The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 11, 1892, Image 4

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Tho State League Only Played
One Came Yesterday.
' I II !
She Was Arrested To-Day Charged
With Running a Place of Prosti-tutlon.-After
the Postoffice
Robbers. 'News of
i in
m n 1 1 ; i
. ' l ( )! ! . 1 I 4 .1.
II!.' 1 Mi'"
1 1 tl J i : ) the
The following dispatch from
Kearney is taken from tlie Hee:
"S. C. Com in. secretary of the state
base hall league, was in Kearney
last evening and addressed a meet-
ing til base hall enthusiasts at the
Midway hotel. He briefly stated
the rules and regulations govern
ing the leairne and the expense at
tending running a team for the Rea
son. A soliciting committee, con
sisting of K. 10. Dodaou, W. S.
Clarke, Howard Ha i ley, Charles
Scott and Frank Harrington, was
chosen and another meeting will
be called this evening to report
what progress has been made. The
opinion seems cftiite general here
to-day that enough funds can be
eaaily raised to cover all expense
and guarantee all obligations.
State League.
The only iraine played in the
state league yesterday was played
at I tea trice, between Heatrice and
J fastings. Heatrice defeated yester
day by all around playing
and also by the aid of a combi
nation of errors made by the visi
tors. The grounds were muddy and
the air chilly, but the attendance
was good. The features o the game
were Gatewood's catch of a hard fly
and a double play by Taylor and
Gatewood. The score:
Four From Omaha, Tao ro
coin and N n to h- u
at L trv.e
decided to tippo n n.;
ot the womanV a':- i.
the Nebraska Cnliiini' i
sion, appoint iny f 1 1 -two
to Lincoln aiii
state at large. He k-iii
following for members: Mr.-, j
Hriggs, Mrs. M. Allan Had . Mrs
Patterson and Mrs. K. A. K.iton of
Omaha, Mrs. J. H. Smith an I Miss
Elizabeth W. Krwin of Lincoln. Mrs.
C. II. Van Wyck of Wyoming. Mm
E. C. Langworthy of Seward Mrs.
C. H. Wells of Matson, Mix. K. A.
Stewart of Hlair, Mrs. Alice I.
Hume of Harvard, Mrs. J. II. L nch
of Hebron, Mrs. Juan Koyle of
Kearney, Mrs. W. II. McDonald of
North Platte, Miss Antoinette
Wortham of Pawnee City.
Mr. Garueaii has designated Mrs.
Hriggs as president of the board
and Mrs. Van Wyck as chair nan of
the executive committee. The
board has been called to meet at
the Millard hotel in Omaha at 2 p.
m. on May 21 to choose its secretary
and committees and outline a plan
of work. The president, the secre
tary and the chairman of the execu
tive committee will be allowed
per day and hotel expenses while
in active service, lhe cither mem
bers of the board will receive $2 and
hotel expenses.
Kent rice 1 0 1 0 4 0 3 1 010
lhitine 1 0 0 -J 0 O 0 - 3
Kmi rarm-tl - Ite.-itrice 7. I lasiitiirs
Two !!! hitw-Cliilrf , llolohau 2, J one
Sai-riUce bit Howe
Ha tlolei Heatrice ft.
I iiil!t nla v CialcwiHMl ti Tuvlor.
H.-i-hsoii IkiII Slaicle 1, Packard 3, Juliu-
?-il 1.
Struck nut Single 10, Packard 7, John
sou :t.
l;asel la!lH- J,.iics 1, McKurlund
I' nil ij ire l-'ulmcr.
Standing of the Clubs.
I'lavt-il. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
I Seat rice i
Fremont 3
I'lattsiiiouth . 5
Lincoln 4
firaiul Il;ml 4
The Tent Pulled.
Matilda I-Jose lives in a tent, about
S by 10 feet, down near the bridge.
Complaints have frequently been
made that she was of a rather loose
character; that people who live
near by have seen men going there
at all times of the day and night
To-day complaint was made and
she was arrested and brought be
fore Judge Archer ami had a pre
nminary Hearing, ine trial was
set for 9 o'clock to-morrow morn
ing. in cietauit oi the necessary
bail she now languishes in jail.
Have They Got Him?
Postmaster Streight received i
letter last night from the postmas
ler ai umaiia, uotirying mm tnat a
man had been arreeted in Omaha,
whose description corresponded
with the postoffice robbers. Officer
Fitpzatrick went to Omaha on the
nine o'clock train to identify him if
possible, and bring him here if he
wag the right man. Johnny tele
graphed to Chief of Police Fry to
come to Omaha on the 2 o'clock
frcighL Whether they have got their
man or not remains to be seen.
Sons of Veterans Inspected.
Divisou Inspector Reeves, of Om
aha, inspected the II. E. Palmer
camp, Sons of Veteran's, last night
and from reports the camp will pass
a good examination, and will stand
above the average throughout the
state. The camp is now in a nour
ishing condition and under the
guidance of K. H. JJurris you may
expect to still hear better reports.
The May Festival at Lincoln.
Campanini. who has sung all
over the world with Palti and Nils--in
oti pnunl terms with tlip
great singers, will sing three eve
nings Pt the May festival. Mrs.
Lawsou. familiarly known as a
soprano soloist in this country and
in Kurope, and Mrs. Fiske and Mr.
Holmes, contralto and baritone,
will scarcely fall below the great
tenor in fame and power of pleas
ing. Besides this great quartette
of. singers the chorus of adults and
misses will be stronger than ever.
To give more scope for this great
talent the festival will be held at
the Lansing theatre and a round
trip railroad rate of one and one
third fare has been secured from
Nebraska points. All this will give
lovers of music in all parts of the
.-.tate an opportunity to hear the
best music there is heard in Ne
braska the year around. At the
Lansing, May 16, 17 and 18. No ex-
fnr entt on sale Mav 9.
ii 1' - - - '
Lincoln Journal.
To .Suspend Freight.
The Chicago Hurlington & Quincy
railroad has just completed the
schedules and arrangements for its
special through train service, be
tween Chicago and Denver, during
the triennial conclave of Knights
Templar, which will be held in Den
ver Auerust V. 10. 11 and 12. It
promises to surpass not only any
thing that has previousl" been at
tempted by the C. H. & Q.. but any
effort made by any other western
road, which has its terminal in Chi
cago. Every detail of the complex
system which it has undertaken is
completed. Thirty solid special
trains loaded with Knights and
their familes from the eastern states,
will leave the union depot in addi
tion to the regular Denver trains,
between noon of August 0 and the
noon of the following day.
The entire traffic of the Omaha
and Kansas City divisions will be
subordinate to the special flyers.
uid during August 0 and 7, when
the grand exodus for Denver is be
ing made, all east bound fast merch
andise, together with the grain and
live stock traffic, will be side tracked
at division points. The trains will
be run in platoons, with sufficient
time allowance between each group
to provide for any unlooked for
emergencies. Special relay engines
will be awaiting at division points
to lend assistance if required. The
entire journey of 1,026 miles will be
made in from twenty-nine to thirty
hours, according to the divisions
over which the specials will run.
The railroad has arranged to make
Chicago the pivotal poiut of the
journey, both going and returning,
and all the bodies from the east will
be given anjopportunity to visit the
world's fair grounds and other
places of interest. The great fea
ture of the undertaking will be that
there will be no mixed trains. Each
delegation of Knights will travel in
its own special, and will return by
it after the conclave is at an end.
T) e Oly irrtl utlon of the Kind In
the Wuf i'.' I he Dedicated
T t' orrov.
The Child !? I linne for Union
I' interr- ;.i ('.! ;nN Springs, lhe
oitiy in - s n u : fit. . I ihe kind in the
world, will ! w.malK de licated
to-morrow, ! !. .- i . - I bird birthday
oi (iuii-i' U.l'l,i:.!f. of the Phila
delphia L ;!-. There will be
pre.-ci t Messrs. ( hilds and Drexel
and about two hundid tnembeis
of the editorial association, who
will over there on their way to
Califon: la. l he program of exer
cises v. i i I in(-liilc addresses of wel
come b Governor Routt, on behalf
of the stale; Mayor Sprague, on
behalf of C'oloialo Springs, and
II. G. limit, on behalf of the cham
ber of commerce. Response by W.
H. Prescott, piesident of the Inter
national Typographical union; his
tory of the Childs-Drexel Home,
August Donath, of Washington;
oration. Senator J. II. Gallinger, of
New Hampshire, and remarks by
W. S. Capellai, president of the
National Kditoiial association.
Gifts of .",0X) each from Messrs
Chi Ids and Drexel in 18s6 were th
nucleus of the fund with which th
home was built, and the ground
eighty acres was donated bj F. 1
Martin and A. A. McGivney, of Col
orado Springs, the only conditioi
being a guarantee that a building
costing not less than $20,0) should
be erected on it. The building:
actually erected has cost abou
J. ne building is lour stories in
height, with basement. It has
frontage of 141 feet, by a depth of
14, with a wing in the rear of the
north end 40 by 70 feet. At one end
there is a round tower and at the
otner a square one, ana there is
another over the main entrance
There are porches around each end
of the tower on the first and second
stories. lhe main entrance is
reached by a broad stairway, with a
massive balustrade on each side
Some of the rooms on the first
and second floors will be magnifi
cently fitted up, notablj' the Childs
and Drexel parlors, the San Fran
Cisco, Denver, St. Louis and Inter
Ocean rooms. In the round tower
room, mounted upon a carved oak
pedestal, will be a splendid tele
scope of ISO diameters, which the
union has purchased.
Ian. Cass Com.23.t3r
Who can write the most words on
new U. S. Postal Card
Til T?
Miss Frohman In "The Witch."
manager loung 01 the opera
house is making a splendid valedic
tory for the season of 1892, and de
serves the thanks of the theatre go
ing public for the sterling attrac
tion he has received for Tuesday,
May 17. No play like "TheWitch'
has ever been in Plattsmouih. It
stands unique among the plays of
the century, possessing the virtues
of a marked novelty in its absolute'
departure from the conventional
methods of the stage. "The Witch'
s not a farce comedy, nor a melo
drama, nor yet a burlesque. It is
first andlasta legitmate production.
It is totally unlike any other play,
save in that it deals with human
passion and human suffering. With
a historic back ground of the witch
craft superstiton in New Kngland,
it tells the story of a young girl, in
nocent as live, guileless as a child
and beautiful as an angel, who is
being persecuted as a witch. It re
produces as a living reality the
scenes on the old Salem street, the
ublic Pillary, the Ducking of the
Scold, the Trial for witchcraft, and
otker stirring events of that event-
ul time.
T. IT. Pollock, Agent.
Dr. Dan Goldine; was in Omaha
Fritz Egenberger joiirned up to
Omaha to-day.
Mrs. Samuel Waugh was ail Oma
ha visitor to-da3r.
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Cummins were
in Omaha to-da3".
Mrs. Wm. JJallance went up to
Omaha this morning.
C. R. Dovej- of St. Louis returned
home this morning.
B. K. Windham of Glenwood, la
is in the city to-day.
maior r"earman or umana is in
the city to-day on business.
W. II. Pickens left on the flyer
this evening for Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Britt were attending
conference in Omaha to-day.
Mrs. F. H. Steimker is visiting her
daughter in Omaha to-day.
Frank Coursey and J. C. Peterson
had business in Omaha to-day.
Otis Dovey and mother were
Omaha passengers this morning.
Mrs. C. H. Parmele and Mrs. S. H
Atwood were Omaha visitors to
W. H. Cushing and Fred Herr
mann went 'up to Omaha this morning.
Mrs. C. C. Parmele and Mrs. A. E.
Gass were Omaha passengers this
T. B. Brown went up to Omaha
this morning to attend the M. E.
Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs.
Swift were passengers for Omaha
this morning.
Louis Solomon, after visiting in
the city for several days, returned
to his home in Geneva this morniag.
All those who are in debt to the
old firm of Weidman & Brekenfeld
are requested to call and settle by
the 15th of May or the accounts
will be placed for collection.
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Send all Postal Cards to
JOK, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892,
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.'
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
Opera lEHIo-U-se Oozrrxer,
The third quarterly conference
fr the First M. E. church will be
held this evening at 8 o'clock in the
church. All the members of the
quarterly conference are expected
to be present. Rev. Asa Sleeth, the
presiding elder, will be present and
will conduct the business.
Lekoy F. Britt, Pastor.
The funeral of the late Mrs. J. E.
Barwick will occur to-morrow after
noon at 2 o'clock from the Episco
pal churcn.
The Dantrler Surprise will burn
the poorest grade of gasoline as
well as the best. No ather stove will
do it. Hendee sells them.
The M. E. Aid society will meet
to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock
with Mrs. Benfer, on Pearl street,
between Seventh and Eighth
A grand ball will be given Friday
evening by the machinists or tnis
city at Rockwood hall. A large
delegation is expected from Omaha
on a special train.
Have Your Fortune Told.
Madam Sanmore, who speaks four
different languages, will tell your
past, present and future life. Call
and see her at once at room No. 11,
n the Perkins house. She will only
be in the citv this week.
Lawyers to Meet.
The members of the Cass county
bar and all parties interested are
requested to meet at the office of
the county judge in the courthouse
at 7:30 o'clock this evening for the
purpose of organization for the
formal dedication of the new court
house on May 23.
B. S. Ramsey,
County Judge.
We wish our patrons to take no
tice that we will move about the
first of next month to the room for
merly occupied by J. Finley John
son, tf Bennett & Tutt.
Buy the best and nothing but the
best and you will have a Dangler
Surprise stove. Hendee sells them.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G.
Fricke& Co
T. H. Pollock, Agent.
M). 2 5:17 P.M.
iNo. 4 lo :3 a. ir.
No. 8 7 ; 44 p. m
No. 10 : 45 a. ni
No. U :U3 a. Di
Xol, 3 :45 a. Hi.
No. i 3 :4S p. in
No. 9 :00 a. ni.
N'O. 7 S :IT n fii.
wo. 4 :) p, m
-o, 91 7:15 a. m
PllshlieH's extra le.ivps fnr )m;ili:i nhrmf- tiv
o'clock for Omaha aud will accommodate pas
The Place to Buy
No. 384 Accomodation Leaves..
No. 3 arrives..
Trains daily except funday.
.10:53 a. m
4 ;00 p. m
Call on
Plattsmouth - - Nebraska
Correspondence Solicited.
Office in Uuion Blook
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska
ask. your aeaier to snow you
where the gasoline goes to from
the tank to the burner and then go
and see the Dangler Surprise. For
sale by Hendee.
Ice. Ice.
McMaken & Son are delivering ice
daily. Call on them for your sum
mer s ice.
Some of the Grand Army boys
may be interested in the following
from Alex. B. Pope, A. D. C, Com
mander, Dep't. Tenn. and Ga. He
says: "We have bad an epidemic
of whooping cough here, (Stewart,
lenn.,) and Chamberlains Lough
Remedy ha9 been the only medicine
that has done any good." There is
no danger from whoeping cough,
when this remedy is freely given. It
completely controls the disease. 50
cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co., druggists. 4
Wall Paper
House Paint.
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
nnQu -T!Ar; r? rv
Republican Club.
A meeting of the Young JMen's
Republican Club will be held at the
council chamber Thursday even
ing at 8 o'clock sharp. The com
mittee on the coming banquet is ex
pected to report. A full attendance
is desired.
M. N. Griffith. J. L. Root,
Secretary. President.
For Sale A desirable residence
lot in Orchard Hill addition to
Plattsmouth, just one block from
the M. P. depot. This lot will be
sold cheap and on easy terms. Call
on or address this office. tf
H. C. McMaken & Son are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part
of the city. Telephone No. 72.
Why will you cough when Shi
loh's cure will give immediate re
lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. ad $1
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc
FOR Sale Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmouth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address The
Herald office. tf
If in need of a crood pair of spec
tacles go to Gering & Co.
Telephone No. 72 for your Bum-
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely safe.
ment plan as cheap as for cash.
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can get
t lor you on two days' notice.
1 wiain-st , Plattsmo.ith