The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 04, 1892, Image 4

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    IT GAME:
se Another
k yesterday
ie Ball Park
;e Wins Ar
il Battle
the ber
injr do
were the mi
occasion am
onto their job.
rday was given
big, everlast-
The Beatrices
fig angels of the
were properly
"hey jumped out
with the lead and kept on increas
ing it with alarming regularity.
They gathered in a profusion of
base hits entirely too many for the
good of the Plattsmonth team
among other hits being a couple ef
home runs, thrown in by Mr.
(VHoolihan and Mr. Slagle. These
two gentlemen made themselves
entirely too prominent in the game
by their uncharitable acts.
Mr. Slagle distinguished himseif
by pitching a wicked, nasty, disre
putable and entirely too crooked
ball for the Plattsmouth team to
hit and for this reason he did sti
up ine oieaciiers to a liign anu
mighty pitch of excitement.
And then Beatrice has several
other mean and ornery players on
her team. There is a man named
Howe. How he ever got in a three
base hit is a mystery, but he got it
just the same.
And then that risipg young man
Mr. Taylor, got in a two-base hit by
way of variation, and it proved
very valuable variation, just the
And Mr. Jones. He, too, thought
he ought to play ball and he caught
a full-grown game. There are no
chinchillas on Mr. Jones.
And the inspiring youth, Mr.
Gatewood. He, also, has a face and
at frequent intervals he would raise
his wet, moist eyes and appeal for
fair play." He ought to have
got it. If he had he would have
ornamented the bench.
Hnt Plattsmonth has a few plajr
ers herself. There is one of them
named "Long" John Reeves. This
prosperous human raked off two
large, luscious base hits j-esterday,
- ana one not quite so luscious. He
found one of Mr. Slagle's curves
wandering around without any
perceptible signs of ownership at
tached to it and he swiped it out in
the lot for three bases. Again, he
espied another of those things
straying about loose and no whis
kers whatsoever nailed to it and
this one he hit for two bags. Then
he harvested in a single just for
luck. Taken all around, he is a
large man.
And then our Mr. John Patterson.
He, too.'had a 7xl'2 ej-e yesterday.
A stray two-base hit was concealed
about his person and he delivered
it at the proper time.
The remaining batting was per
formed by Long and Sam Patter
ut course, we woiuu Have won
the game but well, you've heard of
the rabbit, etc.
Kennedy, erstwhile the great,
adorned the players' bench and
chewed tooth picks for a living
during the game. He was suffer
ing from bad eyes and the man.
agement thought it best to give him
a rest. We would suggest that the
management needs a little more
back bone. '
We have no desire to criticise the
players for the loss of yesterday's
game. They played excellent ball
and we hope they will play a win
ning game to-morrow.
The score:
Fremont 0002110004
IIm?k .......... ..,.. 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-2
Hat'.pMen: KWnmel an! Palner; John
ho i, lac a.d, CtiiUln. K.-.ort: hieinont,
. i..4i.,.j ,.,,.Lr r.i l!v Kinimtl.S
by JoUoho.i, 1; lvluckurl,2. Tunned balls:
I'ultnei,2: CliiKl. 1. Time of o i
ll'MT O.Ml
forty-live minute. L'inp.e
Standing of the Clubs.
I'layl. Won. Lout.
Lincoln 1 1
Krenioni... ......... . 1 1 JJ
Beatrice ?
Masting S A
I'lattMiiioiith ... 2 0 2
(irund Islaml .... 1 0 1
Per Ct.
. County CcurU u ' .
In the matter of the estate of Har
riet Burns,, deceased Notice to
creditors to file claims on or, before
October 21, 10 a. in.
Storz & Her vs. Gus Nordvall etal.
Suit on note. Default of defendant
entered. Judgment for plaintiff
for $258.88.
In the matter of the estate of John
M. Schnelbacher, deceased. Notice
to creditors to file claims on or be-
lore uciooor za, iars, iu o ciock a. m.
Hank of Cass Cass County, vs. J.
H. Burnett, et al. Suit on promis
sory note for $203.13. Answer JuneG,
In the matter of the estate of Her
m and Kloepping, deceased. Hear
ing on petition for the apoointment
of August Beins administrator.
Prayer of petition granted and bond
fixed at $2,503.
II. II. Timm vs. Perl F. Flower, et
al. Suit on proniisory note for $500
less indorsements. Judgment by
confession for $135.17.
In the matier of the estate of
Simpson C. Bethel, deceased. Hear
ing final settlement. Accounts al
lowed and residue of personal es
tate $1,137.28. Decree of distribution
In the mat erof the estate of Ros
an De :ker, deceased. Prayer grant
ed and administrator ordeied to dis
tribute among heirs $18,C03.
A. W. Jensen vs. A. S. Cooley, et
al. Suit on promissory note for
$300 and interest. Answer June 0,
In the matter of the estate of An
ton Luschjnski, deceased. Notice
to creditors to tile claims on or be
fore Nov. 5, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m.
In the matter of the last will and
testament of Allie V. Roberts, de
ceased. Hearing to admit same to
probate continued.
In the matter of the guardianship
of William, Minnie, Ida and Henry
Kloeppping, minor heirs of Her
man Kloepping, deceased. Bond of
John Bock in the sum of $300 ap
proved and letters issued.
G. H. McCormick & Co. vs. W. A.
Beck, et al. Action in reviver. Con
tinued for service.
In the matter of the estate of John
G. Hayes, deceased. Hearing on pe
tition for the appointment of
Thomas Pollock administrator, May
23, 1S92, 10 o'clock a, m.
In the matter of the estate of Amos
Hughson, deceased. Hearing on
petition for the appointment of F.
Hughson administrator. Prayer of
petition granted with bond fixed at
C. II. McCormick & Co vs. W. II.
Beck, et al. Action in revivor. Con
tinued for service.
Charles E. Shaw vs. J. Ross Barr.
contested election of village of
Greenwood. On motion to quash
In the matter of the estate of Solo
mon Ward, deceased. Hearing on
petition for appointment of A. S.
Cooley administrator, May 23, 1892,
10 a. m.
Fok SALE A desirable residence
lot in Orchard Hill addition to
Plattsmouth, just one block from
the M. P. depot. This lot will be
sold cheap and on easy terms. Call
on or address this oflice. tf
For several weeks Judge Archer
has sentenced all the "vags" and
drunks that have been brought be
fore him to work their fine out up
on the streets, but as yet not one of
them has done it. Now what is
thejmatter with Mayor Butler and
the citr council providing some
place for those sentenced to work
out their fines, erecting a suitauie
building and provide the necessary
stone and set them to breaking
etone? The stone, after it has been
broken, can be orofitably used. The
city government of Nebraska City
are talking of such a move. Mayor
Butler should take'' hold of this
matter and push it to completion
It is something that the city needs,
The building could also be used to
shelter the city's machinery. The
HERALD would like to see Mayor
Butler and the new council take
hold of the matter.
In almost every neighborhood
throughout the west there is some
one or more persons whose lives
have been saved by Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy, or who have been cured of
chronic diarrhoea by it. Such per
sons take especial pleasure in rec
ommending the remedy to others.
ine praise inai ioiiows us niiru
dnction and use makes it very pop
ular. 23 and 50-cent bottles for sale
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Will Send a Women Delegate.
Wyoming will in all probabilities
send a women delegate to the na
tional convention at Minneapolis.
A telegram from Wyoming says:
"There is every probability that
for the first time in the history of
the United States a woman will be
a delegate to a national convention,
and Wyoming will have the honor
of inaugurating the custom. Miss
Kdna Schulte and Mrs. Fidelia El
liott, are candidates for the position
of delegate to the national conven
tion at Minneapolis. Since woman
suffrage was conferred on the sis
terhood of this state they have be
come adepts in pulling the political
wire, liieurst siep in tne lourney
to Minneapolis has been taken in
their election as delegates from
Laramie county to the state conven-
ion, wnich convenes here Wednes
day. It is considered probable that
one will be elected."
A Hi K. IH Hj ID A. ET
LotiS. If 5 1 2 3 0 "0
S Patterson, rf 112 0 0 1
J Patterson. 4 0 12 3 1
.Maupm. c 5 0 17 4 2
Johnson, al 5 1 n 3 i o
tireen,ss. 3 2 113 0
K'eeves.ciAlb.. .. ?. .' 5 1 j 4 o o
Yapp, lb&p :i 0 O 6 4 1
Myers, p.vcf 4 o o l ;j 3
Total 40 H 10 -J7 1
H k jS 11 P O A. K.
K'andal.s.- 5 1 0 j 2 3 1'
Tavlir..l J 2 I j 5 0 1 -
Howe. -I" I 2 ' 1 0 o
I ft:lal:m. ."I... f I :i 2 ' 1 3 1
Holme, tf 5 1 1 . i 2 0 1
( iaevoocl .2 1 .lit) 1 2 0 2
J. mirs c . . I 11 ' 011
St-lilayel.p 4 ' 2 , 0 1 11
-Tot.i! i - ! ; 1 i 27 ' 17 7
Some of the Grand Army boys
may be interested in the following
trom Alex. u. rope, A.. JJ. c, Com
mander, Dep't. Tenn. and Ga. He
says: "We have had an epidemic
of whooping cough here, (Stewart,
lenn.,) and Chamberlain s cough
Remedy has been the only medicine
that has done any good " There is
no danger from whoping cough,
when this remedy is freely given. It
completely controls the disease. 50
cent bottles for sale by F.- G. Fricke
& Co., druggists.
Buy the best and nothing but the
best and you will have a Dangler
Surprise stove. Hendee sells them.
Subscribe for The Plattsmouth
Daily Herald at 15 cents a week.
The ball game was postponed to
day on account of wet grounds.
The Dangler Surprise will burn
the poorest grade of gasoline as
well as the best. No ether stove will
doit. Hendee sells them.
Why will you cough when Shi
loh's cure will give immediate re
lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc
A couple of small boys found the
tools taken from William Hassler's
blacksmith shop the night of the
postoflice robbery, yesterday after
noon under the sidewalk near the
For Sale Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmouth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address The
Herald office, tf
The Missori Pacific will sell round
trip tickets May 9 to 11 inclusive, to
Portland, Oregan, the Presbyterian
general aisembly being held their
.'Inv 19 to June 2. xickets good un
til May 19 and 'returning inside 90
days at aW, iroinir via one route and
returning via anotheff" Apply at
ticket oflice for particulars.
. Xjol Cass Co-anty, :
Who can write the most words on 'a
new U. S. Postal Card
oJJ liJj jig
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3 Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Send all Postal Cards to
djc, ine une iriee oiotnier, Plattsmouth, Neb Y
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892,
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
Opera Hoiose Comei, lattao.o-ia.tli..
The Favored Classes.
Teachers, ministers, farmers, me
chanics, merchants,, as well as their
wives, daughters and sons, who
would like to devote at least a part
oi tneir time ana attention to a work
that would bring them in a lot of
ready money during the next few.
months, would do well to look un
. . . -
tne advertisement ot 3. l. Johnson
x .o., Kicninona, v a., in another
column, as it may be the meaus of
opening up to many new life and
larger possibilities. These erentle-
men have been extensive and suc
cessfully engaged in business for
many years, and thev know what
they are talking about when they wood.
J. M. Roberts is in Ashland to-daj".
Frank Knotts came in from Coun
cil Bluffs this morning.
Geo. B. Mann went up to Omaha
this morning on business.
Mrs. J. Opelt was a passenger for
Lincoln on No. 5 this morning.
Rev. Alexander, formerl' of this
place, was in the citj- over night.
Mrs. S. II. Atwood and Mrs. Wm
Atwooa were umalia passengers
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Black and
Mrs. Lessie Hunt were Omaha pas
sengers this morning.
Judge Ramsey issued a marriage
license to-day to Girden D. Flls and
Miss Hattie Stopher, both of Kim-
OK PYTHIAS Oh 11 Trto--
17. Glee's every Wednesday cw.
r a" .iu'! over IJennet Sc Tutt's. all
v ; . 13: s are cordially invited to
a .e .. M r el. ;&ith. r. tii l ,-,.. w ,.t
u .. ... o "J " "
A w' M Meet second and fourth
f.r,J?ayf ?ninK in the month at I O
OF Hall. MXondran, M Y, K 1 Urown,
i vv.ui
tell you they can show vou how to
your financial condition.
Pocketkolves and Scissors.
Any hardware store clerk will tell you
that there is a marked falling off in the
demand for pocketknives and a very
conspicuous increase in the demand for
pocket scissors. Up until recently al
most every man carried a knife, not for
the purpose of protection, but to have it
handy for sharpening pencils or any
similar purpose. Now, however, the
fashion has grown to keeping a knife al
ways on the desk, and as the knives are
generally of a high quality they are
preferred to those carried in the pocket.
On the other hand the convenience of
pocket shears is so great and they are
now made so cheaply and more con
venient than formerly that men now
carry them who never thought of doing
so until quite recently. Interview in St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
C. C. Parmele was the first one of
the county officials to move into the
new court house and get ready for
J. B. Erion, representing the Oma
ha Bee, is in the city. Mr. Erion is
is here for the purpose of giving
Cass county a big write up.
J. P. Young departed last evening
for Queen City, Missouri, called
hither by a telegram from his wife,
announcing the serious illness of
her father.
A O it w Ao Meet first and third Fri-
day evening ot each month at I O ) K
hall, trank ermylea M W; J K Jlarwick,
rEGREE OF IIOXOK Meets the first
and third Thrnrsday evenings of each
month in I. O. O. F. hall, Fitzgerald Mock.
Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor
Mrs. A'annie liurkel. Pister secretary.
CASS LODGE. No. 146.1. O. O. F. meets ev-
sry cuenuay nigni at tneir Hall in Fitzgerald
block. All Odd Fellows are cordially tnvltnH
n attend when visiting in the city. Chris Pet
cueu, . cjr. ; o, r , ueuorn, secretary.
ROYAL ARC A NAM Caes Council No 1021.
11 Meet at the K, of P. hall in the Parmele &
Craig block over Bennett & Tutts, visiring
"uini iuueu. raeiiry uenng, itegeut :
Thos Walling, Secretary,
rl. A. K.McConlliie Post No. 45 meets every
w Saturdav evoomg at 7 : 30 In their Hall iu
Kockwood block. All visiting comrades are
cordlallv invited to meet with us. Fred Bates,
Poet Adjuiant ; G. F. 'iles. Post Commadder.
HRDRR OP THE WORLD. Meets at 7 : 30
every Monnav evening at the Grand Army
hall. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling,
secretary. .
-I )!!". BY
' il ) 1
j n i
1 i I
li'i iii- r : : i - I ! ,i '.:
iM"ll." I'-il M I' -
1 : . vers .!. I "a . -r--
ii;r -i- iu i i mT St-i:
11 t ly ' i her joiitv
i-i sin
. 1 . i;.
.i-.iJ 1 : ...I M
, KaVlol. S
S ruck on . Hy Sc hiatal II; ly ?fyeis,T;
'; Yapp. 3.
Pas!seI lalls Maupin 'i.
Wild pitches Myers 4.
Ieltou lues lleatrice !; I'lattstnuiith
Time of game-2 :l.n
empire O reuse!.
It Should be in Every House.
j j. H. Wilson. Ml Clay St.. Sharps
I burg. 1'a.. says lu- will nut be with
i out Dr. King's W-w Discovery for
Consumption. Coughs and Colds
that il cured his" wife who wa?
t threatened with I 'neuuion ia after
) an attack of ' La Grippe." whei;
various other remedies and several
physicians had done her no good
Robert Uarber, of CocksportV Pa.
claims Dr. King's New Discovery
has done him more good than any
thing he ever used for I.ung
Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke &
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, HOc
and $1.00.
Movable Curtain Pole.
A firm in Birmingham, England, ia
manufacturing a new style of pole for
hanging portieres in such a manner that
the curtain will not interfere with open
ing the door. One of the brackets sup
porting the jole is attached to the door
frame, the other being fastened to the
dour itself. A joint in the pole on the
line of the hinge of the' door allows the
Ie to swing back with the door when
j opened. ine pole is held loosely in tlio
bracket on the door and slides over a
ill roller in the bracket when the
r is moved.
One of these fixtures, ail brass, with
rod three-quarters of an inch in diameter,
s-ils for about sl."t all complete.
Philadelphia Kecord.
The Hastings Club will arrive to
morrow morning from Fremont for
two games with the home team.
II. C. McMaken & Son are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part
of the city. Telephone No. I'l.
F. G. Fricke & Co., the druggists,
desire us to publish the following
testimonial as they handle the rem
edy and believe it to be reliable:
"I bought a nO-cent bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and applied it
to my limbs, which have been af
flicted with rheumatism at inter
vals for one year. At the time I
bought the Pain Balm I was un
able to walk. I can truthfully saj
that Pain Balm has completely
cured me. R. H. Fark, Holy wood.
Kan. Mr. A. B. Cox. the leading
druggist at Holy wood, vouches for
the truth of the above statement.
fASS CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every
second and Fourth Monday evmings in
Fitzgerald hall. Visiting neighbors welcome.
r. ;. nansen. v. u. : v. nertenbenrer, W. A.,
8. C. Wilde, Clerk.
Sons of Veterans, division of Nebraska, U
S. A. meet every Tuesday night at 7 :30 o'clock
in their hall in Fitigerald b'ock. All sons and
visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet
with us J.J. Kurtz, Commander ; IA. A. Mc
El wain, let Seargent.
rAUfiHTEKS OF KEHECCA- bud of Prom -x-'
i e bodge No. 40 meets the second ana
fourth Thursday evenings of each month in
the I! O. O. f . hll. Mrs. T. E. Williams, N
G. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary.
The Place to Buy
Hot Springs. Ark Carlsbad of
m Cf i" i 2 3l
On A i 1 61 h, 7th and 8th the M.
P. v round trip tickets to Hot
Sp -l, . Ar ., at one lowest first
clc.s -"e good returning until
June JC :i. on account of govern
ment tale of lots and meeting
of the Southern Central Turnverin
Association. Call at oflice for particulars.
Mrs. Alary Stattely, aged seveiity
seven, of Portsmouth, O., who has been
toothless for a long time, is developing
a third set of natural teet. She has now
on her lower jaw two fully developed
Republican Club
All members of the Young Men's
Republican club are urgently re
quested to be in attendance at a
meeting of the club at the council
chamber Thursday evening, May o,
at 8 o'clock sharp. Business of im
portance By order of
J. L. Root,
M. X. Griffith. President.
Wall Paper
-a :cf
House Paint.
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call In and see
us before buying. - . -
I wii-h to specially recommend.
It it absolutely nafu.
ment plan as cheap as for cash,
on easy monthly payment. Come
in and examine :uy anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not torubt
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do. not
happen to have in stock we caji get
it for you on two days' notice.
42 1 Main-St., Plattsmouth