The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 26, 1892, Image 4

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Nebraska Celebrating Her
Twenty-fifth Birthday.
Distinguished Speakers Review the
Past and Predict the Future
and Recalling the Struggles
and Trials of the Early
The silver annivert-ary celcbra
tion of Nebraska's admission into
the union was inauguarated at Lin
coln last evening: The city was
crowded with people and the streets
were gaily decorated. Kxercises
last evening were purely of an ora
torical and literary nature. The
Lansing theater was crowded at an
arly hour. The main floor of the
auditorium was reserved for the
men and women who hare resided
in Nebraska for over a quarter of a
century or more. The old settlers
were out iu full force and the entire
auditorium was filled with men and
women whose frosty brows bore the
touch of time Upon the Stage was
ex-Go ve mors Robert W. Furnas,
and James W. Dawes, and Judge M.
1. I lay ward, of Nebraska City; If on
T. M. Marquette, of Lincoln; Hon.
W. F. Norris of Norfolk; Mr. Mad.
don of Fall City, the latter beinir
the oldest living pioneer of the state
and Mayor Weir.
Hack of the speakers were massed
the Lincoln festival chorus of MX)
voices. The exercises of the eve
oing opened with a magnificent
rendition of "The Heavens Are
Telling," from Hadyu's "Messiah."
Short addresses were made by ex
Governor Furnas. ex-Governor
Dawes, Judge Marquette and
Judge Hayward, and the final ora
tion of the evening was delivered b'
Hon. W. F. Norris of Ponca, who
poke on "Nebraska as a State
Judge Norris' address was a fitting
close to the exercises of the eve
ning. It was a masterly effort and
seldom has the grand state of
Nebraska been so eloquently de
scribed. The speaker touched up
on the wonderful fertility of eoil,
the marvelous development of agri
cultural resources and the magnifi
cent future of the state. "Nebraska,"
lie said,4'is the great home state of
the Union, the highest dignity and
honor which any state can attain.
-eorasKa is the central state of the
Union the keystone state of Ameri-
Judge Norris' address closed the
exercises at the Lansing opera
house, the last word not bei no-
spoken until after 11 o'clock.
The school clone June 17.
Telephone No. 71 for your sum
trier's ice.
County Clerks Organize.
The county clerks resumed their
session yesterday morning at 10:30
in' the senate chamber, and the com
mittee on constitution and by-laws
reported a code, of which the pre
amble reads:
"We, the county clerks of the state
of Nebraska, believing that by a
united and vigorous effort, legisla
tion maj be effected that will inure
to the benefit of the incumbents of
the offices of county clerk and ex
officio registrar of deeds, etc., and to
the welfare of the public at large, do
hereby recommend the organiza
tion of an association to be known
is "The Association of Countv
Clerks of Nebraska."
The constitution limits the mem
bership to county clerks and their
deputies, except that honorary mem
berships mny be retained after ex
piration of office, and defines the
association's officers.
The second Tuesday in December
i each year is designated as the
lay to hold the annual meeting and
the next meeting will be he7d at
After the constitution had been
adopted, the following officers were
President J. D. Woo ls, Lancaster.
Vice-President R. M. Ta"--art
Secretary F. J. Sackett. Douglas.
Treasurer J. Kavanagh. Greeley.
Kxecutive board G. W. Phillips
of Platte, John C. Maher of Dawes,
j.. i: .'iauiii;M of Butler. S. O.
Salisbury of Sarpy, and L. W. Shu--nah
of Hamilton.
Dennis Murry and Mary Skomal
were married this forenoon
The 0-months-old babe of August
Holmberg died this morning at 10
John Pittman of Nehawka came
in this morning from Ottowa, Kan
sas, and is going on home this
The young men will give their re
turn dancing party Saturday eve
ning, instead of Friday evening, as
stated last night.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G.
FriekeA C
The Missouri Pacific is now run-
nig all stock trains to South Omaha
through this eity. Last Tuesday
evening was when the first through
stock train for the south oassed
Miss Georgia and Maggie Oliver
left this morning for Central City.
They go to attend the wedding of
their friend Miss Nellie Taj-lor, who
will be married next Wednesday to
a Mr. With row.
For Sale Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmouth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or a,ddress The
Herald office.
Mr. White, of the Prick and Terra
Cota works, has contracted to sup
ply 125 cars of brick for the new
government building in Oma
ha. The contract calls for two cars
every day until the 125 cars are de
livered. This speaks well for one of
Plastsmouth's industries and shows
that the brick made here is of the
first class.
Chief of Police Tom Fry informed
a Herali reporter that he took the
men sentenced by Judge Archer
to work out their fines on the street
up where the street commissioner
is cutting. Eight street to work, but
after he had taken them up there he
had to bring them back on account
of not having any shovels for them
to work with.
We knew Editor Polk of the Platts
mouth New was tricky, but we did
not believe him capable of stooping
so far beneath his profession as to
garble an article in such an un
truthful manner as the one he cred
ited to this paper last week. The
News is welcome to use the shears
on the Republican, but it is not
showing a fraternal spirit to use
the lead pencil in the manner re
ferred to above. Weeping Water
A purse has been raised for the
benefit of Editor Burton of the News
to get him to come out here to write
up the little springs of water and
lovely shady dells. His poetic Fa-
ber can be sharpened on the Eagle's
beak. Weeping Water Eagle. Bur
ton has found it impossible to go to
Weeping Water to write up the
"little springs of water and lovely
snauy uens on account of increas
Echoes From the Diamond.
Norman Baker's freaks shut out
the Kearney team yesterday. The
Fremont o 2 1 0 1 1 -5
Kearney o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit Marsh.
IluHCH Htolen Fremont 4, Kearney 2
Double ploy-Uutler to Auwliu to
JiaseH on hall Kirnmel I, Caxtone 2.
Mruck mit-Kiintiiel i, Casione 6.
I'urtMeu balls hear 3.
Wild pitch CuHtone.
Time of jranie- !i:l)0.
Umpire Fu liner.
Hastings was beaten
by Beatrice. The score:
Hastings 0 0000000 1 I
Heatrice o 2 0 0 0
Kiuih earned Beatrice 4.
Two-base hit Clarke.
Three-bane hits Kohrer, Catewood.
Struck out Howe -1.
I'assel ball Jones.
Time of name- 1
Umpire Hakell.
0 6 10
Who can write the most words on a
new U. S. Postal Card
Standing: of the Clubs.
Flayed. Won. Lost.
Heatrice ti
Gram! Islatnl 11
Fremont 10
Hastings jj
Plattstuoiith !2
Kearney. 1)
Per Ct.
the second series of the league
games will open iu this city Satur
day with Hastings, who play two
games. Both ianies will be call oil
at A:M. Beatrice will be here for
two games on Monday (Decoration
day). The first game will be called
at 10 in the forenoon and the second
at 4 p. in. As Tuesday is an open
day, and Beatrice and Plattsmouth
have a postponed game to play,
there will be a game Tuesday be
tween the two clubs, called at 3:30
p. m. Kearney will plar here
Wednesday and Thursday, June 1
and 2. On Wednesday a postponed
game will be played with Kearney,
besides the regular game. Both
games will be played in the after
noon, and it will only cost 25 cents
to see them both. The games will
be called at 2 and i p. m. Grand
Island will play a postponed game
Friday afternoon, in addition to the
regular schedule game, and one
game Saturday. Fremont has two
postponed games to play. One will
be played Sunday at 10:30 and the
other Mondaj afternoon, when two
games will be plyed, called at 2
and 4.
.there will be five nostooned
games played, and three of them
will be played in such a manner as
to allow the people to see two
games for the price of one.
The Herald predicts that by the
time the team leave on their next
trip they will be in second place in
the per cent column, if not first.
Plattsmouth will play an exibi-
tion game to-morrow with Gleu
wood. A large crowd of the cranks
expect to go to Gleuwood to see the
game played.
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1. A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Send all Postal Caras to
JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier, x
OpeiaHouse Comer, la.tta3a.e-ia.tla
ing business (r) but has delegated
the slick and smooth Editor Polk to
do the business.
Twenty-five young men from the
.rirst congressional district assem
bled at the office of Congressman
Bryan in Lincoln yesterday to un
dergo the competitive examination
for an appointment to the West
Point military academy. But three
of them succeeded in passing the
somewhat rigorous physical exam
ination. Their names are John P.
Jack, Peru; Edward Y. Porter, Col
lege View; Horace F. Bishop, Lin
coln. They were undergoing the
regular examination as to their
knowledge of English branches
yesterday afternoon.
"Just Like a Woman."
Marie Heath, the corned
beam of "A Turkish Bath"
pany, is singing with great success
a new song entitled "Poor Little
Dolly," or "Just Like a Woman." It
was written and composed by Miss
.ixcaiii, anu ranKS tirst iu her ex
tensive repertoire.
There is a sad story in connection
with this song, whereby a soubrette
1US ucr me, ana an ingenue is
horribly married.
In singing the song Miss Heath
uses a doll. At the beo-in ninrr nf
Miss Heath sent her remains to
her home in Galesburg, where she
was laid awa)r with nothing but the
sad memories of a past greatness to
be told about her.
tr oor L,itiie Lome: Just like a
woman when gifted with youth and
beatuy, all bow at her shrine, but
when age with stealthy steps over
takes her, she is neglected for some
new favorite, and left to dream over
her past conqests in solitude, "the
world forgetting and by the world
On Christmas M iss Heath was pre
sented by the members of her com
pany with a large French doll, and
she is now one among the many
beautiful things to admire in 'A
Turkish Bath."
Call on
Plattsmouth - . .
.COMJU.NATIO S.XFIT,;.-,. , ,..
JUuU Guards. Urak.-
The Place to Buy
XfHiA-sr tarn xmj
24-inch. K,jr3'A c. tt- ,j j
ftkink n i n . 3 Mnr-h. Gram' yimi
r r a.r-. ir'i.r js-.
2 1 !(
;d tiff
4ft In)
District Court.
The jury in the case of Hays vs.
IMokaska Manufacturing Co., after
being out forty-three hours,
brought in a verdict for Havs for
The jury is still out m the Fair
field vs. Karnes case.
This afternoon the case of Stoet
Jer vs. Sam Archer will be tried.
During Archers term as chief of
police he arrt-sted Stoetler and
liept lii in in jail over night and
now Stoetler wants $1,00) damage
'dr false imprisonment.
II C. MpMati'ii .V Son are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part I Hj
jf the city. Telephone No. 72. I able paper
A large sized smile stole over the
countenance of the public last eve
ning on reading "Current Com
ments" in the Evening News, Editor
Polk's Daoer. It annears KcKinr
Sherman has started out on a tour
of the county, probably collecting
from his democratic subscribers,
who take their democracj- "without
money and without price," and the
News grows humorous over it in its
usual placid style when its polit
ical editor descends to humor. But
the richness of the joke comes in
when it is understood that the
News concern, with its paucity of
subscribers, readers and sup
porters, is starting the great and
onlj reliable political editor out on
a iour 01 Lass county to beat up
subscribers for the News. When
that missionary of morals and
veracity gets home, the one sub
scriber which Brother Sherman
caught will be just about one
hundred per cent in advance of the
support the "slick" editor of the
News will bring in. Polk poking
fun at Sherman is enough to give
the horses of all Cass the lockjaw.
One blessing, however, arises from
the pilgrimage of the editor and
proprietor (?) of the News, and that
S. GllS Hvpra Will n-iaro fid rt -r, ,1
J - " . . C. 1 V,UU
in his absence.
the season she engaged a small
doll of the soubrette order, rather
small for the part, but the best
available doll talent at liberty.
She was named "Lady Washing
ton," in honor of the city where she
made her first appearance. She ap
peared with Miss Heath until the
company reached San Francisco.
The fatigue and wear were telling
on her delicate constitution, so
Miss Heath engaged an ingenue
doll, who made her appearance at a
children's matinee under the name
of "Lady Francisco."
Like everything else in San Fran
cisco, she was beautiful; a perfect
blonde, tall and graceful, with love
ly blue eyes. She could use her
head and arms with artistic effect,
and made a most pronounced hit.
A great rivalry sprung up be
tween "Lady Washington" and
"Lady Francisco," and Miss Heath
had to relegate "Lady Washington"
to the position of understudy,
which so grieved her sensitive, ar
tistic nature that she threw herself
under a falling trunk and was
crushed to death.
"Lady Francisco," having the
field to herself, was more charm inV
than ever. She made herself a fav
orite with the company, and shared
the applause with Miss Heath. She
stood the long, tedious journeys
very well until she reached the
Northern Pacific railroad; then she
became rheumatic. Her neck and
arms grew stiff, and she failed fast,
until at last she could not appear
on the stage, and finally poor "Lady
Francisco" met her death in a Taylor
theatrical trunk at Helena, Montana.
Program for Decoration Day.
Meet at the hall at one o'clock
sharp and form on the street at half
past one 111 the following order.
Post band.
Grand Army of the Republic.
sons of Veterans.
Woman's Relief Corps.
Societies and Citizens.
in this order they will proceed to
the cemetery when the following
program will be carried out:
Song by the Glee Club.
Address by Cornrade L. F. Britt
Address by Sons of Veterans.
The graves will be decorated
while the flag is at half mast.
All societies, school children and
the public are requested to bring
tiowers to the G. A. R. Hall on Mon
day morning.
In case the weather is bad the ser
vices will be held in Rockwood hall
R. W. Hyers, Marshal.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received up to
8 o clock Saturday evening for the
grading of the lot where the Leider
kranz building will be constructed.
.Leave all bids at C. Brekenfeld's
The Missouri Pacific railroad will
sell round trip tickets to Lincoln on
May 25 and 26 for one fare to attend
the silver anniversary of that city.
nie iicseis win De gooa to return on
the 27.
T. H. PoLLOCK. Agent.
For millinery and pattern hats or
anything in the line of ribbons,
flowers of the latest styles and de
signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in
the Sherwood block. , tf.
j-iios. luitcnell went out in T in.
coin tins morning.
Mrs. E. B. Burris went un tn Omn.
na hub morning.
.Livingston was an Omaha
passenger thisjmorning.
.Louis Egenberger and Wm. Web
er were in Omaha to-da3
Aurs. Ida Jvingen departed last
evening for Norwalk, Ohio.
Mrs. H. A. Code, daughter of IT. II
-tiouister is in the city visiting.
nrs. Hurr, sister of Mrs. II. II
HoJlister, is in the city visiting.
Prof. Musgrave will leave to-nirht
for Missouri, and from there he will
go to Michigan.
Mrs. J. N. Wise and daughter, Miss
tfertha, were Omaha passengers
tnis morning.
, For Sale.
My house and three lots
Sixth and Dev. orice $1.2fi.1.
Mks. J. A. G.' BuELL,
Central City, Neb., ape. E. R. B
Tl'.. v. . . .
. c moiiuur pairons to take no
lice mat we will mnv . v.
nxst or next month to the room for
merly occupied by T. Finlev fohn-
Os-l.. T .
All men running express wao-ons
are notitied that their occupation
tax must De paid on or before Tune
lo. T T Pdv
.Deputy Collector.
Wall Paper
House Paint.
Is what you want next and In
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely safe.
U.meut planas cheap as for cash,
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine mv anti-rust
ware which is warranted nr.
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we rl
happen to have in stock we can get
- - j iwu uays notice.
421 Main-St.. Plattsmouth