The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 19, 1892, Image 4

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Telephone No. 72 for your Hum
mer's ice.
A large window glass in the post
The Board of Trado Meeting
Plattsmouth Beats Hastings
Yesterday Afternoon.
s i
Last Night a Hummer.
office liiilclitiir wan broken laHt
la. Cass Co-a.n.t37" , gj
The C, H. & Q. enirine that has
thk cnvs rim iti: is huh; i it.
been hauling the work train is in
the ditch near Omaha.
The town clock strikes thirteen
w ilkj cui wine ine most woras on a
new U. S. Postal Card
Plattsmouth's Prospects For the
ComlnK Year are Flattering--Everyone
Present Was
Enthuslastln for the
Prosperity of
the City.
oioux uity under Water Eight
every day when it should etrike
Thousand People Homeless
Business Houses Sur
rounded by Water,
Which is Still
three. What's the matter?
Arthur Price received notice
through his attorney, J. S. Mathews,
that he had been allowed a pension
of $3 per month.
The II. A M. run a stub from this
Pursuant to a rail a routing
meeting of the Imanl of trade was
held at the county judge's office
last night, with President Wind
ham in the chair. The minutes of
the lust meeting' were read and ap
President Windham said that he
had confidence in the town: that he
had lived here during his manhood
and that if he hail not had confi
dence in the town he would not had
lived here as long as he has. Jle
also said that he knows of thirty
thousand manufacturing establish
ments that wanted a place to re-locate.
He also urged the business
men of the town to turn out and at
tend the board of trade meetings
and not to move into the back end
of their stores for fear they would
have to pay out a little money.
Continuing he said that what Platts
mouth wanted was manufacturing
establishments that would bring
people here, Jt will not take very
much money but it will take a good
deal of work.
Postmaster Streight said that dur
ing the last month he sold $300
worth ot stamps to one firm; that
the receipts of the office were in
creasing every month and that it
was his opinion that ere longPlatts
mouth would have a new postofiice
buildingand free delivery.
Mr Murphy and Mr. Sherwood
made some timely remarks.
Ed Oliver on behalf of the firm of
Oliver & Ramage, offered to donate
an acre of ground to the man that
would locate a flouring mill in this
city, with a capacity of seventy-five
barrels per day. The ground is lo
cated near the railroad and lias
plenty of water and would be a very
desirable place for such a plant.
A motion was made that the pres
ident appoint a committee of three
to see that the business men would
attend the next meeting, even if
they had to lock their stores. The
president appointed A. 11. Knotts,
C W. Sherman and G. F. S. liurton
as such committee.
It was moved that a committee be
appointed to confer with the com
mittee appointed by the mayor for
the purpose of devising ways and
means for the advancement of the
city's interests.
President Windham said as that
v.-as an important committee, and
.is he would like to have good men
on the committee, he would an
uouiice the committee later.
place this morning to Pacific Junc
tion to connect with Xo. 5, which
will run to Omaha on the other side
of the river. The train carried the
mail over and brought it back.
The ice cream social given last
evening by the ladies of the Chris
tian churcn, netted several dollars
to the church's exchequer. A good
crowd was present and everybody
passed a pleasant evening besides
helping a good cause.
A Sunday School convention will
be held in Weeping Water, Ma. 26
and 27. An excellent program has
been prepared. The people of Weep
ing Water have assured The Hek
ALDthat all tkose who come will be
entertained. They are plannimr for
and expecting to hare a good con
vention, you wiil not want to miss
it. Kach Sunday School in the
county is urged to send three dele
gates, remember pastors and super
intendents are members of the con
vention. Let all who can possible
go do so. Bring Gospel Hymns Xo.
5. also Bibles and note books.
T I r :.,t i ....
-..v. .luv.uiii juwiiai mis inorninir
i ...
nas mis to say concerni ng the irame
ine oaii game yesterday afler-
noonbetwten Plattsmouth and Hast
ings can be called properly a come
dy of errors. JIastinir had the
game won in the second, but exe
crable errors caused a change.
Again in the ninth Hastings got
her second wind tin
five runs, bi.t could not hold her ad
vasaries down. Both sides played
like demons and Plattsmouth got
there. It would be unjust to single
out the errors and an impossibility
io iocaie tne man who lost the
game, The score tells the tale:
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
LATT S ?I O ITT 1 1 .
Orecn, ss
Lour, if.
J Patterson, Z...
Maupin, c
Keeves, lb
Yapp, rf
Iyers, cf ,
Huljjer, 3b ,
Per ri tie, p.
A tti It,
HH fo
A. K.
(i i
2 K
2 3
1 2
1 0
9 0
2 1
1 0
14 If,
1. A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
lotal 40 I 3) 9
lnninjf run made with one man out.
Hulger out for batting out of order.
T. II. Pollock, Agent,
Supreme Court Decision.
Schneider vs. Tomblin. Error
from Cass county. Affirmed. Opin
ion by Justice Norval. Where it
appears from an inspection of a bill
of exceptions that important and
material evidence introduced on the
trial of the cause has been omitted
therefrom, the bill of exceptions
will not be considered by this court
f.r the purpose of determining
whether the verdict is supported by
the evidence.
1!. The supreme court cannot re
view the rulings of the trial court
in excluding documentary testimo
ny, where the excluded paper is iiot
preserved by a bill of exceptions.
Objections to instructions not
considered for the reason that the
charge of the court was not copied
into the record brought up.
4. Held that the damages award
ed by the jury are not excessive.
" Turkish Bath."
ine uuououe leiecrrapii savs:
.otwttiistaiuiing tne weatner, a
large audience last night attended
the performance given at the Grand
for the benefit of Prof. Thomas,
leader of the orchestra, by the
"Turkish Hath" company. Marie
Heath is the best ingenue ever seen
on a Dubuque stage. She stimu-
lates a cute little southern girl of 13
to perfection, and is besides a
graceful dancer and an excellent
singer. In the character song,
"Say, Won t ou Come Out and
Playr" she showed the difference
between herself and Jarbeau and
the difference was all in her favor.
She won several recalls ana gra
ciously responded. She is destined
to a fame equal to that of Minnie
Palmer and is capable of starring
in the legitimate drama. Her pop
ularity last night was shared by
Mr. Tames McCabe. who, as
"McGoogle," the policeman, was
very clever."
Coming to the Waterman Thurs
day June 2.
World's Fair Notes.
William Saunders, executive ex
position commissioner for Canada,
says that a large and excellent ex
hibit from the Dominion is assured.
It will be especially notable in the
lines of agriculture, dairying, min
erals and manufactures..
The liberation of carrier pigeons
and the keeping of a record of their
ilight will be an interesting feature
of the live stock exhibit at the ex
position. A number of breeders of
pigeons will exhibit birds, and
they are now hiakiugarrangements
for the proposed contest. George
W. Childs of Philadelphia and sev
eral others have offered prizes for
the winners in the contests. The
speed record now is 3i miles in 3J1)
President Harrison has accepted
the invitation, conveyed to him by
a committee, to attend the dedica
tion ceremonies of the expo ition
bandings next October. It is be
lieved certain that every member
of the president's cabinet and of the
supreme court, and nearly every
senator, congressman and gov
ernor, also, will be present on that
occasion. The president manifests
very great interest in the exposition
and keeps himself thoroughly
posted concerning it. He has said
repeatedly that he stands ready at
all times to do all within his power
in its behalf.
Prof. Charles D. Walcott of the
United States Geological Survey
intends to have at the world's fair
an exhibit which will illustrate a
section of the earth's crust by spe
cimens of the rock strata placed in
their proper relative positions, and
by collections of the characteristic
fossils shown in connection with
the formations in which they are
Fifty-five of the counties in Illi
nois have been organized for expo
sition work by the women members
of the state world's fair board.
The women of Sangamon count
expect to prepare a handsome vol
ume, to be known as the "Lincoln
Souvenir' to sell at the fair. It
will embrace a history ot Sanga
mon count-, and include, in addi
tion, a story of Lincoln's social life.
The book will be embellished by
women artists. The women of To
j v
Davies county expect to prepare a
similar volume in regard to General
Grant. In Stevenson county they
are talking of writing a history of
the Black Hawk war. In Lawrence
county the women claim to have
discovered the original manuscript
of "The Pilgrim's Progress." They
are investigating the authenticity
of the find, with a view to taking
the manuscript to the fair.
A II V. H H P O A. E.
McFarland, rf 6 2 4 0 0 l"
Chiles, c 6 4 3 5 3 4
Johnson, lb 6 2 15 3 2
Packard, 3b 6 3 2 3 0
a? ,f ;. 5 3 2 1
McKibben. 2b 6 3 1 5 2 3
Scltanot, cf 6 2 4 0 0
Finch, p 5 0 2 4 2 4
Kohrer, ss 4 0 0 1 2 1
Total 50 19 19 24 14 17
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
HastinKs.. .... 4 4 0 0 0 1 1 4 5-19
x-iattsmouui 2162 2 040 320 1
Earned Runs Plattsmouth 3. Hastintr 11
ci T ,V, -civiDueii, McFarland
Sbanot2, Clark and Maupin.
Three base hits Chiles 2.
Home runs Clark and Johnson.
liases stolen Hastings 8. Plattsmouth 7
Iouble plays Packard and McKibben.
joiinson and Packard, Green, Patterson
and Kceves.
Time of yatne 2:45.
Umpire Haskell.
Send all Postal Cards to
JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth; Neb
Fremont played a game full of er
rors, kicks and bad language j-es-terday.
Purcell, their shortstop,
was fined $20 and sent to the bench
for abusing Umpire Hart. Aside
from this feature of the game was
the hitting of Hoppmeister and
Graver and Stratton's second base
work. Keefe, Grand Island's best
catcher, had his thumb knocked
out and retired 111 favor of Murray.
The score:
Grand Island 0 1 2 0 0 0 H 4 013
Iremoiit 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 2 S
Kuns eartied Grand Island 2, Fremont J
l'wo base hits Murray, Butler, liahues.
Home runs Graver.
Sacrifice hit Keefe.
Pases stolen Grand Island 4, Fremont 3
louble plays linker, Austin, Jiowman
Pases on balls )tT linker , Hofer 1
nit dv 1'itclier Kourke.
struck out Jiaker 7. Jlofer 3.
Passed balls Grave 1, Keefe 1.
'l ime of ?;auie 2:05.
Cmpire Hart.
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
Oipera, House Cozier, lerttex-ia.t2a-
IS 1!
Standing of the Clubs.
Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
ncuince a a
Fremont fi 3
Grand Island rt 3
Plattsmouth 7 3
Hastings s 3
Kearney ...... 4 1
Eli J. Pittman of Xehawka
the city to-day.
Walter White an Rev. II.1 13.
gess were in Omaha to-day.
Fred Patterson, the postmaster at
Rock Bluffs, is in the citj to-day.
Fred Murphy and Ed Oliver were
Omaha passengers this morning.
non. r. ft. unite ana wiie were
omana passengers tins morn
W. M. Cole is chief of police to
day on account of Tom Fry having
gone to Omaha.
tennis 1'icxiugii, wno received a
paraljtic stroke last Saturday, is
able to be on the street to-da3
Tom Fry, Johnny Fitzpatrick,
Chas. Kinnaraon, Chas. Truman and
II. J. Streight went up to Omaha as
witnesses in the postofiice robbery
Death Rode the Wave.
Sioux City was very near washed
away yesterday. The Floyd river
overflowed, occasioned by heavy
The river flows through the center
of the city and along its banks are
the homes of thousands, so thus the
floods brought death and destruc
tion. The waters rose four feet in an
hour and a half, and from 9 o'clock
continued to rise steadily, but not
so rapidty. Probably one-third of
the inhabitants of the city live on
the low ground which is overllowed
So rapid was the rise of the tide that
great numbers were unable to es
cape and the work of rescue en
gaged every energy of the people.
Eight thousand people are home
less and all business is suspended
The damage to property will reach
$1,500,000, while the loss to the Sioux
City & Northern railroad will ex
ceed $200,000.
Eleven persons and two thousand
head ot cattle drowned.
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed in the post
ofiice at Plattsmouth:
E. Q. V. Program.
The E. Q. V. society meets at the
residence of Prof. Ilalsey this eve
ning at 8 o'clock. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all. The follow
ing program will be rrndered:
Recitation "Little Blossom"
"'".i" Marguerite Davis
Essay-' Culture" Ida Smith
Kssav .
1,: ' , . . . . uuciiiiuu
i"S'upny v asniriKion irvinir.
Cood Looks,
Good looks are more than skin
deep, deqending upon a health
condition of all the vital organs.
If the Liver be inactive' you have
a Bilious Look, if your stomach
be affeeted you have a Dyspeptic
Look aud if bour Kidneys be effected
yov will have a Pinched Look. Se
curs good health and you will have
good looks, Electric Bitters is the
great alterctive and Tonic acts
i.i..i. I irreat i
reelection Irvine ptip Wov-K.ini.i Hircrtlv on fhnao v-Jfal rtrrrarta
Recitation Carroll LmnurH po Pimnlan ti 1 i, . rj:i
Address ProfHa sev ;-". """""""
. iiui.naisey mv(aa (rood rnmn m mn Sold ai
ir. l K.. 1 rt 1 w...,.-. .
Resolved. That hasi hull l mnn K. Frirke & Cct's nrncrstnrp. f5ft
ular than the tlKn " A flK mi I 11
t rude Hilton. Wiativo u wvii...
Adams, Chas A
Pass, John
Palcock, Valley
Craijire, Pave
Knjjle. OA
Fetter, A E
Gorrell. Mrs J K
Rcnolds, Aretus
Slattler, IJ II
Persons call in;
Sanders, J K
Strayer, Lewis
Skinner, Sylvia
Terryberry, John
Thompson, John
Wilsey, .MrsC L (2)
Wilson, Miss Lizzie
Wilmoth, Walter
Yountf, Lucy
X for any of the
Call on
Plattsmouth - - Nebraska.
The Place to Buy
Fete of Days.
.rpr me opening of the new Y. M.
C A. building the B. & M. will sell
tickets within 100 miles of Lincoln
TV.T P-l . r
aumnajiuojuue 1 inclusive at
full fare going and one-third re
turning by having certificate signed
b3- G. W. Parks secretary.
F. Latham, Agt.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Thk Best Salve in the world for Cute
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Sruptions. and nosi-
1: i '
uveiy cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money reiuncieo. Price 25 cents per box.
cor saie ny a g. X'ncke
We wish our patrons to take no
ice tnat we will move about th
first of next month to the room for
merly occupied bj' J. Finley John-
above will please ask for "adver
tised" mail. II. J. Streight, P. M.
For millinery and pattern hats or
anything in the line of ribbons
llowers of the latest styles and d
signs, can on ine xucKer sisters 111
the Sherwood block. tf.
jk your dealer to show you
where the gasoline goes to from
the tank to the burner and then go
and see the Dangler Surprise. For
sale by Hendee.
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
Waterman block. Main Street. Kooms
ODen from 8 :30 a m to 9 :30 v n. For men only
Gospel mettlnK every Sunday afternoon at 4
T. H. Pollock. Agent.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
tive cure Catarrh, Diphtneria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G
Fricke& C
t 1 c? . .1 rr ....
x-wk oau xwo aesiraole resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to .Plattsmouth, within a block of
tne Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address The
HERALD Oflice.
New potatoes at P. J. Hansen's
grocery store on Sixth street. Call
and see them.
Buy the best and nothing but the
best and you will have a Dangler
ourpnse stove, iienaee sells them
xi. . iucianen x son are now
prepared to deliver ice to anv nart
01 ine ciiy. xeiepnone rvo. fZ.
Gering & Co. for wallpaper.
If in need of a good pair of spec
tacles go to Gering & Co.
MONEY to loan on farms
from 6 1-2 per cent up, on 1 to
I O years time to suit the bor
rower. Also loans on second
mortgages. J. M. LEYDA
Plattsmouth, Neb.
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely safe. v $
ment plan as cheap as for cash
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time von
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can
it for you on two days' notice.
42 1 Maln-St.. Plattsmouth
- i