i i jar i i l vhj j i 'v isyir i x. i- BiackWeiPs Bu'U Durhaifi Smoking Tobacco, composed only of "pure leaf," grown in the famous Golden Belt, its uniform quality, and rich fragrant aroma recommend it to all who desire a really good smoke. No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which has secured and held the popular favor as has Blackwell's Bull Durham. It is now, as it has been at all times dur ing the last 2 5 years, the best in the world. Made only by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. FOR EARIEST PAYMENTS. TI1E MASON & HAMLIN CO. now offer t rent any one of their famous Organs or Pianos for three months, giving the person hiring them full opportunity to test it thoroughly in his own borne jnd returu if he does not longer want it. If he continues to want it until the aggregate of rent pain amounts to the price of the instru ment. It kkomks ii's i'koi'kktv witaout FUKTiiER i'aymknt. Illus trated catalogue, with net prices Iree. Mason & Hamlin Org jn and Fiano Co UOaTON. NEW WAITs FOE THE BIG h SHOW An entire city by itself Ten times larger than ever. O F. J. TAYLOR'S t GREAT AMERICAN. DOUBLE - CIRCUS Huge Worlds Museum, Caravan, Hippodrome, Metiagrie and Congress " of Wild and Living Animal. -WILL KXIIIHIT AT Sqtgi'dqy lt)TK OwitiK to arranrenieiit! tnaile ly tliiw'vrtll tx- tie only K"eat show to visit Cass $10 000 That we ffive the best circus perforinance ever seen in the west 50 STAR PERFORMERS, o FUXNY, FAMOUS CLOWNS. A show to think and talk about. The greatest number of favorites ever assembled under canvas. A great holiday of rest and recreation for erery one. We guarantee to all a most enjoyable, moral, refined and artistic entertainment. jip, af) saMPsoK. - The mightiest and biggest brutes that breath, The Goliaths of the Giant tribe. The largest elephant and camel in the world. TIP; the grand old battle scarred war elephant. SAMPSON, the tallest sky-towering camel the world ever saw. The only Fan Eared Eleptiant in Captivity. Baby Camel Oniv Ten Month old. Kf A nd a menagerie containing all the animcls worth seing under the sun il QriAJvm BOUBLcE OIlCUS Of two exalted circus companies. Grandest of Hippadrome specialties , i -i i " - A day i tons .rru-imw nniiiiiilii lmni'rilv street pagneant one mile long, enmsoneu with the rail la tit lustre ottne noon sun retlec4ing scenes more granu xnan -nuc-rtrr r -i irmrm. a .i , block after block, a solid moving mass of wealth and splendor. Kvery nation . r- i r . I kfiitrini nnn wnrriirr!. uiuirn 11111 rut uiuiiiiuk &x.ifr.. ' fcv of blooded horses from Apia, England arid Kentucky,. Comic clowns-and mules, Band ol music tillins the air with melody sights worth coming many miles to see. M. A' - Free - Flight - to - the - Clouds - Each - Day H Two Performances Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. performance commences one hour later. , ,-, Don' let other advertisements mislead you: i - -- we never dissappoint, Admission to both circus and menagerie only 25 and 35 cents. A Nice Quiet Game is never Complete without a liberal supply of YOIMv CHICAGO. Way H- tlie American Showman's l'ool League county this year. surverini.' the suririnir crowds. A herd Daily, PwAIN orr SU1NE. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. f". ," Tun Bkst 8ai.vk in the world for Cut BrnitH-H, Son, Ulcers, Halt Itbi um. Fever Sorts, Ti tter. Clipped IIantl. Cbitblninfv Corns, nnd nil Skin -Eruptioiie, kihI poM i tively cure Ii it-it, or no pay rjuirfl. 1 It it itnnrnnti-ed t,o yiVe nt'i1iuUoii, oi money refunded Price li." fenu r in. j For BHle b F (I Krick- Specimen Caes. S. II. Clifford, New Castle. Wit was troubled with neuralgia anc rheumatism, his stomach wan li ordered, hi liviT was affected to ai alarming degree, appetite foil awat anl he was terrihlv reduced in lies! ami strength. Three bottles o Klectric Hitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, llarrisburg 111., had a running nore on his le of eight years' standing. Usee three bottles of Klectric Hitters anc seven bottles Ihicklen's Arnic Salve, and his leg is Hound and well John Speaker, Catawba, ()., had fiv large fever sores on his leg, doctor saitl he whs incurable. One bottle Klectric Bitters and one box liuck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire I j. Sold by H. G. Fricke & Co. Mothers ' , , Friend" makes chiid birth easy. Col Tin. 1, Be. 2, 1886. My wife naed KOTHXB'8 FRIEND before her third confinement, and says ahe would not be without it for hundreds of dollar. SOCK MILLS. Seat by express oa receipt of price. SA per bot tla. Book "To Mothers "mailed free. MHADFIBi-D IteOULATOI oo, pea Ml by ui bmiwiti. MTLAHTA, at FOR WLV YOUNG MENOLD MEN SET II THE TOILS OF THE SERPENTS OF IISEASE. Th7 mftk htrole afforta to frM tbemialTM, smc o snowing bow to imcemraiiy 3SHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES Lbey give unto 4epir sod miot Into ma early . nuiuusuKtiMftitaurii OUR NEW BOOK um ft Mrt . .iff fMldk th philotopbr of DlMU- -. m A AffiirtlAIII Of IhA Ore nt of Hu, nd how by . . - . w- vnr.Tl.ruT by mathodl azclailTaly oar own, the worst emaes of lot or FalltBK Manhood, Ganeral and Hervoa Do ; bllity. Weikuu or Boay f -i mIwa Tff.riaf Cmrl or Ezeoiie. Stanted or Bhrankaa Or rant ran t C'rard. Boaaflts : In ad ay. Eowto Enlarge and 8trenthenWEAK. UNDEVELOPED ORGANS PARTS of BODY mado plain to all In taroitad. iltn fnitr from 40 Bistro, TrrTnori- a nl Foraiao Countriea. T"0 ran writr thfra. For Bool, full Tplanatln t,na proof.. Kdrna ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFF ALO.N.Y. mm Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water DUSKY DIAMOND TAR SOAP. I For Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Bums, Etc A- Deliaiitfu.1 Shampoo. ISO fr tro Liuuor Habit, Positively Curet dy Atoinshnr.ic or. aims' golden specific It can bo given in a cud of co3ee or tea. or in ct tides ol ood, without the knowledge of the per wn taking it; It is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether thepatientisa modernte drinkeroran alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in cvsry instance. 4a page book FREE. Address in confidence, VxOEN -SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Rue SU CrociftnalLO Chamberlain's Eye and Pflrtn Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sere Eyes Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, OI Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. ' It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured bj It after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 25 and CO cent boxes. - BOILING WATER OR MILK. S ' s .-si y . . 4 GRATEUL COMFORTING 'ft:' ' ft ' I""' ' ' ll ! ' . . ' 1 . j Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. I NESS AHEAD IOIIB8 fit! RFD hw Vm-h laawWKla. T.k.1.. - a. - ' oiihi .jr. niMn,ai, I 833 Bnadway, Sew Vara. Write for book of argofa Sooc rasf a 1 w br e al 1 rvrar&i faiwbsreallrvitwtfVfifwI. SoldbyP.HIiox,i.T, CDCE $lio. orcans Want asrts. catl'drue free; Address Dan'l F Beattv. wash inirton . J. - PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clfimea and beautifies th aair. Prutaute a laxuriast rrowth. Mser 7 ails to Sestare Om Hair to it Yonthfal. Color Cures acaUp diaraars lc hair tauuur. ; tlf,ia lVJat ProgifU C"re Parker's Ginger Tonic, it cuwa tea ort Cuj.'h, Vr'cak I.iii-t. Drbiliiv, Imligcation, Fain, Take iDtimcAurta, HINQERCORNS. The cnlram rare for Coma. Slope aixuu. Ijc ai Xiruitu. or iHM.UX CO Ji. Y. IV 1 N 1 "V. VJV 3v?a rAVw 1 FSV, -v-fivvt-. r-y mm U v-' n ai si n m ip v 3 r h hr vt ufj s ki f 9 i m h b a n iW OJIlflttVIDIIIU Iff Q La U km tVeniloa Womra'Cnnlnt to X.lkela,t. - A very hignilicunt hnpK has come over Lomloners of lute years with regard to a certain fona of refideiic-e known as a "Hit." Not niiiny years aro tin iika of living in u I;it wiw to little Hiiim-ciut-el tliat apartint'iits of that kiiul oull banlly lie Kaiil to exihit at all in London. A few ivnvieldy blocks of buildings wore bnilt after the American fashion, but ho little did they r.nit the Unlih taste that for a lon time they remain d almost empty and tenanth'ss. nolwit'.i htaJi'lin tiie fact that they then adtlcd a very low rent to the other ailva::!):' that they ottered U their oconii :s. Now during the last three or four y !) s the inhabitants of London seem to have suddenly i .nied their minds and tl.ts cannot In; built quickly enough to ; -commodate the numbers who arc-looking for them. Whole streets of Hats, in some ;: ses. have been constructed, and have b.-eii taken by eager tenants even Itefore the buiMers had vacated them. Indeed, an inquirer for flats the other day. wi:o was willing to pay a very fair resit for very modest requirements, discovered that, unless he could speedily make up his mind to take the unfinished article, he had no chance at all of inhabiting the article when it was finished, so very much greater was the demand than the supply. That the supply is making gi gantic strides to overtake the demand is evident to any one who has lately watched the building operations in our streets, and the gradual rise of great blocks of red brick bearing the prema ture inscription, "Residential flats to be let." On the whole, we do not think it would be an exaggeration to say that, whatever may have been the increase in the number of houf es in the metropolis during the last twenty-five years, the number of flats must have increased more than a hundredfold. Loudon Spectator. A I'oHtofHre Strike. All the clerks in the postoffice at Van couver, B. C. went out on strike Mon day. . The trouble has been expected for some time. The postoffice here is "farmed" by the postmaster, who, by keeping down salaries, makes $4,400 a year, which is equaled by the salary of only three postmasters in Canada. The lady clerks have been getting $25 a month, and one male clerk, married, gets $35 a month. The clerks asked $40 for ladies and $50 to $70 for men, which would leave the Mstmaster about $2,500 a year. Victoria's jvostmaster, being on the civil service list, gets only $2,000 a year. Postmaster Miller refused posi tively when the scale was first pre sented. Lady clerks are expected to dress at least neatly, and how they can do it on $25 a month and pay their own board is a inystery. The mail from the east today was eight hours late, and the sight of the big sacks and the thought of the China mails to get ready tomorrow brought the postmaster to time, and he agreed to compromise. Cor. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. How Papa Lost His Fish. A prominent member of the Loom Fixers' union went on a fishing expedi tion Sunday, with good results. He caught a nice mess of eels, which he carried heme and placed in the sink, intending to cure them after he looked out for the interests of the inner man. In the meanwhile his little son, while amusing himself with papas game, pulled up the sink lid and the eels one by one glided silently into the depths of of the sewer. When papa- went to clean his fish he found the boy with a lishline through the sink, r.pparently angling. Inquiry elicited the fact that the fish had "runned away" and the diligent son was trying to recapture them. New Bedford Journal. Ioatli of the IJagpickers Queen. "La Mere ilaniy,"the owner of "Cite Maiipy." a, famous colony of Paris rag-l.:c':er.-i, was an odd character among many. Her husband, whose right hand s!:e l:r.d been for thirty years past, aid ing him in the sometimes difficult task of keeping the "biffins" in order, died a few weeks ago and, the ragpickers not conducting themselves with proper re spect at his funeral, "La Mere Maupy" gave them notice to quit, one and all. Her occupation gone. "La Mere Maupy" tired of life and committed suicide a few days ago by asphyxiation. In her will she indicated that her funeral should be a civil ceremony purely, and that no chiffonniers should be allowed to follow her coffin to the grave. Pall Mall Gazette. British Columbians for Independence. The Hon. Wilfrid Laurier has declared for independence. Had he done so long ago he would not have to count defeat after defeat. The only possible solution of our political existence is nationhood, and until it comes we are merely para sites, who are treated as such abject creatures deserve to be. We . are no bodies upon the map of the world. Vancouver (B. C.) World. Leprosy in Spain. Consternation ' exists in several Span ish villages in- consequence of the great increase of leprosy. In the town of Gata there are -so ' many1 lepers that a separate hospital is to be" built for them. There are eight families in Benidorm that the other residents fear to associate with even for the transaction of busi ness. Every member of the eight fam ilies is a leper. Yankee Blade. Did One of II is Wires Go Shopping? Among the bills that came into the till of an Augusta dry goods store re cently was' one issued by the Deseret National bank", of Salt Lake City, and bore the signature of Brigham Young. It was of the issue of 1872, yet looked quite-- crisp- and fresh. Bangor (Me.) Commercial. - Coming Sprouts. ' It makes the small boy sad -to see the apple tree budding in the garden.- It ir. a reminder of coming sprouts. Bing hamton Republican. -Ttf Wmf Wniaaa law. . "If men wto a eojnomical in their fU'K'ial relatioi.t. as women ar w woiilil not lx r-.u a nation t! vpfiKlihriffM,' i;iid T. li. R of Minneapolis, "whs iniprv8Sol wilh the force of thin idea to day by an o'K;rvjition lgnii in a cable car and pursued through a dry g(Kxl. e tablishment and a restaurant. I saw two ladies chatting together intimately on a t ar, ami when the conductor u proached tliem to collect the fares one of tliem had no change. The other offered to pay for her companion! ride, but tltu latter wouldn't submit to the prtiosi. tion. Instead she borrowel a nickel from her friend, remarking an she did so that the would break a bill as noon &? she got down town and repay her. My curiosity was excited to see if women really dealt that way with one another, so I followed the two after they got off the car. They first entered a dry goods store, where the lxrrower made a small purchase, and as soon as she got her change she handed her friend five cents, which was received without the slight est protest. "Then they went into a restaurant to get lunch. Each gave separate orders and the bill of each amounted to thirty cents. They marched np to the cashier and each paid her own bill. Now, these are small transactions, but they are in dicative of the difference in the charac ters of men and women. Had the object of my observations been men instead of women, the man who offered to borrow a nickel for car fare would have insulted the other, and one of them would have ordered that dinner for both and paid the bill, which, I may as well say, would have amounted to dollars instead of cents. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The True Artist. Henry Norman gives the following instance of modest self estimate in th case of a man who is one of the most skillful and original artificers in the world, and whose works are every where admired: This ivory carver sat in his little room, open to his little garden, chiseling upon a magnificent tusk, from which was just emerging a very graceful female figure. The ivory he held between hi -knees, and the tools were spread out at his side. "How long will this take you?" 1 asked. "About four months," he replied. "And what is the proportion between the value of the material and the value of the labor in such a work as this when completed?" "I paid $140 for this piece of ivory," Raid ho, and four months' work, at Ky a month, is $200." And this man was estimating his work at less than forty American dollars a month! His was the true artist's tem perament, for he was willing to accept only what would supply him with the necessaries of life, dejendiiig for his actual reward on the joy of seeking to do a perfect work. "Are you not very sorry sometimes,' asked I, "to part with one of these works, that have been companions and a part of your life for so long?"' He looked up for a minute at a great white lily nodding above him in the garden, and then gently shook his head. "No," he said. "I expect the next to be more beautiful still." A Suggestion About Iinii-rs. The next time you give a dinner give a good one. Do not feel that because you can afford it your dinner must con sist of complex, mysterious, rich, indi gestible dishes. No one wants them. All men hate them. When a man goes to a restaurant he never orders such a medley for himself. He never wishes them on his own table. Few women care for them, and not one person in fifty can digest them with comfort. Al though such dinners are very common in New York, they are not given be cause we desire or respect them, but lo calise we are a rich and vulgar peopl( without the ability to realize our vul garity. There are many people in this city, and happily the class is growing, who have the good taste and courage to offei a simpler dinner to their guests. Such dinners can be as long and as dainty as the most fastidious may desire, and they are infinitely more satisfying. Try t bear in mind that a dinner consisting of complex and mysterious dishes is only a development of American vulgarity. When a woman gives 6uch a dinner yon are correct in supposing that either her own taste is vitiated and false or thai ehe does it because she thinks it "the proper thing." In either case it indi cates the presence of more money thar intelligence. Life. They Agreed Then and After. A Baptist minister took charge of a parish near Boston where he knew that one man was decidedly opposed to his pastorate. Soon after his arrival the Rev. Mr. X. called upon Mr. A. "Brother," said he, "I hear that yon think -1 ' am the wrong man to be the pastor of this church." "Well, to be frank," replied Mr. A. "I do think that another would have filled the place better." "Now that is just what I think," said the pastor. V'But as long as we hold this opinion in opposition to the majority of the parishioners, let's try to be unselfish and make the best of it." : After that call Mr. X. never had j firmer friend nor more faithful cham pion than Mr. A. Boston Herald. Why Petrarch Is Remembered. Petrarch thought it a disgrace th4 his verses should be sung in the streets, and he regretted that he had written anything in the vulgar tongue.' No on now reads his Latin poetry, but every reader of Italian is charmed with the poems that attracted and suited the pop ular taste, which is made kin by a touch of nature, whether from the lyre or th pen. Notes and Queries. The Ivory of Solomon's Time. it is not impossible that ivory and apes in Solomon's time may liave come from Somali land and not from India. Scot tish Review. " to smrrrii's Tin Iter, EtrirH, 1 1 1 1 re, ild (unite GnH-ntidnriWriTyHVAtWIi. Cider, Ik-ann, Wool, IIhIch, Tallow Sheep IVItn, l-'urM, Skinn, Tobacco Grain, Flour; Ifiiy,' jlc-CBwiix,' iVatta' ern( Ginning, Droonicorti, and JIopH. M. li. li A LL A K I) (;m. Cnn. Merrliniit u d Miir, 217 Market Klrect hi. Iinls, Mo, WASTKD-Aircnt. yue hcxu:iIiiI'(I with Fnrm in ami Shlt-eri. TLMO'I IIV LAKK . IHvAM-k IN COAL WOOD oTKKMS CASIIo re1a aud OllW-f MM Houth Third Htrect. THrphonr 13. PLATT.SNOl'TH, NhRRASK 15 K. KICYNOLDS, KsglHterpd I'hyMt-iaa ami I'liarMaciit Special attention iivfai to Oflice Practice. Kocr Bluffs Nr. 9 J. AjNTSEJ it a Lint in- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS3AND QUEEN8WARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsxnonth Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. i. a. mmm & huh Shingles Lath, Sa-h. Doors, Blinds Cn supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terrii6. Fourth ctrert in rear of opera house. For Atchineon, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City. St. Louie, and all points noth, east eonth or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. TOWXSEXD, G. P. A. St. Louie, Mo. J. C. PHIIXIPPI, A. G. P. A. Omaha. li. D. Apgar. Agt., Plattemouth. Telephone, 77. The Favored Classes. Teachers, ministers, farmers, me chanics, merchants, as well a9 their wives, daughters 'and sons, who would like to devote at least a part of their time and attention to a work that would bring them in a lot of ready monev during the next few months, would do well to look up the advertisement of 13. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, Va.. in another column, as it may be the means of opening up to many new life and larger possibilities. These gentle men have been extensively and suc cessfully engaged in business for many j-ears. and they know' what they are talking about when they tell you they can show you how to your financial condition. LUMBER