The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 07, 1892, Image 4

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Tho Ball Team Has at Last
Struck a Winning Gait.
ii am i n ;s v i: i: v i: i: i a s 11 i: i o u t
ting for Hastings, while the home
team made three more ruiiH in the
ninth. Following is the score.
The Home Team Won Its First Vic
tory Yesterday Grand Island
Beat Fremont and Bea
triceCiven theCam j
at Lincoln.
ireen, h
l-rfiiili. If
J Patterson, 2b..
S Patterson, rf .
Kennedy, .'Jb
K-.-ve. II.
Johnson, cf
M Vers, . .
A H; k.
Illl 11
It will be Repeated Again atthe
Opera House Tonight.
Plattsmouth Q. Hastings 2
Tlie pennant winner.- went out to
the hall park with blood in their
eyes yesterday and came b;ck with
the scalps of Kohrer's aggregation
of pumpkin buskers han-rimr at
! their belts.
Ah predicted in ycstenhiy-'s IIkk
tf ALI, the team has struck a winning
gait and are going to win the next
j four Raines.
; The base hall club had their nias-
j cot on the grounds yesterday. Hank
McMaken furuislied the mascot by
dressing up one of his grandchild
ren in a base ball suit, and setting'
him on the players bench.
Myers was very effective, Hastings
getting only six base hits ami the
wen scattering.
Hastings failed to cross the rub
ber until the seventh inning, when
they made two runs, while the home
team scored in nearly ever' inning.
'J his was the way it was done.
As usual the home team went to
bat lirst. Green ivas the lirst man to
face Mr. Johnson, Hastings' left
handed pitcher, and he succeeded
in cutting three big holes in the air
then retired in favor of
Long, who held his bat out in front
of the lirst ball that came alongand
galloped down to lirst, stole second
ami was advanced to third on J
I'atterson's out at lirst. Sam I'atter-
terson made a base hit and Long
scored. Kennedy and Maupin were
i-acn given oase on Palis. Kccvcs
Hew out to Wallick.
Hastings came to bat and Timme
lnt a grounder to John Patterson,
who let it go by. McFarland then
came up, and, after attempting to
see how hard he could hit space.
took his seat. Childs hit a slow
grounder and died before he
could reach lirst, while Johnson
tlew out to Green.
In the first half of the second the
home team were out in one. two .-nd
three order. Hasting in their half
failed to reach iirst base.
The third was productive of three
big runs for the home team. Long
went to bat but was caught on a
ffy to lirst baseman. John Patter
son followed with a corking base
hit and went to second on an error.
Sain Patterson picked out a good
ball and made a two base hit. scor
ingj. Patterson. Kennedy followed
wiin ;i tirive down to center on
which Sam scored. Maupin failed
to hud the ball, but Reeves hit a
high one that was muffed 1,3- Shan
ot and Kennedy scored. Johnson
ended the agony for Hasting by
tanning out.
t . .
in Hasting hal! Wallick and
Timme fanned out. Chi Me hit a
high one, but Myers muffed it. and
McFarland then hit a liner to John
1 atlerson. which he gathered in
In the hrst half of the fourth the
home team failed to reach iirst
i r .t;...- .,.. .
'"ie man io SCCOIHI ill
their half, but he went no further
In the fifth M r. Johnson presente i
John Patterson with first base; then
lie was mean enough to steal sec
ono. wniie ani l'atterson was fan
"ing out. as also did Kenne.K-
. ........... imiiki tut- uau ior a uase
tk.l hit, scoring John Patterson.
Reeves Hew out to Shanot. which
ended the scoring. Hastings again
failed to see first base.
in ine sixin. alter Johnson and
Myers had struck out. Green was
presented with a base on ball
. ..v. w.iw. ni-iu iu iiurti on an er
ror ami scored on a wild throw
i-ong retired tlie side by striking
T T T . " , . . ,
n Hastings nan of the sixth
McFarland hit safe, 'l imine flew ....t
( to Green, Childs was caught out bv
Patterson, hiluwnn hit -. l-..
r. winch Kennedv failerl i.
lit belore : n v- nt hor 1
tl J . . . v " WCUXltJw.
. U.c.ould be done Clark retired the side
, f by striking out.
' i t .i . . , . .
in me seventn. alter John Patter
son and Sam I att. t
. . . .Idvt 1 . 1 M 1 1 V 1 1
ut. Kennedy hit safe, .tole second,
nit go ro further, as Maupin was
ut cut by a fly to Wallick.
Here wa- where Hastings saved
;erself. The score now stood 0 to 0
:i favor of Plattsmouth. it., -r.
- , Km K iii,
IcKibben the boy who had Id
Either prepare an affidavit tr. i.
fleet that he was undert age, in ord-
r to declare his contract void with
ns city hit the ball for oiie base.
hanot hit a score but was caught
. second, Wallick followed with a
tfe hit, scoring McKibben and
- 1 1 i . .
If, l atiicniossiug uie ruuucr shortlj-
lerwarua. im ended the run get-
Tiiiinic, :i ... .
M l rf .
:iiil.l, c
J ' i 1 1 l I . p ,
fliirk. If
M K'il.lx ii, .
Sliiinot, ss
Wallick, ll ...
Iiitk;i rl, if.. . ..
A II U. jlf II
4 0 0
I II 1
I o II
4 0 It
4 '
4 1 I
I (I 1
4 0
4 0 I
.'Hi t
Tin: iioAi:i of '. i't -uts mfi:t.
Plattsmouth to Have a New School
Bulidinff In the Near Future
Oiher News About
the City.
I'l.-lt t-llloilt h
i (i :i o t t o o :i - ii
o o u ooii o o-?
irnecl runs - I'lnttsinoiitli G: I Isisl in its'
J. I'attersun, S. I'atler-
lase liitr
J-toloii lasex-:ittsiiiniith .'l; Hastings 1
Uase on halls - 1'lat t siiiunt h 3.
Hit hy I'itelier 'l iiiune.
Struck nul-llv M vers H; Jolinson 12.
I'assed I.alls "( Jii'MsU.
ilt I'itch-MversL': Johnson 3.
i line of name - I :.K.
I mpire tiretisel.
Lincoln won vesterdav's irame
from Beatrice, but the umpire gave
it to the latter club. It was this
way: In the first half of the sev
enth inning the score stood J to 1,
in favor of Lincoln. The ball was
knocked over the fence, and, under
the rules, the captain of the Beatrice
team demanded ; new ball, which
the manager of the Lincoln team
declined to furnish, claiming that
the ball he did offer had been ac
cepted, and had been iu play earlier
in tlie game, the umpire there
upon gave the game to Beatrice,
much to the disgust of the crowd iu
the grand stand, who failed to ap
preciate such nice discrimination
when their own team was iu the
In other respects the game was a
fine exhibition of ball playing and
equal to any ev?r played on the
grounds. The score:
Heat rice ,
l-.arnel rims-Heat rice, 1.
Hits Lincoln, ": Heutrice, 3.
Two-base hits-Fear, Tavlor. Howe.
Struck out - Cast one, 4; 'Howe. &
Hatierie: (':istoii.- :.,.! r if. ......
L inpire Hart.
.0 0 0 0 0 'J
.vomu o i
The home talent minstrel given
at the opera house last night was a
II i 1 tr 4 ........... . ..... .
cuv n-t.,-,. v large anu ap
preciative and ience w as present and
thoroughly enjoyed the entertain
ment. The proceeds go towards
purchasing m-w uniforms for the
ball team.
the entertainment opened with
the regular way for minstrels, with
Reinhackle, Williams and John l'at
terson ami Green, Maupin and
Holmes as end men, with Jack
Reeves in the center, and as end
men they are hard to beat. After a
song by the entire crowd the end
men amused the audience with a
few witty sayings.
Harvey Holloway then rendered
a sola in a verj' acceptable manner
followed bv Chas. Sherman :i.wl
Chas. Murphy. Kach received a
merited applause.
Jack Briton in his "fun alone" was j
good, while the horizontal harper
formance by the Wurl brothers and
i-am l'atterson was exceptionally
Frank Maupin sang a song entitled
r ..hi . . . .
iuiiiio composed uy J. l. iatti
mer and was roundly applauded
and in return sang the "Dago Song"
Maupin seemed to be as much at
home on the stage as behind the
Who can write the most words on
new U. S. Postal Card
Will Give the Following Prizes on Julv 4th:
A Nice Spring Suh.
A Nice Leather Satchel.
Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Johnson favored the audience
with several selections and was the Send all Postal Car1; 1 r,
recipient of a beautiful bonnet be- bW1 UarjS l
The second game between Uakers
colts and the Sugar Citv's was
played yesterday, and the visitors
won by a scratch in the ninth. It
was an even thing to the ninth, and
in that one Fremont drew a blank.
but Grand Island got Hulger home
on a base hit by Stratton and the
day was lost to Fremont. Score:
r reiiiont o ( o 2 0 2 0 0 0-
ui.tou isianu .0 0 0 0 2 2001
niitt.Ties Kiiuriiel and Pjilmer, Siimiic
iinu Keef.
Struck out Kimmel. 4: Sntunor r.
i reniont, .; (;iij!i.l Isl.nwl.
vr:inn isianu, '!.
I fast" l.its-
Krrors Kremont, 5:
Ishnul, 2.
mils J-'remoiit, 1;
Standing of the Clubs.
I'layeil. Won. Lost.
li-su trice
Krenum t
(irand Island :;
riattsmoiitli 4
Hastings 4
Per Ct
at 10
j Sam
; 1 , si-rapei
j ( ! 'hold b
Jim Sage was in Omaha to-da3".
Mat Schlegel went out to Lincoln
this morning.
J. A. U lse was an Omaha
ger til is morning.
Mrs. George K. Dovey went up to
Omaha this morning.
Sam Shumaker was up to Omaha
this morning on business.
ine pa- car will arrive
o'clock Monday mornino-.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. White and
,1 ..1. -
naugiuer were Omaha visitors
xia .Yiiiia itusscii returned to
1.-1. .
nome iu weeping Water this
Mr. and Mrs. John L,eyda went to
Weeping Water this mornino- to
pend Sunday.
v.j.rtiie v. ingalls returned to
IJes Moines this morning, after
week's visit in this e?t-
Church Services.
ir.-i .-1. ivciiurch, Dr. L. F. IJritt.
pastor, isunday echool at 9:30 a. m
H.tr1tiinIg ai u a. I1K ancJ s ,
Rev. Dr. J. C. W. Coxe, a member of
tlie general conference and general
secretary of the Sunday School Un
ion, fcpworth League will miphi
6:30 p. m. i tlle sallery of the
church. All are cordially invited to
attend these services.
pient of a beautiful bonnet be
sides being uproariously applaud
The quartette composed of C. S.
Sherman, Harvey Holloway, Jlarrv
Green and Fred Overiander delight
ed the-audience with a well execut
ed song. They were crlled back
and rendered the "calliope" to per
fect ion.
Louis JCeinhackel and Harry
Green kept the crowd in good hu-
OOlt 1Vt Ii t .... -r w
...x. ..nil .-v.- t.i .i 1 parouies: it ere
the Hasting 'base hall team present
ed "Rack" with a floral tribute.
JIan-3- Green ns a song and dance
artist is hard to beat.
-.....iwi i vi liiv,- le.miies 01 me en
tertatnnient was the club swinging
exhibition given by Otto Wurl.
Theentertaituiienl concluded with
a farce entitled a ' Cake Walk". in
which "Rack" took the part of the
tough and Maupin done the faint
ing act to pefrection.
The entertainment will be repeat
ed this evening at tlie opera house
Those wliodid not attend lastiiiht
should go to-nio-ht. I'riee -,.,i
i.) cents.
JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
No more Postal Cards aecapted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
Opera Hioiase Comer,
Don't forget to
house to-uight.
Dr, Deering will be located at
court house Monday morning.
go to the opera
MEN DROWNED. j " " dVl
mer's ice.
72 for your sum-
Board of Education.
v. w.v w c-uucaiion neiu tlieir
nrst meeting last night since the
election and organized for the new
The meeting was called to order
by President S. A. D.-ivi nUnr
"Judge TCamsev is now located in
the court house as is also the sheriff
fat roe t Commissioner Geo. Foisall
13 putting a drain across Washing.
jui-mii.' tin j-vtgni sireei, to run
the water into the sewer.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
nive cure Catarrh. Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale b- F. G.
rricke & Co
Otto Lmbson
A Boat Filled. With Railroad Men Cap- ! The Plaf-n 1 n Pir
s.zed Two of the Parties' I - idCej&J3uy
Narrow Escans.
Missouri Valja-y, Sku., Ma3- r
(Special. -Six railroru! inen were
oiowneci last night while
crossing j
Dovey's delivery
..... i .
wnicn ttie minutes of the last meet- 0o-r ws kicked in the face yester
IheKev, Father Cook ,f u.
nurg, iowa. will lecture
church, between
' at St. John's
Fifth and Sixth
Johnston, K J lurner. Mr II T
streets, to-morrow a veiling at half "ason;JliyHth Tyi.,r, c E
past seven o'clock Ti , I Lo" LH -nvtal, Walt (.,
hi., i-...- .. . 1 vr ;:. . "w,-Jn"i
v i it i v win (in f 'x f ' 1 Mril.'itllllPr. I hirin
ing were rsad and atmroved
The board then proceeded to the
lection of officers, resulting in
D. Bennett being elected pre'si
ent and J. I. Unruh re-elected sec
The secretary was instructed to
correspond with several mnfl
irchitects. askinir for r.l:.'
pecilications for a new Pi,nfli
house. The board have decided to
build a new sclmni i,,,c. ,
than : U,M- UOt t0 CSt 1CSS
desirable resi-
deuce lots in Orchard II '111 add K
to I. lattsmontli ,.-;.i.:.. i.i .i. r
II,,. AT- .....11.1 i OI
' A 1.V.1.II. I I
1 v..,wi. j m
HERALn office OU uradj The
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed in the post
ollice at Plattsmouth-
A irtf ra ves. Ma rt ha
ckerniau, K G
Anderson, Alanson
Iiearle, Win
Hower, Ethel
Bevote, F A
Itlakesless, C I)
Candish. W S
Carrijian, Mrs Lou
Calloway, James
Iiinstnore, Jordan
Goclienin, Isaac
Smith, Clara
Ilichtnan, Koiithev
Mcl'herriii, Rev J
Ritchey.J S
Ramsey, John
Ritchie, John
Robinson, F O
Richardson, Frank.
Reydolds. retus
Smith, Geo
Steiner, May M.
Smith. J II
Suction, Geo
Smith. Eliza
Standish, Daniel
Thomas, Win
Tilton. Mrs I A
uj t.iie t.i me iijuies ne unves.
r r r
ins lace presents the ppearanceof
having come in contact with dyna
mite rather than the sporty end of
a playful little mule.
ine Jangler faurprise will burn
the poorest grade of gasoline as
well as the best. No wther stove will
doit. Ilendee sells them.
Grand Island came in this morn
ing from Fremont for two games.
Yapp and Maupin were in the
points for the home team to-day
and Hoff and Keefe for the visitors.
To-morrow a large crowd ought to
be present, as the boys are now
playing good ball and the presence
of a good crowd would encourage
them to do better.
T1. , . .
iiovfpdjjcrs nave taken up
the subject of the construction and
maintenance of good country roads
When the newspapers take up any
grand scheme they never let up tin-
til something is accomplished
Nothing can benefit this country at
present more than a better system
of roads
at; . . .
Missouri river in a skiff. The recent
rains have swollen the river to an
enormous size and a cross ciirent ;
the river capsized the boat. There
were eight in the party but two
managed to save their lives by
swimming ashore on two tickets
lliey had purchased to seethe
Cashier at Waterman's opera house
Monday night, Maj- 0.
13 AT
TI. C. McMaken A: Son arc now
prepared to deliver ice to any p;irt
of the city. Telephone No. ?
will be "CT,fu;..
Father Cook is an able speaker and
a rare treat is in store for all those
who will avail themselves of the op
portunity to hear him. All are cor.
dially invited. An admission fee
of twenty-live rfni, ...:n i . . Ie
door e cnargea
tt the door.
fl-Tr.tlillr. 'Is.rinrl.. "W" .
- - rtl. t I-, rr.
N'ehpitiK, Aujftiet Woodard mjs J -i
Xewell, Mary A AVellow, Mrs J W
Nelson. Bertha Wood, Sam
Oleson. Jasper Webb, irs Riy
Warick, Abbie Yarclley, J W- "
Persons calling for any of the
above will please ask for "adver
tised; mail. H. J. Streioht, !. M.
Mr. Hoffman, a gentleman suffer
ing from paralysis which prevented
his talking, while on his way from
St. Joe to West Point to live with
friends, and be doctored, was put
off the train here Monda3- r lack
of funds. He was well educated and
told friends by writing his story.
He was sent on his way rejoicing
on Tuesday morning, a night's
lodging being furnished him and
money enough given him to take
him to West Point. Weeping Wa
ter Republican.
All those who are in debt to the
old firm of Weidman & Brekenfeld
are requested to call and settle b3
Ihe loth of May or the accounts
will be placed for collection.
tf C. tHKI Mi n.
Real Estate Transfers.
Following are the real estate
transfers for the past week as com
piled by Polk Bros., abstracter
ind publishers of the Daily Record-
V S Walker to W II nill.nri I... r.
iik t. rlenunir V Race's Add to
coping- atcr-w d
M Alexander and wife to I) M
(Juackenbush, i,,t s1 . lot '"-7"
Greenwood w tl " '
O I' Colbv to I S F.,
11 W4 1
G.P Copeland and husband to K
liirphy, pt of sv'i of sw lli-11 wrl
John Honsand wife to A f;ol!.nt lots
,,lk Thompson's Atid to
I'iattsmouth w d
7:(i oo
;,2i (ki
1X1 (KJ
25J 00
Buy the best and nothing but the
oest and you will have a Dangler
H. ntve. iienuee sells them.
I i:AA(iKS,
O f W -, 8-leet first liiid't hVrl Fri
, ltUs,,Y evemnjf of each month at I O () F
recorder"' er," lea l W; J Barwitk,
(L A. K.AlcC'oniiiie fir
cordially invited to ..-ft with us.- Krecl Bntes
root Adjiuaut ; (;. F. Niles. toe t Coimnadder'
at lir.lHV (fVhti iiifr ut 7 . -tit t 1 1.,,;- ii.. tt i..
o . j VI . r. ' " ' J r: n nan in
rucKwoa DiooK All visit in ; comrf1
Hot Springs. Ark Carlsbad
On April 6th, 7th and 5th the M.
P. will sell round trio tickets tt
Springs, Ark., at one lowest first
ciass xare, irood retummrr until
-., f-y - - . . . . .
june jutn, on account of
ment sale of lots and
of the Southern Central
govern -meetiurr
Call at office for par-
I wish to specially recommend,
it is absolutely safe.
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
U ment plan as cheap as for cash,
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can get
it for you on two days' notice.
421 Main-St., Plattsmouth
, f