A Tribute to Whllmaa. It was a pretty Bight to see the contin ual cIuaUTof j"i1 in front of a Broarl way window opposite Union square, for the window contained the jortrait of tho -fray po.-t," tlie- l.ito Walt Whitman, ami at tho tiiin all that wiia mortal of him w;w lxin Itorne to tho Jittlo tomhof his own wl?rtkm. Thia wan thn tribute of tho iciasing throng to hw immortality. All day long tho jeo I'lo iiiiisl jijkI lookttl nnl silently i;wH4'(l on, nlim approvingly. It w:iM thn W alt of fi Ftii years rro Uwj halo, rohust, h-onino man, who then nought I he daily companionship of a certain Wuliiiitoii ntnmtf.nr driver, nn could Ik? ! Htanditi Im-m1o tho latte r on t ! front platform discoursing iiMn th philiR-ophy of ljft. Tho world might reasonably envy that car driver, who was not only jN-niiittMl to lovo and havo tho companionship of tho jioet, but was liim.H. lf liihly esteemed for what ho was. Thy were often seen walking in tho lleM.s and wxl.s together. Tho world h;w greatly changi.-d toward tho -t Kinro then, thanks to foreign appreciation, nnd tho dear old man went to his pimple grave known to all tho cnl tnred nations of tho earth. Xolxjdy is likely to contest hid will, for ho left be hind him only tho record of an undying lovo for all created things. New York Herald. An .Automatic Cutout. An new design in automatic cntonta for electric lighting instruments has re cently been brought out. Tho instru ment is bo arranged that the current iwusaing through tho nolenoid attracts a core which is attached to an arm about which it swings. When the current ex ceeds a certain limit the core is drawn into the solenoid and raises a lever, which in turn releases the switch and opens the circuit. If, as in the case of stationary motors supplied from central stations, the current is suddenly cut off when changing from one machine to another, the circuit is automatically opened by the tension spring which en gages the small lever by withdrawing the core from the solenoid and thereby raising the lever, which releases the switch the same as when overloaded. The tension spring is so arranged that it can be made to open the circuit for any predetermined amount of current. One of the main features of the cutout is that it does away with all fuses. which is usually a large item of expense in central stations. It can readily be ap- . plied to railroad circuits by using mag netic blowouts at the switch contact. The cutout has been given practical tests and found to work very satisfac torily. Aew York Telegram. The Modern Ctrl Hotter Off. There is no doolt that Maude's great graiidmother would 1m shocked at the "goings on of those latter days. The old lady would faint at tho sight of hr descendanta ways; but, after all, isn't tho change for tho lie'tr? Certainly tho dress Is l;tt r tha:i tho terrible l.icing of revolutionary days, and if Maude does go "low neck" to a ball, she appears on the at.reet in a stout cloth gown. How any woman ever lived t lo thirty in yo olden tiino is a mystery. Why, tho way they trainied about in no sleeves and low necks and fasted them selves then and fed (supiMtsedly) on lilies is enough to inako a galloping con sumptive invalid palo with envy. Kvelena, pale and languid, read metry all day, except when sho floated alout like a sylph in the rose garden. It is bad to rashly judge, but one s private opinion is that tho aforesaid Evelena had her chunk of lieef in the pantry. Why did tvelena spend aJl day m a rose garden? Was she stipjiosed to ba studying tho beauties of nature, or had tho old man really sent her out to spray tho bugs off tho bushes? Another weakness of Evelena's was her relapsing on all occasions into "Hoods of emotions and "tears of sweet sensibility." In fact, ono is tempted to lielieve that she wandered about clothed in "her regal leauty" and an old pale green calico wrapier. But one fails to find a rea.-on for her "emotions." Doubtless they were kept "on tap," and didn't lose their sparkle by frequent turnings of the spigot. But it must havo leen real uncomfortable to sit up at night learning how to weep and faint just at the right time. But Maude irreverently thinks the goings on" of her great maternal an cestor a trifle stupid, and there is no doubt that she finds the "healthy" fash ion far more enjoj-able than the "d'ing- m-leafy-June" style of beauty. Then Maude walks, rides, drives, goes boat ing and pla-s tennis till the blister on her nose murmurs of "cold cream. Still she enjoys it, and would you change if you could? w ashington Post. Eaior Liquor Car. To those seeking- a rescue from Honors curse or other evil hub'? bronirht about by morphine, 'oba- co etc The Elisor Institute at Soma Omaha offers-out of the most reKa hie and best places to go with tin absolute t-ertaiiity of a permanent cure. Write or visit the institute. A Sensi !-!? Man. Would line Kemp's balsam for the throat and limics. it is curing; more cases coil" lis rums, asinm.i, iron- chitts, cm up and all thro:i ; 'd lung; troubles, f "mil any other ed) The pro.; ..or has an., i.ed anv drii'Tirisi in give you a sam file bottle free t convince you of the merit of this great remedy. Large bottles ;0e and $1. I feel it my duty to say a few words in regard to Ely's Cream Halm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. I have used it more or less half n year, and have found it to be most admirable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for :ur but C'rentif Halm wdi s to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it witu excellnnt results. Oscar Ostum, 4." Warren Ave., Chi cago 111. A Cow Killed try m Turtle. One day last week Richard Mock, of Miller county, after milking a fine milk cow he owns turned her oat in the woods, and she wended her way down to Aycock's creek to slake her thirst some time during the day, and while engaged in drinking was seized by the nose by a loggerhead turtle and her head pulled under the water and held there until she drowned. Failing to return home that night. Mr. Mock made search for her, and found her lying with her head under the water, her body on land, quite dead, the turtle still having his hold. Mr. Mock called help, and dragging the cow out, drew the turtle out also, he refusing to let go the cow's nose. The turtle was killed and weighed fifty pounds, his jhell being as large as a large bread tray. Bainbridge (Ga.) Democrat. Taper Covered Ilnlleta. In consequence of the enormous in itial velocity of the bullet in the new Mannlicher rille and the resulting fric tion and wear on the barrel it has be come necessary to devise some method of preventing both these evils. The manager of the government laboratory at Than, Switzerland, has consequently devised a metiiod of inclosing the leaden bullet in a thin metallic covering, while over this he places a wrapper of special ly prepared oleaginous paper, which re duces the wear of the rifle barrel to a minimum without interfering with the course of tho bullet. Philadelphia Record. Tlie Oueen Jester. The death of William Wallett. the queen's jester, has probably brought that office which, of course, was self conferred to an end. He seems to have been quite a fountain of humor in his own person, for he was also the first circus joker to entitle himself a "Shake spearean clown!" This class is graver and more sententious than the other, and on the whole affects paterfamilias, when he brings his children to see the horsemanship, with a less excessive melancholy. London Illustrated News. Went on ricking. An aged woman was struck by a Philadelphia and Reading passenger train north of Phcenixville station on Saturday and thrown into a ditch. She was picking coal at the time, but strange to say she was not injured; at least as soon as the train had passed she commenced picking coal again. The crew thought . , , . i-ii i . . i i.i sue nau ueen Kineu auu Mooiieu me train. West Chester Local News. United in IH-th. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. V. Clute, of Craneville, N. ., after living happily together for more than half a century. ilied within twenty-four hours of each ther last week. They were boned in ;iie grave. One of the most eccentric of the re ent orders of William II, according to Lis Paris critics, was that the soldiers ol r . a. The Goslar garrison no taugnc an ice trill on skates. A woodchopper at Redding, Cab, 6hot utrantrer because "he was putting on bo much style." The wounded stranger as lately from Red Blull. An active volcano is said to have como to recent existence near the confluence ' the Colorado river and the Gulf o Making Them Young. There once lived in the City of Mexico a Frenchman known as Otavito (little Octave), whose rogueries kept the town in a ferment. At one time he claimed to have discovered a specific for the re juvenescence of women, and by means of sensational advertising he succeeded in gathering a clientele of forty or fifty ancient dames, who were assembled, on a certain day, in a long sala, tricked out with astrological symbols, crucibles, alembics and all the paraphernalia of charlatanry. The conjurer presented himself before the ladies and addressed them in flamboyant language, ending as follows: "And now, senoras of my soul, it is needful that the mystic " ceremonies before us be opened by the oldest one among you." ' Then, addressing her whose appear ance seemea to - indicate priority, he asked her age. Thirty-seven years, senor, simpered the beldame, who was at least in the seventh decade. "And you, senora?" "Thirty-six." And so en. until he had got them down to a de clared age of twenty years, with a maxi mum of thirty-seven. "Well, ladies all, you perceive that without further pro ceedings the miracle is accomplished," said Otavito, "for the least eallant of men could not call her anght but young whose years are but thirty-seven and you see for yourselves that is the age of the oldest among your San Francisco Argonaut. Physicians and Their Drugs. The active competition for a living that the physician in New York has to encounter has resulted in a curious method for stimulating trade. There are doctors in this city, graduates in due form and no doubt in many cases men of ability, who remit all fees for consul tation, relying on the profits they obtain from the medicines they prescribe for emolument. Certain standard prescrip tions they have put up in quantities, aud these they sell directly to the patient. Where a prescription has to be com pounded the patient is sent to a certain drug store, at which the doctor has an arrangement for his commissions. . Between these two devices the prac titioner really captures a reasonable fee, and ho gets it, moreover, in cash, where he otherwise might have to give credit, with a strong show of loss, for though patients will not dream of demanding credit for medicines, they make very small txnes about leaving the doctor's bill unpaid once he has permitted them to run it up. New York Cor. Pittsburg Bulletin. Peculiar Pronunciation. Landor always pronounced yellow as yaller. We have heard Mr. A. R. Wal lace, the eminent naturalist, during the course of a lecture, rejieatedly sound it thus, a mode of pronunciation said, in deed, to be traditional in many good old English families, and which includes the substitution of laylock for lilac, Room for Rome, goold for gold, and woonderf ul for wonderf uL A homely old rural dean, long since dead, used always, like Sam Weller, to leave out the "w in woman, and his "Wilt thou have this ooman to be thy wedded wife?" was apt to mar the so lemnity of a marriage service. London Tit-Bits. . An Easter Scene in Athens. For some time before Easter the city of Athens wears a picturesque aspect. This is due in great part to the number of shepherds who, with their nocks, have come down from the mountains and are camped in every available open space, engaged in selling their lambs. There is no family so poor as not to break, the long Lenten fast with an Easter lamb, the value of which is about a dollar, and a veritable massacre of the innocents is going on. "Customs and Lore of Modern Greece." Wanted: An energetic man to manaire branch oflice. Only a few dollars needed. Salary to start !r." per niotitli and interest in nusuie llie Western to, rvansas iiy, PLACES OF "WORSHIP. Catholic t. 1'nuV Cliurcb, ak. betwera Kitth nuil Sixth. Father Cainey, Fantur Kervtcet : Unas at 8 and 10 :30 a. U. Sunday Hchool at 2 :30. with benediction. Ciikihtian. Corner lnmt and Eighth hts Services morning and evenly. Klder A ;loway pa-stor. .Sunday Hcliuol 10 A.M. EriH-.oi'AU St. Luke's Church, corner Third and Vine. Kev. II II. lairei-H. ator. Ser vices : 11 a. M. and 7 -.Mr. m. feuLday School at 2 :30 P. M. (Jkh.man ilKTHoii)T. earner Sixth Ht. and ;r;utit Hev. Ill ft. Fax tor. Services : 11 A. M. and 7 :.'i0 v. ji. iSuuday School lo :30 a.m. Pkfkkvtkim an. services In new church. cor ner Sixth and (Jranite mh. Kev. J . T. Hainl, pastor. Sunday-sel ool at it ;'JH" ; Frcachinj; at 11 a. in. ie.nl s l. in. The. It. S. ('. K of this church meets every Sabbath evenini' at 7 :1S in the basement of the chtic n. All are invited to attend thene meetings. Kikht Mfthoiumt. Sixth St.. betweu Main and Fearl. Kev. 1.. V. Itritt. 1. I. pastor. Services : 11 A. M.. 8 :(K V. M Sunday School 9 :'Jtt a. M . Frayer meetii g ednesday eveu-hiK. (kkman Fkk-hhytkkiaN. Corner Main and Ninth. I!ev. Witte, pastor. Services usual hours. Sunday r-chool y :30 a. m. Swkkiiisn ! if lATtoNAU firanlte. be tween urn and ..!!. Ride a cockhorse, to chicago of couasejo gst, SOME OF GnWfi'fl IRimM'K y vgs WHICH IS BOSS- ITS MERITS FORCLEANING AND WASHING THE CLOTHES, , ASSURE IT A WHEREVER IT GOES FAIRBANKS mm &m Co '.okrd Uai'TIst. Mt. Olive, t'ak, between lenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Koswell, pas tor. Services 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. in. Frayer meennt: vvrunesuay evening. IS THE BEST FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD ALL GROCERS KEEP IT. yvpc oNly BY N.K.FAIRBANK &0. CHICAGO. No. YnUKO MKN'B C'HKlTIAK ASSOCIATION Kooms in V atermaii block. Main street. Gos pel meeting, for men only, every Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooms open week days ironi a. in., id : ao p. in. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it pretH beyond the reach of medicine They Bay "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's lialsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, thev would see the excellent effect after takiner the first dose. Price n)c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. The wisdom of him who journey- eth.is known by the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Burlington Route" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached, lhe in ference is plain. Maernificent Pull- rran 6leepere, elegant reclining chair cars and world-famous dining Ci rs on all through train9. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to T. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha. How Try This- It will cost you nothing and will eurely do you good, if yo have a Cough, Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La' Grippe found it iust the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. l ry a sample Dome ai our expense and learn for yourself just how crood a thing it is. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Drug Store, Large size 50c. and $ 1.00 A. Great Suroriee Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsan for the throat and lungs the erreat truaranteed remedy. W ould vou believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the progrietor of this wonderful remedy to give yon a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles 50c and $1. Itch onhuman and horses animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford s sanitarv lotion. This never fails. Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmouth. SOUTH FAItK TARRKNACLI.-Key. .1. M. Wood, Fastor. Services : Sunday Hchool, jus. in.: t reacninL'. ii . rn. anci p.im. prayer meeting Tuesday night; choir prac- ucerriuay nini Ali are welcome. The First step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do am'thing to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed tne warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to it normal, healthy condition. Surprising results fol low the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative, Your appe tite returns, good digestion is re stored, and the liver and kidneys re sume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c, at r.' G. Fricke & ijo'b drugstore. 6 At-lttle lrls Experiencein a LlgMt house. Mr. and Mrs, Loren irescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four years. Last April she taken down with Measles, followed witn areaarui Lougn ana turned into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere" handful of bones". -Then she tried Dr, King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King,s New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle tree at J. j. Fncney jjrugstore. How's This! We offer 100 dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. Cheney & Co. Props, loledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known j. J. Cheney for the last lo years, and belive him pefectly honorable in all butsness transactions and fin ancially able to carry out an oblig ations made by their nrm. West & l max, Wholesale urug- gist, Toledo Ohio., Waldmg Kinnan & Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, ioc. per bottle. Sold by all Ernggiet; Testimonials free. J. VtmitWAWB House Furnishing Emporium. WHERE yon can get your house furnished froi kitchen to p-trlor and at easy tearms. I han die the world renown Haywood bahy carriages, also the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. I. Pearleman IxiLTTSOITTlT, FEB. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE F Q pgiogE 3. QO WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded sit all Hour?. For millinery and pattern hats or anything in the line of ribbons, flowers of the latest styles and de signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood block. tf. ' Gone Off Ahead. "I see most of your hair is gone," said Brown to Burton. "Yes," replied Burton, "it's left for parts nntnown." Kate Field's wasn-tngton. For vears the editor of the Burl ington Junction, (Mo.) Post, has been subject to cramp colic fits of in digestion, which prostrated him for several hours and unfitted him for bnsiness for two or three days. For the past year he has been vjsin Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy whenever occa sion required, and it has invariably given him prompt relief. 2o and 20 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. According to the census of 18W, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1,098,570 people, as the eighth largest city on tne gioDe. Most of us de6ire, at one tune or another, to visit a city in which so many persons hnd homes, and, when we do. we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at , this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. The Missori Pacific will sell round trio tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to Portland. Oregan, the Presbyterian general aisembly being held their May 19 to June 2. Tickets good un til Mav 19 and returning inside 90 days at $G0, going via one route and 1 returnincr via another. Apply at ticket oflice for particulars. Specimen Cases. S.H.Clifford, New Cast'e, Wis was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to a alarming degree, appetite fell awaj and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles oi Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on . nis leg of eight years' standing. Used three Dottles of Electric Bitters and seven bottles Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba, O., had fiv large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he whs incurable. One bottl Electric Bitters and one box Buck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND TRY THE rT;E:f:fl.:L:B AdveriisZs? - m&d - Jffo - Work IE2a,tesOn. --iPlplicGi t ion:. rliil a. b. KNOTS UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everythia yon need to furnish yonr bouse. COmNEn SIXTH AND MAIN STKEBT Plattsmouth Neb Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. I A. MEBMM & SOB LUMBER Caiagles, Latk, Sa&h, Doors, Blinds Can supply everw d em And of th city. Gall and get term. Fourth street in ref of ,'eper koasc BUSINESS 31 A 3 AG Elf. SOI Cor Fifth and Vine St. PLA.TTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain relievet Itt use is almost universal by the Housewife, tfce Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. . No other application compare with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost' generations. . Ko medicine chest is complete without a bottle U Uvstamo LlSIMXHT. Occasions arise for its use almost every day All druggists and dealers have it, - ilifomia.