When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to recom mend some brand of Smoking Tobacco, we unhesitatingly pronounce Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco to be the best in the world. Many times imitated, but never equalled. Get the genuine. Made only by BlackwelPs Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its ase is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang J.iximent. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. the positive: cure. ELY BROTHERS. M Warren BOILING WATER OR MILK. GRATEUL COMFORTING C A Labeled 1-2 lb Tina Only. HAVE ZIOTEMp Y03 SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure iafla to aiva iaataoc relief in the worst aail beta sarsa wkcrt ataera fali. r ilisi PIKE ar iaaaia ar a? Mail. P. R- BCHiPifKAyN, Bt. Faal. Ilw. aa. Scientific American 3L. Aacncy fori CAVEATS, TRACE MASKS, nrsiCtt PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. Whr Information and free Handbook 'write to MUNN & CO- Sut Bkoai.WaT. KKW OMwt bureau for securing patents in Aniencn Kvary patent taken out bv n i nroucbt b.-f!e the pablio by a notice given free of charge in tbe Jtfetttific Smcncnu elreaUtloTi of any scientific pr.pr In the CnlanHiHIw i 1 In at r a f Aii Krt lilt Plllellt should be without it. Week It, S3.UO a . aa CA a A Kua M IT VV X. Ill Km a f LJU Ml aJ. i I tua rt.au rx-a a-m. a w 11 "fi. J61 Broadway. New York. Chamberlain's Eye and Sldn Ointment. A Mrtain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter. Salt Bheuza. Scald Head, OL Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples ad Piles. It to cooling and soothing. Dondreda of eases have been cured by It after all other treatment had failed. Ala pot up in 25 and 60 cent boxes. FOR MEN 0C1LV ITOTJirCr HEHVOM MEM HT M lit I lit iat atartaia ar ntuub Ta7 avtaa aareia averu e iraa uvunm, am mm uvwuf aww w nmmur tHAKEOrr THE HORRID SNAKES tkn cin aa la toialr ..d rink tats aa earir "V araia. aaaaSaVOa4TaaralaHaLrit OUR NEW BOOK tbralfaaltea tlaa.'plaiaa las aailosopby af DLeaa- . aaiiiaaa af Ilia Orcaa af kf aa, and how by br mataada azclndT.lr oar awm. t. wortwf iMt ar railing Manhoad. eaaaral an Harreai i Da kllitr. W.aka.aa of Body Hi atiad. Sf acta of Errors ar Sxeassaa. tinntad or tea Orajaae aiajj ..nI.(ioEn L JlT VJSS ud Para.c- '- RIB MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO.N.T. r,y;-.-y7'rs-j V6) W5 DURHAM j f3f fAM&i rv MA r-n li la St Nw York. Price 60 r.ts. N ESS ireiDSOISES CURED by I'eck's Invisible Tubular -r Coaa aat. Whispers brard. Conafxrlable. Pu,trf alwbcrcal Ir.mrdlrsfail. Sold by F. Illuox.onlr , C D TC 853 II roadway, Jtrw rnrk. WriM fur bouk of proofs IllCC PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clransos and braulitu-s the hair. romittes a luxuriant fr.wth Never Fails to Best ore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Curt M-alp disraars it hair tallintr. g"r. and tl.t.Jat lnie7!ftt m- l iru-r s trinecr Tonic. Jt rurei the worst c'uu:li, i u:";h .biiiiy( Indigestion, l'aiii, Take iu time.Oocts. ?:PERCORNS. The onlv rare euro for Corns. 'I'' "i" i-aiu. Lrc at liruitaists, or lilSCOX k CO., N. Y. How Lost ! How Regained". OTIOr THYSELF. Or SELF-PRESERV ATION. A new and only Gold Medal PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY, ERRORS of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pages, cloth, filt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 y mail, double sealed. Descriptive Prospect us with endorsements pnPP a crun of the Press and yoluntarT til tt I Y.V?.? testimonials of the cures! I I law la. Z NUW. Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat ment. INTIOLABLE SECRECY and CER TAIN CURE. Addre(a-Ir. W. If. Parker, or The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Buliinch St.. Boston, Mass. The Peabody Medical Institute has many imi tators, but no equal. flerald. The Science of. Life, or Self-Preservation, is a treasure more valuable than gold. Read it now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to be STRONG . Medical lieview. (Copyrighted) Morn in r Night Good all the time. It removes the languor of morning', sus tains the energies of noon, lulls the weariness of night. Mfltfacr'Root 11 111111 RPPr delicious, sparkling, appetizing. Don't be deceived if a dealer, for the srke of larcer profit, tells vi-u some other kind is "just as good "'tis f.ilsc No imitation is as good as tne ger.'.uuc mites . Ja AH T E D AGEXTS to sell our choice nursery- stock Many fine specialties to offer write.quick and secure choice of territory MAR BROS. v Rochester,??. Y w A ISroom K-c Lit lots. A C-ftxt V.'ink .'i', M'.'i!'il ujkju itluadcf brfKims, tlrovo 1 . team n l; for tin; dirfirof nu est illinium-fit. v. lici'u ho x-IK-ct;il to find h i-iiitliascr. Jmujiinjj from hirt neat f!ii rcd tho Vro ami tin following ll.iiy li.k jilaci-: Yankt-e -Can t 1 b l yoii u loinl of bro.j.'Liii to V.y, ;rV Deak-r N,; ilun't v.ar.tf iiy. Yanlct e a r t.;kt) '( in st ll Via tVvg cheap. Deah r IK.m'I wai t ' iii; got t-in .I3,.. brooms. Yankee- I'll tell yon what I'll do. If you'll take the lot I'll let 't in K' fr onu dollar st dozen. You know they're wntli douhlrt that. Tho dealer stroked his chin for a mo ment, as if in deep thought, and then re plied: "Well, I don't want any brooms, as 1 told you, Imt 1 don't mind making a trado with you." Yankee What sort of a trade? Dealer Well, I'll take your whole load at one dollar a dozen and pay you one half cash, you to take tho other half in trado. Yankee Xo you don't mister! You'll charge me sneh an all fired profit on the other half that I might come out at the little end of the horn. Dealer Oh, no; I promiso yon that you shall have the goods just at what they cost mo. Yankee Wall, mister, that's what 1 call square dealin. It's a bargain. And he commenced to unload tho brooms in a pile on tho sidewalk. When he got through he walked into the ftore. "There you are, mister; fourteen dozen, which I caleurlato makes just seven dollars comin to me." Dealer Yes. that's right; there's tho monej'. Xow what goods do you want for tho other seven dollars? Yankee Wall, I dunno. You pee, mister, I hain't much posted in your other truck, so I guess I'll take brooms. House Furnishing Review. ln 1' sit ntly AflVrt ion ate. An English traveler in Persia had ar rived at Abadeh, where a European tele graph official, Mr. G , welcomed him hospitably and invited him to remain for the night. He f aj"s: An hour later 1 was comfortably set tled v.pou the sofa when my rest was suddenly disturbed by a loud bang at the sitting room door, which, Hying open, admitted two enormous animals, which I at first took for dogs. Both of them made at once for my sofa, and while the larger one curled comfortably around my feet and com posed itself to sleep, tho smaller one. evidently of a more affectionate disposi tion, seated itself on the floor and com menced licking my face and hands, an operation which, had I dared, I should strongly have resented. But the white, gleaming teeth and cruel looking green eyes inspired me with respect, to rise no stronger term; for I had by this timo discovered that these domestic pets were panthers! To my great relief, ilr. Cx entered at this juncture. "Making friends with tho panthers, I see," he remarked pleasantly. "They are nice, companionable beasts." That maj have been true at the time. The fact remains, however, that three months afterward the "affectionate one" half devoured a native child! The neighborhood of Abadeh, Mr. G in formed me, swarms with these animals. Pets oT English Regiments. It may not be generally known that there is a special reason why the Royal Welsh Fusiliers should have a goat. They area very ancient corps, and at an early period of their existence it was the custom to have a goat with a shield and garland on its horns to march at the head of the drums. Every 1st of March being the anniversary of their tutelary saint. David, the officers used to give an entertainment, and after the cloth was taken away a bumper was filled around to the Prince of Wales, and the goat, richly caparisoned for tho occasion, was led thrice around the table in procession by the drum major. In 184 the then regimental goat of the Welsh Fusiliers died and her maj esty presented the regiment with two of the finest goats from a flock the gift of the shah of Persia in Windsor park, and since that date the queen has con tinned to supply the Welsh Fusiliers with goats as occasion required. The pet of the Second battalion Derbjshire regiment used to be a ram; that of tho Eighth King's Royal Irish light dra goons, now hussars, a horse; the Royal Warwickshire had an antelope, the Iios shire Buffs a deer and the Fifteenth lancers a tiger. Pall Mall Gazette. True to Ilis Word. There is an unfortunate relic of sena torial greatness who hangs around the Capitol during the winters. On one oc casion he applied to Senator Jones for relief. "Say, Jones," said he, lend me fifty dollars, won't you? I've got to go home and I haven't the money. I can't pay jou till I come back in six months?" "No," said Jones promptly, "I won't let you have fifty dollars for six months." The old man's jaw fell. "But I'll tell yon what I will do. I'll let j-on have 100 for twelve months if you'll stay away that long." The wreck was tickled, and, strange to relate, turned up exactl twelve months afterward to a day and paid back the hundred. Kate Field's Washington. Why English Girls Are Often Early Kisers. It was once a common article of belief in England that when a maiden ran into the fields early in the morning to hear the first note of the cuckoo, and when she heard it took off her left shoe and looked into it, she would there find r. man's hair of the same color as thai, of her future husband. London Queen. Poor Man. OM Latly (on beholding a Highlander in his native costume for the first time) Well, well! That man must be in hig second childhood, and has gone back into Ehort frocks again! London Tit-Bits. A VICW AT CLOSE RANGE OF THE MEN WHO GUIDE TRAINS. I In- Ciil Wluit It Mi nim to ' Amrrl- run EtiKlnrer, Though 11 Id Kutinh r.r.illiT Hide In the Opvli Air TUti Wlii-alo hikI It Individuality. The average American fngineer and his firer-Jin would think themselves very ill u.-ed if an order were issued for tho abolishment of tho cabs that friendly retreat from inclement weather that in now considered an absolute necessity on all engines. And yet in civilized Eng land, on a majority of tho railroads, tho engines in use ,ro built minus tho cab, thus forcing tho ojierators to work with out Mielter iu all kinds of weather. It sounds inhuman, ami yet in refutation the railroad companies ask whether the soldier should carry an umbrella when it rains or the sailor le allowed to work under an awning? The claim is that tho railroad employees become inured to se vere weather and tho absence of cover ing keeps them alert, so that tho possi unity oi danger trom inattention to duty is reduced to a minimum. Subtle argument, erhaps, but hardly tenable, If this practice was adopted on sonio of our western roads where tho temperature ranges from 20 to 50 dogs, below zero, how many engineers would live to carry their trains from one station to tho next? Tho unpardonable sin in an engineer is to let the water get out of tho boiler of tho engine in his charge. No matter whut excuse he may offer, if ho lives to mako hi report in turn, his dismissal will lo iwromptory, for by this action he has proved himself incompetent and unworthy of future responsibilities. It is lxitter for an engineer that ho had never been born when he reaches this stage of self torture. Fortunately such cases are rare. The man on all well conducted railroads must have shown himself to bo trusty and true before ho is given charge of an engine, and the rigid inspection to which ho is sub jected before an engagement is a guar antee of future conduct. One weakness nearly every engineer has, and that is a penchant for "doctor ing" tho steam whistle on his jet engine. Every boy in a country town familiar izes himself at an early ago with the different "toots" that by day and night wail through tho unhappy village. He caii detect No. 4's whistle when tho train is live miles distant, and in like manner tho approach of Nos. 1 and 2 are herald ed to his keen ear. Of course all whis tles are alike when they leave the shops, rbut the engineer fills in tho sounding bell with a piece of turned wood that fits snug and changes the tone to a short, sharp scream or an angry, impatient howl, as his fancy may dictate. Tho close observer may lie snugly in his bed and yet bo able to detect the passing of either a freight or passenger train. The engine on the former an nounces its approach by emitting a sharp, shrill scream that is soul piercing enough to waken the dead, while the passenger engine, with dae respect to tho living freight it carries, sounds a long, deep warning note that does not bring the occupant of a berth to his feet "all standing," ready to curse the com pany in general terms and the engineer in particular ones for such an act of folly and incousiderateness. On tfcw freight train a sharp, shrill scream is es sential, for it notifies the brakemen, who aro perhaps forty cars in the rear of the engine and serrated from the occupants of tho cab by many ways of ear piercing sound, just what work is required at their hands. This whistle is to them what tho cry of the call boy on the Thames steamboat used to be to the engineer down below before the advent of electric bells. "Ease her!" the captain would remark in his ordinary tone of conversation to the small boy that followed him like a shadow, and "Ease her!" the youngster would scream in his sharp, shrill stac cato down tho coinpanionway. "Stop er!" "Turn 'er astern!" "Go ahead!" would perhaps follow in rapid succes sion, and iu this decidedly crude fashion the London steamboat captains did their steering by proxy only a dozen years ago. One wonders what has become of those call boys. Perhaps they spend their hours in spinning yams to tho younger cockneys of the past glories of steamboating in much the same manner that our dethroned stage drivers of the west now regale the tenderfoot with glimpses of bygone acts of heroism and feats of impossible horsemanship. This is somewjiat of a digression from the topic under discussion, but perhaps the reader will excuse its insertion. One thought naturally suggested the other. As a class engineers are usually good natured, kind hearted, though a bit rough; deep thinkers, due to their fixed habits of attention and long hours of enforced silence, and of good morals. An engineer who drinks cannot hope to hold his position long, for no master me chanic will tolerate confirmed tippling in a subordinate whose duties are so re sponsible as those of an engineer. He must be abstinent, prompt at his post of duty, and ever vigilant if he hopes to maintain his position. His hands may be black and his face grimy, but that his heart is all right was evidenced not long ago in a railroad terminus on the Pacific coast when the engine, puffing and laboring from its dizzy ride over mountain passes and along dangerous precipices, was approached by a golden haired misa of six, who patted one of the huge driving wheels caressingly and lisping, "You dear, big black thing, how I love you for bring ing my sweet mamma and papa home to me from across those horrid mountains, and you too," she exclaimed, lifting her pretty face to the black bearded engin eer, who had been watching her from his cab. lhe tear that sprang instantly to his eye was not au evidence of weak ness, but of a warm, unpastnonate heart. anil the father of the little girl that oc casioned th.s touch of human nature furtively re..ched for his handkerchief just as the engineer drew his grimy sleeve acn bis eooty face. Chicago i Herald. 1 Whaut lli 1 iil Una War I'altl. Fannington ir r-'nte.l a gahi appear ance Monday alter the lumk cfiiials had tushed clucks of the Indians to tho amount of f00,00. Every hitching jNrt was surrounded by pomex. Thost already possessing vehicles drove di rectly to tho livery stables. Mivh curi osity ttAS felt as to how tho Indians would niend their gold. Their first pur chases were made at tho fruit and con fectionery stores. One squaw quietly bought a generous allowance of candy, fruits, nuts, crackers and fifty cents' worth of chewing gum. Every Indian, largo and small, was soon seen eating or carrying oranges. Iu a short time ninny of the men had bought and donned new suits of clothes. They exhibited a marked preference in theso selectionn for navy blue. Tho squaws meanwhile were fast reducing tho merchants' stocks of blankets, calicoes, etc. By noon the agricultural implement houses had sold every stylo of vehicle in their ossession, ami one merchant had orders enough for a carload of spring wagons or "hacks." Harness men soon found their stocks nearly cleaned out by tho Indians. Several of them paid hih prices for horses in the morning, ant. during the afternoon many farmers brought hores to town, which they dis posed of at terms far lcyond their ex pectations. At noon tho Indians eager ly sought tho hotels for dinner. The squaws seemed to retain complete con trol of the purses. Tho black eyed maiden purchased tho highest priced hat in a millinery store. An old squaw selected a new cart, and paid $160 for a horse. Sho then pur chased a new harness and stored away numerous packages under the seat, after which she tied the ixxir, little, fagged caynse pony (on which sho had come to town) behind, spread a new blanket over her lap and turned her high checked spirited horse toward the mission. By 4 o'clock a long lino of new buggies, wagons and carts well laden with every conceivable article of merchandise wound its way over the mountain to the mission. Tho Indians were quiet, or derly and dignifiedly polite. Their con fidence in the townspeople was evident, as when they emerged from the bank with their largo Backs of money they sat on the street corners to count it. Tho happy father of several pappooses retired with his abundant supply to an alley, where ho sat composedly counting it out. Cor. Seattle (Wash.) Post-Intelligencer. The "Finger" Prayer Rook. Thirty-five or fort' j-earsago someone issued the famous "Thumb Bible," so called because it was scarcely larger than the first joint of the thumb; now Mr. Frowde, of Oxford, England, is out with a marvelous little book, which has been dubbed the "Finger Prayer Book." This tiny volume has 700 pages and is bound in morocco and velvet with brass clasps. It weighs less than three quarters of an ounce, is only 1 inch in breadth, 3i inches in length and J of an inch in thickness. It is difficult for one to believe that a book of 70C pages could be made thin enough to con veniently go into a common pocket purse, but this is what Mr. Frowde has achieved in his "Finger Prayer Book." It is a marvel in paper making and ono of which the author, the paper maker ind the printer are justly proud. A copy of it bound in silver with gold clasps will be exhibited at the World'a J r - . T7 T lair. jiixcuange. Poisoned Snuff. An old New Yorker, who takes snuff regularly, wrote to Sanitary Superin tendent Edson a few days ago to com plain that some snuff which he had been using had caused inflammatory symp toms which suggested poison. Dr. Ed son examined the sample of snuff which was sent with the complaint and discov ered that chromate of lead, known in tho trade as chrome yellow, had been mixed with the snuff to brighten it. He next ascertained where the snuff was manufactured in the city, and called on tho manufacturer for an explanation. Subsequently the manufacturer de clared that he had tised the poisonous color in the snuff by mistake, supposing that he was using a harmless means of improving the appearance of the article. He promised to stop using chrome yel low, and also consented to destroy some of his stock which had been colored with it. New York Letter. A Prehistoric Ilurial Ground. An interesting archaeological find has been reported from the neighborhood of Foster's Ferry, on the Warrior river, about nine miles south of Tuskaloosa, Ala. When the recent high waters re ceded from the river bottoms it was found that the current had unearthed a prehistoric burial ground. Great quan tities of human bones, rough stonework and pottery were left exposed. It is sur mised here from the nature of the relics found that it was a Choctaw burial ground, but a thorough examination will be made at once and the results reported. The Season for Dog Distemper. This spring season is very trj-ing for house bred doggies, and unless great care is taken of their exercise and diet tt.ey are pretty sure to have a touch of distemper. This will promptly announce itself by running at the eyes and nose. and the small quadruped should be at once taken to the doctor. No home treatment is? safe, and a good doctor will cure him in two days and prevent a re lapse. Keep vermifuge comfits always by you and give him one now and then aa a preventive. New York Press. A Fault In the New Coins. "There is a very serious defect in the new silver half 'dollar that few people appear to have discovered," said Milton Everett, of San Antonio, Tex. "The new coin ?s nearly as brittle as steel. A hard blew from a hammer breaks it completely in two. Y"ou can pound all day on the coin which this one is in tended to succeed and not crack it which seems to attest a superiority of coinage in favor of the old half dollar. St. Lcnis Globe-Democrat. I Every Month rainy womca aufler from Baccaaiva er Scant Menstruation; they don't know who to confide In to get proper advice. Don't confide in anybody but try Bradficld's Female Regulator Specific for PAINFUL. PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to 'WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, fit. rold ay all ItrugcUta. jTTORNKV A. N. SULLIVAN, ittorney Ht-I.aw. Will KtVe prompt attention all I iiHiiir-r-H entnihti-d to lilui. Ofllce lo 'JijIoh block, Kant Sid l'lnt l-mouth. Neb. HENRY BOECK The Lending FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on band cverythin you need to furnish your house. COKNKK SIXTH AND MAIN HTHKKT Plattsmouth Neb p1 KfLLli ATIN AL : HANK OK PLATTHMOUT1I. NKHItAHKA faid up capital .. Surplus ...f.x,noo.oo ... lo.uuo.ot mimvfry bent facilities for the promp transaction of lliiltlinate Hanking Business Mtoel SI K ... ,4 u ,.i,4 a. a . at luriiifM ooiiulil rtiol hoI1. lie poults rMcnlvrm nd lntcreHt allowed ou the certlficat" Drafts drawn, available in anv nurt of th,'l ' wru- sir-, tiuinta, KWItl. Kir VITII III trll I. H.TI fl 1 (. I ataftaa W United HtateB and all the principal towns of? i rXurope. 9 0OLLKCTION8 MADE AND PUOMPTLY KKMIT- Tlll aifjhest market prion paid for County War-W rants, oiriie ana t ouniy uttuua. OIKKCTOKH John Fltzirrald D. Hawkxworth 8am Waugh. F. K. White tenrj;e K. Dovey lohn Kltzrald. 8. Wauh. President Carrier W. II. CUSIIING, 1'rcKUlcnt, J. W. Johnson VUc-I'rtrtdmt. fit -ooOT H EOoo- Citizens - Bqqk PLATTSMOUTU - NKHItAHKA Capital Paid in $60.00 X V K Guthman. J W Johnson. K H n-us ilenrv Klkelilmrv M W Mm -fun .1 A Cominr. W Ui'IIim.Iiuii.i, W I II CUnllijiK A g-enersil banxinp buBineHH trai nrhrl TfHj..nu r 1 1 -- 1 - posile.s. J, FOR RELIABLE INSURANCE Call on SAM'L PaTTKKSON I'Jattsmouth - Xebrai J .11 PLACES OF WORSHIP. CATnoi.ir.-St. Paul's Church, ak, bet' "ii" emu .-lAiu. ranter aiiiey, rti Sf rviees : Vhss at 6 and 10 :30 a. m. Su,1 School at 2 :30, with benediction. jJ Ciikistian. Corner Locust and Klirhtl." .Services morning and cvenlnir. Kldei I Gallow ay pastor. Sunday bcliool lo A. J ,1 Epis'opal. St. Luke's Church, corner' and in. Kev. U K. Huitere. pastor. , at 2 :30 P. M. German M p.thodibt. corner Sixth Kt iiraime. jtev. jiirt. factor. Services : u, an T .'lH w .'-.k . 1 .n r . . . Phehkvtkkian. Services in new churct, at 11 a. m.ad p. m. The V. K. S. C. E of thi church meets the chucrh. meetings. A il' are invited to attend A Kikht Methodist. Sixth St.. betwen J anu rt-iri. nev, 1,. r . uritT. it. U. !,.( Ktrvlf.d 11 1 W a ..1.1 K U.....4ua. 1 A . . t - . ..... . II . .1 I . rr Gekman Pkkskvtekian. Corner Ma.n Vir.lh l' .. . i ...... ... jvtrv. niiir, jiu)iir. Drrou;i ij uuurs. ouiiuay ecnooi a utv a. m. SWKF.DMH CONORFGATIONAL. Granite" tween Fifth and Sixth. Colokkd Baptist. Mt. Olive. Oak. bptJ Tenth and Eleventh. Hcv A. Hiwwhi I tor. Services II a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. jV Vorao Men's Chkirtiak ArsocitjI Rooms in merman hlix-lr Mxln at re.. I i tel meetincr. for meu milv rtcrv HnumX.) rr ...... t '1 . ... 1. L .. . from 8:30 a. rn.,io 9 : 30 p.m. South Park Tap.ernacle. Ker. j .r ... ....... .... " vou, i a.stor, rvervices : sancay sva. in.: i reacmnK, lit. in. ana o n prayer meeting Tuesday niifht : choir tlce Friday night. All are welcome. j 00 ( (Mi I P I