The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 05, 1892, Image 4

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V) r
Patriotic Citizens Properly Ob
serve The Day.
tiii: ruouKA.n.MC as executed.
Races, Ball Games, Speech Maklnpr
and Amusements of Every De
scription Constituted The
Days ProceecllnKs
1 The natioti'H birthday wan sippro-
printely observed by the citizrna of
, Cass county yesterday. The princi-
2 pal celebration, however, was held
1 1 in this city. The town was crowded
t with patriotic people, and from ear
ly morning until late in the evening
thrones of people were coming and
t going to the ground. The day
; passed with only two or three slight
accidents and there wan nothing
, occurred to disturb the proceedings
I of the day. Every train brought in
i large crowds of people, and with the
j large attendance from the country
I'lattsmouth had the largest crowd
!J ot 'the county.
At 10:30 the whole populace went
j out to the ground. The forenoon
J program was coinnien'ed ly singing
the doxology. Kev. II. H. Burgess
offered a fervent prayer which was
followed by "America," being sang
by the choir. J. I... Koot then made
a few remarks appropriate for the
occasion. The choir then sang the
"Star Spangled Banner."
Hon. K. M. Bartlett was then in
troduced and made a short but to
i the point talk that was attentively
i listened to by a vast concourse of
; people. After another eelection by
the choir an adjornment was taken
for dinner and a regular old fash
ioned basket dinner was indulged
After dinner the program was
continued and the following were
the winners:
Putting the shot, Geo. Wainscott
won first prize, $2 and Sam Patter
Boil the second prize, $1.
Tug of war between the farmers
and the fire department was won by
the farmers.
In the hurdle race Ves Green won
first prize,$2 and Kd Todd secured $1.
The sack race was won by J. II.
O'Neal, first prize fine hat and Ed
Grace winning a sack of Hour as
The wheelbarrow race was won by
Wallace Thrasher, first prize sack of
flour and a lad by the name of Ohm
winning $1 as second prize.
The three legged race was won by
Ed Grace and Sylvester Hammon,
witininir a suit of clothes as first
prize and Will Ohm and Boughman
winning $2 as second prize.
The fast mule race was won by C
Tidd, first prize a set of single har
ness. The slow mule race was won
by Guy McMaken, first prize $5 worth
of hardware and Will Thrasher
second, winning a lap robe.
The 300 yard foot race was won by
Ves Green. The prize was a gold
The 100 yard foot race was won by
Ves Green ana Sam Patterson. First
prize a suit of clothes, second prize
a sack of flour.
The greased pig was then turned
loose and captured by Sam Ilender
Wallace 1 won tne prize
for climbing the greased pole.
The crowd then adjourned to the
ball park and witnessed the game
between Plattsmouth and Council
In the evenimr the largest and
best display of fire works ever wit
nessed in Cass county was exhibited
on High school hill, and it lasted
two hours and a half. Besides this
there were numerous private ex
hibits, while all over the city the
noise made by the cracker was so
great that a person could hardly
hear one speak.
At Weeping Water.
The citizens of Weeping Wafer al
so held a rousing celebration. Judge
J. A. Mulcombe of Omaha was the
principal'speaker. The Avoca band
.furnished the music. In the after
noon a fine program was carried
out. From reports the crowd at
Weeping Water was the largest seen
there for a long time.
At Rock Bluffs.
Kock Bluffs drew a large crowd
' yesterday at their barbecue. A
good time was had by all. County
Attorney Travis delivered the ora
At Murray.
Everything passed off quietly at
Murray, and, although the crowd
wan not as large as expected, all en
joyed themselves.
Lat Saturday evening while K
W. Hyers was driving about the
city someone threw a large fire
cracker under his horse, causing it
to run away, throwing Nr. Hyers
out and breaking his leg. The
buggy was badly demolished.
Joe's Drawing.
Ah advertised, the prizes were
awarded yesterday to the persons
having written the largest number
of words on a large-sized postal
card. A large number of cards
were sent in, but only, a few came
anywhere near the prize.-. Every
man in Cass county was entitled to
one trial, and postal cards werere?
ceived from all parts of the county.
A committee of four was called iii
to award the prizes. The commit
tee made the following report:
V, the iitiiK-rsii;ti(l, tin liinl llif follow
itii; orititWvl to Hit prizen: L. K. Sawyer
of South lit'inl, lir-t prize; II. C. Schmidt
of t hi city, t-cotil prize; C. A. Kiimaiiioii
if t hi- city, t hirl prize.
1. C. Ml XOK.
The following is a list of those
having written the most words:
Won 1m.
I. . K. Sawyrr 7.!
II. C. St htuiilt - fi.W
I". A. Kiutiainoii ",'
John T. Coleman 5,'J2
lA-e Sharp 5,rV,
A. KV vn. .l.l-i'
!" K. Itn-li r 3,:P-
Jeff Lewis 2.W
William Luihin-ki 2.7
X. Wise
(i. NeisiiiiT : '2,3S
A. M. Knott ltf-
'e- Mcfiuire I.01"
The three highest can have their
prizes by calling at the store. The
first prize, awarded to L. K. Sawyer
of South Bend, is a new summer
suit of clothes; the second, won by
II. C. Schmidt, a leather satchel;
the third, won by C. A. Kinnamon,
two line shirts.
The Turners.
Plattsmonth's delegation of Tur
ners returned from Sioux City yes
terday. Up there they captured
first, second and third prize in
In class turning Plattsmouth se
cured first prize.
Single prize turning Paul Wurl,
first; Emil Wurl, second; II. Hilfick
er, third; II. Haden, Omaha, third;
Otto Wurl, fourth; C. W. Britt,
eighth; II. Koat, tenth.
First group consisting of forward
jump, running jump, vaulting ana
putting the shot, Paul Wurl, first;
Emil Wurl, second; II. Ililficker,
Second group, high forward
lumping, weignt Jilting ana nop,
step and jump, Paul Wurl, first;
Emil Wurl, second.
Third group, high jump, rope
climbing and running, C. W. Britt
The bo3's report having haU a
good time and that they had to work
hard for their prizes.
The Ball Came.
The Council Bluffs aggregation
arrived last Sunday morning and in
the afternoon met the locals on the
diamond, much to their sorrow,
The boys can play good ball, but
Sunday they were scared, so the3'
did nothing but put a very "bum"
game. Yapp was in the box, and
only three hits were made off him.
The score:
I'lattsmoiitli 0 3 0 1 1
Council IJlutTs 0 0 0 0 0
1 'Z
0 0
0 0
Ditto yesterday afternoon. Hal
Johnson and Tuftield each pitched
an inning, but were ineffective. So
Manager Miller gave them Jack
Reeves. The score shows how he
played ball:
Council lilutT
5 4 0 0 1 0 0
0 12
0 4
Killed by the Cars.
J. S. Mathews received word Satur
day night that his brother-in-law,
W. B. Hawkins, living at Inhester,
South Dakota, had been run over
and killed by the cars last Wednes
day, June 29.
A man with a steam swing held
forth near the B. & M. depot yester
Charles Kropiskey was badly hurt
about the face 3-esterday by the ex
plosion of a gun.
A boy baby made its appearance
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs
O. II. Snyder Sunday.
Judge Ramsey yesterday married
Mr. Mike Sampson and Miss Gay A
Sage, both of this city.
Andy Murphy was fined $5 and
costs in police court this morning
for being drunk and disorderly.
Engineer and Mrs. W. A. Sayles
are the possessors of a fine girl
baby that made its appea ranee Sun
Levi Churchill brought to this
ofliee a piece of the ox roasted at
the Kock Binds barbecue yester
The Masons, Odd Fellows and
Rebeccas went up to Louisville to
day to attend the funeral of XV. B
A ten pound girl baby made its
appearance at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Kleitsch Sunday
Charley Patterson, while shooting
a toy cannon ye&terday. had h
face and eyes badly burned with
Joy Lodge D. of II. will hold
meeting Thursday evening in the
K.of P. hall instead of the G. A. R
hall as previously announced.
Norman Rickerson, the son of the
man that runs the popcorn stand,
picked up a large firecracker yester
day. It exploded in his hand and
badly lacerated it.
T. II. Pollock, Agent.
The Sudden Death of a Prom
inent Cass County Man.
Hon. W. B. Shryock DledlSaturday
at the Murray Hotel, Omaha
Died In the
Prime of
The startling intelligence was
brought to this city Saturday that
Hon. W. B. Shryock was dead. He
went to Omaha Friday to look on
at the convention and when he went
to bed Friday night at the Murray,
he complained of not feeling well
antl sent the bell boy out after qui
Saturday morning the chamber
maid went to his room to make the
bed but found the door locked and
went away, thinking very little
about the occurrence. She went to
the room again about five o'clock
and it was still locked, then she
gave the alarm at the ofliee. A boy
was put over the transom and the
door unlocked. Laying in the bed
with one arm under the cover and
the other under his head was the
dead body or W. B. Shyrock.
The corner was immediately noti
fied and took charge of the body
Sunday a post mortem examination
was held and the doctors say that
he came to his death from the ef
fects of heart failure.
W. B. Shryock was born in Win
Chester, Virginia, September 7, 1851,
and spent his boyhood days in Bal
timore. He came to Plattsmouth in
1801 with his parents, where they re
sided for twenty years aud then
moved to Louisville in 1885. He
completed his education in the
Plattsmouth schools. He served
an apprenticeship of seven years on
the Plattsmouth HERALD, after
which he went to Leadville, Colora
do, and held several responsible po
sitions in the Union there. After
wards he came back to Plattsmouth
and was deputy county treasurer
under J. M. Patterson from 1876 to
1878 and again from 1880 to 1882. In
1S82 he was married to Miss Irwin
The deceased was elected to the
legislature two years ago. A wife
and two children are left behind to
mourn his loss. The funeral oc
curred at 11 o'clock this morning at
Louisville, under the auspices of
the Masonic order of which he was
an honored member.
Will Carr came down from Omaha
to celebrate.
Mr. John Black spent the Fourth
in Omaha.
Perry Lathrop has returned home
from Illinois.
Robt Geinger of Omaha spent the
Fourth in this city.
J. L. Kennedy of Weeping Water
was in the city to-day.
O. M. Peterson of the Journal
went up to Omaha to-daj
Newt Howland visited with rela
tives in the city yesterday.
Will Ackerman spent the Fourth
visiting friends and relatives in the
Gordon B. Knotts visited Omaha,
Council Bluffs and his girl yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawksworth
came in from Havelock to spend
the Fourth.
Miss Nellie Simpson, formerly of
this city, spent the Fourth visiting
friends here.
Chas. D. Eada arrived Sunday
from Alliance to spend the Fourth
with relatives.
Miss Mary McClelland aud Mrs.
S. H. Atwood were Omaha passen
gers this morning.
Miss Grace Russell of Villisca,
Iowa, is in trie city, vifiting A. B.
Knotts and family.
Miss Sarah Baker departed this
morning for Fremont to attend the
Chautauqua Assembly.
John Morgan left this morning for
Akron, Colorado, to look after some
land he has at that point.
Mrs. Lizzie Hayden of Omaha
spent the Fourth with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Stempker.
Charles D. Grimes and T. S. Clif
ford went up to Omaha last night
and attended the alliance conven
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson
came in from McCook to spend the
Fourth with the family of H. J.
Will, Oscar and y iss Eva Heath
of Lincoln were in the city Sunday
and Monday, the guests of their
cousins, Mrs. II. N. Dovey and Mrs.
W." K. Fox.
Charles and Philip Langston at
tended the celebration of the
seventy-fifth birthday anniversary
of their grandfather, Col. E. N.
Greusel, at Mount Pleasant, Iowa,
yesterday. .
If any one tells
Fourth of July tell
Preliixtozie Giant.
Near the Mediterranean coast, not far
from Nice, are some grottoes which are
remarkable for the prehistoric remains
found in tham. The value of these
grottoes as a field of prehistoric research
was recognized twenty years ago. They
were at that time purchased by Mr.
Emile Riviere, who, however, neglected
to work them, and sold them again to a
quarry master, who, on removing some
of the rock, unearthed some of the re
mains. Since then the grottoes have
been in litigation much of the time and
no one has been able properly to investi
gate them.
At present three skeletons found there
are figuring in the law courts. One is
of a man whose estimated height is 7
feet 9 inches. The head of the skeleton
is missing. Another is the skeleton of a
woman 6 feet 3 inches tall, and the third
is the remains of a youth. These added
to previous discoveries make seven skel
etons of prehistoric men unearthed np
to the present time in these caves, t The
Italian government has not attempted
to exercise any rights in the matter.
Up to 1875 Mr. Riviere had discovered
the skeletons of one man and two chil
dren, which were some twenty-nine feet
below the level of the caves and were
surrounded by undoubted paleolithic
implements. The bed is a compact one
of limestone. Chicacro Nw
A Parrot Seldom Forgets.
A maiden lady once had a fine talking
bird, but, being subjected to headaches,
she often put him in the kitchen. The
cook objected and said to Polly, "You
horrid thing, I wish you were dead."
Polly soon learned this, and when his
mistress got better and took him to her
own room, he said, "You horrid thing,
I wish you were dead."
This shocked the delicate little lady.
One day she met her rector, and, after
he had inquired about her health, he
said, "How is Polly?"
Then she told him how Polly had af
fected her nerves. The rector said:
"Send him to spend a month with my
bird. He may forget it."
She immediately accepted his offer.
In due time Polly was sent home, and,
as soon as his mistress went to the cage,
Polly saluted her with:
"You horrid thing, I wish you were
dead. We beseech thee to hear us,
good Lordl" New York Recorder.
The Roumanian has. in every walk in
life, a fierce and savage pride which
causes him to abhor the idea of medi
cine and surgery, and to consider the
loss of a limb as terrible as that of life
It is a curious fact that the late Earl
of Yarborough should have married a
lady named Hare, and the present one a
lady named Fox.
Out of thirty-two cities with popula
tions ranging from 200,000 to 50,000
aUrat one are using the electric rail
way system.
F ANY ONE tells you that JOE, the One Price
a nice suit of clothes on July 4th, to the one who
words on a postal card tell him he is a LI All.
If any one tells you that JOE does not handle
least money tell him he is a LlATi.
If anyone tells you JOE has not strict)ybn Jirice
him he is a LIAR.
yon that Plattsmouth is not going to have a grand
him he is a LIAR. ;
If any one tells you that Plattsmouth is not, tor
as you iind in America tell him JOE said thatnian
1 -
T1)G Populqi Ore Pi'ice
Carries an Elegant Stock
Jewelry, v
Watches and
" : Clocks.
Everything kept that goes
to constitute a first-class
jewely store is kept in his
stock. Repairing done by
first-class workmen and sat
isfaction guaranteed or mon
ey refunded.
First .door south of
Post Office,
v Thcw tiny Capsules are superior
to ' .Balaam r of Copaiba,
Cubebs and Injections, (ffl
They cure in 48 hours the Vhy
same diseases without anylncoHr
I had a serve attack of catarrh
and became eo deaf I could not
hear common conversarion, I suf
fered terribly from roarinfi in my
head. I procured a bottle of Ely's
Cream Balm, and in three weeks
could hera as well as I ever could,
and now I can say to al! who are
aftiicte with the worst of deseases
catarrh, take Ely.s Cream Balm and
be cured. It is wortn $1,000 to any
man, womon or child suffering
from catarrh. A. E. Newman. Gray
ling1, Mich.
Don't Tebacco Spit Your Life
Is the startling, truthful title of a
little book iustreceived, telling all
about Notobac, the wonderful,
harmless, economical, guaranteed
cure for the tobacco habit in every
form. Tobacco users who want to
quit and can't, by mentioning THE
Herald can get the book mailed
free. Address the Sterling Remedy
Co., box 802, Indiana Mineral
Springs, Ind.
Clothier wont give
can write the most
the best -oods for tl
lor everybody tell
its size, as good a town
is the biggest LIAR
The Place to Buy
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely safe.
ment plan as cheap as for cash,
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can get
it for you on two days' notice.
421 Maln-St.. Plattsmouth