The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 19, 1892, Image 3
1 iff i. J UP k4 Advance of the Pipe Brigade. Retreat of the Cigar Cohorts. Yes Ihc Pipe is coming to the 7i front 2S never before. nice of jrood cigars drive them out of of smokers use Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. it t l i, nron,i in th mirif 11 lO II1C IIHJbl JUJ'Uiai jiuu 111 five years its fame is still growing L ELACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. DURHAM, N. C. ORGANS AND FOrt EARIEST T1IK MASON' & HAMLIN Uir famous Organs or Pianos for three months, giving the person irinf them full opportunity to test it thoroughly in his own home lid return if he does not longer want it. If he continues to want it fitil the a'Tcate of rent pain amounts to the price of the instru .ent. It becomes his property witaoct fckther i-aymknt. lllus- r luted catalogue, with net prices tree. Jlason & Hamlin Orgj.n and Piano Co KOSTON. NEW Family Student? i r i scho1 t EL. 3 B Library S-H-O-U-L-D Own aJDidHonary. honld bo taken to a. .-. .-. tJET THS THI TNTgRNATIOKAL, 1 SQrw r&OM cover to covxb, la iU-ts. van, iu ui. j 4 STJCCXS30B OT THE THf ASSTDOXD. . , Ton year spent in revising, 100 edi- a toes employed, orer $300,000 expended. Bold by all Book Ucra. J lQ,ftC MTCKTtTAM & CO- Poblicben, Bpringneia, M u. . a- trDo not buy reprints of obsolete X Utiona. aT-Send for free pamphlet containing a jjdmen paye ana f nUrUcnlare z 1 r is tam ocjlv (TNG MEITOI.D MEIT IT II THE TOILS OF THE SEIPtlTS OF ISEASC Tky na&e aaroia afforta to free taenaelvas. eat no saowtag now e raaaarauy ISHAKEOFFTHC HORRID SNAKES aar fir op la tapalr mad nk late u Mrty crmTo. waasaaaaaKTBanaavBarti OUR NEW BOOK 'an tM, Boat-paid. laFalad) fbraltaalt1 Uaaanplaiaa tka Bfclloaophy of Dlaaaa- u -mA Afflictions of tha Ontana af Man. and how by Toy mathoda aalaataly oar nw-n thm womS rawtM of bit or railing at anaooa. enaral and ajerroaa De bility. Waaknaaa of Body aa Mind. KSacta of Errora r Kxeaaaea. Btantad or sraakaa Orcana H.? B5lh BA bVm5m liowto Enlarra and StxaBrthaaWBAK.UMDBVEXOPEO aaaaSaPABTBof BODTmada plain to all intazl. RIE MEDICAL CO. BUFF ALO.M.Y. tfealthful, Agreeable. Cleansing. Cores liajjved Hand, Wounds, Burns, Etc Removes and Prevents Saadruft. 7HITE BUSSIAI1 SOAP. ialfy Adapted for Use in Hard Water. runkenness I II.LfA PltMA AaClwlSftfitaMl M. PAIIir MtBlll SPECIF a a .aiiaa f-aa nh2n ftj Ta ata aa4aaa tf. f 09 . OT III Cf. . aVvsvH vlfKAiit tka knAalsiiira of th9 TCr- I taAlnfc it; It is abaolutely nannies and Ject a permanent ami apeerfr cure, v hotter Vrik. it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE irompitte cure in eysry Instance. page book ! at Voar f A i I INTERNATIONAL V DICTIONARY J , X wot I he liign is helping use. Millions t Smoked for overtwentv- Quality always the same. PIANOS, PAYWEMT3. CO. now offer to rent any one of YORK CUICAGO. Voung others! W0 Offer Tea Bemady aie Xwr Smfrtp ia o Mother tcnU Chili. " MOTHER'S FBiEKD " JZe6 Cw!ii'', Jfaitx, Horror tzaditiak. Affruat'-frtinebocilfor V. other T'rlend" I u.Iv.i but tulle ;aJu.nd ui-i u.; vxp-.-rianee that wrUnm afterward usual in alien case. Mia. amis Uaok. Lainar. Ho.. Jan. IStta, lel. Kent by eTproas, ehanjoa rrapald. on raeetptof prioe, $1.30 per bottle Book to Hoihars mailed I raa, MRADFIELO OECULATOB CO., ATLANTA. GA. BOLD BY Aid URUQaiSTS. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Oizitniflxit A certain core for Chronic Sore Eye Tetter. Salt Rheum, Scald Bead. Oh Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Hippies and Piles. It is cooling and boo thing. Hundreds of eases have been eared by It after all other treatment bad failed, It is put up in 25 and SO cent boxes. BOXING WATER OR MILK. EPPS'S GRATEUL COMFORTING COCOA Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. l?. ngNESSHADKOIS8SCURED t J'i J'8 S&A E1 br 1'ck' 'BTill Tabular Bar Cmb. fck Ut jJti ET Vt'hlapcra heard. Cutufortabla. BoctaIulwheral Irrmrdwiifail. Sold by F. HlMoi.ooly. CD CC U53 lruadn, Sew York. Wrua fur iiogk, u proof rilCC PTHWnRS17r.rEr'insS4S- Want airts. catl'K"e riMilUO free Address Dan'lFUeattv.wath iujton X. J. HAIR BALSAM - '-T t.i-i-. rnd I. -si:t.l't' tie kfiir. k-v rrinioii a luxuii.-.iit RTowth. ;'---. . j.V ever Fails to Kcatore Grny .; ,- V.- J ialf its Youuivl Color. ,.m, 'jjl Cu-'v tchio ilnww &- heir ta:Jn.y. lit h-.litv. I iilieiaiion, Fain, Take hi tiroe.M)cts. Vi'iViIiCORN5?. Tbe onlj rorr am for Com. . au ci.-i. lo. at iJruiata. or lilaCUX a CU K. Y. How Lost! How Regained! 10167 THYSELF. Or SELF-PKE8KKVATTON. A new and only Gold Medal PK1ZB ESSAY on SEEVOC8 and PHYSICAL ' DEBILITY, ERRORS Of YOUTH. EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DKCLINE, and aU DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pagee, cloth. Ut; 1S6 lnrsJoabla preacriptiooa. Only $1.00 y mail, doabia aealed. Descriptive Prospect. its with endorsements mpaa a crun of the Press and Toluntary KI- a I teatimoriials of the cnreaL lla.!,! NUW. ConsnJtatirm in peraon or by mnil. Expert treat ment. 1NYIOLABLE SECRECY and CER TAIN CURE. Addreaa Pr. W. H. Parker, or The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bulfiach St.. Roaton. Uaaa. The Peabody Medical Institate has many imi tate re, bat no eqnai. fi train. The Seieoee of Life, or (wlf-Preeervatlon, la a treasure more valuable thaa sold, iiead it now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to be STRONG . Medical It trine. (Copj-rishttcV . V I r f! 0;t? f?r Impotent, lota rVlAJ tanhood, Stmlnal SiST'f'.t' f -rfesa-!. Spermatorrhea. i(St"1S:; cm Ja. Price 91-00. 0 4 SrrM Oifctfomt Matted au w J onaa f Aw. ffaaQ ST. LOUIS. MO- 7rHt$ENCEtl llonaawirly En(rllak Sparrow a. A loving aindciit of the English iHtr row nf .ho bird is to le eeeniu Brooklyn finds that the little creature has in hi.t iloiii!tic rel.itioiiH uiitiiy hum. in trail. When the Biirrowi are ' matin;? ami bnildiritf, the malt? sinks into inninifi ciinco l:siile the foniitlo. Whfti :i n-sting place is to Ijo sf-lt-cted the laale lootn janntily alxiut anl if re.nly to accept unything that conies to hand, but the hi.'ii examiner! each jirojtosed 6ite with critical care, apparently studies the re lations of the place to mm. wind and rain, and finally decides the question wiih small consideration for the opin ions of her sjxjiirte. When the is to be built the house wifely character of the lien again asserts itself. She is busy all day long gather ing sticks and straws to serve as building materiaV Nothing is taken haphazard, but every stick or straw lits to a nicety and is admirably adapted to the end for which it is selected. As to the male, he gives moral supiort and little else. While the hen is devoting all her ener gies to the task in hand he sits on a neighboring lxugh and encourages her with music. Nor does she" expect or wish more at his hands. Now and then, apparently pricked by conscience, he leaves his perch, picks up a clumsy stick or straw and carries it to the scene of the building operations. But his contribution is seldom received with favor. The hen usually examines it with the ill concealed scorn that wives sometimes accord to domestic ierform ances of husbands, and in nine cases out of ten she tosses away the proffered ma terial as soon as the back of her is turned. New York Sun. A Cowboy'a Sense of II amor. A globe trotting Englishman told me this story: "To show you that the cow boys are not as bad as they have been painted in fact, that they are opposed to anything like lawbreaking and vio lence let me relate an incident. There was a poor clerk standing up over his books at a desk in a shop on the main street, and there was a cowboy riding up and down the streeL Well, the cow boy saw the clerk and his sense of hu mor was aroused by the idea of shooting at him, d'you know. Those cowboys have a very remarkable sense of humor. So the cowboy ups with his pistol, d'you know, and he shoots the poor clerk right through the head, killing him instantly. "Well, now, that sort of thing is very distinctly frowned upon by cowboys, as a rule, and in this case the cowboys held a meeting and resolved that the fellow with the lively bnt dangerous sense of humor should be hanged at once. They put a rope around his neck, and there being no tree anywhere m sight they hung him to the side of a Pullman as the train came rolling in. I've seen a number of occurrences of that sort, which makes me quite positive in stat ing that though they are a very rum sort of beggars they are really not a bad lot." Julian Ralph in Harper's Weekly. A lay. Though Shrewd Fellow. Tulkinson a barrister and bachelor combined, by the way is a very sys tematic man. The other day he had his house fitted with electrical appliances, and giving instructions to his servant Joseph, he said: "Now I want you to understand, Joseph, that when 1 ring once that means for you, and when 1 ring twice that means for Maggie, the housemaid. Joseph, whq is the laziest wretch that ever accepted wages he did not earn, bowed respectfully and withdrew. A little later the ijell rang. Joseph never moved. Presently it rang again, and according to instructions Maggie came hurrying to her master, who was Very angry. "Why didn't that rascal, Joseph, come when 1 rang for him?" said tho bar rister bachelor disgustedly. "Why, sir," answered Maggie, ."Jo seph is busy in the office reading your newspaper. When he heard the iirst ring he said to me, 'Now, Maggie, wait until he rings the second time, and then it will be you he wants.' " London Tit- Bits. Strange Cave Dwellers in Spain. At a meeting of the Uoj-al Geograph ical society, of Madrid, Dr. Bide gave an account of his exploration of a wild district in the province of Caceres, which he represented as still inhabited by a strange people who speak a curious patois and live in caves and inaccessible retreats. They have a hairy skin and have hitherto displayed a strong repng nance to mixing with their Spanish and Portugese neighbors. Roads have lately been pushed into the district inhabited by the "Jurdes," and they are begin ning to learn the Castilian language and attend the fairs and markets. W. H. Larrabee in Popular Science Monthly. The Growth of Railroad Mileage. In 1830 there were twenty-three miles of railway in operation in the United States. By 1833 the mileage had in creased to 229 miles, and in 1835 the country had 1,098 miles of railroad. The first through railroad from the east westward was completed in 1842 between Boston and Albany, connecting at the latter place with the Erie canal. In the same year the last link of the line from Albany to Buffalo was opened. At the end of 1848 the total mileage of all the railroads in the country was 5.99G miles, or about 500 miles more than there are now in the state of Nebraska. Edward Rosewater's Omaha Address. The Flute Is Very Old. The flute is very old in its origin, but the flute of today is different from that of the ancients. It has been improved upon from time to time, and the old people would probably fail to recognize it now. The flageolet, which is some what similar, is credited to Juvigny about 1581. Harper's Young People. Tall Men in Asia and Africa. The tallest men of South America are found in the western provinces of tho Argentine Republic, of Asia in Afghan istan and Kaypootana, of Africa, iu tli:j highlands of Abyssinia. Yankee Blade. Tho of Oreek Stataea. . Profepsor Ernst Curtius, the famoua, Greek chol;ir and archaeologist of the University of Berlin, annonnced a few mouths ago that lie had discovered that the Greek sculpt. rs always made the eyes of men fuller and rounder than those of women. The alleged discovery was considered imiorhint, as it was be Mcved tint it would lead to a proer classification of many of the unidenti fied heads of Greek statues. The holies however, seem to have Ixn-n premature despite tho fact that Curtius, who 1 a been called "Tho Modern Greek, fa thered them. Dr. Greef, of Berlin, in a recent lec ture delivered before the Prussian Acad emy of Science, declared that Curl ins conclusions were wrong, as he had fount i flat, narrow ej-es those of women, ac cording to Curtius in the heads ot Greek statues of men. He had also measured plastic representations of wo::: en with large, full eyes. In nature. . added, there was no difference lietwct : tile eyes of men and women. He !..; examined recently in Berlin the eyes . a hundred memlers of each sex un.. had found that they were the same in shape, size and form. He thus upheld the theories of Zinn and Sonimerlin. that the Greek sculptors who gave a greater fullness to the eyes of men thai, to those of women did not follow the conditions of nature. New York Trib une. Plenty of Game in Blaine. There has not been a year for some time when game was as plenty and when so little game has been killed and destroyed as during the past win ter. One reason is that the enow in many localities has not been deep, and at the same time it has been hard, hold ing up the deer and caribou and giving them a chance to protect themselves by flight. Another reason is that the guides and hunters have learned that it is for their interest to leave the game alone, especially during the deep snows. I have made it a point to see many of mem in the early part of the winter, and tried to make them understand that it is for their interest for us to keep a good stock of fish and game, as they would get more business during the guiding season. The most of the game that has been killed the past winter has been killed in the back settlements, hunters using dogs to catch deer. There has been a Btory of ninety moose killed near our border line, in township 5, range 18. 1 believe the most of this yarn is false. 1 have been within a day's walk of the township this winter and I did not learn of any such business. In fact there are not moose enough in that locality. It is near the Canada line, and this same re port comes from there every year. Cor. Portland (Me.) Press. Beekeepers and the Government. Foreign bees without pedigrees may be admitted to the United States free of duty. The secretary of the treasury has so decided. Until the last tariff bill was passed bees from abroad came in gratis, as "animals imported for breeding pur poses." The McKinley law declared that this ruling should only apply to an imals "regularly entered in recognized herd books." Accordingly, bees were assessed 20 per cent, ad valorem, be cause they had no pedigrees. The bee keepers protested and carried their point. Some time ago the postoffice department declared that bees were "unmailable. on the ground that they would be likely to sting people if they got loose. The beekeepers secured the recall of this reg ulation, by proving that the packages employed could not be broken. Wash ington Cor. New Orleans Times-Demo-craL Little Fear of Indian Troubles. A gentleman at Rosebud agency writes that the reports of dissatisfaction among the Indians there have been greatly ex aggerated. Since his arrival there two weeks ago he has traveled quite exten sively through the various Indian camps and thinks the Indians never exhibited a more peaceful frame of mind than at present. Never did they take hold of work more readily or more extensively and never did they take more interest in the care of their stock than the past winter, as can plainly be seen by the condition of horses and cattle this spring. So far as dissatisfaction with rations is concerned, if there is any such, the white employees hear nothing of it. Cor. Min neapolis Journal. Confederate Coins. There has recently been some inquiry as to whether the Confederate govern ment coined any gold. The question was referred to the Hon. Charles C. Jones, Jr., of Augusta, wh.o telegraphs as follows: "The Confederate States, as I now remember, coined and issued no gold. A few experimental half dollars in silver were struck, but they did not pass into circulation." Charleston News and Courier. A Circus Tumbler Has a Fall. A dispatch from Warsaw, Ind., Bays: "Charles Neff, a laborer in Lakeside park, while engaged in trimming a tree fell from its top to the ground, a dis tance of sixty feet, and was uninjured. Neff is an old circus tumbler, and the agility learned in the ring saved his life. He fell on his hands and rebounded in the air ten feet, alighting on his feet without a scratch." A lawsuit has been commenced in Marengo, Ind., hot ween Edmund Waltz and El wood Stout, over the price of two eggs, bought at seventeen cents per dozen. Two of the dozen were rotten, and Waltz demanded a return of the price, A young man hypnotized at an enter tainment in Paris remained senseless for two days and was with diffiiculty brougt back to consciousness. A Missouri judge presented to the ex Confederate home fifty -eight cents, but they were very old coins and are to bo Bold at auction. THEY DO NOT MAIM Y. WHY YOUNG PEOPLE FIND SINGLE BLESSEDNESS SO COMFORTABLE. If They Gat Married They Would Have to Make a Great Many Sa-rlHrea, or So They Think, and as m Krault They Keep Away from the Knot of Hyiuen. It is an oft rejieated remark that New York is the finest place in the republic to live in if you are rich. But it it worse thau the meanest suburb. th dreariest of western "Ijoom towns," th dnllost country village if you are jioor. This is the criticism of the person who does not contemplate life as a jiossibil ity or an agreeable iossibility without society, in the narrow sense of the word: without the pleasures that come from money, without the social standing that, a good bank account gives, without l ing able "to keep up with the proct sion" of those who are well dressed, welt fed, well situated and well off. Singularly enough, those who demand these things who will not accept mar ried life without them are generally not well supplied with this world's goods. People who have teen rich all their lives do not realize what it means to go with out their luxuries. But ieople who have been poor know just the wretchedness of having to wear iatched boots and go without lunch: of having to walk long distances, because car fare "mounts up;" of having to refuse nice invitations, be cause they have no clothes or no means of returning proffered civilities. To these, poverty is a bitter thing, and they loathe it. Marriage, unless it means escape from carping cares of this kind, they eschew as a hopeless evil. Better endure those trials that we have than fly to others that we know not of, they say. So thinks the everyday, gentlemanly, good looking, entirely personable young man of thirty, who draws an income of from two to four thousand a 3rear, and is asked out all over because be dances admirably and is good to look at, and never does anything gauche. So. also, thinks the pretty, well bred, well dressed, moderately bright girl of twenty-five, whose father spends six thousand a year and has five children. Both of these know jnst the way they want their lives to go. Ever since childhood they have associ ated with companions who have had more money than they have, and they know how nice it is to be well off. To be rich or to remain as we are, that is their motto. "When we make the great move," they both think, "we make it to better ourselves materially, or we don't make it at all." They do not want to be millionaires, bat they do not want to be really pinched anywhere. Their house must be large enough and be comfortable. It must be well fitted up no "sheet by night and tablecloth by day" for them. There must be servants enough to run it. This girl who has always been comfortably placed, but never luxuriously has no intention of binding herself down to do mestic cares, of dusting her own draw ing room and turning up hems in her own table linen. No; all that must be done for her. She has made her own dresses and trimmed her own hats all her girlhood, and she wants, when she marries, to change all that. Better to go on doing it in your own home, where it is all you have to worry over, than to do it in your husband s, where you have to keep the house and take care of children as well. Thus the young lady reasons and re jects her suitors with a peculiar and good humored indifference. She has made up her mind that she will not marry a man who has a cent under five thousand a year, and is not above telling this to the soupirants, who take the hint and strive to realize the ideal. The young lady is quite frank. She is not in the least ashamed of her worldlir.ess or de sirous of hiding it under a veil of at tractive coyness. She is not mercenary. It is not riches that she demands com fort, that is all. If she is comfortable she will continue to be a very nice, at tractive person, but if she has to scrimp and struggle and fight over ten cent pieces, and turn her old clothes, and have her 6hoes patched, she will not be responsible for her temper. She is a fin de siecle to her finger tips sensible where she might be romantic, practical where she once would have been impas sioned a person who is bound to make a success of her life and keep it on the lines that she regards as the best. The young man of her kind holds pre cisely the same views. Life with a be loved object sounds very charming, but it is not to be indulged in unless the in comes of himself and the beloved object foot up to from five to six thousand per annum. The beloved object on three thousand a year is too expensive a lux ury. He cannot afford it. What might have been a courtship dwindles to a mild friendship. Not infrequently he tells the lady of his sad predicament and how impossible a matrimonial alliance would be on bis 6alary. She condoles with him and they become friends, for no violent fires burn in their hearts an J friendship comes quite easily to them. Marriage would mean a series of sacri fices that neither is willing to make. They would have to live in a flat in Har lem and no one knows who has not lived in Gotham the horror in which Harlem is held or a second rate boarding house beyond Fourth avenue. Then come clothes and theaters. A New York woman spends money lika water on her clothes. She would mu-jli rather be well dressed than well fed. She must be well dressed to be up with anything. The moment she grows shabby she is no longer of any impor tance. Then she may as well give up all the fun and consent to be relegated to dreary insignificance like the old wivei of the pashas. San Francisco Argonaut Couldn't Do IU Dashaway Come around, old fellow, and help me select a suit of clothes. Travers Couldn't do it, possibly, old man. You seem to forget that we both fo to the same tailor. Clothier and 'urnisber. TIMOl 11 Y uTa ifkT DEALKK IN ODA. WOOD i TICK' MS CASIIo nl am! n!i-f 4H Mouth '1 hud f-lffi-t. 'I c'lioi.- I.'!. PI.ATTSMOUT1I, .N'l.lik'ASK K. REYNOLDS, JtrKlstert'd riiyt-li liin ami riiaitmu'lat Special attention iven to Oflice Practice. KOCK ULt'FFS . iNKH. j9 J. l(ilJsTSKJvr i u in- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Patblic Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsnaouth JCJR. A. SALISBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T : GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. r. BtslBways aaarstsetlc fortae palalaas ex traction of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. tteckwaod Block PlatUxioata. Neb. iOEIIJSTS HOTSE. 217, 319, 221, AND 223 rlAIM ST PLATTSMOUTH, NKB. F. R. GUTHMA1T2T. PROP- Rates $4.50 per week and up OOLD AND PORCELAIN CKOWNS- Bridge work and fine pold work h SPECIALTY. OX. STEINAUS LOCAL as well as other au "ttheticsKivntj forth" painless extraction o' teeth. 0. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald TTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. attorney at-Law. Will plvo prompt attention m 1! hi!infss pntniHtpd tft him. Oflice in ! Uniou block, Fast Side. Plattunouth, Neb. mm Li arc' . 7 1 v .; For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, SL Louis, and all pointsn-th, east eouth or weet. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO KATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. Towxsexi), G. P. A. SL Lonis, Mo. J. C. PIIILLIPPI, A. G. P. A. Omaha. II. D. Apoak. Agt., Plattpmouth. Telephone, 77. a A AAL At.. 1 " 1 1 1 r r I aan. l aX a 'XJ' . , M ' . i - T M 15 it -aw a -"-a a- "as- trtWra tW- lax) liaai iii