The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 16, 1892, Image 1

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    aily Hera
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest U.S. Government fool report.
No. 2
N. 4.
No, H....
No. 10...
No. 6 ..,
5 : 17 P. M,
10 a. n: .
....7;i p. m
. . . : Aft a. ni
. . . . 12 25 a. m
No. .1,...
Vo. T....
No. ft.. .
N O, 81...
.....J a. m
a : l p.
... :x a. m.
... A tP p n.
... 4 : p, m.
7 :iSa. ni.
Piishr.eU's extra leaves for Omaha about two
o'cloek for i nialiaaua will accommodate pas-snipers.
N. 3M Accomodation leaves...
NO.WI - arrives...
Trains daily except Sunday.
.lo.-M a. m,
. 4 ;00 p. in.
CAS- (!AM P No. 332 M. W. A. meets every
wecond and Fourth Monday ev -liinK"
S-'ltZKeraUl liall. Visitinu neit;lilirs welcome.
P.i. llan-eii. V. C. : 1. W'erteiibenrer, W. A.,
. C Wilde. Clerk.
Soin or Vetfrann. division of Nebraska. L
H A meet very Tuendav night at 7 i-M o clock
in their hall in KttlKer:ud b ock. All sons ami
visiting comrade are cordially invited to meet
with us J. J. Kuitz. Commander ; 1!. A. Ac
Klwain. l"t Seargent.
iKIvK OK THE WOKIJ), Meet!" at. 7 : .TO
f ......... mailviv avoiiimr ut tliet.ratid Amiiv
r?rij I'" , . --- --- , ... . i : .
halt. A. r . tirooni, prenieni, inns """
A o ir W No B-Meet tirst ami "r;
dav evetiiny of each month t 1 t i r
hull. Krunk Yeriiiyleu M W; J K Uarwick,
C'A K.Mc'Coniliie Pont No. 45 ine. t every
1 "-.tur -ny evoiiimr at 7 : m he:r Ilallni
lockwood l.l.wk All visitinu comrades are
eordiallv invited to eet with us. rrrd Bates,
port Adjuiaut ; - r". Niles. Pont Connnadder.
FNHJIITS OK PYTHIAS la u lit let Ile
.N-47. Meets every Wednesday c ve
iling at their hull over Uennot Ac 1 ut t s. all
visiting knitftit are cordial y invited to
attend. M N Orittitu, C C: Otis Uovey -K f
K und S.
AO tr w X W Meet second and fourth
Friday evenings in the month at I t
O F Hall. M Voiidran. M W, 1 Brown.
DAUtaiTEKS OF KEPEtf'A P.nd of Prom
I e Ik1k N . 40 meets the second ana
fourth Thursday evenis of each niojun In
tbe I" O. O. . ln.ll. Mrs. T. K. W llllams. N
1. ; Mm. John Cory. Secretary
HEGKEE OF HOXOK-Meeta the first
J and thir.l Thrurs,luy evetimifs f each
month in I. O. O. F. hull. Fit.eruld block.
Mr". Addie Smith. Worthy Sister of Honor
Mrs. .Nannie Hurkel, filter secretary.
CASS I-OIXJE. No. 14S.1-0.0. F. nieets ey
ry leday night at their hall in FitGerald
block. AllXWdi Fellow, are cordially tnvited
"Vattend when visiting in t!e city. ChriH Pet
eren. N. O. ; S. F. Unborn. Secretary.
. i v a Mf'..x Council No 1021,
Meet at the K. of P hail in th Parmele &
V block over t & TuttK. visirlng
brethren invited Henry t:ertng. Be?ent ;
Tbo WalliuK, Secretary.
Yt)UN; MEN'S CllKIsTloN- -StKMA riON
Waterman block Main Street. Koomf
open from 8 a m to S : p . For men on'
Gospel ineet'HK every Sunday alternmm at 4
For Sale ok Trade A desirable
lot in Plattsmouth. Will sell for
cash or will take a Rood bu;p;y
horse and horses in exchange.
For particulars call on or address
For millinery and pattern hats or
anything in the line of ribbons,
flowers of the latest styles and de
signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in
the Sherwood block. tf.
FOR SALE Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to I'lattsmouth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address The
JIekali office.
WANTED A good girl for general
house work Kxtra wages paid.
?1ks. K. H. WlXIHIAM.
CO., OF N, Y. .
T. II. Pollock, Agent,
The H. & M. will sell tickets for
the second annual encampment
competitive drill. Omaha, and for
the meeting of the Manufacturers
and Business Men's association,
Omaha, at one fare for the round
trip. Tickets will be sold June 13,
15. 10 and 18. Final limit for return,
ne 22. J. Francis,
Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent.
District Reunion.
A district reunion of the Ci. A. K.
for the eastern district of Nebraska,
consisting of the counties of I-an-caster,
Cass, Sarpy and Saunders,
is to be held at Greenwood, Cass
county, August 9 to 12, inclusive
Greenwood has one of the finest
groves in the state, and prepara
tions are being made for a grand
All Grand Army men. Sons ot
Veterans and ladies of the V. K. C
are expected to be present. A pro
gram will be out soon and will be
sent to the various the
district. J. B. FERGUSON,
- P. S. GALLEY, President.
District Court.
Travis vs. Durell, et al; evidence
submitted, when the case was ar
gued and taken under advisement.
Patterson & Co. vs. Hugh Behan
Judgment in favor of plaintiff for
K. W. Hyers was appointed re
ceiver for the Todd-Holmes farm.
The sale of the street railway was
this morning confirmed.
Attention, K. of P.
All K. of P. are requested to meet
at the lodge room Sunday, at 7 a. m.,
June 19, for the purpose of march
ing t the cemetery and decorating
the grave of our departed brothers,
at 8 o'clock sharp. Services will be
held at the M. E. church at 11
o'clock. M. X GRIFFITH,
Otis Dovey, C. C.
K. of K. S.
Take Notice. A. O. U. W.
All who wish to become charter
members of the new Degree of
Honor lodge, A. O. U. W., will
please be present at the hall Satur
day night at 8:30 o'clock for the
organizing of the new lodge.
L,. G. Laksox,
D. D., Plattstuouth Lodge Xo. 8,
A. O. U. W.
. The graduating exercises of the
high school occur to-night at 8
o'clock. After the exercises at
the opera house the graduates will
be tendered a banquet at the Riley
by the Alumni, with J. Stuart Liv
ingston as toastmaster.
The school board held a meeting
last night and had Architect Fisk
with them. The board consum
mated the deal for the lots in the
Fourth waid this morning. Work
will begin at once and will be
pushed to completion.
Hal McCloud, an emyloyee of the
H. & M. shops, had $13 stolen from
his room at Mrs. Kate Oliver, Tues
da3'. Suspicion points to a young
man by the name of Kyle, who has
left for parts unknown.
Money to loan Thursday June
10, 1802, by Livingston Loan and
Building association.
Henry Gering, Sec.
Hon. W. K. Andrews of Hastings
was nominated on the first ballotat
McCook yesterday for congressman
in the district.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G.
Frirke& Co
The state business men's associa
tion concluded their deliberations
last evening and adjourned sine
The water pipes about the city
are getting general repairs.
Sleep on Left Side.
Many persons are unable to sleep
on their left side. The cause has
long been a puzzle to physicians.
Metropolitan papers speak with
great interest of Dr. Franklin Miles,
the eminent Indiana specialist in
nervous and heart diseases, who has
proven that this habit arises from a
diseased heart. He has examined
and kept on record thousands ot
cases,. His New Heart Cure, a won
derful remedy, is sold at F. G. Fricke
& Co. Thousands testify to its value
aa a cure for heart diseases. Mrs.
Chas. Benoy. Loveland, Colo., says
its effects on her were marvelous.
Elegant book on heart disease .free.
A Conduit Elertrlo Railway.
A conduit railway system has been de
vised fn which the current is transmit
ted to the car by induction. It requires no
overhead wires, storage batteries or sur
face or underground conduits, the ar
rangement of the transformers being such
that the primary circuit is underneath
the roadbed, while the secondary is car
ried on the car, so that there is no metal
lic connec t ion between the car and the
main circuit from which the current is
derived. New York World.
Twenty years ago a party of Mormons
made numerous proselytes in the upper
Androscoggin valley, and last week au
emissary of the Church of Latter Day
Saints baptized four converts at Dixheld
fVntre. in the same region.
Tw Hladd Swords That An Valuable
Curiosities Weapons That Display a
High Decree of 'Workmanship Terrl
bla l-ooklng; Daggers.
Though Dr. Bedloe, the United States
consul to Ainoy, China, has started back
to his post after his leave of absence,
yet through the delays incident to the
shipping of goods from such far off
lands and in getting them through the
custom house, some of his most inter
esting and valuable relics arrived only
a row days ago.
In his room at the Bellevue a reporter
found the genial consul resting content
edly after his breakfast, as his eye roved
contemplatively over a number of the
most deadly and awful weapons ever
conceived or executed by man. When
asked about these curiously ugly swords
the doctor said:
"I was asked to execute a commission
for the Rev. Dr. C. M. Shepherd, the
distinguished Nebraska divine, a gentle
man, who though a man of peace, has
one of the finest, if not the very best,
collections of swords and other weapons
in the world. This led to my examining
several hundred rare and curious weap
ons sent me for inspection and approval,
and these are a few of those I selected.
No two are alike, and not one but what
displays rare skill and inventive power
on the part of the Chinese swordsmith.
"The handsomest of all is a general's
saber, about 4 feet long, slightly Jap
anese in style, with an edge like a razor
and a point that would extort admira
tion from Colonel Jack Chin, of Louis
ville. Unlike our own, the thickest part
of the blade is the center. This gives
great weight to the weapon, joined to
the appearance of extreme lightness.
The scabbard is made of hard, tough
wood, lacquered to represent black iron
incrusted with mother-of-pearl. The
hilt is of black iron, molded in the form
of a full blown rose, the petals of which
have been drilled with small holes and
these filled with bright brass bars.
"The most curious of the lot to my
eye is the so called warrior's two bladed
sword from Ho-nan. It is only about
two feet long and in the scabbai-d looks
very like the sword bayonet of our own
army. The scabbard is plain but very
neat and covered with white shagreen
or sharkskin and trimmed with brass
mountings.. When you draw it the
blade' divides into two. each a facsimile
of the other, double edged and spear
pointed. The twin blades have a re
markable decoration made by drilling
seven holes about an inch and a half
and put in a zigzag line from hilt to
point. These are filled with pure cop
per, which is ground down to form a
smooth surface flush with the steel and
polished to brightness.
'These seven stars, as they are called,
are found in nearly all the martial
weapons of Ho-nan and are relics of the
old astrologic faith that still prevails in
many parts of China. Its hold is so
strong that if the copper falls out of one
of the sword holes it is accepted as a
sore precursor of death, and the luckless
wielder of the blade usually commits
suicide to escape further trouble.
"The short stabbing daggers which
find favor chiefly with pirates and revo
lutionists, form a strong contrast with
the weapons described. They are gen
erally so ugly that they would be ludi
crous were it not for the purposes to
which they are applied. I have one
which looks like a queerly made ace of
spades fastened into a wire bound han
dle. To increase the artistic effect of
the weapon, the armorer has hollowed
out a shallow, spoon shaped concavity
on either side of the blade and filled it
in with blood red lacquer, the effect of
which when suddenly drawn from a
black sheath is very startling. Spades
are not the only suit in the pack that is
popular in the Mongolian mind. I have
another weapon whose blade is a perfect
ace of diamonds.
"Still another dagger is about the
clumsiest affair of the kind I ever han
dled. The blade is a foot long, about
three inches wide and half an inch
thick. With its heavy brass hilt and
gigantic guard it weighs over three
pounds. If set with a long handle it
could be used as an ax. It is used chief
ly by the Black Flags and other Celes
tial outlaws, who, in addition to using
it in the ordinary manner, throw it with
fatal precision.
"The ex-resident of Tonquin told me
that during the late war he had known
instances in which the knives were
thrown with such force that they would
go through a man's body and show two
inches of bloody steel beyond his back.
The handles of many of these instru
ments of death are finished with what
we call pistol grips.
"The most dreadful looking weapon
of all was the executioner's sword used
by the late headsman of Amoy. It is of
Manchurian type, being long, almost
straight, very heavy and keenly edged.
It is used with one hand and is shaped
and wound so as to give the executioner
a powerful hold upon his weapon. Upon
the blade near the hilt are Chinese char
acters recording the tragic events in
which it has taken active part. My in
terpreter told me that they record no
less than 193 human lives which it has
taken out of this world. This record
enhances its value. A new sword of
the same kind could be bought for ten
or twelve dollars, but for this sword
with its ghastly history the thrifty
DfOKci" w allien cvtan.
"He evidently thought, although it
came high, I must have it, and accord
ingly raised the ante. He was a very
heartbroken creature when 1 returned it
with the- editorial lino so familiar to the
spring poet, 'Declined with thanks." 'A
word of ciutiu as to these oriental
swords and daggers. Very many of thorn
are poisoned, so that a mere serateh will
cause death. The venom is produced by
steeping the bludo in decayed human
blood, and is one of the deadliest known
to physiological science." Philadelphia
Some Dangers to Ite avoided.
The average boy is very apt to risk hia
life and health in many ways ia sum
mer. When unrestrained ho taker, a
great many more chances than ho would
otherwise do. The chief danger to life
and health of boys who spend tho sum
mer in tho country is from overexertion
in sports, and by indulging iu tea much
swimming. The exhilaration of noun try
life makes them feel that tl.ey can do
more than their strength admits of. This
is equally true of city boys who get a
day or two off from their work. The
best way to do is to take exercise mod
erately. If a boy is not used to long
walks, he should begin his summer out
ing with an easy jog along some pleasant
road for only a mile or two. By increas
ing the distance gradually each day. it
will not be long before ho can do ten or
fifteen miles, or twenty for that matter
without discomfort, and in reality mak
ing a positive gain to his health. This
rule applies equally well to horseback
and bicycle riding, rowing and othei
work boys may bo unaccnst mcd to.
One of the chief and healthful amuse
ments of a summer outing is bathing
but there is no part of the visit where
the danger is so great as in going u.
swimming too often, and at times when
the water is too cold. Not a summe:
passes that thousands of hoys are no;
permanently injured by going in swim
ming at times when they should not do
so. The waves on the seashore, the run
ning streams and the fresh water lakes
are very enticing on hot days. Foster
Coates in Ladies' Home Journal.
Swords I'sed in the EnglisH Army.
The latest illustration of tho chuige-i
constantly occurring in the conditions of
modern warfare is an order just i-r i;-'d
from the British war office substituting
swords of anew pattern for the v.eiqions
which have been carried by oivk-evs since
the days of the Iron Duke. With a vifv
to efficiency at close quartern, the bl.idc
of the old sword was sharpened through
out the whole length of its edge and on
the back for some seven or eight inches
from the point, the idea being to make it
available for cutting as well as thrust
ing. In order to increase its strength it
was also slightly curved and was a for
midable weapon, though somewhat light
in comparison with the more massive
service swords of Continental infantry
In the new sword the blade is perfectly
straight, its shaft being set in a roomy
hilt, squared to give play to the wrist ia
guarding and thrusting, the mode o'
fighting recommended to unmounted of
ficers of the present day on actual serv
ice, who are taught to regard cutting as
an obsolete method of attack. Only
about ten inches of the edge from the
point, and six inches of the back, are
sharpened, the rest of the blade being
blunt and rounded for parrying imrposes,
and having, therefore, no cutting capac
ity whatsoever.
The new regulation sword, in fact, is
exclusively a thrusting and guarding
weapon a sort of rapier, double edged
for about a fourth of its blade length in
order to facilitate a penetration when
its wearer "gives point," but useless a
an arm wherewith to strike a swinging
blow. Exchange.
DreaKinr ip a iiuutss.
In no way can barristers belter di.cplay
their acuteness than by seeing at a glance
the character of the witnesses they are
about to examine and by treating them
accordingly. Erskine was famous ai
this. In a case in which he was en
gaged a commercial traveler came into
the witness box dressed in the height of
fashion and wearing a starched white
necktie folded in the Brummtl fold. In
an instant Erskine knew his man, though
he had never seen him before, and said
to him, with an air of careless amuse
ment, "You were born and bred in Man
chester, I perceive." Greatly aston
ished at this opening remark, tho man
admitted that he was. "Exactly," ob
served the great cross examiner, in a
conversational tone; "I knew it from
the absurd tie of your neckcloth."
The roars of laughter coming from
every person in the court, with tho sin
gle exception of the unfortunate witness
which followed this rejoinder com
pletely effected Erskine's purpose, which
was to put the witness in a state of agi
tation and confusion before touching on
the facts concerning which he had come
to give evidence. London Illustrated
Theories aud Children.
The very children of today are afflicted
with theories. "Hurry, mamma," said
a seven-year-old youngster passing an
alley whence issued a bad smell, "we'll
get a disease." If the little folks have
taken to a knowledge of and dread of
microbes and bacteria life must be a
burden to them. It tabes all the adult
philosophy one has to bear up against
the horrors which, according to this and
that authority, are ever lying in wait
for us. It is a pity that the children
should walk under the same shadow.
Her Point of View in New York Times.
for FiiisTat,Am fuuxitujTp:
E HANDLES the Whitney baby Carriage
can offer good bargains in them
1 a I'l 1CH leHI n II 1 1 liiriM.I. .. 1......... I .'
It !- ,11.11.-11- I If I,
could not do belter than ( call and inspect bin ,' '
furniture, in the way of Parlor scln, Dining room
I fed K'oom wet, and eveny thing kt pt iu a lirnt
J. I. Unruh, u
W A Boeck & Co
l! ill
ilP Mil m m Vk iw
TV. yi. no vcK ; co
- -V
i: lCJ ' J. Y isa f r 7i
2 ELY :UiOTHER.S. 66 Werr-oi St, Nrw To: It Price CO rts.l
COf n ut
Krrsh Beef. 1'ork. Veal. Mutton, Butter and
ej:gs ke t constantly on hand.
Game of all kinds kept in Season
Cor. 0th St and Lincoln Ave
Among Tobacco, Havana
alone pleases the taste of
the critical connoisseur. No
artificial process can en
hance its value. The "Dud"
cigars are alwa)rs made of
the finest Havana fillers and
has always been esteemed
above every other brands
made ar sold at Platts-mouth.
A nasal injector free with each
bottle of Shilohs catarrh remedy.
Price 50 cts. For sale by O II Sny
der and F G Fricke.
Call on
Plattsmouth - . Nt
Bridge work and riDe gold wj-
OK. HTKINAIj'H LOCAL hj well as
esttietiCMniven torthp painless extrw
teetti. ,y
0. V MARSHALL, - Fitzgemt
Mu4 (nard. Uruu
Z4 tel.. B". .i u
Vtnch, f IfeJi
- mi. fa Grm' -
V-lc-to ljVip 11 .mi.. i fc-taB rr .
jr v-r