COPVRIChT 1091 Xtick to it! Sometimes vou may have to wait. The troubles that have been years in gathering can't always he cl-fireil away in a day. For all the diseases and disorders peculiar to woman hood, Dr. Pierce a ravonte I're- scription is tho surest and speediest remedy. You can depend upon that but if your case is obstinate, give it reasonable time. Its an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthen ing nervine, and a positive specific for female weaknesses and ailments. All functional disturbances, painful irregularities and derangements are corrected and cured by it. All unnat ural discharges, bearing-down sensa tions, weak back, accompanied with faint spells and kindred symptoms, are corrected. In every case for which it's recommended, " Favorite Prescription," is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or the money is re funded. No other medicine for women is sold on 6uch terms. That proves that nothing else offered by the dealer can be "just as good. J K. RKYNOLDS, KrKtatered riiyeician aiul Pharmacist attention given to Office Practice. KOCK HLUFFS - Xeh. J9 J. tiaSE lKAI.KK IN- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth JR. A. SALISBURY : D-K-X-T-I-S-T : COLO AND PORCELAIN CKOWXS Dr. Stelnways ana-stbetic for the painlecj ex traction of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialtj'. Kockwood Block Plattsniouth, Neb 19K1 IjJIJNTS l(OLTSIu. 017, 219, 221, AND 223 VIaIN ST PLATTSMOUTH, XER F. R- GUTHMAUH. PROP- Rates $4.50 per week axd up Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. 11. a. waterman HON EB! Shingles, Lath, Sash,' Doors, Blinds Can supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. TI310TIIY CLAKK. DEALER IX COAL $ WOOD oTKKMS CASIIo rcU and Office 404 South Third Street. Telephone 13. Plattsmouth, Xehraska LUMB PJitthuiwnlh geraia. t'OKXEK OK VI.NK AM) FIFTH STS TKI.KI-IIOXK 'J. KNOTTS BROS.-Publishers I'uMi-lif every Tlitir.ay, aiiil l;iily every evemiii; cxiit Sim.l.iy. I'eui.-ereliittlie I'l;it (Htiiout li, .l.r:i-k:i ot iilliceiisM-i'iindclaHH mail nuHrrfor I rmimikioii through ,e l'. s. muiN. One yenr in :il v:iri-e $i : '1 mi 7.1 Id no 15 One e;ir not ill :il :m-e - Six nioiitlis in inlvaiice Three month- in :nlv:iiiee TKK.MS OK HAII.Y. One year iii iilviiii e ( Ine copy one tiiont li - I'er week hy farrier - Thursday, j v xk , iw. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET For IVer-ident HKXJAMIX IIAKKISOX of IiKliana. ir Viee-I'rc siilent WHIT FLAW KIK1) of Xew York. The tin phite liar has crept t;ude cover at last. A whole week has passed without our seeing a single reference to the tin plate question in the free trade press. As was expected, the Britisl papers are all booming Cleveland iid the Cobden club has already subscribed liberally to the demo cratic campaign fund. hmmi enus tne unancial year for Uncle Sam. He has no big- sur plus in the treasury, but is able to meet his engagements all right and something will be laid by for a rainy day besides. rw - . ... int. electoral college this year will consist of 411 votes, ami no more. The democratic territories of Arizona and Xew Mexico will not be admitted to statehood yet awhile. The free trader keeps on shouting that the tariff is a tax, and the advertisements in every paper in the United States keep on showing that he is either the greatest fool or the greatest knave that ever lived. A conn corn crop means a big re publican majority this fall, and the corn is lookinr as well as it did this time last year, consequently the democrats are down in the mouth, as they cannot win unless there is a bijr croi failure. the illegality oftrusts. The courts of every state in the I'nion, when the question of the lawfulness of such combinations has been presented and this has been many times have declared them to be illegal, besides being1 against public policy. Trusts are unlawful, because, through the sur render, b3" many differing and dis tinct corporations and by the indi viduals composing them, of the power to manage and control them selves, and by delivering over their corporate powers to some other person, as well as by engaging through the trust in many kinds of business not authorized by their respective charters, they have done prohibited things. The corporation so doing forfeits its right to exist to the people who bestowed it, and the trust existing solely through these violations of law is itself null. The principles underlying these deci sions of the courts are recognized by the fundamental law of nearly all the states, and most notably have they been enforced by the judiciary of the state of New York in the "sugar trust" cases, where by three tribunals, through three successive and deliberate opinions, the law has been announced with strength of reasoning fortified by precedent and a courage and clear ness worthy of the best days of A nglo-Saxon freedom. Roger Sher man, in the July Forum. WHO ARE THE FREE TRADERS? Hut who are our free traders? They are not found much among our industrial classes, certain!- not among our workingmen and pro ducers. They are composed of pro- slavery theorists, who can never forget what they learned before the war; uoctrinaires ana dreamers, who have a supreme contempt for facts and practical results; foreign importers, who can see nothing be yond their own personal gains; newspapers which are the subsi dized attorneys of foreign manu facturers and merchants; the Cob den club, representing British inte rests and caring nothing for the welfare of our people or the honor and glory of our country, and the pro-Uritish democracy. The toilers and producers of our land, they whose intelligent labor makes the wealth and greatness pf our country and the prosperity of our people, are not among them. 1 There is one other fact in connec tion with thj3 subject of too much significance to be overlooked. It is that the drift of population is from free trade countries to protective America. "All roadstead to Rome" was once a saying. All pathways across the nea, in which are found people traveling to a land where they hope to better their condition, lead to our own favored country. They are all coming this way, too. None are returning. It has been trulj' said that the gates of Castle Garden ' swing ........ I V ""' - iii-iii or woman wiio is struggling up the hill of life for a . vuiininj imi luiiiiui 1 ever nas occasion to swing them out. None desire to leave this land of protec tion and plenty for the poverty and wreicneuness, tne Helplessness and Hopelessness troin winch they lied 111 the Jree trade land of their birth Congressman Millikeu. Cool Work by a Uurglar. laltc about cool headed burglars. Ont of the gentry who visited the residence of Mr. William rlannin outrivals the daring audacity of Jim Barlow or Claude Duval. lie entered the house while the in mates were sound asleep, and with the ad of a match proceeded to investigate. It appears that he would hold a lighted match until it burned his fingers, and then throwing the still burning remains on the floor light another. On returning to a room he had quitted a few moments before he saw that the place was on fire. He ran from the house, and meeting a police officer cool ly informed him that "a house back there" was on fire. He hurried to the place with the officer. The fire was now burning brightly. In his haste the officei failed to notice that though the reai door was open none of the family was to be seen. They secured pails, the burglar doinar the pumping act, but the apparatus failed to respond. A large boiler of water, intended for the next day's washing, stood convenient, and be tween them they carried the boiler of water into the house, where the flames were , soon extinguished. It was when the officer looked around for his gentle manly associate that he discovered that he was alone. The family was aroused. and then it was found that the houst had been ransacked, but little of any value taken. Toledo 13ee. Ancient Babylonian Records. Probably the oldest known specimens of recorded language in the world today are the inscriptions on the door sockets and brick stamps found at NifFer by the Babylonian Exploration expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, which has recently returned. The brick stamps, which are of yellow clay, about four by five inches, and an inch in thickness, bear the name and titles of King Sargon and Ins son Isarini Sin, who lived about 3S00 B. C, and they were taken from the mound which covers the sight of ancient .Nippuru, with its famous tern pie of Baat. The expedition also found many other objects of interest, such as clay tablets containing contracts, lists of goods, temple incomes, art fragments and images sold by the temple fakirs. These throw much light on the history of the people, as opposed to that of the kings, and the work of the expedition carries Babylonian records back a thou sand years to a time of which practical ly nothing has hitherto been known. The antiquities found are now in the uni versify museum. Pliiladelphia Ledger. Metric System in Pharmacy. In the new pharmacopoeia now in course of preparation the metric weights and measures will be adopted through out, to the entire exclusion of the Eng lish weights and measures hitherto used. It is considered by many that this is but the thin edge of the wedge, and that sooner or later the metric weights and measures will be adopted for all pur poses in the United States. In all the states of South America this system and none other is in use, and there is a growing feeling that an inter national system of weights and measures will do much to simplify and develop the commercial intercourse of the na tions in question as well as those who have adopted the metric system in Eu rope. Cor. London News. Insane from Drinking Coffee. Peter McKeever, a restaurant keeper, is in the detention hospital on complaint of his wife and a friend, George "W. Conch. At the hospital a straight jacket is necessary to prevent McKeever from tearing off his clothes and doing injury to himself. McKeever is an American, forty-five years old. "For the last two or three years," his wife said, "he has taken scarcely any solid food, but has subsisted almost entirely upon coffee. Although we tried to persuade him to change his method of living and abstain from cof fee, for we saw that it was impairing his mind, we were msuccessful." Chi cago Times. The Queen Gives Away a Goat. The queen has presented the Second V. B. Royal Welsh fusiliers with a white goat. Colonel Danscook, in com municating the information to the battal ion in an order, says he feels assured that "this most gracious act on the part of her majesty will tend to strengthen the feeling of loyalty and attachment to the throne which exists among all classes of Welshmen." Can any one ex plain why in so many instances a goat is chosen to be the "pet of the regiment ?" Pall Mall Gazette. Exhanst Pipes for Oil Tanks. Judging from the reports from the oil regions, few of the tanks have pipes at the bottom of the great receptacles so arranged that the oil can be drained out of a burning tank from below, thus reducing the loss from fire to a mini mum. The great fires at the Point Breeze refineries brought about that re form in our local oil works, and it has proved of great service ever since it was put in operation. Philadelphia Press. Half Rates to New York. " ( To accommodate Christian Kn deavorers and their friend along its line who desire to attend the ! national convention of the Y. P. S. i C. K. at .New York, July 7-10, the ; Itiirlinglon route will on July 4 run i a special train from Omaha I through to New York, via Chicago and .Niagara Falls, leaving at 11:40 : p. m., after arrival of all trains from the west. A rate of one fare for the round trip lias been authorised and will be open to the general public' Tickets, good to return any time within thirty daj-s from date of purchase, will be 011 sale at dates to be announced later. The low rates in force, the through car facilities at the disposal of travelers by the Hurlingtoii route, and the delight ful season of the year, combine to make this an unequalled oppor tunity ot visiting the east. Keiiiem ber that 3011 can purchase tickets ironi 3'our station agent through to iew 1 ork. JmuI information ma)' be had upon application to the local agent of the 1$. fc M., or by ad dressing J. Francis. General Pas wenger Agent, Omaha. Oregon, Washington and the Nor west tJcilic Coast. The constant demand of the trav eling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time ail I'l'niHlllll'rnl tlirwls df fl-atrnlii . . . . .. . "U,V""H nas jeu to tne establishment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. these cars are built on the same general plan as the regular first- class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif ference being that they are not up holstered. The' are furnished complete with good comtortable hair matresses. warm blankets.snow white linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., wnicn secure to tne occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in firtt class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms lor ladies and gentlemen, and smok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leallet. K. L. Lo max, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Den ver, Ogden, bait JLake Citj', San Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind you that the Union Pacific is the pioneer in running through cars to the above mentioned points and that the pres ent through car arrangement is un excelled. We also make THE time. For details address any ajreut of the compaii', call on your nearest agent or write to K. L. Lonax, O. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Neb. The followin-g item, clipped from the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat, contains information well werth remembering: "Nr. John Roth of this city, who met with an accident a few days aro, sprainine: and bruising his leg and arm quite severely, was cured by one 50-ceut bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm." This remedy is without an eoual for sprains and bruises and should have a place in every household. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. A. Mute Recovers Speech. Alphonce Ilemphling, of Summit township, iiutler Co., Penn., made an affidavit that his twelve 3-ear old son, who had St. Vitus dance for twelve years, lost his speech, was completely cured after using three bottles of Dr. Miles Restorative Ner vine, and also recovered his speech. .thousands testify to wonderful cures from using it for nervous di seases, dyspepsia, nervous debility, uullness, contusion of mini, head ache, etc. Four doses ot this Ner vine cured Mrs. W. Fj. Burns, South uetid, Ind., who had been suft"eriiir with constant headache for three months. Trial bottle and elegant book free at F. G. Fricke & Co. According to the census of 1S90. Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population ot i,uys,o76 people, as the eighth largest cit3' on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city 111 which so many persons find homes, and. when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlinirton Route' Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at tins piace, or write to J. Francis, oeneral Passencer and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. The Missori Pacific will sell round trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian general aisembly being held their May 19 to June 2. Tickets good un til May 19 and returning inside 90 days at $00, going via one route and returning via another. Apply at ticket office for particulars. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets be3'ond the reach of medicine They say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them . away. Could they be induced to trj' the successful Kemps Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the hrst dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. MiTeS Nerve and Liver Pills Act on o uewpriciple regulating the liver, stomach ana Dowels through the nerves. A new discov ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation Unequaled for men, women and children. Small est, mildest, surest. 50 doses 25 cts. Samples Jree at F. G. Encke& Co's. Shilohs catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for catarrh, diptheria and canker mouth. For sale by O H Snyder and K. G Frieke. The Homdliest Man in Piattsmouth Aa well as the handsomest, and oth ers are invited to call on any drug gist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy thatjis selling en tiiely upon its merits, and is guar anteed to relieve and cure all chron ic and acute coughs, asthma, bron chitis and consumption. Large bot ties 50c and 21.00. M?f FAIRBANKS 1 ... Owes IT IS PURE , UNADULTERATED.AND FOR RAPID Cleansing Power has noequal. it is invaluable. in kitchen & laundry, Sold by all Grocers. NK-IEAlRlglANK&CGa - GBEAT MODBR1T House Furnishing Emporium "T TC T'JJEIIE you can get your house furnished from V V kitchen to pnrlor and at easy tearms, I han dle the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also the latest improved lieliablc Process Gasoline stove Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. I. Pearleman OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE l' ( ; Fmofl k & G2 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANJ) A Full and DrngSj Medicines, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Prescriptions Carefully viexican M Uniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost k universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the . Stockv Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. Ne medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustano , Liniment." Occasions arise for its use almost every day. Ail druggists and dealers have it. " ' The Doctors are Guilty- Grave mistakes are made by phy sicians in treating heart disease. The rate of sudden deaths is daily increasing. II ndreds become vic tims of the ignorance of phj-sicians in thetreatment of this disease. One in four persons has a diseased heart. Shortness of breath, palpitation and fluttering, irregular pulse, choking sensation, asthmatic breathing, pain or tenderness in side, shoulder or arm, weak or hungry spells, are symptoms of heart disease. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is the 01113 reliable remedy. Thousands testify to its wonderful cures. Books free. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Just as sure as hot weather comes there will be more or less bowel complaint in this vicinity. Fvery person, and especially families, ought tc have some reliable medi cine at hand for instant use in case it is needed. A 25 or 50-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is just what 3-011 ought to have and all that 3-011 would need, even for the most severe and dangerous cases. It is the best, the most reliable and most successful treatment known and is pleasant to take. For sale 1. O. rncke & Co., aruggists. santa am SOAP its REPUTATION AND SUCCESS TO ITS OWN MERITS. CHICAGO. Complete line of Paints, and Oils. AND PURE LIQUORS Compounded at all Hours. ustang I had a severe attack of., catarrh and became so deaf I could not hear common conversation. I suffered terribl3' from roaring in my head, I procured a bottle of Kly's Cream Halm and in tnree weeks could hear as well as I ever could, and now I can say to all who are afflicted with the worst of diseases. Caearrh, take FIl3's Cream Calm and be cured. It is worth $1,000 to any Man, woman or child suffering from catarrh A E. Newman, Grayling, Mich. Hon. W. V. Lucas, ex-state auditor of Iowa, sa3's: "I have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in my family and have no hesitation in saying it is an excellent remedy. I believe all that is claimed for it. Persons afflicted by a cough or cold will find it a friend " There is no danger from whooping cough when this remedy is freely given. 50-cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggiets. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard eoft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins , curbs splints, eweeney ring one, stiflee, sprains all ewoi! len throats, coughs etc.. Save 50 cenf. ty use of one bottle. Warrant ed the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. G Fricke & Co druggists Plattsmouth