The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 11, 1892, Image 2

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TlAroan-al-naiwhM loved bin liarrnTa mjdrln;
II tared bis Kardnna, with their wlutlinff
1I lovrd to watrh bin rrymtnl fountains ly:
lie lured bii horM-a and hiit court irm tixy;
Jle lovrd all royal orts tliat plctwto a kinic.
Itut niont L lovnd to hear hln uiiimlreU hinif.
And an It harni-l that Mm fame liiul brought
Two rival int(-r to the caliidrn court.
Who li-rl him hent. full well each liiioHtrol
Would be proclaifiKHl the irrcater of the two.
Ho wrll they li-avd him that they found him
To rhoone lx tw n tluiii, for he loved them
It all the nation Judge," at length Huid he:
Who liluuwn txmt my m'jI lcttnn iim)."
Through all the land the rival mm-Iii aunm
llieir oauiea aud inline were on every toutpie.
Until at laM Hicr ncr rewliHl a door
Where Kaiue hiwt not buhk ull their song be
Itan Olaf aanir of deeda the cali(h wrought.
The rirhea and the splendor of hi rourt;
The miifhty warriors every tuition boants.
And aruiiea vaiiiuihel by thw rohet'a hosts:
Jlovr Iiilam 8 valor wan beloved and fearod;
And when tie finished, listening thousands
Mnstapha's nonita were all of simpler things;
Forgotten wan tho pride of earthly kines.
He ftani; to them of home and truth and love;
How Allah watched his children from above.
done to their hearts the poet's muhic crept;
And when he fiuLihed, all the pconle wept.
For though lien Olaf charmed them with hi
It wan MuHtapha'a songs that reached their
James G. Burnett in Harper's.
: !
Flfty Kinda of Electric Fishes.
According to the statements of the
English naturalist, Professor Stirling
there are in existence today upward of
fifty Piecies of fishes having more or less
specialized organs, the function of which
is the generation of electric discharges.
JThe lishes differ widely, sometimes
strikingly, from each other, belonging
mostly to different families, and oc
casionally even to different orders of the
"Pisces." In structure they closely re
semble the other species of the genera
to which they severally belong, differ
ing irom iiiem, wnn an occasional ex
ception, mainly in the jiossession of or
gans for electric generation.
Tho well known "electric rays," for
example, of which Nicholson mentions
three and Gnuther six, are the most
prominent. These rays are found in the
Atlantic and Indian oceans and the
Mediterranean sea, and are seen in the
English channel, or even farther north;
while other ejectric fishes are still more
cosinopolitauT'though most of them in
habit limited areas and warm waters.
A I'hraxe That I Not Knglish.
"I will give a prize of $100 to any one
who can prove that the expression 'don't
you know, or, as it is often rendered.
doncherknow, was ever used in Eng
land by a real Englishman," declared a
Ierson of tho British persuasion the other
"The phrase had its origin in Philadel
phia, where it is much in vogue, because
certain dudes there believe it is English.
No Englishman ever says 'Don't you
m ri .
Know, a ne expression ne aoes use is
'Yon know,' such as 'I'm going up to
London, you know, to get me new
trousers, yon know.'
"This may be a startler for certain
young men about town, who by dint of
great practice are able to interject
Moncherknow' at about every ten words
m their conversation. I'm sorry to hurt
their feelings. New lork Herald.
Roosters ftpoiled the Jndra'a Charge.
Two crowing n'-vrs deutror-2 U
effect of Judge Chuiulx rs charge to IV
jury in the record -v'a eor.rt 1M
morning, and furiii.vhcd irtt :it at... .
inent to the crowd of spot t;i tor,
case was one of arson. :unl the cfiH;;" '
the judge proceed d in iLin wi.-:
"Uentleiuau of the jury,"
judge "Coek-a-diodl.)-loo," tin
one rooster "you have heard th r
"CKik-a-liKIl'-loo," answered tln? h-r
rooster "deuce on both side of this
case, um given by the different" "t-.-k-a-doodle-doo"
"witnesses, and thw ar
guments of the prosecutor for the j o
phj "Cock-a-doodle-doo" and tho at
torney for the defendant.
"You have heard the rooster
mean the defendant tell where I..
on the night of the fire" "Coc k-a do.
The spectators were by this tiri-r
able to restrain their laughter, and
judge looked apiiealingly tow:trl
doortender, who closed tho rear iJ;..
But this did not entirely drown :!
sound of the barnyard fowl, as . ty
once in awhile the faint echo of a ' .
a-doodle-loo" would mar the soli-un:;:
of the courtroom and cause a smile i.i
overspread the features of the urhai.e
and dignified judge.
The cause of the roosters' presence
was afterward explained when they wen?
brought into the courtroom and intro
duced as evidence in another case. De
troit Cor. Chicago Inter Ocean.
To tlio
I HUOI I . .
liMMll.l "
i: etc.
' y lllflll .
I Itr m. ;
.i i ) i.
curv. t.
If U r' i,
,.' t
i rout Catholic St. haul's Church, ak. between
firth aud Hlxth. Father t'auify, Fastor
Herrices : Mans at t find to :30 a. m. Sunday
Mchool at 2 0, with benediction.
-.1 !
K'i Willi i ne
t permanent
tlte institute.
A ' ftuHtbli Mwit.
Wtuild Keiijp'i balbain for the
throat siiitl lunv. t curing more
canes rinth c11h, :tlinia, broi
thilt, cr:iu !ind all throat nnd
luny: irtitleM. th. in any other Tem
ely. Tlit ifii f rr lmt atithar
ixed any 'lfii'.i-t l iive yon a am
pie boltle fic- r t'lmviiitre yon of
the merit f il.i sreal remedy.
I.are boltU-H rkV an! $1.
I eh
Chkimtiak. Corner l)cut and
service murntne and hvei ihk. hlder
uanoway pastor. Sunday Kchool 10 a. m.
El'iHCOPAU St. Luke's Church, corner Third
and Vine. Kev. 11 it. Hur:ets. pactor. Ser
vices : 11 A. at. aud 7 :3 t m . Sunday Kchool
St 2 :30 P. M .
I n.
w t r f 1 s
J'.:. "in., .i;
or l-.-- I
!. .
Mlllei i
V iiwl -:n;l
Cm-jh-i j
tl.-CM i
c;it;o l'-'
r, i
!:ity to nay a few
.:.i'i to llj-'a Cream
' ' enlirtly without
i Iii'vc iti-eJ it more
(;! r. ;'i .! ht:ve found
iii'ble hae
: ( .r
I he worst
little Joy
ore, hut
r ;en fliut.
f.:e.s htave
Ave., Chi-
Qkkman Mkthouist.-v irner .sixth M and
ranit. Kv. Illrt. 1'antor. ru-eH : 11 a. m.
an U 7 :30 p. u. 8uulay Sell .ol lo :3U a m
f'KKSBVTKKl AM. Services in i ew -hitcli. cor
ner blilli ami (irunite Kev. J T. I'aint,
niwlor. iuidav-hci uil at 9 ;.K ; J reaching
at U a. m.:il s p. m.
lh Y. K. e,. :. h ot pt' i tiiiri-h m. el every
Hiititiittil eveiili.r at 7 :lf in I lie ta.Ht-in" t ol
the ctiixTh. All ui invited to atl' iul there
First Mtiioiiht. Sixth st., tetwen Main
and IN-arU Kev. I. K. I'tiit. D. I), iiasmr.
tiMivice : 11 . m.. H ;0O f. m Minda School
9:30 A. H, Fray er meet h n Wednesday even-
iXKMAN 1'KMsr. vtkki an . i-j-ner Mam and
Nilitli. Krv. Wltte, p;ist'i'. si-rvn-e- iisonl
hours. Suuikiy school :3ii A. M
swk.koish i';ati( ai. ;nuiiie.
twecn Fifth and Mxth.
Overtures from the Sponge Trust.
The Sponge Gatherers' association met
at the room over the store of J. P. Rol
erts Monday evening, when President
Alien Curry stated that a proposition
had been received from the sponge trust
through their local representative sug
gesting that the association enter into
an agreement to sell all its sponges to
the trust for a term of years, for which
a fair price would be offered and Ijonds
given and required for the faithful per
formance of the agreement.
Mr. Arapian addressed the meeting at
considerable length, offering several
specious arguments in favor of his
propositions, declaring himself in favor
of the Sponge Gatherers' association and
stating that if he should withdraw from
the trust the same would be very badly
crippled and would be compelled to dis
solve at once.
Mr. John Lowe, Jr., who had almost
been persuaded to withdraw from the
association, now declared his intention
of supporting it more strongly and ap
proved of its actions.
The meeting was also addressed by
Messrs. W hitmore, Pinder, Watkins and
B. W. Kemp, who made some telling re
marks. Every one interested in sponge
gathering was urged to join the union.
Key West Advertiser.
i o i i a i r J '
n i mm.
The U-
to man to
Only a few
to start !?75
iri l-uiiu
City, !o.
&oi I-
allow a co i -.
hej-oml tb:
i id run uiiti it frets
.icli v f iMe licine They
pay "Uli, it trill v r-nr tiway, i i;t ii
most c;!-r i .vrtR theiia awaj,
It Ni-rilt No Ouardi.
iue smanesr, simplest ana tiest pro-
tected m the world is in tlie
Straits of Magellan and has been there
for many years. It consists of a small
painted keg or cask, and is chained to
the rocks of the extreme cape in a man
ner so that it floats free, opposite Terra
del Fuego. Each passing ship sends a
boat to take letters out and put others
in. This curious postoffice is unprovided
'with a postmaster, and is therefore un
der the protection of all the navies of
the world. Never in the history of this
unique "oiuce has its privilege been
abused. Philadelphia Press.
His Klection Cost II!m Four Cents.
Mr. II. K. Williams may be compli
mented upon the economy he exercised
in seeking re-election to the Middlesex
county council, his expenses being set
down at twopence. This fairly beats
the "record." Mr. .Deputy Bedford's
election expenses were said to be but
nineponce on one occasion, but he must
pale his ineffectual fires before the su
perior financial prowess of Mr. Williams.
London City Press.
Nearly Z.500 Immigrants on One Ship.
There came to Baltimore recently the
largest number of immigrants ever
landed from one 6hip in any port of
America from a foreign land. When
the steamer Oldenburg, Captain Gathe
man, from Bremen, was made fast at
Baltimore and Ohio pier 9, Locust
Point, 2,493 men, women and children
came over the gangplank into their
adopted country. They were a hardy,
respectable looking throng. Schumacher
& Co., agents of the ship, paid $1,246.50
to tho custom service as the per capita
tax upon the immigrants. There were
not over 200 among the immigrants who
had not been born iu Germany. About
100 were Russians, and a few were
The nearest approach to the number
brought by tho Oldenburg was 2,-130
immigrants lauded here in April, 1831,
by the ehnar. Baltimore Sun.
One AVay of Stopping a Runaway.
J. southern caiiiornia vaquero per
formed a remarkable feat in San Fran
cisco recently. While riding his mus
tang he suddenly came upon a runaway
team. The vaquero rode close to the
animals and, bending over until he al
most touched the ground, caught the
reins, which were trailing. There was
a sudden evolution of man and beast,
and the brave mustang stopped as though
shot. Its hind legs were doubled under
its body, its forelegs were extended and
Jose sat erect with the reins of the
team wound tightly around the horns of
his saddle. As the reins drew taut there
was a prodigious jerk, a tearing of the
pavement under the broncho's stubborn
feet, a snapping of harness, and the bi
horses, checked in their impetuous rush,
were thrown to the ground and cap
tured. Exchange.
Could tl"!'
puccessti.i I.
i Hohl ou
cure, the
effect all--:
Price f0c ; '
all druffjrintB.
try the
-'l'' : -uwriiniet; to
ikfuj; ilu firet rioael
fl. Trial i.ifce free. At
Cul.OltKD Baptht.---Ml. Olive. nkt between
Tenth iid Eleventh Fev. A. hoxwell, pas
tor. Services II a. rn. s-ud 7 :'M p ni Fruyer
ineetinif Wednesday evening.
hiHuns in . att-i i-inii l.ldi k. Miiin street, tlos
pei irifotinj:. ! liu-i-onl. overv Sunday af
leriiooji at 4 o'clock. Kuoiiih open week days
Irom a. in.. u -J : : p. i.i.
South 1'ahk Tauehn aclh. Fev. J. M.
Wood, Fastor. Kcrvices; Sunday School,
:o. m. : I reachint;, U a. in. aud 8 p. ai. ;
irayer rneat!nu Tuesday niht ; choir prac
tice Friday night. All ar vclconm.
The wistTotn rf him who journey-
eth is knowu by tlw line he selects;
the judgment of th man who takea
the "Iiurlincrton Route" to the
cities of the east, the nouth, und the
west, is never impeached. The in
ference is plain. Nsitriiificent Pull
man sleepers, elegant recliniup;
chair cars and world-fainotis dining
cars on all through trains. For
information address the airent of
the company at this place, or write
to J. Franci9, General Passenger
and Ticket Agent. Omaha.
Now Try "I his-
It will cost you nothing- and will
surely do you good, if you ha"e a
Cough, Cold or any trouble with
Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's
New Discover y for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
give relief, or money will be paid
back. Sufferers from La Grippe
found it iust the thing and under
its use had a speedy and perfect re
covery. Try a sample bottle at our
expense and learn for yourself just
how good a thing it is. Trial bottle
free at K. G. Fricke & Co. Druir
Store, Large size 50c. and $1.00
A Great Surpriee
Is in store for all who use Kemp'f
Balsan for the throat and lungs the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
von believe that it is old on its
merits and that any druggits is au
thorized by the progrietor ot this
wonderful remed3 to give j'oti a
sample bottle free? It never fails
to cure acute and chronic coughs.
All drugptsts sell Kemp's Balsam.
Large Bottles 50c and 5-1.
Depth of the Mediterranean.
rr. ...
ino Austrian government has made a
number of soundings in the Mediter
ranean, and the greatest depth reached
was 2,400 fathoms, which is deeper than
any sounding yet recorded for that body
of water. .New ork Journal.
What He Didn't Eat.
A Yankee on paying bis bill at a Lon
don restaurant was told that the sum
put down didn't include the waiter.
"Waal," he roared, "I didn't eat any
waiter, did 1?' London Tit-Bits.
The commissioners of customs in Eng
land have taken steps to bring their de
partment into hue in the normal require
ments of trade, and the customs hours
are from 6 to 6, without overtime.
Catching l'p with Civilization.
A young gentleman named H. E. Hag
gard has arrived in V inita, I. T., direct
from San Francisco on a fruitless mis
sion. An Indian calling himself Chief
Felix Mayes, of the Cherokees, has been
lecturing before the churches and the
Y. M. C. A. of San Francisco and col
lecting money for the purchase of Bi
bles for this country. He has likewise
been profuse in his offers and promises,
and in this way caught Haggard, who
came to take charge of four large stores
which the man represented that he
owned at Vinita, Tahlequah, Muscogee
and Atoka, this territory. No such man
is known here and he certainly was
never chief. Indian Territory Cor. St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
The Boston board of health, in a tour
of inspection at night in the North End
tenement house district, found nine per
sons sleeping in one room, with windows
and doors tightlj- closed.
Professor John Marshall, of Universi
ty college. London, 533-3 that yawning
"may be accomplished by the will, but
i often the result of involuntary imita
tion." Tho stupendous results of the steam
engine may all lie traced to the boy who
rat watching the steam which came
from tho nose of the teakettle.
Moving s House Across the Ocean.
The old house at Fenny Drayton, Eng
land, the birthplace of George Fox, the
founder of the Society of Friends, is to
be taken down piece by piece. The parts
are to be carefully numbered and packed
for shipping to this country, where it
will be re-erected. The site has not yet
been decided. Chicago Herald.
Five soda crackers devoured without
drinking, in 4 minutes and 20 seconds,
is the latest gormandizing feat of a Kan-
ead freak.
A father and seven of his children
were seized with diphtheria recently in
its most virulent form near Landers
dale, Ind. Two of the children are dead
and the others are not expected to survive.
The first consignment of camel skins
for commercial purposes -ever brought
to this country arrived here recently
board one of the French steamers.
Itch on human and horses animals
cured in 30 minutes by Wroolford's
sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist, J
Th First Step,
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, cau't think, can't do
anything to your satisfaction, and
you woiu'er what ails you. You
should heed the warning, you are
taking the first step into nervous
prostration. You need a nerve tonic
and in Klectric Bitters you will find
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. Surprising results fol
low the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe
tite returns, good digestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidne-s re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's
drugstore. 6
AMttle Ulrls Experlenceln a LlgUt
iir. ana nrs, ioren irescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse At
Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones",
Then she tried Dr. King's New
Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, 3ret you may get a triaP, bottle
tree at . G. rickey Drugstore.
How's This!
We offer 100 dollars reward for
an7 case ot catarrh thatcaa not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. Cheney & Co. Props, loledo,
W e the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 3-ears,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all buisness transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out an oblig
ations made bjr their firm.
West Iruax, Wholesale Dru;
gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnan
!t Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nal, action directl' upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the S3'stem.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist; Testimonials free.
or all viz tdfs Our wms aave tcd
Vi& mMtittS IS 7WE DE5T.
w ttgnsn term's SANTA CLMS
For millinery and pattern hats or I
anything in the line ot ribbons,
flowers of the latest styles and de
signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in
tlie blierwooa diock. u.
The Leading
For a number of years. I have j
been subiect to violent attacks of
inflammitory rheumatism which
generally lasted about two months,
On the first cf this month I was at- ,
tacked in the knee and suffered se- j
verely for two daj'S, when I prenred
a bottle of Chamberlain s .fain Jiaim
and it relieved me almost instantly.
I therefore most cheerfully reco-
tnend it to those who are similar'
afflicted everywhere. K. D. Whit-
ly is a very prominent man in this
place and his disease wa3 widley
known as he suffered aucn severe
pain. V. M. Houstan & Co. , Mer
chants, Martindale, N- C. 50 cent (
bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Constantly keeps on hand everythin
you need to furnish your house.
For vears the editor of the Burl-
inirton function, (Mo,) Post, has
been subject to cramp colic fits of in
digestion, which prostrated him for
several hours and unfitted him for
business for two or three days. For
the past year he has been using
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy whenever occa
sion reouired. and it has invariably
iriven him prompt relief. 25 and 20
cent bottles for sale by 1. t-r.
Fricke & Co., druggists.
According to the census of 1890,
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population OI lpWdlu pcopic, a mc
eighth largest city on the globe.
Most of us desire, at one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons iind homes, ana,
when we do. we can hud no better
lin than the "Burlington Route:
Three fast and comfortable trains
dailv. For further information ad
dress the agent of the company at
this place, or write to J. Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket j
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
The Missori Pacific will sell round
trip tickets May 9 to li inclusive, to
Portland. Oregan, me .rreebyteriau
eneral aisembly being held their
lav 19 to Tune 2. Tickets good un
til Mav 1!) and freturninir inside 90
days at $60, going via one route and
returnine- via another. Apply at
ticket ofhee for particulars.
in ir
a a r
Own a Dictionary.
Care should be taken to
Ten veara Boect in revi3iner. 100 edi-
tors employed, over $30O,C03 expended.
Sold by all BooteUera. J
G. & C. MEBBIAM & CO.. rut!i!iers,
Springfield, Mass., U.S.A.
aDo not buy repria'-s cf obsolete
w-Snd for free cainDhlet eontaininr a.
specimen pages and full particulars.
House Furnishing Emporium.
"T X 7IlEIiE yon can get your house furnifched from
V V kitchen to parlor and at easy tearing. I han
die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, also
the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove
Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods.
I. Pearleman
?5 PIiilTTSOITlT, STBj3f
F Q vmom G2
A Full and Complete line of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour?.
Advertisings - and - Dob - Work
nr-u.ll Zr.brzo.a,tIori. .jzlcL
Eates On Ippllca t ion.
SOI Cor Fifth and Vine St.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain relierec
Its rise is almost unirersal by the Honsewife, he Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by crtrj one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of year almost
No medicine chest is complete vithoot a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every dajt
All druggists and dealers have it.