The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 07, 1892, Image 3

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Ufc.T.'.wHia . TsJ EST
Both Sides of the0uestiori
should be looked Into.
the Intelligent smoker uses BLACKWELL'S
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
!Co other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
u medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
Ail druggists and dealers have it.
E. P P S ' S
Labeled 1-2 lb Tius Only.
8CHIPFM ANN'S Asthma Cure
Mmtmt fails ta civa tnntant relief in the worst
aaaaa. aad Wis mm wbvre ethers fall.
fiain ritrC tncrMi r by Salt.
Da R. BOTH P71t N N . feL FaaL Iln.
Scientific American
Agency fort J
rafnrmailon and fm Handbook
MINN CO- in BboadwaT. Mw YokK.
Old traraaa for serurtrut patent in America,
vary patent taken oat by na is brons-tat bef ora
aba pu tills by a notice given free of charge in toe -
Scientific American
T nl Hreolmtiim of mar scientific papr in the
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No litelli?ent
M ahoald be without it. Weekly, S3.UO a
year: tUQ aiz months. Addreea MIIS.N tt CO,
"-"1 aa Broadway. Mew V ark.
Cfaainberlain's Eye and Skin
A certain core for Chronic Sore Eyes
Tetter, Salt Bheum, Scald Head, 01
Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
It after all other treatment had failed,
His put up in 25 and 60 cent boxes.
ia rut ran at Tar craaraTc af aicncr.
xasy ataraia anaava a uva -1 .m.wi
aa, bet aa aaowiaf bow ta saecaairallr
itorr int nunniu simmi
ciwsaala aamalr sa4 tnk tatoaa early
aaltaltd tla."Pin
taapailoaepbyaX Dlseas
u .-a Aflicilaaa of Ahm
Orsaasaf Mas. aadbowby
unaac TnrATMFMT
by ajetheda axcliiaiTdy or
ewa. as wr -leak
or railing Ifaahoaa.
Oeaeral ana Hros Da
bUlty. Waakaaaa of Bady
aflad. Efleets of Error
er Iicmmi,
arSta ia a day.
a Wk
mi it w.
Saaiaiaa Oraaaa 1
And when this Is done
sitive cure.
Sv, 'New York. Price 60 cts.l
by fKk' InTulble T.kaUr Kar Cub-
jv. ireful wherr.llrrm,lx!.fall. Sold by P. Hlmx,onlT. mrC
tmmm. n nupcr. ami. Comfortable.
P53 Uroadway, liw ork.
ior nous sc preulai II ka
C I cause, and beaut i fit, the hair. I
i-rouiuKi a laxunanl rruwth.
never Fails to Beatore O-rayl
V -ilv ---iiJki! Cure mlp diftrases St hair faUiua!
J- -yT jT? yv-. and I nu at Qruggiirttj
t firKcr 8 Ginger Tonic, it cure ttw wuni Couph,
' . . J" l.iu.i, iTniiCKiiFU, j BlliV, 1P.KC in IJIUCaWCta.
liLKyORNSa. The only tmre cure for Corrti.
How Lost ! How Regained
Or SKLF-PKf.SEKVATTON. A new and onlv
Gold Medal PlilZK ESSAY on NEKVODS and
MATiiiie dkixine, and all DISEASES
and WEAKNESSES of MAN. SOOpaeea, cloth.
Ut; 126 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00
j mail, double seated. Descriptlya Prospect.
us wim (DuoriBncDii
rsa FREE !; now?
or the ftesa and Tolo
testimonials of the
Consultation in person or by mail.- Expert treat
TAIN CURE. Addreaa Ir. W. n. Parker, or
The Peabody Medical InsUtute, No.?BulUnch St..
dosioo, Mass.
The Peabody Medical Institute has many imU
utior., dui no equal. rrafd.
The Science of Life, or Self-Preserration, la
treasure more valuable toan Rold. Kead It now.
every vrbArw ana A CKVUl'S man, aod learo to
be STKOSG . Medical Kevino. (Copyrighted)
6 isar
Good all the time. It removes
the languor of morning, sus
tains the energies of noon, lulls
the weariness of night.
delicious, sparkling, appetizing.
Don't be deceived if a dealer, for the sake
ol larger profit, tens you some ot
is "just as good "'tis false. No i
is as good as ihe genuine Mncas.
AGENTS to sell our choice nursery-
stock Manv fine specialties to offer
writequick and secure choice of territor y
Kochester,X. Y I
' S J
her kind
imitation 9
ISeatliia; Ills Way Around the World.
An American from IJnhton has reached
Paris on a voyage around the world,
'Ifrsonally conducted" by himself under
entirely novel circniiiHlances. IIi
avowed object is to complete the whole
trip without the expenditure of any
money whatever, and, according to his
own statement, lie hart already crossed
the ocean and vinited England and Ger
many in accordanco with the conditions
of hirt belf imposed task, which also con
tains the tjtipiilation that he niunt do no
work on the voyage. Needless to say
that otir traveler's rather unusual
methods do not meet with the approval
of all the hotel keejer8 whom he honors
with his custom, and in' Berlin he under
went one mouth's imprisonment for fail
ing to pay his bill.
The only wonder is that this unnsual
kind of traveler does not Kjiend most of
his time in jail, but, needless to say, he
is gifted with an unlimited supply of
what may bo lest described as "self
confidence," and is a past master in the
peculiarly American art of "bluffing."
As he himself puts it, "If I can only
make a man laugh I've got him!" and
certainly there is a sublime assurance
about his system which must force a
Binile even from his victims. Our cir
cumnavigator has, of course, not set
himself any particular route for his
voyage, as ho is dependent on "free
passes," and has to be content with what
he can get in that direction. Thus, to
reach Paris from Berlin as the railway
companies declined to oblige him Mr.
Cook traveled via Bremen and London,
lie is now hoping to reach the Riviera,
but what his itinerary will be is a mattei
of conjecture even to himself. Paris
Cor. London Telegraph.
Killed by a Skyrocket.
An impromptu celebration that was
held in honor of the arrival of a delega
tion of Turners from Freeport, Ills., was
suddenly brought to a close by the al
most instant killing of a man. A sky
rocket, supjKj.sed to have been set off by
a crowd of young boys, penetrated his
forehead, and part of the stick was
broken off and left imbedded in his
As the procession reached the cornel
of Blue Island avenue and Polk 6treet
Philip Knopp, who had lx;en watching
the parade from the sidewalk, was struck
by a skyrocket. The man's head and
face were covered with blood, and
Officer Halle, calling assistance, carried
him into a neighboring drugstore. Dr.
Lahey was summoned, and Knopp was
sent at once to the county hospital. On
the way Dr. Lahey extracted part of the
stick, eight inches in length and three
eighths of an inch square. It had en
tered just above the right eye, and had
gone through the brain until the end
was blunted against the back of the
skull. Knopp lived only a few moments.
Chicago News Record.
Cowboy Sailors Not Just the Thing:.
Captain Hanson, of the new schoonei
Spray, on her maiden voyage from the
Suislaw river, in Oregon, had a lively
experience with cowboy sailors. With
six of this new variety the captain put
to sea. Hardly had he got outside when
a strong southeast gale came up. The
schooner oiled fearfully and the cow
boys became terribly sick and lay in a
heap in the forecastle perfectly helpless.
The captain and his mate succeeded in
lowering the foresail, and with the main-
ail and jibs set the schooner was driven
before the gale at a terrific rate. Sev
eral seas were shipped and one of tht
cowboys was washed against the lumbei
on deck, breaking his leg. When the
weather moderated the captain put into
Port Townsend, where the injured cow
lioy sailor was sent to the Marine hos
pital. Two sailors were engaged and
the schooner made the trip down in
twelve daj-s. The five cowboy sailors
have decided not to go to sea any more.
San Francisco Chronicle.
Rig Rills for Witnesses.
Dr. G. De F. Smith lias filed a claim
against the city for $500 for services ai
an expert witness for the people in tht
trial of Carlyle W. Harris, the medica.
student, for the murder of his wife
Helen Wilson Potts Harris.
Professor Witthaus, the chemical ex
pert who made the analysis of the coa
tents of the dead woman's stomach, has
filed with the district attorney a bill oi
$5,000 for that service.
Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton, anothei
expert witness in the case, has collected
a bill of $1,500 for his services, and
other bills from expert witnesses have
been filed which bring the total cost of
the expert testimony for the people up
to $ 9,000. -
The bills of the medical experts who
testified in the trial of E. M. Field ag
gregate $4,000, and none of them has
yet been paid. New York Evening Sun.
A Queer Story of Two Apple Trees.
About sixty-four years ago Thomas
Carr, living near Medora, in Jackson
county, set out an apple orchard on his
farm, about one-half mile southwest oi
Aliddleville, and having two apple trees
left he gave them to his sons, John F.
and G. W. The boys set these trees out
ong the fence, near the orchard, and
they both grew well. John was the
first to die, and on the day he died hi ?
tree fell. G. W. lived to be an old
man, became known as a colonel, was
chairman of the convention that framed
the present constitution of Indiana and
died only a few days aso at Crawfords-
ville. It is a coincidence that his tree
also fell on the same dav he died. Cor.
Indianapolis Journal.
Food for Hot Weather.
The foods that are converted into heat
that is, keep up the heat of the body
are starches, sugar, and fat ; and those
that more particularly nourish the ner
vous and muscular system are the albu
men and salts. The largest proportion
of summer food should consist of green
vegetables, cooked or as salads : white
or lean meats, such as chicken, game,
rabbits, venison, fish, and fruits. Dr.
N. E. Ycrke Da vies in Popular Science
KngltaH and Aanerleao Land Owim
' There is a constant feud between the
suburban residents and the Sunday ex
cursionist". The suburban resident goes
to New York in the morning and goes
back in the afternoon, except on San
day, when he stays at home. It would
suit him if" the Sunday train service
were almost entirely btopped, except one
morning train out into the country and
one evening train back to let hia per
sonal friends go out and spend the day
with him. The Sunday excursionist
represents to him a concentration jot the
destructive forces of mankind, so he
goes to Tuxedo or Wave Crest or some
reservation where excursionists are not
permitted to go, and when he gets
rich enough he builds a place in the
midst of grounds wide enough to hide
him from the road, and puts out watch
men to prevent people he does not want
from coming in and tramping on the
This is more an American than an
English feeling. In England almost all
of the show country places are open to
visitors under restrictions which are
generally observed. It would be re
garded as an improper and unsocial
thing for an Englishman with a tine
country place to drive people off the
grounds. Instead of that he welcomes
visitors and provides guides to take
them around and look after them. New
York Sun.
Big; Prices for Old Toys.
Old toys so very seldom survive the
rough work which their possessors give
them that if by any chance they do
weather the storm they become extremely
valuable. A collection of old playthings,
many of which belonged to royal chil
dren, has just been sold at the Hotel
Drouot, and some of the articles fetched
prices which even their artistio merit
and their strange survival of the vicissi
tudes would hardly have seemed to
merit. For instance, a little doll, rather
less than a foot high, but clad in a pan
oply of steel, "armed at all points ex
actly cap-a-pie," but perfectly modeled,
and made at the time when Louis XIII
sat on the throne of France, sold for 615
francs; and even this price was eclipsed
by that given for a tiny 6et of carriages
carved in wood and accompanied by
little wooden soldiers, made not consule
plauco, but when Napoleon was first
consul, which brought in neary 1,000
francs. A miniature kitchen, interest
ing as being an exact model of that use
ful houshold apartment, tempo Louis
XVI, and a little jointed doll, sixteen
inches high, dressed in a broche silk
Watteau dress, fetched 840 francs and
110 francs respectively. Many other
toys belonging to bygone epochs sold at
almost fancy prices. Galignani Mes
senger. Rat Exterminators.
An old trapper has been bringing from
the mountains for two weeks a number
of peculiar little animals that have puz
zled a good many people to tell what
they were. They are about the size of
a common cat and have large bushy
tails like that of the raccoon. Their
bodies are long and slender and well
protected with a thick growth of brown
ish colored hair. Their eyes are black
and snapping and when teased they
growl and 6pit like a cat, showing a row
of teeth as sharp as cambric needles.
The name of these little animals is the
Bassiris, and they are a species of the
civit cat, ranking between the fox and
the weasel. They are better than all the
pussies in creation as rat exterminators,
and about twenty of them have been
turned loose in different warehouses and
livery stables in this city. San Francis
co Call.
Racing- on Wooden Legs.
A race on wooden legs from Bordeaux
to Biarritz and back, a distance of 803
miles, was begun yesterday. Eighty-
one stilt runners entered for this race
left the Hotel de la Gironde at 8 o'clock
yesterday morning, being "played off'
by a brass band. They were accom
panied by a party of bicyclists, whose
duty was to see that fair play was ob
served. Among the racers was the
Arcachon baker, Silvain Dornon, who
traveled on stilts, or claimed to have
done so, from Paris to Moscow.
A quarter of an hour after the stilt
racers naa set out trom tsordeaux a
party of eighteen women and young
girls, also mounted on stilts, left Bor
deaux for Cerans, having undertaken to
run there and back, a distance of fifty
miles, m the day. London News.
Hydrophobia and the Dog- Catchers.
A great deal of rot about hydrophobia
is being printed m the newspapers just
now. It is done, we suppose, in order
not so much to scare people into having
their pet dogs licensed and muzzled as
to give the dog catchers the sort of
moral support they certainly need in the
pursuit of their infamous business. So
yarns about mad dogs and their depre
dations are invented and published, a
great many sensitive people are terror
ized and the dog catcher drives a profit
able trade. There is no truth in these
blood curdling tales. There has not
been a case of hydrophobia in Chicago
this year, and it is a question whethe
there actually ever has been any. Chi
cago News.
Renewing Old Straw Hats.
"Don't throw away your straw hat
because it is discolored by rain," said a
hatter this morning. "Scrub it with
wet cornmeal, and then hang it up for a
few minutes in sulphur smoke. It will
come out as white as a brand new one."
Cincinnati Times-Star.
Blaudyte is the name given to the new
material made of Trinidad asphalt and
waste rubber. It resists the heat of
high pressure steam and lasts well in
the presence of oil and grease.
The harbor works in Lisbon are about
to be abandoned, as far as improvements
are concerned, as the contractor finds
himself unable to carry on the work.
A street in Germany, like a portion of
an Edinburgh street, has been paved
with india rubber. The result is said
to be most satisfactory. .
The I'aluters Pretty Generally Agree
, That One Should Buy the Paintings
Wblcb Please Mini Judgment la Ca
pable of Cultivation and Will Improve.
"How do people buy pictures?" Colin
Campbell Cooper repeated. "Well, I
suppose the majority of collectors con
sult the advice of a dealer or some ar
tist, and - yet there are those, not pre
tentious connoisseurs, either, that know
a good thing when they see it, and
evince unusual wisdom in their pur
chases. To some, however, self reliance
in investing on a large scale in paint
ings has proved rather a disastrous ex
periment. The other day a collection
made by a man thirty or forty years
ago was sold. There was hardly half a
dozen good things in it, simply because
he bought and he did not know what he
was getting.
"Art in this country is gradually wak
ing up. Perhaps the Centennial might
be called the American Renaissance.
We know infinitely more about art than
our grandparents did, and with oppor
tunities increasing from year to year it
Is fair to suppose our children will show
a still more marked improvement in
taste. Greater facilities for traveling
have done much to bring about a change
In our little world, and the tendency of
our art is rather toward the cosmopoli
tan than provincial. Naturally, time is
required to educate the public taste
along artistic lines.
"I think people will buy more pictures
when they understand painting is not an
accomplishment merely a pleasure to
the eye, but that it is a part of educa
tion, of civilization. It will require
time to realize this. Exhibitions are
visited and the majority like to look at
pictures with an admiration rather
ephemeral. When the picture is out of
sight the impression is gone. With a
general diffusion of art paintings will
be bought not solely because they ap
peal to the senses, to personality, but
for their artistic qualities; not simply
because the subject illustrated is rather
a pretty idea, but because the work is
technically a good art production."
Stephen Ferris said: "The world is full
of good pictures to be bought for rea
sonable prices, but unfortunately many
thousands of dollars, many fortunes, are
Bpent for nonsense, while good work re
mains unsought and unbought Com
mon sense is happy capital in picture
buying as in any other business. One
can hardly provide a set number of rules
to be observed in buying. Many books
have been written on military science,
yet the world has seen comparatively
few fine generals. Judgment rules the
world, and in picture buying one person
is more successful than another because
a spirit of superior intelligence dictates
his purchases."
Thomas Eakins would like to have
people buy pictures that please them
and appeal to their taste. "The major
ity are afraid to buy what they like;
they must have some one else's advice.
Well, if they start with bad art, per
haps before long they will come to the
good. Let people buy what they want."
"I have not thought much about buy
ing pictures," said Mr. Frederick Waugh.
"We artists are more chiefly concerned
veartistsare more chiefly concerned
tryingto sell them. It is the privi-
'eof the artist to paint pictures which
lege of the artist to paint pictures which
appeal to people; which they understand
and want to have for their own. But
he should have a high standard, and he
cannot succeed if he lower it to cater to
the popular taste. He is fortunate if in
working out his ideas he pleases the
public and yet does not lose his inde
pendence nor forfeit his originality.
His work may be appreciated by large
numbers, but it is always certain that
some few will recognize his endeavor
and will want to buy it.
"In the Old World art is accessible to
all. The Luxembourg and the Louvre
are filled permanently with the master
pieces of all ages, the best that have
been done. There, too, the spirit of
union is strong among artists. They
gather together and talk of everything
pertaining to the art world, consequent
ly they live entirely in a congenial cli
mate and they grow and develop in an
essentially art atmosphere. Impression
ism? Yes, this is the great word nowa
days. Many have an idea that it is a
synonym for vaguely treated and par-
ruuiy unnnisned pictures. Impression-
Ism claims to record facts as observed
by the artist. Sincerity to nature is
its aim. After all, there is nothing
so beautiful as truth, and the nearer
we get to it, as we find it in nature, the
better artists we are."
"Many Americans buy pictures." Mr.
F. de B. Richards responded, "because
they have accumulated money, and
pictures are the proper thing to have.
Generally they know very little about
It, and a dealer does the work for them.
If people purchase pictures to flatter
their vanity, let them spend big sums
and buy high priced pictures. If they
buy for pleasure, let them buy what in
terests them. I remember meetine Ed
win Forrest after a sale. 'I've bought a
picture, said he. 'They told me not to
do It, because very likely it is not origi
nal. But it pleases me, and I should
buy it if it were by somebody I never
heard tell of.' A picture pleasing to the
eye is a source of education for the time
being at least. Adverse criticism mav
lead a man to scrutinize it and study it
more closely than if he had bought one
he did not like half so well."
"I think I should be inclined to buv
what I liked personally," was the opin-
on of Edwin Swift Balch. "not forget
ting that the pictorial qualities should
not be lost sight of in the desire to get a
pleasing subject. Good handling, the
proper placing of values and meritorious
color, allied to a sympathetic subject,
will tend to keep our interest in a paint
ing alive." Philadelphia Times.
The oldest mine, which is now worked
as a copper mine, is in the Mnsashi
province of Japan. It was opened 1,183
rears ago,
Every Month
raany worries suffer from Kaeeaelve er
Scaat Meaatreatlon; they don't know
who to confide in to get proper advice.
Don't conflde ta aaybody but try
Brad fie Id's
Fomalo Regulator
a Specific for PAIttf OL, PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed free.
ftala b all Urafa-lata.
Attorney at-lAw. Will give prompt attentlos
to all bunliKjKH nutruxted to him. Ofilce Id
Union Mock, East Hide. 1'lattnmoulh. Neb.
The Leading
Constantly keeps on hand everythin
you need to furnish your house.
aid up capital
Surplus IO.UOO.Ua-
rs the Vfry bert facilities for the prouip
traiiHactlou of llKltlniate
linking Business
Stocks bonds, Kold. Kovernmeut and local e
lurUlps bought Mid sold. lJeMislls rncnived
nd interest allowed on the certificate
Drafts drawn, available In any part of tbe
Onlted States aud all the principal tewna of
TIU. Highest n.arkef prtcH pnid for County War
rants, Htate ana County beuds.
John FltzKvTald I). Ilnwkswortb
Ham Waugh, K. K. Wbllu
. . George K. Dovey
John Fitzgerald. 8. Waugb.
President Carder
J. W. Johnson,
-ooOT H EOoo-
I -y ... .
J ( T Z G II - .BrUlk IC I
! ' -M-MMt
Capital Paid in
F K Cuthman. J W Jonrmnn. R 8 (J reuse!
Henry Kikeiibary. M W Morgan. J
A Connor. W Wrttenkainp, W
11 Curbing
general banNinp
acted. Intercut
btisineHH traiiH- aI
allowed on de-
Call on
F 1 a t i it try rti
" - . iicurdHia
Catholic-St. Paul's Church, ak. betweiatl
Fifth and 8ixth. Father Cainey, Pastor 1
(..,(.,.. . at 1 . sv .nr. . f W t, . Hill
on tiurn ; if ass ai o auu iu .Jt a. Mv OUilUa
kjYsii at ajv v lu vcucuivliuu, I
1 , 1,
Christian. corner l-oount and Klia
Services morning and evening. Klder
Gallow ay pastor. Sunday School 10 A. m
Episcopal. St. Luke's Church, corner Thir-,
ana vine. itev. it . uuigere. paoior. ner
vices : 11 A. M. abd 7 t30F. u. Sunday Scboc
at 2 :30 P. M. .
Oibman Methodist. corner siitn bi. an j(
Uranite. nev. uin. racior. services : i a. sr
and 7 :30 P. m. Sunday School 10 :30 a. m. 1
PBESBVTEKIAN. nervices in new cnurcn.con. n;i
ner Sixth and Granite sts. ICev. J . T. Bairti .at J
pastor. Sunday-school at ; ' ; rreacnm:
at 11 a. g p. m. el
The . it. S. C of tbU r-nurcn mrets ever;,,.,,
Sabbath evening at 7 :ia in tne oaaernem . i tJ
the cbucrh.
All are invitea to atiena
FIRST MKTHODI8T. sixtn ni., neiweu ,jaii
and Pearl. Kev. i. r. Brut. u. u. vhhub, g,.
Services : 11 a. m.. 8 :W r. m. Sunday bciiw y i
9:30 A.M. rrayer ineei-B ntuuu cir
UKRMAN rRESBYTKKlAN. corner Jiiu u , ,j
Ninth. Kv. witte. pastor, services usu-
bours. Sunday School 9 -JO A. m. t.
8wr.KDiiR Conoboationai. ranlte, b-
rwoon Fifth a.nd Ktxtft. -
Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive, Oak. betwee.eil.
Tenth and Eleventn. nev. a. noswen, pav n
tor. Services 11 a. in. and 7 -JO p. m. rrayc
meeting Wednesday evening. -
Votnto MSN's Chbibtiaw association, et.
Kiwmi in W aterman block. Mala street. Got la
Del meeting, for men only, every Sunday, a sek
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooms open week da
trom ti-30 a. m..lo 9 : 30 p. in.
south Park tabkbwacli. itev. i. ' o
t Wood, Pastor. Services: Sunday Bnog
prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir pr i.
tice Friday night. All are welcome.