HARRISON AND REID. J Strong Ticket Placed in ' Field at Minneapolis. the j:kii iiii. unanimous uiioici: ri -mi. who l:iy upon a nick bfd less tliiin I'M t'c-t away, anxious, no doubt, but as yet um uiuicimis that the extra anxiety of the last f w t t -. ........ . .... I .4 Hays i:ii 1'i.M'n 1 1 i.tciiwi n. .mi m.n. her hu-oaiid. Iit-ujatuin Harrison, had Immmi selected to It-ad the r' publican party in the coming cam paign tor tin pr?siilency. HOME ROTECTION COLUMN. WE WILL ..CELEBRATE. Plattsmouth Will Appropriately Observe 1 ndependence Day. A VKKY KN I li Ll ATIC MKE11NU Editor Rosewater Elected a Member of the National Com m i t tee-- The Convention Adjourn d After an Interesting? Session. I il.Mil'C'l Kl HV J IK W. C.T. f ilii. At 1 1 :rC, yesterday morning Chair man McKinley calh-d the con ven lion 10 onicr alter winch Kev. I lays of .Minneapolis olfered prayer. Af ter some rotine business the chair- tiian aniioiiiiced that 110111 ina t ions were in order. It was decided that he roll of states should he called md when Colorado was reached Senator Wnlrott took the Hour and !aeel in iiomiuatioii James G. Hl.ii ne. The roll call went on and when Indiana was readied Hon. Ricnard i noinpsoti ex-secretary ot the navy iro.-e and nominated Benjamin Harrison. The call of states was resumed un til Michigan. There wa.s a hreath less pause, hut no response from the Michigan delegation. "What's the matter with Algcrr" shouted a ieiegaie. .-voi in it. a voice re plied. When Minnesota was reached Ens fis seconded the iioiiiinatioii of Blaine. At the close of KustiV speech the chief Blaine demonstration of the 1 a. a. v . . uay iook niace. it seemeu to have no limit. The crowd yelled waved umbrellas, threw hats, and danced and cheered, and when it seemed that human power must soon over come itself the old cry of Blaine. James, G. Blaine, spread through the audience. Enthusiasm Unbounded. the main testation was the most sensational. The prolonged en durance of intensity prohahly -quailed anything e er een in the oi! vention. At twent3--three min utes the hand began playing, hut Hie roar came again and the stamp ing renewed. McKinley began rapping with his gavel ami finally tile storm spent it-e!f at tlie end of thirty-one inin-nte-. W. E. Mnllc.-oii. colored, from Mis- seconded the nomination. He was the grersiest citizen in the world. a man .- ival that no one was jealous of 1: ini. ile was the greatest American and the greatest living repuoi n in. James G. Blaine. When New York was reached Ho:i, Chauncey M. IVpv.w arose and in one of his greatest speeches sec onded the nomination of Benjamin Ifarri.-ou. A fu r .several other delegates had -poken ex-Governor Sewell of New jersey moved that he convention proceed to hallos. The vote result d as follows: ii .rri-i.ti . KT, I., iSiume iIitiley ....Is KVr-1 "... "' 7 A t .!. !:! 1 through til..- solemn lii Tln.-eiy 4-l'K-k tulli-d One; It r..ji.l tu i every listening ear. An t Iht U.iy's Ix-U'in. So. in our tuition's loom. a peal K'in out i.ur tritmipu liour. It !!- how honest, earnest work fi.val .low n the tyrant's pewer. The who!.- world hear., the welcome Ami tre.-her forces ri-e To join t lie lew who loiiir lia ve foi:i;Iit, Willi f.iiihtiiat never die-: ( lur lot-- tall hack in wavering line-. A ill t ri-itili for their power ; They k :i ew l--ieat is.lrawimf near i nl's clock lias struck t he iiour. With (io.l t here is no coin prom: -e ; ile ItaTt-tli every wronir; With ii i in a - lea. ler oi on r cau-e. With ..allot, prayer au.l -011. We'll work nniti-d". hrave aixl -tron, l.'i.ti! the wlii.-kv power. Throii -lioii 1 1 lie wnrlil. -Ii.-il! i:relv know ti. .i's clock has struck the iionr. We.-iern Christian Advocate. l'roliil)itio:i prohibited, even in New York. On Sunday. April -1, saloons and gambling houses were tightiy shut; let us hope that other haunts of sin were also harred and holted. The like was never seen in Gotham. What was the reason. Due Christian minister had preached against the abominations of his own city and had kept on preaching; had arraigned the sworn officers of the law as vulvar roughs leagued with the immoral and criminal classes. He had been cited to appear before the irraud jury, had made his. words good by sure testimony; the jury had ar raigned the police; the police did not dare longer to let the law re main like a rusty sword in a still more rusty scabbard. So they set at work to do, under the lash of public criticism, what they ought always to have done. Who will roll away the stone for us in other citier Where is the Dr. Parkhurst of Chicago and St. Louis, Baltimore and Boston? Heaven grant that he may soon appear with thunder-bolts. The Citizens of Plattsmouth are Making Arrangements for a Big Time on the Fourth of July--A Reualr Old Fashioned Celebration. TO ANY GENTLEMAN, j.n Cass C0-0.a3.t3r Who can write the most words on a new U. S. Postal Card Pursuant to a call last night the equity court nAnn was crowded with citizens who ere unanimously iu fav r of celebrating Independence day. The meeting was called to order by Hon. lv B. Windham, pres ident of the board of trade. After stating the object of the meeting, a general discussion by those present was indulged in a nil every one was very enthusiastic over the matter. The citizens are all working togeth er and will make the celebration eclipse anything; ever held in the county. An executive committee was ap pointed by the chair, consisting of ten members two from euch ward who will have tlie celebration in charge. The committee stands: First ward-Geo. K, Dovey and J. J. McVey. Second ward Dr. A. Shipinan and 11. C. McMaken. Third ward J ud-e Sullivan and F. M. Kichey. Fourth ward T. C. Shepherd and William Ballance. Fifth ward Kd Oliver and A. J. Graves. This committee will meet Monday evening for the purpose of appoin iii'fX all sub-committees and taking active steps towards mnkinuf the celebration a success. The rijht kind of men compose the committees and you can loolc tor a biff time. 4$ iLo Tlc roytilqit quel Yidi--'A ql.c ONE - PRICK - CLOTHIER Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th: 1 2. 3. A Nice Spring Suit. A Nice JLeather Satchel. Two Nice Shirts. Yesterday's Ball Games. I.f 'IClll. 1 2-3 Total not; X ecessa r y t o c 1 1. m se. - - 45 1 The convention then adjourned .intll 8 p. m. At 8 o'clock the convention was .-ailed to order and the roll of states -was called until Xew York was reached and State Senator O'Con jior arose and placed iu nomination for vice president Whitelaw Keid f the .New ork Tribune. General Horace Porter in an able speech seconded the nomination. On motion of Mr. Caney of Iowa, the rules were suspended and the nomination made unanimous. At ten o'clock the convention ad- j.uirned sine die. With a Kiss. WA.-HI.NOTOX, I). C. June 111. A kiss, fiven by Miss Jeanette Hal- ford as she flu tiff her arms about I'resident Harrisons neck at ."5:12 o'clock this afternoon, announced to him that he had been renomi tiated by the Minneapolis repub lican convention for president. The president was in his office across the hall from the telegraph room, where the bulletins were he mp; received by an enthusiastic crowd composed of cabinet officers, ijeiierals in the I'nited States army, newspaper men and women, at taches of the executive mansion .and colored servants. . Miss Halford rushed across the Hall and saluted the president as she had done four 3'ears afjo at .Minneapolis when he first received the iiomiuatioii. The president was surrounded by Secretaries Tracy, Xoble and Rusk and by Mrs. McKee, Kussell Harrison, Mrs. Par ker, Lieutenant Parker and other members of his private familj-. It was a memorable scene, and only one face was missing' to com plete the picture, that of Mrs. liar-. It is in direct violation of Missoti ri's statute law to employ women to sell liquor, unless the woman is the wife, daughter, mother or sister of such saloon keeper. The fjfrand jury xtt St. Louis, in response to a resolution presented by the St. Louis W. C. T. U. arrested and in dicted the olfenders. At the hear ing, representatives of the liquor dealers association euloirized the rr l.NU) saloon keepers, who must be respectable, they said, or they could not procure licenses, and who paid friXXyxX) a year taxes. One of these addressed tlie ladies of the W C. T. U. particularlv. claimino- that the objects of his association were, by every means, "to promote temper ance and the ,rood order of society. Tlie -Norwegian plan of running- saloons (if saloons must be run!) commends itself in practice and re i. nn.-. .-v monopoi3' 1S given to a societj of shareholders, who must pay into the city treasury all profits over 5 per cent. This surplus is applied to deserving charities and benevolent institutions. Women are not permitted to be employed, nor youths under sixteen. Attend ants are clad in uniform, each man with a number on his collar like a policeman. The bars are plainly fitted up. clean and respectable. There are no seats, private com partments or attractions of any sort for loitering on the premises These saloons cannot be opened be fore !S o'clock in the morning, nor kept open after 10 in the evening. It is a conclusive fact, founded up on experience, that the traffic iu al coholic beverages has been greatly- reduced and drunkenness curtailed. since the introduction of this sys tem in Norway. The French Temperance organiz ation is known as "La Societe de la Croix Bleu." The careless French man is becoming thoughtful in re gard to the drink danger. The temperance movement is gaming a hold among French christians. It has been decided to discuss the piestion of Sunday opening the ex position on the second ilay of the next meeting of the national com mission which will probalj- be Oc tober . According to the Beatrice corres pondent of the Lincoln Journal the Plattsmouth and Beatrice clubs put up about as rocky- a game of ball as has been seen tit is year. 1-Mattsmouth had the game won up to the eighth inniiiir. the score standing 8 to 5. But in the next two innings Beatrice made eleven runs, while Plattsmouth only' secured one. The score: I'l.ATTS.nOL'TH. J I'iittersotl, I. recti, ss S Patterson 11 Ha Ivor. ..vll... Wirsehe till 1'iitiil, in Mau;in, c K'eeves, ll.vi. . I'errine rf . 1, Total . A. H K. iBH Ho 10 8 A. la Every word must be written with' pen and ink. Every word must be readable with the naked eye, And must be written in sensible sentences. Send all Postal Cards to JOE, The One . Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892. Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person JOE, the Popular Clothier, Oipera, ZESovuse Corner, l&ttaso.o-u.tlt. it HKATK1CK. A HI K. M 11 FO A K K";itiilail, cf 5 ! 2 1 3 1 0 Holmes. If .... r 3 1 0 0 0 I iooliiintl Jib ti 2 3 O 0 1 Taylor, lb 5 3 1 12 1 2 Kennedy, ss fi 2 1 1 2 2 Jones, c 4 2 1 ( 0 0 Derrick.rf ( 1 2 1 tl 0 Skile. p 3 ft 3 i 4 i Stoney 2b 5 1 2 3 5 1 Totals 47 Hi "TH" 27 I 13 7 SCOKE BV INNINOS. Plattsmouth 1 0 2 0 3 2 0 0 1- Ueatnce 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 5 ti Hi K'uns earned Ueatrice fi, Plattsmouth 1. 1 wo base hits Holmes, ilolohail, Ken nedy, j ones l.rrick. Three base hits Stoney, J Patterson. Double play Patterson to W'irsche, liases on balls Otf Keevesli, Stable 1. Hit hy pitcher Green. AT HASTINGS. Hastings everlastingly knocked out the Fremont freaks yesterday The score: Hastings Kremont SCOKE BY IXXIXOS. 4 1 4 7 0 ." 1 0 ." 27 1 101000 0 t 3 S I'M MARY. Kims earned Hastings 17. Two-base hits IcKiibeii Ki?i-li MV- Karland, Clarke, Ilnwinun, i hree-base hits McFarland and Clarke, Hases stolen Hastings lj. Fremont 3. liases on balls tietc hell 3. Struck out Finch 4, CJetchell 5. Purcell 2. Passed balls McFarland 1. Palmer 3. Wild pitch Getchell. Tme of caiiie-2:25. Umpire Haskell. She Committed Suicide. Mrt F. D. Hoe. at Watkins. left this letter: "My husband Forgive me if I cause you trouble, but I suffer to. l ou do not know wlmt th- long, wakeful, wretched nights are to me, ahd I am so tired, darlino- the pain will never be better. It is not easy to take mv own life, but I have been sick so long. Good-bje, my husband, I love vouvour wife." This is but one of thousands that give up, instead of using Dr. Miles Kestorative .Nervine, and beinir peedily cured of their wretched ness. to to h. Cr. Fricke and iret an Iepant book and trial bottle free. i Salesmen Wanted Valuable commission offered. Twenty dol lars weekly earned bv our a ire tit h. Samples free. P. O. Box 1,371, New York. 2 AT GRAND ISLAND. Kourke and the Sugar City's broke the tie yesterday by defeating the cotton-pickers from the city by the pond. This makes the sixth con secutive victory from Kearney and the first victory after losing four straight games. The poor umpir ing of Fulmer and the great one- hand catch of Buckley were the features. The score: SCOKE BY INNINGS. Grand Island 5 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 011 Kearney 0 0 1 4 2 0 o 0 0 7 sranAKv. Harriet! runs Grantl Island 3, Kearnev 1. Two-base hits Kipp, Fear. Hases stolen Grantl Island 7, Kearnev ft. Double play Fowler to Sheehan. Hases on balls HorTer 1, Castonc ."i. Hit by pitcher Hotter 1. t' Struck out Hotter 6, Castone 4. Passed balls Murray 2. Wild pitches Castone 3. Time of name 2:00. I'mpire Fullmer. Church Services. First M. K. church, Dr. L. F. Britt, pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., preaching at 11 a. m. Subject, "God Habitation." At S p. m. "The Children's Day" program will be rendered by the Sunday School. TheKpworth League will meet at 7 p. m. in the gallerj- of the church. All are cordially invited to attend these services. Try Brown & Barrett's ice cream soda water. It will keep 3 011 cool. tf. Real Estate Transfers. Following are the real estate transfers for the past week as com piled by Polk Bros., abstracters and publishers of the Daily Record: Z T Brown and wife to C E Wes cott. lot 11, Porter's Add to Platts mouth $1,000 0(1 HE Kropp tt NV111 Kropp, pt 7-10-13. 5,200 00 T F' Jameson and wife to K H Jame son, si2 and nw 'X of se'i 9-10-12 400 00 C k'ivett and wife to American Ex change bank, 11 of lot 1, blk 21, Eliuwnod 1,200 00 C K Lau 11 ml wife to E F Lau, nVj of ofsw'4 2-11-10 4,000 00 S A Thomas and husband to A Kol- erts, lot oil!, Louisville 700 00 Andrew Klepser to T A Healev, lots -, blKlo, Carter s Add to Weep ing Water ... 450 00 Jno A Dempster anil wife to MA J luges, pt .se'4 of nwS 32-12-9 1,500 00 Peter Gruler and wife to M L 1 hoiuas, lot 17, blk 2, Union 100 00 Brown & Barrett has the finest of soda water drinks in the city. tf. Nehawka will keep abreast of the times by building a i&VXX) school house this summer. FOR RELIABLE 1 S XJ 1 A. ZST C 53 Call on SAM'L P.-vTIKKSOX Plattsmouth - Nebraska The Place to Buy ' a rd ware ttOl.l) AND PORCELAIN CKOWNS Bridge work and tine gold work a SPECIALTY. i)K. HTKINAL'S LOCAL as well as other an sthetistfiven forth painless extraction of teeth, 0. a MARSHALL. Fitzgerald w 9TSEND FOK .. C0MBL ATIO!f SAFKt: Mud tiuimll, - ..i SS-ineh, Bors-ry .:r 24-ineh, itoys " t .r .." -lnh, V Bearing J IV E. C. M EACH AM ARMS CO.. ST LOUiS.MQ. mam (11 0" 4.; oj Carrie, wife of J. II. Reynolds, died last night at about 10 o'clock from puerperal fever. The funeral will take place to-morrow. For Sale. My house and three lots corner bixtli and Dey, price ifl.'-ioU .MRS. J. A. ti. BUELL, Central City, Neb.. apc.F;.K. B. Standing of the Clubs. Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct. lieatrice 21 lfi 5 .762 tirand Island 2C 15 11 .577 Iluwtinns 25 13 12 -20 Fremont 23 11 12 .478 Plattsmouth 23 8 15 .343 Kearney 22 7 15 .313 The snowball carnival given by the Christian church last night was a unique affair. A large crowd was present at the residence of Mrs Walker, where it was held. World's Fair Notes. A Kacine, Wis., firm is planning to have a complete tannery plant in operation at the exposition. President Diaz has recommended j to the Mexican congress that Octo ber 12 of this ye.ir be made a national holidaj- in commemora tion of the landing of Columbus in the new world. He saj-s in his mes sage that the work of collecting the Mexican exnibit is progressing rap idly, and that a display of Mexican troops will be made at the dedi catory exercises. I had a severe attack of catarrh and became so deaf I could not hear common conversation. I suffered terribly from roaring in my head, I procured a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in tnree weeks could hear as well as I ever could, and now I can say to all who are afflicted with the worst of diseases, caearrh, take F)lys Cream Calm and be cured. It is worth $1,000 to any Man, woman or child suffering from catarrh A E. Newman, Grayling, Mich. IS AT C. BREKENFELD'S WHERE YOU WILL FIND STOVES, KAJSGES, TIA'WAKE, GAllDEX TOOLS, GASOLINE STOVES, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAD-LOCKS, DOOR-LOCKS, LADIES' PEN KNIVES, ETC. NEW PROCESS 66 Hon. W. V. Lucas, ex-state auditor of Iowa, says: "I have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in my family and have no hesitation in sa-ing it is an excellent remedy. I believe all that is claimed for it. Persons afflicted by a cough or cold will find it a friend " There is no danger from whooping cough when this remedy is freel3r given. 50-cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE I wisih to specially recommend. It is absolutely safe. Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co I will be at 110 Third street until the loth of June. All those wishing their fortunes told will please call. I speak three different languages; can bring lovers together; can give good advice to people in all kinds of business. Loxo. . GOODS SOLD OX THE INSTALL ment plan as cheap as for cash, on easy monthly payments. Come in and examine my anti-rust tin ware which is warranted not to rust for one year. If at any time you want anything new that we do not happen to have in stock we can get it for you on two days' notice. 42 1 Maln-St.. Plattsmouth