j-ears. Hartford Couraut. Oregon, Washington and the Nor west Pacific Coast. The constant demand of the trav eling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. These cars are built on the same general plan as the regular first class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif ference being that they are not up holstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets, snow white linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in firtt class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leaflet. K. L. Lo max, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Den ver, Ogden, Salt ' Lake City, San Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind you that the union r'acitic is the pioneer in running through cars to the above mentioned points and that the pres ent through car arrangement is un excelled. We also make the time. For details address any agent of the company, call on your nearest agent or write to E. L. Lonax, G. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Neb. Vbur ne& week's washing ft ft m ww i in 1 1 iii Will look whiter, wJll be cleaner and will be done with lata Ubor if SANTA CLAUS SOAP t& used. The clothes will smell svee-fce-r a.nd will last longer. SANTA CLAUS SOAP is pure, it fabric. hands. clean but does not injure t-he-Yt does fQt roughen or chap trhe- i lliona Jo Ypxjl ? N.K. FAIR DANK RCO, MJU. CHICAGO. W A Boeck & Co QUEENSMRE. tronage of the Public Solicited. ' rth Sixth Street, Plattsmouth Ft. A. SALISBURY d-f;n-t-i-s-t A xew York Tammany paper of fers "$.100 for a democratic campaign song." "It must be ideal and ryth mical in style." That is. it must handle in good measure the names of Adlai Cleveland and Grover Stevenson, and make them sound musical and sweet. It wants also the song "to have catchy expres sions." Possibly the most "catchy expressions" of Tammany have been, "Cleveland can't carr3' New York," "With Cleveland defeat is sure." "The Pussy Prophet," "The Perpetual Candidate." Western poets, wno compete tor the prize will do well to note these points. Poets are requested to communi cate with the New York World for further particulars. Ex. A Mute Recovers Speech. Alphonce Hemphling, of Summit township, Uutler Co., Penn., made an aflidavit that his twelve year old son, who had St. Vitus dance for twelve years, lost his speech, was completely cured after using three bottles of Dr. Miles Restorative Ner vine, and also recovered his speech. thousands testii3r to wonderful cures from using it for nervous di seases, dyspepsia, nervous debility, dullness, confusion of in in i, head ache, etc. Four doses ot this Ner vine cured Mrs. W. E. Burns, South Bend, Ind., who had been suffering with constant headache for three months. Trial bottle and elegant book free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Miles Nerve and Liver Pills Act on o newpriciple regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discov ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation U uequaled lor men, women and children, small est, mildest, surest. 50 doses 25 cts. Samples Jree at F. G. Ericke& Co's. OLD AND PORCELAIX CROWNS. I I toinwAvo an:stpti? for thfWDainleff ex j traction of teeth. - T- 1 " .4 fine ooiCi w oric a specialty. Wood Block Plattsmouth, Neb i toUiIjNTS MOUSE. 217, 219, 221, AND 223 yVlAIN ST PLATTSMOUTH, NKB. ft. GUTHMANH. PROP- TES ?L50 PER WEEK AND UP imber Van HE OLD RELIABLE. MERMAN I SOS IF I M BER ! Shingles, Lath, Sah. ors, Blinds plj ercrw demand of the citj. ll and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. J10TIIY CLAHK. DEALER IN AL WOOD 3 tf:rms casho knd Office 4ot South Tlifrtl Street. Telephone 13. Lmouth, Nebraska THIRD PARTIES IN PRESIDENTIAL YEARS. Minor parties never carry the presidency themselves, but they sometimes give it to one or other of the great organizations which could not have obtained it without their aid. They do this, too, when they do not gain a single vote in the elec toral college. Indeed, the only de cisive influence which they have had in politics was in the years in which they did not carry a single state. The earliest of the so-called third parties which was formed was the Anti-Masonic party, which "fig ured in the presidential canvass' of 1832, and whose standard-bearer, William Wirt, secured the seven electoral votes of Vermont, but it did not have a feather's weight in the canvass so far as regards. its ef fect on either of the great organiza tions. Jackson beat Clay that 3-ear, as he would have done if Wirt and his party had not been in the field. The knownothings of 1S56, led by ex President Fillmore, carried Mary land, but they neither materially hurt nor helped Fremont or Bu chanan, the republican and demo cratic standard-bearer respective'. Nor did the constitutional union party of Bell and Kverett, which carried Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee in lSfiO, change the re suit in that year. The liberty party in 1S44, however, the free soil party in ISIS and the prohibition party in 1HS1. although neither secured an electoral vote, turned the scale, and all did this in New York. The liber ty iles drew enough whig votes away from Clay in that state to give that state and the nation to Polk and the democracy; Van Buren, as head of the free soilers, attracted enough democrats in the state away from Cass, the regular democratic nomi nee, to put the whig candidate, Tay lor, in power, and St. John, in the same state, carried a sufficient num ber of prohibition republicans away from Blaine eight 3 ears ago to send Cleveland to the white house. This is the record of third parties in presidential canvasses, and it Street Railway Figures. The extent of the street railroad in terest in the United States may be esti mated from a report which states that there are 5,7S3 miles of snch roads in operation, having 32,505 cars and em ploying 70,764 men. The total number of passengers carried in one year was 2,023,010,202, being 349,820 per mile of road work and 62,237 per car. Pitts burg Dispatch. A Legal Question. Little Willie Papa, when a man takes up the law it means he starts in being a lawyer, doesn't it? His Father Yes. "And when he's a judge and laya down the law is that where he quits?" But his father told him it was time he was in bed long ago. Kate Field's Washington. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine They say, "On, it will wear away, but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successtul Kemps tJalsani, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE PL LOW PRICES IN MENS, BOYS, LADIES MISSE AND CHILDRENS SHOES THAT ARE GOING AT BARG W.jl. J30JSCJSI cf CO Dealer in He Had Been There. 'Mr. Jones," said Mrs. Jones, looking tip, from the paper she was reading, "here is an excellent article on 'How to Bang Pictures.' You ought to read it." "Oh, I know how hang 'em!" retorted Mr. Jones savagely, and then silence same like a poultice to heal the blows of sound. Detroit Free Press. Half Saratoga. On the occasion of the National iiaucational Assne annual con vention at Saratoga, July 12-15, the Burlington route, from July 3 to Ju ly 9, inclusive, will sell round trip tickets from all stations in Nebras ka to Saratoga at one lowest first- class fare, plus two dollars (mem bership fee N. E. A.) Tickets are good for return passage from July 15 to 21: an extension of time limit can, however, be obtained by depos iting tickets at the office of the joint agent of terminal lines; 3G9 Broad way, Saratoga. Ihe Burlington route will run special .Pullman sleeping cars and reclining chair cars from Lincoln and Omaha through to Saratoga, leaving Lin coln at 2:40 p. m. and Omaha at 4:45 p. m., July 9. A folder, giving all par ticulars, may be had upon applying to J.Francis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha, to whom, or to local agent B. & M. K. R., requests for reservation of births should be addressed. All kinds of fresh, salt and smoked meats. r -1 m f -a 4 lmiseme uestoi au Kinas 01 sau sages and keep a good supply constantly on hand. Q ID Seaweed Made Useful. The hollow stem of the species of sea weed indigenous to the neighborhood of the Cape of Good Hope was formerly used by the natives as a trumpet when dried. Still another kind furnishes the savages of some parts of Australia with vessels, many implements and even food. Washington Star. What Ailed Her. At the excursion given the "Little .Mothers" the other day a four-year-old baby towed by the big sister was made ill by the ride on the cars. Vomiting was the result. "You were sick at your stomach, were you not, dear?" said one of the custo dians kindly. "No, I wasn't," explained the wee mite; "my eat was too near my tongue." New York Recorder. Sleep on Left Side. Many persons are unable to sleep on their left side. The cause has long been a puzzle to physicians. Metropolitan papers speak with great interest of Dr. Franklin Miles, the eminent Indiana specialist in nervous and heart diseases, who has proven that this habit arises from a diseased heart. He has examined and kept on record thousands ot cases. His New Heart Cure, a won derful remedy, is sold at F. G. Fricke & Co. Thousands testify to its value as a cure for heart diseases. Mrs. Chas. Benoj', Loveland, Colo., sa3's its effects on her were marvelous. Elegant book on heart disease free. MARKET - ON - SIXTH - STREET Between Main and Pearl Plattsmouth, - - . Nebraska. Cholera infantum has lost its terrors since the introduction of Chamberlains colic, cholera and di arrhoea remedy. When thatremedy is used and the treatment as direc ted with each bottle is followed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Walters, a prominent merchant at ".'alters- burg, 111., says: It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after sev eral other remedies had failed, the child was so low that he seemed al most be3rond the aid of human hands or reach of any medicine.' 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. For Atchinson, SL Joseph, Leaven and all points nVfth, east ' south or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Dennt nr nHdroaa H, C. Townsend, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Phiixippi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgar. Agt., Plattsmouth. .telephone, 77, . The H omdliest Man in Plattsmouth As well as the handsomest, and oth ers are invited to call on any drug- eristanderet free a trial bottle of Kemp's balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy tnat,is selling en tii ely upon its merits and is guar anteed to relieve and cure all chron ic and acute coughs, asthma, bron chitis and consumption. Large hot ties 50c and 21.00. m - i model of sanity besiae turn. Tnere was more or less testimony to 6how"that Stephani had fallen off a pony very many years ago and hurt his head, and that he had alvays been high tempered, like any spoiled child. No one had bothered about his alleged insanity, though, until after he had killed his father's old friend. " 'Insane,' was the jury's judgment after listening to the testimony and watching the gloomy makeup of the prisoner. They found him guilty of murder in the second degree, and he was sent to prison for life. Today he is a neat, well behaved and 6hort haired con vict. New York Herald. A carpenter by the name of M. S. Powers, fell from the roof of a house in Fast DesMoines, Iowa and sus tained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist which he cured with one bottle of Chamberlains pain balm. He sa3's it is worth $3 to a bottle. It cost him 50 cents. For sale by by F. G. Fricke & Co. The following item, clipped from the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat, contains information well werth remembering: "Mr. John Roth of this city, who met with an accident a few days ago, spraining and bruising his leg and arm quite severe', was cured by one 50-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm." This remedy is without an equal for sprains and bruises and should have a place in every household. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. For Sale. My house and three lots corner Sixth and Lfey, price i.uu. MRS. J. A. G. BUEIX, Central City, Neb., apc.K.K. B. The B. & M. will sell round trip tickets for the Council Bluffs and Omaha Chautauqua assembly, July 2 to 16, to. Omaha for one fare for the round trip from Plattsmouth. Tickets on sale July 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 15, and limit for return to five days trom date of sale, this limit in no case to exceed July 17. J. Fkancis, General Passenger Agent. HALTHFUL, AGREEABLE. CLEANS1NU. fcr Farmsrs, Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SCAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing, Champed Hands, Wounds, Barui Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water