f 4 . - .Daily HeraH Plattsmouffi G IMiATTSMOUTIL NKBUASKA. SATU ltl)A Y. MAY 7. 1892. fifth yfau. A lip POWDER COK.NKK OF VIM: AMI KII TIf STS TKLKI'lIONK SS. NO'Ilb BROS, Publishers Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Hiirhest of all m leavening sin-ui.. Latent U. S port. Government food re 7KV MEATMARKET. i. ,. 1,.,L- Vol. Million Kept conMautly on hand Putter and Game of all kinds kept in Seas on I'uMir-litvl every Thursday, ami laily every evening except Sunday. KeKisU-reil at the IMiittsiiiuutli. Nebraska !-1 pllice as Hecoiicl class mail matter for t raiisiiiissioii t lirouli tlie I. S. mails. 'I KK .M S 1-C K" V K KKI.Y. )ne year ill Jidvance One viar not in alvaiiee - Six montlirt in ailvanee Tli roe niontlis in ;ilv:mc-e TKKN S K I1I.Y. One ear, i.' advance -One coy one moiit li -Per week by carrier - $1 50 ;iK r 75 to 511 r yiV.w r. S believing, we heartily in doi;' the MeKinley law. whose be neficent results have ahernl- dem tnoiisl rated its wislnti: ami we see in the reciprocity feature of the law an adequate opening of foreif.ru market to American products with out in any decree infringing upon tlm policy of protection to Ameri can labor. The whole story of the beneficence of the republican policy of protec tion and reciprocity has never been more tersely and forcibly stated. The national convention at Mine- I jipohs next month can hardly do better than to put that resolution just as it is in the declaration of po litical faith, upon which the repub lican party is to fight and win the presidental contest of 1S'.2. TllKKili will be no tarilf legislation this year. The McKinley law will stand unchanged until the republi cans regain control of the house, and then if the law needs revision the thing will be done. SATISFACTION - OARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. Oth St and Lincoln Ave PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. RTEAT HAEKET ' SIXTH STREET F. H. ELLKNBAUM, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found ft,;-, market. Also fresh and Butter. vVild game of all kinds kept in their season. mmm SIXTH STREET Meat market Always has on hand a full stock of FLOUR AfM ,rn Bran, Shorts Oats and Baled lav for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part 01 w Tins democrats say they will carry Wisconsin for president. They said the same thing-in JSsS, but they did not come within 21.000 of doing it. Their chances are no better this year than they were then. Tiik postmaster general reports that the experimental free delivery of mails in small towns has proved to be a complete success. It is to be hoped, therefore, that the system will he extended accordingly, and that a similar advantage will be porvided for the farming districts as soon as possible. A TEXTILE industry lias just been transferred from Yorkshire, Eng land, to Jamestown, X. Y., which will give employment to 1.2.T0 men. The iirm name is Ilenrj' Listen & Son. Allowing four mouths for each family represented hy a man, there will he .,CC3 people more for the farmers to feed, thanks to the McKinley tariff. 1 lie r. iitiic-u urt tguiiim ir. Finally, "when the end of the me:tl w:is marked by the appearance of half a doz en new cut glass linger bowls, infantile wonderment could contain itself no longer. "Mamma," piped the eldest cherub, "what's all this for?" "All what;" "Oh, havin the real silver out, and all these new things an two kinds of meat." :Why, Willie, what do you mean by talking in that fashion? You know this is the way wo dine every day. Really, Cousin Alary, that child is losing his memory." "No. 1 ain't. We had Irish stew sis times this week, already, an if Cousin Jilary don't believe what I say" "Willie!" "Well, just let her come in some day without telliu nobody, and if she don't get stew, too. 1 hoie the boogey inan'li get me." "Yes, tome off en," piped the other two children, "an let mamma know you're comin, for we're orful tired of sfew." Troy Standard. A Strange Point. Hicks pond, in Palmyra. Me., is a ntniniro bodv of water, it is only twelve acres in area, but it is more than 100 feet in depth. It has no visible inlet, although a fair sized stream Cows from it into Lake Sebasticook. The volume of its waters is not materially affected by either drought or freshet, and the water is always cold. Philadelphia Ledger. Elisor Liquor Cure. To tho-e seeking a rescue from liquors curse or other evil habits brought about by morphine, tobac co etc. 1 he Elisor I nsl itute at N)iit li Omaha olfcrsouc of the most relia ble mid best places to go with the absolute certainty of a permanent cure. U rite or viit tlie institute. A Sensible Man. Would use Kemp's balsam for the throat ami lungs, it is curing more cases coughs clds, asthma, bron chitis, craup and all throat and lung troubles, than any other rem edy. The proprietor has author ized any druggist to give you a sam pie bottle free v convince you of the merit of Ihis great remedj-. Large bottles TiUc and $1. Spot Cash Hardware. MANY YEARS AGO TIIK POET WROTE: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and (its our case exactly ic ?. Ice- McMaken & Son aredeliveiing ice daily. Call on them for your sum mer's ice. I feel it my duty to say a few words in regard to Ely's Cream Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. I have. used it more or less half a year, and have found it to be most admirable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for -ai, but Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many of mj'- acquaintances have used' it witu excellnnt results. Oscar Ostum, 4.") Warren Ave., Chi cago 111. ALL THAT WE WANT IS HARDWARE, Your Trade on .V- STOVES, ' TUOJ.S, TIXWAh'E. WOODENWARL '--just for a few years, say twenty little" our cup of happiness will That is a M ; '-Snr do we want it long or more ami if 3-011 will grant us this be lull to overflowing. ... . 1 In return you will have little to want, tor in Ihese goods we offer the best and most complete line made in this country today and Wanted: An energetic man to manage branch office. Only a few dohars needed, salary to start $7.") per month and interest in business The Western Co., Kansas City, Mo. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets bej'ond the reach of medicine They say "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful -Kemp's Balsam, which is sold 011 a positive guarantee to cure, the-would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and ifl. Trial size free. At all druggists. SO That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are giving the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. WILL YOU .NOT GIVE US THE "LITTLE" THAT TVIi WANT. J. W. Henclee, & Co. UNB .VI. KEEPS Whitney's Carriages city " COKXEK SIXTH AND VINE Plattsmouth, ULIUS PKPPEKBEKG. MANL KACTL KK tK AM LUHDLZSILEinKn KEThIL UKALHl IN THK ifi:cT iit. I)S OF CIGAKS 1llOJl'1 - - ' FILL LINK OK THE request of the Inman steam shin line for permission to change the flags of the "City of Paris" and -City of Xew Yorn" from the u jack to the stars and stripes -. ns that this great company is - ::f'erto be an American institu- i a-i.l will build its ships in the t iuieu Mates instead 01 me tijui-. It is considered certain that this means a change in the attitude of the principal companies toward this countrv. In a few years the Ameri can flag will lly over a large num ber of the great Ocean grevhounds. and those carrying foreign flags will be at a serious disadvantage in securing the patronage of patriotic American tourists. -Lincoln Jour nal. smoker's TOBACCO AND always in stock o- Plattsmouth, ARTICLES Nebrassa W. H. CUSHlNfl, IVffidt'if. J. W. JOH-NSOX, Yite-Prtfiitint. -OOOT H EOOO- FLATTSMOUTU NEBRASKA Capital Paid in $30,000 tr r.nihn.n .T W -lotiEHOn. E 8 Greusel. Henry tikeubary. M W Morgan, J A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W II Cushiun A general banXinir business trans- netpd. Interest allowed on de- posites. f-IRST r NATIONAL : BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid up capital ---Surplus .giW.WlO.OO . 10.000.09 THE NEW MINISTER TO FRANCE. T. Jefferson Coolidge, the new minister tj Jrance, to succeed Whitelaw Reid, has been attracting a great deal of attention. The sig nificant question of "Who is Coo lidge. anyhow'-" has been asked by many papers, republican as well as democratic. Coolidge is clearly en titled to the name T. Jefferson, for he is a grandson of the old protec tionist who is still worshipped as the father of the democratic part'. On his father's side he is a descend ant of the John Coolidge who came to Massachusetts as far back as 1030 and distinguished himself. The minister-elect, if the term is al lowable, was a supporter of Cleve land in 1SSL He is a man of busi ness as well as social standing, and his influence was worth a great deal to Mr. Cleveland. But he is not a free trader aur more than his great-grandfather, Thomas Jeffer- bou, was. In 1S87 when Cleveland issued his free trade message, he left the party and in 18S8 was one of Harrison's most enthusiastic sup porters. He was a protection dem ocrat and when the democratic party was bodily turned over to the free traders he left it. Des Moines Register. According to the census of 1S;k). Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of l.oyVTC people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons -find homes, and, when we do. we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains dailv. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and iickci Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. In almost every neighborhood throughout the west there is some ...l.- or more nersons whose lives have been saved by Chamberlains Colic. Cholera and Diarrhica Rem edv. or who have been cured of chronic diarrhu a iy it. cucn per sons take especial pleasure in rec ommending the remed' to others. The praise that follows its intro duction and use makes it very pop ular, and 30-cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke &. Co. Some of the Grand Army boys may be interested in the following from Alex. B. Pope. A. I). C, Com mander. Den't. Tenn. and Ga. He says: "We have had an epidemic of whooping cough here, (Stewart, Tenn..) and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been the only medicine that has done any good " There is no danger from whooping cough, when this remedy is freely given. It completely controls the disease. 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. The wisdom of him who journey eth is known by the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Burlington Route" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent Pull man sleepers, elegant reclining chair e irs and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. F'or information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger andTicket Agent. Omaha. rrow Try This It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and undcr its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Drug Store, Large size 50c. and 1.00 And the PRICES Are away clown ' i) t" " .'j i1 b e u 9 CALL AND SI i knmmidh Ad n the ery beit faculties for the promp transaction vi Banking Business Btockii. bonds, gold, government and local se- aurttle bought and sold . uuf T.e .- . -. r .nnM nn the eertiflcaifv Drafts drawn, available In any part of the United States and ail the principal iewns oi Europe. COLLECTIONS MADE AKD PROMPTLY BKMIT TKU. iuh n.rkt nrlca DKid for County Wax- rants, State ana County bends. DIRECTORS John Flteerald D. Hawk?wortb 8am Waugh. F. E. White Oeorve E. Dover John FltzgeraW. 8. Waugh Prevldent Cathiec, Ox Wednesday last the republi cans of Connecticut in state conven tion at Hartford, among others, unanimously adopted this resolu tion: We believe in the principles of protection to American industries It has given to this country a great er prosperity than is known to an3- other nation. High wages to oper atives, low prices to consumer, hap py homes owned by workingmen, savings bank deposits proportion- country, busy factories, and unex ampled development of national wealth and'prosperity alike attest it9 F. G. Fricke & Co., the druggists' desire us to publish the following testimonial as they handle the rem edy and believe it to be reliable: I bought a .10-cent bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm and applied it to my limbs, which have been af flicted with rheumatism at inter vals for one year. At the time I bought the Pain Balm I was un able to walk. I can truthfully say that Pain Balm has completely eured me R. H. Fark, Holywood, Kan. Mr. A. B. Cox, the leading druggist at Holywood, vouches for the truth of the above statement. The Missori Pacific will sell round trip tickets May 9 to 14 inclusive, to Portland, Oregan, tne jr resbyterian general aisembly being held their Mav 19 to June 2. Tickets good un til Mav 19 and treturnincr inside 90 days at 00, going via one route and returning via another. Apply at ticket office for particulars. Knglish Spavin Liniment removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins , curbs splints, sweeney, ring bone, stulee, sprains all swoi len throats, coughs etc.. Save 50 cent bv use of one bottle. Warrant ed the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. G Fricke & Co druggists Plattsmouth For Sale A desirable residence lot in Orchard Hill addition to Plattsmouth, just one block from the M. P. depot. This lot will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Call on or address thi9 office. tf A Great Surpriee Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsan for the throat and lungs the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the progrietor of this wonderful" remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles oOc ana l. Itch on human and horses animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's sanitary lotion. lh is never tails. Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmouth. For millinery and pattern hats or anvthincr in the line ot ribbons, flowers of the laest stj-les and de signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood block. tt. For a number of years. I have been subject to violent attacks of inllammitory rheumatism wnicn generally lasted about two months. On the first of this month I was at tacked in the knee and suffered se verely for two days, when I prenred a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it relieved me almost instanti-. I therefore most cheerfully reco mend it to those who are similarly afflicted everywhere. R. D. Whit ly is a very prominent man in this place and his disease was widley known as he suffered attcn severe pain. V. M. Houstan & Co. , Mer chants, Martindale, N- C. 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Druggists. ii THE POSITIVE CURE. HUliLlXGTOX & MISSOURI III V Ell R. R. V TIME TABLE. OF DAILY PASSEXGKK TRAINS GOING EAST No. 2 5:17 1". M. No. 4 10 :3t a. It. No. 8 7 ; 44 p. Ill No. 10 9 : 45 . m No, 0 12 a. n. GOING VEST Not 3 :tr a. m. o. .1. :5 :4 p. ill No. ') y -.on a. m Vo. 7, 5 :l7 in. No.i 4 -Ait p.m. Vo, 91 7 :i5a. m. Pushnell's extra leaves for Omaha about two o'clock fcr c malia and -will accommodate pas sengers. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. No. 3g4 Accomodation Leave? No. 34 " arrives Trains daily except Sunday. , .10:55 a. m. . 4 ;00 p. in. TTORSEV A. N. SULLIVAN. kttoriiey at-I.au-. Will iive pron.jit attention ") all biiMuees entrusted to luai. OH'u;e in Union block. East Sidn. riuttririotitli, NcIj. BARG-AITS N K N M WATCHES, - CLOCKS. - SILVJv K WA KE :iii1 Jewelry. REPAIR'S PKOMPTEY ATTENDED TO. SATISFACTION Gl'AKAXTEKI) N tc N N : : H. M. GAULT. K'oom with Snyder, Soutn Main Street. For years the editor of the Burl ington Junction, (Mo.) Post, has been subject to cramp colic fits of in digestion, which prostrated him for several hours and unfitted him for bnsiness for two or three days. For the past year he has been using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whenever occa sion required, and it has invariably given him prompt relief. 25 and 20 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. Ask your dealer to show you where the gasoline goes to from the tank to the burner and then go and see the Dangler Surprise. For sale by Hendee. .; FOR RELIABLE Tornado Insurance Call on SAM'L PATTERSON, Plattsmouth - - Nebraska. pi (iOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. OR. STEINAU9 LOCAL as well as other an esthettcsKiven tor the painless extraction of teeth. R. A, SALISBURY : D-E-N-T-I-S-T : GOLI AXD POKCELAIX CROWNS. Dr. Steinuays anasthetlc for the paiiilc ex traction of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Kockwood Block Plattsmouth. Nell. J- 217, 219, 221, AND 223 yAAIN ST PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. F. R. GUTHMA1T1T. PROP- c. A.JMARSHALL, - Fitzgerald R3oc Why -will you cough when Shi loh's cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. ad fl For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co Rates ?4.f)0 pek week and up HAYE YOU BSTHEafll SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure ma IWH rnrnr waar ""jj J