5 Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco Made a record long years ago, which has never been beaten or approached. It has not to-day, a good second in popularity. Its peculiar and uniform excellence pleases the men of to-day as it did their fathers before them. Sold wherever tobacco is smoked. Great Bull ovement., BULL DURHAM is a mild and pleasant stimulant which quiets the nerves and in no way excites or deranges the system. In this respect it is distinctive. It gives the most solid com fort with no unpleasant effects. Made only by Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. BEST ORGANS Ail FOH EARIEST PAYMENTS. THE MASON & HAMLIN CO. now oiler tm their famous Organs or Pianos for three months giv hiring them full opportunity to test it thoroughly ruturu if lie does not longer want it. matil the ajgreatc of rent pain amounts ment. It hkcomks his pkopkutt witaolt with net prices tree. runt any one ot u-r the person in his own home If h! .'itinues to want it tD the price of the instru KCiiTii Kit taymknt. Illus trated catalogue, Mason & Hamlin Orgj,n and Piano Co BOSTON. NEW YORK 7 ,-r rs-wir: in m Family Student School Library S-K-OU-L-D Own a Dictionary. orehould be taieata T THE BEST. , WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL , DICTIONAEY TITJE INTERNATIONAL HIW FROM COVER TO COVKB, X 13 THE O.VS TO BUT. T successor oy Tin; unabridged. T Tan M.ra nent in reviBlEC. 100 edl- mm h J ton employed, orer $300,000 expended. Sold by all BootaellerB. X Ci-A C UEKIUAU & CO.. Publishers, (a SnT-intrfield- tTw.. U.S. A. 1 T ' " A. X n-Do not buy renrinw ci olsoiswj T -Send for free rMiphlat containing X specimen pages and lull particulars. 4, Chicago. MOT Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc. Bemoves and Prevents SandrufC WHITE RUSSIA!! SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wate. A To9,Knt(frUlD Collector. There used to be u Uok collector in this city who was the terror of all who knew him. lie was wi 11 to do anl a very learned man. Ho wa.i a gr.:at buy er of looks and owned a fine library, but nobody fWn library wan tafo if it con taiued a book he coveted. For a long time las victim did not suyect him. He would call. spend an hour or two among tli-ir book and go away. Final lv mm bibliomaniac, who hail Buffered most severely, had hi Ku-picins arous- j t'L l U Ifl 11 ne idiri uiivi t bo ho went to his lawyer aluut it. I Tho lawyt r ha l him make out a list I r ? 'lnTnw iimt. Thpv were all of V. IIIU v .....---. - extreme rarity and threat value. Armed with this lit the lawytr called on the pu-jH Cted man and introduced himself a a collector from tho west. He had heard of the gentleman as a bibliophile of .authority and wished to consult him about Bme looks which had been of fered him lx.fore he concluded upon their mire-base or rejection. "What wch tho books?" his host asked. He ran off the titles of several of the f-toleii volumes. "Nonsense!" said his host. "Nobody J can tell yon them. I own the only copies 1U 1 1 HJ tvuuu;t Nest day the lawyer wrote a letter which resulted in tho restoration of the t-poil to its rightful owner. How many rare books belonging to other collectors remain in tho collection for it has never ljeeu sold for obvious reasons no one can say. Now York Cor. Pittsburg Bulletin. A Blue Law Sabbath. "I -was born in Massachusetts," said he, "and reared in a strict Puritan fam ily. The Sabbath commenced on Satur day night, when we children were re quired to study the Scriptural lesson for the next day. After an early breakfast Tipxt moi-nincr we went at our lesson acain until church time. The morn insr service was from 10 to 12 o'clock, composed chiefly of a long winded ser mon, during which we were required to keep awake, pay strict attention and be have ourselves. This was followed by Sunday school, where we recited our lessons correctly or suffered severe con sequences. "After a cold lunch at home, for noth ing was cooked on Sunday, we attended rhnrr.h nirain from 2 until 4 p. m. The tntarval between this time and 7 o'clock prayer meeting was occupied with re ligious reading or reflection, no frivolous trames or diversions being permitted, on this solemn day. As a special dispensa tion we were given hot tea for supper. Prayer meeting was out at 9 o'clock, and from that hour until bed time we sat nuietlyat home reading such thrilling and interesting works, especially to chil dren, as Baxter's 'Saints' Rest and Fox's 'Book of Martyr's.' I used to sympathize with those martyrs, and compare their miserable state with mine." Washington Post. Queer Kartli':uuU Effect. An old sheep herder who dwells in a lecluded Bit in the Sutter county buttea made his annual visit to this city Wednesday, and from him we learn of gouie phenomenal and interesting cir cumstances as a result of the earthquake of Tuesday morning. The lonely camp of the old bhepherd Is far up in tliebuttes.and is surrounded with cliffs densely covered with massive rocks and bowlders, which have- with stood the storms of ages and furnished mills for the almrigincs to grind their acorns and manzanita berries into Hour from the remotest antiquity. The ld herder had just emerged from bis cabin on this memorable morn, and was gathering kindling with which to prepare his morning meal lef ore turning hia Hock onto the range tor their uay d forage, and the wonderful sight ho wit nessed will never le forgotten. When the trembling legan numerous sparks of a bright blue color Ix-gan issuing from tho rocks, caused by the friction as they were tossed to and fro by the surging earth. As the tremors increased the number of sparks did likewise, until at one time the hillsides apieared as one sheet of fire with millions of sparks dart ing here and there as if dancing for joy. As the trembling subsided tho sparks gradually disappeared, and in a moment all was total darkness. Shortly after the sun had started 011 its journey in the eastern horizon the attention of the old shepherd was at tracted by the great branches of trees which had fallen to tho ground, and those which remained intact seemed to horrify the wild birds, as they would attempt to alight, and then, with a frightened scream, would pass rapidly on, only to repeat the caper at the next tree. An investigation proved that mil lions of lizards and snakes had taken refuge in the trees during their fright and had become so numerous on the projecting branches that they were forced to succumb to the immense weight and fell to the ground. This is the only instance of damage reported m Yuba or Sutter county. Marysville (Cal.) Democrat. HOW THEY CArtRY THCIR MONEY. ob mm mu YOUNG MENVOI.D GIT I Hi 1UIIS lit mi sturiai ur sutui. Thsy diu hero Is coorw o ir uohitii. bmt mm ineviDg sow vo nviwur 3SHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES tsj (ir up In Mrir ud wni mio ma uny OUR NEW BOOR f limited Ui".P1'" Ml) 11 I I smmm mm Mil AAlCtioSS Ot th rortrut of Ham, n& 5.o?T inuF TREATMENT. . mctaoda taelctinlyomr n, Q wm' Urt or IViUrn Ummhaj. 6arU Mrom D- ul Mini. EdvcU of Error or Kkuiu, bw"" " ERIEMEDlCALCO.BUiTHfcw.H... yntennesi (t ths Lienor Hafiit, positively uuret r.i Anrm;ftei: DR. HA1IIS O01BEI SPECIFIC. It can be o" a cu co9ea 9 te' ?" In ar- t.i.. iZa trithnnt th know led 01 tno per- ii- it la .hnnlnte!v hamiless antl will effect a permanent and ppeedy cure, whothr thepatlentUa moderate drinkeroran oholic wrecK. it NEVER rftiLB. - ljt.w a complete cure in CTsry lnstince. pSe hiMjk FREE. AddreM in confidence, .. clfifi. SPECIFIC CO, I &5 c St. ClncianatLO Chamberlain's Eye and SHn Ointment. A certain cure fox Chronic Scro Eye; Tetter Salt ref", Scald Head, rhmma Sores. Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sao Hippies and Pile. ItUcoolins and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by ft after all other treatment Aaa laueu. It is put up in 5 and SO cent boxes. NO LI.-'C V AT EH Oil MILK. GRATKl'I. COMFORTI N G x, LabeK d 1-2 lb Tins O11I3-. rru r rr3NESsHKADnoisi!scuRED f kn. Whispv herd. Caf7tabk. f: sfn!l-t:IIremfWfl41. Sold by F. IIU.ox.ooly , C D C C PIANOS free. Adcress Dan 1 r iseatty, was 11 inton N. J. PARKLh'S HAIR BALSAM ;Ti . CTor Falls to Eestoj: Grayl - " -"J.ti'l CiUT scitip Jtw.-s it hair tAlnj. - I Jjr.enrt jl.Ol'Bt Prnrprtl '.r-irierTcaic. J'j.oiiw l ie roM L'u?n, S C Ji M S . T!1- CT? Jo' C"f :.' iT JJruivts. or liidCUX CO., H. Y. How Lost! How Regained! KTI0V7 THYSELF. Or SEtF-PRESEBVATION. A Tiew and only Gold Medal PRIZE ESSAY on. NEBVOUS and PHYSICAL. r)KBIl.lTY, ERRORS of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300 pagee, cloth. fUt; 128 lnTalnabie prcecnptions. Only $1.00 j mail, donbi eea&d. Descriptive Pzospect cs with endorsements mf p SEND of the Press and volantarr WKK I g'Ar tMtimnniKla of the Cured. nUITa TiaiOTUY CLAltK. DEALER IX CO A WOOD -o TERMS CASHo rd and Office 404 South TnlrdStreet. Telepbane 13. PlATTSMUTH, NiBRASK Consultation in pcron or by mail, fcxpert treat. menu INTIflLABLE sevkbui ana lxiv TAIN C1KK. Addre Pr. W. H. Pnrker. at The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 BUlunch 6k. Boston, Maw. . , . The Peabody Medical Institute baa many imi. tator. bQt no equal. llerald. The Bcianoe of Life, or 6elf-Preeetration, is a treasure ntor valuable thaa pold. Kead it now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man. and leans to be STRONG . Medical i trine. tCepyrihtedJ Cnr9, Iwnipt, PotHl Cure for Impateme. lata ef Kiwhood, fiaatnaf fmlaaiom. SoermatorrlMBL 1 Nervousness. StlfDlstrwt. loss of msmorm, ae. ifr mctkn von STROMO. Vigor cm Uam. Pries 91. QQ. 9 Boms. $5 CO. Soettat DtrtcHom Ia0e4 tpltS sac Box. AOUrssS StudSaavZislasBtCe zMLuotsMa 8T. LOU13. tta II ow Men Carry Their Hands. A sure indication of cnaracter is found in tho way in -which a man car ries his hands," said C. G. Clarke, of Boston. "You notice men on the streets. See the young man with swinging arms and palm3 which are displayed to all who take th trouble to look. He is one of that class whose heart is as open as his hands. lie is frank, unsuspicious, a free -spender and a believer in the hon esty of his fellows. Notice the business man more advanced in years. His hands are always closed so tightly that he gives you the impression he is ever ex pecting an attacir. This is the attitude of men bi nt upon a certain object. It is an attitude which displaj-s the quali ties of determination and fight. "In debate you will observe some ot our lawmakers emphasize a statement by hammering the desk before them with their knuckles, while others, ap parently equally impassioned, are satis fied with the use of the palm. You may rest assured that if 6heer determination will succeed, the man who applies hia knuckles will win before his colleague who uses his palm." St. Louis Globe Democrat. Notions About Sleep. One of the rudest acts in the eyes ot a native of the Philippine islands is to step over a person asleep on the floor. Sleeping is with them a very solemn matter. They are strongly averse to waking any one, the idea being that during sleep the soul is absent from the bodv. and may not have time to return if slumber is suddenly broken. If you call upon a native and are told "He is asleep," you may as well depart. To get a servant to rouse you, you must give him the strictest of orders. Then at the time appointed he will stand by your side and call, ''Senor! senor!" repeatedly, each time more loudly than before, until you are half awake; then he will return to the low note, and again raise his voice gradually until vou are fullv conscious. Ex change. Respecting the Dead. Mrs. Granpere Why, Bridget, I heard of the death of poor 'Iim, your husband, and that you were married again; and now, poor girl is it possibh your second husband too? Bridget (in deep mourning) Oh, no, mum. He's all right. But I always promised meself, whiniver I could af ford it, I wud put on mornin ror poor dear Tim, and it's very well off I am mum. since I'm married this time. mum. Harper's Bazar. A Useful Collector of Coals. Perhaps the following anecdote may be useful to readers whose houses and gardens abut on railways. An eminent "inenagerist" lives in a suburb where forty trains pass his garden every hour. The weather was cold, coals were ex pensive, for the recent strike was just then at its height. Tne "menagenst," however, was a man of resource; he conceived a plan for utilizing the forty trains an hour. From his menagerie in town he brought a large Barbary ape, which un fortunate animal was chained to the top of a pole at the end of the garden. The result was as pleasant as owning a col lierv. without any wages to pay or fear of floods and explosions. Every stoker and occasionally a driver on every train that passed had a shot with lump of coal at the Barbary ape. The B. A. was never hit, but the garden was littered with coal, which the "menager ist" triumphantly conveyed to his cel lars. London Tit-Bits. Roc A Well Traveled tetter. An old member of a well known Bres- lau institution sent on the 13th of May. 1S91, a post card from Cassel, addressed to "Dr. Emm Pacha, m uerman Jast Africa." The card contained a poetical allusion to the great traveler, and was siimed by a number of other members of the institute. It arrived at Zanzibar on the 14th of June, 1891, and at Baga- moyo on the 10th of that month. The post card was then sent back to uar-es-Salaam, where it arrived on the 12th of March of this year, and received the fol lowing official comment: "Aus dem In nern zuruck. Emin nicht erreichbar." (Returned from the interior. Emin not attainable.) On the oth ot Jiay tnis same post card found it3 way back to Cassel and is now 111 the Hands or tne sender. London News. IleaiUn Hie liariM-trr of Peil In ths rot-ketltnoks Tliry 1 t-an ti ll yon the biiMiie.-sof tix men out of v 1 y ten who come in here, and the social Standing of all of them, from , the wav they carry their mouey," said u J Broadway ticket Ptlkr for o:ie of the; sound etcaiuboat lines to a reporter. j Did you ever think how much of a , person's individuality is expressed in his j methyl f carrying his money? 1 sea j lieople every day get at their change ; and have luada a study of it. j -That man," Kiid the ticket seller, as an oldjentleinan who had purchased a pasteboard good for a trip to Boston t wut out. -'is a retired banker. Did you j notice that he carried his money in n j long morocco pocket book? That pocket- I . .-. 1 book i always carried in the insida I PeC1' pocket of his coat, on tho right side. It 1 contains a number of bright, clean bills, all neatly smoothed and laid out at full length and right 6ido up. Ho never folds a bill, 1 will venture a cigar. 'The young broker or wholesale mer chant carries his money 111 a small case made of seal or lizard skin. Ho folds tho bills twice. His roll is never large. but he has enough on hand to meet any emergency. "The clubmen invariably carry a roll of clean five dollar rills in their vest locket,where they can be easily reached. Some carry only gold. James Jrown Potter favors gold, and usually carries a few quarter eagles in a small silver case, into which the coins fit without rattling. Lispenard Stewart usually has a roll of new bills in his vest pocket. "The man who conies in and fishes from a deep trousers pocket a lot of one, two and five dollar bills that have been twisted up like a gun wadding I always set down as a sporting 'gent. 'The farmer on an excursion to 'Bos- ting' counts up the price of a ticket in quarters and halves from a tan colored leather pouch that is tied up witu a string run through small 6lits near tno top. The seafaring man on his way to his home on the Maine coast carries the proceeds of his last trip in a calfskin wallet. It has been handed down iroin his father, or perhaps his grandfather, for it is black and shiny with age. It has a long strap passed through a num- OCT OI truss bUUis. iuu Liusa DtJV nvii 1 Beldom have more in them than tobacco 1) 2. c l a.. : . 4i,. r.i, ....... I .a UUSl or a iruveu Lci-s. itxciu iua.i dujvo that he owns a house. But in the cen ter of the wallet is a place where bills may be laid out straight and covered with a calfskin flap from either side. "The man who carries change in his coat pockets has been a car conductor at some time or other. The fellow who draws ten cent pieces from every pocket in his clothes is a peanut man or vender of Email wares. "The women, too, have a variety of ways to carry their money, though their lack of pockets limits their vagaries in that direction. The young woman with fluffy hair, who has the price of her ticket rolled tightly in her palm, has a mysterious storage place for money somewhere. When she is not spending it she puts it where no man will ever go after it, but the place is accessible to her slim fingers in a second. "New York Press. Every Month many worn a a suffer from Excessive or Scant alsastraation; they don't know who to confide in to get proper advice. Don't confide In anybody but try 1 Bradfield's Fcmalo Regulator a Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Hook to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, Ga. Sold kj all KruesUt. y. K. KHYXOI.DS, i:-j;lhtT'.t I'liy-U-iiin autl l'li.n in:i lt attention jiven to Office Practice. IlLUFFS - Nail. DKAl.Mt IN- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN3WARE. Patrouajre of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsouth A. SALISBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T :- Dr. COLL) AMI POKCEUUN CKOW-M8. JStelDwaya aiixiithetlc; for the aiBleis ex traction of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Kockwood Klock riatUajoatta, Neb iOI5IINrS HOXTSK. i217, 219, 221, AND 22, yVlalN ST PLATTSMODTH, NKH. F. 11- GUTHMAN2J. PROP'- More Than a Hundred Fold. Four years ago Miss Lena "Woodard, living on Thorn creek, Washington, sowed the seed from one head of barley. She harvested the crop with a pair of shears ana sowed tne amount received the next year, again har vesting it with her shears. The third crop her father cut with a grass scythe, getting enough barley from this crop to sow forty acres last spring, which averaged forty bushels to the acre when thrashed, making a total yield of 1,600 bushels from one head of barley in four years. Exchange. A Boy's Explosive Pocket. Elias Mellinger, fifteen years old, was in his father's quarry m Lancaster, and put some powder in his pocket, in which there were matches. The powaer was ignited by one of the matches taking fire, and in a moment his clothing was in a. blaze. It was 1.000 teet distant to his father's home, and the boy ran to it. Bv the time he reached there his cloth- incr was entirely Durnea irom nis Doay, and he was badly burned from his head to his f eet. Cor.Philadelphia Telegraph. Reply from the Pew. "Joe" Jones, one of Sam's numerous brothers, has enlisted in the ministry. His first sermon was preached in a coun try church at Pine Log before a largo congregation of farmers, backwoodsmen and crackers. Sam's methods were fol lowed with considerable success, but when Joe branched off on his own hook he struck a snag. He caused his hearers to wince when, slapping the Eible nearly oft" the nulnit. ho exclaimed: 'A man what will cus3 a oath 11 ; steal!" There was a lively shifting among the pews and much cautious looking around and head shaking. Joe saw, ana aeter mined to push his point. "Brethren and sisters, ho repeated, 'I want to eay to you that a man what will cuss a oath'll steal! What have you got to say to that." An aged cracker arose at the cacit or the church and, fastening his glittering gray eye on Joe, drawled through hia nose: "All I got ter say is it's er gol dernlier Joe was so discouraged that he rested on his oars two weens ueioro maa-iug anymore bold assertions. New York Tribune. RATES $4.5(PEK WEEK AND UP A. .. 90LD AND PORCELAIN CllOWWJ Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. fB. 8TEINAUS LOCAL, as well an other an estheticsglven for tlie painless extraction of teeth, G. A.T MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Block TTORNEV A. N. Attorney at-Law. SULLIVAN. Will irive prompt attention to all business eatrufttea to mm. jrnce in I Union block. East Side. FlattMnoutb, Ieb. KM Economy in Rapid Freight Trains. A German engineer concludes that if the speed instead of the load of freight trains be increased from fourteen to twenty-eight miles per hour the expenses per car mile at the higher Epeed wor.. be one-fourth less for repairs and onl; one-fifth Times. more for fuel. New Yi til.. 1 A Knowing- Urate. "Cabbv. drive me to Vefour's in for the i.v.;tilesh banquet." "Not so load, guv'nor. If Browu Bts. heard yo she wouldn't budge an inch." Snipping I4ve lobsters to London. Recently the steamer Inchulva sailed for London with 3,000 live loDsters. They are carried in four piate iron tanks on the mam aecic, tne tanns oe- ing fitted with shelves, and each capa ble of holding 1,000 lobsters. By means of a steam pump connected with the sea valve in the engine room a large reservoir is kept filled with sea water, which in turn is supplied to the lobster tanks at will. Halifax Cor. Bos ton Herald. H enter Bridges' Bear Average. Nathaniel S. Bridges, who died re sentlv in Charlotte, was one of the oldest men in town, having nearly reached the ase of eichty-nine years. Mr. linages was well known in eastern "Washington county as a lumberman and framer of farm buildings. He was a hunter ana trapper of note, having killed the same number of bears as marked the years of his life. Bangor News. Begistration in Germany. In Germany the exigencies of compul sory military service require that a man should be registered from the day of his birth to that of his death. The govern ment must be able to lay hands upon him at anv time. A man can accom plish no civil act without producing his j papers of identity. Me cannot set up m business, nor buy lana, nor ooiam a situation, nor marry, nor get out of any scrape with the judicial authorities, nor leave the country without satisfying the police as to who he is, where he was born, who were his parents, etc. Lon don Tit-Bits. Throwing Men Overboard. In ancient Scotland the barbarous cus tom existed which cost Jonah so much inconvenience. When a ship became unmanageable it was usual to cast lots for the purpose of discovering wno was responsible for the trouble, and the man upon whom the lot leu was conaemnea. Instead or human Deings uogs useu eometimes to be thrown into the sea with their legs bound. Washington Star. Not Alone. Very stout persons may sometimes be noticed glancing at other stout persons with a pleased expression that seems to say, "Well, I'm not as stout as that, any way, or, "mere is some one w u quite as stout as 1 am." Evidently it is a consoling thought. Youth's Companion Telllnc Diamonds by the Taste. Diamonds and crystals can be distin guished from glass and paste by touching them with the tongue. The diamonds feel much colder. New York Journal. 1 ' Kynrv For Atchinson, St. Josepk, Leaven worth, Kaneaa City, St. Louie, and all points north, east south or west. Tick eta sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO AND ROUTES RATES Call at Depot or address H, C. TOWNSEND, G. P. A. St, Lonia, Mo. T. C. PHiixiPPi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgar. Agt, Plattsmoatk. Telephone, ?7, Figaro.