The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, June 07, 1892, Image 4

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Fassott Will be the Temporary
3-larrlson Forces by No Moans En-
Kulfed. Howevei Veterans
Predict a Dark Horse
Fassett Men Victorious.
MlNNKAI', June 0. At the
meeting ol the national committee
last night the Harrison nen made a
light on Fassrtt ami were defeated.
The result of the vote for temporary
chairman was:" Fassett -'. Cullorn
21, ho Fassett will le the temporary
chairman of the convention, and
'his as a test vote shows that the
Ulaine men control the committees.
Fassett received the votes of the
following Mutes: Alabama, Cali
fornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Dis
trict of Columbia, Iowa.'Iilaho, Kan
sas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachu
setts, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada,
New Mexico. Morth Carolina, Xorth
Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Is
land, South Carolina, Utah, Ver
mont. West Virginia. New York,
Wisconsin ''!.
For Culloui Arizona, Arkansas,
Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana
Kentucky, Mcryland, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, Okla
homa, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wy
oming 21.
When the Louisiana contest was
heard ex-Senator William Pitt Kel
logg and e.:-Governor Wariiiouth
headed the respective forces. Kel
logg, who aapears as regular dele
gate, prevailed before the sub-committee,
beating Wariiiouth, who
led the contest :ng delegation in
every dis'rict except the Sixtii,
where the sub-committee split two
votes between the factions. This is
a Blaine victory.
The ' lilly whites" from Texas, the
00111111 ittte decided, would be ad
mitted. The result of the contest
is a whole is favorable to Blaine.
K:. -Governor Bracket of Massa-
husstts denied the signs of a stam
pede fu.'BJauie in the delegation.
Change among the Massachusets
men so far as apparent, favor a
t il-tl mao. with IvVcd or McKinley
as favo ites.
Kx-Senatot Tom IMatt said to
ii Villi t that he hud no figures for
publication. "We are confident of
Mr. Ii!atne's nomination o:i tlie first
l allot." he continued. "But further
Miau that we do not care to state
what we know of the strength of
fie iwo candidates. Things are a
' itle choal lc anyhow, especinlly as
Jar as the southern delegates are
"Oik'" ucil and no man can give fig
ures that will have sufficient accu
acy to be valuable. We have made
v;ani8 of considerable iniportauce
Jo-day and the situation to-night is
entirely satisfactory to the friends
of Mr. H!a:ne."
Governor McKinley said to-nighl,
speaking of the reported defection
of the southern delegates, "Yes,
they w'll keep on getting votes
i om
"Whitey" Millrr is home on a
short visit.
No. I was forty-five minutes late
this morning.
K. S. SatinderH of Omaha was in
the city to-day.
Alex Clifton of Nebraska City was
in the city to-day.
Wa.ti;i A boy to carry papers
at The Hekam office.
Hon. R. II. Windham was in Oma
ha today on business.
The reading room let out books
during the mouth of May averaging
l'ia per week.
Mrs. S. II. At wooi 1 ami Miss Mia
Gering lf t this morning for York
to attend the shite convention of
the I. II. it. society as delegates
from the society' here.
Waxtf.ii-A girl for general
housework in small family. Apply
:it this oil ice.
The 1'Jattsmouth Gun club will
hold a meeting at Mayer & Morgan's
store this evening at H o'clock.
Capt. Benjamin II. Oilman, of the
IT. S. armv, stationed at Ft. Leaven
worth. Kansas, is in the city, visit
ing his sister, Mrs. U. C. Kerr.
The Turners will give a dance
Saturday evening, with gymnastic
exercises, at the Turner hall.
Friends of the Turners are invited.
Henry Geringdeparted this morn
ing for Grand Island to attend the
druggist convention. Mr. Gering
will read a paper before thejcoiiven
tion. The ladies of St. Johns Altar Soci
ety will give an ice cream and
strawberry social and dance at
Rockwood hall, Friday evening,
June 10. Kvery body welcome. 5t.
Deputy Sheriff John Tighe will
leave to-night for Lincoln to bring
down Robert Mickenham from the
penitentiary to testify in the case of
the State ot Nebraska vs. William
The democratic county central
committee met at Louisville to-day.
This city was represented by
Oswald Guthman, C. W. Sherman,
Dave McKntee, C. M. Butler and
J. L. Minor.
Don't forget the farewell benefit
performance to J. P. Young by the
Dodd Opera Co. with 40 singers, in
the popular comic opera "Erminie,"
at the Waterman next Thursday
night. Go and pack the houss at
popular prices for such a perfor
mance, 3.1, HO and 73 cents. Children
under 12 years 11.1 cents.
Last evening's passenger train,
No. 9, came near being wrecked be
tween Louisville and South Bend
on account of the negligence of the
section men. They left a hand-car,
loaded with ties, on the track near a
curve, where, had the train been
thrown from the track, it would
surel3r have been thrown into the
Platte river. As it was, the demo
lition of the hand-car was the ex
tent of the damage done. The road
ought to give those section meu a
few days' lay-off in order to teach
theui something.
Plattsmouth Played Winning Ball
Up to the Eighth Inning.
The locals and Fremont played
yet-terday at the ball park. Platts
mouth hud the game won up to the
eighth inning, when Fremont went
in and made six big runs and won
the irame. The team leaves Fridnv
morning for Beatrice for two
games, returning June 25 for the
third series.
The score.
.1 Pitlteixim JU
Green cf
S 1'ilttlTSOII, SSiVlf .
I'on.l lib
M:iiiiii c
IVrrine rf
Yupp, lf&p
A It
An-tin L'h
Mursli ;l
Hntler If
I'aluier c,
it-lcliel rf. ...
KimiiK-1 p. ..
I'urcell ss....
Iiownuin III..
4: J I 12
1H Yi
Xaa. Cass
Who can write the most words on a
new U. S. Postal Card f
I'lat tsni.Mitli 3 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 09
I-'ri'iiKint .. 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 i V
Kims earned Fremont 7. I'lattsmouth 5.
Twd Imm' hits Maupin, Butler.
Tliree-hase hits tirccu, h'ceves, Marsh 2,
I'urcell, I towmuii.
Home runs J. Patterson, Pond, Getchel,
Sacrilice hits Maker and Austin.
Double plays Austin to I'urcell to How
man, Palim-r to Austin to Bowman, J. Pat
terson to Maupin to linker.
liases on Hulls Yupp 1. Kiinniel 3.
Struck out Hy Yapp 3, Keevcs 4, Kim-
mel 4.
Vihl pitch Kimmel.
Time of Kuine 1:33.
Umpire Haskell.
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
As magnificent a game of ball as
ati3' one could wish or expect to see
was played by Beatrice and Grand
Island yesterday, resulting in a
complete shut-but for the visitors,
thus returning the sugar city's a
compliment paid the locals on their
last trip. The game was for blood
and every man on the diamond
played to win from start to finish.
Twice during the game Grand
Island got a man as far as second
base, but they were not permitted
to score. The special features of
the game, which was brilliant
throughout, were a double by Ken
nedy, Stoney ad Taylor, Holmes'
base running and Jones' catching.
oiagie ana Jioiier were uom in
good form and pitched good ball,
as the hits show. The score:
Beatrice 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 04
CJraiul Inland 0 000000000
K'uns earned Beatrice 2.
T wo-1 a se hit Taylor,
liases stolen Beat rice 7.
Double plav Kennedy to
Bases on halls OlT Slavic 1.
Hit by pitcher Wilson.
Struck out Slajcle 5, Holier '
Time of jenme 1:43.
Umpire Hart.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible, sentences.
Send all Postal Cards to
JOK, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
0;pera, Corner, ZF'la.ttrra.o-ULtlkL
Stonev to
her first
to do the
the sou'ih un; il the ballotinc
-V cy reful canvass made by Nr.
Harrison's people this evening
leads them to claim that he can lose
Hflj- southern voles and still be
nominated on the first ballot.
-V noticeable fact which deserves
.oiisMe.atio;! 's this, that at mid
Might, after all the varying events
of the day, after the test votes in
r.mnerot's delegations, after a com
par son of claims and tabular state
ments on Both s.des, the old hands
f both mictions, these veteran party
K-.iders who have been made fainil
::r by long experience with the
' icks and manners of such polit
ical gaiherings as this, are almost
ti unit in the opinion that no nomi
nation will be made either on the
first or second ballot. Their belief
is that sufficient scattering votes
will be cast 1)3- some of those
counted on the list of each of the
great leaders to prevent a nomina
tion until it becomes plain on
which side of .he fence the cat will
jump. Then all the trimmers will
jump after it. Hut if one or more
ballots are held without result, then
the springing of a th d candidate
's ineTitable.
Ihe school board held a meeting
last evening and elected the follow
ing teachers: Miss Mar3' McClleland,
Miss Alice Wilson, Miss Kldora
Clark, Miss Ada Searle, Miss Marga
ret Shepherd, Miss Alberta Ilyers,
Miss Tressa Hemple, Miss Nannie
Moore, Miss Sue Mattson, Miss
Deana Fisher and Miss Klla Wright.
x-ians were looKeu over lor tne new
school building but none of them
were accepted. The board will meet
again to-night to close the con tract
for lots 20, 11, and VI in Donelan's
addition, for the purpose of putting
the school building there.
Hastings experienced
shut out of the season
and Castone was the lad
work. He had not forgotten the re
ception he had received the last
time and he was on his mettle. Hast
ings oy made three lonesome hits.
Kearne3' was short two men. Hast
ings generousb loaned two crack
amateurs, and Kearne3r showed her
gratitude 1 shutting the 003-3 out.
II:i!JtiiiiS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Kearney 1 300 2 003 a
Earned runs Kearney 4.
Two base hit Slieelian.
Three base hit Kevnnlds.
Double plays I'emler to Sheehan,
K'ohrer to Walleck.
Struck out Packard i, Castone 4.
Passed balls McKarland 1, Fear '.
Time of Kame 1:30.
Umpire Fulnier.
New Bank at Murdock.
Articles of incorporation were filed
with the county clerk to-day for a
bank at Murdock, Cass county, to be
known as the State I5a :ik of M unlock
with a capital stock of $J.,0CD. Geo.
Meeker, X. II. Meeker and Kob'
L3'ons are the incorporators.
Standing: of the Clubs.
Played. Won. Lost.
Heat rice J 8 I I
Grand Island.... 2 11
Fremont 20 lo
Hastings 21 tl
Plattsmouth 'Z i
Kearney ...... 20 7
Shilohs catarrh Kemedy a posi
tive cure for catarrh, diotheria and
caiiKer mouth. .bor sale b' O H
bii3-derand h. G Frieke.
District Court.
The celebrated Murra3'-Heniiiugs
case was taketi up this morning and
after the plantiff had rested their
case, the defendant made a motion
to dismiss the case. A juror was
withdrawn and plaintiff given leave
to amend pleading. The case was
carried over to the next term.
The ju' has been impaneld in
the case of Johnson vs. Tighe.
Cooley vs. Craig will be tried to-
morrow, wnen me criminal cases
will be called.
tOK SALE OK Tkade A desirable
lot in l'laltsmoutli. Will sell for
cash or will take a food I,
1 . " .
norse ana norses in exchange
For particulars call on or address
this office.
Secured His Freedom.
Keport of a reliable character
reaced the city this afternoon frcm
Omaha, that Ga3 the man arrested
f jr robbing the postollice in this
it had been set free on account of
the evidence not being sufficient to
hold him. Several witnesses were
in Omaha yesterday to testif3 but
it seems their testimony failed to
6, A. F, &
night as
Elected Officers
Plattsmouth Lodge Xo
F. M. elected officers last
W. M. V. V. Leonard.
Senior Warden Julius
Junior Warden K. W. Cook.
Treasurer A. W. White.
Secretary A. Salisbury.
Senior Deacon J. C. Petersen.
Junior Deacon II. J. Helps.
Senior Steward A. M. Hansen
Junior Steward A. Kurtz.
Chaplain H. J3. Ihtrgess.
Tyler L. C. Curtis.
At the Farnara Street theater the
Dodd Opera coniDanv irave
. . . . . , , . . j-
iirnunie, iiss Leslie sinirinar the
title role with both taste and iudr-
Mack Charles and Dan Youner
maae tne immortal thieves very
iunn3- ana trie rest ot the company
was quite at home in this, the most
popular of light operas.
"hrmmie will be repeated this
The above we clip from 3'ester-
day's World-Herald. The Dodd
Opera compn3' will appear at the
Waterman Thursda3 night, June 9,
in the gem of comic operas.
"Frminie," for the farewell benefit
to J. P. Youner. Go and secure
Price, 75
give Mr.
3-oiir tickets at once,
cents. Turn out and
Young a rousing benefit.
A nasal injector free with each
bottle of Shilohs catarrh reined)'.
Price 50 cts. For sale b)- O II Sny
der and F G Fricke.
The Beatrice Chautauqua.
The is iu receipt of
the program of the Beatrice
Chautauqua assembly for this
3ear, and is highl3r gratitiea witn
the announcements contained there
in, ine spealiers are an taienteu
people and the program as a whole
is one 01 the best ever ottered
Space will not permit our giving
in detail the splendid arra- of en
gagements, but a few references
will suffice to give our readers an
idea of what they can expect if at
tending the assembly. Among the
numerous "red letter days ar
ranged for, are Educational, Repub
lican, Democratic, Alliance, Prohi
bition and Woman's Suffrage days.
On July 2 the celebrated J. L.
Hughes of Toronto, Canada, and
several others equally prominent,
will speak. Kducators and others
interested in education will have a
treat in. Mr. Hughes' address.
Republican da)' is July 14, when
such men as Governor McKinley
of Ohio and other prominent men
will address the Chautauqua
Democratic day is J uly 13. Speakers
for the occasion have not been defi
nitely secured, but will be men
worth hearinc. On Alliance day.
July G. President Polk, J. II. Davis
and Mrs. Mar)' Lease of Kansas will
be the speakers. Jul)' 4 will be a
notable event. On that day Robert
Aourse of Washington, D. C, and
Chaplin McCabe of Xew York, the
hero of Libb)- prison and one of the
greatest orators and singers of the
country, will be present. Our peo
pie should write at once to the sec
retary, . u. .Aicnois, lor a pro
Call. on
Plattsmouth - . Xebraska
The Place to Buy
'f - " - - - - - - -
COlUtLNATlos faf:-t:
Jdud iiuariia, l!r&-
28-inch, R-t t::r;v; -
4 (11
HI iS-t
1.1 4
4 U3
U0 (l,J
CO., OF X, Y.
T. H. Pollock, Agent,
For ;alo
M3' house and three lots corner
ixui and Dey, price $1,200.
Mrs. J. A. G.Buell,
Central C Xeb., apc.K.K. B.
x naa a severe attack of catarrh
and became so deaf I could not hear
common conversation. I suffered
terribly from roaring in my head,
I procured a bottle of Flly's Cream
Balm and in tnree weeks could hear
as well as I ever could, and now I
can say to all who are afflicted with
the worst of diseases, caearrh, take
Jiiys cream Calm and be cured. It
is worth Jt-I.OUO to any Man, vaman
or enna sintering from catarrh A
Snow Ball Carnival.
A snow ball carnival will be given
under the auspices ot the i. f. S. C
E. of the Christian church. Ice
cream and cake will be served iu
the orchard. Waitjfor it. At Robt
Walker's Friday evening, June 10,
Everyone invited. 3t.
The population of Plattsmouth
Is about 10,000, add we would say
at least Jneo-half are troubled with
some eliectioii on tne tnroat ana
lungs, as those complaints are, ac
cording to staaistics, more numer
ous than others. We would advise
all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their drug
gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal
sam for the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. LargeBottle 50c- and $1.
Sold by all drusrgist.
T. II. Pollock, Agent.
lion. U. V. Lucas, ex-state auditor
ot Iowa, says: "I have used Cham
ber ain's Cough Remedy in my
lamuy ana nave no hesitation in
saying it is an excellent remedy. I
believe all that is claimed for it.
T . . . rti t
x ersons amic ' u oy a cough or
cold will find it a friend " There is
no danger from whooping cough
wnen tins remedy is freely given.
oO-cent bottles for sale by F. G.
fricke & Co., druggists.
For millinery and pattern hats or
anything in the line of ribbons,
nowers of tne latest styles and de
signs, can on tne lucKer sisters in
the Sherwood block. tf.
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely nafe.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi-
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
tanser mouth. ior sale by J. G.
Fricke & Co
According to the census of 1&90,
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population of 1,098,576 people, as the
eighth largest city on the globe.
Most of us desire, at one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons find homes, - and,
when we do, we can find no better
line than the "Burlington Route."
Three fast and comfortable trains
daily. For further information ad
dress the agent of the company at
this place, or write to J. Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
ment plan as cheap as for cash
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can get
t for you on two days' notice.
421 Main-St.. Plattsmouth