The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 10, 1892, Image 2

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    f',Y lki7 UAf J
r i m i t in
SECRET societies.
1 hose
irn those
you can
from Catarrh in the 11,-ad.
wno uon t have it MifTer fr.
who do. It's a di
keep to voursi-If.
Ili-rif are fume of the symptoms
jieuuacfic, obstruction of m,su, dis
charges falling into Uiroat, some
times profuse, watery, and acrid,
at others, thick, tenacious, mucous
punnem, moony, putrid, and offen
Mve ; eyes weak, ringing in ears
leainess; oirensive hreath ; smell
and taste impaired, and general de
puty. L.ut only a few of these
likely to be present at once.
Tl. t. 1 - ,.
vuiu ior ii ior Catarrh it
pelf, and all the troubles that come
irora it a perfect and permanent
ur, is ur. cages Catarrh Keiaedy
we wore cases yield to its mild,
soothing, cleansing and healing
imjiuc j record ot 25 years
proved that to its proprietors
willing to j.rove it
and they're
They do it in this way : If they
can t cure your Catarrh, no matter
Low bad your case, or of how Ion"
standing, they'll pay you $500 in
cash. Can you have better proof of
the healing power of a medicine ?
KeKlsterl 1'hycirian an.l rtiarniaoixt
Special attention given to Office
Ktx'K Bluffs . Xeb.
p JtI::VNSlj
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
tran I'r..o,iiK.ti the Chuii ofthe
-New I'stivt-rxlty IVrullar ICIt
mii.I - f Slcull itn Itoiit-K,
S r.ll mii.I Key hii.I U'olTa 1 !.:!.
Tii- eh-cti..n ceremonies to the Skull
and I;..!kh. Scroll unl Key, ami Wolf's
Head MMi-ti.s of Yule university are
Very improve. Tho niemljers ,f the
junior Hn.s on tho uftemMm of this day
gather in little- knots in front of one of
tho bitf buildings which are used by tho
"-iioi.t jis Meepmg rooms. The win
dows of every other building which
couun.uid.s a view of tho exi;tant stu
dents on the campus below are crowded
witli other mrliohirs and their friends.
Suddenly a solemn looking young man
comes around a comer of one of the dor-iiiitori-s.
He iroes straight townrd tl,
waiting crowd without a word to any
on. He walks in among the fellows,
many of whom are his friends, without
noticing anylxxly. Every other student
stands perfectly still, and withont turn
ing Ins heal follows with his eyes the
movements of the mysterious looking
fellow who has recently annearerf an.l
who is going np juid down, up and down,
in and out, in and out among the crowd,
oomng at uolMxly, siieakinar to no one.
apiuu-ently seeing nothing. Then he
goes around in a circle. All hold their
breath. The ieople in the windows on
every side lean a little farther out and
watch with increased interest. It is a
moment of intense suspensel All of a
sudden the quiet man. on whom warr.
body'a eyes are fastened, slaps a fellow
student right between the ehoulders and
almost knocks him over.
Then a irreat shout goes ud! The
students on the campus are yelling them
selves hoarse. The crowded windows
-,-... 1 : : ii y
jwive wiLxi irannc men ana women
who are waving handkerchiefs and hats,
clapping hands and laughing, each add
ing something to the terrible uproar.
Meanwhile the student who was slaDDed
on the back is the happiest man in the
immense crowd, for he has been elected
memter of Skull and Bones, the fa
mous secret society of the university.
11 42 . 1 . m
i ue iirsi iinng rne lortunate student
does when he realizes that he has been
shipped is to go straight to his room, with-
ut a word to his most intimate chum.
or even to the man who has so rudely
truck him. lie is followed by the man
j wno did the slapping, and who all this
time lias not even so much as smiled or
said "Hallo" to any one in fact has
not recognized the man he is following
except by the slap.
Nolody knows, except these two, what
&outitu- Troon in ll&ttl
I wn- told a delightful story of one re
nt action in which D.a t ......
troops took a prominent part The en
emy was under cover not far off, but
the firing line of blacks wfTe blazing
away at him as fast as they could open
Htid clone their rifle, hi vain their of
fers tried to stop them. Tlc waste of
ammunition threatened to Income ex
tremely serious, ami their commanding
(.fiicer, a Scotchman who had seen nuwiy
fights with th.-m.loMug hi.s temper, rode
up and down ln-hind the lino curbing
them with every abusive epithet in a
fairly adequate vocabulary of Arabic in-vi-ctive,
but entirely without effect. At
Ltt one ..f them hap;eiicd to turn and
discovered the belov.-.l l-.v. i..
" J 111
a very excited state of mind. Jle a"t
once rose, ran Wk to him, and patting
him re.-issuringly on the IkkjI he said:
"Don't K frightenel, bey. It's all
right. We're here. We'll take care of
The Scotch bey, however, was equal
to the occasion. He rode out through
the line, and walked his horse up arid
down in front of the rifles. "Now," h.
said, "if you must fire, fire at mo!"
After this it is not surprising to read i:?
dispatches tliat this officer has twice re
cently liad his horse shot under him
ContemiKjrary Review.
Jay fiouMN Book.
Occasionally some jxrson knocks at
the door of Jay Gould's office in the
Western Union building with a copv of
"Tho History of Delaware County, New
York, by Jay Gould," to sell. An im
pression exists in the minds of
people that Mr Gould is desirous of
suppressing this publication as com
pletely as possible, and that he will jav
almost any price to get possession of the
few 6tray copies that are left. Resi
dents of Delaware county are authority
for the statement that several years ago
an agent of Mr. Gould's bcou red that
county for these books and bought near
ly all of them at fancy prices. When
ever a copy of this particular history of
Delaware county is displayed in that
county at the present day the older resi
dents will advise the owner, "Jist you
take thet down ter New York, an Jay
Gould'll give yer thirty or forty dollars
fer it." It is certain that nobody in Mr.
Gould's office ever heard of his paying
any such price for one of th(xse books.
And nobody is able to explain why Mr.
Gould should want to suppress the pub
lication, ttnless it is that he thinks there
is too much sentiment in it for a man of
his i,resent reputation. New York
Don't be Hoodwinked
by dealers who pretend that tliey
can t-ell Dr. PicrceV genuine medi
cines ;it less than these long estab
lished prices:-
Golden Medical Discovery for liv
er, blood and lung diseases, $1 a
Favorite Prescription (for wo
man's weakness and ailment:-), $1 a
Pleasant Pellets (for the liver). LT)
cents a vial.
Com. lvt. Smart-Weed "( I cents a
bottle. Dr. Sage s Catarrh Kenicdv,
5! Cents a bottle.
Tin-genuine medicines can onlv
be sold by druggists, at the above
1 here are more ways than one to
make a profit, even at "cut prices.''
I'liscrupulous de.ik rs tamper with
the bottles, or refill empty ones
and fiich mixtures can be sold
cheaply. Put everv botttk-of Dr.
I : - "...
icrce s genuine medicines is guar
anteed. If it fails to give satisfac
tion in aii3" case, you have your
money back.
Can anything else, at .'1113- price,
be really as cheap:
You pay onl- for value received.
Something el.-e. that pays the
dealer better, maj- be ottered as
"just as good." Perhaps it is. for
him, but it can't be. for von.
-. - - .
Orecjon, Washiniton and the Nor
west Pwcific Coast.
The constant demand of the trav
eling public to the far west for a
comfortable and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
Lit, . ... 1
.in 10 nit? esiaoiisnment as
wiiat is known as Pullman Colonist
'i-1 1 ...
iiicnciarsiire ouiit on uie winie
general plan as the regular iirst-
ciass-PulImaii Sleeuer. the onlv dif
ference being that they are not up-
They are furnished complete with
goou comtortable hair matresses.
warm blankets.snow white linen cur
tains plenty of towels, combs, brush
es etc., which secure to the occu
liui ui a oirin as mucii privacy as
is to be had in first class sleepers.
There are also separate toilet rooms
ior ladies and gentlemen, and smok
ing is absolutely prohibited. For
lull information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leaflet. E. L. Lo
max, General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha Nebraska
my Grocer put me onto
THIS . .-v Jk
zm. d
and if does jut
r)& Yje clairps for
Ack your Grocerforit,
ard insist op having U.
N.K.FAIRBANK & CO. Chicago.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth
: D-K-X-T-I-S-T :-
Ur. Sit-lawaj- iiBsttaetic lor tbe
tract ior ot ttth.
paiale ex
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
bock w(nmx i.joeit riattsaioith. Neb
-pi" 1 1 jXS llOISK.
217, 219, 221, AND 223 lAIN ST
t.iKt-s t.l.'ice in tlie nom. ami tli inr.
an not seen Hain that daj , for the in
terest of tlio i-ojile outside is centered
on another man who has come from the
same direction as the first one, and who
is ijoin through exactly the same per-
romiancHs tnjit tJietirst tellow executed.
When he finally slaps a man, another
;reat shout gots np, and then these two
htndeuts go away to the room of tho one
whose back has been slaj.jied. Tliese
scenes are repeated until forty-five men
have 1m cn slapped, for that is tho num
ber comj-oidng the three societies. E;ich
society is made no of fifteen mon.
The rnrr:ioning Crowd.
SjieaJcing of the queer things to be seen
on the streets, it is really astonishing
how instinctively 0110 person imitates an
other. A man with a pasi.n for psy
chical research luus been proving this by
tome experiments which are, to say the
lea? t of it. original. Going along about
dusk the other night i.i advance of a
small party of folk, he Pudd-.-nly turned
out into the muddy street, as if avoiding
something in frint. Unquestioning! v
ever i.-rs.iu behind did the same thing
in spite of the mire.
It isn't likely that they f-.-lt the full
humor ai:? force (if the incident in quite
t!:- v.m he 'i 1, however, when they saw
hi.n face- aix -nt and walk calmlv b;u !.- it.
Nothing New Under the Sun
No! not even through cars to Den
ver, Ogden, Salt Lake Citv, San
Francisco and Portland. This is
simply written to remind you that
the Union Pacific is the pioneer in
running through cars to the above
mentioned points and that the pres
ent through car arrangement is un
excelled. We also make THE time.
For detqils address any agent of
the company, call on your nearest
agent or write to K. L. Lovax.
G. P. A: T. A. U. P., Omaha Xeb.
The following item, clipped from
the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat,
contains information well worth
remembering: "Mr. John Roth of
this city, who met with an accident
a few days ago, spraining and
bruising his leg and arm quite
severely, was cured bv one oi-cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Piiin !i;.l,.
This remedy is without an equal
for sprains and bruises and should
have a place in everv household.
For sale by F. G. Fricke c Co.
J. PEAftlEMAfl'S
House Furnishing Emporium
get voiir house
p-tr!or itnd at easy
"HEIiE von can
kitchen to
die tlie world renown Haywood hahy caniam-s,
the latest improved I'eliable I'roces? (iatoline ttove
Call and he c-o:. vmced. No trouhle to rhow jroode.
l'uriiitieJ from
tvarnis. I lian
I. Pearleman
F Q FijioiTi-;
A Full ar d Ci.-mph te iipe
11. a. wiiBEiAjr & m
Sbinvile, Lath, Sash.j
Doors, Blinds
;h.o Pupj.lj ererw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in refir of opera ho6.
more And u. 'ess. and each member is
said to cboo.-e cne "-tudent.
When tlie forty-iive have been selected
the elections are over and the people go
home feeling that they have witnessed
an event more interesting and more ex
citing than the gradnating exercises
which take place when a whole class are
abont to leave the school. Nothing more
is done to the students who have lieen
slapped nntil the next Tuesday. What
occurs then is seen by nobody except a
few of the students who gather in front
of the secret society houses.
The names even of the societies are
not known. They are called Skull and
Bones. Scroll and Key, and Wolfs
Head, because each member wears a
little gold pin, with one or another of
these objects on it as the case mav be.
The Skull and Bones pin is a horrid
bit of gold in the shape of a human sknil
and crossliones. The Scroll and Key.
as the name implies, is made up of "a
small sheet of gold, like an ancient piece
of paper. On the scroll is a key, above
the key are the letters 'C. S. P." and
below the key are the letters "C. C. J."
What they stand for only the wearers of
the pins know.
The other society has for its pin a lit
tle gold head of a savage looking wolf.
Often the eyes are made of two bricrhtlv
shining diamonds.
Another wonderful thing about these
pins is that the wearer never loses one.
He never laj-s it down even for a second.
Of course they have to bathe, and how
do you so suppose they do then? You
would think they would have to lav the
pin aside at that time anyway, wouldn't
you? Cut they don't; they hold the bit
of gold in their mouths!
Bones" is the oldest of the three so
cieties. Tradition has it that the pins
first appeared in 1932. About ten
later men who had expected an election
to "Bones' and were disaptiointed or
ganized the Scroll and Key. Wolfs
Head was founded less than ten vears
ago, but today is almost as exclusive in
its membership as either of the others.
In fact it generally represents as much
wealth among its members as the two
other societies combined. New York
th e;ite-:i path. The
ieep went to all
tl! tr..uoIe of jumping over a bar of
dust, to be sure, but it would really
seem worth while if human beings could
think a little more inde.endently and
for themselves. The truth of it is, it is
just this blind unreasoning herding to
gether that leads to half the accidents
and panics which are cropping up on all
sides. Boston Transcript.
Antidotes for Snake I'oixon.
The effect of snakebite depends partly
on the condition of the snake and partly
on that of the person bitten and the part
attacked. No effectual antidote has yet
been discovered. Ammonia and ier
manganateof iiotassium will not suffice,
although a solution of the latter will
take away the jioisonous property of the
snake's venom if it le mixed therewith.
Immediate amputation of a bitten toe
or finger is the best course, as the delay
of a few seconds ' may suffice to convey
the poison into the patient's circulation.
If from the-nature of the part bitten
amputation cannot be performed, a very
tight ligature applied after cauterization
and sucking" the part is the best course,
and the administration of stimulants is
generally recommended. Quarterly Re
view. Ilice and Wheat at Weddings.
Throwing rice and wheat at a wed
ding is a relic of an old Roman custom.
and has probably been common in Eng-
lauu since xvoman times, uranu gives
several authorities for it. Friend refers
to the case of the bride of Henry VH at
Bristol in I486, when wheat was thrown
upon her with the greeting, "Welcome
and good luck!"
Rice is used similarly at weddings in
India, and the substitution of this grain
for wheat in our own country of late
years may be partly due to that fact;
but where wheat cannot readily be come
at rice would naturally suggest itself as
a substitute. Notes and Queries.
Won .erful Cains
tw -r:i
.xer me not onlv cures
nervous diseases. 1im.-w1-.i
ontes, nervous prostration, sJet
..-..t.-.-.. utrui aiiin, ot. mis dance,
lits and hysteria, but also builds un
....c 00.13 iuu pi eased to say that
after 3-ears of intense suffering with
nervous disease, headacheand pros-
iioiion. x irieu ur. .uues restora
tive Nervine, and in two weeks
g;ained eiht pounds in weight. I
could not lie down to sleep, but now
sleep perfectly eas-, and am improving-wonderfully.
Cannot say
etiouerh for the Nervine. Mrs. L. B.
MlLLAKU, Dunkirk, N.Y." One cus
tomer used Nervine and grained fif
teen pounds in flesh. Kkowx &
JlAYHUKY, Cortland, N. Y. Trial
bottles and elegant book free at F.
The wisdom of him who innrn-.
eth is known by the line he selects-
4lm .'..,1 r .
iwc joounicnt 01 tne man who takes
the Hurlinjrton Route" to the
cities of the east, the south, and the
west, is never impeached. The in
lerence is plain. Magnificent Pull
man sleepers, elegant recliniii";
chair c:irs and world-famous dining
ycii a on an ttirouoli trains. For
information address the agent of
the compaiij at this place, or write
to J. Francis, General Passenger
and Ticket Agent, Omaha.
and Oils. (
I'rc-ripti'His (art'Ji$nv r mk;tj-1m! t Hour. jl
Blotting Paper from Cottonseed.
The cottonseed hull is like the scale of
3 nsn, ana when it is treated it becomes
pure cellulose. It is absorbent to a won
derful degree and will in all probability
enter largely into the future manufac
ture of blotting paper, even if blotting
paper cannot be made entirely from it.
New York Telegram.
A I'liysioimi's Fees.
South Africa responds to modern in
novations. A recent traveler in Kafffr
lund tells this incident:
As we were upsaddling, there passed
' 11 1 a
us a man driving a small nocK ot goats
and several head of cattle. This was
the husband of a lady physician who is
ruining the practice of the local witch
doctors, and he was taking home his
wife's fee for attending a patient.
Youth's Companion.
I 3
The Missori Pacific will sell round
trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to
Portland. Oregan, the Presbyterian
general aisembl3' being held their
Maj' 19 to June 2. Tickets good un
til Maj' 19 and returning inside 90
days at it-fSO, going via one route and
returning via another. Apply at
ticket oflice for particulars.
The Handsomest Ladyin Plattsmouth
Remarked to a friend the other
day that she knew Kemp's Balsam
for the throat and luncre was a su
perior remedy, as it stopped her
cough instantl- when other reme
dies had no effect whatever. So to
prove thin and to convince you of
its merits any druggist will give
you a sample bottle free, l.anrp
i-i.i.-..- . -..
unities .oc ana 3-1.
sOn Ipplica tiorn.-
SOI Cor Fifth and Vineht.
rdn and Office 404 South Third Street.
Telephone 13.
Their Only Use.
Little Boy Mamma, mavn't 1 wpar
long pants?
juamma What in the world do
want long pants for?
Little Boy So 1 can tuck 'em in mv
boots w'en it rains. Good News.
Not the Man in Question.
A laborer in a rough felt hat and long
raiooir walked the other dav into the
! Shaktieare library, and after looking
! attentively for some time at one of the
I custodians, went up to him and said, "I
; say, zur, be yon Mr. Shakespeare as I've
: 1 v n . -. .
neern speax ovr xne cusrouian ex
plained to Hodge that he was not the
gentleman referred to. London Telegraph.
Some Foolish People
allow a cough to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine They
say "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them away.
Could they be induced to try the
successful Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking the first dose.
Price ode and $1. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
Cerman Baptist Conference.
The German Baptist Connference
meets at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. June
3 to 9. One lowest first class fare for
round trip over the M. P. Tickets
1 on sale nay dO to June 6, good until
1 June 30.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain relierer.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by ercry one requiring aa effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
a r