r 1 BLACK WELL'S t BuII Durhamni BULL b always uniform in quality. The Ideal of Fine H BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, ST OliGMlS FOK EARIEST THE MASON & HAMLIN keir famous Organ or Pianos for 1 firing them full opportunity to test it thoroughly in his own home Karl return if lit 1 1 . -. tint- lino"r want. it.. If li cnntiniifa tn want it. 'until the areinte f rent pain amounts to the price of the instru ent. It bk)mks h.s tkopertt witaoct fdktiikk payment, lllus .fated catalogue, with net prices lree. .Mason & Hamlin (to,n and Piano Co HOnTON. NEW WAITk FOR s THE a BIG- m SHOW An entire city by itself Ten I . U. IrtlLUlYU K f-'N OltEAT AMERICAN. DOUBLE - CIRCUS uge Worlds Museum, Caravan, Hippodrome, Menagrie and Congress of Wild and Living Animals. f . U Mm Mm -UU )r Kl Mil j WILL. EXHIBIT AT PLATTSMOTJTH 3crqielcY " oTK Owing to arrangements matle ly !i is will te the only great show to visit Cas ('10 000 Tnat we srive the best circus performance ever seen in the west i 50 STAR PERFORMERS. 5 FUNNY, FAMOUS CLOWNS. ) A show to think and talk about. The greatest number of favorites irer assembled under canvas. A great holiday of rest and recreation ir every one. We guarantee to all a most enjoyable, moral, refined and Wistic entertainment. The mightiest and bicgccit ihe Goliaths of the Giant tribe. The largest elephant and camel - in the orlcL TIP, the grand old battle scarred war elephant. SAMPSON, the llest sky-towering camel the world ever saw. XThe only Fan Eared Elephant in Captivity. I 7v Baby Camel Oniv Ten Month old. od a menagerie containing all the animcls worth seing under the sun J. QliD f)OUJ3LcE CIRCUS If tw& exalted circus companies. Grandest of Hippadrome specialties LJl : ! A street paeneant one mile ions, cnmiwnru " VTCliS sun reflectinir cenes more grauu man Kafuiock after Clock, a olid moving maaa t,refiented- Noble knight and warriors. uaie iair ua -. V1 V l"v .v! - V - s i.i...nnii.inr..ifitiir thp Durinnir rrnwds. -A herd mTh'or A;i.TE-l. P of music filling the air with melody (3 'psrr - Free - Flight - to - the iVo Performances Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. performance commences one hour later. Don' let other advertisements mislead you: we never diseappoint, Admission to both circus and menagerie only 25 and 35 cents. EVERYWHERE. SMOKING TOBACCO, Whether on the hills gaming ; In the place of business ; or at home, it always fills that niche of com forta good smoke. Put up In handy packages, and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; It recommends itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. DURHAM Pure, sweet and cfean. Tobacco. N. C. AND PIANOS, PAYMENTS. CO. now offer t rent any one of three months, giving the person YORK CHICAGO. times larger than ever. ifay 14 tlie American iMiowmuti fool -League ciwinty thi year. brutes that breath. a : a l. a- mm. aVSam 4tia wswvn -""i"" '""-"-'v "r of wealtb. and splendor. Every nation clowns and mules. sights worth coming many miles to see. - Clouds - Each - IDay H Daily RAIN OR SHINE f - . f . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbb Bkst Saxvb in the world for Cut Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rbeum. Fever Bore, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 centtt per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke Specimen Cacs, S. II. Clifford, New Castle. Wit wan troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, liis liver was alTected to at. alarming degree, appetite fell awaj and he was terriblv reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Hitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg 111., had a running sore on his lep of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven bottles Hucklen's Arnica Salve, arid his leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba, O., had fivt large fever sores on his leg, doctor said he whs incurable. One bottle Electric Hitters and one box Huck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Voung othors Wis Offmr To m jmy mkivh Imurm Sttfrtfj f 0 Mother m,rui Child. " MOTHER'S FRIEND " Jtb ConflnrntrtU mf its Faim, Horror omi JiUk. Aftfrusi!i-"n-tKlilrif JlliPri Krlin" 1 nil ft '-T.-. I 'nl :'.lf.i- i;iD, tnd uul 'xperinuoe that wmimrwi afV-rwarJ uauitl In ucn citsa. Mn. ANn;ic Gavi;.. Lamar, Ho., Jan. IS:h, IjSI. Sent by express, charvc prepaid, on iwelptof price, $1.S0 per boill: . Ikxic lo Motbera mMlwl fro. 1BADFIELD K EG t' LATOB CO., ATLANTA.GA. SOLD BY AIM DKUOaiSTS. For MEC 0MLV YOUNG MENOLD MEIT BET II THE TOILS Br THE SEIPIHTS IF IISIASE. Tb7 mtit karelc afforta to tr tbtmidraa. DBS BOS BBOWlBg BOW tO SBCMimiiy 3SHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES taer givoapla dtspttr b4 nnk iBtoaoeany pin w aataaluioillBrcliSLril OUR NEW BOOK tao pbUowpbr of Dlieu- mm A M letlnil of th Orgaaa of Hu, aad how by by motboos axclaiivoly oar awn. tba w.nl rain of Loot or Failtaa BfaabM4. Oesaral and Kcryoai De bility, Weakneta of Body aad Mind. Eflct of Error! or Excites, lunut or ehrnakrt Orgaai Mn bw Carrd. BonoSta 1 1 b day. Howto Eolarffo aad Stran jtboaWEAI.UMDETELOPED C ROANS 4i P AKT8 of BODY Bi ado plala toaU latorotUd. Mn teitir, from 60 8tat.a, Terriiori aoi foretf a Countnre. Too -n wrttothrm. For Bok,fullpln)otl proof,, -ldrjj ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFF ALO.N.Y. Healthful, Agreeable. Cleansing. Cures Chapped Sands, Wounds, Burns, Etc Beznoves and Prevents Dandruff. UNITE DUSSIAI1 SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watet srunKenness ! tho Liuuor Habit, Positively Curei CY AQSinsVECUG DR. NAMES' O01DER SPECIFIC. It can bo given in a cud of coUee or tea, or in ar tides ol ood. withou; the know led pe of the per sou t&ldng it; it is absolutely harmless and wili effect a permanent and ppeedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate tlrinkeroran alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in evsrv instance. 4- page book KKtt, AQaresi in conunencr. I SPECIFIC CO.. 1 85 Ract Si. CiociasatLO Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter, Salt Bheum, Scald Head, OI Chronic- Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is eooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by Vt after all other treatment had tailed, it Is put up in 83 and 60 cent boxes. BO LING WATER OR MILK. P PS ' S GRATEUL COMFORTING CO:O0A Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. GAPS NE88SUBI0SMCURED y Ftck'i IbtWU, Takalar Bar ea- &jxtsrtUwirealirrattMail. SoidbT V. ' I. CDrC eS3 Bnaaa7, Writ, tat kaak arafe liltX PTJl!inS1'5'orKans$4. Want asrts. catrue IUU1U0 free Address Dan'l F Beatty, wash ington X. J. krh-jaaWk PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CTwnm, aad bcaatifia jfca hair. rnnotM s taxariaat tmrfi. Igwr rail to Mtn Ovmr Cm Mate hair ,alBB V.aaltl.aa Wrsk Lung.. Debilirr. Iadinatkm. Fajo-Taka latiiaa JUrta. e fr'.lT- km,'. nitlM. TMii. It i lb. mwnrmt k. n 4 r MM Waaklaa; Llttla Indlli We were camped at the Hoi SprinKH on the Lo Lo trail, made famous in In dian annals by the escape of Chief Jo t lh and his band of Nez Perces. Just above us was a largo camp of Flatheads who were making thir fall hunt. One morning wo were awakened by shout and cries. Evidently there was groat excitement somewhere, and we promptly juinied up. It was jnst after daylight and cold clouds of steam were rising from the bit basin shaped iool at the foot of tlio granite wall, from which IKured a thick stream of boiling water. The pool was so large that at the lower edge the water was almost cold. The nearer you approached to the place where the water burst from the rock the better chance you stood of getting boiled. At the edge, at a point where the water was of a comfortable temperature, stood two Indians, one on the bank and the other on a stone in the water. Near by were a dozen other Indians guarding a cumber of little Indian boys and girls who had nothing on and were howling and crying. When we looked out of the tent the two Indians at the pool had an Indian boy, one holding him by the feet the other by the hands, and were gravely swinging him backward and forward through the warm water, while he yelled at every dip. As soon as they had fin: ished with him he was set upon the bank, and ran to the willow brush near by. Then the noise redoubled, for eaek child in the group guarded by the In dians feared that it was his turn. They all tried to escape to the "brush, but their elders pursued and caught them, untL the very last one had been put through the cleansing process. New York Sun. Big; Field Gnni and Their Effect. If you insist on high velocity you have to add so much additional machinery to your gun carriage and have to so greatly strengthen its construction that you Jijstroy its mobility, while even if you gain a long range you are still unable to make use of your most efficient projec tile at it. Moreover, since the remain ing velocity of its shrapnel is a truer measure of the value of a gun than its initial velocity, and the two are by no means directly proportional, it does not follow that we benefit as much as we might expect by submitting to these disadvantages. Thus, the 12-pounder has an initial velocity of over 1,700 feet per second and a remaining velocity at 3,000 yards of 803 feet; while the lo-pounder, with an initial velocity of only 1,500 feet, has at the same range a remaining velocity greater by six feet per second than that of its rival. One of our highest authorities on field artillery has, indeed, recorded his opin ion, that, as regards the efficiency or shrapnel, we gain nothing by the in creased muzzle velocity of "the best field gun in Europe" at all practical ranges. Moreover, it is the attempt to squeeze out the last few extra feet that does all the harm. London Saturday Review. Modern Education. With all its novel modern powers and practical sense I am forced to admit that the purely scientific brain is miserably mechanical; it seems to have become a splendid sort of self directed machine, an incredible automaton, grinding on with its analysis or constructions. But for pure sentiment, for all that spon taneous Greek waywardness of fancy, for the temperature of passion and the subtler thrill of ideality, you might as well look to a wrought iron derrick. Science found education blundering peacefully along, cultivating half of the mind with charming results and letting the other die of disuse; it worked the startling miracle of electrifying this dead half into life and bringing it to perfect activity, and straightway, satis fied with this remarkable achievement, it proceeded to neglect the ideal half which the classics had made so much of and caused it to perish. It has substi tuted a new sort of half man for the old one. Clarence King in Forum. Skill in the Wrist. It is wonderful what a part the wrist plays in exercises in which physical 6kill and delicacy are required. After a map learns to play billiards well enough to be familiar with the cushions and the English, the important thing to cultivate is his stroke. It is the hardest thing about billiard playing to get a good Btroke, and sometimes the greatest play ers "fall down" because they lose con- trol of it. Now. the stroke whollv de pends on the action of the wrist. Jake Schaeffer, or any good player, will make a shot of seven cushions with less ap parent force than a beginner will exert in getting three. This is due to the su perior wrist movement. . It's the same way with violin playing. The quality and touch all depend on wrist manipulation. So with curving a baseball. Great pitchers always work a strong wrist movement on the ball as it leaves the hand. If they didn't it wouldn't curve at all. St. Louis Globe Democrat. Good Story Abo lit m Saco lawyer. A Saco lawyer lost his office key and with it, on the same bunch, the keys to his safe and house. There is a spring lock on his office door, and he concluded that he mast have left it in his office and have come out and locked the door. He accord ingly borrowed a long ladder and crawled through the back window of his office. No keys were to be seen, and after cogitating over the peculiar state of af fairs he at last let himself out, and there on the outside of the lock were hanging the keys. Bangor (Me.) Commercial. Beatlag the Earth. The highest velocity ever given to a cannon ball is estimated at a mile in 3.2 seconds. The velocity of the earth at the equator, due to its rotation on its axis, is a mile in 3.6 seconds. There fore, if a cannon ball were fired due west, and could maintain its initial velocity, it would beat the" sun in his ap parent journey around the earth. New York Journal. Soeiety la Creed. ! That there is a strong and distinct ' social caste in Creede, despite the prac i tical democratic conduct of the masses in their business intercourse, was lumi nously exemplified by au event of no in considerable proitortious at the Drainard & Dt-bee hotel on the evening of Feb. 22. It was the initial hop given by the fire company in commemoration of Washington's birthday. Tickets ot .sd mission were issued, and the closest vig: lance was kept on those to whom tickets were given, lest some improjicr charac ters would gain admission to the dancing hall, which was the hotel dining room. There were present fifty-three ladies and about four times as many men. All the ladies were dressed in handsome ball costumes, and the decollete gown was ' there in force. The men or a great many of them wore the conventional , swallow tail broadcloth. The programme contained all the latest ! fashionable dances, round and square ' and they were executed with an ease and grace that would do credit to St. ; Louis. A fine Italian orchestra fur ' nished the music and the hotel people gave a spread that was a marvel of com pleteness. The cards were handsomely embossed, and premiums are being of fered for them by people who were not ' there, to treasure them as souvenirs of the first ball in Creede. Cor. St. Louis Globe-Dem rat. Fought Under Cuater. A very happy family reunion occurred jix miles west of Muncie a few days since at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Russell. For over thirty years a member of the family has been mourned as dead, but Wednesday he made a happy surprise to bis old parents and friends with his . presence. Jrnest, tne omest son, a iaa of sixteen, ran away from home in 1859, going to Minnesota, where he remained until 1863, when he enlisted in the civil war and remained until the close, when he joined the regular army under com mand of that gallant general, Custer. Nothing was ever heard of the young man until his name was by mistake placed in the list of killed in the great massacre at Little Big Horn. The young man was severely injured in the fight, but recovered and lives to once more enter his home, where ho will remain. Ernest well remembers the famous Indian fight, and relates the horrible spectacle he witnessed in a ! manner that chills a person's blood. Cor. Indianapolis Sentinel. Sunday la the Proper Word. At the town meeting in Sharon the much discussed question whether Sunday or Sabbath was the proper term to use fras decided and the matter is no longer in doubt. A motion that the constables be authorized to enforce the laws against hunting and fishing on the Sabbath was made, and an amendment was made that the word Sunday should be substi tuted for Sabbath. This caused a heated discussion of nearly an hour, in which many took part. The amendment was carried by a small majority and the word Sabbath was changed to Sunday, and the motion as amended was carried. Boston Journal. Damages for Grief. A new cause has arisen for a lawsuit. A woman in France was notified by the authorities of a lunatic asylum of her brother's death. She went to the fu neral and ordered a handsome tomb stone. Her mother was so grieved at her son's death that the plaintiff had tc give up her situation to take care of her. Then she learned that the directors of the asylum had made a mistake, and that her brother was alive. After un successful efforts for compensation she has gone to he court, claiming heavy damages for grief and injury. New York Sun. An Indignant Tlurglar. On a recent morning about 3 o'clock a burglar visited Johnston's drug store, corner of Tenth and O streets, and in stead of entering through the regularly provided doorway after ringing the night bell, he climbed over the transom and was about to help himself, when his noise aroused the clerk, who threw his boot at the intruder. "You've got a cheek to throw your boot at me," was the remark of the burglar, who said "Good night" and departed. Washing ton Star. A Rig Job Ahead. A bureau of press clippings in Loudon has received the royal "command" to fur nish twenty distinct sets of newspaper cuttings from every periodical in the world, so far as obtainable, referring to the death of Prince Albert Victor. The sets are to be pasted each in a separate album. The section directed to Ameri can clippings should make a very edify ing collection, if the bureau is faithful in obeying the command. New York Sun. ... Onto the Bold Counterfeiter. A letter addressed to Secretary Fos ter, and dated at Garret, Ind., has just been received, in which the writer states that "there is a man in this part of the country who is manufacturing counter feit money;" that "he has a machine to print bills, from ones up to twenties, and they look perfect." The writer goes on to say that he will locate the man if it is to his interest. Washington Cor. Indianapolis Journal. The Mennonite German colony tn Irving Lane county. Or., received ad addition of twenty members in one fam ily which arrived there a few weeks agi mother and father, of middle age, and eighteen robust children. They came from Marion, S. D. One of the horses beloncrin&r to tut, New York fire department got loose the other nignt and ascended the stairs to the second floor, and nearly frightened the driver into soasms bv nlavfnllv noV- - -r x ing his cold nose into the latter's face wiiiie asleep. A citizen of Hume. Mo., traded horses with a friend, and was so delighted with his bargain that he led the animal into the house twiee for his wife's inspection TO SHIPPERS. - : - H utter, Km, Cb-r, ild Game,, Poultry, Meat, Applet, Potntoe Green mid Dried Pruite, VeetableH Cider, leant, "Wool, ITiclct, Tallow Sheep Pelts, Flirt, Skins, Tobacco, (rain, Flour; Hay, Hecfwstx, Feath ers, Ginning, Iironmcoru, and Hop. M. K. H A h L A K I) (Jon. 'iii. Merchant hi d Hnpper, 217 Market Street - Ht. J-oul. Mo. WANTKIt-Airent, yiii arxiialutcd with Farm er and Shipper. TOln'l II V LA Kit COAL WOOD -oTKKMS CASIlo ra and flic 44 South 1 a'rd htrcrt. Telephone 13. PLITTpMOHTH, NF.KKA8K E. REYNOLDS, Batlstercil I'hyal. Iaa aad I'iiarnaciit Special attention j?ive to Office Practise. Kocr Bluffs - Nb. p J. ITiiNSEJ Bimit iB- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASSCAND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsaaoatfc Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. IL A. WATBBMiK k SON BER : 8hingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds sin 6upply everw demand of the city. Call and pet trms. Fourth street in rear of opera hoHS. For Atchineon, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points n-th, east soath or west- Tick ets sold and bag-g-ag-e checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. Towxsend, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Phiixippj, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgar. Agt, Plattemouth. Telephone, 77. . The Favored Classes. Teachers, ministers, farmers, me chanics, merchants, as well as their wives, daughters and eons, who would like to devote at least a part of their time and attention to a work that would bring them in a lot of ready money during the next few months, would do well to look up the advertisement of B. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, Va., in another column, as it may be the means of opening up to many new life and larger possibilities. These gentle men have been extensively and suc cessfully engaged in business for many years, and they know what they are talking about when they tell you they can show you how' to your financial condition. P LUM