The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 14, 1892, Image 3

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    1 fg3Pll TlFfH l
I j5jjU TouiviM news lp I b
, ftOBACCDy fnk-jik
Both Sides of theuestion
should be looked Into,
the Intelligent smoker
a arm L-Z
L.;- fm,.4 Orrmi.R nr an tor
. -
organs km
kirhiK them full opportunity to test it thoroughly in his own home
d return if ho doe not longer want it. If he continues to want it
antil the a"Te"ate of rent ain amounts to the price of the instru
ment. It bkcomks his troi'rtt witaoct
trated catalogue, with net prices tree
Mason & Hamlin
a Dictionary.
' Care should fce talc:
n to .. ..
Tan years spent in reTiuog, xuu oui
, ton employed, over $300,000 expended.
Sold by mil Booksellers.
Ob C. 1CEBB1AM & CO.. Publishers, e
Springfield. Mass.. U.S. a.
7Do not buy reprints of obsolete
edition. o
a-Sana roc nee pampnict canumui a
specimen pages and full particulars. .
Fon um OCILV
KI II III 1BILX st ist ar ihuhi
They stake keroie esene eo m wmitot.
be mot aaewi&s kev e raMwsfeUr
Vurf (in F le aiifir ua i i u wr
ftmro. neeumiimauiiiu
MQ tr. 9t U. "1)
(br limited tlM.Ptaia
la ttUeMhr f
Afslctios ot the
HOME lHlfllKtni,
hr metheda eacUailr ear
n. tae wnlMM
iMt er FaUtac Maaatwd.
Saral eaa rom De-
(Mltty. Weakaate ox soar
ul Mlaa. SSoeta of Errore
mr Sxeaaaoe. Btaatoe er
SMAIIS PASTS "l BODT-ad pUta to all loUroetod.
Hsalibful, Agresatla, CIsansIng.
On reiet
r"vrwA ttmuIbI Wounds. Burns. Etc
and Prevents Dftndxuff.
uniTE Qossmn soap.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wate
it Aiemmtiao m. iw"f
HeueiiMi to iNet esSss er e. er In s.
lielee el . wttboot tke kowlele or ine
it; it la aheolutehr harmleee end wUl
t aad siiasttj eaxe, wneaoox
trLEiTer msvt rsttSLWe GUARANTEE
iWUeaieie every tsstaass. pss Does
1 I I vwt.
Lbeui HaUt. PeaKIvwy
And when this is done
CO. now offer ta rent any one of
three months. cini)' me iicxbon
.1 il .
AD, and Piano Co
V.Qung Mothers
We Offer Tot m Xenndf
xchUh Mure Safety to
ZAm of Mother ami Child,
limb Confinement of ita
I'd in, HuTTur and IXisk.
Aft,-rusl:tnnboitl-or" Mother Friend" 1
sun-ri-.! but llttm .uu.n 1 u.i n.ixt;rt!iiceih
wo.ikn-s aftrrvrard uual In aucti c a.. lira.
Jsr.i. UjGX, Latuar, SIo., Jin. tMh, 1S91.
Snt bv prpross. chcrce prepaid, on receipt ot
prl, $1.00 per boldc Btxk to MuOier maUed f re
CHhamberlain's Eyo and Skta
A certain enro for Chronic Soto Eye
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Baad, OK
Chronic Sores. Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Piles. It is eooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been eared by
tt after all other treatment bad tailed.
It Is pat up in 25 and 60 cent boxes.
Labeled 1-2 lb Tina Only.
by fack'a InTMibl Taboimr br tak.
low. Wblaim bmU Cfartabl&
fettrnlhfl lr.mfdW.fEil. Sold by P. Hln..only, CD CC
853 UrMdnr. Sew York. Writ for book of Brovfa IliCC
1 1 WflS $175. orpans 4
Want nets, catl'true
ddretif Dau'l F lieatty, wash
ngton N. J.
Cleaiwu aad beautina tho katr.
Ihtmiotei a luzurimnt irrowlii.
Merer Faile to Beotore Qray
Hair to ita Yontanl. Color.
Care. ca!p die. St hair taiUxig.
i'r3r'r. trinsfer Tonic, it cure, the urn Coiiga,
---. Lnru". Oebiliry. lit) igtKion, Pain, Tak io tuncdUcu.
imJDERCOR.NS. The 0"fej7?'f?' g0""-
For Atchinson, St Josepk, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Losis,
and all points ncth, east
soath or west. Tick
ets sold and bag.
If age checked
t o a n y
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
G. P. A. SLLomla,Ma.
J. C. Phlllippi,
I ' A. G. P. A. Omaha.
H. D. AFGAfc. Ajri, Plati
dome IliK Legal .
' Senator Carlisle's fee of w-n-n
he in to receive in the Preston-Bea I ;.-t.
decided in the court of appeals y
Frsiukfort, Ky.. the other day. recalls
some of the largo fees that have boc.i
paid to attorneys. Judge Crown, cf
Meinhhi.s. also in a Kentucky case, re
ceived a fee of ."0.000. Tha case i i
which Senator Carlisle won his big fee
made tho heirs of Rolx.-rt WickliiTe
richer to the extent of $2:20.000. General j
DrajKT, of New Jersey, is married t;
one of these heirs, and it was as the rep
resentative of Mrs. Draper that Senator
Carlisle came into the case, and his fee
comes entirely out of her tiortiou of the
estate. 1 am told that the senator did
not even make an exhaustive study of
the case, hut made his argument at
Frankfort from briefs filed by the attor
neys for other heirs.
To do this require) I ins presence
Frankfort live days, and this is said to
have been all the tune he had to devote
to the case, so that his big earnings were
as much per day as a member of con
gress receives for a year of heavy brain
fag for his country and the old Hag not
counting jierquisites.
The decision of the United States
court was handed down something over
a year ago in the Fiske will case against
the Cornell university. In this case the
university lost $ 1,750,000, and the law
firm of Hill & Bacon is said to have re
ceived $100,000 as their honorarium
from the successful heirs. The Mr. Hill
in this firm is none other than Senator
David Bennett Hill.
The fee which John E. Parsons, the
New York lawyer, received for organiz
ing the Sugar trust is believed to be the
largest ever paid to one New York at
torney. The amount was $400,000, the
same sum received by Messrs. Hill &
Bacon in the Fiske case. And yet, not
withstanding this large fee, it did not
take the courts long, once they got at it,
to destroy the apparently invincible
legal structure which the able and high
priced lawyer had reared. John A.
Cockerill in New York Recorder.
A California Sculptor's Work.
Douglas Tilden, tbe deaf and dumb
California sculptor, has completed in
clay at his Paris studio a group of heroic
size which he proposes to cast in bronze
and send to the World s fair. One of
this sculptor's works is now to be seen
in Golden Gate park, at San Francisco.
The subject of the last is a struggle be
tween two Indians and a she bear (griz
zly), whose cubs the Indians are trying
to make off with. A Parisian critic
says of the group: "It is broad in treat
ment and daring in execution without
exaggeration. The figure modeling of
the two Indians is of high power, strong
and harmonious at the same time. He
has succeeded in showing not the muti
lation of the two Indians by a ferocious
brute, but a fine realization of a struggle
for mastery and life which thrills with
interest. This sculptor has been work
ing in Paris four years, and was the
first American to receive "honorable
mention" at a Paris salon. San Fran
cisco Chronicle.
An Unlucky Locomotive.
Engineer Knowblow, of the Erie, has
finally agreed to preside at the throttle
of engine No. 670 of that road. This is
the machine that passed through the
two terrible wrecks on that road at Ra
venna on July 3 and at Kent on Sept.
30. When it came out of the Meadville
shops recentlv none of the boys wanted
to sit at the right hand side of the cab
in the unlucky engine, and it was only
after considerable jersuasion that Engi
neer Knowblow was persuaded to take
charge of the hoodooed locomotive
Railroaders are like sailors they have
their superstitions, and an engmeman
no more likes to run an unlucky ma
chine than does an old tar to sail on
certain unfortunate vessels. Pittsburg
From London to Chicago for 3125.
Tours suitable to all pockets are being
arranged by the London Polytechnic;
Young Men's Christian institute. A
yachting trip to Norway, lasting three
weeks, and including a visit to the land
of the midnight sun, is to cost only 12
15s.; the island of Madeira can be visited
for 12, while 7 5s. will cover the ex
pense or sixteen days m tne jsernese
Highlands. There is also to be a trip to
the Chicago V orld's fair, costing only
twenty-five guineas from Liverpool.
London Tit-Bits.
A Maine Woodpile.
The most wonderful woodpile on rec
ord is owned by a man in Oxford county,
Me. In 4he pile of eight cords, all cut
from one piece of forest, are no fewer
than twenty different kinds of wood,
viz., white birch, yellow birch, white
maple, rock maple, white ash, brown
ash, black cherry, wild cherry, apple
tree, elder, beech, moosewood, willow,
fir, dogwood, spruce, sugar plum, elm,
poplar and hemlock.
The Joker Is at Large.
J. C. Young, of Albany, has two wood
en legs. A fool friend, who could think
of no other way to be funny, tried to
throw a knife into one of his legs. He
succeeded, but it struck above the knee
where the leg was flesh and blood. Mr.
Young is now nursing an ugly and jiain
f ul wound. The fool friend isn't in jail,
but he ought to be. Portland Orego
xnan. Halve Soldiers Going to the Capital.
Heath post, G. A. R., of Gardiner.
Me., will go in style to the national en
campment in Washington in September.
The members have chartered the steam
boat Kennebec, a seagoing side wheeler
of 1,652 tons, to take them and t heir
friends to the number of 400 'on a ten
days' trip, allowing four days at Wash
ington. atineiwl Poison Kills Cattle.
In Fayette county, Ida., a peculiar
mineral poison exudes from the ground
and contaminates the grass, upon which
a herd of cattts fed. : This caused grea$
losses to stockmen, who at first thoughS
the pois had been administered by
M'ltoru of liuturilarl f Many Won-dt-i-ful
Tilings lit San i riiiir )..
King II'Doi-.-i of liutariiuri t-;'i.t two
Louis at Hit- Olympic club, and was
probably mi-re :;..: wt:d and su:-pr:M;d
than by !"ytbin le bo b;n teo:i in
San Francisco. '1 ho members who w t it
present practicing in ti.o gyutuu.-;u;:
ptvt; alt li:ii.r.)iii.ln exhibit ion, vhi ii
interested bis South Sea maje.-ty vi-s-y
much, Jiud h( evidence e.f tl;v; vi
grunts ami by ge.-turcs of surprise, ur-.l
almost of fvur, at some of the feats of
the atlikte. The tumbling was a sur
prise to hku, and ho could not uudei
stand, whil Professors Tronchet a: id
Chapins wire fencing, how it was that
they did not drop dead when struck by
tho foil. A burlesque boxing coulee
ending in a well 'faked" knockout was
arranged for the king and his party.
Professor De Witt Van Court and Phil ';i I
Doulo were tlw lexers, and they gavo
au exhibition which interested his i.-I.tnd
majesty more than tho genuine tight La
saw at the California club. At the end
Boulo was apparently knocked out, and
he was carried out of the room limp and
motionless. Of course he immediately
returned, and as be apjeared the king
allowed a sigh of relief to escape him.
and remarked through the interpreter
that ho was clad the little fellow h;ul
not been killed, as he was so plucky.
After the exhibition King M'Bora and
his party were shown through the Olym
pic clb building. In tho billiard room
he had his first meeting with a piece of
ice. His dusky majesty wan given a
glass of ice water in response to a re
quest for a drink. He saw the piece of
ice floating in the water and could uc:
understand what it was. He put his
royal right hand into the glass ui:l
seized the cube of ice, but immediately
dropped it and jumped back severely
frightened. After an explanation ii-
picked up the ice again and watchc-u
it slowly melt in his hand, tie seemed
to partially understand the philosophy
of the thing and gave an order for an ice
making machine, which he will take to
Butaritari with him to cool his roy;;l
throat on hot summer days.
In the ladies' parlor the glass chande
lier was lighted by electricity, and tti
king immediately wanted to know wLcm
the oil tank was. He had had some ej.
perience with gas before. The first v.vjl t
at his hotel, after having seen the gas
turned on and lighted, he nearly termi
nated his royal career by playing the
Farmer Wayback act. He turned on the
gas and lay down waiting for the g.ia to
light itself.
One of the members of the 01yu;; i.-
clnb who was i?oincr throuxrh the rco:ns
with the party wanted the king to talk
through the telephone. His majesty
had already had an experience and w;
so shocked that he did not care fo;
another. It was at Sutro Heights on
his visit Saturday. W. Lauterbach,
-who spent some time on the Gilbert
islands, went to the stables on the
while the king was in Mr. Sutro's house.
When the telephone connection was
made King M'Bora was asked to put the
receiver to his ear. As he did su he
heard words in his native language, and
he dropped the instrument as if struck
by lightning. A long explanation could
not fully satisfy his mystified majesty.
The king and his party remained at thu
rooms of the club until nearly midnight.
San Francisco Chronicle.
The Secret of Happiness.
Not long ago Professor Blackie had oc
casion to be in the Fair City Perth. He
was waiting for a certain train, and was
marching up and down the platform
whistling gayly, and for all the world
like a schoolboy en route home for his
holidays. A gentleman near by, at once
recognizing the picturesque figure and
wishing to enter into conversation with
him, went up to him and asked him:
Professor, may I ask the secret of
your happiness?"
The genial professor smiled and an
'Well, here is the secret of my happi
ness: I have no vain regrets for the ia&,
I look forward with hope to the future
and 1 always strive to do my duty.
There," he ended emphatically, "yon
have it." And he straightway set to
and walked up and down again.whistling
as before. London Tit-Bits.
An Antediluvian Joke.
A hardware drummer is responsibla
for the story that a clerk in one of oui
hardware houses was informed that the
last tailor's goose was sold and to order
a dozen more. After puzzling over the
matter for some time he wrote on a
piece of paper as follows:
12 tailor geese.
12 tailor's geese.
12 tailor gooses.
12 tailor goose.
12 tail-
Then he trot rattled, scratched hi.i
head, looked in the dictionary and final
ly formulated the following:
"Gents please send at once one tailor's
Koose and eleven others." Burlington
Mesikeys Might Be Made Useful.
Monkeys could be used in certain case
of fire, where-expert climbing might be
required; they could be used as messen
gers to some extent, and to do many light
chores for man. They could be taught
to destroy many vicious insects, such as
tobacco worms, cutworms, cabbage
worms and many others. They could
be taught to do many things on a farm,
and I think long domestication would
develon manv fields of usefulness for
them- New York Independent.
A Stroke of Economy.
The height of economy was that re
cently practiced by a woman who will
move to the suburbs, and who effected
the sale of her address die which she has
used for her stationary to the incoming
tenant of the house she will leave. New
York Times.
Bather lateral.
"That's an angel of a.boaser said she.
"'Not quite," he replied. "It only has
wing. Harpers
Two) Myth lead lattaada.
llarco Polo's 'Travels" gives a cari
ous ncconnt of two islands, "distant
from Kewicvoran about &00 miles to
ward the nauth, ami about thirty miles
from each other, the one being inhab
ited by ft company of men without a sin
gle woman among them, tho other by
women without tho company of men.
They are c alled. resinctively, th Island
of Males and he Island of Females."
Geographers and others interested in the
curiosities of history and navigation
have made many attempts to ascertain
the exact location of these fantastically
named little "jMjcks in tho great ocean:
but even after so much research and
etudy the European as well as the Amer
ican geographical societies have been
forced to admit that their whereabouts
is doubtful in the extreme.
Some believe them to lo identic:!
with the Footnote islands, near Socoty,
but these hist named are now too small
for human habitation, besides being ton
near the shores of the Red sea to cor
respond with those mentioned by Marco
Polo. The most prolwiblo conclusion
that has yet been arrived at is that So
rodah, a small island on tho west coast
of India, is the celebrated "Island of Fe
males," it being the resort of daucin-;
girls and women who retire to tho place
for a summer's outing after a hard win
ter's work on the continent.
As far as Marco Polo's "Island of
Males" is concerned it is Irretrievably
lost, the combined efforts of tho geog
raphers, the historians and the travelers
not being equal to tho task of bringing
it from the mysterious mists which have .
hidden it for centuries. bu Louis Re
public. Hoards ef Trade in Weittern CI t lea.
The novelty in western life is tho in
evitable combination of leading citizens
pledged to promote the best interests of
their town. Such a body is variously
called a board of trade, a chamber of
commerce or a commercial club. It is
the burning glass which focuses the
public spirit of the community. Its
most competent officer is usually the
highly salaried secretary, ne does foi
his town what a railroad passenger
agent or a commercial traveler does lor
his employers, that is to say, he secures
business. He invites manufacturers to
set up workshops in his city, offering a
gift of land or of land and money or of
exemption from taxation for a term of
years. The merchants, and perhaps the
city officials also, support his promises.
In a South Dakota city I have known a
fine brick warehouse to be built and
given, with the land under it, to a
wholesale grocery firm for doing busi
ness there. In a far northwestern city
there was talk of sending a man east on
salary to stay away until he could bring
back capital to found a smeltery.
These boards of trade often organize
local companies to give a city what it
needs. They urge the people to sub
scribe for stock in associations that are
to build electric railways, opera houses,
hotels, convention halls, water supply
and illuminating companies, often divid
iner an acknowledged financial loss for
me StLKO OI a uuuuu Kiuu. iuuo mmo
- , I'll
boards provide the machinery by which
we moot. Buimuuua, mi rr "A
prising communities m the world ex-
penaanu men Cie.-vuuu
Ralph in Harper's.
Salamander from Artesian Wells.
Mr. H. G. Zimmerman, of Albion,
Ind., recontly discovered in a trench
leading from an artesian well a good
sized and very lively mud puppy or wa
ter dog. This well is eight miles noith
of Huron, S. D., and is 1,250 feet deep.
Everybody was confident that the rep
tile came from the well, as there is lo
other water for miles and miles, fc
head was shaped like that of our com
mon catfish, its color was similar to that j
of the catfish, and it had bushy external
gills, besides four legs.
Many conjectures as to what tne am
mal could, be were made; some persons
thought it principally fish, others lizard,
and the most general conclusion was
that the thing was a mongrel between the
two. A genius (Proteus) belonging to
the same family as the above (which ve
take to be Necturus), and found in cafes
in southwestern Austria, is bund aiid
colorless. Mr. Zimmerman states specifi
cally that the puppy found by him had a
good pair of eyes and was dark in color.
Lake Byron, twelve miles north of where
this batrachian was found, is said to fur
nish good fishing. Forest and Stream.
Where Artists Blunder.
"I never saw an artist yet who could
correctly paint a horseshoe," remarked
a friend of mine, pausing before a Broad
way picture store. "They invariably
paint it with an equal number of nails
on each side sometimes three, some
times four, and even five nails. As a
matter of fact, there are four on one
6ide and three on the other, the extra
nail being on the inside of the foot,
where the greatest strain comes."
Which reminds me of the lines of a ;
distinguished American poet in which
he sweetly depicts the drowsy cattle c
a summer's day lazily lapping the cool
ing waters of the crystal stream. The
same peculiarity is also poetically at
tributed to the horse and other animals,
the model of the poet having probably
been the house cat. New York Herald.
Livery of Parlor Maids.
English parlor maids wear a distinct
livery, not often, though occasionally,
seen in New York houses. This consists
usually of a plain, long, black or dark
woolen skirt, a loose, open jacket of the
same material, and either a white vest
with gilt or ornamented buttons or a
vest made of livery stripes. With this
are worn cap and apron. New York
A Puzzled Yankee.
A story is told of Lord Groavenor,
who, while traveling in this country,
was asked by a Yankee how he got his
living. My lord replied that he did not
work, as his father supported him.
"What a dear old gentleman," said the
Yankee; "how will yon ever manage to
tr when he dies?"- &aiv Francisco Ar
(ceaant. -
The NUrete rielde of Chill.
The caliche, or ntw nitrate of soda, U
dot equally uislributed over tho pampas
Of Chili. The most abundant deposits
are situated on the fclop of the lulls,
which probably formal the shores of the
aid lagoons. An exjK-rt can tell from
the external picaraneo of tho ground
where the richest deposits are likely to
bo found. The caliche itself is not found
on the surface of the plain, is cov-
iti.,1 mi liv two l;iv-rs. The U!i!enno. . ,
- - - i - j - -- j
known technically as chuca. is of a fi i.i
ble nat ure, and consists of sand and gyp-r-um.
while the lower tie costra is a
rocky conglomerate of clay, gravel and
fragments of feldspar. Tho caliche varies
in thickness front a few inchttt to ten or
twelve feet, and rests on a soft stratum ;
of rarth called cova. j
The mode in which the caliche is ex- J
cavated is as follows: A hole is Itored j
through the chuca, costra and caliche j
layers till the cova or solt earth is
reached 1-low. It is then enlarged un
til it is wide enough to admit of a small
boy lx ing let down, who scrajes away
the earth Im-Iow tho caliche hoi as to
form a little hollow cup. Into this a
chargo of gnniowder is introduced and
subsequently exploded. Tho caliche is
then separated by means of picks from
the overlying costra and carried to the
refinery. Both in apiearanc,e and com-
Tvrtuitiim it viiriett verv much. Ill Color
it may bo snow white, sulphur, lemon,
orange, violet, blno and sometimes
brown, like raw sugar. Blackwood's
The -Ar of Frenh Kge.
A to iust how old the eirtrs may be
! when they get into tho hands of tho con
sumer in this town is a matter for con
jecture, and a task that would cause
pleasant thrills in one inclined to mat he
matics. Any one who has ever B)ent
any time in the country and made a
proper use of his eyes knows it is the
habit of farmers to keep their eggs un
til they have a certain quantity lx.'fore
disposing of them.
The fanners may collect the eggs for
an entire week and then dispose of them,
or they may keep them for two weeks
before t he huckster gets them. That de
pends entirely upon tho number of eggs
which that particular farmer's hens will
lay in a given period.
The hucksters go alxiut the country
once or twice a week the dealers say.
They gather tho eggs here and there,
and when they have gathered a certain
quantity turn them over to tho shipers.
The shippers, in turn, hold the eggs
until they, too, obtain a certain quantity
and then consign them to the dealers in
this city. When the eggs get here final
ly the dealers say they have received a
shipment of fresh eggs, and mean it too.
The dealers maintain that an egg two
weeks old in ordinary weather is just as
good as an egg that is not more than
twenty-four hours old. In fact, they
make bold to say they would eat an egg
two weeks old just as soon as one two
hours old, and relish it just as much.
New York Evening Sun.
The Tear 1881.
i rro.
XUO 1 " . .
of the oddest kind, besides being a
year lfwi was a cnronoiogicai
( mathematical curiosity seldom equaled,
, FrQm - ht to left an1 ieft t right it
reads the same. Eighteen divided oy
gives 9 as a quotient; til divided by 9
gives 0; if divided by 9 the quotient con
tains a 9; if multiplied by 9 the product
contains two 9s; 1 and 8 are 9; band 1 are
9. If the 18 be placed under the 81 and
added the sum is 99; if the figures be
added thus 1 ,8,8, 1 it will give 18 as the
re&alt. Reading from the middle from
rhrbl. to left or from left to right it is IS.
and 18 is two-ninths of 81. By adding,
dividing and multiplying, 10 9s are pro
duced, being one 9 for each year to th
beginning of the last decade of the Nine
teenth century.
No wonder the fortune tellers, the as
trologers and the mathematicians wenve
so many strange fancies around th;U
curious combination of figures. It may
have been what induced Mother Shiptoii
to end her prophetic jingle with, "And
at last the world to an end shall come
in eighteen hundred and eighty-one."
St. Louis Republic.
A Very Old Englioh Cloth.
Fustian is a species of cotton cloth
much used by the Normans, particularly
by the clergy, and appropriated to borne
orders for their cashubles. The Cister
cians were forbidden to wear them made
of any material but linen or fustian. A
stronger description was first manufac
tured in England, at Norwich, temp.
Edward VI.
It was much used for doublets and
jackets in the Fifteenth century, at
which time it appears to have been im
ported from Italy. "Fustians of Naples"
are named in a petition to parliament
from the manufacturers of Norwich, 1
Philip and Mary, 1554. The name wad
corrupted in England into "fustianapes"
and "fustian and apes," i. e., "fustian
a Naples." Notes and Queries
Soared Burglars by Hia Voice.
The ventriloquist, Fred Maccabe, has
put his special gift to good use. Retir
ing late one night he tossed about for
. some time unable to fall asleep, and
then, hearing footsteps down stairs, he
felt convinced that thieves had got into
the bouse. Crawling down stealthily
close to where they were at work he,
by means of ventriloquism, began a con
versation and hnllaballoo in many voices:
"Here they are I Bring the lights! There
thev ero! Shoot, shoot them quick r 1 he
whole gang of burglars thereupon bolted
in panic, leaving all their intended plun-
derbehind. London Tit-lilts.
A Sa&lcient BeeommoDdatlon.
Little Dick Aren't you goin to call
on that new neighbor across the street?
Mamma (hesitatingly) I don't know
anything about her yet.
Little Dick Oh, she's all right. She's
the mother of that new boy I play with.
Good News.
Books 1
Better live
dews than in
Barn's Horn.
mi Lie Air.
in a house without win-
house without books.
Telephoae, 7.