The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 12, 1892, Image 4

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Steps Already Been Taken to
Dedicate the Court House,
The Officers Arrive From Omaha
With Their Man This Morning
Matilda Rose Found Guil
ty of Keeping a House
of Ill-fame-
Pursuant to call the Plattsmouth
bar and a large number of repre
tentative citizeuu asBernbled at
Judge Kuni.sey's ofiice last evening
for the purpone of making prelimi
nary arrangements for tlie dedica
tion of the court house, May J.
K. It. Windham was made chair
nan and J. I. Root secretary.
After various remarks by Judge
Sullivan, Judge Knnisey, County
Attorney Travis, J udge Archer, A.
IS. Told, I V. Hyerw, Judge Stiles,
K. CJ. Vanatta, Mathew tiering and
several other prominent men in at
tendance, as to the necessary steps
to take, it was finally concluded to
appoint a committee of six the
chairman to work with the commit
tee on arrangements. The chair
man appointed the following:
Committee on arrangements A
X. Sullivan. A. IS. Todd, K. V. My
ers, J. W. Johnson, II. D. Travis and
J. L. Root.
The committee on arrangements
appointed a finance committee con
sisting of the following named
gentlemen: Mayor Butler, John
Tighe and R. V. Ilyers.
The meeting then adjourned to
meet Friday evening at I'M at
Judge Ramsey's oflice.
This morning, the committee on
arrangements held a meeting at
II. D. Travis' oflice. with Sullivan,
Todd. Windham, Travis and Root
present. A reception committee
was appointed consisting of Mayor
Butler, J. W. Johnson and Byron
Music Frank Dickson, J. K. I'ol
lock ami Mrs. C. S. Johnson.
Program for the evening R. IS.
Windham. ISyron Clark, J. II. Ilalde
xn a n and Mathew Gerinr.
Have Their Man.
The man arrested in Omaha
charged with robbing the postoflice
at this place was brought ' to the
city this morning by Oflicers Fry
and F'itzpatrick with the iron
bracelets around his wrists. Ofli
cer Fitzpatrick says he is the man
he saw here the Saturday before
the robber and he picked him out
among several prisoners in the
jail at Omaha, as did also Chief of
Police Tom Fry.
When he was arrested he had up
on his person about $300 worth of
postage stamps, $6.15 in money, a
screw drive", two or three finger
rings and a foot rule.
His partner was shot by the
Omaha police not long ago and is
now in jail in Omaha. The author
ities have undoubtedly got hold of
the right party. The stamps found
upon his person were in a bunch,
the same as Postmaster Streight
keeps them, and they correspond to
the bunches he has in the office.
The postmaster keeps just so many
ia a bunch, while other postmasters
keep more or less.
The man was going under the
name of Gay, but the oflicers stale
that his wife, who is in Omaha
says his name is Woolsey. He was
trying to dispose of some of the
stamps at a saloon in Omaha, hence
the arrest.
The fellow protested against the
officer putting the hand-cuffs upon
him, and after they were on him he
cried like a baby.
lie will have his preliminary
-ia ir. i nation to-morrow.
Keceived Fifteen Days.
Mrs. Matilda Rose, the woman
irreted yesterday for running a
house of prostitution, and who had
preliminary examination yesterday,
had her trial this afternoon. After
the testimo'ij' had all been given
Judge Archer find her &20 and costs
and in default of the necessary
funds she vill have to board it out.
Tito costs amounted to more than
the tine did.
T. II. Pollock, Agent,
Tlie 1- L. A. held their regular
meeting at the hoii-e of Joseph
Knotts last evening and elected
Tlie funeral of the late Mrs. J. K.
Barwick occurred this afternoon at
three o'clock from the Episcopal
church. Rev. Burgess officiating.
'Rev. G. G. Crasmieuck. who was
pastor of the German Methodist
church in this city a few years ago.
was in the city yesterday, the guest
of G. Longehagen. He left this
morning for Enterprise, Kansas,
where he is now stationed.
Pete Hansen was in Omaha to
day. Geo. Vass was a Murray visitor to
Judge Chapman went up to Oma
ha this morning.
C. W. Sherman is out in the west
ern part of the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carruth de
parted for McCook this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Davis and Mrs.
Eikenbary were Omaha passengers
this morning.
Judge A. N. Sullivan left to-day
for Witchitaw, Kansas, on a short
business and pleasure trip.
F. I. ISrown, John and Antone
Janda were sent to Lincoln thib
morning to do some repair work on
a dinning car.
The feta e Learu
Only two state league games
played yesterday one at Lincoln
between Lincoln and Fremont.
Castone pitched for the home team,
striking out twelve men, but when
ever they touim linn tney nit mm
hard. It took fourteen innings to
settle, but Fremont finally pulled
through. The score:
Lincoln ....0 0 01 0 0300 0 000 t
Fremont 0 101200 0 00000 2
Karm-l rutin Fremont 1.
Two-hase hits I'entler, Marsh, Austin,
Stolen banes Uutler, Graves, Pender 2,
Fowler 2.
Double ilsy Austin to Bowman.
liases on balls Oil Castone 2, oil Kim
mel 5.
Hit by pitcher Hy Castone, Purcell.
Struck out Hv Castone 12, by Kiminel 7.
Passed balls liy Fear 2.
Ieft on bases Lincoln I'J, Fremont 10.
Time of aine 2:40.
Cmpirc Hart.
Beatrice took the first game from
Grand Island on the home grounds
yesterday by bunching hits. The
visitors put up a good game.
Heairice 0 2?1 0 0 2 0 0 16
Grand Island 0 0 0 1 0 a 0 -l
Earned runs Beatrice 6, Grand Tslahd 1.
Bases on bal's Ml Kdinter 3, otl Holler 1.
Struck out Hv Kdinijer 8, by Holier!.
Twivbase hit Edinuer.
Base hits Beatrice 10, Grand Island 3.
H it by piicher By Kd inner 2, by H offer 1.
Errors Bta trice 3, Grand Island 3.
Passed balls Jo.ies 1, Keefe 1.
Time of Kine 1:13.
I'mp're Fulmer.
Standing: of the Clubs.
Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
Beatrice.. 5 5
Fremont. 4 , 3
Hastings fi 3
Plattsmouth 3 3
Lincoln 3 1
Grand Island.... 3 1
" The Witch.
Life in old Salem in the daj-s when
bigotry and superstition obscured
the nobler traits of the Puritan
character, is pictured with telling
effect in "The Witch," which Marie
Hubert Fro h man will produce at
the Waterman opera house, Tues
day, May 10. It is full of stirring in
cident, and superb climaxes and
bound hy a dialogue of high liter
ary excellence. Theplaj impresses
by its truth, and carries a fardeeper
lesson than a dozen ordinirjr dramas.
Everywhere the press has been
unanimous in its praise. Marie Hu
bert Frohman is a beautiful woman,
with a musical resonantfcnd pecul
iarly sympathetic voice touching
when pleading, powerful and im
pressive in times of stress. Nature
and art have been generous to her
and in certain lines of work she has
no equal. In her hands the charac
ter of Marguerite, the witch, has
grown to be a novel, yet entirely
Bymetrical and thoroughly artistic
creation one that leaves an indeli
ble impression upon all who witness
her perfectl;' rounded condition.
Resolutions of Respect.
The following resolutions were
adopted by Plattsmouth Lodge No.
8, A. O. U. W., upon the death of H.
I. Shriner:
Wiiekeas, It has pleased our
Heavenly Supreme Ruler, to require
of us our beloved brother, II. P.
Shriner, therefore be it
Resolved, That by the untimely
death of brother Shriner at the post
of duty, and in the blossom of man
hood, this lodge most deeply de
plores the loss of a promising mem
ber. Resolved further, That this lodge
tender to his bereaved family, their
heartfelt sympathy and condolence
in the irreparable loss of a dutiful
and loving son and brother, and
pray that both consolation and eus
taiuance may be granted them in
their deep alTiiction by the Great
Allwise. and that their bereavement
ma3r be lightened by the hope and
knowledge that this earthly separa
tion only temporarily intervens be
tween them and a glorious and all
time enduring reunion.
Resolved further, That the charter
of this lodge be draped in mourn
ing for a period of thirty days in re
spectful remembrance of our de
parted brother, and that a copy of
these resolutions be entered upon
the minutes of the lodge and pub
lished in the local newspapers and
Western Workman.
F. Vekmilyea, M. W.
Frei Howlaxd V Committee.
Geo. L. Prentiss
For Sale A desirable residence
lot in Orchard Hill addition to
Plattsmouth, just one block from
the M. P. depot. This lot will be
sold cheap and on easy terms. Call
on or address this office. tf
Remember the meeting of the
Young Men's Republican Club tonight.
Myron Pratt, Fifty-five Years
Old, Kills Mrs. Sperry.
Mrs. Margaret Sperry Murdered In
the Presence of Her Three
Children. She Was of a
Rather Loose Char
acter.- Notes.
Last evening a shocking tragedy
occurred at Lincoln in the presence
of about a dozen persons. The
murderer was a man aged fifty-five
years and his victim was Mrs,
The Lincoln Journal saj-s: "The
story of the murder is related by eye
witnesses to the effect that at abou
ten minutes before S o'clock Mrs
S;erry was observed to turn east on
K street from Twenty-first on her
way tc her house, which is the third
house from the corner on the north
side. Just as she was passing the
house on the .northeast corner of
Twenty-first and K streets Pratt
who was standing on the porch
called for her to stop. She paid no
attention to him and continued to
walk towards her house. Pratt ran
to the sidewalk and hurried after
her, intercepting her just as she
turned from the sidewalk to the
walk that leads up to her cottage
Placing himself in front of the help
less woman and siezing one of her
hands he drew a revoler, exclaiming.
"I'm going to kill you."
"Oh, Pratt, for God's sake don't
shoot me," exclaimed the terror
stricken woman.
They were the last word's she ever
uttered, for the words had hard
ly left her lips when the infuriated
man fired, and with a moan the un
fortunate woman fell to the ground
with a bullet embedded in her
brain. Her slayer the turned the
mulzle of the revolver to his own
head, a second report rang out on
I the evening air and he fell on his
hands and knees beside the form of
his victim- Hardly had the last
shot been fired when ex-Oflicer Jas
Smith Harry F. Wells, a j'oung man
named Snyder and several others
hurried to the spot and seized
Pratt, ere he could fire again. It
was found that he had not even
wounded himself, but his right
temple was burned a little by the
powder. Smith placed his nippers
on Pratt's wrist and, together with
young Snj-der started for the police
station with him. The lifeless
form of Mrs. Sperry was picked up,
tenderly carried into the east rcom
of the cottage and placed on a
lounge. Her two daughters and
little son were wild with grief and
the scene was pitiable in the ex
treme. About an inch above the
right eye, a little to the left, was a
jagged hole, from which was. ooz
ing dark clots of warm clood. The
unfortunate woman was in 'a semi
conscious condition, but was una
ble to speak. A little whisky was
poured down her throat, but it
failed to revive her and in about
twenty minutes from the time of
the shooting she breathed her iast.
The murdered woman is forty
two years of age and is the mother
of three children, namely, Mrs. May
Walters, May Sperry, aged seven
teen, and Roy Sperry, aged four
teen. The family all lived together
and they have only resided in their
present abode a short time. Mxf.
Sperry is the divorced wife of Hor
ace Sperry, a well known freight
conductor on the Union Pacific.
Their married life was stormy and
they were divorced some two or
three years ago.
Myron Pratt, the author of the
tragedy, is fifty-five years of age
and lived with his wife and two
children at 1804 O street. He is an
old resident of Lincoln and has
been an engineer at the postoflice
building for the past three years.
He is a man of steady habits and
has never been regarded as vicious.
When Officer Bates and e-Ofiicer
Smith -were passing Pratt's resi
dence on O street on the way to the
police station with their prisoner,
Mrs. Pratt came out of the house
and hailed her husband. Pratt
turned around and said:
"I've killed that woman."
"God help you," cried the poor
woman. "God knows I tried to
keep you from it," and she turned
toward her door sobbing bitterly.
The conversation between Pratt and
his wife would indicate that he had
been contemplating committing the
crime. On the way to the police
station he was anxious to know if
he had killed the woman and ap
peared pleased when he was told
that she was dead.
Several newspaper reporters were
permitted to see Pratt last night
but he refused to talk, merely say
ing that Mrs. Sperry had been
"bleeding him for two years" and
he was driven to kill her. The na-
Who can write the most words on a
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1, A Nice Spring Suit.
2, A Nice Leather Satchel.
3, Two Nice Shirts.
Send all Postal Cards
JOE, The One
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
O; era, Comer,
tural inference to be taken from
Pratt's talk would be that he had
been on terms of criminal intimacy
with Mrs. Speiry; that she had in
duced him to give her money and
that he killed her to end a liason
that had become hateful.
Mrs. Sperry was known to the
police and men around towa as a
woman of loose morals, and she has
frequently been seen to meet Pratt
about the postoflice bui1d;ng at
night and disappear with him into
its interior.
J. B. Strode called at the police
station last night and interviewed
Pratt and agieed to defend him.
We wish our patrons to take no
tice that we will move about the
first of next month to the room for-
merl3r occupied by J. Fiulejr John
son, tt X5E.NXETT 5C J. UTT.
M. R. C. club crave a very
pleasant dance last evening at Rock-
wood hall.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a poai-
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G.
Frirke& Co
Republican Club.
A meeting of the Young Men's
Republican Club will be held at the
council chamber Thursday even
ing at 8 o'clock sharp. The com
mittee on the coming banquet is ex
pected to report. A full attendance
is desired.
M. X. Griffith. J. I. R? -: ,
Secretary. PiC-Hnt.
T. II. Pollock. Agent.
Ask your dealer to show you
where the gasoline goes to from
the tank to the burner and thengo
and see the Dangler Surprise. For
sale by I lendee.
Telephone Xo. 7".
mer's ice.
for your sum-
Buy the best and nothing but the
best and you will have a Dangler
Surprise stove. Ilendee sells them.
H. C. McMaken & Son are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part
of the cit3. Telephone Xo. 72.
Why will you cough when Shi
loh's citre will give immediate re
lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. ad $1
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc
FOR Sale Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmouth. within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address The
Herald office. tf
If in need of a good pair of spec
tacles go to Gering & Co.
U. S. Postal
' W J
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
No. 2 5 : 17 P. M,
Not 3 :45 a. m
xo. 4 10 :34 a. n:.
No. 8 7 ; 44 p. m
No. 10 : 45 a. m.
No, 6 12 ;' a. di
o. a..
.3 -AH p. m
.9 :00 a. m.
No. 5,.
Vo. 7,.
No. 9..
6 rlT I) m
. 4 :40 p.m.
. .7 :15 a. m
Ruslinell's extra leaves for Omaliu about two
o'clock lor Omaha and will accommodate pas
No. 384 Accomodation Leaves l:55a. iu.
wo. 35-1 arrives 4 ;00 p. m.
xrauis aaiiy except runaay.
Call on
Platlsmouth - - Nebraska
Notary Public Abstracter 8licit
Heal Estate, Lean and Insurance Agent
If you have real estate to sell mr
exchange send 113 description, price
and terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at reas
onable rates.
$100,000 to loan at 1- per cent and
no commissions, on good
farm security.
PlattsmoUth - Xeb.
Oflice under Ca County Haiik.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office in Uuion Blook
Plattsmouth, - -. Nebraska
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
The Place to Buy
I wish to specially recommend.
It in absolutely xafe.
mentplanas cheap as for cash
on eaay monthly payments. Com
in and examine my anti-rust tic
ware which is warranted not torx
for one year. If at any time f f
want anything new that we do V
nappen to nave in stock we can e
it for you on two days' notice.
4-21 Main-St., Plattsmouth