The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 24, 1892, Image 4

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The City Was in tho Hands of
theCas3 County Bar,
Hon. J. Sterling Morton Presented
The Painting of Cfcneral Lewis
Casstothe Court House Last
NUht. The Evening
Lonif to bo Re-membertd.
The district court room was
crowded hist night ami standing
room was at i premium long be
nr.. lw time m-t for the opening of
the evening program.
The program of the evening was
commenced with a selection from
ttie orchestra, after which Judge
Chapman, in a few well chosen
word.-, introduced Hon. J. Sterling
Morton of Nebraska City. Mr Mor
ton presented to the court room an
elegant likeness of CJen. Lewis Cass
Mr. Morton gave a thrilling descrip
tion of the pioneer life of Nebrask:
and als a history officii. Cass and
how he secured po.-S'rsioii of the
painting; also stating that the pic
ture hail been hanging in his par
lor for the past thirty-four years.
A vote of thanks from the citizens
of Cass county was tendered Mr.
Morton for his valuable gift.
It was also moved that the Cass
county bar draft a set of resolutions
and that they be spread upon the
records of the court and also upon
the records of the county commis
sioners, which was unanimously
A. N. Sullivan, on behalf of the
countv commissioners, acknowl
edged the receipt of the gift and
thanked Mr. Morton for the same
Judge Chapmen then turned the
program over to the bar of Cass
county, and Hon. R. H. Windham,
as toastmaster, took possession of
the chair.
The piogram opened with a song
by the quartette, composed of Mes-
lames Johnson, Noble, Burris and
Miss Nannie Moore and Messrs.
Pettee, Pollock, McKlwaiu and
J. L. Root responded to the toast,
The liar of Cass County," and
handled his subject in an able
inaiiue -.
The toast, ,'Kei;i:niscenses of the
Probate Court," was responded to
by Judge Ramsey. After a few re
marks he read secrai old records,
among which was the following:
in the A:meot imI, . met:
Jiow nil nidi by iticse presents, jireei-
Wiicreas, the M'u'eire law of llic Trr'
loryol Aoicskii. nan yu..--iz.t-l ;iiep o
1 liin- jut' ;,f l t he sfvera1 Co.- t "f t-aid
'Itrrr. i y, ci' her fit ic! or co'li-C-'ve y, to
.-o'cuiiiiic- .ue iiisirii-j ,e . i.u-n n.iu woni
iin, aim vl, f t a-: it isi ' ti"i uuly proved
1 JlV S." l-IUCi'll.l Ot til 54 'JlllO.' I'lJJ '
iM.rj iii'iel.iat the i;.i i'i iicti iy-
t ..? u. e o. tMU'.itl e .hi l ,i'i,ius viul lories ; I liar . bey su c of 'ul ii;e v rut
.M,K.".t-.ft .O COlUrilCv ll'l'ljill IC"j.S OI
1 i" uai iiiTiitioii u-mI al.-u iur Lie rca'f
-i:r.e- o" "ie:
.And it UiH' in; to the mi i-faciiofi of
the court i bait proof h;ir Ik.-i.mi iiiiiib
t liat po object ton iiave ix'en iiiiulcatiil tiled
ajmoii-.; .be recor..- l tiiis court, o tbe
-oli'itiinzat ion oi i.o i:iarr.aLCe of saiii
pari ie-. i- i? there. ii.e orle."el .hat tail
par ie. Ik." ami ibey are iierely remiel
to. -la. it up. tte ',T.i.lf i'uii on iiie iit;lit
tul ilie lacy on toe iei. autl join their
ri-iii iiaixl-.
1)0 inn, Mr. .take iliis Iim'v whom
you hold dv the ri;.t liail. to I e vonrlaw
t;iliy etiel :-e." I Jo yoo roioie to for-
-.ike lut .lervmo. .ier, in liers, sifters and
Hi t.- and nvee. Iieart.-.. iiicl.nW ji all
oilier rria.ivt'rt, mi love er uo..t you,
lioiil ly tue f.mi rive iiand. ami !:. only,
- luiii; a yon . Ht ;i ..hum liver
li yoj. rii-, -. take tip Kentle-nan
wnoni you hold bv t lie .i'i.ii bam o e
imr 'a.ful wetleed hiiooaiit? io yo.i
prine to lun-aKe t . !ier. .o.he". o-oli-it,
i,v s and u'l lornier ioe-"t i tc't"-
ii;all o..ier Jelai've. and lore, cherish
n il iiln'v ll " l .t'il yitil ilulci l)V tje
richt hand, a luiirii- vou Ixith ha-".Jive?
I neat ii iiie jri'f ici' -f al'. lne-e wi -ne-xe
: i.i the presence of Him h'j fcareli
-.til a i lu-iifiM ii.ii i-r iln- uii'no it i-i .ie
ves-e-ihy the c"o:j:i.-il ami iiou e til repre--"iita.
ve in iiif it-Tiiury o' AeorasKa, I
p: tioiMit e you huiau'i a. id iie.
V . at th-? pi-olia.e ji-'l;e'ia Aitni-th y
Iim1 .:::in joiiit-d tn-.vt iier, let io nia.i or
M'omu-t dare o urcnk aa tiler, a "1 may
i :h1 iiave mercy on yi;.ir mhiU. !.
Mrs. G. Y. Noble a id M'ss Na:i
Jiie Moore tng a due.t that re
ceived a heariy e icore.
"Dignily of the lieiich and Bar"
ws rcspo.ided ;o iy J. II. U aide
man. M. Archer responded to the voast,
The Jusi'ce oi the Peace of Cass
. "Fiat Justl;ia Raut Ciclum,"
hich mean-, a'.er ' raiis'a! ion,
L,et Ju?;"ce be Done, Though the
Heawtis i"a!l," was responded to
by S. 1. Vana'i' a.
'The oiches.ra then rendered a
selection that was he;?rtil' app-f-'iated.
D. O. Li Aver responded to the
toast. "Ihe L.twyer a? a C : zen,
rind K. II. Wooie- to the to? ft, "The
X)uties of iin Advocate."
Mrs. G. W. Nobie followed with a
II. 1. Travis responded to "The
Weeping W.i-.- ! ." C. S. Polk to
'Trial 1 Jisr3," ari.l AMeen U?efcoi.
Re.'ti iniscenses of an Old Iiar
rister." Mis K. Ii. H.iri ls and Frptik D'ck-.-oii
rendered a duet, followed by
Uyron Clark in response to the
.toast, "The Presiding Judge," and
J. A. Hart iff an to "Equity." A. N.
Sullivan responded to "The Lawyer
and His Client" and MathewGering
to "Idealism of Advocacy," after
which the enteit linment closed.
From Elmwood.
THE HlkaLD received the follow
ing from ex-County Clerk Dird
KlmvyooI), Neb., May. 23. Editor
IlKKALU: I desire to say to my
many iriends in PJatlmouth that I
regret very muchthat 1 could not be
in the city to attend the dedication
of the new court house. Circum
stances are such as to prevent me
from coming, but I join with the
rest of the many citizens of Cass
county iu setting before the coming
generations a btruclure of which
every loyal ciiizen of the :ounty
should be proud, and a building
which will herea.'ter hold in pe.fect
safety the records of one of the best
counties west of the Mississippi
river. I shall visit the county seat
in the near future, at which time I
hope to see my many friends.
Youra respectful ly,
Not What Might Have Been; But
What Is, and Has Been.
The exercises (?) yesterday remind
us of the march of events thusly:
"liehind the ftquaw's birch bark canoe.
The Steamer rockn and raven,
And city lots a.e staked for Kale,
Alioveotd Indian craven."
IJehiud the old brick court houtte wall,
A Htately building HtatidH,
And quiet reijfn at Weeping Water fall
For ieuce cume o'er the warring bauds.
J. A. M.
Fremont. PlaV.smouth 2.
The Lincoln Journal has this to
say regarding the game at Fremont
The city council met last evening
and adjourned until this evening
at 8 o'clock.
County Commissioners Dutton
and Treisch pre making a tour of
the county inspecting bridges.
II. C. McMaken & Son are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part
of the citj'. Telephone No. 12.
Chas. D. Grimes has the inside
track for c:.y attorney, wlvle a dork
horse will probably secure the nom
ination for chief of police.
Ask your dealer to show you
.1".' 'WV..
Xizl Cass Co"a.3n.t3r
Who can write the most words on a
new U. S. Postal Card
- 9'
" I . i: i'
Notwithstanding the heavy wind wnere trie gao....c- goes to iro.o
, . . , , , . . ... the tank to the burner and then go
ana me cjouus oi uum atld HCe the Dangler Surprise, l or
hlowing, people who went, oui io j,aie nendee.
Will Give trie Following Prizes on July 4th:
the ball park yesterday witnessed a
very pretty game of ball between
Plattsiiiouth and Baker's freaks.
Up to the seventh inning it was as
neat an exhibition -as one would
care to see, but in the eighth the ivnt to tiier.eH. fJreen was
obli'.rd to retire to the bench with licenses as follows yesterday: One
- i h .nod Pond was.ib to Ferdinand J. Ilemimgs and Liz-
stituled in his place. The feature zie M- Dagendofer, and to Absolom
was the baiting of Butler, Long and
Counly Clerk Frank Dickson went
to Lincoln this morning on the
ilyer to attend the state convention
of coiuiiy clerts, which convenes
there io day.
ludae Kamsey issued marriage
Marsh. The score:
Gieen, tsclf
IyOIlil. If
I Paitei'sHin, 2b..
Kennedy, ab....
Maiioin. c
Keeves. infilf
Yapp, mf Ass
1'errine, rf
Mvers, p
Pond, lb
Total I 33
BI1; It) I A.
6 27 16 9
firavcr, c
Austin, ...
Mars.i, inf....
I5l;er, 3!
hitler. If
Holmes, rf....
Purcell, st....
Cow ma. l. If--
Kimiii"li, p...
To al
27 I It
Tipton and Loantha M. Tudkins.
The Missouri Pacific railroad will
sell round trip tickets to Lincoln on
May 25 and 26 for one fare to attend
the silver anniversary ot that city.
The tickets will be good to return on
the 27.
Rose Garland was presented for
the first time in the city last night
by he Payton Comedy Co.,to a large
audience. The Payton Co. is first-
class and should be greeted night
ly with a full house.
Scott Patterson, John Kelly, John
Kennedy and Jas. Wilson were ar- j
raigned before Judge Archer this
morning, charged with drunkeness
and fighticg. They were each fined
$5 and costs and sentenced to work
their fines out on the streets.
1. A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Send all Postal Cards to
JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
Fremont 2 0 0 0 1 3 39
PlaUsnioutVi 0 0101000 02
Kuns earned Pi enioilt 3.
T-i-bate lii Marsh. oase hits Uuiler. Lonir.
liases islole.i Fremont 9. Plattsmouth 5.
Double ila"s Gre.n to Keeves. Uaker
to (traver to Jiowiunn. 1 app to .lauiim.
liases oalls on ?leyor h, hininiei 14.
n ri'k out ivmimel l, flyers o.
I'!sed na'ls Maiipiii 1, Graver 1.
Titiie f i;;-2iie 2:Cj.
Umpire Fulmer.
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
A Typewriter's Luncheon.
A young woman whose work as &
typewriter makes her daily luncheon at
a restaurant a necessity says that the
most satisfactory and sustaining meal
aha rrfita is A Tilato rf raw nrsfpro wifb
a bottle of ginger ale and plenty of 0"02TQ DEIO"ULSe COIllSL
uruwu ureau huu uuiier. n sue ieeis
poor Bhe omits the ale, which is an ap
preciable item, and contents herself with
the oysters and bread. "There are bo
Gand 7, Kearney 2.
A fai'die of iue Kearnej' cotton
kickers to rreet IIoQ'ei's twisters
and a tota' of (hi teen bases by the
locals 2e' Is ihe tale of yesterday's
g?'i.e. Caslone made be statement
the iit&bt be.'o'e thetie would shut
1'ie loci-.'s Oi. t w'thout a man reach
ing fi St. bui vlie appended score
le'is a d ITe e it .ale:
scoke j:v ixxixiis.
Ci-iMid inland 00301 J 010 7
Keartiey o 0 0 0 0 2 0 02
K'unsearnel Grand Island l.'
Two bsise hit! Stratton 2.
Th ee bas; li:t Kino. Ilofer.
Sacrifice liiis Kourke, Murray, Hoff-
tole-i bae Reldy.
Double plays Kip. Stra'lon, Wilson.
Uitses on ba!l Oil Ilofer, otf Custone.
Si ruck out Ilofer a, 4.
Passed bal Is Keefe 1, Fear 2.
Timer f Ka.ue 1:oj.
I'm pi re Hart.
few things to be had at the average res- I A7o 1 1 Parjer
ta.urant that arn a.tisfar-tvorv " tthn ca I Jt
j , w j "j i
"but j'ou may really rely on the oysters I and
and Boston brown bread." New York
House Paint.
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others-we are
Importance of Plates to Collectors.
The affixing of the bookplate corn-
rile tes. in a certain manner difficult to
describe, which most book lovers must Headquarters. When you want
readily recall, the subtle joy of book either of these call in and see
possession. And inasmuch as once past
ed in the label becomes an integral part
of a cherished volume, it is in all but
rare cases meant to be in itself a thing
of definite beautv. . Here is on of thn
Tnnrw irttoroBra rxfForvA w KVrdat No! HOt eVCll thrOUffh Cars tO Den-
to the collectorLondon Saturday He- Cr' Ogden. Salt Lake City, San
j I Francisco and Portland. This is
simply written to remind you that
A Great Show for Him. the Union racihc is tne pioneer in
Miss Candide Where I spent the sea- running through cars to the above
us before buying.
Nothing New Under the Sun
Standing of the Clubs.
Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
mentioned points and that the pres
ent through car arrangement is un
excelled. We also make the time.
For details address any agent of
the company, call on your nearest
agen I or write to E. L. LOMAX,
Ci. y. & T. A. U. if., Umaha Aeb.
Beatrice fi
Fremont 8
Grand Island.... 10
Hastings VI
Plat Isinouth 1
Kearney 7
District Court.
The first session of the district!
court held "n the new court house
convened to-day.
The case of John B. Hayes vs. The j
Mohaska Manufacturing Co. is on
triul o ju;y th's afternoon.
son there were twelve girls to every
young man.
De Smithers How I wish I had been
Miss Candide You ought to have
come down. A young man would have
been almost worshiped no matter how
nnattrjLr-.t.ivft "Now Vrvrlr THtit
rne Hinasomesi uaay in fiatismoutri
Nomber of the stars. I Remarked to a friend the other
At the present time the wholenumber day that she knew Kemp's Balsam
of double stars known and recorded by lor tne tnroat anaiunge was a su
astronomers is somethinsr over in ooo perior remedy, as it stopped her
visible to tJie naked eye in the entn-e prove this and to convince you of
luuKuucunauuui uwu;, ouu uuiera axel it a merits anv rlrn o-rrist will rrivc
being frequently discovered by the great you a sample bottle free. Large
telescopes now in existence. iMew l orK bottles ouc ana 1
samx p'i ;::;isoN
The Place to Buy
C0MBiATIO.1 8A .
VMttch PtmlOB Pnomatic, 8-tnob Tlrw
- 1 O'J
64 4U
. if, uo
Hon. F. E. WbI.e was in Omaha
v. ii. snyuer. had ousitiess in
Omaha to-day.
Mrs. Sam Iliuxle went up to
Omaha on No. 5.
If. C. McMaken was in Omaha to
day on bus'ness.
Mr. and Mrs. Wash Smith went
up to Omaha this moaning.
-Mrs. i. in. I'a iter son was an
Omaha passenger this morning.
Mrs- A X. SulHvnu and daughter
were Omaha passengers this morn
id g.
Iiou. and Mrs. D. H. Wheeler re-
t.-rxied to the't home in Omaha
th"s morning.
Big Alaska Salmon.
Salmon, such as are found in the riv
ers of Alaska, are very large. Three
salmon will ordinarily fill forty-eight
one pound cans, making one case.
Washington Star.
We wish our patrons to take no
tice that we will move about the
first of next month to the room for
merly occupied by . J. Finley John
son, tt BENNETT & TUTT.
Clara That's an awfully becoming
veil you have on. .
Maude What makes you think so?
Clara Because it's so thick. Cloak
T. II. Pollock, Agent,
FOR SALE Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmouth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
A bright New York boy has set him- L-rf.-...,... ori or nrlrlrpss Thr
sen uo iu ui7 uuaiucu ui ccxijaiug uuc i xiERALD oltlCe
bred dogs tor nan men whose tune is
too much taken ud with monev makine
to properly look after their canine Dron- For millinery and pattern hats or
erty. I anything in the line of ribbons,
' i iiuwti a ui iiie la'csi cijfico auu vic-
In all competitive snorts it is daneer- I signs, call on the Tucker bisters in
nnn for tbA nnnrAKtant tn irnnrA -Thv. I the SherwOOU blOC II.
ical differences. Spirit and excitement
way ueip to wui a iuiporury victory ufc I Notice
too gre x a cost. i iii men runniner express waerons
Douhtlass the coldest civilized nlace are nounea mai iuc r iuPitiuU
on the globe is Werchoiansk, in Siberia, tax must be paid on or Deiore i une
Rev. C. F. Sm'th, formerly of this I where the thermometer once registered 1 15. 1.1. kRY,
c'fvbutnow at Sprhiirview. Neb.. a temperature of 81 degs. below zero. Deputy Collector
AC 111 111. L K J 1 I , , m . .m .
: uxencn iarmers preier norseraKes ina
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi-1 are made in the United States, as they
itive cure Catarrn, JJiphthena and I are both cheaper and more easily worked.
- a I
uaiiKer mourn, ror sale oy r. j. i Kichanee.
Waterman block. Main Street. Kooms
open from 8 :3u a m to s-jipm, For men only
Gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4
Buy the best and nothinir but the
best and you will have a DanMer
surprise stove. Hendee sells them.
Fete of Days.
Jor the opening of the new Y. M.
C. A. building the B. & M. will sell
tickets within 100 miles of Lincoln
from May 17 to June 1 inclusive at
full fare going and one-third re
turning by having certificate signed
b3' G. W. Parks secretary.
F. Latham, Agt.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Thk Best Salve in the world for Cute
Bruiseu, Soree, Ulcc-ra, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It ia guaranteed to give SHtisfaction. or
money refunded. Price 25 cent per hox.
tror sale by F. W. Fncke
T. H. ' Pollock, Agent.
Telephone No. 72 for your sum-
U1C1 o
For Sale.
My bouse and three lots corner
bixth and Uey, price $1200.
Mrs. T. A. G. Buell,
Central Cit3", Neb., apcE.R. B.
Oregon, Washington and the North
west Pacific Coast.
The constant demand of the trav
eling public to the. far west for a
comfortable and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
nas tea xo xne estaDiisnment as
what is known as Pullman Colonist
These cars are built on the same
general plan as the regular first-
class Pullman Sleeper, tbe only dif-
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely safe.
U ment plan as cheap as for cash
terence being that they are not up- on easy monthly payments. Come
iioistereu. in. and examine my anti-rust tin-
That. -i m fi.ytitchaH r m n 1 4 I
j.ity cut iui moiivu -uJ'"- Lt mill I ri -..!-, . V, : . ,m . .
s-ood comfortable hair matresses. I ...--HduieuDoiiorMt
warm blankets.snow white linen cur lor one 5'ear- If at any time you
tains plenty of towels, combs, brush I want anything new that we rfr n
es etc., which secure to the occu- happen to have in stock w can p-p I
pant of a birth as much privacy as it for you on two d , j
is to be had in first '.class sleeoers. I ayo nonce.
There are also separate toilet rooms
for ladies and gentlemen, and smok
ingis absolutely prohibited. For
full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leaflet. E. L. Lo
max. General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha Nebraska.
421 Maln-St.. Plattsmouth