The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 06, 1892, Image 4

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The Prettiest Game of the Sea
son Played Yesterday.
The Homo Team Put up a Great
Came and Would Have Won
Only for Perrlne's Error
--Other Ball News.
The bawe ball cranks were treated
yesterday to a firt class article of
base ball, one that would be hard to
duplicate. Plattsmouth has now
lost three streight frames but is now
btriking a winning gait.
The game yesterday was one of
the prettiest and most exciting that
has ever been played on the home
grounds, and those who missed the
game missed a rare treat.
The home team put up a number
one game if they did lose.
Perrine and Maupin formed the
battery for the home team, while
Packard and Childs were in the
point for the visitors.
Plattsmouth went to bat first and
were retired without a score. Hast
ings was also treated to a similar
dose of whitewash.
In the second the home team
scored another goose egg while
Hastings made their first score.
At the begining of the third Per
rine went to bat and was thrown out
at first, Mr. Green picked up a piece
of a wagon tongue and the first ball
that Mr, Packard delivered he
smashed it clear over the right field
fence into a potato patch for a home
run. This tied the score and also
ended Plattsmouth on the score
question, for the remaining part of
the game they only got as far as
third and Hastings failed to score
until her half of the ninth.
In the home team's half of the
ninth, with two men out. Kennedy
went to bat and cent the sphere
sailing away (out in the corner of
the left field for two bases, Maupiii
following with a base hit, but
Reeves flew out to Shanot.
Hastings then came to bat and
Perrine presented Shanot with a
base on balls and Wallick hit sate,
advancing Shanot to third. The
next man came to bat and hit an
easy grounder to Perrine, who held
the ball until Timme was close to
first before throwing it, striking the
base runner and glancingoff.letting
in the winning run.
Kennedy and Green led in batting
for the home team. The same
teams play this afternoon.
Following is the score.
AH tt. B li FO A. K.
Crren.HS 4 1112 0
Lontf. If 1 0 0 0
J Patterson, 2I 4 0 0 2 0 1
S Patterson, rf 4 0 0 1 1 0
Kennedy. 3b 4 0 2 2 5 0
Maupin, c 4 0 1 7 2 O
Keevew. lb 3 0 1 8 0 0
J.linon. cf 3 0 0 10 0
Perrine, p 3 0 0 9 5 2
Total St 1 ! 6 25 15 3
"inninu run tmule with one man out.
A B; K. IB II F u A
Timiiie, 3b
McKarlatnl, rf
Child. C
Iackarl. p
Clark. If.......... .
McKibleti, 2b
Shanot, !
Wallick. lb
Ilattsmouth 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
Hastings 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Earned runs Plattsmouth 1; Hastings 2.
Two base hits Kennedy.
Struck out By Perrins 3; Packard 1.
Base on balls Ort Perrine 2.
Hit by Pitcher By Perrin 3.
Home run Green.
Passed balls Maupin 2; Childs 1.
Wild Pitch Perrine 1.
Left on bases Plattsmouth 5; Hatint;si9.
Base on errors Plattsmouth 2; Hast
ings 2.
Time of ga me 1:35.
IT m pi re G reusel.
The game between Grand Island
and Fremont yesterday was pro
nounced by several salaried ex
perts to have been the finest exhi
bition ever seen in this city. Man
ager Baker put a new man in the
box Wilde, receutly from Kansas
He was a little wild, but he had the
speed of the cyclone of his native
state. He pitched the game through
and won it. The features of the
game were Bowman's work at first
and his two bagger in the ninth,
and Manager Rourke's fine for talk
ing back to the umpire. In the
ninth the score stood 2 to 2. The
sext inning Fremont crossed the
rubber shut out the visitors and
won the game, although it took ten
inniegstodo it. Score:
Fremont - 1 OIOM001 13
Grand Island 0 002 I 0 a 02
Batteries Wilding- and Graver; H offer
and Keefe.
Bee hits Frement 5; Grand Island X.
Struck out Wilding t: Hoffer 8.
Knoca -Fremont 1; Grand Island 2.
Earned runs Fremont 1
Umpire Fullmer.
The first league game of the sea
son was played on the Lincoln
grounds yesterday afternoon be
tween Lincoln and Beatrice. The
visitors'won the game by superior
batting in the fourth inning. Score:
Lincoln 0 0 1 0 1 0 O 2
lie" trice. 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 2
Base hits Lincoln 4; Beatrice 8.
Two base hits Tuylor, Holmes, Hooli
luin. . .
Batteriew Hopp, Pender ami Fear,; I'.d
injger and Jones.
Umpire Hart.
Standing of the Clubs.
Played. Won. J!-t.
Per Ct.
Beatrice 2
Fremont 2
Lincoln 2
Hastings 3
Plattsmouth .... 3
Grand Island.... 2
Yesterday's Association Games.
Kansas City 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 2
Indianapolis 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 1
The St. Paul-Toledo game was
postponed on account of wet
The Minneapolis-Columbus post
poned on account of rain.
The .Orjiaha-Milwaukee game
postponed on account of wet
"The Cashier."
"The Cashier" opened at the
Standard last night to a packed
house. This is a new play by J. S.
Sturtevant, a member of the com
pany. The large audience shouted
themselves hoarse and curtain
calls were numerous. The special
ties are all new and catchy. The
play will run a week and then make
a tour of Missouri, Kansas and Ne
braska. St. Louis Globe.
At Waterman opera house Mon
day, May 9.
Go to the opera house to-night.
Telephone No. 72 for your sum
mers ice.
Secure your tickets for the enter
tainment to-night early and avoid
the rush.
Don't forget the benefit at the
opera house to night for the base
base ball club.
II. C. McMaken iScSon are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part
of the city. Telephone No. 72.
Judge Ramsey granted a permit
to wed to-day to Wru. M. Perry and
Miss Harriett T. Smith.
The construction train of the M.
P. passed over the new bridge yes
terday for the first time with a train
load of stone.
The Dangler Surprise will burn
the poorest gTade of gasoline as
well as the best. No sther stove will
do it. Hendee sells them.
Sidewalks about the city that have
long needed repair are now receiv
ing the attention of street commis
sioner and it makes traffic much
more convenient.
Louis Egenberger is flitting up
the building west of Hendee's hard
ware store and will put in a cigar
store and factory and will employ
several hands.
Fok SALE Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmouth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address The
Herald office. tf
The Nebraska State Medical Soci
ety will hold its twenty-fourth an
nval convention at Omaha on Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday of
next week at the Y. M. C. A. build
ing. Frank Hager, who has been round
house foreman at this place for a
long time, has been appointed mast
er mechanic at Holyoke and shipped
his household goods yesterday. He
will leave in a short time to take
O. H. Snyder has bought the jew
elry store of II. M. Gault and has
now in possession. Mr. Snyder
has placed Harry Jaquette in
charge and he intends to put in a
much larger stock of jewelry than
has heretofore been carried.
Buy the best and nothing but the
best and you will have a Dangler
Surprise stove. Hendee sells them.
Rev. James D. Kerr, of Omaha
will conduct divine service in the
First Presbyterian church on next
Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The
Sunday school meets at 9:30 a. m.,
and the Young People's Society of
Christian endeavor meets at 7 p. ra.
John Doherty a brakesman on a
freight train and son of conductor
Doherty, fell off his train at Oreapo
Its this morning breaking his nose
and otherwise bruising himself.
Mr. Doherty was taken to Omaha
where his wounds were dressed. He
was not seriously hurt.
At the business and social meet
ing of the Epworth league this eve
ning there will be what might be
called an experience social. It hav
ing been previously announced, the
young folks have been earning as
much money "on the side" as they
can i. e., in an unusual way, and
to-night are to turn in the shekels
and relate, to the edificatfon of the
company, how it was obtained. At
the residence of Mrs. Drew on Viae
"Fm so hungry," hoarsely whispered
large,, well dressed man in ray ear: '
No, it wasn't the plea of a street beg
gar, but was the sad wail of a rich aud
popular clnb-uiah, at that moment bUhi
ly engaged in holding down" 6rie of the
blue1 plufch sofas at the fifth avenue.
i Weighing about 300 pounds the -club
man was admirably adapted to that lino
of business. ' '
"I'm hungry all the time. I dare not
eat. I am dieting myself to get rid of
someofthitt flesh. Every' mouth firi of
meat or drink seems to make a ixund of
adipose listme. 1 work with the clubs
aud belTa and eat . so little I'm half
starved. Yes, sir; starved! You think
that's funny, don't you, but it' isn't, ft
may be easy for a man without money
or friends or tastes who sleeps in the
park, but to a man like me it's terrible!
terrible! But 1 lost three pounds last
week, he added, brightening up a bit.
"and hope to pull off five this week."
While the unfortunate man was talk
ing and moaning I was not smiling at
him. I was thinking of a clever and
pretty young lady who had a similar
grievance and who that very day had
tremblingly faltered in my other ear:
"Do you think I'm any thinner than I
was last Thursday. Honest, now, am 1
growing thinner? I weigh only 125
pounds today; a month ago 1 weighed
126. Awful, isn't it?"
I admitted that it might be awful, but
at the terrible rate of falling off given
she couldn't have lost more than three
ounces since I saw her last, and this was
quite imperceptible.
"Now you're making fun of me," said
she. "It is too serious. I'm getting to
be nothing but skin and bones! Every
thing I eat and drink makes me thinner!
Everybody says I look badly, and 1 know
I'm just wasting away!"
I must introduce these two unhappy
people and let them talk it over. New
York Herald.
The Green Fisherman.
It is amusing to a veteran when visit
ing angling resorts to watch the beauti
ful way in which the guides seduce the
greenhorns into buying tackle or outfits
from them or from the local stores.
There is always some particular fly or
spoon without which it is useless to fish,
and then when it comes to going out to
the fishing grounds, woe to the man who
has not been there before, for unless he
happens to have an unusually conscien
tious boatman the chances are that he
will be taken over some very convenient
ground where there are few if any fish.
"They are not biting today," or "You
ought to have been here last week," etc.,
are the consoling remarks made by the
guides; we have all listened to these re
marks time and time again. Anglers on
their first trips to the Thousand Isles
suffer from this to a very great extent:
there are so many good looking and con
venient localities barren of fish while
the best and prolific waters are at con
siderable distance from the hotels and
require hard work at the oars to reach
them. In fact the experience of sports
men is that the first season at a new re
sort, whether for fishing or shooting, is
usually wasted. Forest and Stream.
The Evidence Was Against Her.
Finally, when the end of the meal was
marked by the appearance of half a doz
en new cut glass finger bowls, infantile
wonderment could contain itself no
"Mamma," piped the eldest cherub,
"what's all this forr
"All what?"
"Oh, havin the real silver out, and all
these new things an two kinds of meat."
"Why, Willie, what do you mean by
talking in that fashion? You know this
is the way we dine every day. Really,
Cousin Mary, that child is losing his
"No, 1 ain't. "We had Irish stew six
times this week, already, an if Cousin
Mary don't believe what I say"
"Well, just let her come in some day
without tellin nobody, and if she don't
get stew, too. 1 hope the boogey man'll
get me."
"Yes, tome off en," piped the other two
children, "an let mamma know you're
comin, for we're orful tired of stew."
Troy Standard.
Day by Day.
"While I live 1 purpose to live," one
of our modern world conquerors is cred
ited with having said, and it was a noble
sentiment to which any earnest indi
vidual is equal, since God sets our task
every twenty-four hours and watches
with os to its close as well as rehearses
us for the drama of death as often as our
limbs and faculties become weary from
the strife. Then let us gather up the
golden days as heavenly treasures and
roll them on before us into the greater
sphere of eternity, when we shall come
to possess them again as the least of the
bright dowry of one who awakes from
pleasant dreams of days well spent, to
behold "the perfect day." Christian
A 0 tided Refusal.
There is a girl in town who tells this
story on herself. She is a zealo mem
ber of the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals. Seeing in the street
one day a cab driver cruelly maltreat
ing his horse she went up to him, sad,
showing her badge, demaefded his nan
bar. "Lord, miss," said the man in a con
doacsndisg voice, and a corn ni tsars ting
tmile, "f I wiuvter tell yer it would go
out of mat pretty head afore yer got to
tks mxt coraer."
ho drov oa, leoviag the girl torn
tk. dear to 1 ah. Wishisflrlin Post.
Us., is a
It is omly twelve
is mors then 100
ble inlet,
The votane
or ft . ana me
cold. Philadelphia
Hicks wmd. m Pihm,
straago body of miter
acres m ore, bat it
of its waters is aot meleriatty
water is always
. v.. ;. .- .
Who can write the most words on a
new U. S. Postal Card
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3 Two Nice Shirts.
Send all Postal Cards
JOK, The One
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
Opera n3Z-u-se Comer,
Mrs. L. F. Britt went up to Omaha
this morning-.
Hon. W. B. Shryock, of Louisville
is in the city to-day.
Mrs. Julius Pepperberg was an
Omaha visitor to-day.
Mrs. T. M. Patterson went up to
Omaha this morning-.
S. P. Holloway was in Omaha and
Council Bluffs to-day.
D. A. Young of Murray was in the
citj' to-day on business.
Fred Shroeder, the Cedar Creek
miller, is in the city to-day. .
Attorney D. O. Dwyer was an Om
aha passenger this morning.
Dave McEutee went out to Lin
coln this morning on business.
Engineer John White moved with
his family to Lincoln yesterday.
Robt. Smith, traveling engineer
for the B. & M. railroad, is in the city
P. A. Gavin, of Omaha, is in the
city to-day on business connected
with the county judge's office.
Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald arrived home
from Louisville this morning, ac
companied by her mother.
Frank Knotts, after visiting in the
city for a short time, returned to
Council Bluffs this morning.
John C. Lehman and Miss Louisa
B. Hepner of Weeping- Water were
granted a permit to wed at Lincoln
According to the census of 1890,
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population of 1,098,576 people, as the
eighth largest city on the globe.
Most of us desire, at one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons find homes, and,
when we do, we can find no better
line than the. "Burlington Route."
Three fast and comfortable trains
daily. For further information ad
dress the agent of the company at
this place, or write to J. Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
In almost every neighborhood
throughout the west there is some
one or more persons whose lives
have been saved by Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy, or who have been cured of
chronic diarrhoea by it. Such per
sons take especial pleasure in rec
ommending the remedy to others.
The praise that follows its intro
duction and use makes it very pop-,
ular. 25 and 50-cent bottles for sale
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Shiloh'8 catarrh remedy -a posi
tive care Catarrh, Diphtheria and I
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G.
Frirke Co
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
No-47. Meets everv Wednesday eve
ning at their hall over Cennet fe Tutt's, all
visiting knights are cordially invited to
attend. M X Griffith, C C: Otis Dovey K of
K and S.
A O IT W No W Meet second and fourth
Friday evenings in the month at IO
O F Hall. M Vondran, M V, E I Drown,
A O U W No 8 Meet first and third Fri
day evening of each month at I O O F
hall, Frank Vermylea M V; J K IJarwick,
HEGKEE OF IIOXOK-Meets the first
" and third Thrursday evenings of each
month in I. O. O. F. hall, Fitzgerald block.
Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor
Mrs. Nannie Burkel, sister secretary.
CASS LODGE. No. 146. 1. 0. 0. F. meets ev
ery Tuesday night at their hall in Fitzgerald
block. All Odd Fellows are cordially Invited
o attend when visiting in the city. Chris Pet
eren. jn. li. ; s. , ueuorn, secretary.
ROYAL A RCA NAM Cass Council No 1021,
AV Meet at the K, of P. hall in the Parniele &
Craig block over Bennett & Tutts, visiring
brethren invited. Henry Gerlng, Kegent ;
Thos Walling, Secretary.
( A. R.McConihie Post No. 45 meets every
Saturday evoning at 7 : 30 in their Hall in
Kockwood block. All visiting comrades are
cordiallv invited to meet with us. Fred Bates.
Pout Adjuiant ; G. F. Niles, Post Commadder.
f)BDSB OP THE WOULD, Meets at 7 : 30
v-' every Monnay evening at the Grand Army
hall. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling,
f ASS CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every
second and Fourth Monday evttningi in
Fitzgerald ball. Visiting neighbors welcome.
P. O. Hansen. V. C. : P. tt'ertenberger, W. A.,
8. C. Wilde, Clerk.
Son of Veterans, division of Nebraska, V
S. A. meet every Tuesday night at 7 o'clock
in their hall in Fitlgerald block. AH sons and
visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet
with us J. J. Kurtz, Commander ; B. A. Mc
El wain, 1st Seargent.
XJ i-e Lodge No. 40 meets the second and
fourth Thursday eveniDgs of each month in
the HO. O. K. hall. Mrs. T. E. Williams, N.
G. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary.
Hot Springs. Ark- Carlsbad
On April 6th, 7th and 8th the M.
P. will sell round trip tickets to Hot
Springs, Ark., at one lowest first
class fare, good returning until
June 10th, on account of govern
ment sals of lots and meeting
of the Southern Central Turnverin
Association. Call at office for par
ticulars. Wall Paper
House Pamt
Is what you want next and In
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying;
The Place to Buy
' "a
I wish to specially recommeml,
It is absolutely safe.
mentplanas cheap as for cash,
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my snti-rust tin-,
ware which is warranted not to rust ,
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
happen to have im stock we can .get
St for you on two days notice.
4-2 1 Maln-St.. Plattsmouth