The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 27, 1892, Image 2

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    The Mew Tnanrr Notes.
Perhaps the principal object of the re
vision or me united States paper money
is to make the backs of the notes more
open, that ia, lens covered with the en-
pravin, so that the silk fibers shall be
moro distinctly visible.
TI.a .li. .Al 4:
iuo uisuiRiivB pajier nowia nse no
longer has the two threads of silk run
ning longitudinally through the note,
but in their place are two strines. each
half an inch wide or so, of short red and
blue silk fibers scattered thickly in the
paper, in such manner that they show
only on the reverse of the bill.
These two filer stripes practically di-
viu ine noie into three sections of about
equal size, and this feature of fiber in
the paper is held to bo. an almost abso
lute safeguard against successful coun
terfeiting. But that is only one of sev
erai aevices employed to insure tl
inviolability of the currency.
xo.u noie nas an entirely separate
ciesign, the work of which is so open as
10 suow readily any error of an attempt
u counterreit, ana no portion of the
design is repeated on the same note; so
mat no small p.-irt could be engraved by
a skillful ojierator and then duplicated
itf tnikikniAn1 u - a. 1
imxiiauitiu jirm-eisKes w nil any
amount of space, as has been the case
with some of the previous "paper mon
ey or the government.
me geometrical lathe work of the
new designs is said to be the most ex
quisite and complicated ever executed
and such as to utterly baffle any at
tempt at its illicit reproduction. Pajter
w orio.
Rough on the Snakes.
O !, ,
wriia are aiways in oraer m
. 1 ; 1 . .
iuo Biiring, ana tne latest one comes
from an interior town in Ohio, where
tne heat from the stove awakened the
reptiles and they commenced to fall to
the floor from holes in the ceiling. John
Thompson, who lives in the Cheat river
country, was in the city yesterday buy
ing provisions for a lumber camp. He
tells a tale that is not unreasonable and
one can readily believe it.
The mountains along the Cheat are
famous for their blacksnakes, and they
can be seen at any time during the day
in the summer snnning themselves on
the rocks. JVIr. Thompson says when
the weather suddenly broke up about
April 1 and led a number of people to
throw off their underclothes, the black
snakes awoke with a start, rubbed their
eyes and crawled out on the rocks to
stretch themselves. The sun was so
warm that many of them ventured far
Away from .their winter homes, and
wnen it suddenly got cold again the
snakes couldn't get back. 31 r. Thomi-
son claims lie got tired of killing black
snakes which were so stiff that they
couiunt move. They were stretched
out on the stones, and were at the mercy
or tne lumbermen, who amused them
selves making the flat heads of the
snakes more flat. This is a true story.
nttsburg lAspatch.
Nearly 100,000,000 a Tear.
Mr. James Wright, second vice presi
dent of the Inznan line, says that when
the end of 192 comes at least 100,000
people will have left for Europe from
all parts of this country during the
year. Half of them will sail during the
fifteen weeks of the season, fum April
to August. Some travelers will carry
hundreds of dollars in their pocketbooks
to spend where others carry thousands.
Nine-tenths of those hundreds and thou
sands will be transferred to foreign own
ers before the tourists return.
Even the money 8tent for nassairo and
during the voyages must be counted in
that which bids goodbv to this bind of
liberty, for the great steanishin compa
nies are, with one exception, foreiim
colorations. Including tips and fees
-'" viinMituoiis win taKe an average
of 1(K from
w vuv
round trip. The maioritv will ruiv 1pr
but there will be enouirh rich men who
who pay a good deal more to bring the
mean amount up to that fignre.
lTie money which each tourist carries
with him is harder to estimate. A for
eign exchange clerk said that the letters
of credit issued by them to European
travelers average about 600. or fci.000
each; but this is above the ordinary fig
ure, and of course this in many cases
covers a party of four or five. Eiclit
hundred dollars is estimated as the aver
age amount taken by each passenger in
the cabin. This makes the total average
expenditure of the average European
traveler 960. When this is multinlied
by the estimated total of these travelers
the result is astounding.
It is $96,000,000.
Ninety-six millions of dollars carried
from America to Europe in a single year
by travelers alone! If this were saved
for a few years Uncle Sam might buy. a
good slice of Europe and bring it over
here for exhibition Durooaes. New
York Press.
Emor liquor Care.
To those seeking a rescue from
liquors curse or other evil habits
brought about by morphine, tobac
co etc. The Elisor Instituteat South
Omaha offers one of the most relia
ble and best places to go with the
absolute certaint3' of a permanent
cure. Wnleor viit ttie institute.
Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak. between
Filth and Hlxlh. Father Cauit-y, l'atttor
Services : Vmm at una in :30 a. m. Sunday
School at 2 :30, with benediction.
CllKltTiAN. Corner Locust and Klelith Sts
ft-rvlces morning and t-veMne. Klder
(alioway pastor. Sunday School 10 a
I feel it my duty to nay a few
words in regard to Ely's Cream
Hal tn. and I do so entirely without
solicitation. I have used it more
or lesn half a year, and have found
it to be most admirable. I have
suffered from catarrh of the worst
kind ever tdnce I was a little boy
and I never hoped for :u-e, but
Cream Halm seems to do even that.
Many of my acquaintances have
used it witu excellnnt results.
Oscar Ostum, 43 Warren Ave., Chi
cago 111.
Wanted: An energetic man to
manage branch office. Only a few
dollars needed, salary to start $75
month and interest in business
ie Western Co.. Kansas City. Wo.
The wisdom of him who journey
eth is known by the line he selects;
the judgment of the man who takes
the "Burlington Koute" to the
cities of the east, the south, and the
west, ie never impeached. The in
ference is plain. Magnificent Pull
man sleepers, elegant reclining
chair cars and world-famous dining
cars on all through ' trains. For
information address the agent of
the company at this place, or write
to J. Francis, General Passenger
and Ticket Agent, Omaha.
Kpis':opal. St. Luke's Church, corner Third
and Vine. Kev. H K. KurcerK. pat-tor. Ser
vices : 11 a. M . ai d 7 :3or. m. Sunday School
at 2 :30 P. m.
Omman M ktiiodist. oarner Sixth St and
Granite. Kev. llirt. 1'aetor. Services : 11 a. m.
and 7 :30 P. M. Suuriay School 10 :30 a. M.
PKK8KYTKHI an. f-ervioes In new church. cor
ner .Six tli and Cnmite Me. Kev. J . T. Halrd,
pastor. Miixlay-sci ool at 9 ;30 ; 1 reaching
at 11 a. iii.xtiu 8 i) in,
1 he . K. S. C. K ol tbl church inlets everv
Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basement of
the cli uerli. Ail are invited to attend tbete
First Mkthoihst. sixth St.. betweu Main
and Pearl. Itev. L. F. Britt. IK D. uastor.
Services : II A. M.. 8 : P. m Sunday School
9 :.'i A. m. Prayer nieetii g ednesday evening.
JrRMAN I'kvbkytkuiaN. Corner Main and
Ninth. Kev. Witte, pastor. Services usual
hours. Sunday School :30 A. M.
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Iranite, be-
Colokru Baptist. Mt. Olive, oak, between
Tenth and Eleventh Kev. A. Boxwell. pas
tor. Services ll a. m. and 7 :30 p. in. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening.
Vuda'o Men's Christian Association
Koonis In v aterman block. Main street. Gos
pel meeting, for men only, everv Suhday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooiiih open week days
from 8:30 a. m.. 10 9: so p.m.
W cMB can't
r -v. nr
South Pakk Tabkrnacle. Rev. J. M.
Wood, Pastor. Services : Sunday School,
19a. rn. : Preaching, 11a. m. and 8 p. m. ;
prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir prac
tice Friday uight All are welcome.
A Woma'i Strange Death.
TX 1 1 , . ...
i-rooauiy ine mo6i remarKaoie occur
rence ever known happened in Dawson
Wednesday. Martha Roundtree, the
well known negro woman who kept a
restaurant at the south end of Main
street, now occupies a grave at the ceme
tery, the result of a sneeze. The phy
sicians of Dawson say that they have
never heard or read of a similar cose.
Wednesday the woman, as well as usual,
was. at the restaurant attending to her
work. She had just left the rear of her
eating saloon and walked to the front
when 6he was attacked with an exces
sive spell of Kneezrng and coughing.
She had been afflicted with hernia, and
the strain was so great as to burst a hole
in her stomach. Surgical aid was called
in and her stomach sewed up, which
gave temporary relief. She lingered
until late Saturday afternoon, when hr
died. The victim of tbis remarkable i
currence was a large woman, weighi:
216 pounds. Savannah News.
Lenten Offering.
The Lenten offerings of the Sunday
school children of the Protestant Episco
pal church throughout the United States
thus far received in behalf of the gener
al board of missions are largely in excess
of those for the same period in 1891. In
the two weeks immediately succeeding
Easter 1,137 Sunday schools sent in 26.-
699, and it is believed a total of $100,000
will have been received when all of the
4,000 schools in the country shall have
been heard from. This ie double the
sum donated last year.
The Lenten Sunday school offering is
a feature of the work of the board of
missions. Just before Lent this rear the
board sent a package of folding paste
board savings banks to each Sunday
school superintendent for distribution
among his pupils for the reception of the
children's savings during the fasting sea
son. No sooner had Easter passed than the
little banks began to arrive at the offices
of the board in the Bible House.
The twenty-five young women in Bish
op Leonard's school in Reno, Nev., sent
$250. One school sent in 5,000 pennies
and another 10,000 pennies.
It will be July before all the returns
will have been received. New York
Big Sheep Shearing.
Sheep shearing is ntw being pushed
rapidly, and most of tfart flocks in the
valley have been shorn of their fleecy
coats. Some big records have been
made in shearing, but the ten men
headed by O. H. Lane seem to take the
lead. They clipped 42,00 fleeces in six
weeks. The best record for a single day
was made by Ct. O. Meiger and L.
Palmer, who sheared 155 each. Lane
will start in a few -days fcr Flagstaff.
where he and his band have work al
ready engaged to last three months.
The clip this season is unusually good,
although the early winter drought killed
off a large percentage of flocks. Han
son Brothers, of Show Low, were among
the heavy losers, having lost $10,000
worth of sheep by death and .trays.
.Arizona liepubhcan.
Haesalsy'i Birth nli
Rothley Temple, Lord Macaulav's
birthplace, is for sale by public auction.
It is an old manor house, some six miles
from Leicester, and there the historian
was born at the end of the year 1800. It
cannot be said that Rothley Temple de
rived more than nominal luster from
the association, for Macaulay left Leices
tershire before he had left infancy.
and Birchin Lane, in the city, was the
home of his earliest childhood. Instead
of a manorial park he had Drapers' gar
dens for a playground, until he went to
live in the old High street at Clanham.
The Leicestersliire manor, however.
has many historical interests besides this
one, and a Thirteenth century chapel of
the Knights Templars is attached to the
estate. It is a wealthy manor, too, for
900 acres produce 2,000 of annual rent;
and, moreover, it is at the headquarters
of the famous Quorn Hunt, and in the
heart of some famous scenery. London
The First step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can t sleep, can't think, can't do
anything- to your satisfaction, and
you wonder what ails you. You
should heed the warning-, you are
taxing- tne rirst step into nervous
prostration. You need a nerve tonic
and in Electric Bitters you will find
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. Surprising results fol
low the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe- I
tite returns, cooa aicrestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume nealtny action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's
drugstore. 6
AMttle sirls Experiencein a LigMt
wr. ana nre, Loren irescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles,
ioiiowea with areadlul Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried Dr, King's New 1
Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King-,e New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle
rree at r. u. iricxey Drugstore.
The population of Plattsmoutfc.
Is about 10,000, add we would say
at least Jneo-half are troubled with
some effection on the throat and
lungs, as tnose complaints are, ac
cording to staaistics, more numer
ona than others. We would advise
all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their drug
gist ana get a Dottieol ivemp's Bal
sam tor the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. LargeBottle 50c- and $1.
oola oy all druggist.
Always has on band a full stock of
Corn, Bran, Shorts Oats and Baled
Hay for sale as low as the lowest
and delivered to any part of the
J. PAftlMA1v'$
House Furnishing Emporium.
WHEKE yon can get your house furnished from
kitchen to parlor and at easy tearms. I han
die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also
the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline 6tove
Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods.
J. W. Johnson,
. Vice-President
I. Pearleman
Capital Paid in
F R Guthman. J W Johnson. S Greusel,
Henry Kikenbsry. M W Morgan, J
A CODDor. W Wettenkamp, W
H Cushing
A general banNing business trans
acted. Interest allowed on depositee.
A Full and Complete line of
Paid up capital $50,000.00
Surplus 10.000.09
Itch on human and horses animals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
sanitary lotion. lhis never tails.
Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist,
flectiTe Treatment
t uteen natives on the east coat of
Australia, suffering from fever, put
tiieuiselves in the hands of the .Maori
tohunga, or doctor, who prescribed.
-Alter taking his physic they were told
to go and "it in the creek" until the
tohunga released them. Thirteen ont
of the fifteen died. Exchange.
Cot of an Epidemic
Dr. Thresh, the medical officer for the
county of Essex, having obtained full
returns of the late epidemic of influenza,
estimates that no less than 540 persons
died under the immediate attack, and
that no fewer than 1,400 deaths occurred
m tne county from its direct or indirect
influence. The monetary loss for the
two months during which the epidemic
prevailed be states at no less than 50.-
000, on the basis of tlie loss of wages of
adults calculated at twelve shillings a
week. He adds: "I am, however, afraid
that had the county suffered from an
epidemic among cattle, causing in the
time the same number of deaths and in
dicating the same iecuniary loss, the
alarm produced would have been greater
For years the editor of the Burl
ington Junction, (Mo,) Post, has
been subject to cramp colic fits of in
digestion, which prostrated him for
several hours and unfitted him for
bnsiness for two or three days. For
the past year he has been using
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
uiarrnoea Kemeay whenever occa
sion required, and it has invariably
given him prompt relief. 25 and 20
cent bottles for sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co., druggists.
mtbeery beet facilities for the promp
transaction of ligitimate
Banking Business
Stocks, bond, gold, government and local se
curities bought and sold. Deposits received
nd interest allowed on tbe certificate
Drafts drawn, available in any part of tbe
Cnited States aud all tbe principal towns ol
XHjLKCTIONS made and promptly BKunv
Bighest market price pid for County War
rants, state anii uounty nonds.
John Fitzgerald D. Hawfcswortb
Sam Waugh. F. K. White
George E. Dovey
fobn Fitzgerald. S. Waugh.
President C-MeT-
The Leading
Drugs, - Medicines, Faints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefuily Compounded at all Hours..
Advertising - and - Uol - Wrorlc
How's This!
We offer 100 dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
h. J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all bttisness transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out an oblig-j
ations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drug
gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnan
& Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole- i
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
Constantly keeps on hand everythin
you need to furnish your house.
repermi"'e", "-Eritish Medicsl pLTilfcr.0riTea"- Plattsmouth
Onwr ChJrkas in Ohio.
rv C 4 .1 r mr 1 11 .
. okjuxiltux) , 01 juiuaiepon, na a
hen with a brood of twenty-one chick
ens tnat combine all the huas of the
rainbow in their down, nmch like thj
grown peacock. It is said the ancestress
is a peculiar breed imported from Aus
tralia. Portsmouth Times.
At the dictation of the men put in
power by the unionists in Australasia
all immigration into the colony is pro
hibited, bo that the thousands of people
now unemployed there may have an
opportunity to find work. I
A musical prodigy has been discov
ered at Albany, Ga., in the person of
Tom May, who can reach low F, and
whose voice has exactly the same com-
u that Whilnpv had in hi hal(vin
In 1888 nearly 11,400,000 citizens voted
for president. This 3-ear the total will
be not less than 13,000,000.
A 100,000 round Chip of m Rock.
A stone quarry company of Bedford,
Ind., has shipped the largest single
block of stone ever quarried and shipped
in the United States. The block was 12
feet 8 inches long, feet 3 inches high
and 6 feet 3 inches wide, containing 500
cubic feet, and weighed 100,000 pounds.
The car on which it was shipped had to
be ordered specially for it, and was the
car that was built for the purpose of
transporting the thirty-foot cannon sent
by the government to the Pacific coast a
few months since. The stone is perfect,
not having a flaw or defect. Indianapo
lis Journal.
A Telephone In Every Boom.
The new hotel, Waldorf, is to be fitted
with telephone communication between
the office and every room in the house.
This is a system stated to be in use in
tbe Adelphi, Liverpool, and as a feature
of hotel service is an important one, es
pecially in the saving of time. Instead
of pushing a button and waiting for a
hafl boy to answer the ring, guests can
communicate their order to the office
at once and have it filled in one-ialf the
time. New York World.
Erugist; Testimonials free.
The Missori Pacific will sell round
trip tickets May U to 14 inclusive, to
Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian
general aisembly being held their
May 19 to June 2. Tickets good un
til May 19 and returning inside 90
days at going via one route and
returning via another. Apply at
ticket office for particulars.
Specimen Cases.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wit
was troubled with neuralgia and
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to an
alarming degree, appetite fell awaj
and he was terribly reduced in flesh
and strength. Three bottles of
Klectric Hitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg,
111., had a running sore on his lea
of eight years' standing. Used
three bottles of Electric Bitters and
seven bottles iiucxien s Arnica
Salve, and his leg is sound and well
John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five
large fever sores on his leg, doctors
said he whs incurable. One bottle
Electric Bitters and one box Buck
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Lumber Yard
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
Can supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera hoase.
SOI Cor Fifth and Vine St.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring aa effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood tbe test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.