attsmouth Daily Me JJ.ATTSMOUTII, NElJltASKA. MONDAY. JUNK (, 1892. NUMBER 22(5. FIFTH Y E Alt. raid p 4 i 1111 jTic Qlattsmouth gerald. COK.NEK OK VI.NK AM) FIFTH STS TELEI'HOXK 33. K NOTTS BROS, Publishers Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leaveiiimr strength Latest U. S. Government food re port. UURLIXOTOX &. MISSOURI RIVER R. It. V TIME TABLE. J OF DAILY PAS3EXGEK TKAIXS GOING ERST No. 2 5:17 p.m. No. 4 10:4 a. ir. No. 8 7 ; 44 p. rn No. 10 :4..m. Tio.6 12:Sa. m GOING WEST Vol...- 3 :45 No. J, No. . No. T.., No. 9.. No, 91.. , m. 3 :4S p. in y too a. m. 6 tV p n.. 4 :40 p.m. .7 :15 a. m. Rimhnell's extra leaves lor Omaha about two o'clock for OmZand will accommodate pas Benders. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. 5o-Am--datlon n:::::::p.S: Trains dally except Punday. SECRET SOClETlb AW CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. niffis C second and 1 Fourth Monday evening in vitzgeraW hall. VisitiuR neiRhbors welcome. P C Hansen. V. C. : P- Wertenbenrer. W. A.. 8. C. Wilde. Clerk. CAPTAIN 11 E PALM EK CAMP NO 60 CAF0:nA8Iot Veteran, division of Nebraska , U s A meet every Tuesday mirht at 7 i " clock ? f,' hn in Fitlnerald block. All sons and Wi in comradeiare cordially invited to meet with us J. J. Kurtz. Commander ; B. A. c Elwaln. let Seargent. ARI)KR OK THE WOULD. Meets at 7 : 30 0ReverV Monnay evening at .the Grand Army hall. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling. secretary. A oi'W Xo-Meet first and third i Fri; A dav evening nfeacl. nionthat IO hall. Prank Vermylea M W ; J i. Barw ick, recorder. . a v McConihie Post No. 45 meets every G KvSSni! at 7 : 30 in their Hall in Kockwood mock. Atl , S id Bats, SfftfgrS Cnierl . . c- tl.-t Lodsre KX X "T? Meets every Wednesday, eve- J nrecordialvUed to ' aitend- MNUriflith, C C: Otis Dovey A of K and i. Published every Thursday, ami daily oi-onitiir l . l. . si,,.,.!.. , IV.-irSf rl iit l'l:itMiiit li. Nebraska M)Ht prtice as second class mail matter for transmission through the U. S. mails. TF.KJISHK WEEKLY. One year iii advance "- " - - $1 5(1 One year not in advance - - 2 W) Six months in advance - - - 75 Three months in advance HI TERMS OF DAILY. One year in ad vunce - " - -$ One copy one month ----- HO lVr wifk hv carrier- - 1" WORKING AT "THE LOWEST WAGES AND PROFITS." The great error with most Ameri can students inxonsidering the ta riff from the standpoint of history is that they do not go back far enough. For the last thirty years the auestioti has not been debated bv the free traders in the bold and outspoken fashion of the earlier daj'S when they stood in little fear of the votes of workingmen, and were free to declare openly their determination to cheapen labor and reduce wages by lowering the tariff. By going back to 1832 and aoDlvino- the methods of historic study to the great tariff debate of that year, the author of "The larilt Riddle" has succeded in clearing up a rrreat mount ot contusion, ana making the issue between free trade and orotection no riddle at all Theanti nrotectionist storm which broke in 1S32 had been pratheriuir head for many years, just as the southern free traders irrew more and more determined not to pay the cost of a liigti wage, free-labor sys tern at the north. Thus in the "Ex position" adopted by the legislature of South Carolina in 1S2S as its solemn remonstrance aud protest against protection, no secret was made of the fact that the south wanted the tariff lowered for the ex press purpose of reducing northern wagesand profits. On the contrary, in stating the effect of a low tariff on the north and south, respectful ly, the legislature of South Carolina said THE resignation of Secretary Blaine was received with general surprise and more or less regret, ami it changes the aspect of things entirely, for there can be no ques tion about the fact that he was tlie first choice of the party for the presidential nomination in the be ginning. He could have secured it bv simply sayiiic that he would ac cept it. No other name than his would have been presented to the convention under any circum stances. Hut he gave official notice that he was not a candidate, ana emphasized his declination at a later date by saying that he could not accent the office if he should be nominated and elected. It is ditli cult to believe that he was insincere when he thus practically took him self out of the contest and left the way free for other aspirants, partic ularly the present admirable incum bent of the position; and the con elusion follows that he litis been in duced to chancre his mind at this late day by a pressure which he did not expect and which he does not think he can afford to disregard, for party as well as personal reasons This mav cause a firht i the con vention which may result in the defeat of both Harrison and Blaine, but it makes no difference who is nominated, whether it be Harrison, Hlaine. Sherman, Allison or Jlc Kin- ley, all are good men and can beat any man the democrats put up at Chicago. Oreaon, Washington and the Nor - r-i : - -. -. W Obi rMCIHU yUOi- i-tii:itil of the trav eling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode ol traveling lias jeu to me esiaoiif mucin. a what is known as Pullman Colonist Sleepers. Tiii.t r.iru ure Imilt on the same general plan as the regular first class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif ference ueing mat mey are up holstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm Piankets.snow wnue iineu cm tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu pant ot a lnrtli as iiiucli privacy as is to be had in lirtt class sleepers. mere are aiso separate louei ioomn lor ladies and gentlemen, aim smwn. ing is absolute' prohibited. lor r ". r .? 1 r,. I . . I I ... Illll liliorniaiioii semi iui i unmon Colonist Sleeper leaflet. K. L,. Lo max. General Passenger aud Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. Spot Cash Hardware. MANY YEAES AGO rT; "KT WROTH: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits owr case exactly ALL THAT WK WANT IS Your Trade on AN EPITAPH. I dreamed that one had died in a strange plaee V Aintiatntnarl linntl. And they had nailed the boards above her face. The peasants or tnai lanu. And. wondering, planted by her solitude A cypress anu a yew. . I came and wrote upon a cross of wood She was more leautif ul than thy first love. This lady by the trees. And gazed upon the mournful etamrbove W. B. Yeats. Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Den ver, Ogden, Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Portland. This is simply written to remind you that the Union Pacific is the pioneer in rutin in n- throup-h cars to the above - , . .iiuiitirm.'ri nnintannn tiiiiT tne ures- ent through car arrangement is un- 1 VV' nln inaWl TUP. litlie. For details address aiij- agent ot the company, call on your nearest . . . TIT T . , . . . agent or write to x- wmaa, G. P. A: T- A. U. P., Omaha .NeD. T1t frill mvi n rr item. r-lirred from 1 v - - -- j- - ' - . - i i the Kt Mnrlison ( Iowa) Democrat. contains information well worth remembering: "Mr. John Kotli ol iliici ir wlin met with an acrident V. I I J ) - - - .... a few days ago, spraining and . 1 . ! . - 1 . . . nt r- . . . ft . I t I. Orillsing Ills iej4 tim aim H""- severeljr, was cured by one 50-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm." Tiiij T-mefK- i without an eciual for sprains and bruises and should have a place in every nousenoiu. rur suic vj x. vi . n n,v, w HAEDvfARfi, CUTLERY, STOVKS, T I N W A H U TOOLS, WOODKNWARIv rhat is all; "Nor do we want it long" just for a few s ears, t-Jiy or more and if you will gra.t us this "little our cup ol liappinet 1 1 full 4 s fwirtft-it ir- tw?tiT L'SH Will be full to overllowing. In return you will have little to want, lor in these goods we orJr the best and most complete line made in this country to-day and -A-t Prices so X-io-xxr That every time we nil out a quotation sneet we ieei mat we ougm io mrr accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are giving' the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. WILL YOU NOT GIVE US THE "LITTLE Til AT r h HAKI. J. W. Hendee, & Co. m. a .tifl frnrtli OF Hall. MVondran, M W , U. i urown, recorded. TAUGI1TEKS OF" REBECCA Bud of. Prom- t rth Tlmrsdav eve, inss of each month in fourth Thursaay eveiiiiK' Williams. N. trie I II O. r . nan. !-.--- G. : Mrs. John Cory. Secretary-. ,,vrHKK OF IIOXOK-Meets the first Mie Smi liVortny 81, -of Honor lrs. 0":rit.,rui. sister tecretary. CASS IXJDtlE, No. 146 I. O O. F rneets fj- . een.eNd G . ; S. F. ObSrn. Secretary. R0YAL AKCASAMjSeS'k I- Meet at the h, of F-jralin Vutte visiring SSgrrTJ-Tra. &Oe.Vegen Thos WalliPK. Secretary. . MKN'S CHKISTION- SSOCIATIOX YateS Sm.f "-mZ? Gm'ee8tufKaevVry ?Jon at o'eiock. v-KW MKATMARKKT. Fre,h Bef f. Pork. Veal. Mutton. Butter aud r reh w kej)t const;inliy on hand. Game of all kinds kept in Season SATISFACTION - GARAKTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Ave PLATTSMOUTII. - NEBRASKA JITLIUS PKPPKRBERG. MAITCFACTUBK OF AND UHOLESALEZflNn RETAIL producers to contend with the rest of the world in our market in free and open competition, the effects of which would have been n reduction of prices to the lowest point, there- l.i. annl.linn- 1 1 a i f pvpiniiirp the - ' J V 11(1 .' J 1 II . ( . ' - v l .... - . ' product of our labor most atlvan- 4on-niiulv mvinrr litllf n ti rpppiv- uivwiiij - - - inorder to meet European competi- a j 1 I ll.,. A...x:4,.lTc4n ntw1 lion iliey iioniicni lauiuuioio tiuu pelted to work at the lowest wages and pronts. As is shown in "The Tariff Riddle." this seductive idea of the cotton planter, "giving little and rereivitur much" while northern workingmen were to be "compelled to work at the lowest watres and nrofits ." has been at the bottom of southern opposition to the tariff for more than three-score years. At one time it was openlv and frankly admitted that such was the object of "tariff reform." It would be ruinous in these days of universal suffrage and a preponderance of strenirth in the north to disclose the whole truth and declare that the purpose of a low tariff is to cut down northern watres and profits The real purpose has to be kept veiled nowadays, but there has been no real change in the policies of the cotton south. Now, as ever, it demands a revenue tariff, and for the same purpose as 'ti 1S2S, viz., to effect a reduction of northern waires. Generations come aud go, but the doctrine of the southern free traders remains the same. If the democratic convention which meets in Chicago could have the full courage of its convictions it would frankly and fearlessly adopt the citation made above as its tariff plank. A Pone with the "Kvil Eye." In the early years of his papacy, when adored bv the Roman people. r4T,D IX wn drivinor throucrh the streets of Rome and chanced to look up to an open window, where a nurse was stand ing with a child. A few minutes after ward the nurse let the child drop to tin1 Tin vam cm t. helnw and it was killed. In stead of laying the blame to the care--lasncaa of the nurse it was laid to tin malevolent influence of the evil eye. and the fancy became universal amo:r. the lower classes m Italy mat tne pu. iimt the evil eve. and it lasted until h death. Travelers who knew of the be lief were often amused to Fee peopi . -. t IrneehTirr to receive tne popes uiebhiii" . . , ... ..ii. f and at the same time noiumg me uuyei forked to break tne m.nencem; punei y When Pius IX cave up hi liberal theories and fell back to the old accustomed methods of governmen. there were an abundance or noeraia m. took it as proof positive that he va possessed of an evil spirit. Chicago Times. Poll Dflari. it-. . l . -, r f.i.n M i-i 4 lliese wurus an: nmni i our reader, a3 not a day passes with-1 tliii rnnnrt tf the SIlllllfMl flfHtll I 11 II L 1111. 1 V 1 - . . - - . of some prominent citizen, l ne ex planation is "Heart Disease. Aiiere fore beware if you have any of the following symptoms: Short breath, pain in' side, smothering spells, swo'len ankles, asthmatic breath ing, weak and hungry speiis, tenu urn.ico in Klimilfler or arm. flutter- V i V 1 wmv.-i-t'w - ing of heart or irregular pulse. These symptoms mean jau i di sease. The most reitaoie remeoy is Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which has saved thosands of lives. Hook of testimonials free at F. G. Fricke & Co., who also sell the New Heart Cure. WW Cm H E J. I. UNRUH h FOR Flits T CLASS FUUNITU11F. K HANDLES the Whitney baby Carriages and can offer good bargains in them Parties desiring to furnish a house complete could not do better than to call and inspect his line of furniture, in the way of Parlor sets, Dining room sets, Bed Room set, and evenything kept in a first-class establishment. J. I. Unruh, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. The wisilnm of him who iournev- eth is known by the line he selects; the ludirment ot tne man wiiu umcs J . .. . t i i..i i , it... li "llitrliturtoil J.Ollie lu me cities of the east, the south, and the n-cct ; never imneaclied. The in ference is plain. Magnificent PH- c uotwra e eo-;iiiT reciiiiiii" chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent ot t this nlare. or write liiv- vwi-7 " r ' to J. Francis, ttenerai rasscici and Ticket Agent, umana. A tawver'i tittle Joke. The humor of the legal mind is eome t;mf.a a trnfle subtle. There is iust now to be seen in the window of a famous secondhand book 6hop in the Strand a complete set of "Voltaire" in nity vol n-moa TTio set is bound in what is tech nically known as "law calf. it has evidently belonged to a lawyer who hesi tated to let his clients perceive that he was given to reading anyimug bo mis chievously frivolous as tne pnuosopnei r.f Va-moxr nr vhfl could not resist mS own little joke. Instead, therefore, of ifoi-iTifT the vn nrne Voltaire, wmcn everybody would have understood, he had them insenbed "rouet s ixepoi is. rv, -irtL-o wnnld of course be lost upon v.o nrVin hnnnened to nave iorirotien that the great philosopher's proper name was Arouet ae v oitaire. uonuou Yorkshire (England) Post. Tuct u an re n s hot weather comes .i,I ie more or less bowel complaint "in this vicinity. Flvery person, and especially idimiic, ou-ht tc have some reliable medi cine at hand for instant use in case Qa,ift 'S or 50-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is just wnat you oi"Tit to have and all that you would need, even for the most severe and dangerous cases. It is the best, the most reliable aud most successful treatment miuwu and is pleasant to take. For sale F..G. Fricke & Co., druggists. DEALER 1STHK. CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS ARTICLES always in stock o Plattsmoulh, - - Nebrassa " vow Sale Two desirable resi dence lota" Orchard Hill addU.on to Plattsmouth, within a bJoclLi the Missouri Pacific depot- For particulars call on or address THE HERALD office. THE COST OF A DEMOCRATIC SPEECH. A whole dav of last week was con sumed by the house trying to cor rect a democratic speech; a speecn never made on the floor of the house, but lugged into the record under thenernussion "to print, hven then it did not eucceed in accomplishing tha feat. The cost of time consumed iu this abortive proceeding was something more than :?o,C00. Ine fficient stupidity, thy name is de- moracy! "Boies or bust" is the democratic slogan in Iowa, and it is quite likely it will. Fail to do Our Duty i.',.,nT-i'.-.riir hns at times failed to do their duty towards themselves. Hundreds of lady readers suffer from sick headache, nervousness, sleeplessness ana iemaie xroumca. Let them loiiow me eAampic ui m o. Herbecthter, Stevens Point. Wis., ...i. fnr five v-esirs suffered nreatlv WlIU wi ' - J l-. - from nervous pruMiauuu iuu i- y lessness, tried physicians and dif ferent medicines witnout success. tl of Dr. Miles' Nervine caused sound sleep every night and ?nt - r - - -i r i i T . 4- L'l .Filmt M W IIPHIPI . I.Hf Hlllir Vj 11 V il t. ' irtffiinrr who tried all other reme dies, decfares that after three week's .. of th. Nervine tor neaaacne. .wirvmL tirncfration. etc.. she was 111. 1 WUv' ji vt 1 entirely relieved. Sold by F. G. FriCk&CO. inai oouie iree. i TV. ATJijcnri Pnnifir will Sell rOUIld trip tickets Ma3' 9 to 14 inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, tne rresuyienan general aisembly being held their tvt,. til Time Tirkets srnod Ull- til May 19 and returning inside 90 days at $00, going via one route and returning via anotner. ppiy oi ticket ollice tor particulars. norman Baotist Conference. Tv,e r.rmnn Tinntist Coniiference meets at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June q o t me lowest first class tare tor I mn.iil trin over the M. P. Tickets on sale May 3U to June o, goou umu June oil. The Handsomest Lady in Plattsmouth Tainrlrpfl to -I friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam X 4 1. f hrnnf 0 111 IlITlfri WHS il OU perior remedy, as it stopped her ,.,ii iniatatiilv when other reme- dieshad no effect whatever. So to prove this and to convince you 01 .viurili: o r rlniorrrist will JTlve 113 1111 1 11.? mi, i" - t-r vou a sample bottle free. Large bottles .xic auasri. c i cnllah Pot)le -n.,, ennfrVi to run until it crets till V iv cl v. v 1 1 1 - - iw . . ' bej ond the reach of medicine. I hey say, "UH, It will wear awuj, um m oaea it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful ivemps rsaisam, wmcn cz-iiri nn n nnsiiivc !ruai iin ice i- 1C5 13" V 1 1. ' - 1 - J- cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. WABoeck&Co TVTEAT MARKET dJJk SIXTH STREET F. H. ELLENBAUM, Prop- WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE Ol R LOW PRICES IN MENS. BOYS. LADIKS MISSE AND CHILDREN'S SHOES THAT ARE GOING AT BARG W.jZ. J303ZCJ5: 'gf CO The best of fresh meat always found . m . 1 a in this market, aiso iresn Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. mm SIXTH STREET Meat market ED r-'iAiruuw the: positive curse. LBLT BROTHKKS. 60 Wanen B,, New Tort. Prtca 60 eta at m