The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 02, 1892, Image 2

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All the year round
is the time when Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery works the best.
It purifies the blood.
It's not like the sarsaparillas,
which claim to do good in March,
April, and May ; you can depend
upon it always. That's why it is
guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or
cure, in every case for which it's
recommended, you have your money
No other medicine of its kind
says as much but no other does
as much. It cleanses, renews and
invigorates the entire system. For
all skin, scalp and scrofulous affec
tions, as Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum,
White Swellings, Hip-joint Disease,
and kindred ailments, it's a positive
The proprietors of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Kemedy offer $500 for an
incurable case of Catarrh. It isn't
mere talk it's business.
They mean to pay you, if they
can't euro you. Hut you'll find
that they can.
I IteK'-ttered l'hyeiciiin ami I'liariiiiicfrt
Special attention given to Office
Rock Hluffs - Neb.
i p J. tfiiNSEN
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
i North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth
: D-E-X-T-I-S-T :-
Or. Stelnways anesthetic for the painless ex
traction of teeth.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
Kockwood Block Plattsmouth. Neb
217, 219, 221, AND 223 JAAiy
;f. r. guthmann. prop-
Rates $4.50 per week and up
Lumber Yard
1 Shingles, Lath, Sash,"
Doors, Blinds
Cn supply ererw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera house.
rd and Offlce 404 South Third Street.
Telephone 13.
ghc giallsmouth genltt.
K. NOTTS BROS, Publishers
Published every Thurwlny, onl daily
every cvctiitiK oxrfpt Sunihiy. . ;
Kc'KiMrred ut the I'ln 1 1 siiioutli, Nelrntka
Mnt pnice a hccoihI clnn mall matter for
transmission through the V. S. malls.
One year iii aivatice - l S)
One year not in advance - - ' )
Six months in advance - 73
Three months in advance U)
One year in ad vance - - - - $6 00
One copy one mouth 50
1'er week ly carrier ----- 1
SATURDAY, JULY 2, 181)2.
For I'resident
of Iniliana.
I'or Vice-President
of Xew York.
We liave not noticed so far a single
first-class democratic statesman
that lias given a hearty indorsement
to the nomination of Cleveland and
THE democrats are trying to
dodge the tariff this year but as they
do not control .certain circum
stances, they cannot help them
selves, and so will be compelled to
face it and be beaten hy it.
One of the greatest mysteries to
the editor of the Herald is how in
the name of reason and good judg
ment a soldier who belonged to the
northern army can support Mr.
Cleveland. It seems to be wrong.
The old soldiers are doing all thev
can to secure simple justice at the
hands o the government they
saved, and, strange to say, there are
some solaiers who will vote to place
their greatest enemy in a position
where he can have almost absolute
power to defeat every measure cal
culated to help the soldier class.
We have in this city men who are
drawing pensions under the pro
visions of a law that Mr. Cleveland
vetoed. Boys, in the name of
heaven, what do you mean? You
are certainly not going to 6trike
yourselves and your comrades in
the face by voting for Mr. Cleve
land? It must never be forgotten
that he makes the defeat of their
cause a specialty; therefore to de
feat him should be the special duty
of evei j soldier during the next five
months. Stop and think before you
make up your mind to support
your bitterest enemy. Indianola
(la.) Herald.
The principal object ot the demo
cratic national convention in the
nomination of Cleveland and
Stevenson seems to have been a
desire to semi-legalize the wearing
of he old Confederate states but
tons again in the solid south.
Cleveland was opposed to the war
for the suppression of the rebellion
and Stevenson was a howling cop
perhead of full Ktright of the
Golden Circle rank. They were
both too cowardly to go into the
rebel ranks, but the' lurked in the
rear of the Union armies and. did
everything within their power to
aid the Confederate cause. This
well known fact resulted in their
nomination in such a manner as to
represent the Confederate states by
their initials C. S. which was, the
brand on every button, gun, and
cartridge-box worn by rebel feol-"
diers, and on every mule and all
other property belonging to the
Confederacy during the rebellion.
Having succeeded in their scheme,
the next step will be to make the
old 'C. S." button the . democratic
badge during this year's campaign.
The democrats of the north will
say that the "C. S." button, to be
worn on the left lapel of their
coats, means Cleveland and Steven-
soh, but the old rebels of the south
will say that it stands for Confed
erate states and the return of the
gray to all the decks of the govern
ment. It is apparently a trifling
matter, but the "C. S." button will
add greatly to the popularity of the
democratic candidates in the solid
south. Iowa State Register.
This has been a year of greatpolit-
ical conventions, but there is to be
a religious convention to assemble
in Xew York next week which will
eclipse all of them in numbers. The
republican and democratic national
conventions each had more than 900
delegates. The prohibition conven
tion at Cincinnati had more
than 1,100, and the people's
at Omaha will have 1,700
delegates, but this Xew York con
vention is to have more than 20,0C0
delegates. This is a phenomenal
Convention and it may be said that
the movement it represents is
younger than the prohibition party
and not much older than the peo
ple's party.
This great gathering will be the
eleventh International Christian
Kndeavor convention, and it will be
held iii Madison Square Garden July
7, 8, 9 and 10. The Christian Kndeavor-Society
is neither partisan
nor secta rian. Its aim is good work
its creed is endeavor to do right, and
its membership represents all
churches. It was organized eleven
years ago in Maine. It has spread
through every state and territtory,
and into every part of the country
where civilization has gone.
The convention is as liberal in its
government as the society. There
are no contests over election as del
egates. All who want to go and can
go are listed as delegates.
The membership of the conven
tion is governed by the desire to at
tend and the capacity of the hall. In
St. Louis two years ago there were
8,000 delegates. In Minneapolis last
summer there were 12.CD0 delegates,
and the committee in Xew York has
received applications for accomo
dations for more than 20'. dele
gates. It will be a great convention
and as simple in its machinery as
it is great in numbers. There will
be no committee on credentials, no
contest over platform, and no divi
sion about candidates. All those
things are easily settled by the one
declaration, endeavor to do good.
Inter Ocean.'
Financially Embarrased
A large manufacturer; whose af
fairs were very much embarrassed
ana who was very much overwork
ed and broken down with nervious
exhaustion, went to a celebrated
specialist. He was told that the
on Id th ing needed was to be re
lieved of careanp worry, and have
change of thought. This doctor
was mora considerate of his patient
health than of his hnaneial circum
stances. He ought to have adviced
him to use Dr. Miles' Restoative
Nervine, the best remedy for ner
vous prostration, sleeplessness, diz
ziness headache, ill effects of tobac
co, coffee ,opium; etc. Thousands
testyfy to it. Hook and trial bottle
ree at F G Fricke & Ce's.
Idiosyncrasies Dcn't Count. .
"Madam," said the street car conductoi
to a young lady in a blue calico frock,
"you have a dog under your shawl, and
you must leave the car."
"What! Leave the car!" vociferated
the woman. "I have paid my fare and
I'm going to stick right where I am."
"Then I shall put you off," replied the
disciplinarian in blue.
All at once a law point came into tht
woman's head. "Give me back my
fare," she said. "1 got in here in good
faith, and when I paid my five cents a
contract was completed. You must
either carry it out or return my cash.
I'm not responsible because your cranky
directors don't like dogs."
The street car official stopped the cai
and hailed a policeman. The point wat
stated, and the thief catcher, after pon
dering for a few moments, observed:
"1 ain't no judge nor I ain't no jury,
but I claim to have some sense.
"Under your system you might makt
rules that passengers mustn't wear red
neckties or red noses or three dollai
trousers, aad after they had paid fare.
show 'em the rules and put them off.
"There is no end to the rules you
might make to bunko folks out of theii
ride, and every time a chap looked cross
eyed you could turn to rule No. 324,
providing that he musn't look crosseyed
and then dump him in the gutter.
"The thing isn t fan. There am t no
law to it and it don't go."
Aurning to me young woman ne saiu.
You stay where you are, mum," and to
the conductor, "If you try to put her off
without giving her back her fare I'll
club your head off."
Ting went the bell and on went tht.
car, dog, young woman and all. New
York Herald.
Electric Test for Spurious Coins.
Some interesting tests with alternating
currents and a particular form of mag
net have been made in England. Among
the experiments shown was one which
illustrated a new method of detecting
counterfeit coins. A genuine coin, being
a good conductor, was held between the
poles of the magnet, but a bad coin, not
possessing that necessary qualification,
immediately dropped when placed in po
sition. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Rather Mixed.
The following was the peroration of
an orator at a political meeting not long
"The time has come when we must
leave off voting for ornamental princi
ples and vote to put bread and butter
in our pockets."
A Mighty "east.
At Fischhausen. in Germany, a wed
ding feast of Homeric proportions re
cently took place. The 168 guests got
through one ox, three pigs, four calves,
eighteen chickens, ten geese, and ducks
and pigeons in proportion. Four hogs
heads of beer, forty quarts of rum and
fifty of other liquids served to wash
down the solids. The shade of Gargan
tus should rejoice at this noble feat.
London Globe.
. N
An imnrMreil traction encrine has late
ly appeared in Missouri. It is run with
J . , 11 J. M 1
relatively smau amount, iua, tu
Uaatrtr ln1 nrc i nm vi led with
m t ah- j
means for changing its speed without
altering the stroke of the engine.
Immense damage has been done in the
County of Essex, England, by the pea
weevil. In many cases wnoie neias oi
peas have been destroyed and have had
to be plowed in and oats sown in their
Half Rates to New York.
To accommodate" Christian Kn
deavorers and their friends along
its line who desire to attend the
national convention of the Y. 1 S.
C. K. at Xew York, July 7-10, the
liurlingtoii route will on luly 4 run
a special Itmin from Omaha
through to Xew York, via Chicago
and Xiagara Falls, leaving at 11:40
p. m., after arrival of all trains from
the west. A rate of one fare for the
round trip has been authorized and
will be open to the general public.
Tickets, good to return any time
within thirty days from date of
purchase will be on sale at dates to
j-be announced later. The low rates
Mn force, the through car facilities
at the disposal of travelers by the
Hurlington route, and the delight
ful season of the year, combine to
make this an unequalled oppor
tunity of visiting the east. Kemem
ber that you can purchase tickets
lrom your station agent through
to Xew York. Full information
may be had upon application to the
local agent of the li. Sc M., or by ad
dressing J. Francis, General Pas
senger Agent, Omaha.
Oregon, Washinylon and the Nor
west Pwoific Const.
The constant demand of the trav
eling public to the far west for a
comfortable and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
has led to the establishment as
what is known as Pullman Colonist
These cars are built on the same
general plan as the regular first
class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif
ference being that they are not up
holstered. They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair matresses.
warm blankets, snow white linen cur
tains plenty of towels, combs, brush
es etc., which secure to the occu
pant of a birth as much privacy as
is to be had in lirtt -.class sleepers
There are also separate toilet rooms
for ladies and gentlemen, antl kiiiok
ing is absolutely prohibited. For
full information send lor Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leallet. E. L. Lo
max, General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha Xebraska.
'- Nothing New Uner the Sun
Xn! nrt even llirnnirli rnrs to T)imi
ver, Ogden, Salt ' Lake City, Sau.
Francisco ana lJpruaiid. inis. is
sifeiply written to remind .you that
the. Union Pacihc is the pioneer m
tunning through cars to-thts- above
mentioned points and that the pres
ent through car arrangement is un
excelled. - We also make THE time.
For details address any agent of
the company, call on your nearest
agent or write to H. L. Lomax,
q. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Xeb.
11 '
The following item, clipped from
the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat,
contains information well worth
remembering: "Mr. John Roth of
this city, who met with arraccident
a few days ago, spraining and
bruising his leg and arm quite
severely, was cured by -one oO-cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm,"
This remedy is without an equal
for sprains and bruises and should
have a place in every household.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Real Estate Boom .
Attracts the attention of every prop
erty holder in this city. Jiut when
Dr. Franklin Miles the eminent In
diana specialist claims that heart
disease is curable and proves it by
thousands of testimonials of .won
derful cures by his new Heart Cure
it attracts the attention of the mil
lions suffering with short baeath;
palpatation, irregular pulse, win,d
in stomach,pain in side or shoulder
smotherinc spells, fainting, dropsy
etc. A. F. Davis, Silver Creek, Xeb
by usin four bottles of Dr. Miles
Xew Heart Cure was completely
cured after twelve years sTiffermg
lrom heart disease. 11ns new rem
edy is sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. 5
The Homdliest Man in Plattsmouth
As well as the handsomest, and oth
ers are invited to call on any drug
gist and get free a trial bottle of
Kemp s balsam for the throat-" and
lungs, a remedy thatjis selling en
tiiely upon its merits and is guar
anteed to relieve and cuf e all -chron
ic and acute coughs, asthma, bron
chitis and consumption." Large bot
ties 50c and 21.00.
Some Foolish People
allow a cough to run until it gets
be3rond the reach of medicine, They
say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them -away.
Could they be induced to try the
successful Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking tne nrst close.
Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
Miles Nerve and Liver Pills
Act on o newpriciple regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nerves. A new discov
ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure
biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver,
piles, constipation Unequaled for
men, women and children. Small
est, mildest, surest. 50 doses 2o cts.
Samples iree at i4. j. JiriCKcx o s.
Half Saratoga.
On the occasion of the Xational
Educational Ass'n's annual con
vention at Saratoga, July 12-15, the
Burlington route, from J uly 6 to J u-
Iv 9. inclusive, will sell round trip
tickets from all stations in Xebras
ka to Saratoga at one lowest first-
class fare, plus two dollars (mem
bership fee X. E. A.) Tickets are
good for return passage from July
15 to 21; an extension of time limit
can, however, be obtained by depos
iting tickets at the office of the joint
agent of terminal lines; 369 Broad
way, Saratoga. The Burlington
route will run special Pullman
sleeping cars and reclining chair
cars from Lincoln and Omaha
through to Saratoga, leaving l-in-ln
at 2:40 tj. m. and Omaha at 4:45 p.
m., July 9. A folder, giving all par- (
ticulars, may be had upon applying
to J. Francis, general passenger and
ticket agent, Omaha, to whom, or to j
local agent B. & M. K. R-, requests j
for reservation of births should be J
71 Vim
XW$t Owes
RAPID Cleansing Power has noequal.
it is invaluable in itchen & laundpy.
Sold by all GRoces.
W A Boeckl& Co
W. JZ. J30JUCJ?. cj- CO
Dealer in
All kinds of fresh, salt and
smoked meats.
I mike the best of all kinds of sau
sapes and keep a gobd supply
constantly on hand.
Between Main and Pearl
Plattsmouth, - - Xebraska
I had a severe attack of catarrh
ami became so deaf I could not hear
common conversation. 1 sulfered
terribly from roaring in my head,
1 procured a bottle of Ely s Cream
Balm and in tnree weeks could hear
as well as I ever could, and now I
can say to all who are afflicted with
the worst of diseases, caearrh, take
FJy8 Cream Calm and be cured. It
is worth $1,000 to any Man, i weman
or child surxering from catarrh A
E. Xewman, Grayling, Mich.
Cholera infantum has lost its
terrors Jsince the introduction of
Chamberlains colic, cholera and di
arrhcea remedy. When thatreme;ly
is used and tne treatment as direc
ted with each bottle is followed, a
cure is certain. .Mr. A. U . Walters,
a prominent merchant at "".'alters-
burg, 111., says: It cured raj' baby
b03T ot cholera lnlantum after sev
eral other remedies had failed, the
child was so low that he seemed al
most beyond the aid of human
hands or reach of an' medicine."
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale hy F.
G. fricke & Co.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all hard soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood
spavins , curbs splints, sweeney,
ring bone, stiflee, sprains all swol
len throats, coughs etc.. Save 50
cent by use of one bottle. Warrant
ed the most wonderful blemish
cure ever known. Sold hy F. G.
Fricke & Co druggists Plattsmouth
A carpenter hy the name of M. S.
Powers, fell from the roof of a house
iu East DeeMoines, Iowa and sus
tained a painful and serious sprain
of the wrist which he cured with
one bottle of Chamberlains pain
balm. He says it is worth $5 to
a bottle. It cost him 50 cents. For
sale by by F. G. Fricke & Co.
1 Ai
aa cnt1
For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
and all points n-th, east
south or west. Tick
ets sold and bag
gage checked
to any
S t a tea or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
H, C. Townsend,
G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo.
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
H. D. Apgar. Agt., Plattsmouth.
Telephone, 77.
i'cr Farmers, Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns,
Etc A Delightful Shampoo.
white Russian sonp.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
4 .