they attractive qualities of the genuine. We attach this tag to . , , every bag of BLACKWELL'S BULL DURHAM .. , A for the protection of DURHAM TOBACCO CO. the smoker. durham, n. c. For AtchiiiMon, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Lou in, and all pointau"rtli, east . south or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. Tovxsexi, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. PlIILLIPI'I, A. G. I. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgak. Agt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. MEAT MARKET SIXTH STREET F. II. KLLKNBAUM, Prop The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh ' Kffns a"d Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. SIXTH STREET T MARKET HAVE mm YOU SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Newer foils to viva nutans relinf in the worst oaaia. sod ifct kr w li e r other fail Trial Pmbsm t'UKK mt Dmaiata sr by UtO. IHfw DR. R. BOH1FPMAK N, fit. Pant. Ulan. Snroi Yrctnpt, FosJtr Cure for Impottnct, Lota of Manhood, 8eminal Emissions. Spermatorrhea, Neroousmess, Self Distrust. Los of Mtmoru, Ac. Wilt matte you a STRONG, Vigor ous Man. Prlc 91.00, 0 Boxes, 8& 00. Srclal Oirectkmt Hafted whh each Bom. A dart is Ballard s&ow Uslarat Co-, 2949 Luoas Ave BT. LOUIS - M& Chamberlain's Bye and Skin Ointment. A certain enro for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter, Salt Bhemn, Scald Bead, Ol Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by It after all other treatment had failed. It is pat np in 25 and CO cent boxes. FOR MEN 0C1LV YOUNG MENOLD MEN III II III llll tlr lilt iariaie ar eiaiass. Tk.T sake kerole tsoru so iree mibmi, v bat ot knowing kw X eacceaarally 3SHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES tbej (in vp ! aepir un rdi nu m-a fn graft. itwuuv.MrtuMi OUR NEW BOOK . - .L4 IimM 1 f ft iimn-w kl ' , th. philosophy ef Wmu- Orci ef M. how by numb o-. . fey methotfa azclaslTaly as m, th. wnt w of loit ar F&UIbk Manhood, Ooaeral K.rroae Da billty, Waaketaa of Body akMfi a. - or Xichmi. etanMd or nrota Ort "t&KL&B A DBTSLOI& '.cErcs ERIE MEDICAL CO.BOFFALO.N.T. mm V. PI X.1 - -V 1 I I XWbK. .f The Tariff Has not raised the price on Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. There arc many other brands, each represented by some inter ested person to be "just as good as the Bull Durham." They are not; but like all counterfeits, each lack the peculiar and Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc. Removes and Prevents Dandruff. WHITE RUSSIA!! SOAP. Specially Adapted for Ue in Hard Water. SO LIiC WATER OR MILK. PPS-'S GRATKUL COMFORTING Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. NESS HEADKOIBES CURED by Peck's Invisible Tubular Ear Cask Ion. Whupera beard. Comfortable. Btf-rfMtsfui whtrreal Irrmedu-nfail. Sold by F. Illffoz,onIy , CpCC ?53 airuftdwaj, Kfr awrlu Writ fur book ot prwuflllCC PARKER'S &iJ5lI HAIR BAI : -11 ? "L? t aTi PJiHofta a lnxurinni BALSAM lea the hair. nt pniwth. f3! Hair to its to Heatore Gray Youthful. Color. ifPAMra & hair fallinir. Itnd .! Ijat iniiqfiH 3 '.' .irker'g (ringer Tonic, li curvi the wP!t 0uhv iVrji .. Di tiiii'v, IndigeAion, Fain, Take in time. jOctn. H!?iDERCORJS. The onlr mire cure for Corns. ;pi ail ptiu. lOu. at iJrutgsitta, or liliCUX tt CtX, N. Y. How Lost! How Regained i KNOW THYSELF. Or SELF-PRESERVATION. A new and only Gold Medal PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL "DEBILITY, ERRORS of YOUTH. EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES nd WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pages, cloth, eilt; 125 invaluable prescription. Only $1.00 by mail, double pealed. Descriptive Prospect us with endorsements fnrri FNH of the Press and voluntary lKr T I unw testimonials of the cures. I I !& NUW. Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER- 7AIN CURE. Addre-s Dr. W. H. Pnrker. or he Pea body Medical Institute, No. 4 BulUnch St Boston, Maw. The Peabody Medical Institute has many Imi tators, hut no equal. Meruld. The Science of Life, or Self Preservation, Is a treasure more valuable than gold. Head It now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn lo be STRONG . Medical Review. (Copi rithtedJ Morning Noon Night Good, all the time. It removes the languor of morning, sus tains the energies of noon, lulls , the weariness of night. Hire Root; Beer: delicious, sparkling, appetizing. Don't be deceived if a dealer, for the salce of larger profit, tells you Si me other kind is "just as cood "'tis false. No imitation is as good as the genuine Hires'. AH T E D AGENTS to sell our choice nursery stock. Many fine specialties to offer write quick mid secure choice of territory P1AD DDnC XfKSEKYMEX.3 1 1 1 A II D li U d . Kochester, X. Y MMoS COG A W folng to Afrlraw Omit interest is exhibited in the pro-fjow-d East African extxtlition of Mr. William Antor Chankr. Tlie Tama river, which ho ini.sen to follow, is in habited iilon? the lower part iirincipally by U) Wa-l'okonio, a race which Biib Bistrt by cultivation. The hankb- of the) river lein low, tlio country on both tsideH is annually inunlatelf and thu river thus nets as a liberal fertilizer. Air. ChauliT lias no easj' tank Iw-fore him, as Home of the trilx-s to lie passed in reaeliiii Mount Kenia have had their suspicions and hostility aroused by the harsh aiul barbarous courso of the Gerhiaii explorer Dr. iVterp. lie will start early in Juno in company with Lieutenant Ilohnel.of the Austrian navy, and Count Tolaki, with the object of careful scientific research and ol servation in that region. They will travel along the Tama river, resting for Homo weeks at the snoweapied moun tain of Kenia, where they will make astronomical observations. After ex ploring the mountain to its summit if possible they will plunge into the almost unknown regions of East lludolph lake. It was there that Baron Vecken was murdered, and that Iteviol, Itcspoli and Ferrendi failed in their efforts to accom plish their aims. The region abounds in warlike triles. Mr. Chanler intends to enter the region from the west, after leaving Lake llu dolph, and proceed along tho Tubba river to the sea. lie expects to lo al- Bent aliont eighteen months. lie will take with him his young servant, George Galium, who accompanied him through Mashonaland. Mr. Chanler is full of hope and will go fully eptipied for his H-rilous enterprise, which is expected to have most interesting and valuable it suits. Philadelphia Leader. A Tame Duckling-. The extraordinary sight of a duckling that has just shed its shell following a young woman about the house with all the affection of a pet dog is a domestic wonder in the family of Mrs. Carr. Ever since Easter mom the neighbors have been dropping in to witness the spec tacle, and the fame of tho singular at tachment has attracted attention among people who are interested in natural phenomena of every description. The little duckling has been in the family since Easter Sunday, when it was brought as a gift to Mrs. Carr'g baby daughter, Serena, aged four years, who was delighted with her new pet. The duck at once struck up a long friendship for tho domestic, Mary Mc Cullough, and has been tho j-oung wom an's constant companion ever since. Whenever Mary speaks the duck re sponds with the piping salutation and waddles after the young woman wher ever she goes. The most astonishing thing about this freak of nature is that if any other inmate of the household attempts to induce it to answer, the webfooted prodigy maintains a solemn 6ilence, but Mary has only to utter a word when the quacking "begins and is kept up until she has ceased speaking. Philadelphia Times. Mary's Claim. A little girl is reported to have died near the imaginary line in Oklahoma which divided the recently opened res- servations from the remainder of the territory just as the signal was given for the grand rush for lands. The child and her father were alone and unknown, but the beauty of the one and the still, deep grief of the other moved the strong men of the frontier to acts of admirable sym pathy. A runner on a swift horse located a homestead, and returning placed the father of the dead girl in possession of it. The bod- of the child was trans ported to the claim and buried upon it. Afterward it was discovered the re maining one of the unfortunate couple was absolutely penniless, and a purse of money was given him with the hope that the claim will prove a haven of rest to him and that the homestead shall al ways bo known as "Mary's claim." Duluth Tribune. Death from Ingrowing Toe Nail. Some time ago there was published the story of the death of a Long Island physician from blood poisoning result ing from an ingrowing toe nail. A well known surgeon chiropodist said the other day to the reporter: "The death of that Long Island doctor is not the first 1 have heard of from the same cause. "The cause of the disease is eoinrlon and painful and usually directly trace able to narrow toed shoes. It causes pain as severe as a toothache and not infrequently, when neglected, results in blood poisoning. I know of an opera tion for ingrowing toe nail in an English .hospital where the patient suffered so much pain that they gave him a mixture of ether and chloroform. The operation was successful, but when it was finished the physicians found that their patient had died from the chloroform." New York Sun. " - To Preserve an Alpine Flower. The diet of the Tyrol last week passed a bill imposing heavy fines upon persons fonnd selling any sample of the beauti ful but rare Alpine flower called edel weiss, which has been pulled up by the roots on the mountains. A similar act was passed seven years ago by the diet of Salzburg, with a view to the preserva tion of the edelweiss plant, which is threatened with extinction in the Aus trian Alps. In the Salzburg district the success of this legislation i3, unfortu nately, not encouraging. Great Season for Herrings. The herring fishing season on the Sus quehanna river is finished, and the catch has been unprecedented. The pack will amount to'over 00,000 barrels of salted fish. The season open April 8 and cloaed May 10. One fisherman caught 100 bar rels of the fish with a dipnet in the out let lock of the canal. It has been no un common thing this season to take 200, 000 herring at a haul of one of the large seines, which, when paid out, encircle? three-quarters of a mile or inure ol water area. Cor. Philadelphia Record. LIGHT UPON ISLAM. A BOLD DEFENSE OF THE DOCTRINES OF THE KORAN. . A Lurid Comparison of the) Essential Points mt the Religions That Have for Their Konmlut lona the ltlble and the liuruu Ixluii) Democracy. M. Mismer could riot know the east any better than he does if he had been born there, and wo copy from his new volume, "Souvenirs du Monde Mussul man." a few w-jvfl views and considera tions addressed especially to statesmen and thinkers: The greate r iortion of tho precepts of the Ivorun have a meaning which es capes us, because that meaning is at variance with our ideas and our man ners, and this is what gives rise to ik litical errors of an incalculable reach. Tho Mussuhnans do not fail to return the attacks that are made upon them. Conceding to us the advantage in a ma terial ad scientific point of view, they hold that the riches and learning of tho few do not make tho happiness of the many, and they claim superiority for their moral ffnd social constitution. Essentially democratic in its origin, Islam has a sumptuary law which puts a tax of 2J2 percent, upon the jewels of women and upon all objects of luxury. This money has served for centuries to assist ioor tradesmen and to buy them tools. Thanks to the prohibition of wino and spirits, tho social problem is solved for them. On seeing tho dangers that hover over our civilization, the Mussulmans compare it to the smoking remains of a burned tent. They think that if it should disappear in tho flames of anarchy for want of an organic prin ciple it would be incapable of rising again from its ashes, while their faith maintains order in everything, the con dition sine qua non of progress. "You accuse us," they say, "of being depraved. Are 3011 less so, you who keep up perpetual orgies in your great cities, expose your half clad wives and daughters at balls and feasts, and allow them to bo whirled around in the arms of anybody and everybody? You re proach us for our ignorance. In order to pass through life with honor your in struction is not so good as ours. Thanks to tho proverbs and the rules of wisdom that are taught to our children, they conduct themselves like little men. With you the men, and even the learned, conduct themselves like liftlo children. You charge our functionaries with venality. Who contributes to its establishment if it is not tho vulgar herd of traders of every class that Europe has scattered all over the east? You cry down our judiciary. We too have a right to accuse yours. You charge us with fatalism. Fatalists we are, just like your learned men and j'our philosophers, who base their calculations upon the immutability of natural laws. Resigned in the face of plagues, cata clysms and death, we say It was writ ten.' For the rest we follow the words of tho prophet. "One day the prophet asked an Arab visitor what he had done with his camel. The Arab replied, 'I have left him at thy gate.' 'Hast thou tied him?' inquired the prophet. 'No, I have left him to the care of God.' 'Thou hast done wrong,' said Mohammed. 'Thou shouldst first have tied him, and then have recom mended him to God.' "The Christian doctrines of predesti nation and of grace are more depressing than our fatalism. Your ignorance of Islam makes you confound Mussulman slavery with ancient slavery and that whit h existed until recently in Russia and in Brazil. With the Mussulmans thera are no slaves. All are brothers, not in the Platonic sense of the Bible, but actually, having the same laws and tho same positive duties according to the terms of the Koran. Unlike Chris tianity, Islam has never treated as sal able things, transmissible with the land, troops of men who professed the com mon faith, as was done with the serfs of the Middle Ages, the moujiks of Russia, and the negroes of your colonies. Prisoners of war are the only slaves that it recognizes, but their children are born free, and they themselves can become so by embracing Islam. "It is the custom from time immemo rial in certain countries for parents to part with their children for money, in order to ward off poverty and open np to themselves a career of fortune. By virttie of Mussulman equality this ca reer is limitless in the east. How many slaves have become pashas, generals and ministers? Almost all the sultans have been the sons of slaves. The black slaves taken from central Africa find in Egypt and in Turkey a fate incompar ably superior to that of the slaves of your colonies. Slavery is for savages the first step toward civilization. If their recruiting and their transportation give rise to well founded protests, the fault is not with Islam. Neither the Bible nor the Koran is responsible for abuses. "The Mussulmans proclaim the supe riority of their Allah; but they acknowl edge Moses as a prophet and Jesus as Rouh Allah, the soul of God. Their veneration for Jesus extends to the mother. The immaculate conception, introduced into Catholicism by Pius IX, has been for twelve centuries a Mussul man belief. "To the extreme simplicity of the dogma must be added the positive enjoy ments which the paradise of Mohammed onnoses. to the Diatonic joys of the tjnnsnan paraaise. in oraei' to coiiip.o- hend the resistance of Islam to all at tempts at conversion. 'Christianity is a menace, Islamism a promise, said Napoleon I, and his opinion is worthy of meditation." Pans r igaro. Eating Before Sleeping. Scientific men now delare that eating before sleeping is of great benefit, and that a bowl of bread and milk, a mug of beer and a few biscuits, or a saucer of oatmeal before retiring will in a short time result in an increase in weight. ! strength and general tone. New York Tunes. A DANGEROUS ACCOMPLISHMENT. He Shot Too Well and So They Toe If Him Out ef Temptation. "Away up in tho Sierras, where the mountains rear their snow whits poaka and stand like sentinel in armor guard- y Ing the gold that lies hidden in tho rocky I canyons below, 1 onco saw an exhibition of rillo shooting, which I havo never since seen equaled," remarked a grizzled old man whoso sands of life had nearly run, as ho stood surrounded by a group of interested listeners in a well known Clark street spirting resort the other night. "What was 1 doing up there, you ask. Why, herding sheep, in order to get together enough for a grub stake, so that I might start out again on a prospecting tour. "Wo had 10,000 sheep, divided into four bands, with three herders and as many dogs to each one of them, and wo camped wherever night overtook us. 1 tell you 1 slept sounder in those days, rolled up in a pair of blankets and with a log of wood for my pillow, than I dj now in the best bed that I can find in hotel. "We followed tho old stage road that led uj from Stockton through Sonora and Cherokee camp, anil then struck out over it trail that led through thu 'Big Basin' and up to tho headwaters of tho Tolumno river. It was in Juno and tho air was full of tho fragrance of flowers, while the sunlight as it flick ered through tho trees mado a chess board on th velvet green carpet that lay stretched out beneath tho epreadiug oaks. "Wo had long before left civilization behind us, when lato one evening wo came out of tho woods into a littlu mountain meadow that was known as Crane's flats, and was tho headquarter for a baud of cattle herders. Most of them were Italians, but they gave us a warm welcome. One of them in particu lar attracted my attention. He was tall, lithe and muscular, and walked with the easy swing of a professional pedestrian. His eyes were of bluish gray, and ho seemed to bo a leader among his com panions, all of whom wero swarthy and dark eyed. " 'If you can get that fellow to show you some shooting you will seo some thing wonderful in that line,' whispered 0110 of my companions. " 'Who is he?' I asked. " 'Italian Joe,' was the reply. "I had heard of Italian Joe before. At Sonora, at Cherokee, at the Confidence mines and in a hundred other places his fame as a rifle shot had been dinned into my ears. "Tho next morning I asked him to give us an exhibition of his skill. Shoot ing was his weak point, and he consent ed. Unlike tho coy maiden, who can sing, but wishes to be coaxed beforo she does, he had his notes with him. Tak ing a Colt's revolving rifle in his hands he paced oil a hundred yards and pinned a common cap box to tho trunk of a huge oak. Coming back, he wheeled as quick as lightning, and without sight ing, apparently, he emptied tho cham bers. Six of the shots were in a circle around the edge, while tho Seventh was a plumb center. "Loading again, he glanced about him. High up in the heavens a hawk circled warily through the blue, looking for something to prey upon. There wa3 a moment of hesitation, a quick report and down came the hawk with a bullet in his head. Pennies, dimes and quar ters that were tossed in the air came down with a bullet hole through them, j He missed nothing that ho drew a bead on. He could beat all the Carvers and the Buffalo Bills that you ever saw." "What became of him?" asked an eager listener. "He shot at a man and he didn't miss him, either. Ho was captured by a band of vigilantes, and when I came out of the mountains in the fall his skeleton, white and ghastly, was hanging to a tree at the entran of the big basin. The vultures had picked all the flesh from the bones, and the sun, wind and rain had bleached them to a snowy whiteness. Pinned to a tree was this inscription, written with charcoal upon a pine shingle: : de coui.n snooT too well, : : AND WE Ul'.NQ HIM. ' . . "Rather a ghastly comment on our so called civilization, was it not?' Chicago Mail. Effect of Gravitation. If a man weighing twelve stone were to be transferred to the moon, the weight of his body, measured, at least, by the attraction which the moon would exer cise upon it, would be reduced to about two stone. If his muscles and his frame remained the same, it would seem as it he would be able to jump over a wall twelve feet high on the small globe without any greater exertion than would be required to clear a wall two feet high on the earth. Good Words. Mountain Lions Are Great Cowards. Mountain lions are the greatest cow ards in the mountains, although people who are not familiar with them believe that they stretch out on limbs of trees and pounce upon unsuspecting travel ers. I will guarantee to take an ordi nary hickory club and chase any lion in the mountains, although I have one hide at home measuring nine feet from tip to tip. Topeka Capital. Amnsement of Texas Engineers. Engineers of railroad trains in Texas and most of the western states carry re volvers and often rifles in the cab for contingencies that might arise. They amuse themselves by shooting at the telegraph poles or any other mark while running at full speed, and attain won derful skill in marksmanship. St. Louis Republic. The Oldest Banknote. The oldest banknote now in existence is in the British museum, and was is sued from the imperial mint of China at the beginning of the reign of the first Ming emperor. The first bank in Ea rope was at Barcelona, established in 1401. The Chinese banknote i3 suppjged to date back to 1100. New York Sua. 1 Every Month many worries suffer from Esceeelve er Scant Menstruation; they don't know who to confide la to get proper advice. Don't confide in anybody but try Bradfield'o Fcmalo Regulator Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRRE6ULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlseta, fa. "old r all DresgUta. TTOKNKV A. N. 8ULLIVAN. ' attorney Will give prompt attentloa ',0 ail liuMneoH Rtruitd to him. Office In Union block, Kant Bide. 1'laltamoutti, Neb. HENRY BOECK The Leading FUKNITURE DEALER A ND UNDERTAKR. Constrintly keeps on hand every thin you need to furnish your house. COIl.NKK SIXTH AND MAIN HTKKitT Plattsmouth Neb F IKST : NATIONAL : HANK OK PLATTSMOUTH. NKBUAHKA fald up capital SurpliiM fMKKI.OO lo.uou.ov rtiiery bent facilities for tlie promp transaction of ligitluiate Hanking Business Htockp, bonds, k'old. government and local se juritieH liouKbt and sold. DepoHlUJ received nd interest allowed ou the certificates Drafts drawn, available in any part of tlie Ui lted State and all thu principal tewus of Europe. TOLLKCTIOJtfH MAUR AND PUOMITI.V REMIT- I TK1. HlKliest ni,irket price paid for County War- p raniH, mate ana t;ouniy doiiUb. Ol KKOTOKS John Fitzgerald I). Hawkswortb Sam Waugh. Y. K. While ieorge K. Dovey fobn Fltzfrerald. h. WauKh. Prei-ident Carbaet;, W. II. Clsiikng, l'rcttitlcut , J. W. JOHNSO.V, Vice-1'rtmUlcnt. , -00OT H EO00- PLATTSMOUTH NKHKAHKA Capital Paid in $BO.OOG F K Gntliinan. J W Johnson. E H Greus uenry KiKenuary. m w Morgan, J A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W 11 Cushing A general banxincr busineBH tran acted. Interest allowed 011 d positcs. Always lias on hand a full stock FLOUR AND FEKD, Corn, Iiran, Shorts Oats and Hale Hay for sale as low as the lowetj and delivered to any part of tl city. CORNEK SIXTH A NO VINE Plattemouth, 'Nebraskf PLACES OF WORSHIP. Cathoi.k:. St. Paul's Church, ak. betwe Fifth and Sixth. Father Cainey, Pat services: jwhsh at 0 ana 10 :30 a. m. Huna School at 2 :30, witb benediction. Chkistian. Corner Locust and Kiirhth tj Services morning and evening. Elder Galloway pastor. Sunday School 10a.m. Episcopal. St. Luke's Church, corner Tli and Vine. liev. li li. Hrnee. pastor. H vices : 11 A. m. and 7 J3U P. M. Sunday Sch at 2 :30 p. m. Methodist. corner Sixth Rt. at Granite. Kev. Hlrt. Pantor. Services : 11 A and 7 :30 P.M. Sunday School 10 :30 A. M Pbksbyteei an. Services in new church. ner Sixth and Granite Hie. lie v. J. T. Bai pastor. Sunday-school at 9 ;3f ; Preachl at 11 a. m.aua s p. rn. The V . K. S. C. E of this Church meets ev Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basement thechucrh. All are invited 10 attena in meetings. First Mfthodist. Sixth St.. betwen M ahd Pearl. Kev. L. K. Brltt. I). V. oasl Services : 11 A. m.. 8 :00 P. m. Sunday 8cli 9:30 a. m. Prayer meeting W eduesday ev4 ing. Cmviv PRrauvTvuiav f'nrnr Main Ninth. Kev. Witte, pastor. Services us Hours, nunuay renooi y :m a. m. Co-okf.oatio'ai Granite, . 1 ' i f . 1 1 . ' : . t inccu r ulii auu nixtu. Colohud Baptist. Mt. Olive. Oak. betw Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. riowe!l. p tor. Services 11a. m. and 7 uM) p.m. Prs meetiuir Wednesday eveuine;. Vottxo Mps's Chkistiax Associatio Kooms in V atennan block. Main street. GJ pel meeting. lor men only, every sunaay ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooms open week C irom 8:30 a. m.. to : 30 p.m. Rnrrn Park Tarf.rxaclb;. Kev. J. Wood, Pastor. Services : Sunday Sch iOa. m rTeacntDir. 11a. m. ana S P. prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir pi tlCHrnaay nignt. au are weicoiu.