SEEING HIS FIRST GRANDSON. TIji Btranire to me to think that I A irrunciiNi have hecontc; ImlitMl cdiinot well iU-nj It Ktrikcn 1110 alrii(t tltunU. Iiul w luit l ktraiiwr fiir than thin Aiimt truly xliiKuliir li, partiM-r if my hinu aul hliwi. It liuikeit you vrriUKlimuiiirial I Ami it l.jird to ri.l ).. K'l ii win ii t lain ImiImj i , Tlmt yon, ho out li f ii 1 in my eye, A KraiKlmainiiui can In?. Fi.r lli.niL-li w i-'w. iwt-ll lotf.tlur Soint? -.wiity yi-r uikI more, Tinif r-M u liclii Jy on yi.ur hrow An luu-k i'i hi1 j.fonr, AikI t tn-r-, thin til I to hoy. I low Ii.- m ill lii ; l u,j Whrti l.- iuvm. to hiM Joy, lli-t i:r ii.iii::iiiiiiui in you! Ami ho- Ik 'II laii'h lo look nl .,.t Hi ( !; ol.l KraiiiMaii! AM Ii: I !, you hi hi to , A X'u V.y M.rl t,( ;u. John K. lUii.-i in IlarjH r' lUjMr. THE 3IAN IN THE CAB. A VIEW AT CLOSE RANGE OF THE MEN WHO GUIDE TRAINS. Not Oiiiltt the Name. Slight mistake in hjH-akin a i.rii lnnna.. ..r jsi understanding it wh.'ij oijh .ijo !.,;. j-jm aks it, are commonly nothing nit.n.- iii;.n uiinisin.biit a im-m-N-rof tliu Alpiiio club mention an in Ktanco i.f a inure urioiis nature. Ho was climbing ii ,,f the Al with a Knidi wli, rsi.-N-d in talking W Eng lish al t,t indifferent French. "My jruide." ,.. says, "hail just crossed a wiow bridge over a wide crovsisse, and tuni.-d to await iut on the farther side. I a-skeil him if it wan weak; he an swered, 'Xo utron. "Naturally I att.rnpt.-d to walk across it of crawling. I had almost reached the other hide when the bridge K-ivo way, and after a delirious scramble to nave myself I subsided helplessly into the crevasse. "However, I did not far, and when I had crawled out, with snow down my neck and up my arms and in all my pocket. I discovered that my friend hal meant 'Not strong I strongly en joined him to reserve hi English hence forth for use in the alleys." Exchange. Why Many Treatments Fall. "The fault is not of the art, bnt of the patient," is the phrase that may be ap- I jected before an engagement is a guar ' - iu wuicu uiemosx I ancee or iuture conduct. The Cab What It Mean to the Ameri can tiiuine.r, Tliuucli JIU KngHh llrother KiUrn In the Open Air The WhUtle ami It Individuality. The average American engineer and his fireman would think themselves very ill if an order were issued for the alsilisluiH'tit of the cabs that friendly retreat from inclement weather that is now consider d an absolute necessity on all engines. And yet in civilized Eng land, on a majority of th railroads, the eutruies in iih are built minus the cab, thus forcing the oju rators to W4rk with out blither in all kinds of weather. It sounds inhuman, ami yet in refutation tli railroad companii-s ask whether the soldier should carry an umbrella whe:. it rains or the sailor Is- allowed to work Vnder an awning? Th- laini is that the railroad employees lx-ome inured to w yere weather and the alisenco of cover ing k-eps t hem alert, so that the possi- oiiii or o.inger from inattention to 4luty is redneed to a minimum. Subtle argument. iM-rhajis. but hardly tenable. If this practice was adopUil on some of our western roads where the temperature ranges from 20 to f degs. below zero, how many engimrers would live to carry their trains fmui one station to the next? The unpardonable sin iu an engineer is to let the water get out of the boiler of the engine in his charge. No matter wnat excuse he may offer, if he lives to make his report in turn, his dismissal will be peremptory, for by this action he has proved himself incompetent and unworthy of future responsibilities. It is better for an engineer that he had never been born when he reaches this stage of self torture. Fortunately such cases are rare. The man on all well conducted railroads must have shown himself to be trusty and true before he is given charge of an engine, and the ngia inspection to which he is sub- Enior Liquor Care. To those seeking- a rescue from liquors curse or other evil habits brought about by morphine, tobac- co etc. i lie minor jiiriimieai con wi Omaha ofTerHone of the most relia ble and best places to gu with the absolute certainty of a permanent cure. VVrite or visit the institute. A 'endilile Mhii. Would use Kemp's balsam fir the throat and lungs, it is curing more cases cough cills, asthma, bron cbitts, crnup ami all throat and lu n. if troubles, than any other reiu ed TIm proprietor has author i.eilany druggist to give yju a sum pie bottltr Iree t convince you of the merit 4)f this great reiiKv!-. Large bottles o()c and f I. PLACES OF WORSHIP. Fifth and Klxth. Father Cainey, Fantor Hrvlceg : Miss t S and I0:3a. m. Sunday Hchool ct 2 jo, with benedict lot.. Chkisti ax. Corner uml KUO.tii st Sei vIct-H moriiliiK oaroway pa.sior. . . r nnti tveii!iif. f.iiiir Sunday Ida. m. fcl-lH' oi-AU-St. Luke's t huicli. comer Third and in.-. i:v. H H. HurceM.. .in-ior. her-vii-i-h : 11 a. m. ai d 7 -.Mr m. Sunday School at 2 :M p. m. it rum a n AIktii.idiht. turner Sixth SI and l.ramtf. Ilcv. J I tit. I'H-toi. Sen ires : 11 A. SI. and 7 ::tn i si. Snu.iay School lo A. si. I'KKSiivtkhias. M rvirrs In .-u rliurcli.r..r n. r sixth and 4,r;nm- str. l:.-v. J. T. I'.nird. nastor. Sumla -m;i ...1 at j ::.; rreachiuir at ila. in. ;.-,.! h i in. ihf . K. s. 41. K of bln rtiurrli nuetn every nauoaiu rvrnni!- at 7 :ir in the i.ascni.-nt of me mucin. All me invited to atti i u theie ineri iiis. I feel if my duty to say a few wonls in t4-garil to lily's ("ream iialui. ami I do so entirely without solicitation. I have used it more or less half a year, ami have found it to be most jiclmuable. I have sutfereil from catarrh 4f the worst Kiini ever hiiici- 1 was a little loy anl I never hoped for :-, but Clean. I.'ahti s 411 s to do 4'ven that. Many of mr aciiuaiiitances have used it witu exctdltuit results. Oscar Ostimi, 45 Warren Ave., Chi cag4 111. Wanted: An energetic man to manage branch onice. Only a few dollars iieeh-l. Salary to start $75 per month anil int4,r4,st 111 business The Western Co., Kansas City, Mo. Fii'.st M kthoimst. Sixth St.. l.etwen Main nd IV;irl. Kcv. I.. F. Hriit. 1. I. nastor. Service : 11 A. m. 8 :(M v. St Sunday Scliool 9:ia si I'rayt-r nieetb k ednesday cven-Inj;. khsiax rnHi!VTmtu.v.-( orinT Main and mth. lav v itle, pastor. Services usiutl hours. Sunday -chool j :3n a. m. SWKFIlISH . OMiRlCATIUNAL.- tweeii Fifth and Sixth -(iranite, he- (.oi.okkii Hai-tit. Ml. Olive, "ak. between lenth Mid Kleventh Uev. A. HohwcII. pas tor. Scivi- es 11 a. 111. Mid 7 :.)0 l). 111. ITayer incctiiii.. v riincs.lay evenfni; Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine They say "Oil, it will wear away," but iu most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kewip's Halsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c ami $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. You...; Mkn's iiki-tiav Association ltooius iii .. Ht.-rtnaii hlork. Main street, lios liel nicci inn. for met. only, evcrv Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. K.-M1111H open week days from 8:.'M) a. 111 . 1 );M p. in. south 1'ahk Takeknaclk. Kev. J. M. Wood, I axtor. Services : Sunday Hchool. 1 a. in. : I reaching, 11 a in. and 8 p. hi.; prayer meetiii; Tuesday nij;lit ; choir prac iicerrid.y ninh a Hare welcome. Ride a cocraio.isE.TO Chicago. op,cou.ise,to gt. $(2g$P WHICH IS BOSS. ITS AVERITS FORCtFANING AND WASHING THE CLOTHES, , ASSURE IT A WELCOME WHEREVER IT GOES. FAIRBANKS 1 5 THE BEST FOR EVERY1 HOUSEHOLD USS . all Grocers, keep it. DEL ONLY BY CHICAGO. O-O correct mi-jtsures taken tinder favorable circninfitances fail to accomplish their purpose, because the patient himself does not or cannot co-operate with them. No treatment can relieve the smoker from his throat catarrh, so long as he persists in his habit. This aspect of the case is especially pertinent to the nervous disorders which are one of the plowing scourges of our age. Incajiacity and vacillation, the force of outer influences or the pressure of business too often intervene to inter rupt a cure which was otherwise fairly possible, Professor II. Nothnagel in Popular Science Monthly. A Typewriter's Luncheon. A j-oung woman whose work as a typewriter makes her daily luncheon at a restaurant a necessity says that the most satisfactory and sustaining meal she gets is a plate of raw oysters, with a bottle of ginger ale and plenty of brown bread and butter. If she feels Ioor she omits the ale, which is an ap preciable item, and contents herself with the oysters and bread. "There are so few things to be had at the average res taurant that are satisfactory 6he 6ays, but j-ou may really rely on the oysters ami Boston brown bread." New York limes. ImportHiir of I'laten to Collectors. The affixing of the bookplate com pletes, in certain manner difficult to describe, which 111. st book lovers must readily recall, the subtle joy of book possession. And inasmuch as once past ed in the lalxvl lecoines an integral part of a cherished volume, it is in all but rare cases meant to lie in itself a thing of definite Kauty. Here is one of thi many interests offenxl by a bookplate to the collector. London Saturday Ile- A irest Show for Him. Jliss Candido Where I spent the sea son there wn-re twelve girls to yonng man. De hmithers How I wish I had been therel Jiiss candide ou ought to have come down. A young man would have been almost wi-rshijH-d 110 matter how unattractive. Xew York Tribune. every Number of the Star. At the present time the whole number ot double stars known and recorded by astronomers is something over 10,000, far exceeding the total number of visible to the naked eye in the entire firmament (aliout G.000), and others are being frequently discovered by the great telescopes now in existence. New York Journal. J 151s: Alaxkn Salmon. Salmon, such as are found in the riv- ers of Ahiska. are very large. Three I salmon will ordinarily fill forty-eight one pound cans, making one case. i Washington Star. !f 1 A HeeoiulnR. Clara That's an awfully becoming 1 :i . 1 . . 1 i veu you nave uu. 3 Maude What makes yon think so? Clara Because it's so thick. Cloak V 'Review. r. I 1 1 : -1. v i- 1 ... 1. . , . " ui iut ium ixjy nas set niui- (Self up in the business of exercising fine J .bred dogs for rich men whose time is Coo much taken up with money making :o projierly look after their canine prop erty. i ) In all competitive sports it is dangor i bus for the contestants to ignore phys- t-al differences. Si'irit and excitement fiay help to win a temporary victory at IX) grt- .t a cost. 1 ). I Doubtless the coldest civilized plac-3 1 i the globe is Werchojansk, in Snieria Ihere the tliennoiuetcT once regiatered temperature of 1 degs. below zero. French fanners prefer borserakes that e made in the United States, as they e both cheaper and more easily worked, exchange. One weakness nearly every entrmer 1 .... - " nas, ana that is a penchant for "doctor ing" the steam whistle on his pet engine, Every boy in a country town familiar izes himself at an early age with the omerent "toots" that by day and night wail through the unhappy village. He can detect No. 4's whistle when the train is five miles distant, and in like manner the approach of Noe. 1 and 2 are herald ed to his keen ear. Of course all whis tles are alike when they leave the shops, but the engineer fills in the soundim? wim a piece or turned wood that tits snug and changes the tone to a short, sharp scream or an angry, impatient nowi, as rus rancy may dictate. Xhe close observer may lie snugly in bis bed and yet be able to detect the passing of either a freight or passenger tram, ine engine on the former an nounces its approach by emitting a sharp, shrill scream that is soul piercing enough to waken the dead, while the passenger engine, with due respect tV the living freight it carries, sounds a long, deep warning note that does not bring the occupant of a berth to his feet "all standing," ready to curse the com pany m general terms and the engineer in particular ones for snob, an nyf. rt roily and inconsiderateness. On tbe freight train a sharp, shrill scream is es sential, for it notifies the brakemen, who are pernaps forty cars in the rear of the engine and separated from the occupants or ine can Dy many ways of ear piercing sound, just what work is required at their hands. This whistle is to them what the cry or tne can Doy on the Thames steamboat used to be to the engineer down below before the advent of electric bells. ase herr the captain would remark in his ordinary tone of conversation to the small boy that followed him like a shadow, and "Ease herl" the youngster would scream in his sharp, shrill stac cato uown the companion wjy. "Stop er: "iurn er astern!" "Go ahead!" . .. , 1 1 1 f 11 - . - jieruaps iouow in rapm succes sion, and in this decidedly crude fashion the London steamboat captains did their steeruig by proxy only a dozen years ago. One wonders what has become of those call boys. Perhaps they snend their hours in spinning yarns to the younger cockneys of the pjist glories of steamboating in much the same manner that our dethroned stage drivers of the west now resale the tenderfoot with limpses of bygone acts of heroism and feats of impossible horsemanship. This is somewhat of a digression from the topic under discussion, but iierhans the reader will excuse its insertion. On thought naturally suggested the other. As a class engineers are usually trood natured, kind hearted, though a bit rough; deep thinkers, due to their fixed habits of attention and long hours of enforcetl silence, and of good morals. An engineer who drinks cannot hojie to hold his position long, for no master me chanic will tolerate confirmed tippling in a subordinate whose duties are so re sponsible as those of an engineer. IIo must be abstinent, prompt at his post of duty, and ever vigilant if he hopes to maSitain his position. His hands may be black and his face grimy, but that his heart is all right was evidenced not long ago in a railroad terminus on the Pacific coast when the engine, puffing and laboring from its dizzv ride over mountain passes and alonr tlangerous precipices, was armroachod by a golden haired miss of six, who patted one of the huge driving wheels caressingly and lisping, "You dear, big black thinar. how I love von for brinir- , . w mg my sweet mamma and papa home to me from across those horrid mountains, and you too." she exclaimed, lifting her pretty face to the black bearded engin eer, who had been watching her from his cab. The tear that sprang instantly to his eye was not an evidence of weak ness, but of a warm, impassionate heart, and the father of the little girl that oc casioned th-3 touch of human nature furtively reached for his handkerchief jnst as the engineer drew his grimy tleeve acrnw his sooty face. Chicago Herald. The wisdom of him who journey eth is known by the line lie selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Hurlinpton Route" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent Pull man sleepers, elegant reclining chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha. Now Try This It will cost you nothing and will urely do you good, if yon have a Cough, Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colda is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. 1 ry a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Drug Store, Large size 50c. and $1.00 The population of Plattsmoutk Is about 10,000, add we would say at least 'neohalf are troubled with some effection on the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, ac cording to etaaistics. more numer ous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drug gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam for the throat and luncrs. Trial size free. LarereBottle 50c- and $1. Sold by all druggist. The First step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You Biiouiu neea me warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Klectric Hitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to it normal, healthy condition. Surprising results fol low the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative, Your appe- 11 ie returns, gooa digestion is re stored, and the liver and kidneys re sume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. 6 ALlttlo Vlrla Eiiperiencein a LlgMt rtouse. Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at band .Beach Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four years. Last April she taken down with Measles, followed with dreadful Couch and turned into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere" handful of bones". Then she tried Dr, King's New iJiscovery and atter the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King,s New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore. How's This! We offer 100 dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belive him pefectly honorable in all buisness transactions and fin- . . 11 1 . . ... aucitiijy auie to carry out an oblig ations made by their firm. West & Truax. Wholesale Drug gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnan & Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter nally, action direct' upon the blood ano mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist; Testimonials free. House Furnishing Emporium. ! "T 7C 7HERE yon can get your house furnished front V V kitchen to pHrloriand at easy tearms. I han die the world renown lluywood baby carriages, also the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove Call and be convinced. ! No trouble to show ?oods. H I H I. Pearleman 1 1 OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE F Q vmom Ar no t i . . ' ' ' WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefuily Compounded at all Hours. Itch on human and horses animals cure4l in 30 minutes by Woolford's sanitary lotion. Ihis never fail. Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. dmn-ist. x'laiisniouiii. For 3 ears the editor of tbe Burl ington Junction, (Mo,) Post, has been subject to cranio colic fits of in digestion, which prostrated him for several hours and unfitted him for business for two or three davs. For the past year he has been usiiif Cbambi-rlaiirs Colic, Cholera and Diarrliu-a Kemeily whenever occa sion remiired, and it has invariably giv4-n him prompt relief. li."5 and '20 :ent bottles for. sab; liv V O Fricke Jc Co., tlruircifts. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND TRY THE tT;E:r:il:L:D- Advertising asadi - JTb - Wort yC4-orluiir to the census of 1S!H). Chic-tiro taki-M rank, bv virtuwof hr population ol J,()UN,.if people, as the eijrlitli Jar4-st city on the plobe. Most of us lb-sire, at one time or nother, t4 visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and. when we 4lo, we can find no better line than the "Uurlinirton Koute.' Three fast and comfortable trains !aily. For further information ad dress the atrent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, iictienu I'asscnjrer and -Aent, Omaha, Nebraska. Ticket The Missori Pacific will sell round trip tickets Nay 0 to 11 inclusive, to Portland, Oreran, the Presbyterian general aisembly beinir held their May 10 to June 2. Tickets iood un til May 19 and returning inside 90 days at !f00, roinjr via one route and return injr via another. Apply at ticket office for particulars. Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wis uuuuiru wim neuralgia ano rneumatism. Ins stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to ac aiarniinor degree, appetite fell awa and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Kdward Shepherd, Hnrrisburg, 111., had a running-sore on his le of eight years' standing. Used" three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven bottles Bucklen's Amies Salve, and his leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba. O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he whs incurable. One bottle Fllectric Bitters and one box Buck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Sold hy F. G. Fricke & Co. UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everythin you need to famish your house. CORNER SIXTH AND MAIN STREET Plattsmouth Neb Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. . 1 A. wateeman & m F LUBE Shingles, Lath, Sash. Doors, Blinds Can supply eyerw demand of the city. Call and get terma. Fourth street in rear of opera house. JU3n.braQ-SLtioan.:-'ii3aLc5L A KNOTS BUSINESS 31 A iS AG Eh. . SOI Cor Fifth and Vine St. PLrYTTSMOUTH - i ? NEBRASKA- AM 1? 7i o r Linimeat ''4 A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast . ; A long-tested pain reliever. .'-,1 ; . Its use is almost universal by the; Housewife, the. Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by ererybae requiring ' an' effective ! Iinhnent- --r.nH vf"',f.. No other application compares with it' in efficacy. '' '" """' This remedy Las stood the test of -years, almost- bottle of, Mustano well-known generations. 1 No medicine chest is complete without ; a Liniment. ' : Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have iL: ' . fw n .'! : 1 . ."I:.' 1 s .1.-. .lTi'.ii?i ii .'I .iU,i -v .: .--i .HiijiT rr-. i