.J f-ZZ a BlackwelPs Bull Durham Has been the recognized standard of Smokin.; t brcco for over 25 years. Uniformly good and unifcrn.iy first- Bright, sweet and fragant we ir.vlt'j 11 .e . 1: a .....a I ,1! 1. irr !' mo ST. iasnuious to icai i -i"'" v -- Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, W. C. v BEST ORGANS FOR EARIEST PAYMENTS. TIIK MASON & HAMLIN CO. now r.ffer to rent any one of tksir famous Organs or Pianos for three months, giving the person kiring them full opportunity to test it thoroughly in his own hotre and return if he does not longer want it. If he continues to want it til the arerate of rent pain amounts to the price of the instru ment. It becomes his ritoi'KKTT witaoct fl'kthek payment. Illus trated catalogue, with net prices tree. Mason & Hamlin Orgj,n and Piano Co BOSTON. NEW 1T Simt i Family Student School f Library S-M-C-U-L-D Own a Dictionary. I Oar should be taion to 5 WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL , DICTIONARY 4 Tint INTERNATIONAL. WXW If ROM COVER TO COVES, IS THE ONE TO BUY. sttcckssok'of THE UNABRIDGED. i T Ten years spent la revising. IOO edi- a X ton mployed. over $300,000 expanded. Sold by an Book Hew. 2aC. MXRKIAH & CO.. PubUsasT, 4 4 Springfield, Hu U.S. A. e J a-Do not buy reprints of obsolete J : editions. a -Send for free pamphlet eont&irdnf specimen pages and fall particulars. FOR 0C3LV YOTJITG HENOLD XXMT air Tat rent at tic it ipiiti if uiAif. bsHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES OUR EJZw 630K - Am " Im.IimH far a limited t)M.ptaa ts afciloaopnr Of DtHM ..a AteUaloaa of tha f Ortan af Msa. T MUM c. HtA 1 "iK-n . iMt r ratllag MaakooA, Sarsl sad Htrroml D Iwiiu. VukiiH af Body aa4 Mtaa. K9cts of Errors or InwM. annw or Uliruiin'vvi y iZ-"-.7 Tn writ. ttn. rr Book.lU opl.BM4! n1 pmh. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFF ALO.W.Y. lruni:eniiess lir ths Llonor Habit Positively Cum' bt Aocin'srtaiJQ dr. haires soldei spicifio It can be giv6a In a cud of co3ee or tea. or in ar. tkles ol ood. without the knowledge of the per son taking it; It la absolutely harmless and wilt effect a parmanent and rpeedy cure, whether thepatientisa moderate drinkeroran alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAIL8. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance. 4A page book FREE. Addreosin eonfidencr, ScOfcJ. ZPtXXfiC CO.. I a SU Ctmlaaill O Chacibexlaiii's Eye and FWt. Oizitnieiit A certain core for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter. Salt Bheum, Scald Head, Oh Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Hippies and Piles. It Is eoolinff sad soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cored by fc after all other treatment had failed. It Is put op in 25 and CO cent boxes. TIMOTHY CLAKK. DEALER IX CO A. WOOD -o TERMS CAS Ho ards and Office 404 South Third Street. Telephoned. PLATTSMOUTH, Nebrask n m K r. ! jt L 1 a a a - m OrriwC WORLD'S FAI Sept. 15, 1893 CkW ri.L' 3 DURHAM TOCACwO Co., I3ui!)sm, N. C V.' ' i c Smoked ur r J T jc.ott the World's t.-.d ii:ve unanimously .-..-r.i lit'! GoM Medal t r i.".' Tobacco to 4ham ,.-. t. r.i ycur success. I V. t -r. tn ly, COMMITTEE. A& YORK CHICAGO. mm Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds Burns, Etc Semoves and Prevents Dandruff. white nussinn soap. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watefc BO LlftC WATER OR MILK. EPPS'S GRATEUL COMFORTING Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. I rvaNESSARSAOSOlSBSCURED Im T fck' Inrmbli TnbnJar J-ir Cwb I tf&Ul look Wktawilwd. Comfort (,!. ifolwn.rrai Irmrimftil. Boldb; r. HiMoz.mly, rnrP 83 ainaalwar, kri Ivk. Writ, fur took o( praoU I ndl llkb PJItinR$l'o,'iarlf,:Ms- Want airts. catTicue riAlHUO free- Address Dan'l F Heatty, wash injeton X. J. PARKER'S iaWii HAIR BALSAM ' . ; r Jt."1 Clear,., and t&uiifM the hair. - ..jr t?!C9 Viola, a laxunauc jrruwtfc. i;i-,C-:-f: J Never Pails to ltestare Grnj t v' r -.'I. ?! Hir to its TouthTni Color. ':V-j 'IZ-xL Z-- Cuv aJp divar hnir taking. -nj I arirr'e Oinfcr I'onic. It cun i the voist Coui;h, '.pk T.nnta. Dtbil'iv, Indignation, Paul, Take in time. JOcli. Hir!QSKCORNS. The onlj rtrre cum for Coma. i-.v-d aZTiniu. ic u liruti'itta. or LLlSCXiX a CU Y. How Lost! How Regained! ur Hire l(HGI7 TDYSELFa Or SELF-PRESEKTATTON. A new and only Gold Medal FB1ZB ESSAY on NKUVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILlTTt EKROKS of YOCTII, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE. MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAX. S00 pages, cloth, rilt; 185 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 by mail, doobl sealed. Descriptrr Frospect- cs wun endorsements FREE lift! of the Press and voli testimonials of the Consultation in neraon or or msiL xrert treat ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CEB- TAIN CT7KE. Addnnaa n. w. M, writer, or The Peabody Uedisal InstituM, Ko. 4 BuUinch St.. Boston, Uaaa. The Peabody Medical Institute has many Imi tators, but no equal. lltrald. The Beiaoos of Life, or Self Preaervation, Is a troasnr nor valuable thaa (fold. Head U now, everr WUK and NERVOUS man. and learn to be STRONG . Medical Review. (Copi rihted-' Em, Tranpt; Poctrt. Ctrrt for Imootanct, Lota of Manhood, Seminal emissions. Spemattwt)a. Hereon tnf3. Self Distrust, loss of Memory, Sc. Will r.aife you a STR0H3. Vigor ova Man. Pries 91.00, 6 Bares, 5 00. 8mlnl Ofrvctkms MoM glim eaen Bom. Address &fcWvTlBtBsSiC PS seta LuoaeAva. 3T. LOUIS. - r Durham y !4fe3 ft PIANOS, TONS OF FISH BAIT. CATCHING MENHADEN OFF COAST OF NEW ENGLAND. How School of KMi Are Turaufil. i'ui--tured and Slowcil Alxiard An A- ;n miHiiiliiir Mmlivr of the Ki:mv Tr.l't- WhUli Can He Used In Many Vuj. I'itchint? bin voice high the lookout nt ' he m:ulheiul of the menhaden steaim-rj nhoutM out gleefully: "A school! A school!" uikI immediately all is bustle and excitement fm board. "Ah this is a new experience to you. hir, you tdiall have a heat with me in my bejat." - "Thank ) a, caitain; I am only too eafier to wee the fun." The crews now take their places in the seine boats, while two of the party, known as drivers, go out in advance in little thirteen foot boats to learn the direction in which the school is moving, and to mark out its size. The jolly cap taina true tyie of the traditional Caie Codder, square built, sturdy, genial, his face bronzed by years of exposure to sunshine and sea breezes and very intel ligent withal takes his place at the in side bow oar in one of the seine boats, and the mate a corresponding THsition in the other, and by the time they reiich the school the drivers describe the move ments of the fish. They now begin throwing out the eeine, each boat going in an opposite di rection around the school, the drivers in the meantime splashing the water to keep the fish from escaping. Soon the boats meet, and all hands now pull at the purse line, the net and cork line. The steamer is brought alongside, and after the fish are driven well together the net is fastened to the steamer's side and they are baled into the hold by' means of a large dip net run by a don key engine. The next thing on the programme is to prepare the menhaden for salting, to be used as bait for which there is great demand. This is a simple process, but to me its novelty invests it with partic ular interest. The head of the fish is taken in the left hand of the workman, and with a peculiarly shaped knife held in the right hand he cuts a slice, longi tudinally, from each side of the body, leaving the head and vertebrae- to be thrown away or occasionally to be pressed for oil. The slivers are salted and packed in barrels. This opening act of the day's drama ended, Captain Williams invites me tc accompany him into the cabin, and tht, jolly skipper there entertains me with some interesting points about the fishery. "It's queer how many different names the menhaden is known by," observe, the skipper. "Fact is, it has more ali ases than a veteran criminal more nick names than there were colors to Joseph's coat. Besides the more common name of menhaden it is known as pogy, bony fish, mosebunker, hardhead, whitefish, bunker, oldwife, bugfish, cheboy, ell wife, alewife, fatback, greentail, wife and yellowtail shad. It's about as long as the common sea herring, but is deep er and more robust looking. Its aver age length is from twelve to fifteen inches. 1 hardly need tell you that it is valuable as a bait fish, it excelling all others as such; that as a food resource it is thought to have great qualtities; that its chief value is as a fetilizer and and that it is also valuable' for the oil and scrap produced by cooking and pressing them. "For illustration, here are some min utes 1 made in my memorandum book in regard to what was done in the year 1880. which was a fair representative sea son. That year the total weight of the catch was 576,000 pounds equivalent to about 700,000,000 menhaden in number. Pretty big army, eh? Quantity of oil pro duced, 2,066,396 gallons, and of guano 68,904 tons, having a total value of $2,034,641. Capital invested in steamers, etc., and their outfit and in factories, $2,362,841. As compared with previous j years, however, the yield of oil was small." "About how long, captain, does the catching season last?" "Well, you see, as soon as the men haden "make their appearance in the spring, vessels start in pursuit of 'em, and continue capturing 'em till they dis appear in the fall. From the menhaden oil and guano factories along the south ern coast of New England, New York and New Jersey shores, the fleets of steam and sail vessels begin their cruises early in May, chasing the fish along the shores and in the sounds, wherever they can be found. The vessels seldom cruise more'n ten or fifteen miles from land. The total area of the ground is estimated at 5,350 square geographical miles. "The average steamer is about the size of this one. That is to say, some 70 tons measurement, 90 feet long, 17 feet beam, 7 feet depth of hold and seven feet draft aft and costs $16,000. It costs not far from $1,000 a month for wages, fuel and provisions to run it. Like this boat, they are screw steamers and are rigged with one mast f or'ard, which is fitted with a crane for taking in the catch. The men's quarters are in the f or'castle. The fish are stored in bulk in the hold. The engine house, as you see, is astern the main hatch, with coal bunkers open ing on deck each side. All of 'em have fitted to the bulwarks on either side, near the stern, cranes for the boats, and towing chocks are set in the deck on either quarter aft. The hold or tank for storing the fish is water tight. There are some steamers engaged in the fisiiwr which are more'n 150 feet long, carrying from twenty-seven to thirty men. and cost $30,000 and upward. Most of the steamers carry four seine boats. "Since steamers have come intovo-.ie the factories have greatly incrj-.-.l their facilities for handling large c.tTv-ii-es. The first factory could wor t: only a few hundred Iwrrels a day, v. Lilo now the big factories take from 3.!;-i ;o 5.000 barrels daily." New York Herald. The paper for Bank of England notes is made from new cuttings of white linens, never from linen that has l.i worn or soiled. Challeaclna; a Critlesal Joornaltst. A very slight and polite criticism in dulged in at the expense of a cavalry of ficer who was riding about a week ago nt the home tdiow has ansuined the pr Iortio!is of a serious event. Tho officer in question sent a letter to the writer paying that he could understand the criticising tho horsemanship of jockeys and grooms, but that he had no business to puss any remarks on that of "gentle men or officers." He forbade the jour nalist to mention his name, and wound up by adaing that his sole right was that of the stronger and that he would prove it if the offense were repeated. Tho journalist in a second paragraph re marked that he did not think he had acted improperly in criticising the per formances of horsemen who rode in public place to which admission was ob tained by payment, and, referring to the letter, said he could not believe that it had been rienned by a French officer, and was convinced that it was a forgery. Thereupon the cavalry officer sent two of his friends to the journalist with a hostile message, and in the duel that followed he wounded him in the arm. He thus proved that he was "Le pins fort." But the affair is creating a great sensation, the prevailing opinion being that the argument employed by the offi cer was, to say the least, utterly illogi cal in fact, this unlucky episode has brought once more on the tapis the vexed question of the expediency of military men displaying their prowess at races and horse shows. Paris Cor. London Telegraph. AVill Live In s Glass House. At the city of Dinard, in the depart ment of Ille-et-Vilaine, France, there lives a man distinguished both for his originality of ideas and for the fullness of his money bags. He has been speak ing and teaching for a long time upon the necessity of men beginning to lead lives of greater purity, so that they need not be afraid of having all their deeds under the incessant supervision of so ciety. He is himself willing to submit to the trial and wants to find others to do the same. He has determined to have a three story house built all of glass. A dwelling of such transparency would not not only allow its inhabitants at all times a splendid prospect in every direction upon the beautiful country surrounding the place, but also expose the minutest details of the daily life of the people in the house to the inspection of the entire city. The originator of the idea has found an architect willing to build the house on condition that he receives payment in advance. But there is no renting agent that will take the agency for it. If it is to be a lodging house for bachelors, they 6ay, they may be able to do something with it, but they cannot find a female, they think, that would consent to live in a glass house. Nevertheless the old gentleman is determined to realize his idea. Chicago Herald. Tree Trunks Filled with Squirrels. Woodchoppers on Dr. Price's Lenape farm report that squirrels are very numerous among the trees. When the choppers began last fall there were several acres of trees standing and the squirrels were not numerous, but as the trees were cut, a few at a time, the little animals were driven from one place of refuge to another until all were gathered into a small space, and the few remaining trees are filled with them. A man who had been working among them says some of the hollow trees are packed so full of squirrels that the tim bers creak every time the animals draw a deep breath. In the morning when the men go out to work they are met at the railway tracks by the knowing little animals, which feel secure because the game laws protect them at this season. A gentleman who has 6een them says that they do not offer to carry the kettles of the men, although they do not object to sharing the contents. West Chester (Pa.) Republican. A Sad Story. A contemporary relates that there was a tragedy in the composing room of a Philadelphia paper the other day. The compositors were busy at their cases when one of their number, a young woman, fainted away, and she was con veyed to her home. Another compositor finished her "take,' which proved to be an account of a suicide in another city. There were forty compositors in the room, but this particular copy fell to this particular young woman, and the suicide was her affianced sweetheart. Electric Light in the Paris Tunnel. An installation of electric light is being laid down in the Batignolles tun nel, near Paris, in which the incandes cent lamps are placed at a height of about fifteen feet above the rails. The light is received by plates of burnished tin covered with glass, which reflect a soft and agreeable light into the car riages. New York Times. A Queer Case. O. E. Cruse, of Kingston, Ont., died on Good Friday, and when his father, Thomas Cruse, formerly auditor general of Canada, learned of it he said: "I am going to die myself tomorrow. You can bury us together on Easter Sunday." The old man died the same night. A String of Advertising. If the advertisements in a paper pub lished in Boston last Sunday had been pasted together column upon column they would be 2S3 feet long, or sixty-two feet higher than the Bunker Hill monu ment. New York Commercial Adver tiser. Black snow lately fell in the canton of Geneva, Switzerland, a phenomenon which was once thought to presage the black plague and other calamities, but is now known to be due to a fungus in the snow. A large contract for steel rails has been placed in Belgium in connection with the new Turkish railway to Sa lonica. This is thought to be an out come of the recent coal troubles in England. Goinfr so Afrieav OrWtt interest is exhibited in the pro posed Eat African expedition of Mr. William Astor Chanler. The Tama river, which he proposes to follow, is in habited along the lower part principally by tho Wa-Pukomo, a rat e which sub sists by cultivation. The ba'iks of tho river lning low, the country on both sides is annually inundated, and the river thus acts as a lilx-ral fertilizer. Mr. Chanler has no easy task before him, as some of tho triln-s to be passl in reaching Mount Kenia have had their suspicious and hostility aroused by the harsh and barbarous course of tho German explorer Dr. Peters. He will start early in June in company with Lieutenant Ilohnol.of the Austrian navy, and Count Tolaki, with the object of careful scientific research and ob servation in that region. They will travel along the Tama river, resting for some weeks at the snowcapped moun tain of Kenia, where they will make astronomical observations. After ex ploring the mountain to its summit if possible they will plunge into the almost unknown regions of East Rudolph lake. It was there that Baron Vecken was murdered, and that Reviol, Respoli and Ferrendi failed in their efforts to accom plish their aims. The region abounds in warlike tribes. Mr. Chanler intends to enter the region from the west, after leaving Lake Ru dolph, and proceed along tho Tubba river to the sea. He expects to bo nl sent about eighteen months. He will take with him his young servant, George Galmin, who accompanied him through Mashonaland. Mr. Chanler is full of hope and will go full' equipped for his perilous enterprise, which is expected to have most interesting and valuable re sults. Philadelphia Leader. A Tame Duckling. The extraordinary sight of a duckling that has just 6hed its shell following a young woman about the house with all the affection of a pet dog is a domestic wonder in the family of Mrs. Carr. Ever since Easter morn the neighbors have been dropping in to witness the spec tacle, and the fame of the singular at tachment has attracted attention among people who are interested in natural phenomena of every description. The little duckling has been in the family since Easter Sunday, when it was brought as a gift to Mrs. Carr's baby daughter, Serena, aged four years, who was delighted with her new pet. The duck at once struck up a long friendship for the domestic, Mary Mc Cullough, and has been the young wom an's constant companion ever since. Whenever Mary speaks the duck re sponds with the piping salutation and waddles after the young woman wher ever she goes. The most astonishing thing about this freak of nature is that if any other inmate of the household attempts to induce it to answer, the webfooted prodigy maintains a solemn Bilence, but Mary has only to utter a word when the quacking begins and is kept up until she has ceased speaking. Philadelphia Times. Mary's Claim. A little girl is reported to have died near the imaginary line in Oklahoma which divided the recently opened res servations from the remainder of the territory just as the signal was given for the grand rush for lands. The child and her father were alone and unknown, but the beauty of the one and the still, deep grief of the other moved the strong men of the frontier to acts of admirable sym pathy. A runner on a swift horso located a homestead, and returning placed the father of the dead girl in possession of it. The body of the child was trans ported to the claim and buried upon it. Afterward it was discovered the re maining one of the unfortunate couple was absolutely penniless, and a purse of money was given him with the hope that the claim will prove a haven of rest to him and that the homestead shall al ways be known as "Mary's claim." Duluth Tribune. Death from Ingrowing Toe Nail. Some time ago there was published the story of the death of a Long Island physician from blood poisoning result ing from an ingrowing toe nail. A well known surgeon chiropodist said the other day to the reporter: "The death of that Long Island doctor is not the first I have heard of from the same cause. "The cause of the disease is comif on and painful and usually directly trace able to narrow toed shoes. It causes pain as severe as a toothache and not infrequently, when neglected, results in blood poisoning. I know of an opera tion for ingrowing toe nail in an English hospital where the patient suffered eo much pain that they gave him a mixture of ether and chloroform. The operation was successful, but when it was finished the physicians found that their patient had died from the chloroform." New York Sun. To Preserve mi Alpine Flower. The diet of the Tyrol last week passed a bill imposing heavy fines upon persons found selling any sample of the beauti ful but rare Alpine flower called edel weiss, which has been pulled up by the roots on the mountains. A similar act was passed seven years ago by the diet of Salzburg, with a view to the preserva tion of the edelweiss plant, which is threatened with extinction in the Aus trian Alps. In the Salzburg district the success of this legislation ia, unfortu nately, not encouraging. Great Season for Herrings. The herring fishing season on the Sus quehanna river is finished, and the catch has been unprecedented. The pack will amount to over 60,000 barrels of salted fish. The season open April 8 and closed May 10. One fisherman caught 100 bar rels of the fish with a dipnet in the out let lock of the canal. It has been no un common thing this season to take 200, 000 herring at a haul of one of the large seines, which, when paid out, encircles three-quarters of a mile or more of water area. Cor. Philadelphia Record. nth I Kscaeslve or I don't know " Every Month many wonaea suffer from Scaat Menstruation; thay who to confide la to get proper advice. Don't confide In aaybody but try Bradfleld's Female Regulator g a Specific for PAINfOL, PROFUSE. I SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR I MENSTRUATION. I Book to " WOMAN " mailed free. I BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlssls. Cs. I "Id bjr ail llrui.Ula I I rJ J ,7. K. KKYXOLDS, Kj;lsl reil I'liynirlan ami I'll i iiinclxt Special attention ivm to Office Practice. Rock Hi.vfks . Nsn. DKAI.rlt IN- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWM. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsmouta, JCR. A. SALISBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T : GOLD AND POKCaXAIN CROWNS. Dr. Stslnwaja anaesthetic for the paialsss es tractloD of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Rook wood Block I'latlsmoath, Nob. -- 217, 219, 221, AND 225 JAaW. ST PLATTSMOUTH, NKB. F. R. GUTHMA1TN. PROP- Rates $4.50per -week and up IDIEIISrTISTIRY' !-? (iOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. OR. STKINAUS LOCAL a well as othr tu--stbettcsjjiven for the painless extraction of teeth. & A.-MARSHALL. - Fitzgerald WW. TTORNEy A. N. SULLIVAN. ittorney at-Law. Will plve prompt attention vO nil hufine-s entrusted to htm. Ofticw Id 7t:lon block. East Side. PlattHmouth. Neb. For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City. St. Louis, and all points n-th, east south or wett. Tick ets sold and bag-g-agre checked to a n y point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATE5 AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. Town-send, G. P. A. St. Louie, Mo. J. C. Phillippi. A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. APGAR. Agi., Plattemoutb. Telephone, 77.