I 1 TI V4 l, si h r 1C an insult tO VOlir Intel lirilie hut. Knrnn nn- i scrupulous dealers try it. For in- 9 f fitlnAA . VAIIWl rn H". I . llo! Skin, Scalp or Scrofulous affection, j j or are feeling " run - down " and A used-up." There's a torpid liver, 1 I impure blood, and all that may come I J from it. You've decided, wisely, ijVlthat Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical lf Discovery is the medicine to help M you. lou know that it s yunran rj teed to do so, as no other blood fi purifier is. '1 If it doesn't benefit or cure, you ; 1 Kct your money back. Bat what is best for you to take isn't always best for the dealer to selL lie offers something else that's " just as good." Is it likely ? If the makers of a medicine can t trust it, can you? 'A One of two things has to happen. J You're cured of Catarrh, or you're "t paid $500 cash. That's . what is ?b Pron"sed by the proprietors of Dr. itj oagc a Catarrh ltemedy. Iy its a mild, soothing, cleansing, and heal tit n properties, it cures the worst cases. 1Z K. REYNOLDS, uiJ I Kt'nlstered l'lij-f ichui anil I'li;irinaci-t nSpeciaI attention given to Office Practice. nRocK Bluffs jr. Neb. UEALF.K IX- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. ?North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth CR. A. SALISBURY D-K-N-T-I-S-T GOLD AM) PORCELAIN CKOWXS. ( Of. Steinways anesthetic for the palnlees ex 1 tmctioo of teeth. a Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Kockwood Block Plattsmouth, Neb ElIjXS l(OUSli. 217, 219, 221, AND 223 yVlAIN J PLATTSMOUTH, NKB. ST tF. R. GUTHMANtf. PROP- Rates 4.50 per week axd up Lumber Yard j THE OLD RELIABLE. . A. WATERMAN & PINF LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, Sash," Doors, Blinds an supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera qohs. f TD10THY CL.AKK. DEALER IN fcOAL I WOOD -oTKRMS CASHo rd and Office 404 South Third Street. Telephone 13. PLATTSMOUTII, Nebraska &Uc glattsmouth gentld. t . (K.M-:K !' V XK AMI I'lKTII TH I KI.KI'HO.NK 3. KNOTTS BROS, Publishers I'uljliAlicd every Tfiuf-ulay,' mi. I ilsiily fver)'eveniiiexrejt Hniii.iy KKiU-re,J nl I lie I'lsit t xiiiout It, .Velinixka lMnt .ftic- ih s. .mil cIiihm mnil itiiitter for t r;iii-iiii-in throiiuli the I". S. nuiiU. TKMSllK WKKKI.Y. me year in iKiviince - - $1 So Mie yciir not in nl :in c - - - . 1 ml IIIIPIIIH74 in ii 1 1 V l I II l 41) 'I'll rt-f iiioiil Iih iii ii1 v:i lu e 40 TKK.1i OK H.MI.Y. One yt-.-ir in :il viiiK t' - $; (rf) iii' con v on' moiil li - - . . -GO 1'erweek ly csirrior - - - - 15 THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1892. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. 1-Hr President I I K J A M IX H A K K I SO X of Iiili.'in;i. For Vice-President WIIITKLAW KIKI) of Xi'w York. Tiik democrats say in their plat form that they are in favor of pen sions to disabled veterans, and the' will prove it by citing- Cleveland's numerous and insulting pension vetoes. The Louisiana legislature has re jected a bill providing for the adop tion of the Australian ballot system; and the democratic majority in that state will accordingly remain at the present figures. A FIRM of tin plate importers which has opposed the McKinley duty on tin plate now admits that prices of tin cans and utensils have not advanced. Well then what are democrats howlingabout? It iscer- tain that the industry is rapidlj' be coming established 111 this country and there are many workinermen being emplo3'ed Hartford Post. SATAN'S SIGNATURE. A Bates county farmer saw a bolt of lightning strike in the center of one of his fields, and, being curious to 6ee the effects ot the stroke, vis ited th,e spot. lie found the subtle fluid had left its mark in the shape of an enormous "D" of an angry red color, and had 110 doubt it was the sign manual of the arch fiend him self. Kansas City Journal. SEIZURE OF THE OTERI. X lie steamsnip Josepli Oteri is named after its owner, who is an American citizen, resident at Xew Orleans, between which port and the harbor of the republic of Hon duras his vessel does a retrular trade. On her last outward trip the Oteri carried, among other goods, 250 Winchester rifles and a quan tity of ammunition, consigned to the government of Honduras. But while the Oteri was on her way a revolution, headed by Colonel Nalla, broke out in Hon duras. The revolutionists were in need ot arms, and it happened that the Oteri touched at the port of Ceiba, which the revolutionists had been successful in capturing. The captain of the Oteri had no knowledge of the changed condi tion of affairs, and was astonished to find himself made a prisoner and his vessel and its cargo confiscated as soon as he entered the harbor. The insurgents were kind enough to tell him that if the revolution developed into a government it would pa3 $150,000 for the ship and cargo, and that if the revolution were suppressed and its leaders shot, which is the fate of unsuccess ful revolutionists in Honduras, the owner ot the Oteri could sue tne regular government for damages inflicted by rebels. It is a somewhat slow process to sue and collect money trom any government by any civil method. And so the owner of the Oteri is to ask the government of the United States to demand reparation on his behalf from the government of Honduras. As the act of seizure is a llagrant violation ot interna tional law, and constitutes a gross insult to the United States flag, it is quite probable that President Harrison will act with his accus tomed vigor in matters of interna tional policj'. But if Mr. Oteri of Xew Orleans be, as most of his fel low citizens are, opposed to all acts and appropriations that help to build up a war navy for the United States, he may be very thankful that the government of Honduras is a weak one, for southern demo cratic policy would not enable this government to enforce a just de mand against a strong naval power. Trifling as the value of the Oteri may be, this lawless seizure empha sizes the need of increased facili ties for the protection of United States persons and property when afloat in foreign waters. GOWNS FOR DAIN TY MAIDENS. T.. . ... . ... , 1,,t "-"-- riimt-H, commencing narrow and scanty near the center of the waist line and irrowinir fuller and wider over the shouldered where they end or continue down the back .is in me iroiu, were apparently in ' . I - l A . . V vented for the stout girl, as they give her a longer and more slender waist, as does the pointed girdle now worn, writes Lmma L Hooper in her valuable department "Hints on Home Dressmaking" in the July Ladies Home Journal. For the Blen der girl, the bertha trimmingof lace, emuroiaery, suit, etc., outlines a round yoke, falling fuller over the shoulders and giving breadth 1o the form and fullness tothechest. Both wear bell and gathered skitts and full sleeves. One may wear any materal, but the otner looks better in narrow stripes, small figures and solid colors. Girls of fourteen to sixteen years wear the Kussian blouse, and has been described many times, lor tlieir street and house dresses. Other pretty waists for them have a round back, where it buttons, and short, square jacket fronts opening over a plastron of China silk or surah. Neat challie frocks have the front shirred on cords from onearmholeto the other, forming a yoke, with the fullness ruii?0ig into a pointed girdle made of six-inch ribbon, which is then folded narrowly around the waist and falls in two long ends at the back. A girl of fourteen wears a gathered skirt of crepon, three yards and a half wide, with a round waist gathered at the neck in shirred tucks to form a yoke. The sleeves are shirred at the wrists, and a corse let from the side seams is laced per- manentlr in the front, as the frock fastens in the back. The corselet is well boned, straight on the upper edge, deep, and slight' pointed or round on the lower edge. Wonderful Gains- Dr. Miles' Nervine not only cures all nervous diseases, headache. oiues, nervous prostration, sleep lessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, fits and hysteria, but also builds up tne uociy. "i am pleased to say that atter years ot intense sulfering with nervous disease, headache and pros tration, I tried Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine, and in two weeks gained eight pounds in weiarht. I could not lie down to sleep, but now sleep perlectly easy, and am lm proving wonaeriuiiy. tannot say enougn tor the Nervine. Mrs. L. li. MILLARD, Dunkirk, N. Y. One cus tomer used Nervine and gained fif teen pounds in llesh. hkowx & Mavbuky, Cortland, N. Y. Trial bottles and eleerant book free at F. G. Fricke & Co. 3. A carpenter by the name of M. S. Powers, fell from the roof of a house in Last DesMoines, Iowa and sus tained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist which he cured with one bottle of Chamberlains pain balm. lie says it is worth $5 to a bottle. It cost him 50 cents. For sale by by F. G. Fricke & Co. The following item, clipped from the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat, contains information well worth remembering: "Mr. John Roth of this city, who met with an accident a tew days ago, spraining ana bruising his leg and arm quite severely, was cured by one o'J-cent bottle of Chamberlain s Pam Halm. This remedy is without an equal for sprains and bruises and should have a place in every household. for sale by 1. G. ncke & Co. Bed Demolished, Occupants Cnli r ni d. A strange freak of a bolt of lightning occurred at Jeannette during the heavy storm last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Krisman reside in a small tenement house close to the Catholic church. They were in bed and asleep when the storm began to rage. Suddenly their bed was torn from beneath them and re duced to splinters. A bolt of lightning had struck the house and passed through the wall into the room occupied by them. The couple were not hurt. Pittsburg Post. Again the Willipos-Wallapast A couple of darkies raised consider able excitement Saturday night by de claring that they had seen the gyascutus, willipus-waUapus, or whatever it is that has been prowling around here for two or three weeks past. A big crowd turned cut armed with guns, sticks, axes, etc., but after a thorough search failed to locate the varmint. Turin Cor. Atlanta Constitution. A wire netting fence 500 miles long is one or tne late Australian wonaers. The fence separates the colonies of New South Wales and Queensland, and its object is to keep the rabbits out of the latter country. A recent order for books sent by Mr. Gladstone to a London dealer embraced works ranging in character from a vol ume of Eton verse to treatises on solar physics and myths. model of sanity beside mm. Tnere was more or less testimony to snow xnat Stephani had fallen off a pony very many years ago and hurt his head, and that he had always been high tempered, like any spoiled child. No one had bothered about his alleged insanity, though, until after he had killed his father's old friend. " 'Insane,' was the jury's judgment after listening to the testimony and watching the gloomy makeup of the prisoner. They found him guilty of murder in the second degree, and he was sent to prison for life. Today he is a neat, well behaved and short haired con vict. New York Herald. I Half Rates to New York. To accommodate Christian En deavorers and their friends along ita line who desire to attend the national convention of the Y. I'. S, C. K. at New York, July 7-10. the Burlington route will on Inly 4 run a special Ltrain from Omaha through to New York, via Chicago and Niagara Falls, leaving at 11:40 p. m., alter arrival of all trains from the west. A rate of one fare for the round trip has been authorized and will be open to the ireneral public. Tickets, good to return any time within thirty days from date of purchase, will be on sale at dates to be announced later. The low rates in force, the through car facilities at the disposal of travelers by the Burlington route, and the delight ful season of the year, combine to make this an unequalled oppor tunity of visiting the east. Kemem- ber that you can purchase tickets Irom your station agent through to New York. Full information may be had upon application to the local agent of the B. & M., or by ad dressing J. Francis, General Pas senger Agent, Omaha. Oregon, Washington and the Nor west facilic (Joust . The constant demand of the trav eling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling lias leu to tne estabiisnment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. lhese cars are built on the same general plan as the regular first- class i'ullman isleeper, the only dit- terence being that the' are not up- iioistereu. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets.snow white linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., wlucli secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in hrt-t. class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms tor ladies and gentlemen, and smok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leaflet. IS. L. Lo- max, General Passenirer and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Den ver, Ogden, bait Lake City, ban Francisco and Portland. T'his is simply written to remind you that the Union Pacific is the pioneer in running through cars to the above mentioned points and that the pres ent through car arrangement is un- excelled. We also make THE time. For details address any agent of the compamr, call on your nearest agent or write to E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Neb. Mi!es Nerve and Liver Pills Act on o newpriciple regulating tne liver, stoinacn ana bowels through the nerves. A new discov ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation unequaled for men, women and children, small est, mildest, surest. 50 doses 25 cts. samples Jree at F. G. Lncke& Co's. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until itgets beyond the reach of medicine. They say, "un, it win wear away, but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent ettect alter taking the hrst dose. Price 50c and f 1. Trial size free. At all druggists. Half Rates to Saratoga. ' Un the occasion Of the National Educational Ass'n'a ai innual con- vention at Saratoga, July 12-15, the Burlington route, from July 3 to Ju- i- y, inclusive, will sell round trip tickets irom all stations in Nebras ka to Saratoga at one lowest first- class fare, plus two dollars (mem bership fee N. L. A.) Tickets are good for return passage from July 15 to 21: an extension of time limit can, however, be obtained by depos iting tickets at the onice ot the loint agent of terminal lines; 309 Broad way, Saratoga. Ihe Burlington route will run special Pullman sleeping cars and reclining chair cars from Lincoln and Omaha through to Saratoga, leaving Lin coln at2:40p. m. and Omaha at 4:45 p. m., juiyy. A tolder, giving all par ticulars, may be had upon applviner toj. rancis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha, to whom, or to local agent B. & M. R. R., requests for reservation of births should be addressed. Du Soap People have no idea how crude and cruel soap can be. It takes off dirt. So far, so good ; but what else does it do? It cuts the skin and frets the under-skin ; makes red ness and roughness and" leads to worse. Not soap, but the alkali in it. Pears' Soap has no free, alkali in it. It neither red dens nor roughens the skin. It responds to water in stantly ; v.-isLes and rinses off in a twinkling; is as gende as strong : and the way aiter-ehect is every good. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people use it. Your nexfc week's washing l: i L-My Will look whiter, wjll be cleaner and will bt done with lets la.bor If SANTA CLAUS SOAP & used. The clotht will smell swee-fce-r and will !ast longer. 3ANTA CLAUS SOAP is pure, it cleans but does not injure t-he-fabric. H: docs Ijot roughen erchapfhe hands. Millions no it. Do Yp u, ? N.K. FAIR DANK UCOMfr. CHICAGO. WABoeckf&Co WE INVITF: YOU TO CALL AND SEE OL LOW PRICES IN MENS, BOYS, LADIES MISSF: AND CHILDRENS SHOKS -THAT ARE GOING AT BARG TV. HOJZCJT & CO Dealer in I All Irinrfa r inncih nnH r -n A , smoked meats. I mike the best of all kinds of sau sages and keep a good supplj' constantly on nana. WAKKKT - ON - SIXTH - STREET Between Main and Pearl Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska cnoiera infantum has lost its terrors since the introduction of Chamberlains colic, cholera and di arrhoea remedy. " When that remedy is usea ana tne treatment as direc a 3 - ic t I ill - r . . ieu wiui eacn oome is toiiowea, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Walters, a prominent merchant at """"alters- burg, 111., says: It cured mv babv boy of cholera infantum after sev eral other remedies had failed, the child was so low that he deemed al most beyond the aid of human hands or reach of any medicine." 2o and 50 cent bottles for sale by F tj. Jncke & uo. The Homdliest Man in Plattsmouth As well as the handsomest, and oth ers are invited to call on any drug gist ana get tree a trial bottle of Kemp s balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy thatis selling en tiiely upon its merits and is Guar anteed to relieve and cure all chron ic and acute coughs, asthma, bron chitis and consumption. Large bot ties 50c and 21.00. For Sale. My house and three lots corner Sixth and Dey, price $1,200. MRS. J. A. Ci. BUEIX, Central City, Neb., apc.F;.R. B. The B. & M. will sell round trip- tickets for the Council Bluffs a-nd Omaha Chautauqua assembly, July 2 to 16, to Omaha for one fare for the round trip from Plattsmouth. Tickets on sale July 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 15, and limit for return to fie days trom date of sale, this limit in no case to exceed July 17. J. Francis, General Passenger Agent. For Atchinsou, SL Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points n-th, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked t o a n y point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATE AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. TOWN8END, G. P. A. SL Louis, Mo. J. C. Phillippi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgar. Agt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. H 2 ALTHFUL. AGREEABLE. CLEANSING. f or FarmeB, Miners zzi Usehanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOB AlKAU WATE3. Cures Chafing. Chapped Hands. Wound., Burn. Etc A Dchghtul Shampoo. white nussinri soap. Specially Adapted lof Use in Hard Water MM0M