IMMENSELY Opd UAFl Irlackwel' I XU EVERYWHERE. Bull Durham SMOKING TOBACCO, Whether on the hills gaming ; In the place of business ; or at home, it always fills that niche of com forta good smoke. Put up in handy packages, and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; it recommends itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. BULL DURHAM Is always uniform in quality. Pure, sweet and clean. The Ideal of Fine Tobacco. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C Bucklen'f Arnica Salv. Th Bbst Salvb in the world for Cut Bruines, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Feve Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain Corns, and all 6kin Eruptions, and poei lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, 01 money refunded. Price 25 certs per Imix For sale by F. Q. Fricke Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Cantle. Wit wan troubled with ne urulgia anc rhcumatiHiii. Ilia stomach was die ordered, lii liver wan aifected to at alarming decree, appetite fell nwaj and he was ternoiv reciuceu m i and strength. Three bottles of Klectric IJitterH cured linn. Kdward bhepherci, namuurn 111., had a running nore on ih it of eight years' stanaing. ueu three bottles ot Klectric timers ano peven bottles IJucklen's Arnice Salve, and his leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba, O., had fivt larire fever sores on his leg, doctors Haul lie WI18 lnuuiauic. vn, Klectric Hitters and one box Iiucfc. len's Arnica Salve cured him entire, ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. BEST ORGANS AND PIANOS, FOR EARIEAT PAYMENTS. T1IE MASON & HAMLIN CO. now offer to rent any one of their fainons Organs or lians for three months, giving the person hiring them full opprtunitj to test it thoroughly in his own hoire fcad return if he does not longer want it. If h.- o- tinues to want it mntil the aggregate f rent pain amounts t tli p ice of the instru ment. It bkcouks his froi'krtt witaout fuktiikk payment. Illus- Voung others! Wo Offer Tom m Mtmdp thieh Jim Mr Safety lAfu fMthr mmui Chili. " MOTHER'S FRiEHD " Eobt Confinement of its Vain, llurrur ami Rik. Afi.T-;ilnon- U-'Uof 5s of tefr'H Friend"! - , ... it in nn I .11.1 XD.:rlMICI I Dat wMikni'M RfoTward u.ual 1b sucn cast. Mr. Assiu Oaoe, Lamax, lio.. Jan. 15th, lsyl. cut h, mmn-' r. ehrs orervald. on f'celptof price, $1.50 per miU'.. Book to Mothers mailed tret tBADFIELD KEGUI.ATOH. CO., ATLANTA, GA. BOLD BY ALX. URCCK113T3. How It htli t Hatre a Lion Bit Ta- Mr. Inverarity, a nembfr of the Bom bay bar. Bay: "So large an animal an a lion coming at full speed against you of course knx-ks yon olf yonr legs. The claws and teeth entering te flesh do not hurt bo much as you would think. The only really jMiinful ihuI of the busi ness is the squeeze given by the jaws on the bone. I felt none of the dreamy stupor Livingstone describes, but on the contrary felt as usual. I adopted irif course of lying quite still, which 1 U lieve is the lest thing one can do, a you are quite helpless with a heavy am mal on you. and they are inclined to make grab at everything that mows, and the fewer bites you can get off with the better. All the wounds are centers of infi.iTii- mation and blood joisouing, anu me mnr vnn trt-t he less chance vou linve. The power of the lion's jaws may oo in- rrri from th fact that tho nones that Beized me, although it nau a broken jaw, scored deep grooves in tlx barrels of my rifle with her teeth. Sow: claw wounds were mere scratches which 1 attribute to the fact that they clutch at the surface of your coat, think ing it is all solid underneath, and reach the flesh pretty late. In tact, mv coat was torn in some places without any corresionding wound beneath. "I never felt the slightest shock. Tigers and panthers, as a rule, immediately leave any one they seize in a charge. 1 : this lioness, having left me, went a f j. yards to roar at my men, returned. ai stood over me growling, and then bit my arm. 1 got no bite the first go of; . as she was occupied in biting the riile." London Times. THE TRANSPORT OF AMMONIA. trated catalogue, with net prices tree. 1'ason & Hamlin Orgjji and Piano BOSTON. NEW YOliK CHICAGO. WAITs FOU s THE s BIG k SHOW An entire city by itself Ten times larger than ever. rJftmMENONLV BET II TMt 1UIIS Vr IHt atariai ar Tbey mill acroie uioru w mm uumnnn. bmt bo, Knowing uvw w bsHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES ta nn in deanair ana mix law o emit OUR NEW BOOK o F. J. TAYLOR'S l IU a fM. mul niid. (rildl f r limited'n the philosophy of Dliemi- AfltlctlOB Of tixm OrKB ot Mb. o howby HOME TREATMENT, fcy mthod xcllTly onr own, tho want rmaem of lot or Talll" iIBho4. Oenrl Dd M.rromi De bllltT, WkBti of Body tBd Mln. Etttcu of Errori p.tMiia. Stunted or 'GUEA.T AMERICA X. DOUBLE - CIRCUS uire Worlds Museum, Caravan. Hippodrome, Menagrie and Congress K of Wild and Living Animals. BhTBBk.B OTCkB TRNDETELOFEO SSaSSS Yllilo 'BoSr mii ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFyALO.N.Y. mm. WC3BTH 1 Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. DUSKY DIJOilD TAR SOAP.j For Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. Cures Chapped Sands, Wounds, Burns, A. Delightful Shampoo. to. -WILL EXHIBIT AT - PLATTSMOTJT 14 runkenness f)t tho Lluuor Habit, Positively uurei BT ADCICISfCCKX OR. HAtllES' 001DEI SPtCIHt. It can be given In a cub of coee or tea. or In ar tides ol ood. without the knowledge of the per son taking it; it Is absolutely harmless and will nvt Turm&nent and speedT cure, whether A Mneh Dreaded Fly. The man eating fly of Central Amor ica inhabits the low lying coast regions, and is much dreaded by the natives fr the fearful results which follow its sting. Naturalists call it Lucilia homi nivora. The average specimen is about a third of an inch long. It has a big head, with the eyes on top. Its cheeks are a golden yellow, its abdomen dark blue with purple bands, its legs black, its wings unusually big, and they pro duce a continuous and loud buzzing when in motion. The person bitten by this fly gets a disease called myiasis. It generally lo gins with an itching of the nose, then that organ swells and bleeds; next it be comes ulcerated, and in these ulcers may be found tho larvae of the fly. The whole face becomes swollen, erysipelas sets in, followed by meningitis and death. One man 1 knew shot himself after he had been bitten rather than face the tortures he knew were certain. Cure is difficult. Subcutaneous injec tions of chloroform sometimes do good, but as often fail. One man 1 heard of was cured by lemon juice injected into his blood. Interview in New York Tribune. Life Lost In War. Dr. Engel, German statistician, gives the following as the approximate cost of the principal wars of the last thirty years: Crimean war, u.uw.wu. Italian war of 1859, $300,000,000; Prusso Danish war of 1864, $35,000,000; war of the rebellion north, $5,100,000,000: south, $2,300,000,000; Prusso-Austrian war of 1866, $330,000,000, Russo-Turkish war, $125,000,000; South African wars, $8,770,000; African war, $12,250,000; Srvo-Rnl-arian. S176.000.000. All these wars were murderous in the extreme. The Crimean war, in which few bat tles were fought, cost 750,000 lives, only 50,000 less than were killed or died of their wounds, north and south, during the war of the rebellion. These figures, it must be remembered, are German. and might not agree precisely with the American estimates. The Mexican and Chinese expeditions cost $oo,uuu,uuu and 65.000 lives. VThere were 250,000 killed and mortally wounded during the Russia-Turkey war. and 45,000 each in the Italian war of 1859 and the war between Prussia and Austria. San Francisco Post. It la Often Carried en ttaa Cppr Deck of Bteam.hlpa to Keep It Cool. Ammonia has been carried in con siderable quantities on the upper decks of steamshiiw, but in many vessels tho littles, carlniys. or tins are stowed in the between decks. In fact, they are some times stowed in vacant cabins of cargo vessels. The explosion of one of these receptacles awakened attention to th placing of such substances dangerously near heat. The master of the vessel on whose ship the explosion happened un screwed the tops of all those undamaged, and thus allowed the gas to blow off. Restrictions on carriage of dangerous goods were imposed under the merchant shipping act, 1873, section 23 of whi' h provides that if any person sends or at tempts to send by, or, not being the mas ter or owner of the vessel, carries or at temnta to carry in any vessel, British or foreign, any dangerous goods, such as aquafortis, vitriol, naphtha, gunpowder. lucifer matches, nitroglycerin, petro leum, or any other goods of a dangerous i nature, without distinctly marking then nature on the outside of the packages containing the same, and also giving written notice of the nature of such goods and the name and address of the sender, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding 100; but if the person sending tho goods on board is merely an agent and ignorant of its contents, th penalty is not to exceed ten pounds. False description makes the sender liable to a penalty of 500. The master or owner of a ship may refuse to take on board a vessel any suspicions package, and mav require it to be opened to ascer tain its contents. Clause 26 in the act ma ulroavt lp(n looked unon as a mis take in legislation. The master of nhinia empowered to throw overboard eoods of a dangerous nature which have p ... ... i , . . i been sent witnout oeing marseu or uuw fied of their true character, and neither the master nor the owner of the vessel shall be subiect to any liability for such casting into the eea, civil or criminal, in anv court. There is no reason for denouncing the carriage of ammonia by sea, but it is of Ka oTP.-jtpst iin-nortanee that each pp?Hal compound should be accurately deuut i , nnd that it ought not to bo exposed to heat. If everything that expanded on submission to heat were interdicted, the shipping trade would be sadly ham pered. For example yeast is shipped for conveyance, and is usually carried on deck. In hot weather the casks hava been broken and hoops burst from ex posure to the sun, although no material damage is done. We could name other breakages, but enough has been urged to bring home tho necessity for under standing what to carry and where to tow it. Chemical Trade Journal. TO SHIPPERS. Butter, KtfK". Chcoe, ild Came, Poultry, Meat, Applet. Potatoes Green and Dried Kruite, Vegetables Cider, UeaiiH, Wool, Hide, Tnllow Sheep PeltH, FurM, Skint, Tobacc, Grain, Flour; Hay, HccHwax, Feath ers, Ginning. JJrooMicnrn, mid Hops. M. K. Ji A L L A K I On. Com. Men limit l nliipi'T. 217 Market Street - Ht I.iiIk. Mo WANTFI-AM-iit. er and Shipper. itrxuitlntril with Kurt"' T.31o'l II Y f.Al.K DEALI-K I.N COAL WOOD -oTKKMS CASHo r4t aid Own 44 ulh 'ikira Mrert. Plattpmocth, Nehkai J7C K. REYNOLDS, Bagtntrreil Hit-i lua nad I'baraiiirUt Special attention givea to Otbce Practice. Rock Bluffs Nib. P J- HANSEN - DFALFK IN- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN8WARE. Patronage of the Pablic Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsssionth !.. :., rr:iri i-.Tjwiits made bv tlie American thiA will f the only great uliow to vi-it Cas county thia year Showman's Pool League miete FREE. Address In confldance. , , Wx&Oi SPECIFIC CO., 1 8ft Bad SU ClachUUtLO 1H nnn That we give the best circus performance ever seen in the west j 0VWV aaaBaaaaaa Sti STAR PERFORMERS. 5 FUNNY, FAMOUS CLOWNS. a ohnnr thinV and talk about. The createst number of favorites ever assembled under canvas. A great holiday of rest and recreation for every one. We guarantee to all a most enjoyable, moral, refined and artistic entertainment , The mightiest and biggeet brutes that breath. The Goliaths of the Giant tribe. The largest elephant and camel in the tip r, o-rand old battle scarred war elephant. SAMPSON, the tallest sky-towering camel the world ever saw. The only Fan Eared Elephant in Captivity. Baby Camel Onlv Ten Month old. And a menagerie containing all the animcls worth seing under the sun Chamberlain's "Eye and Ointment. A certain cure f or Chronic Sore Eyea Tetter, Salt Bhenm, Scald Head, Ol Caronio Sores, Fever Sores, laema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It la cooling and soothing. Hundreds of easas have been cured by It after all other treatment had tailed. Ills put op in 25 and 60 cent boxes. BOILING WATER OR MILK. PPS'S GRATEUL COMFORTING How Wot t Gat Into Print. Don't have any enemies. Don't have any friends. Don't inherit money. Don't lose it. Don't sign any petitions. Don't subscribe to any lecture courses of stock companies. Don't recommend anything. Don't get victimized. Don't exhibit any public spirit. Don't tell stories. Don't register at a hotel. Don't visit a friend in an adjoinins township or elsewhere. Don't allow other people to visit yon. Don't Bhow any interest in music, art, literature, science or education. Don't meet long lost friends or relatives. Don't go insane. Don't get sick. Don't accept presents. Don't do anything that might brin you a vote of thanks or condemnation. Don't sue anybody. Don't get 6ued. Don't go to law at all. Don't live to be an octogenarian. Don't die. Detroit Tribune. Danger In Physical Culture. It is beginning to be understood that physical culture should be undertaken intelligently and with moderation. A London girl went home from her first lesson, which was a violent one, and dis covered a strange condition of her neck n. little at one side of the throat a mot tled annearance, with settled blood be neath. The physician to whom she aj nlifid said there was no remedy; some little blood vessels had given way under the severe and unaccustomed exercise, and her naturally thin skin revealed the mishap more than would perhaps hap pen in another case.. The injuries are not so frequent to vfinng eirls. with 6upple joints and easily moved muscles and tendons, but middle Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. I h. WATERMAN & SOU PI LUMBER Kegardecl It as a Real Body. Two old country dames, whom we came across in the churchyard of an an cient country town, were curiously re garding a monumental stone, surmount ed by the recumbent figure of a woman several sizes larger than life. "And so they brought the poor young woman here and laid her a-top o' that there 6tone! Well, now, who would J ever ha' thought it?" said one, laying a half-shrinking hand on the cold, ham image, which she undoubtedly believed to be the veritable body of the long de ceased lady, which had been committed to the earth generations ago. By what process she imagined it to have been pet- J aged women should begin very carefully, rifled and enlarged to such a shape it I jany such, to rid themselves of an nn wnnlrt be curious xo uiscwvm. iauuuu Tit-Bits. 8bingles, Lath, Hash, Doors, Blinds Can supply ererw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera hoe. K CWLD OOUBIxE CIRCUS Q) -V . . . : nronrlaat nt HinnQHrnm specialties WBr Of two exalted circus companies. Grandest of Hippadrome specialties Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. - . . . mil lrtriir. crimsoned with the radiant lustre of the noon (i.v .nn rpnminK ih-cuw i.--- v i IT' .r.w .(lor i.lnck. a aolid movmjc ma i we-im.uu reoreaented- Noble kniRhta. lOll I TbyP SV LM-hd l. WktopmbMrt. CtmlmfbW. and warriors. Ladies fair on prancing Every nation horses. Open .rawM and ferocious animals hungrily 'survey in t TS?1 ho?sts from Asia. Emjland and Kentucky f music fiuins: the air wiw meioay-... w. the surging crowds. A herd Comic clowns ana muics, coming many miles to see. NE8BU totmmtalmhmmllnmiriymtml. ffrlOjT SI l. uml) . CTCC 853 Hi raj. lu Writa tm Wa ml mwtfmTuhJb VTlVnf! $175. organs $48 A - Free- Flight - to - the - Clouds - Each - IQay RAIN H free i net on X. J Want acts, catl'irue ddress Dan'l F lieatty, wash Two Performances Daily OR SHINE Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. performance commences one hour later. y Don' let o.ther advertisements mislead you: " -we never dissappoint, Admission to both circus and menagerie only 25 and 35 cents. HAIR BALSAM the Mm-wur Faila to Mm Hair to its Tonthral;OoVar, Can mim i hair lilliig ay, dtifat Pw- ( w Parker's Ginr Tonio. !- ? W'tik Ljinn. D.bilir. IwliMtiea, Pan, Taka M Couch. Taaa mmm av Weak Lnnca. Dcbilitr, Iadinatiea, Uve Stock In the Wt West of Missouri and exclusive of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mis souri, the number of cattle is 16,248,667 and their value is estimated at $213,987,- 569; the number of horses and mules 4,536,080, value $244,775,053; number of sheep and hogs 23,382,782, value $84, 594,980; making the aggregate value of horses and live stock $543,357,602. The total product of horses and moles of all the other states is 9,354,030 and their value is estimated at $719,836,085. Ed ward Rosewater's Omaha Address. Scars Are Deemed Marks of Beauty. In New Holland the women cut them selves with shells, and, keeping tae wounds open a long time, form deep scars in the flesh, which they deem highly ornamental. Another singular mutilation is made among them, when in infancy they take off the little finger of the left hand at the second joint. Yankee Blade. A Question and an Answer. A correspondent in an Alabama town sends a "poem,"' on the margin of which he asks the following question: "Do you Think i will Evor maik a Biturr . You may. But you are liable to have a bad spell ot it Atlanta Constitution. becoming tendency to corpulence, take to extraordinary acrobatic feats not nn attended with real danger to persons un accustomed to violent exercise. Her Point of View in New York Times. The Mysterious Power of the Turquoise. The turquoise, although not credited with either remedial or protective prop erties, so far as disease was concerned, was nevertheless regarded as a kind of svmnathetic indicator, the intensity of its color being supposed to fluctuate with the health of the wearer. The latter, however, by virtue of the stone he carrried, could, it was said, fall from any height with impunity. The Marauisof Vilena's fool, however, was somewhat nearer the truth when he re versed the popular superstition in his assertion that the wearer of a turquoiae might fall from the top of a high tower and be dashed to pieces without break ing the stone. Queries Magazine. A Genial Teacher. Aeassiz taught natural history in Har vard college as no other man had taught in America before. He was "the best friend that ever student had," because the most genial and kindly. Cambridge people used to say that one had "less need of an overcoat in passing Agassia's house" than any other in that city.-- Professor David Starr Jordan in Popu lar Science Monthly. For Atchinson, St. Joeepk, Leaven worth, Kansas iiiv, xvuuio, and all points nrlh, east ... south or west. Tick ets sold and bag jage checked to any point in the Vnited States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO KAI AND KUU1M Call at Depot or address H, C. TOWNSEND, li. f. A. 31. uumi, -T. C. PHIIXIPPI, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgar. Apt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77 The Favored Classes. Teachers, ministers, farmers, me chanics, merchants, as well a their wives, daughters and eone, who would like to devote at leaet a part of their time and attention to a work that would bring them in a lot of ready money during the next few months, would do well to look up the advertisement of B.F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, Va., in another column, as it may be the means of ooeninffupto many new life and h?rger possibilities. These gentle men have been extensively and suc cessfully engaged in business for ana iuct jwjj Sey are talking about when they tell you they can show you how to your financial condition.