The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 20, 1892, Image 4

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- - :
Tho Dedication of The Court
House Will bo a Gala Day.
THE IIKNTIsTS elect officers.
An Important Cass County Case
Sent Back for Another Trial
The News In and About
the Capital City.
The committee on program for
I he dedication of the court houHe
will have the program ready by
this evening. An outline of the
program is ;ih follow: Court will
be opened at II o'clock by Brad
Slaughter of Omaha, with Judge
Chapman presiding. The day will
be occupied by speeches. In the
evciiinj; a n-jjular program wil' be
had, with toats for the Cass county
bar to respond to. The orchestra
will le in attendance. A special
invitation is extended to the ladies
to attend, both flay and evening.
Dentists Elect Officers.
The sixteeutli annual meeting of
the State Dental association, held
at Fremont, cloned yesterday. The
following oflicers were elected:
President,' V. R Connor of Omaha;
vice-president, T. F. Skeede, Seward:
recording secretary, W. C. Davis,
Lincoln; corresponding secretary,
D. I. Siiutus, Lincoln; treasurer, J.
II. DitTetihacher, York. A fund of
fJJO was raised for the purpose of
securing the enforcement of state
laws relating to dentistry.
Supreme Court Decision.
Kikenbary vs. Clifford; error from
Cass county; reversed and re
manded. Opinion by Chief Justice
In an action of replevin the
plaintiff alleged in his petition that
the property was "not taken in exe-
Hd s, Is M-rr y Popping at the
Lincoln Asylum.
J Here h merry hades popping
over at the asylum among Governor
iJoyd m new appointees. It appears
that Fred Kace, well known by his
noise in politics, is "the fly in the
ointment" The racket developed
but lately, when it was brought to
the attention of the board of public
lands and buildings, that about
$1.5(10 worth of extras had been pur
chased without the board's approv
al during the previous month, and
investigation discloses a peculiar
state of affairs.
To begin at the beginning, it ap
pears that ever since Kace has been
over there in the capacity of book
keeper, he has been trying to get
his work in, and has been extremely
officious, although his duties are
not of a nature to warrant him ex
ercising anything more than a
clerical function. Shortly after
Governor Boyd's new Stewart, M. II.
Madden, made his debut at the asy
lum, Kace intimated to him that he
would like to have a new pair of
shoes go in with the order for shoes
for the institution. Madden either
did not care to rob the state, or at
least he did not want to do it in
Kace's behalf, and neglected to or
der Mr. Race's shoes. Other little
clashes came between the clerk and
the steward, until Kace gave up
Madden as a bad job, as a man lie
could not work, so he turned his at-
leiuiuu to coddling nr. Bowman,
the superintendenL He made the
good doctor believe that his duties
as superintendent necessitated
keeping a sharp eye on Madden.
And, straightway the doctor began
checking up Madden in every quar
ter, it is said to the extent of weigh
ing each pound of tobacco, butter,
etc., to see if there were sixteen
ounces in it This made Madden
hot, and put the superintendent
and the steward at sword points.
a he superintendent concluded to
- '
Out of Three Games Playdd
While Gone They Won Two?
Beatrl e Dr. ps the First Came to
Kearney Fremont and Crand
i Played a Good
Jam and Fre
mont Won.
-Eozl Cass Oo-ULm.t3T
Who can write the most words on
new U. S. Postal Card
I'lattfiiiouth's aggregation of hit
ters indulged in another sluo-iritif
niaicn yesterday, m which the pen
nant winners came out without a
scratch. The pitching of Myers and
wie neioing ot Schanot were the
features of the game. The score:
Green, ss
I.onir. If.
J Iat terson. :
Ketmeily, lib
Kcevfs, lb
Yu, mf . .
I'errine. cf
flyers, p..
A 11 H
. 6 4
a :t
4 1
5 2
IS '
"It;!-) A. K.
2 T T
l o o
J 1 1 3
1 13 2
3 10 5 0
! 1 1
0 10 0
0 1 o 1
Jt 1 0 0
13 27 17 9
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
Chiles, c.
Johnson, II)...
Packard, ss...
Clarke, If
McKiMmmi. 21i.
Schanot. cf
Tiniiii, 3b,
Finch, p
K. !H II !P O
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
14 17
"astiiiffs.... 30 000 00 1 5-8
miwiuuuia 3 0 a 3 3 2 4 2 22
Run on rri TMr.:., lr i:.. .
1 wo base hits-Chil es.
liases stolen Hastings 1, Plattsmouth 12.
Struck nut Myers 11, Finch 6.
Passed balls Chil es 2, Maupin 3.
Time of jcanie 2:20.
Umpire Haskell.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
flltirkffl ffcffl '111 V rfVsl a wl A
rendered against said plaintilf or I do a little buying on his own ac-
"LJZ;: " .7 count, it appears, and purchased a
The Beatrice club lost their first Send all Pctol 4
ame since the season onened eUa Jr'OStal Cards to
M - - - j ....., w
amercement assessed against him
oy virtue or any oruer ot delivery,
etc.." and on the trial was permitted
to prove that the property was
taken in execution on a judgment
against him, hut that the property
was exempt. Held, that the proof
must conform substantially to the
allegations of the- pleadings and
that the nlaintiif ronld tint intro
duce proof that the property was
taken under an execution, but that
it was exempt without an amend
uient of his petition.
The JIkkalo publishes the names
of the persons who are to be invited
to attend the dedication of the new
court house. According to the list.
1eorge Adams is the only Weeping
Water man invited, and we doubt
very much if he goes. Weeping
Water Republican. The IlEKALI
will inform the editor of theKepub
lican that every citizen of Cass
county Weeping Water included
is invited to come to the metropolis
of Nebraska's fairest county and as
sist in the dedication services. In
vitations were onlv sent to peoDle
living outside the county. The only
man receiving an invitation living
inside of Cass county, was Geo. W.
Adams, mayor of Weeping Water,
and had he been a private citizen of
Weeping Water he would have fared
the same as the editor of the Repub
lican and the rest of the citizens of
. the county did.
Oregon, Washington and the North
west Pacific Coast.
The constant demand of the trav
eling public to the far west for la
comfortable and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
has led to the establishment ak
what is known as Pullman Colonist
these cars are built on the same
general plan as the regular first
class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif
ference being that they are not up
holstered. They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair matresses.
warm blankets. snow wlnto
tains plenty of towels.
esetc, winch secure to the occu
pant of a birth as much privacy as
is to be had in tirrt class sleepers.
There are also separate toilet rooms
for ladies and gentlemen, and smok
mgis absolutely prohibited. For
full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leatlet. K. L.
max. General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha Nebraska.
horse from himself for the state for
$5X1 He took a school ma'am to
board, at $20 per runth, and em
ploys the horse to convey the
school ma'am to and from the
x ne relations Detween the super
intendent and the steward thus be
came so strained that Governor
Boyd, it is said, called both of them
up to his olhce and read the riot act
to them. It is also reported that the
board of public lands and buil dings
called down both of them and noti
hed bth the SUDerintendent mul
steward that no more purchases of
extras must be made without a per
mit or requisition having been
granted by the board.
The investigation, it is further
stated, revealed that all through the
trouble between the superintendent
and the steward, the bookeeper was
the marplot, playing each one
against the other to gratify his own
ends. I ust what the nature of (Iip
ends was may be guessed at from
a imie transaction over a lawn ten
nis outfit which the steward had
ordered from Shilling Bros., agree
ing to pay therefore $25, the said
lawn tennis outfit being for the use
and recreation of convalescent pa
tients. When the set arrived Shilling
Bros, found that it cst them $23.0,
and remarked to Race that it left
them a very small margin of profit,
wiiereupon the officious clerk ad
vised them to make their bill for $35
and he would pass it as correct: at
the same time gently intimating
that his wife might like a bottle of
perfume. Shilling Bros, were final
ly prevailed upon by Race to make
their bill $27.50, which, when it met
Gladden s attention, was rejected as
being more than the agreed price
game since tlie season opened at
the hands of the Kearney team. The
vistors put up a good game. The
score by innings:
Beatrice 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Kearney ..03 0 0 2 00 0 05
ami Fear.
Hase hits Beatrice ii, Kearney 7.
Krrors Beatrice 3, Kearnev
Struck out l(v Shurl,. II i'...,. r
I -- --- -' . -i I va.-iuut. .
asse! balls Fear 1.
Time of tfame 1 :lt).
Umpire Fullmer.
JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb -(
The game between Fremont and
me ougar City was a great im
provement upon yesterday's exhi
bition. In tlie ninth Grand Island
had three men on bases, with nonp.
out, but could not make a run. The
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
J Ofc,, the Popular Clothier,
era So-uls Comer, Plattrnn,
I -
(rand IsIuikI.
2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 04
l 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 5
I!1T1?4 Orirtlf.f ! Vrmiii.iit
Two.h:mi 1 1 i I .1 "T . . 1 . I 1
Double plays Keady to Konrke.
. "......,i-r, kiui 1.
Stniplr tit I. : 1 . . , . 1 1 u
I jweil balls c: raver 2, Keefe 1.
Time of ame 1:13.
umpire Hart.
Standing: of the Clubs.
Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
Beatrice ti 5
Fremont 7 4
Plattsmouth 8 4
Grand Island 7 3
Hastings 10 4
Kearney ...... 5 2
T. H. Pollock. Aent,
E. G. Vanattawas an Omaha
sender this morning'.
Miss Lulu Burgess was an Omaha
passenger this morning.
Hon. R. B. Windham was in Oma
ha to-day on legal business.
F. S. White went ud to Omaha on
official business this morning.
Judge Chapman returned from
his trip to Norton, Kansas, yester
Mre. FredIIebert returned this
morning to her home iu Sioux City
Mies Johnson, sister of Mrs. E. A.
Gibson was a passenger on N. 5 this
Judge Sullivan returned l'ast eve-
Call on
Plattsmouth - . Vphmot-o
The Place to Buv
Fete of Days.
For the opening-of the new T. 1VT
1 ..
. . ouuaing the B. & M. will qii
tickets within 100 miles of Lincoln
irom Jlay 17 to Tune 1 incln;
full fare goiner and nrp.tiv,i
turning by having certificate signed
o vj. w . x-arKs secretary.
F. Latham, Agt.
is AT
for your sum-
TeleDhone No. 19.
mers ice.
Committee Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the com
mittee on dedication ot the court
house at the county judges oflice
at :30 this evening. All mnmbers
of the committee and others inter
ested a re requested to meet with
them. R. B. Windham,
J. L. Root, Sec. President.
World's Fair Notes
It is said that there were divers
other small transactions of this kind
which are apt to lead to Race's re
moval, and possibly to the resto
ration 01 narmonj in the warring
camp of democracy at the asylum
A funny incident in connection
with the new outfit at the as3'lum is
the business letter-head used, which
was evidently ordered by Race, as he
has his name up at the top of it as
one of the oflicers, and this, too, at
the exclusion of the hostler, the fire
men and the other employe?. Lin
coin Journal.
Band and orchestra with the Pav.
ton Comedy Co. Prices, 10. 20 and
30 cents.
Ask vour dealer in d,n,
where the crasoline tops in fm,
the tank to the burner nnH
and see the Dano-i
n i' iov. J Ul
sale by Ilendee.
The Isaac Paytou Comedv Co.
will be at the Waterman one week,
commencing Mondaj-, May 23.
Pri ;es, 10, 20 and 30 cents.
For millinerr and naftpm hnio
anvthine- in th :i.
flowers of the latest styles and de
signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in
the Sherwood block. tf
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tub Best Salve in the world fnr rnt.
iirmses. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, py
Nnron Totfo. rn - x , .... .
nino, from a business trir, th ' , ',r"p iiana8' Wains,
Kansas. ' " " ,,n5ruPt!on and Posi-
T , . . rsri.:" . " vr. uo p.ay qred.
J. r. layior ana aausrriter de- I " 10 BuomuLeea to give satisfaction, nr
parted.for their home in Central Cilv 0 ey, reIunded- Price 25 cents per box
this moraine-. r oaic UJ '"CKe
Dr. T. P. Livingston left on No. 5
for a trip through the western part j
ot the state.
New notatnes at T3 T r r.,
i - - j. 1(1 II
f;,UL"j owic un oixtn street. Call
and see them.
Buv the best and nnlhinrr hut iU
best and you will have a Dander
ouipnec biuve. nenaee sens tnem
xi. . mci'iaKen & son are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part
i me cny. Aeiepnone ao. tZ.
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
ThePavton mmnanv m J l? Plattsmouth. within a block of
, " r. J "uu"1 trie nissoun Pacific dennt. Vnr
Nothing New Under the sun
No! not even through cars to Den-
c, vKuen, aait i,aKe Citv, San
rrancisco ana Portland This is
simply written to remind you that
ilia TTm'n lAA;i?. - m r
r , , ; T; . "' iuu iduiici8ine pioneer in
Mm Laura Johns. of Decatur, 111., running through cars to the above
has been awarded a prize of $23 for
the best design for a seal for the
Illinois Woman's Exposition Board.
Tlie principal commercial organi
zations of New Orleans have united
iu a petition to the Mate legislature
of Louisiana, winch assembles this
month, to make a world's fair ap
propriation of $.10,000.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh. Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale y F. G.
FrirkeA C
mentioned roi ntanni i,
ent throuch car arnnimmant :
excelled. We also make thr
For details add
.1 . . """ "S-" 1 ui
me company, call on vnur nAoroa4
G. P. & T. A. U. P., Omaha Neb.
The E. Q. v. society held their
regular meeting at the residence of
Prof. Halsey, on North Fourth
street, last evening. An interesting
program was executed, after which
the evening was spent in a profit,
able manner.
ladies free on Monday nie-ht if ac
companied bya30-ceut paid ticket.
Tickets must be reserved by 7 p. m.
J. S. Mathews was notified this
morning that Sanford W. Gardes of
Rock Bluffs and Samuel Howell of
Cromwell, Iowa, had been granted
a pension of $10 and $8 a month
J. P. Young just completed ar
rangements whereby he has se
cured the Payton Comedy Co. for
next week, at popular prices in a
reportoire of good plays. The com
pany ia a good one, havintr plaved
a week's engagement at the Lansing
Theatre, Lincoln, two weeks ago and
the Lincoln papers pronounced
them the best week stand company
that ever appeared in the capital
cits. The company has a fine band
and orchestra.
' particulars call on or address The
III- T- . w . . i3C
tiT " m
e wisn our patrons to taice no
tice that We Will move ahnn Ua
nrst ot next month to the room for
merly occupied by J. Finley John
son, tf Bennett & Tutt.
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying
JL Waterman block. Main Street.
open from 8:30am to 9:30pm. For men only
uuopct every sunoay anernoon at 4
T. II. Pollock. Agent.
The Handsomest Lady in Plattsmouth
Jtemarked in a fr-ion,i
uay mat sue Knew Kemp's Balsam
for the throat and luntrp wna a
perior remedv. as it"
-1 t- 111.1
"loiduuj wnen otner reme
dies had no effect whatever. So to
prove this and to convince yon of
us merits any druggist will give
you a sample bottle free. Lartre
bottles 50c and $1.
tanr Public A- Abstracter Solicit
Eeal Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent
If you have real estate to sell mr
exchange send ue description, price
atnu terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at reas
onable rates.
$100,000 to loan at 7 per cent and
ho commissions, on good
farm security.
Plattsmouth - Neb.
Office under Cass County Bank.
Correspondence Solicited.
Oflice in Union Blook
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely safe.
plan as cheap as for cash.
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my ' anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
nappen to have m stock we can
it for you on two days' notice.
4-21 Maln-st.. Plattsmouth