The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 11, 1892, Image 3
G I- 5 Si3 ejAMENSELVOpjLAFC rI . X BULL DURHAM Is always uniform in quality. Pure, sweet and dean. The Ideal of Fine Tobacco. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM. N. C. BEST 0B6AHS FOR EARIEF.T THE MASON fc HAMLIN ueir iainous wratis or 1 larios lor three months, giving- the person kiring them full opportunity to test it thoroughly jM own hoire hid return it lie does not longer want it. It lit- continues to want it Mntil the aggregate of rent pain amounts t the price of the instru ment. It KKCOMKS II M PKDI'KKTT WITAOL'T FL'UTIIKK PAYMENT. Illus trated catalogue, with net prices tree. Mason & Hamlin Orgjn and Piano Co NEW WAIT: FOE - THE e BIG h SHOW An entire city by itself Ten times larger than ever. h ! F. J. TAYLOR'S l DOUBLE - CIRCUS uge Worlds Museum, Caravan, Hippodrome, Menagrie and Congress 6 of lid ana .Living' Animals. WILL EXHIBIT AT PLATTSMOTJTH SqtuMqy Afay 14. jXOTK winn to arramrements made ly the American Showman's Pool League tlii- "will Ih- iUv only great show to visit Cass county this year. rjjQ 000 iat we ve tne uest circus performance ever seen in the west 50 STAR PERFORMERS. 5 FUNNY, FAMOUS CLOWNS. A show to think and talk about. The greatest number of favorites ever assembled under canvas. A great holiday of rest and recreation for every one. We guarantee to all a most enjoyable, moral, refined and artistic entertainment. JIP, &D SAMPSON- The mightiest and biggest brutes that breath, The Goliaths of the Giant tribe. The largest elephant and camel in the world. JIP, the grand old battle scarred war elephant. SAMPSON, the tallest skv-towerintr camel the world ever saw. ' The only Fan Eared Elephant in Captivity. Baby Camel Oniv Ten Month old. And a menagerie containing all the animcls worth seing under the sun i & QajvTD IDOUBIxE CIRCUS Of two exalted circus companies. Grandest of Hippadrome specialties street oatrneant one mile long, crimsoned with the radiant lustre of the noon sun retlectins scenes more scraud than king or conquerer ever beheld. Tons upon day BanUs of music tilling the air with melody IS A - Free - Plight - to - Two Performances tons. IjIock alter liock. a soon Niums ... a ...... - - - represented- N'oble knights and -warriors. Ladies fair on prancing horses. Open dens'of wild and ferocious animals hungrily purveying the surging crowds. A herd" i. frnm Asia. Knirland and Kentucky. Comic clowns and mules. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. performance commences one hour later. Don' let other advertisements mislead you: we never dissappoint, Admission to both circus and menagerie only 25 and 35 cents. .......... SMOKING TOBACCO, Whether on the hills gaming ; In the place of business ; or at home, it always fills that niche of com forta good smoke. Put up in handy packages, and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf-Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; it recommends itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. AfJB PIANOS, PAYMENTS. (JO. now oiler to nnt any one of YOKK CHICAGO. sights worth coming many miles to see. the - Clouds - Each - Day Daily RAIN OR SHIN E Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best 8ai,vb in the world for Cut Bruise. Bores, Ulcers, Haltltheum. Feve? Boron, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and posi tivelj cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, 01 money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by F. O. Fricke Specimen Cases. S. II. Clitford, New Castle, Wit was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was die ordered, his liver was affected to at alarming degree, appetite fell awaj and he was terribly remiceu in near. antl strengtn. inree iomc wi Klectru- Hitters cured him. Kdward Shepherd, Ilarrisburc 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and neven bottles Ducklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large lever sores on jus leg, uociors said lie whs incurable. One bottle Electric Hitters and one box Duck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Voting others 3 We Offer Ton m JZ4y tchich Jiaaure Safety lAfu of Moth mnd Child. " MOTHER'S FBSEPID " Jtobm Confinement of itm Pain, Horror and Risk. Alter udnoii bottU-of .Unlhfr's Friend" I uiTer.-l l,u llttif i' tiM ui cx;hji lenoe that w,akn-K bftrrwunj uhiih.1 lu uch cuitM. Lrs. AN.Hiit Uauil, Lamar, Mo., Jail. IStb, lo91. Snt ly exprtws, chanros prepaid, on receipt of prlre, per bottle Book to Mothers mailed true. tHADVIELO It KG IT Ei ATOIl CO., ATLANTA, GA. BOLD BY ALL DRtOGISTS. For men mn 1TOTJNG MENOLD MEN BET II THE TOILS Or THE SERPEITS Or DISEASE. Thy otki harolo florta to fr thamsalTM, nat no Knowing now to laecuaraiiy 3SHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES Uiey giT up in dMpair an4 sink Into mo emrlf crftv. ff Ml am AUiiUK l brc m a&ir CUR NEW BOOK ta philotophy of DUeaa- mm mnA UmirtiollI of ttl Organs of Man. and how by unite TREATMENT. by methods exclusively oar wa, tas worn rsiira 01 iMt or Palllns; Manhood, Osasral and Hsrroas Do billty. Wsakasss of Body aa Hind, EStcts of Errors or Excsssss, Btonvsa or HowtoEnUr.andBtrngthnWKAa:,0DEVELOPEp ORG AHB PARTS of BOOT asaao plain to ail lntarsstad. lira mUfr froaa SO StatM. Trirts and Poraira Coantrlia. You nn write thm. Pot Book, full MplanatWiand proof", aildraja ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. mm WHOTE Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water DUSKY DIAMOND TAR SOAP. For Farmers. Miners and Mechanics. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc A. Delightful Shampoo. fir tho Lluuor Habit, Positively Curel CY ADLliniSfEni;X3 OR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cud of co9ee or tea. or in ar ticles ol ood. without the knowledge of the per son taking it; it is absolutely harmless and wiii effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether thepatiectisa moderate clrinkeror an alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAIL8. We GUARANTEE a rompiete cure in evary instance. 4S page boos FREE. Address in confidence, VU)N SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Sacs SU Cincinnati. 0- Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain core for Chronic Sere Eyes Tetter, Salt Bhenm, Scald Head, 01 Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been curod by ft after &U other treatment had failed. It is put up in 25 and SO cent boses. SOILING WATER OR MILK. P P GRATIS TJX COMFORTING Xabeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. F3KB n r3HNESSHXAD!iorsBscURED rs gwa bI''ck',lllTliUcI'lbulrErCii.h- Pacxjsf olwn.rtl lirmrdirsfftil. Sold by F. HiMox.onJr. rn r f 853 Bruadny, Kew l'wk. Wriw tut beuk oi preuU TntC rifYnfJflTn.orcansSJS. Wont ntcts. catTfrue lUinuu free Address Uan'l F Ueatty.-wash irnrton X. J. PARKER'S U&ID RAI 2AlUi iiir " TsSllS Cine ami bmauOa th kiir. i Promote m lnmriant frowth. i'irJiTlS J I Fails to Besstar Gnr 43 i?Ljr HAr Tontkftsl; Color - Parker's Qinger Tonic, i; cur, ttre woawi Cuu-h, Vela lxinza. IVbilitv. foil i ration, Faun,Tk ia time. SU cts. HINOERCORNS. Tba only mrre am Tot Coma. top mZfM. c m XrujfuU, vr lUSUOi CO., 21. T. 4X Drunkenness COCOA Cruel Nw York. So let j. Whoever 6uoull write an analysis of ; affairs in New York today and should loavo oui me Biram i kucihi biuuihuu would miss tho most serious thing in the life of the metropolis. We are apt to think tho hardcht thing a man can do is to come to New York, establish a f oot hold and eventually make a fortune, as so many thousands of country boys have done. But my observation is that if you will go to those same men after they have put the city under their feet, they will tell you that what they have accom plished was nothing as compared with what they have yet to do and that is to get into society. I do not mean McAl lister's Four tlundred when I say "soci ety:" 1 mean polite society of any sort. I mean the entree into any one of a hun dred far more desirable circles than Mc Allister's band of self instituted aristo crats. The day was when a man had the entree of any 6uch circle if he was a re spectable man of any profession or if he was rich. That is the casein the smaller cities today. Any doctor, lawyer, judge or rich man, whose reputation is clean, can instantly gain admission to the nicest circles in the Bmall cities. But he cannot do bo in New York. The only sure passport to 6uch circles that I know of in New York today is to be born in such a circle. The next best thing is to boast a commission in the army or navy. Tho city is old and rich and suspicious of all newcomers. That makes its so ciety the most rigid and cruel in Amer ica. Julian Ralph in Providence Jour nal. Why Canned Salmon Is Cheap. When one comes to think of it it seems quite wonderful that one 6hould be able to buy a pound of salmon in a can from the P;icific coast for twenty-five cents. The frozen fish costs forty cents a pound at least, while the unfrozen artk-le ranges in eastern markets from one dol lar np. Besides, the manner in whic h each can is made to contain a segment of salmon perfectly fitted into it appears most surprising, the bones, even to the larger vertebra?, melting m tho mouth without requiring so much as a crunch between the teeth and the red flesh sep arating in beautiful clean flakes. Yet salmon would be very much cheaper than at present were it not that the great canners of Alaska have formed a combination to restrict the product. This is unfortunate for consumers per haps, bat lucky certainly for the fish, which would bo wiped out altogether within five years at the most if the com panies engaged in their capture had a market for all they could produce at profitable rates. The methods employed are the most destructive conceivable, in asmuch as the fishermen stretch seines across the mouths of the rivers and take the fish which are going np the stream to spawn. There is a law against this sort of thing, but it is not enforced Eventually, doubtless, the supply of this valuable finny game will run out and artificial propagation will have to be re sorted to. Washington Star. Insomnia and Nervousness. There can be no doubt that many per sons suffer from insomnia which had its origin, or at least its principal strength, in their own nervous apprehension that they are oi" are about to be afflicted with it. Any one of a dozen causes may in duce wakefulness, and yet the person lying in bed with the faculties alert at the moment when they would naturally be expected to be wrapped in slumber has nine times out of ten, or ninety-nine times in a hundred. nothing serious to apprehend. The stomach may not be in quite its normal condition and there is no more potent cause of wakefulness. Now an hour ten minutes even seems a long time in the middle of the night, when a person wishes to be sleep ing and cannot. If a sensation of dread, of apprehension, is allowed to enter the mind, such a period simply becomes in terminable. The nervous apprehension increases the difficulty, and feeding upon itself the derangement may quite possibly increase till it becomes a dan gerous malady. Good Housekeeping. How to Save Money. Some men plead poverty when they are well off. Gilhooly is one of these. His landlord said to him: "I want you to pay your rent right off." "I haven't got any money." "But you have got to pay it any how." "Now, yon look here, if you keep on dunning me for that rent when I've not got a cent do you know what 111 do? I don't like to do it, but you'll goad me to it." "What will you do?". "Ill buy me a house for cash and put a stop to this paying by the month." Texas Siftings. Silence Unkind Criticism. "This world could be made better," said Mrs. French-Sheldon with emphasis, "if we would exercise more magna nimity in our judgment of other people's motives, and by devoting ourselves to the accomplishment of some fixed object, ambitious or otherwise, which will give scope to latent qualities and develop new ones, hence tending to break down preju dice by self enlargement. By silencing the unkind criticism which maj be pro voked and even deserved. By recount ing the good rather than the bad even of those inimical to us." New York World. , Slow Torture. Teacher In China criminals are fre quently sentenced to be kept awake un til insanity and death result. Nov. how do you suppose they keep them from falling asleep? Little Girl (eldest of a small family) I guess they gives 'em a baby to take care of. Good News. Glass Made Transparent Onickly. A method of quickly rendering glass transparent during the process of manu facture consists in forcing into the melted materials a stream of oxygen gas, the enormous heat generated oxidiz ing all deleterious materials. New Yot k Journal. ROSAMOND. Ia ber moire seo hor tdt Uowo of antique ttheen. Groat blurred roues over it Sunk In uiotwy Km'iL A roue her dainty rornaKO holds, A roe within her hair. And a nhe stint her silken fold A rotto ncent in the air. O'er her antique, rot blurred kowb Swher fi libera flit, Whllo 1 envy, hxtkins down. Every roj of It, I would 1 were a sllkrn thread. That they might weave of me, Ul-on un antique moire bed, A fc'ixxlly rose to see. Wonld I were a roeta. art born, isunk in a fern green frond. That, 'inonn the ret, I miht adora A gown for Koeainond. Nay, would I were a livinc rose She'd be more soft and fund That 1 might kiss her bosom clone. Then die for Hosamond. -Lniah Kagsdala in Detroit Free I'resa. DRAFTY ENGLISH HOUSES. In England Homes Are Devoid of Mod ern Comforts or Conveniences. The average dwelling house in any class upper, middle or lower built within a year is constructed almost pre cisely on the lines in vogue at the begin ning of the century. In England there has been in ninety years no such ad vance in domestic architecture, with re gard to both convenience and style, as we have noted in the United States in the last decade. The Englishman may explain this by alleging that he built better in 1800 than we did in 1882. In this he will not be altogether wrong, but he will be supported by fewer facts than he imagines. The British c.irienter has not yet mas tered the art of making a window. There is always a gale blowing in around the sashes during the winter, whether the outside air be calm or raging. The more heat you get in a room and by lamps and gas you can contrive to raise the temperature the greater is the rush of cold air from without. It forces its way around the window sashes and the doors in obedience to a natural law. An English house is drafty, whether it be the dwelling of a peer or a peasant. The doors are hung even worse than tho windows. In the first place there are no thresholds, and there is a gaping space between the floor and the bottom of the door. The room in which I am now writing has an admirable specimen of an English door. I have just measured the yawning crevices around it. Between the floor and the bottom of the door there is a space one-half an inch wide, extending across the entire breadth of the door. Around the other three 6ides of the door there is a space one-quarter of an inch wide. All the doors in the place (which is not the work of a "jerry builder," but is what the British call "a high class" and expensive structure) are hung in the same fashion. Imagine, then, the number of portieres and thick rugs necessary to exclude the drafts. The halls of an English house are un heated. Drafts are accordingly increas ed, for the cold air will alwaj-s rush from the chilly halls into the apart ments of high temperature. Screens, portieres, rugs, heavy window hangings are essential in every room. Of course these things darken an apartment. Thus you can only break the currents of air in a London dwelling by adding to the depressing gloom of the almost sunless London winter. An American housekeeper setting up an establishment hero misses the nu merous and capacious closets of the Yankee domicile. Closet making is an unknown art to the Nineteenth century British builder. I know of any number of new and expensive dwellings both fiats and houses in which there is not a hanging closet. The most you can do is to provide a few cupboards in the "chimney jogs." For clothing you must have wardrobes set up in your rooms, monopolizing space and being as cheer ful to gaze upon as sarcophagi. Odds and ends you must etow away as best yon can. Cellars, in the American sense, are unheard of. A small dungeon for coals or a penitential cell for wines ful fills the British housekeeper's notion of a cellar. "Set tubs" are usually reserved for the "mansions of the great." The bathroom is the latest innova tion in English houses of the better class, but it is still an innovation. The clumsy tin tub, a yard and a half in width and six inches in depth, continues to be the Briton's favorite instrument for the matutinal ablution. In this un wieldy contrivance, brought into his chamber in the morning, John Bull takes his frigid splash. His aversion to bathrooms is akin to his horror of gas "above the drawing room." J. B. pre fers to go to bed by candle light. He has a notion that gas will suffocate him in his sleep. Perhaps he cannot trust himself to shut off the illuminant by turning the "tap." London Cor. Boston Herald. Several Common Phrases. Some of our idiomatic phrases are amusing rather than didactic. Take, for instance, the very common remark made when some one of the company has told aharmless secret "You have let the cat out of the bag." It is at once a figure of speech and a picture, but a veritable bugbear to a foreigner not versed in the mysteries of our language. The same idea is expressed in another idiom, "You've tipped up the apple cart." A phrase that has an expressive meaning is one which epitomizes whole volumes of advice "Keep a Etiff upper lip." Detroit Free Press. His Chances. "If I had half a chance I'd marry," re marked a handsome millionaire bachelor to a good looking girl. "But you never will have," she as serted. "Why not?' he asked, somewhat taken aback. "Because," and she smiled in a way that fascinated him, "every chance in your case is a whole one." It was the merest chance she took, but it netted her a million and a man. Detroit Free Press. TO SlIll'I'KKS. Uutter, KcjjH, ( 1mm . iltl Giunc, Poultry,, Applcn, I'otutoett Green and Dried l-'ruile, Vegetables Cider, JtcatiM, Wool, IlidcH, Tallow Sheep I'eltM, Turn, Skin, Tobacco, Grain, Flour; Hay, Drcswax, FYath trn, GinsiiiLr. Kroouicorii, and JIopM. M. U. I A I, L A R I) tleii. in. tcr.-liniit a d liiii-r, 217 Market Street - M I.ouim, Mo WAMH' Mt. era and m.i i r ;u'Xii:ilnt-d will) K ii Mil' 3 V Win j. CO A f WOD oTI KNS CASIlo rd hi. (I Ofln- 404 "-lit Ii 'I Ii ' I ! MieH .1. , lioi e 1.1. I'LATTS-MCH 1 II, NlItWAHl J, IS. REYNOLDS, JteKintrred I'hyn Ian mid I'Iimi iii-cIh Special attention iv-n to Office Practice. Rock Dluvfh Neb. j9 J. HiJMSKcJ - IIFil.KK IN- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS: AND QUEEN3WARE. Patronage; of the Public Solicited. NorU Sixth Street, PJattsaaoMtfc Lumber Van THE OLD RELIABLE. H. A. W17BBEAN k SOB PIHF LUMBER ! Shingles, Latli, Sash, oors. Blinds Can supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City. St. Louis, and all points nr-th, east .r.' . eouth or west. Tick eta sold and bag. gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address II, C. TOWXSEND, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. T. C. Phillippi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. II. D. Apgar. Agrt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. The Favored Classes. Teachers, ministers, farmers, me chanics, merchants, as well as thrir wives, daughters and sons, who would like to devote at least a part of their time and attention to a work that would bring them in a lot ol ready monev during the next few months, would do well to look up the advertisement of Ii. F. John-on & Co., Richmond, Va.. in another column, as it may be the means ol opening up to many new life and larger possibilities. These gentle men have been extensively and suc cessfully engaged in business for many years, and they know what they are talking about when they tell you they can show you how to vour financial condition. iMfe i;