11 mouth Daily Herald 0 ' FIFTH YEAU. J'LATTSMOUTII, NEJiltASKA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8. 1892. NUMISKK 228. p ixts V ('it i HI A: 0 4 ''1 w mm PIP ZUt Qlatt&mtmth llcnild. COIO.'KK OK VINE AND FIFTH STS TKLKI'UONK3tt. NOTTS BROS, Publishers POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking- powder nigiiesi oi an in ieaveninuurnj;i" latest u.o. oovernmeiii iouu im port. BURLIXQTUX & MISSOURI Rl VER R. R. V TIME TABLE, y OF DAILY PASSEXGEK TKALNS Published every Thursday, and daily every evening except Sunday. Registered at the I'lattsinout li, Nebraska post pfiice us second class mail matter for transmission through the V. S. mails. TERM FCR WEEKLY. One year ill advance - - - $1 30 One year nut in advance - - - 2 0 Six mouths in advance : 75 Three months in advance - - 40 TERMS OF DAILY. One year In advayce - - - , $C 00 One Copy one month 50 Per week by carrier - - 13 No. 2 .. Ko. 4... No. 8.... Ko. 10... No, 6 ... GOING ERST . .5 : 17 P. M. . . 10 -.34 a. n. . .7 ; 44 p. m .. 9 : 45 a. m. ...12:23 a. iu GOING WEST Nol 3 :45 a. m. No. l. 3 :4rt p. m No. s :00 a. m. No. T 5 rV p fli. N o 4 :40 l). m. No, 91 7 :15 a.m. Bushnell's extra leaves for Omalia about two o'clock for Omaha and will accommodate pas-eugers. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. No. 34 Aeoomodation Leaves 10:55 a.m. VHo 3Xi " arrives 4 ;00 p. ni. ' Trains daily except Sunday. Mr. Depew would make a first rate secretary of state. The mail who leads on the first ballot often fails to lead on the last ballot Seward led at the start in I860, Blaine in 1S7G, Grant in 18S0, and Sherman in 18SS, yet the other man in each case carried off the prize. President Harrison is not wor rYinir himself about a new secre tary of state, as there are a half dozen or more irood men in the re publican party who are capable of filling the place and are ready to serve whenever he calls them. SECRET SOClETlh iASSxnN332 MTw..'ineets every CAcond and F.urth Monday ev-ninKs iu Fitzirerald hall. Visiting neiKhbor welcome. P C Hansen, V. C. : P. Werteuberger. W . A.. 8. C. Wilde. Clerk. CAPTAIN H E PALMEK CAMP NO 60 W Sons of Veteran, division of Nebraska. U rTk meet every Tuesday night at 7 0 o'clock ?-Zt .rirl -i.1 hi.wic All sons and vW. in" cTmrades a?e co7dValVvited to meet with iw J.J- Ku tz. Commander ; li. A. Mc El wain. 1st Seargent. rRDEB OK THE WOULD. Meets at 7 : 30 0KeverV Monnay evet.im! at the Grand Army ball. A. F. Groom, president. Thus NValUug. secretary. A O IT W Nofc-Meet first and third Fri A day evening of each iinnn :li .at I O O h f tall. Frank Vermylea MWiJb Haiv icK, Aecorder. A. K.McConihle Fost No. 45 meets every G Saturday evoninc at 7 : 30 m their Hall in Kockwod block. All vlsitum comrades are cordiallv invited to -i.eet with us. r red Kates. Fo't idjniant ; G. F. Nilcs. Poet Commadder. There is a somewhat general idea that the McKinley tariff bill will be repealed before long, or at all events be so much modified that the sting; will be taken out of those clauses most objectionable to British man afactures: and it is for this reason that the hopes of the democrats for the approaching presidential elec tion are so laigely shared in this country. London Engineering, April 18. are i5,U()0 rural postofiices in the country, iiicludiiitr villaires. Many of these would be unnecessary with the carrier system. The net expense would be much less than one might suppose at first blush. Speaking of the system as it has been tried in other lands Mr. O'Donuelly says: "The United States of America is far behind other nations in alford- inir mail accommodations to dwel lers in the farnjinir communities. England, Germany, France, China, Taoaii and India have lonjr had this system. The United States, with an area of 3,.j01.404 square miles and a population of 65,000,000, have made wonderful progress in irovidinr mail facilities for cities and towns, but the farming com iminity has been allowed to jog along with the same conveniences of early days. "The farming community ask that the be treated as other citi zens are. They know they bear their share in sustaining the gov eminent. They believe in recipro city and ask that the government return their support by enlarging and increasing the postal facilities in the portions where they reside. In the cities the mail is delivered free to all the people. The farmer must go to the postofhee lor ins mail, and also has to pay box rent Six years ago, on this floor, I called attention to this manifest injustice. Last year $2,360,708 were collected from box rents at the different post- oflices. A good share of this came from the farmer. In the mail ser vice the farmer asks to be put on an equality with his fellow citizens.' The experience of the countries named above is favorable to rural mail delivery, and we hope the plat form adopted at Minneapolis will treat the question fairly. Inter Ocean. Oregon, Washington and the Nor Tlw ruwl:mt il.'iiiruwl of lli tr:iv. eling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time mi iTiinnm if:il moili nf t r:i vc 1 i 11 ' has led to the establishment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. Thi'sc mrs are Itnilt on the same general plan as the regular first class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif- ierence oeing inai mey are not up holstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair niatresses. warm blankets, snow white linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu- tmiit nf a liirtli :i imifli tiri vnrv iS is to be had in firr-t class sleepers. 'pi . i . ... l nere arc iiisu.separaie umci immn for ladies and gentlemen, and sniok ing is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leailet. E. L. Lo- max, Uenerai l'assenger ana i lCKet Agent, Omaha Nebraska. Spot Cash Hardware. MANY YD AM 2 AC? "",: "ET WROTE: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits our case exactly ALL THAT WE WANT IS s Ynnr Trade on Nothing New Under the Sun NTo' not .-tn tlirmicrli c:irs to Den ver, Ogdeu, Salt Lake Cit-, San rrancisco auu runiauu. jius ia simply written to remind you that tb ITtiion Piirilirr is the oioneer ill runninjr througli cars to the above mentioned points ana tnat tne pres ent hrmi frli par nrra n wineii t is un excelled. "We also make THE time. For details address any agent ot the company, call on your nearest agent or write to E. L. Lomax, G. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Aeo. The fnllmvinir itpm -lifrfH from the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat, r-nntuina infortimtion well WSrtll remembering: "Mr. John Roth of ... .. . ' . . . . .1 M. tins City, wno mei wnn an acciueni a few (lava aro. soraininir and bruising his leg and arm quite severely, was cured oy one ou-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm." This remedy is without an equal . -i i t.i tor sprains ana onuses ana snouiu have a place in every household. For sale by P. U. PricKe cv lo. STOVES, . . . lJ TxAZZhw auk. CUTLEKY, " TOOLS, WOODENTTAHJt a. iiai is an; .or ao we wain it long just lor a lew years, say twenty or more and if you will grant us this "little" our cup of happiness wiU be full to overflowing. In return you will have little to want, lor in these goods we olTr the best and most complete line made in this country to-day and Jt Prices so Xjotx7- That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to he C t f ri 11 a T T 'i r i in It i wtnftr i 4 Iim tilul'ititli t ntki uf u fsw itfit firn ffS irinrv the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. WILL YOU NOT GIVE LS THE "LITTX ' THAT WE WANT. J. W. Hendee, & Co. T-N-IfillTS OK PYTHIAS Oauntlet Lode KN'x "7 Meet every Wednesday eve- , fieej- e. y - fs. all ineatltieiruauuiiri .. - - - - -... . tr. L-i-iitintr knielits are cormai "' term. 1 ui unn, . and S. It makes no difference to the masses of the people who the re publicans put up for president, whether it is Harrison, Blaine, Sherman, Allison or McKinley, they are all good men, and with either of them the republican party could make a fight in which every advantage would be on its side Especially would it be if Sherman should eret the nomination, as no unpleasant surprises would arise to compel defensive and apologetic operations. o o V W No W-Meet second and fourth Friday evening ntl.e month at JU F Hall. M Yondran, M W , to 1 lirown. recorded. - ...... . n...i T. n AUG HTEK3 J)r b mm;- "a fourtVVrsday evenly o, each ,h in the I . J. r. ii.i". '- - j. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary. rvFOKFE OF IIOXOK Meets the first HS1 AcJSle SnSlu V of Honor Mrs! Nannie Burkel. sister secretary CASS LODGE. No. l.I-0.0. F. gags? gsea , , . vi'AVAM Cass Council No 1021, Rt A thotV.Siall in -"ffi rXX W GeSrinnti Thos Wallinn. Secretary. o'elock. WHO PAYS THE TARIFF? E. G. Dovey & Son have displayed in their show window a set of Eng lish made dishes, which consists of 100 pieces. Thev offer the entire set a for only$8.e5. Three years ago they sold a set just like this one for $15. Now since the McKinley bill has gone into effect they will sell you the same dishes for ouly $8.65. The freight on this set from Boston was $2, the tariff $2.40, and the wholesaler made a profit, E. G. Doey & Son make a profit, and the freight from Eno-land to Boston must cost some thing and the crate, straw and pack ing cost something. Will the Journal or some other free trader explain who pays the tariff and why these goods should be sold so much cheaper since the McKinley bill went into effect than before. The B. & M. will sell tickets for the second annual encampment competitive drill. Omaha, and for the meeting of the Manufacturers and Business Men's association, Omaha, at one fare for the rouud trip. Tickets will be sold June 13, 15. 1G and 18. Final limit for return, Tune 22. J.Francis, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent. Notice. The social and dauce to be given by St. John's Altar Society, Friday uue 10th will be postponed to Mon- I day June 13th. Don't forget the change of date. nHocl-iiipt:irk" a lastimr and fra- o-rant perfume, price 25 and 50 cts. for sale by O II. Snyder and F G Fncke. For millinery and pattern hats or anything in the line of ribbons, flowers of the latest styles and de- 8ie-iis, call on tne xucKer oisiers in . . " 1 i tii Miprwnnn 0101:11. n. Wonderful Cains TW Tt;it.tj' Vnrvliip not Olllv PlirPS all nervous diseases, headache, j blues, nervous prostration, sleep-1 lessuess, neuralgia, St. V ltus dance, fi a anH ViA'ctfri.i . lnt also builds UO the body. "I am pleased to say that alter years 01 intense suuenng wnn nervous disease, neadacneana pros tration. I tried Dr. Miles' Kestora tive Nervine, and 111 two weeks (t-ii'iipH tirrbt no 1 in (1 K in WpiiTht. I could not lie down to sleep, but now sleep perfectly easy, aim am nn-iirni-iiir wniulprfiill v. Cannot sav 1 ' v' j v enough for the Nervine. Mrs. L,. n iri ipn imik-irk-. .. y " tjiie cus tomer used Nervine and gained fif- tppn nonnns 111 iiesn. dkuhh v Mivtiiipv rnrtlnnd. N. Y. Trial bottles and elesraut book free at F. PLATTSMOUTH, n. VimMto A- Cn. 6. T1t wiarlotii of Viitn who lOlimeV eth is known hy the line he selects; - - - . . x J 1. , . . . ti iiwio-nieiit ot tne man wno wucb the "Burlington Route" to the ritJpa of Ttit pa.st. the south, and the (west, is never impeached. The in- rnnip t ii lain. iHap-nmceiii run- .W , " " 1 - ... ,o.i oippnprs. fleornnt reclinuiLr chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent ot ! iliA rAiti n v n t this nlace. or write to J. Francis, General Passenger j and Ticket Agent, umana. H J. I. UNRUII K FOR FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. E HANDLES the Whitney baby Carriages and can offer good bargains in them Trn-tn-a (liri 11 r tn fnrnwli :i lionm rniinilpfp could not do fjetter than to call and inspect his line of furniture, in the way of Parlor sets, Dining room sets, Bed Room set, and evenything kept in a first-class establishment. H rr J. I. Unruh, NEBRASKA. ttmj 5 n t.- nu Tv , tk A desirable lot in Plattsmouth. Will sell for! cash or will take a good buggy horse and horses in exchange. For particulars call on or address Hi 1 a otl ire ia 3now Ball Carnival. a QioTtr imll oarnivaJ will be e"iven under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. v Uo r'tn-istian rhurch. Ice cream and cake will be served in the orchard. Waitfor it. At Robt. Walkers pnuay evening, juhc iu. . A O I I'nri'Atl inVITPfl. JL. TKW MKATMARKKT. Frenh Ueet. Pork. Veal. Mutton. Puttrr and eskept constantly 011 hand. Game of all kinds kept in Season SATISFACTION - OARAKTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Ave PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. J ULIUS PEPPERBKRG. MAJiCFACTUBI! OF AKU UKDLESALEZWU RETAIL DKALEK IN THE CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS ARTICLES always in stock Plattsmouth, Nebrassa POK SALE Two desi rab 1 e res 1 dence lots in Orchard Hill addition to Plattsmouth. within a block of the Missouri Pacific depot. For particulars call ou or address The II FKAXD Office. FREE RURAL MAIL DELIVERY The republican national conven tion of four years ago favored in its platform one thing which it did not trv very hard to carry out penny postage. The postmaster general favors instead of that Tree delivery for rural communities, and certain ly if that is really practicable it would be far more important to the country at large than a reduction in the rate of postage, especially as the postal card has practically reduced postage to 1 cent for a large num ber of letters. The committee on resolutions of the Minneapolis convention ought to inauire carefully into the teasi bilitv of this idea, and if satisfied that it would be practicable commit the party to it, squrely and stronly. There are L750.C30 farms in this country, and if the farmers and their families can be served with free delivery they should be. The subiect has been carefully consid ered and urged upon the present conirress that it adopt the plan, but this congress is democratic, and it is the very essential attribute of de mocracy to withstand every pro gressive idea. A few daj-s ago Cou-l- .-essuian O'Domiell made a speech in advocacy of rural deliveiy, and the facts he presented are especially pertinent to the discussion. There Th nnnulation of Plattsmouth Is about 10,000, add we would say at least neo-half are troubled with ....... nwtioii on the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, ac cording to staaistics, more numer ihon nthpm. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drtig- o -1 m rrt a not! if ot rveniu s adhi- sam for the throat and lungs. Trial size free. Largeisotue ouc- auu a. Sold by all druergist. a -rnnl i n r tn the census of 1890. Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population 01 i,uy3,oo peopie, as mc eighth largest city ou the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so ' -a 1 many persons nna nomes, auu, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." r A L 1 A AMMn Three last ana . comionaoie uams daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at . . - x t -c : . tnis place, or wrne 10 j. r-rdiii, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. TV10 Miaanri Pacific will sell rOUlld trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to Pnrd-inH Orptran. the Presbyterian ireneral aisembly being held their Mav H tn lime L. AlCKetS irooa un til May 19 and returning inside 90 days at $60, going via one route and returning via anotner. jippiy ai ticket office for particulars. The Handsomest Lady in Plattsmouth DsmorM to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam ihp tnrnar ano 1 tin ire was i on perior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly wnen omer icmc viqH no fffrt whatever. So to Ulv3 - - - - prove this and to convince you of its merits any aruggisi win 1VC vnti a sample bottle free. Large bottles 50c and $1. Tnat n aurp a s hot weather comes Oiru -;il more or less bowel complaint in tins vicinity. Jvvery ,wr.Mi -iiiH tsneciallv families. ought tc have some reliable medi cine at hand ior instant use in case ;t in i tA r A 25 or 50-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and n. i r-ti . . -j Wunipriv is tust wnat vou AYS ft t a a a a ui - j j onrrht to have and all that vou woTild need, even for the most cavprp niiH rtaturerous cases. It IS lit. hunt flip most reliable and most successful treatment known and is pleasant to take. Pov sale r. U. Fncke & Co., oruggisis. cw. c--11kV-i Pfionle allow a cough to run until it gets beyond tne reacn 01 meuicme mcj say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears tnem away. rniri thpv hp induced to trv tne e..-saa a f 11 1 Kfmns Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to . . 1 . i V- nvAn11A4. cure, tney wouiu see mc calchcui affpnt atter taKitlf tne nrsx uose. tj,--o Finn and M. Trial size free. At all druggists. Admitted the Fact. Vawananpr editors have to be very o'lr-cful in nncniticr their COlUIIltlS for statements. But aware that the r.. Tvfiitxi Mprtira i;o. are responsi ble, we make room for the following testimonial from R. McDougall, Au burn, lnd., wno ior two years uuulcu .. otnnnairo of V i rini n (r of the pulse. his left side got so tender he could not lie on it, nis nearx nuuweu, ,nn o oiar.iipH went to different doc tors, found no relief, but one bottle of Dr. Miles Mew tieart cure tureu v.ii ThP plptrant book. "New and Startling Facts," free at F. G. Fricke 1 & Co. it tens an aDout nean juu nervous diseases and many wonder- O ful cttrsa - W A Boeck & Co YK INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE OLK LOW PRICES IN MENS. BOYS, LADIES MISSE AND CHILDREN'S SHOES THAT ARE GOING AT BARG W. jZ. 130JZC1Z CO nerman Bantist Conference. The German Baptist Connference 1 mppta aiflprfar Ranids. Iowa. Tune q t.i o finp lowest first class fare for round trin over the M. P. Tickets on sale May 30 to June 6, good until j une ou. X?C' i tut POSITIVE CURE. JjELY BBOTHBR9, M Wneo Bta New York. Pri)et I CPI