i i i i i J ghe PJuttsnwuth llcrnUl. COKMiK K VIM-; KIKTII STS I "KI.KI JIONK KNOIrs HKOS, Publishers r-iNi-Iic-1 . tvi'nii K'cuis rv -IliVrVliiy, H'nl rlnijy UirTMiltli l'l;it.initlj,rCi-l.riijK?i orrFioHT last Si y rinyinj noise i tho ears, headache, deafness. -vph vtreak ; obstruction of nose, dis charges falling into throat, some times profuse, watery ami acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, bloody and putrid ; offensive breath ; smell and tasto impaired, and general debility. Not all of thew symptoms at once. Probably only a few of them. That's Catarrh. A medicine that by its mild. J soothing, cleansing and heal in? properties has cured the most hope less cases, wne mat will I r;iii-iiiiHi.!i llifouV tdr TKWNS I C K W l:i.K I.Y, n- year in ,-il v ;nn e Our v-iir not in :nK ;i i:c- - Six irimit lis in :i v.-iTirt-'lli re- linn it lis in ;, uui- 'I Kl.'.'l-. ok li.MI.V. n- year in :i-I v.in. !! ip v i me f 1 1 r : i ( ii -IVr week tv rarriel - I'M DAY, J C.NK 17. is: ,2. H :7l m i .i in j'i rl ',' 1 l.l New Mexico sib in other pnrls of the west, and they consequently bear a comparatively - small ratio to the W'gaU population. Of ciinrne, partisanship mid not the question of fitness determine J trie. course of the house in this-mat- er. if ui K'rritorre.s are strongly dvUioVrn'tic iii pplilics. Each 'is ru. jnescutcif in t Tie pre.-Wt ho ii St by ; leniiic rati.; (:n,,itc, aiul eiich,' undoubted?-. 33 a slate, would chope democratic electors in presidential c;i!ivas.-f. TliiVcfore their admis- . : :.. n 'i,. - i -ion iii me prcenissessioii or con gress would he ;l great triumph for democracy.' The sj- electoral t'u REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. r 1 're- iili i UK" cure you. no matter how bad your case or of how long standing. A medicine that doesn't simply palliate for a time, but produces jierfett and jkt manent cures. Thai's Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. A cash payment of f.loo, not you, as you might expect, but to fj-ou, if you can't be cured. It's an jOffer that's made in good faith, to prove their medicine, by responsible knen, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy. i That's the kind of medicine to try. J Doesn't it seem so? r. :j.il IIAK'K'ISO.X f Ir, li.-iti;i. ii sid. iit W II III; LAW K'Ii;i) nf Xf.v York. I' I yt i;. k'kvxoi.ds. l:-fi-t.-ri-il l'liy i:iti ami I'liai mat-i-l pecial attention given to OfT.ce Practice. 0CK BLLi-IS Xi:h. jp J- HxljSfSFc J I K A I. Kit I.V- i STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries GLASS AND QUEENSWM. atronage of the Public Solicited. r 'i"r v. . v . .... . . . w . i .-ij-iwi. i ii was representeil iti the .idverti-ing train last fall and she will he represented again this summer. ilLXlv'AII lur the I'onrt i nf InU-i j -j we are going to celebrate therlori- 1111: t-i' r',,r4 t...... Til jj .1 w..- 1 i-iu in. 1 iii 1 lau.-iii'iiun and no mistake about it. I Hi; reports that come in from all over the count' say that the crops are in a line ;ondition and that the corn yn-i.i uui io ;ls laie as last year. Jiili present administration has hail an unusual number of di flicult in 01 iii-iii.- 10 snive, ui'l 111 ev-i-ry in stance the final result has been ad vantageous to this country. Ti.'.- ... 1 :. c . 1. . iiiiiui 01 liii.-i jiaper was m U'eepino; Water yesterday and neaiu a nuuitier of the citizens of that town say they were coining to 1 iattsmouth 011 the Fourth. iiiLWt is no better town in the : .4.. 41..... Ill . ., i.ii. ui.in i lansujouiii ana our citizens are beginninr to lind it out. All 4 1... 1 .. . iiiui we ueeu is a mile more au erin-ir.g. atiu slie is j-oinir to have it. voies which they would have as stati-s would come iji exceedingly handy for that organization. On a close vote in the t lectoral . college they might turn the scale in favor of the democrats. Uut the ar f Ion of the house in this case is subject to revision in the senate, xmd the chances are entirely against,, the en aciinent of this bill this year. It will undoubtedly fail in the 'senate, but if it should hy any accident or mischance pass that body it would encounter the presidential veto. Neither territory is ripe for admis sion yet, although each has been in its present stage for many j-enrs. Neither has grown as rapidly in population or in properly c.R the oxiier communities m their neigh borhood, if Nevada be left out of the calculation. Their recent develop ment may be along the right lines, but it is not at the r'ght pe.ee. It would scarcely be wise to let t'hese territories in now. They are not yet full- prepared for the honors mil responsibilities of statehood. Per haps in a few years more their peo ple may be Jilted for self-government and the creditable perfor mance of the duties of American citizens, and when this time comes the country will cheerfully confer on them the privileges and dignities which the- seek. Globe Democrat. Don't bo Hoodwinked by dealers who pretend that they can sell Dr. Pierce's tcioh'ik- fcines ?it less than these lonir estab lished prices: Golden Nedical Discovery- for liv er, lijood and lung diseases. $1 a balle write Prescription (for' wo- J iHi nfe 4von li ess "ul ailments), ifl a 1'lw?nfaut Pellets (for the liver), 2." cejts nyvial. -A.C'oin, JJxt. Smart-Weed oil cents a bottle-. Dr. Sa'jT'-'s Catarrh TVenioiK ai) cents a bottle. '. , The genuine medicines can only be sold by druggists, at the above prices. There are more ways than one to make a profit, even at "cut prices." I'nscrtipirious dealers tamper with the bottles, or refill -idi,I- ..,w.u anil such mixtures can be sold cheaply. Put every botttle of Dr. Pierce's genuine medicines is guar anteed. If it fails to give satisfac tion in any case, you have your money back. C an anything else, at any price lie really as cheap? You pay only for value received. Something else, that pays the dealer better, may be offered as "just as good." Perhaps it is, for him, but it can't be, for you. The HoindlieM Man in Plaittmouth As well as the handsomest, and oth ers are invited to call on any drug gist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy that'is selling en tirely upon its merits and is guar anteed to relieve and cure all chron ic and acute coughs, asthma, bron chitis ami consumption. Large hot ties ROc and 21.00. YIiUAR TEJLL TO USE NO OTHER SOAP FOR LA UN PRY ANP H0USEH0LP PURPOSES. THAN wmmmm. HIT. rf S QAP. JT IS FAR SUPERIOR TO AN Y OTHER INTHEMARKE s'Ahip 13 A A DSL ONLY BY CHICAGO. I r o i i ir-iur A i a 14-4- JVI fv IN O r P. Us r eirulaiiu- Milui Nerve unci L. Act on o new pricirile Hie hvt-i, stomach and bowel though the nerves. A new diseov- .y Dr. r'liles pills speediiv cure b lioii-ness. bad taste, toipid liver, piles, constipation Uneuualed for men, women and childen. Small est, mildest, surest. 5D closes 23 cts. Samples ?ree at F. G. KrickeA Co's. Oreijon, Washington and the Nor west PacificCoast. The constant demand of the trav eling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment ns what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. These cars are built on the same general plan as the reirular lirst- class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif ference being that they are not up holstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets.snow w hite linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had m hrs-t class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Coioinst bleeper leailet. K. D. Lo max, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. House Furnishing Emporium T T iiEIiE yon can get your houso lurnislied from V V kitchen to p'irlor and at easy tearins. I luin die tlio world renown Haywood baliy carriafres, also tlie .latest improved Reliable I'roeess (iasolinu stovt; Call "and be convinced. No trouble to show floods. Ml I. Pearleman OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE F i 1LATTSMOUTH never does rhino--: by halves. She is going to have a Fourth ot July celebration and will advertise the town properly this summer. Siie is bound to keep her piace as the third city of the state. orth Sixth Street, Plattsmouth R. A. SALISBURY : D-K-X-T-I-S-T :- GOLP AXO PORCELAIN CKOWXS Stelnways ana-stliotic for the i;iiii!ei' .-x tnictior ol teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. lckwood Block ri;ittsn:outh. Net. 217, 219, 221, AND 223 yAIN ST PIVTTS.MDUTIl, XKH. I HE state board of equalization has fixed (he assessed valuation of railroads of Nebraska at 20,339,731, an increase of 73,S13 over last year. mere are m tlie state 543,471 miles of railroad. The highest valuation is that of the li. & !., which is as sessed at 11. SCO per mile, and Hip lowest is the Omaha & Southern, 3,000 per mile. R. GUTHtfANN. PROP. Usually as the approach of the .presidential canvass closes trade is hurt and almost becomes dormant till after the election, but this year there is 110 depression in business circles on arrnmit of hr. cam ass. The reason is every one is confident of the success of the re publican par'y . h"s yea -. and that reciprocity will 1,-carried on for the next four years. Half Rates to New York To accommodate Christian Kn- deavorers and their friends silon.r its line who desire to attend the national convention of the Y. P. S C. K. at Xew York. Inlv 7-10 ih- Huilinirton route will on Inlv 4 run 1 special train from Omaha through to New York, via Chicago and Niagara Falls, leaving at 11:40 p. nr., alter arrival of all trains from the west. A rale of one fare for the round trip has been authorized and will be open to the general public. Tickets, good to return anv time within thirty days from date of purchase, will be on sale at dates to be announced later. The low rates in force, the through car facilities U trie disposal of travelers bv- the Hurlintrton route, and f he del hrht. ful season of the year, combine to make this an unequalled oppor tunity of visitingthe east. Remem ber that you can purchase tickets from your station agnl through to New York. Full in for nation may be had upon application to the local agent of the li. 6c M.. or bv ad dressing J. Francis, General Pas senger Agent, Omaha. Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Den ver, Oirden. Salt I'ake Cilv- Snn Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind you that tiie Union Pacific is the pioneer in running through cars to the above mentioned points and that the pres ent through car arrangement is un excelled. We also make THE time. For details address any agent of the company, call 011 your nearest agent or write to K. L. LomAx, cr. r . v 1. v. V. I'.. Omaha Xc . The following item, clipped from the Ft. Madisou (Iowa) Democrat, contains information well worth remembering: "Mr. John Roth of this city, who met with an accident a few days ago, spraining and oruising nis leg and arm quite severely, was cured by one 50-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Palm." This remedy is without an eoiml for sprains and bruises and should have a place in every household. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. G pmoiH & no K . WUA, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions (artfully ('(impounded at all llmu. T J: i. X Rates iM-TWVpek week a.d cp nmn f ? THE OLD RELIABLE. I ffATBBHAN HP LUM 5 BER Sliingles, JL.it b, Snth, )oors Blinds Hiipplj fcrw ciemaDrt of the city Cull and ge t terma. Fourth street in rc-ar of opera house. TI310THY CliAKK. DEALER IX OAL WOOD oTEKJIS CASIIo rd and OHlce 404 South Third Street. Telephone 13. i ATTSMOUTII, XEHKASKA ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO. The action of the house of repre sentative? in passing a bill to ad mit -Ar.zona and New Mexico to statehood will hardh lind favor with the country. It is true Ari zona, which is much the smaller of the two in population, had almost as many inhabitants in 1$'J(1 as Wyoming, which became a state in that year, Wyoming's total being a little .above and Arizona's a little below the 00,000 mark, while Xew Mexico had about 153,000 at the time, surpassing Idaho and Nevada as well as Wyoming among the states. The objection to admission for these U-rritories, however, is not based on any paucity of inhabi tants, but chieily oil the character ot those inhabitants. In both terri tories the percentage of illiteracy is very great. It is greater than in any other section of the west. A large part of the population are Mexicans, who know little and care little about the hugli.-h language. That part of the national domain was. obtained from .Iexico forty or lifty years ago, and many of the people living in it are descendants of its residents of that period, and retain the language as well as the habits of thought of its original in habitants. Immigration has trans formed Texas and California, which also were formerly Mexican territory, into intelligent, enter prising and progressive American comr iunities, but the Anglo-Saxon, Teuton and Ceit have not found so j many attractions in Arizona or A Husband's Signature Veld. A very curious caso in which a hns-' band executed a will which had been prepared for his wife, and the wife . exe cuted a will which had been prcpnrea" ror ner Husband, has recently been de cided by the general teiin of the supreme court of tins state. John and J?ae Nel son, eirs bn?baod and wife, jited to make wills each in favor of the othr, aud employed William Cowie to pre pare the. instrument, which he did in due form. The willa were read and placed upon the table for signature. Each then surr.ed one of the wills, made the re quisite declaration as to the character of the instrument and asked the sub scribing witnesses to fcign. After exe cution the wills were sealed up in an en velope, which was not opened until after the husband's death, when it was dis covered for the first time that each had by mistake signed the will intended for the other. The wife brought a suit in the supreme court to correct her hus band's mistake in signing tho wroiu will by re-forming the language of the will which he did actually execute, so as to make it conform to that which ha certainly intended to execute. Her complaint was dismissed 'at tho Fpecial term, however, and the appellate branch of the supreme court holds that the dismissal was right. Mr. Justice Martin, in tho opinion of the general term, says in substance that there is no will to correct, because the husband did Financially Embarrascd A hT-ge manufacturer; whose af fairs were very much embarrassed and who was very much ovei work ed and b.-oken down w'th nervious e.",hai:s,ion, went to a celebrated special is.. He was told ihat the onld tlii'itr needed was to li t- lieved of enre anp wot aud have change of 1 bought. "This doctor was mora considerate of Ins patient ci i.i man or 11 is rmaociH t crc 11 in stances. He ought to have ad viced him to use Dr. Miles' Kesioaiivc Nervine, the best i-eaiedy for ner vous prostralion, sieeplessness. diz Zi.iess heac'a :lie, i'l effects of tobac co, coffee ,opinm; etc. Thousands testyfy tcxit. Book and tviat bottle free at F G Fricke & Ce's. The wisdom of him who journey eth is known by the line he selects the judgment of the man who takes the "Burlington Koute" tn iiu cities of the east, the south, and the ucci liupeacneu. me in ference is plain. Magnificent Pull man sleepers, elegant reclining chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent of tlie company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Omaha. TheMissori Pacific will sell round triii tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian general aisembly being held their May 19 to June 2. Tickets good un til May 19 and returning inside 90 days at ?00, going via one route and returning via another. Apply at ticket oflice for particulars. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets THE lf;E:fi:il:L:D 'ero&iiiig sinus - Sttfo - wik EatesO n .iLpplication. 1 ii ! 1 mm 1 TTfnnnn 1 Jl n VJ A 60 JLC3 i usimss .i;.i.,;i;i-. a SOI Cor Fifth and Vinebt PLATTTSM OUTH .r NEBRASKA -Mexican not make any will at all. The instru ment that he executed was his wife's beyond the reach of medicine They will, and of no more legal significance "Oh. it will wear away," but in than if it had been a blank piece of pa- most. cases it wears them away. per. Io precisely similar case 15 re ported in this state, but there are Eng lish and Pennsylvania decisions in point adverse to the position of the wife. Al bany Argus. The Russians have just had made two 113-ton guns for their Black sea fleet The English admiralty seems to valno its big 110-tun barkers more as torpedo throwers than as mere armor piercing weapons. Navigation on the Elbe was open dnr ing the whole of the month of March this year, whereas last year it was only possible toward the end of the month Mustang IT Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price ."Rio and 1. Trial size free. At all druggists. German Baptist Conference. The German Baptist Cotmferenee meets at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 3 to 9. One lowest first class fare for round trip over the M. P. Tickets on sale May 30 to June 6, good until June ::o. Shilohs catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for catarrh, diptheria and canker mouth. For sale by O II Snyder and K. G Frieke. Liniment A Cure for the Ailments of Alan and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use isr almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stotfc Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective . liniment -No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. tTo medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang J.IXIMEXT. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. AJi druggists and dealers have it.