The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 10, 1892, Image 4

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The Council Confirmed John
Fitzpatrlck and June Black.
The Council Refused to Confirm Jas
Crace for Chief of Police and B.
S. Ramsey for City At
torney An Interest
ing Session.
The city council met in regular
HCHsioii last evening at the council
cliamber. Present, His Honor
Mayor Duller, Clerk Fox and Coun
cilnien Longenhagen, I). M. Jones,
Herman Spies, M. H. Murphy, F. II.
Steimker, J. C. Petersen, J. F. Lake,
J. L. Minor and A. J. Gravea.
Absent, V. I). Jones.
The tuiiiutea of the last regular
meeting and also of the special
meeting were read and approved.
A petition, asking that a sidewalk
be laid on the east Hide of Sixth
street from Dey street to Whitman
avenue, was read. On motion of
Murphy the prayer of the petition
ers was granted.
A petition asking that grading on
the north side of Marble street, be
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets, be done so sidewalk could
be put down, referred to the com
mittee on streets, alleys and
A petition from Joseph Newatny
and wife asking that they
be exempt from taxes on
certain property in the Second
ward, on account of the land only
being good for agricultural pur
poses also that they received no
benefit from the gas lamps: that
there was no outlet from the prop
erty and that no one lived on the
land except the family. The peti
tion was referred to the judicial
A petition was read from the G. A.
R. post asking the council to make
an appropriation of $.10 or what the'
thought would be right for the pur
pose of fixing up the graves prepar
atory to Decoration day. The peti
tion was reierreu lo tne lina-ice
Two petitions were then read ask
ing for the appointment of J. R. Den
son ond Robt. Karnes as policemen.
The petitions were numerously
signed. The' were referred to the
police committee.
The finance committee allowed the
following accounts against the city:
Wm. Cole, special police $ 4 CO
Henry McGuire, salary 47 X",
M. Hyatt, hauling dead dog.. 3 U)
Journal, priming 18 73
T. T. Fry, salary 50 00
John Fitzpatrick, salary 43 CO
l'Iatsuiottth Oas fc hleclnc
Light Co 317 3"
Y. J R. R. A., rent 41
Geo. I'oisall, 21 01)
A. C. Mayes, making paving
Geo. Hates, hand work
John Roth, same
. Kenison, hauling hose cart
Kildow Hros., washing street
K. W. Walfengerger, hand
work 9
He also said thai there was a laud
scape gardener in the city and I e
was in Ljvor of the streets, alles
and bridges committee conferring
with him as to the manner of lay
ing out the park in order to mak- it
a comfortable place. Seats and
walks are to be put in. The com
mittee on streets, alleys ar.d
bridges were instructed to I k
after the matter.
The street commissioner was in
structed to repair culvert on Wash
ington avenue to day.
Attent ion was called to the f;!C
that every time it rained the resi
dence properly of Mr. Coffee on
Vine street was overflowed. On
motion J. A, Connor was instructed
to fill his lot just west of Mr. Coffee's
up to grade.
Mr. Lake moved that the judici
ary committee look up the street :
car charter and if the company- have .
forfeited it that the track be ordered i
taken up,
Mr. Murphy said that the street
car matter had been in court for
some time, that the sheriff had now
offered the property for sale and it
would be t-old some time this
month, and that he knew of a num
ber of men that would buy the prop
erty and start the cars in a short
time . The matter was finally
dropped until after the sale.
Mr. Minor moved that the council
adjourn. Joues of the Second told
him to wait a few minutes as the
mayor had a little business to at
tend to. The mayor appointed Jas.
Grace chief of police and the roll
was called. Those voting aye were
D. M. Jones, Spies, Murphy, Minor
and Loiigenhagen 5. Nay Steim-
ker, Petersen, Lake and Graves
John Fitzpatrick was appointed
atid confirmed as a policeman
Those voting aye were D. M. Jones,
Murphy, Sieinikcr, Petersen, Lake,
Minor and Graves 8. Nay Lon-
June Black was appointed on the
night force. All voted aye to con
firm except Steimker and Longen-
George 101931 was appointed
street commissioner, all voting to
confirm except Lake
Mayor Uutler appointed IS. S.
Ramsey as city attorney. Those
voting to confirm were D. M. Jones,
Spies, Murphy, Petersen and
Minor 3. Against Longenhagen,
Steimker, Lake and Graves 4.
After the vote had been announced
nnyor Butler told the clerk to re
cord li'iu as voting for Ramsey-.
Murphy i.i.ormed the mayor that
his vote would only make si s
votes and further more he was not
entitled to vote on Jus own appoint
ments. Grace and Ramsey each
needed one more vote to confirm.
The mayor appointed F. K. White
to the vacancy on the board of
health and he was uuaii'inously
On motion the council adjourned.
Lincoln Coes to Kearney.
Lincoln has yiven up her place in
the state bafe ball league, and after
this week the team will go to Kear
ney. The cau-e of failure to main
tain a club th r- has been the lack
of interest its well as the incessant
rains and bad weather, which have
prevented good attendance at the
gamer. All eamet- scheduled for
Lincoln for tin remainder of this
week will be -layed, weather per
uiitting. flic elm. will be trans
ferred lo Keai. ey Saturday.
KEAHXKY, .. I... :-.ny !(.--Tiie ques
lion wiiein r ii -iir.iev is to Have a
base ball tc. i. ii tins ri.-a.sou was
practically si i ld today by a tele
gram received lio.n j?. C. Comaii,
secretary of the Mate It-ague. saying
that Kearney may nave the Lincoln
franchise. Money enough has been
raised ami Kearney w 11 soon be
heard from
We wish our atioii. to take no
tice that we will move about the
first of next month to the room for
merly occupied by J. Finley John
son, tf BliNXETT & TUTT.
Mrs. J. E. Harwick died at 12
o'clock today. The deceased was the
daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Waller
White. Her former name was Lil-J
lian White. This is a sad blow to
the bereaved husband Telegrams
have been sent to F. K. White, Dr,
Hurgess of Cedar Rapids, this state,
and to Rev. Geo. Hells of Louisville-
The Dangler Surprise will bum
the poorest grade of gasoline as
well as the best. No ether stove will
doit. Hendee sells them.
Business Meeting:.
A meeting of the Husiness Men's
Asssociation will be held Friday
evening at the K. of P. hall, to elect
delegates to attend the state con
vention to be held in Omaha June
14, 15 and 1G. T. Clark,
H. N. Dove Y, President.
T. H. Pollock, Agent,
Who can write the most words on a
new U. S. Postal Card t
T1g Popqlq qqd Widc-ILic
Will Give the Following Prizes on Jul v 4th:
Have Your Fortune Told
Madam Sanniore, who speaks four
different languages, will tell your
past, present and future life. Call
and see her at once at room No. 11,
in the Perkins house. She will only
be in the ciiv this week.
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel
3 Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Send all Postal Cards to
.JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
5 00
12 00
12 CO
1 CO
3 00
Henry Mockenhop, same 8 85
Robt. Johnson, same 12 30
m. Hrantner, same 10 6.)
J. M. Roth, same 10 65
John Jenna, same. 15 00
M. Wheeler, same 12 65
Geo. Poisall, team work 50 70
Jacob Stull, same , 23 10
Robt. Karnes, same 17 10
W. Bishel, same 27
M. Archer, uncollected fees.. 23 95
Nils Aagard.blk 7 90
The police judge reported fines
collected for the month of Apri.
amounted to $10. . .
In a communication from the
chairman of the, board ,of health, it
was recommended that the counci
provide a place to be known as the
dumping ground. The matter was
referred to the police committee
with instructions to report at the
next meeting of the council.
Mr. Murphy, moved that the
mayor appoint., a committee of
three to confer with a like commit
tee from the board, of trade for the
purpose of devising ways and
means for the advancement of the
city's interests. . The mayor ap
pointed M. B. Murphy, D. M. Jones
and J. L. Minor on the committee.
Mr. - Petersen moved . that the
judgment of A. X. Sullivan against
the city be paid, 'but received no
second. Murphy moved that it be
referred to the judiciary committee,
On motion of Murphy, the mayor
and clerk were authorized to ad
vertise for sealed bids for lumber
for the coming year, ,. .
Mr. Steimpker was opposed to the
police judge-holding court in the
new room they, were about to move
into, and. moved that, the police
judge be provided with a suitable
room to hold court in. The motion
was carried.
Mr. Lake called the attention of
the council to the. fact that Gar
field park should be repaired.
Mr. Murphy thought so too . and
ttaid that he would favor expending
about $700 or $800 for that purpose.
All those who are in debt to the
old firm of Weidman & Hrekenfeld
are requested to call and settle b'
the loth of May or the accounts
will be placed for collection.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
A C Loder, mmi 6c exp $ 68 03
Jacob Trltsch, ume 50 3
S W Dutton, ttame 71 60
Frank Dickson, sal, work 6c exp 123 53
G W Noble, al 6c exp 102 15
P D Bates, ttupt court house... 73 00
B4MKK Co, fare of pauper 14 85
W H Goodwin, lathering glass 10 49
A C .ayes, labor 6c exp 29 50
S D Maihison, rent for poor 4 00
H C McMaken 6c Son, excavating-.. 41 90
M D Black, rent 30 00
A Clark, mdse to county 10 15
W J White, coal to county 13 12
V J White, rent of court room ltU 00
P McCourt, mdse to poor 6 00
Anna Hart, boa-ding poor 12 00
Fred Goos, boarding jury 16 23
r S bite, mdse to poor 6 00
E E Day, same 15 00
M B Murphy 6c Co, same 15 50
C E Wescoit, same 3 00
Chas Sterner, work on court house.. 5 00
J C Smith, keeping cripple.... 10 03
King Paper Co, fixtures for c h 12 10
Chas Ilempel, wood to poor 2 50
Mayer 6c Co,, mdse to jaiL 6 80
D Harris, work on court house 15 06
li McGlynn, same 107 12
J C Eikenbary, boarding poor 130 50
Dickson, Stopher 6c Co, coal to poor. 8 f 0
Jos Graham, keeping poor 15 00
Stander Bros, mdse to poor 31 00
Aug Bach, same 14 00
Bennett 6c Tutt, same 12 00
John Schiappacasse, boarding jury. 13 00
Omaha Art Glass Co, glass 26 15
W t, Wells, care of poor 28 50
Cost bill State vs. Johnson 16 80
Wm Tighe, bd'ng 6c gd'ng pris 217 90
J N Black, bailiff March term 84 00
J H Thrasher, same.... 84 00
Ed Fitzgerald, same.. 84 00
John Tighe, same 84 00
H D Travis, exp of moving office 6 50
E W Cook, phys's sal 33 00
G W Noble, -witness. State vs Blake. 4 80
Will Stohlman, same.. 4 40
Cost bill State vs Geo Duffield.-.:. .. 43 20
Beeson 6c Root, attyin Murlesscase 75 00
W H Dealing, State vs J Crumholtz. 4 23
Coleman 6c McPherson, lumber 49 51
FM Kichey, lumcer and tiling 82 10
Dickson, Stopher 6c Co, lumber 12 25
D Carmichael, road receipt, dist 33.. . 3 11
Bill of News Publishingcompany
for $4-55 was refused.
Frank Dickson,
County Clerk.
leie.Mione ao. lor vour sum
mer's ice.
Ihe Alumni of the High school
meets at D. O. Hirer's office Fridaj'
nirht. A full attendance is desired
11. .'ic.'iaKin v Mil are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part
01 tne city, lcieplionc ad. 12.
J. :. Mathews has received notice
that George Slack, deceased, has
been granted an increase in pension
from $0 per mouth to $12 per mouth,
payable to Mrs. Slack.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G.
prime Co
Judge Ramsey found while mov
ing a legal document which has
well been preserved, beariti"- the
date of 18G4, with V. P. Kellogg
name signed to it as judge.
ask your aeaier to snow you
wuere tne gasoline goes to from
the tank to the burner and then go
and see the Dangler Surprise. For
sale by Hendee.
Oliver Jurgensen, manager of the
Gustave Frohman Co., is making
arrangements for his company to
present "The Witch" at the Water
man, Tuesday evening, May 1-7.
Why will vou couch when Shi
loh's cure will give immediate re-
w r w. . . ... - .
iiei. r-nce iu cts.. au cts. aid si
for -sale by G. Fricke 6c Cc
Manager Young cancelled the
dates of the Ousley company: -The
company is a great fake, especially
Dan Kennedy, who played the part
of "Tony" last night. When the
gallery gods begin to hiss one of
the characters then you may know
the said character is no good.
T. H. Pollock, Agent.
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
OpeialiOTise Corner, Plattrao-atli.
Dr. F. L. Hritt was an Omaha pas
senger this mornins:.
A. L. Timblim of Weeping Water
is in the city to-day.
Dr. John Black departed for
Omaha this morning.
Judge Cline, of .Louisville is in
the city to-day on business.
Hon. K. Ii. itidham went up to
Omaha on business this morning.
7iss Eda Gering and Miss Helps
were Omaha passengers this morn
ing. Mrs. C. A. Marshall and Miss Iola
Marshall left on No. 4 for Malvern,
Iowa, for a week's visit.
Rev.-Murray and wife departed for
Pasadena, California, this morning
for a tb ree month's visit."
OF daily passexgek trains
INo. 2 5 : 17 1. M,
u. io a. n..
So. 8 7, -44 p. m
No. lo 9 ;t a. m.
No. 12 :2j a. Ui
Not 3 :4." a. m.
'o. i 3 :4S n. in
N'o. 9 :00 a. m.
No. 7 5 rl' n m.
No. . 4 : J0l).m.
o,9l 7 :15 a. ra.
Dustmen's extra leaves for Omaha about two
o clock for 1. malia and will accommodate pas
sengers. r
The Place to Buy
No. 384 Accomodation Leaves 10.-55 a.m.
S3?3 . . " arrives 4:00 p.m.
Trains daily except Sunday.
Ice. Ice.
McMaken & Son are deliver imr ice I
daily. Call on them for your sum-
Call on
Plattsmouth - - Nebraska.
ruK oAi.t j. wo desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmouth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For I
particulars call on or address The
Herald office. tf
fitary Public Abstracter Sliit
Keal Estate, Loan and Insurance Ageit
It Should be in Every House.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St.. Shams
burg, Pa., sa3'8 he will not be with
out Dr. Kiuir's New Discoverv for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
mat ii curea nis wite who was
threatened with Pneumonia after
an attack of "La Grippe," when
various other remedies and several
physicians nad done her no good.
Robert' Barber, of Cocks oort. Pa.
claims Dr. King's New Discovery
has done him more good than any.
thincr he ever7 used for Lunc
Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it.
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c
ana $i.uu.
Some of the Grand Army bora
may be interested in the following I
C A Wfc "
rrom Aiex. a. rope, A. v. uom
mander, Dep't. Tenn. and Ga. He
says: . "We have had an epidemic
of whooping cough here, (Stewart,
tenn, ana tnamberlain's Coufrh
Remedy has been the only medicine I
tnat nas aone any good." There is
no danger from whopinsr couerh.
when this remedy is freelv sriven. It
completely controls the disease. 50
cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke
& co.tdruggists.
If you have real estate to sell er
exchange send us description, price
and terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at reas
onable rates.
$100,000 to loan at iy2 per cent aa
no commissions, on good
farm security.
Hot Springs. Ark. Carlsbad
On April 6th, 7th and 8th the M.
P. will sell round trip tickets to Hot
Springs, Ark., at one lowest first
class fare, g-ood returninjr until
June 10th, on account of govern
ment sale of lots and meetincr
of the Southern Central Turnverin
Association. . Call at office for par
Buy the best and nothing but the I
best and you will have a Dander
surprise siove. tienaee sens them.
Good Looks.
Good looks are more than skin
deep, deqending upon a healthy
condition oi an me vital organs.
If the Liver be inactive you have
a Bilious Look, if j-our stomach
be affeeted you have a Dyspeptic
Look aud if bour Kidneys be effected
3'ov will have a Pinched Look. Se
curs good health and you will have
good looks, Electric Bitters is the
great alterctive and Tonic acts
directly on those vital organs.
Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils and
gives a good complexion. Sold at
F. G. Fricke & Co's Drugstore. 50c
per Dottle:
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
Plattsmouth - - Neb.
Otice UBderCa County Bank.
Office iii the Bass Noel buildup
Residence, the Ed Rich Property.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office in Uuion Blook
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska
For Sale A desirable residence
lot in Orchard Hill addition to
Plattsmouth, just one block from
the M. P. depot. This lot will be
sold cheap and on easy terms. Call
on or address this office. tf
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely aafe.
ment plan as cheap as for cash,
on easy monthly payments. . Come
in' and examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year., If at any time you
want'anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can get
it for 3'ou on two days' notice.
421 Maln-St., Plattsmouth