The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 02, 1892, Image 4

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Chas. Vandeventer's Dwelling
Burnod to the Gronnd.
The Police Have Made One Arrest
A Young Lady Presents Her
self at Hymeneal's Alter
andTnen Faints Other
. New-
This morning at 3:H0the residence
of Charles Vandeveiiter was dis
covered to be on Pre. The baby
awakened Mr. Vandeveiiter by cry
ing, and when lie arose he found
the house to be a sheet of flames.
The house burned to the ground,
and most all of the furniture went
with it. Mr. Vandeveiiter and fam-
5 ily had time enough to get out of
the house and to save a small por
i tion of the furniture.
3 The house was valued at $1,500.
The house and furniture were in
sured, but the insurance will not
I cover the loss. The origin of the
j lire is a mystery, but it is the sup
I position that lightning was th
l cause. The house and content
J were insured in the Home Insur
mice company of Omaha, and the
t company's agent, I. J. Hansen
I went out this morning with the
I view of an early settlement with
Mr. Vandeveiiter.
r Robbed the Chinaman.
, Henry Robinson now languishes
, in durance vil . charged with rob
bing the laundiy run by the China
man. lesteruay atternooii some
one went th-ough the Chinaman's
j. house and secured $11. CI in money
The matter was not reported to the
c police until evening. To-day they
arrested Henry Kobinson and
j placed him in jail. All the police
o could get out of him was that he
v would get the money from his
X father and pay it back. He also
said one of his brothers knew some
, thing
about the
the second
matter. This
time the same
ibovB have robbed the Chinaman
The boys are the stepsons of George
A Dramatic Scene.
This forenoon a couple came from
the Iowa side for the purpose o
procuring a marriage license and
''having the matrimonial knot tied
.upon the Nebraska side. The pros
pective groom was from Fremon
'county and his occupation that of a
.farmer and his age 22 years, while
'n. . a . a t
jine prospective orme nveu in iims
county, ana gave ner age as is, ai
ho ugh she was undoubtedly
tew years older. lhe young
man left his blushing partner be-
ow whtle he went up to ask
;he stern judge for a permit to
'.ved. After the permit had been
rrauted and arranirements made
with Judge Ramsey to perform the
eremony, he went down stairs to
jet his prospective bride. They ar
jived at the judge's office and he
old them to join their right hands
;-he then stepped into another
Loom to get the license and when
le reached the room he was some
what surprised to find that the
ride had fainted. Two young lad-
?s who happened to be present ran
br water and a camphor bottle
rhich happened to be near at hand
nd the prospective bride was soon
estored to consciousness. But the
'eremony stopped short, some
nought that the couple had run
way and at the last moment
le young lady had repented,
hile others seemed toth'nk that
lie really did faint. Judge Ram
?y was anxiously awaiting their
sturn, but up to the time of The
(EKALD going to press they had
iled to put in an appearance.
Church Services.
i First M. K. church, Dr. L. F. Britt,
.istor. Sunday School at 0:30 a. m.,
Reaching at 11 a. m. by
ie pastor. Subject, "Our Conn
W, or Independence Day." The
pworth league will meet at 7 p. m
ie evening service will be aiv
nunceu in tne morning. All are
rdially invited to attend these
iThe engine house of the Fremont
'tiding twine factory was destroyed
J' fire last night between the hours
eleven and twelve. ,The damage
ill only cause a few days shut
Awn for the twine mill.
The town of Mason was visited
(tnightbya cyclone. The loss
r the storm will be about $"K),000.
lives were lost.
tia au?iy whispered within the
Pliaof the republican citadel that
' ionel H. M. Bushnell has his eye
r3.ied to a seat in the state senate.
L i
Ifr- Ilrull ft will nOI 1UUII!"II a.
... a i.i : .i.
i llC -
V,..wl iv nil nCCOUIlt Ot it
ng a national holiday.
Mrs. Dr. John Black went up to
Omaha this morning.
Judge Chapman returned from
Nebraska City last evening.
Rev. Britt will preach a national
sermon to-morrow morning.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schiappagasse
went up to Omaha this morning.
J. II. Ilaldeiuan of Weeping Water
was in the city today on business.
Mrs. I.. F. Britt and daughters
were Omaha passengers this morn
ing. Elder Krrett and wife of Lincoln
are the gests of the family of Capt
Miss Carrie Holloway and Miss
Lizzie Leach were Omaha passen
gers to-day.
Hon. R. B. Windham returned
yesterday evening from a trip
through Arkansas.
Mrs. K. S. Greusel and daughter,
Miss Carrie, were Omaha passen
gers this morning.
Mrs. nislow, mother of Mrs. S,
A. Davis, left this morning for Ken-
esaw, Neb., for a visit
A force of men have been at work
on the Fourth of July grounds to
A mixed baud of the B. & M. and
Bohemian bauds go to Craig to
night to spend the Fourth.
Fred Howland and A. K. Rein
hackel came in from Havelock this
morning to spend the Fourth
If Polk can prove the assertions
false in last evening's Journal, he
could make "lings warm for Peter
The Herald lias received the an
nual report of the Nebraska siate
board of agriculture for 1S91 from
e ;-Governor Robert W. Furnas
The Council Bluffs ball club will
be here to-morrow. The game will
be called at 3 o'clock. Maupin and
Yapp will form the battel for the
home team.
All committees having anything
t3 do with the celebration will meet
at the council chamber at 8:30 this
evening. The prog -am will be
placed in the hands of a committee
of five and will be carried out in
Bokn-To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ur-
win, a twelve pound boy, Tuesday,
June 23. Sam Barker, of Platts-
mouth, has been in the lead for
some time, but Tommy leads the
procession, this being the eigh
teeiith child. Courier-Journal.
T. II. Pollock, Agent.
Real Estate Transfers.
following are tte real estate
transfers for the past week as com
piled by Polk Bros., abstracters
and publishers of the Daily Record:
Kas. Town Jc Litnl Co to C Kitta,
lot 54, block 1, Murdock $ 50 00
W Tiuhe to E Ktherediie. sd. lots 6
and 7, Greenwood l'JS 00
P Turn !k wife to II Rath man, lot
block 4. Palmer's add Platts-
inouth 350 00
J C Schwab Tr A: wife to A Borne-
nieier, eJ4 and eS of sw46-10-10.. lO.aOU 00
C M Andrtis Sc wife to Z C Perkins.
loto, block 4, Pauley 50 00
K H Windham, trustee, to T P
Madsen, lot 50, Wise s outlots 200 00
J Houtz to M A Everett. ne of
neu au-io-ii l.'-UO 00
Ills llottle Proved to Be Loaded.
A young boy named Gilson, in com
pany with one or two other boys, was
on the sewer dock and discovered sev
eral bottles in an old iron tank. In one
of the bottles was a white substance.
oung Gilson'a curiosity was aroused.
He produced a match and, lighting it,
dropped it into the bottle. lie held the
bottle in his right hand, and no sooner
had the match struck the bottom of the
bottle than an explosion followed, blow
ing the bottle to atoms, filling Gilson's
hand with the fragments of the glass
and also nearly blowing the thumb off
his hand. New Haven Register.
Taken In.
A woman with a baby in her arms ap
proached an innocent looking young
man who was sitting in Central park
yesterday. She asked him to hold the
baby while she went to look at the
menagerie. As she did not return the
young man thinks she must have been
taken in by the boa constrictor or
the rhinoceros, but the sparrow cop to
whom he confided his suspicions is of
the opinion that .it was the young man
who was taken in. New lork Evening
Mow a Cbamelon looks.
Upon a crimson cloth the chamelon
becomes almost 'crimson; move it upon
a gray surface and the bright tints will
quickly subside. But at night, whether
disturbed or not, it invariably assumes
its palest tints. Two which I caught in
the Cape Town garden, which were of a
very brilliant metallic green, were splen
didly decorated. On the back or sides,
sometimes Baddlewise and sometimes
lengthwise, were slashes of red. The
markings vary in the individuals. The
crest and decorations on the head and
back are like fretwork, the whole body
and limbs are dotted with very fine
. .i ,1,-,.
warts or tubercles like shagreen, and
when angry all these distinctive fea
tures are exaggerated, the gills and
crest are swelled, and the skin of the
chin is puffed out so as to show white
6tripes, while the creature opens its
mouth wide, displaying the yellow,
fleshy interior, and closing its teeth on
your finger should you provoke it to do
so. Cor. Forest and Stream.
Cresham Positively Declines to
Accept the Nomination.
The Announcement of the Free
Coinage Bill Joyfully Wel
comed by the Delegates
Delegates Arriv
ing In Droves.
Judge Gresham has at last been
heard from and has defined in his
own peculiar way his position if
regard to the presidential nomina
tion. Hon R. S Scott, chairman on
the Iowa state central committee of
the people's party, yesterday sent
Judge Gresham the following tele
"W il you stand as the candidate
of the Omaha convention for the
presidency on the St. Louis plat
lorm. K. s. scott
To this telegram Judge Gresham
last night replied:
'I stand by my interview of a few
days ago on the subject. My name
will not be presented to the Omaha
convention." WALTER O,. GRESUAM
The interview to which Judge
Gresham refers was one in which
he stated that he agreed with the
people's party on a great many
things, but that he did not agree
with that party in all its declara
tions. Thus the telegram received
from the judge is interpreted as
meaning that he cannot stand as a
candidate on the St. Louis platform,
since in his interview he stated that
he did not agree with that party in
all its declarations. The announce
ment that a telegram had been re
ceived from the judge caused con
siderable excitemeut late last eve
ning, and when its contents became
known it was generally accepted by
the more conservative as clearly
indicating that Judge Gresham did
not desire his name to be longer
mentioned in this connection
Considerable stress is put upon his
closing sentence: "My name will
not be presented to the convention.'
This is accepted as being the ex
pression of his sincere desire in re
garu to tne matter, mere are a
few of the more enthusiastic
Gresham men, however, who are
still disposed to believe that the
judge will accept the nomination if
it be tendered him, but these gen
tlemen appear to be in a hopeless
minority, and the indications are
that this telegram will be accepted
as authoritative and final, and that
the Gresham boom is a thing of the
The national convention of the
people' 8 party will convene under
inspiring circumstances. The pas
sage of the free silver bill by the
United States senate yesterday is
accepted by the delegates to the na
tional convention as a vindication
of their organization's demand for
a greater circulating medium. The
leaders all agree that nothing could
hevebeen done at this time that
could have been more propritious
for the people's part3r hopes.
The national central committee,
composed of 150 prominent mem
bers of the people's party from all
sections of the union, was in session
when the senate took the
final vote on the passage of the sil
ver bill. Thirty seconds after the
result was announced by the chair
man 01 tne senate, ikju miles away,
A 1 , - .
ine announcement ot the passage
of the bill was reported to the con
ference. The effect was electrical
Nearly every member jumped to his
feet and three cheers were given for
the United States senate, and it was
brawny Terrell of Texas who shout
ed: "Now let the people's represen-
iatives, the lower house of congress,
do the people's bidding and likewise
pass the bill."
There was a feeling that the
house of representatives will hardly
dare adjourn without giving the
measure its consideration. Tele
grams of congratulation have
flashed from Omaha to Washing
ton congratulating Senators Kyle
and Peffer and all other people's
party legislators for the first ray of
hope that comes in the passage of a
free coinage bill by the United
States senate.
Mr. Van Pelt, editor of the Craiir.
Mo., Meteor, went to a drug store at
Hillsdale, Iowa, and asked the phy-
siciau in aiienuance to crive rum a
dose of something for cholera mor
bus and looseness of the bowels.
He says: "I felt so much better the
next morning that I concluded to
call on the physician and get him
to tix me up a supply of the medi-
cime. 1 was surprised when he
handed me a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme-
f y' He i3-"?!16 PrSCribwit r1?:
larlyiu his practice and found it I
the best he could get or prepare. I
can testify to its efficiency in my
case at all events. ior sale bv r.
G. Fricke & Co.
J. P. Antill has fitted up the south
room over Dunn's feed store for an
ice cream parlor and will furnish
the best of ice cream and cake for
10 cents a dish. tf
The B. & M. will sell round trip
tickets for the Council Bluffs and
Omaha Chautauqua assembly, July
2 to 16. to Omaha for one fare for
the round trip from Plattsmouth
Tickets on sale July 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and
15, and limit for return to five days
trom date of sale, this limit in no
case to exceed July 17.
J. Francis,.
General Passenger Agent.
According to the census of 1890,
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population of 1,098,576 people, as the
eighth largest city on the globe.
Most of us desire, at one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons find homes, and,
when we do, we can find no better
line than the "Burlington Route."
Three fast and comfortable trains
daily. For further information ad
dress the agent of the company at
this place, or write to J. Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
Alumni Social.
The Alumni Association will give
a lawn social at the High school
grounds on Wednesday, July 6. Ice
cream, cake and other refreshments
will be served. A hearty invitation
is extended to all. tf.
For Sale ok Tkade A desirable
lot in Plattsmouth. Will sell for
cash or will take a good buggy
norse ana norses in exchange
For particulars call on or address
this oflice. tf
For the Fourth of July the B. &
M. will sell round trip tickets, not
over 200 miles, for one and one
third fare. Tickets on sale July 2, 3
and 4, and limit for return July 5,
the minimum to be 25 cents.
J. Fraxcis,
General Passenger Agent.
Sleep on Left Side.
Many persons are unable to sleep
on their left side. The cause has
long been a puzzle to physicians.
Metropolitan papers speak with
great interest of Dr. Franklin Miles,
the eminent Indiana specialist in
nervous and heart diseases, who has
proven that this habit arises-from a
. . ir ,QH YQm;H
diseased heart. He has examined
and kept on record thousands ot
cases. His New Heart Cure, a won
derful remedy, is sold at F. G. Fricke
& Co. Thousands testify to its value
as a cure for heart diseases. Mrs.
Chas. Benoy. Loveland, Colo., says
its effects on her were marvelous.
Elegant book on heart disease free.
F ANY ONE tells you that JOE, the One Price Clothier wont give
a nice suit of clothes on July 4th, to the one who can write the most
words on a postal card tell him he is a LIAR.
If any one tells you that JOE does not handle the best oods for ' the
least money tell him he is a LIAIZ.
' "'.Si.-
If any one tells you JOE has not stnctjyon. price for everybody -tell .
him he is a LI All. ' ' :
It any one tells you that Plattsmouth is not
Fourth of July tell him he is a LIAR.
If any one tells you that Plattsmouth is not, tor
as you find in America tell him JOE said thatman
carries an naegant diock
Watches and
Everything kept that goes
to constitute a first-class
jewely store is kept in his
stock. Repairing done by
first-class workmen and sat
isfaction guaranteed or mon
ey refunded.
First door south of
Post Office,
Theae'tlnj Capsules are superior
o Balsam foi Copaiba. rT"V
Cubehg' and Injections, ff-V)
They cure in 40 hours the VV
same diseases without anyinooa
I had a serve attack of catarrh
and became so deaf I could not
hear common conversarion, I suf
fered terribly from roarinfi in my
neaa. i procured a Dottle ot JSIy's
Cream Balm, and in three weeks
could hera as well as I ever could,
and now I can say to al! who are
affiicte with the worst of deseases
catarrh, take FJy.s Cream Balm and
be cured. It is wortn $1,000 to anv
man, womon or child suffering-
irom caiarrn. a. h.. .ewman. Gray
ling, Mich.
Don't Tebacco Spit Your Life
Is the startling, truthful title of a
little book iust received, telling all
about Notobac, the wonderful.
harmless, economical, guaranteed
cure ior tne tooacco naoit in every
form. Tobacco users who want to
quit and can't, by mentioning The
Herald can tret the hnnk miicH
free. Address the Sterling Remedy
Co., box 862, Indiana Mineral
Springs, Ind.
going to have a grand
? '
its size, as good a town
is the biggest LIAR
The Place to Buy
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely safe.
ment plan as cheap as for cash.
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin-
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can gtt
jt for you on two days' notice.
I " , amw9
42 , Plattomoufch