Herald lattsmouth J'LATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. TIIUltESDAY. JULY 7, 1892. NUMBER 212 f FIFTH YEAH. Daily p Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength Latest U. S. Government food re port. BURLINGTON Bi MISSOURI RIVER K. K. V TIME TABLE. J OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST GOING WEST No. 2 5:17 P.M. Nol,-- s a. m. No. a. 3 :4H p. m No. 5. :00 a. m. No. T ft tl U No. 4. 10:31 a. a. No. 7; 44 p. m Kn in a j 4A a. m. No. liM5m.ni No. 0. 4:40 p.m. I No, 91 1 in. Rushnell's extra leaves for Omaha about two 'clock lor OinaUa and will accommodate pas euger. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. No. 384 Accomodation Leaves...... .10:55 a. m. No 383 " arrives 4;00p. m. Trains dally except Fund ay. SECRET SOCIET1, rAS CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every second and Fourth Monday evenings In Fitzgerald bail. Vlaltlng neighbors welcome. P. CT Hanaen. V. C. : P. Werteuberger. W. A., 8. C. Wilde, Clerk. r'APTAIN H E PALMER CAMP NO 60- Hons of Veterans, division of Nebraska. U 8. A. meet every Tuesday night at 7-30 o'clock In their hall In Fltlgerald block. All sons a".d vtsttlnK comrades are cordially invited to meet with us J. J. Kurtz, Commander; B. A. Mc Klwain. 1st Seargent. o RDKK OF THE WORLD. Meets at 7 : 30 ovorv Mnnnnv Aveninir at tlie Grand Army ball. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling, secretary. AO V W No 8 Meet first and third Fri day evening of each month atlOOr hall, Frank Vermylea M W ; J B Bani ick, recorder. GA. R.McConlhie Poet No. 45 meets every Saturday evoning at 7 : 30 in their Hall in Kcvkwood block. All visiting comrades are corulallv Invited to meet with us. Fred Bates. Post Adjniant ; G. F. Niles. Post Commadder. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Gauntlet Lodge No-47. Meets every Wednesday eve ning at their hall over Bennet k Tutt a, all visiting knights are cordially invited to attend. M N Griffith, C C: Otia Dovey K of K and S. AO it w No & Meet second and fonrth Friday evenings in the month at .1 O O F Hall. M Vondran, M V, E P Brown, recorde-i. TAUGHTERS OF KEBEOCA bud of Prom f i e Lodge No. 40 meets the second ano fourth Thursday evenings of each month in the I O. O. K. hlL Mrs. T. E. Williams, N i. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary.' riEGREE OF HONOR Meets the first U and third Thruraday evenings of each month in I. O. O. F. hall. Fitzgerald block. Mrs. Addle Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor Mr. Nannie Burkel, sister secretary. CASS LODGE, No. 146.1. 0. 0. F. meets ey ry Tuesday night at their hall In Fitzgerald block. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited to attend when visiting In the city. Chris Pet erseo. N. G. ; 8. F, 0born, Secretary. DOTAL A ROAN AM Cs Conncll No 1021. 1. Meet at the K, of F. hail in the Parmele & Craig block over Bennett & Tutts, vlslring brethren Invited. Henry Gerlng, Regent; Thos Walling, Secretary. YOUNG MEN'S I'HRISTION -SOCIATION Waterman block. Main Street. Koorr' open from 8 .30 a m to s -.30 1 ro. For men oi y Gospel meeting every Sunday alternoon at 'clock. According -to the census of 1890, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1,098,576 people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. ? Mr. Van Pelt, editor of the Craig, Mo., Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale, Iowa, and asked the phy sician in attendance to give him a dose of something for cholera mor bus and looseness of the bowels. He says; "I felt so much better tbe next morning that I concluded to call on the physician and get him to fix me up a supply of the medi cince. 1 was surprised when he handed me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtea Rei e-dy.- He said he prescribed it regu larly in his practice and found it the best he could get or prepare. I can testify to its efficiency in mv case at all events." For sale by F. G. Fricke Co. ' A PLEA FOR MOTHERS. An Amtndmcnt Offered to the Advice of a Woman Lecturer. A few evenings ago a Boston woman journalist, who writes the essays about bookmarks, gluten bread, dress reform cornets and the like for the woman's column of a Sunday paper, read a lec ture to a parlor full of Harlem women. Her subject was "How to Bring Up Children." One thing that she insisted on was that children should be taught to "do things," to be prciared for emergencies. "For example," said she, "I would leacn a cnim wnat to do in case of a fainting fit. I say to my girls: " 'Girls, I am not much of a hand at fainting, but if I do take a notion to faint some day when you are about, get me some water. Pour it on my head and face. Cold water, girls, not hot water.' "I'm sure that if the unexpected comes, and I fall in a fainting fit some fine morning, the girls, if they happen to be near, will know what to do and will do it promptly." "May I interrupt yon for a moment?" asked a little brown haired woman, who looked to be about fifty. "Why, certainly," answered the lec turer. "Well, what I wish to do," said the brown haired woman, "is to take issue with you on this proposition of yours that it is the proper thing to instruct children what to do to their mothers when they faint. On other points I have nothing to say. Maybe you are right in the general proposition that children should be taught to do things, but as to this matter I wish to utter a warning word, to offer an amendment, so to speak. "I used to think as you do. I remem ber as well as can be how I used to tell my girls to do the very thing that you say you told yours to do. I thought as you do, that it would be a shame to leave any person who should faint' in the presence of my girls go without proper care. So I used to say: 'Remem ber, girls, to use water. That's the thing when a baby faints.' -r "Well, one day some one came to my house and told me that a little boy had been hurt in the next yard. I was al most ill at the time, but just the same 1 rushed out to the scene. The little chap was badly hurt, and it took me quite awhile to get him in such a way that I could safely leave him. But the time came at last, and I started for home. "When I was within about a rod of my own house I grew dizzy and saw stars and then fell in a heap in the gutter. ' "A couple of Irishmen picked me up, each taking an arm, and dragged me up my front steps and laid me out on the piazza. Then they rang the bell. and when my daughter Isabelle came t the door one of them pointed at me and said: - . " 'Good avenin, miss, an is that yer mother there, lyw all in a hape dead fainted awayr , "Isabelle gave one look and then called out to her two sisters, 'Quick, girls, ma's fainted.' . " 'After that the deluge.' Yes, that tells -the story .v Isabelle got the ice pitcher, Mary a foot tub and Kate a ten quart tin pail. I consider it almost a miracle that I'm alive today. "Of course I'm telling all this from hearsay. . I didn't know anything from the time that 1 fainted until I heard Kate frantically crying out: 'Water! More water! Quick, Isabelle, more wa ter!' and just after that one of the Irish men saying, 'Be aisy," darlint, or ye'll be after drownin yer ould motherf "Wet! Well, that doesn't begin to tell the story. I was soaked, and great streams of water were running off the piazza and down the stairs. " 'You did just right girls, I said as soon as I could speak. 'You did just what your mother told you to do, but don't do it again.' "Then I got down on my knees and wrung out my skirts as well as I could and while I was in that position I could hardly keep myself from saying, 'Oh Lord, I thank thee that they didn't call out the fire department.' . . "Now, I've taken up lots of your time, but I wished to make an amendment to your proposition. What I would pro pose is that every mother save her own self from the danger of drowning by saying to her girls when she bids them pour water on 'fainters, 'Be sure my dears to try the remedy for the first time on somebody else than your own dear mamma.' " New York Times. Telling About It. An old lady is said to have been asked how to tell good indigo. "Powder the indigo," said she, "sprinkle it upon cold water, and if it is good it will either sink or swim, I have forgotten which." It was the same with Aunt Charity's eggs- "Jest take a dozen of 'em no, a half a dozen of 'em no, it's a dozen well, raaly, I can't say, but it's either a dozen or a half dozen and you put 'em in a pailful no, a half pailful part full no, it's a pailful no well, well, it's either a pailful or a half pailful of water and the good eggs will swim on top no, the good eggs will sink to the bottom no, that s not it the good eggs will swim no, no, I delare, I don't raaly know, but, anyway, the good eggs will either sink or swim." Housekeeper. Horace Greeley once described a very famous literary woman of the last gen eration as "a great woman and a greater bore. Her talk was incessant." PATTI'S WONDROUS WARDROBE. Her Collection of Kuieralds Puts to Shams the Majority of Royal Oema. Patti's wardrobe is something that fashion writers rave over. At every performance she of course wears the neweat concert cobtume. In the opera that follows she wears the dress requi site for the part she plays. The concert costumes are the productions of the first Parisian milliner, and one may be sure that the wily milliner, getting an ordei from Patti, would exert himself for this queen of song as he would for no crowned head. Her jewels are the most elaborate worn by any woman outside of royalty, and even royalty's gems fade before hei matchless collection of emeralds. In some concerts Mine. Patti wears a cos tume of pink and silver brooade, ovei which is worn a delicate green satin de imperatrice. With this costume sht wears a dog collar of emeralds set with diamonds, a bouquet of roses made of diamonds and emeralds completely cov ering the front of her bodice. Also tiara, garniture and comb of emerald, and diamonds. This bit of jeweled orna ment is said to be worth ovei 50,000. It is a peculiarity of Patti's that she will wear nothing in the way of decoration but what is absolutely real. The jewel box and jewels in "Faust' are her own, and the pearls are positively real. Her courier, whenever she sings, is on the stage, waits for madame in the wings and accompanies her from the stage to the dressing room that is, when her careful husband, Signor Nicolini, i& not around. He is very careful of hi precious wife, and she is never on the stage but that he is an intent observer of everything that is going on. Patti's passion, of course, is her appear ance before the public. She is one of those creatures who, without the excite ment of public applause, could hardly exist. The applause of the public is positively meat and drink for her. There is no debutante more eager to know whether she has done well than is Patti at this day. She comes off tht stage smiling and pleased. Her eyes sparkle, and the first thins she asks her husband is: "Well, was that good? Listen how pleased they are." On being reassured that she is the darling of the public's heart, she is in an ecstasy of pleasure, and for the next performance sht is all the more eager to do her best. It is this wonder ful desire to be at her best that uphold? her in her magnificent art. There are few people who have achieved the fortune, the fame and the great notoriety that Patti has who would deny themselves the many human priv ileges that she does merely to preserve her voice and to be able to maintain the matchless charm of her art. At every hotel where rooms are en gaged for herself special stipulation is made and rooms selected for her servants as well. The price is never an object Mme. Patti and suite generally occupy about ten rooms and a parlor m every city in which she sings. She gives twe concerts a week, and never travels on the day she sings. She requires perfect rest and refuses to speak to any one on tbe day of a concert. Spare Moments. The Doctor and Ills Patient. Dr. P: en joys a very large practice, and hardly finds time to take his much needed rest. une aay ur. r , wno nau company to dinner, sat quietly chatting in a cor ner of the drawing room, when he wa? told that a patient had come to see him who was strongly recommended by some fellow practitioners. The doctor submitted with a bad grace and stepped into his surgery. Our physician was in the habit of as certaining the condition of the patient by asking him to count, and generally stopped him at thirty or thirty-five quite long enough for the purpose. This time also Dr. P asked his patient to count. Time passed on, and the guests began to feel alarmed at his protracted absence. One of them opened the sur gery door. Dr. P had gone to sleep in his armchair, and the patient had counted up to 8,642. Matin. Chinese Surgery. Like most things in China, the prac tice of surgery differs considerably from that in vogue in less enlightened west ern countries. Bone setting in the Ce lestial empire is a complicated affair, and doubtless much more efficacious than European methods. In setting a frac tured limb the surgeon does not attempt to bring the bones together, but merely wraps the limb in red clay, inserting some strips of bamboo into the clay. These strips are swathed in bandages, and in the outer bandage the head of a live chicken is placed. Here comes in the superior science of the Celestial. After the bandage has been secured the fowl is beheaded and its blood is al lowed to penetrate the fracture, for it nourishes the fractured limb and is "heap good medicine." London Hos pital. America's First Lighthouse. The first lighthouse built on this con tinent was at St. Augustine, Fla. Its chief use was as a lookout, whence the Spanish people of the town could see vessels approaching from Spain or get notice of the coming of foes in time to run away. 1 ne tower attracted the at tention of Francis Drake as he was sail ing along the coast with his fleet of high pooped ships on his way home from pil laging the cities of the Spanish main. So he stopped long enough to loot the town and destroy what he could not take away. Washington Star. A Heifer la a Hathtub. A number of cattle were landed at the Weems line wharf yesterday morn ing. Their driver was James Oroucher. The animals seeming quiet, Groucher started to drive them without any ropes. On reaching Conway street a heifer, which had been moving along very placidly, became very much ani mated, and made things very interest ing for the balance of the herd. The street being too wide for her she danced up an alley between 129 and 131 Con way street. A gate blocked her way, but only momentarily. Through it she went, and then another obstacle pre sented itself, Mrs. Emma A. Poole, who proved to be no more of a stop to the heifer's onward progress than Fort Car roll would be to a modern man-of-war. In a moment Mrs. Poole was knocked to the ground, and in the kitchen it went. There some desti tction of prop erty was committed, but not enough to satisfy the heifer. The dining room was nexW entered, where the well known quadruped-in-a china-shop scene vas re-enacted. The hallway was then taken in, and a lamp was knocked down. The heifer wanted to conquer higher worlds, so she went upward into a bedroom. Here, tem porarily, repose was sought on the bed, but it fell under the animal's weight, other damage being done during this occurrence. From here, the weather being warm, her heifership went into the bathroom and hopped into the bath tub. Mrs. Poole then commenced call ing for help, and, with the assistance of a blue coated soldier, drove the animal out, and she at once sailed ' up Hanover street and there entered another house, but did no damage. The driver finally caught the animal Baltimore Ameri can. An Infatuated Tomcat. Miss Ethel, daughter of D. W. Pease, of West Carrollton, is the possessor of a Maltese cat. Early in the spring the cat deserted his place in the house and took up his abode with the chickens, remain ing day and night in the chicken yard. He soon formed an attachment for an old black hen, which was reciprocated, and the two became inseparable. Thus matters went on for some time, when the hen, remembering that the usual season for multiplying and replenishing her species had arrived, selected a nest in the poultry house and made known her intentions in the usual way. She was at once supplied with the necessary eggs and commenced business. This, it was supposed, would end -the rather strange flirtation and Tommy would re turn to his mat on the porch, but not so, Judge of the surprise of the family on going to the poultry house the next day to nnu that his catship had taken pos session of the adjoining nest with the nest egg and was sitting m the most ap proved fashion. Cor. Dayton (O.) Her ald. A Gaudy Uniform. Warden Aull has adopted a novel method of keeping track of such con victs as are continually planning to es cape. Thursday morning he surprised three of the most incorrigible by dressing them up with a flaming red flannel blouse and cap. Across the back of the blouse in plain view is a broad white strip of canvas marked in large, plain letters, "Convict No. The pants are the regulation stripes. It was a great surprise to the convicts. As they marched to the canal they were subjected to a great deal of raillery The warden says these three have kept the officers and guards busy for some time trying to keep run of them. With these suits on they can be easily watched from the various posts and their every movement noted. All who attempt to escape hereafter will be treated in like manner. Folsom (Cal.) Telegraph. Georgia's Profits from Fruits. The Georgia fruit crop is a big thing this year, and everybody is interested in knowing what the growers will make out of it. In the peach and grape crops alone conservative estimates show that about 500 carloads of peaches and 100 carloads of grapes will leave the state for foreign markets during the present season. The estimated receipts for the peach and grape crops combined are $750,000. Reports show that the peaches are well formed, of good size and perfectly sound, and this, together with the de crease in yield from last year, makes good prices and ready sales an assured fact. Other important fruit crops will largely swell the total sales, and lots of summer money will be put in circula tion where it will do good. Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer-Sun. A Famous Sculptor of Italy. Professor Pio Fedi died at the age of seventy-six. He suffered for several years from paralysis. He was one of the best modern sculptors of Italy, an imitator of Canova and a follower of the Greek school. Some of his best statues are at the Loggia del Arcagno, at the Uffizi and the Old Palace. One of his "Christs" adorns the upper part of the Scala Santa at Rome. From every part of Italy telegrams of sympathy have arrived. His funeral was very grand. All those who belong to the Academy of Art and all the notabilities of the town followed his body; innumerable garlands and bouquets covered the funeral car. Flor ence Cor. Galignani Messenger. A recent order for books sent by Mr. Gladstone to a London dealer embraced works ranging in character from a vol ume of Eton verse to treatises on solar physics and myths. m H 1 ) ' k i 14 U MM Sr2r2 i u ill n J. I. Unruh, PLATTSMOUTN, WILL KEEP CONSTANT L ON HAND 1 i A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS a Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all 11 oil I. PEAftlEtVTAN'S GREAT iiVEOIDEIRIISr l House Furnishing EmporiuiTt WliEIlE you can get your house fiirnifelied from kitchen to parlor and at easy tearms. I han die the world renown Haywood baby carriaee, also the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. I. Pearleman OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Admitted the Facts. Newspaper editors have to be very careful in opening their columns for statements. But aware that the Dr. Miles Medical Co. are responsi ble, we make room for the following testimonial from K. McDougall, Au burn, Ind., who for two years noticed a stoppage or skipping of the pulse, his left side got so tender he could not lie on it, his heart fluttered, he was alarmed, went to different doc tors, found no relief, but one bottle of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure cured him. The elegant book, "New and Startling Facts," free at F. G. Fricke & Co. It tells all about heart and nervous diseases and many wonder ful cures. - 3. A nasal injector free with each bottle of Shilohs catarrh remedy. Price 50 cts. For sale by OH Sny der and F G Fricke. How's This! We offer 100 dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. 1. J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years. and belive him pefectly honorable in all buisne8S transactions and fin ancially able to carry out an oblig ations maae Dy tneir nrm. V est & Truax, holesale Drug gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnan & Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist; Testimonials free. Shilohs catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for catarrh, diptheria and canker mouth. For sale by O H Snyder and E. G Frieke. J. I.UNltUJI M? FOR FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. K HANDLES the Whitney baby Carriages a 1 ' can offer good bargains in them .1.LJI - I.w4jh f Itfli lull m ll. ...... w. a .. !.! ill nil iii iff mi innil It 1 llllint UIIII1 roukl not do better than to call and innject bit line ' furniture, in the way of Parlor Hets, Dining room bc Bed Room set, and evenytbiiig kept in u first-ch establishment. NKHKASK. Faints, and Oil 'a V 7. o 'W M at at 'a (H)A) AND POKCKLAIN CKOWN Bridge work and fine gold work.J' SPECIALTY M I- rT OK. STKINAUS LOCAL as well as otbr htl esthetlcsKlven for the painless exinteiioc teeth. f a A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald ? lULIUS PEPPERBKRG, Among Tobacco, I lava ml ta the critical connoisseur. n j artificial process can en imi hance its value. The "Bud' : cigars'are always made oi-' the finettt Havana fillers ana nas always been esteeme',f,n I i . t jt I M auuvc every oilier ui a nut made ar sold at Platttt. mouth. ' It vt ell. Plattsmouth, NeLL. JOHN A DA VIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW Correspondence Solicited. II P Office in Uuion E- lr Plattsmouth, Nebr . P I Jo