SENSITIVE MACHINES. TYPEWRITERS ARE JEALOUS THEIR INSTRUMENTS. OF TWhy It I That the Kipfrt Manipulator of Iho Krja of the , Writing; Machine Are I'artlriilar About the Care of Their Favorltre Fingers Travel Miles. Stories innnmernble hare bcfn U11 rf-Iative Ui thu eutfineer and the sym pathy exihtinj? lmtwtfn him and hw lo motive. Veracious writers have revel-l in wntfular tali-s in which the eugiiwr. npenttitioun mind and the lncomntivr'x alint animal instinct have tin- chief and lffwildcring features. Hut the remarks of a tfirl typewriter the other Iay oix-n an almost limit U-ra field cf thought and discuxHion. and discover it new subject for the dissertation of iny cliolocal students. "My typewriter is intelligent." sai l this hnman tyjewriter. referring to hri mechanical friend. "That is, I understand it and it under stands me. I wouldn't lend it to any one, its a sensitive little thing, an 1 its resentment at lieing loaned out would noon be manifested to me when I again attempted to use it. Skillful type writers are extremely jealous in tin care of their instruments. I have sev ral very dear friends engaged in th same business, yet not one could obtain the use of my typewriter, and I am con fident they could not be induced to lend me theirs. Investigation shows these statements to be correct. Those who have thcii own machines never lend them even fn temporary nse, while in large offices, where the firms furnish the instruments, each of the latter has a certain operator, and no one else is allowed its use. Fanci ful as the idea is that the prosaic writing machine should resemble the violin in it. readiness to resond to familiar hands and its consequent rebellion at lx;ing used by strangers, there is no doubt in the minds of the typewriters as to its be ing a 6olemn and imj.xrtant fact. "Whatever the reason," said the super intendent of an establishment where tyiK'writers are sold, "a machine that has been constantly used by a certain Ierson is ruined for that person by some one else's use of it. This refers to e; Iert typewriters thoso who do much work and whoso constant practice has developed a remarkable rate of speed. So pronounced has this opinion become and so luxuriantly has the idea flourish d that typewriters are usually furnisl:; .1 in cabinets that can be locked and r then secure from molestation. I know I no explanation for this queer state of affairs. Machines are made by the dozen; the pieces that form the machines are made by the hundred, yet each com plete mechanical typewriter has what is known as a distinct 'touch,' it A A -fvju ojeraior may try several ma chines before she finds one to her liking. ana wnen sue does no other will she nse. An experiment was once made for the purpose of testing this. An operator of a particularly sensitive and nervous temperament, and who was particularly annoying in her complaints regarding the nse of her typewriter by others, was blindfolded and tried in rapid succession fifty different machines of the same make. To every one's surprise she se lected the one she had been in the habit of using. Few people know the amount of man ual labor involved in a day's typewrit ing or realize the distance the hands travel in a day's work. Probaby few of the typewriters themselves appreciate it. Yet their hands cover a distance they would never think of covering with their legs unless necessity compelled it. The highest rate of speed ever at tained is 200 words a minute. This is supposeu to be tne result of the most rapid movements the human hands are capable of. The person making this record maintained this speed for only four consecutive minutes, and has never been able to exceed that limit. Assum ing the words average six letters apiece, 1,200 letters a ininnte were written. It is estimated that to make each letter the fingers are raised a height of two inches from the keyboard. Two inches added (for the descending movement) make the finger travel four inches be fore each letter is struck. So this ex pert's hand in writing these 200 words traveled 4.SO0 inches, or 400 feet, dur ing the minute in which she wrote 200 words. But this is unusual, of course. Very rapid writing is a speed of seventy-five words a minute, and this rate is too fast for comfort. Practical work is ten pages of legal paper an hour. Each page contains 300 words. Six hours' steady writing can be regarded as an entire day's work. This is a speed of fifty words a minute, and the prac tical worker writes during the day sixty pages 18,000 words, or 108,000 letters. If her finger trarels four inches to make each letter, during the day it travels 432,000 inches. This provides for the perpendicular movement only, and it is fair to increase this distance by one-third to estimate the distance the hands travel over the key board in a horizontal direction. This total sum in inches is 576,000. This is equivalent to 48,000 feet, or a little over nine miles a day. In a week the hands can cover fifty-four miles, and in a year's steady application to business over 2.800 miles. So the vagary of the male and female typewriters can in a large measure be excused and their preference for their . respective machines accounted for. New York Recorder. A O attar's Tale, Mias Beane W. Harris, daughter of a mm ... 1- - f, f 0SM - i uiiuk ueaicr in iroy. iN. if., broke a guitar which her father Lad given her , ome time ago. It was a peculiar look I ing but fine toned instrument, which ! had. belonged to her dead grandfather, , and no one knows how it came into his ; possession. Mr. Harris, in examining the pieces Unlay, found the following strange inscription written on the wood: "March 6, 1880. This guitar is put together today by a man who has been in prison eleven years under a sentence' of life, a prisoner who is a victim of cir cumstances and today is held as a crimi nal. To carry out revenge the plan was so laid that Chamberlain is into it yet unbeknown to himself. In time this guitar may be broken and these words i t . . rci uy some one, ana wnoever it may be I ask them to know and publish thLi fact. "A man may be a state prisoner for years and yet get square with his ene mies. I have enjoyed many pleasant moments even in this prison, for it is a pleasure to believe that there are those who fear me as a man. Chamberlain stood with his hand on his revolver, Christmas, 1879. Oh, how contemptible he looked, the poor cur. Yes, he is a cur of the mongrel breed. Rets of Neb. , crip ple nine years, caused by neglect of prison ofhcials." Read backward the signature forms the name "Ben Foster." Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. Catholic-si. "Paul's ChurehT ... betweea Fltth and Sixth. Father Carney, Pastor Services: Din at B mod 10 :30 a. m. Bundav Hchool at 2 -.30, with benedlettou. and Sunday Hchool 10 a. Klithth 8ts and cTetilne. kii-r a M. x-siwr iiiqaor war. To those peeking a rescue from lujuorn curse or other evil habits J brought about by morphine, tobac- ! co etc. The Elisor Institute at South i Omaha offers one of the most relia- ! Christian. Corner Lx-ust hie and best places to go with the - uXy'S absolute certainty of a permanent : cure. Write or visit the institute. ) A Sensible Man. ; Would use Kemp's balsam for thr i A I .. . . iiiroai aim iiitis, u is curing more cases coughs cwlds, nMliina, bron chitis, era up and all throat hikI lung troubles, than any other rem edy. The proprietor lia author ized any druggist to give you a sum pie bottle free t convince you of the merit of this great remedy. .Large bottles 50c and $1. Kpim' OPAL. 8t. Luke's thurcb. corner Third Mild V In.-. Hev H B. Kuricevs. ator. Ser vices : n a. m a tl7 3p m. hunday School at 2 :30 p. m. tffHMAN Mktiiodiht jnier Sixth Kt and iranif. Kev. Illrt. I'HHtor. Services : It a. M. and 7 :: i m. Svnnay School lo : a m I feel it my duty to say a few words in regard to Ely's Cream Llalrn. and I do so entirely without solicitation. I have used it more or less half a year, and lirive found it to be most admirable. J have Suffered from catarrh of the wor.-t kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for -i !--. hut Cream lialm seems to lo cvn thai. Many of my acquaintance have used it witu excellnnt results. -Oscar Ostum, 45 Warren Ave.. C hi cago 111. Wanted: An energetic man manage branch office. Only a dohars needed. Salary to Mart fer month and interest in he Western Co., Kansas City, Mo. to iv w I hfhiivi utiAN.- ei vices In new church. cr i'-r Sixth Hid (in i.ite sti-. Hev. J . T. airl, ImIoi -Hilda -j.c imi) at ;30 ; I reaching a' 11 a it ;iTid x in. 1 he i; .f.V r t b t church m etn every Snhhatli event" )' at 7 -.15 in the tii.seliie t of Hie chucrli All ie Invited to attenu then iveetlnjjH Kikmt Mkthoiuht Sixth t.. tietweu Main hikI Pearl. I'ev 1. K. Krltt. I. I. nastor. ervlcc:H m. 8 :0o p M Suiid School !:: a m !'ray r meet! jt W ednesiiay even-lK . r j ; rum a.n Pit ar. vi kin an . turner Main and N'liih. I. v v tte. Mstr. Servicee usual hours. !-uiii ehool :30 A. M. Sv. Y P.m-ii ' . KVQATloNA twee; Fifth rtlnl "sixth. jraniie, be- t.i..Kf ! r rnvr. Mt. Olive. ' -ak. between leinh .,i,.f I teventh Kev. A. Hoe well, ias-toi-. sn . ,.s ii . m. ;md 7 p. n Prayer i- eetiML''ay evening. An Uneven Trade. A Brooklyn boy nine or ten years old began several months ago to save money to buy a pony. His parents and rela tives hnmored his whim, and having ample means they helped along his ac cumulations very rapidly. The young ster had no idea of the purchasing power of money, but he had started out with the notion that when he filled his little iron bank he would have enough to buy the pony. When the bank would hold no more he broke it open, and his mother counted $i0.15. "That is not enough to buy a pony," said she. "Then I guess I'll take a tricycle," said the boy. The tricycle was liought, and the boy started to explore Xn neighborhood. lie was gone about two hours, and when he reached home Lo had no tricycle, but he held his hat carefully under his aim. 'Oh, mamma, look at these pretty kit ties!" he exclaimed, displaying four small kittens jut-t able to walk. "1 traded my tricycle for these." The boy's parents have not yet been able to find the other party to that bargain. New York Times. Is ey but in si way. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it beyond the reach of medicine Tl say "Oh, it will wear away," most cases it wears them Could they be induced to try Un successful Kemp's Hnlsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excel leu t effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. Villi. Mi .) V h'i"itis ill v. :i'i !! nieetii.u. (. t'l'llti i ;U t it from K:.'i ii it "ni'TH l'Al:R VkhI, : as!. -f. i A. tl). ; i ,.: trayei mri:;t:.' : wr b nil v i HK1 TIA A r-lCI AVION r .hi Mock. A!h in street., (ins ie only. evi-r Kinday af 'k. Ki .ih- open week l:y f : . ii i. . HKU.Aii(.-tey .1. M. r 'Vic s: -unday School, ' ' t, 1 1 in. ami 8 p. ai. ; iii--.r y iitt.... ; choir pia- Icome CIAU5 -SOrt? csr WE SING THE fVIIISE fan aeaaa . . a ovmi Minus FOR IT AS STOOD THt TEST. OF ALL THE SOAPS "CUB CmLSAVE WsTAIRBAWRSlS7fEDE5T. Vftnct017fESSI1ELL SWttT.OUH MUM SlitmS ft THE HOUSE IS CLEMI WD BHIC17 I RIL5 HOVSEHMDS UITH DflWHT. .CHICAGO. The wisdom of him who journey -eth is known by the line he select.-; the judgment of the man who takes the "Hurlington K'otite" to the cities of the east, the south, and tin west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent Toll man sleepers, elegant reclining chair c;irs and world-famous dining earn on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha. The Telantogrragh. Speaking of Gray's telautograph an electrician well acquainted with the pro moters of the Writing Telegraph com pany said: It is current gossip with the electrical fraternity that the telanto graph is to be handled in connection lil. Al T-a 1 1 1 1 . witn we ueii teiepnones. inat is, a general company controls the device. It will form local companies in the usual manner, and in working with the Bell telephone people place telautographs with telephones. Thus a man will be able to talk or write as he may see fit. If ma "hello" is out he can leave a note. Signatures and legal documents . can be transmitted, and you gentlemen of the press can call up your city editor, tell him what you have, receive his orders as to space and write out your copy, which will be instantly reproduced in your ed itorial rooms. ' It's a great scheme and will work nicely harnessed to the tele phone. Chicago News. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Drug Store, Large size 50c. and $1.00 Tlgera' Bones. Consul Denby, of Peking, China, re ports that in 1889 from one port, Ichang, there were exported 13,000 pounds of tigers' bones. For use as fertilizers the only use intelligent people seem to have for dead tigers these bones might be worth $150, yet they were entered at a value of $3,000. They are to be used as a medicine. From them will be made a "tonic." which the Chinese invalid be lieves will impart to him some of the tiger's strength and fierceness. For the same "medicinal" reasons 9,000 pounds of "old deers' horn" were valned at $1,700. Many of us who are filled with disguft at the folly of 6uch absurd beliefs are now keeping up old customs and habits that are almost as absurd and expensive, in the light of modern progress, as this tiger bone tonic. Rural New Yorker. A Great Surpriee Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsan for the throat and lungs the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the progrietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. iarge liotues oUc and $1. Itch on human and horses animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's eanitary lotion. This never fails. I Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist, x'laiismoutn. The First Step, Perhaps you are run down, can't at, can't .-Icep. can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You fiiouiu iu--l iiu- warning, you are taking the firt step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic ami in KIcctric Hitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to it normal, healthy condition. Surprising results fol low the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appe tite returns, good digestion is re stored, and the liver and kidneys re sume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price ")c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. ii At-tttle , jrip Ef.f r e rice in a LigMt house. TVf .1 M r T- . . nr. ;itiu inrn, i.oreu l rescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four years. Last April she taken down with Measles, lollow turn horn vain she was a mere" handful of bones". Then she tried Dr, King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King.s New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore. How'RThl! We offer 100 dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, umo, We the undersigned, have known i. J. Cheney tor the last lo years, and belive him pefectly honorable in all buisness transactions and fin ancially able to carry out an oblig- a! " anons maue Dy metr nrm. West & Truax. Wholesale Drue-. gist, Toledo Ohio.. Waldmer Kinnan & Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole do umo. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood ana mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist; Testimonials free. 0-0 - TQ- Q-IRIEJ.AJT' IMIOJDIEIRIISr House Furnishing Emporium. WilEKE you can get your house furnished from kitchen to parlor and at easy tearms. I han- die the world renown Haywood baby carriages, ako the latest improved Jieliable Process Gasoline stove Call and be convinced. No trouble to ehow goods. n OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE I. Pearleman lJLTTSAtOITlT, JSTE33. il she taken down with Measles, 1 T V 1 HOTAiT" T7 ' ie and at Detroit treated, but in 1 V-X . , she grew worse rapidly, until " V WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of Drug 2 Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS r-resenpuons tareiuiiy Compounded at all Hours. For millinery and pattern hats or anytning m the line of ribbons, nowers or tne latest styles and de signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood block. tf. Am Awful Indian Cattou. In India, np to within the last few jreaxs, the wife) either according to her -wishes or otherwise, was cremated on the same funeral pyre that converted her dead husband's remains into &hes. Philadelphia Press. Safe. "John." said the dealer, "where is the iey to this self locking safe?" "Insoide, sorr. Itll not be losht there, jtorr," retained John. Harper's Bazar. The Army and tbe Church. The Austrian war minister has issued an order to encourage religious feeling in the army. He finds that Austrian soldiers do not attend divine service ac cording to the regulations. Inasmuch as the encouragement of religious feel ing is regarded as of great service to the military, the army must henceforth go to church at least once a month. Like wise, young officers in command at church must conduct themselves in a more reverential spirit than has beer observed lately. Berlin Letter. Silkworms. Some genius in Syria, named Mousa Rhouri, has discovered the secret by which the silkworm makes silk. He can make the silk by machinery without the aid of the silkworm. In this way tne cost or making silk can be reduced one-half. A manufactory is to be started in Georgia soon by a Syrian colony. To manufacture silk in this way a large tract of land has been secured on which to plant mulberries, and the emigrants expect soon to make their fortunes. Meehan's Monthly. For a number of years. I have been subject to violent attacks of inflammitory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months, On the first of this month I was at tacked in the knee and suffered se verely for two days, when I prenred a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain lialm and it relieved me almost instantly. I therefore most cheerfully reco mend it to those who are similarly afflicted everywhere. R. D. Whit- ly is a very prominent man in this place and his disease was widley known as he suffered aucn severe pain. W. M. Houstan & Co. . Mer chants, Martindale, N' C. 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. uruggists. HENRY BOECK The Leading FUKNITURE DEALER AND TRY THE Advertising: - and - .Dob . Work UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand every thin you nsed to furnish your house. A Floating Ftra Engine. The floating fire engine, propelled by steam, which has been lately built for i the service of the prefecture of the port, made a short trial trip in the Marmora recently. It steams twelve to thirteen miles an hour. Livant Herald. Tw Bina-uiar jaay A former mayor of Concord, Fla., late ly died in Cabarrus poorhouse. The town of Concord has only contributed two white males to the poorhouse, and tl other one was also an ex-mayor. Marion Free Lance. For years the editor of the Burl ington Junction, (Mo.) Post.. has been subject to cramp colic fits of in digestion, which prostrated him for several hours and unfitted him for bnsiness for two .or three days. For the past year he has been using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whenever, occa sion required, and it has invariably given him prompt relief. 25 and 20 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. According to the census of 1890, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1,098,576 people, as the eighth largest city on the edobe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and. when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. The Missori Pacific will sell round trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian general aisembly being held their May 19 to June 2. Tickets good un til May 19 and returning inside 90 days at $60, going via one route and returning via another. Apply at' ticket office for particulars. COSKIR SIXTH AND MAIN 8TKEKT Plattsmouth - Neb (EVERY Family Student School Library ; S-H-O-U-L-D ', Own a Dictionary. ' Car should be tauten to GST THE BEST. , wFJiSTER'S i international i dicti(ysary THX INTERNATIONAL. NEW FROM COVER TO COVER, IS THE ONE TO BUY. X SUCCESSOR OF THE UNABRIDGED. a Ten vears roent in revirin?. 100 edi-X tors employed, oyer $300,000 expended. Sold b7 all Booksellers. u. C. MERRIA3I & CO.. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. a 9Do not ba7 renri i of obsolete editions. X A-Send for frea jiinmhJet containing; X specimen pages and full particulars. X Bates On -plicat !:.. A. B. KNOTS BUSINESS MANAGE!.. 801 Cor Fifth and Vine St. PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA Mexican Mustang Liniment A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain relieyer. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Fanner, the Stock Raiser, and - by ereiy one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. Mo medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it.