The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 30, 1892, Image 2

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Aa Amateur Organization, tb Members
of Which Hm Their Houses Conneet-
. mA by Wire. Ho That They May Con.
monlrato with Each Other by Telegraph.
One of the most novel or unique or
ganizations n Brooklyn is one that baa
recently Rained a new lease of life
through the infusion of new and vig
orous blood and by a thorough reorgan
ization. It is called the Phenix Morse
Telegraph clnb, and is perhaps the only
one of its kind in the United States.
The old organization was formed in
1879 and started in life under the name
of the Phenix club. It was inaugurated
by a namber of young people, some of
whom were engaged in occupation as
telegraphers, and others of different vo
cations, who took pleasure in studying
the mysterious lanensure of dots and
BoeolleetloM of Oxford.
My not being at a public school has, I
have no doubt, strengthened my love of
my university and my college. In my
time the :be.-d masters" had not had
everything their own way. It was pos
sible to enter Oxford at the age of nine
teen it was notViing wonderful to get a
scholarship before eighteen or even
earlier still. And to 1 scholar and fel
low of Trinity from 1841 to 1847 was
something to bo. It was indeed a circle
to look bark to of which fifty years ago I
was cln)f;i'!i a member, a circle of which a
maa in unu h to be blamed if he is not
wihtr and nobler for having been one.
But love of the foundation, the feeling
of membership, of brotherhood, in an
ancient and honorable body, the feeling
of full possession in one's college as a
home, the feeling of personal nearness
to a benefactor of past times, all that
gathers round the scholarship that was
something worthier than a mere prize,
the fellowship that was something
worthier than a crammer's wages all
this, I hope, has not even yet utterly
vanished, but under the hands of one re
forming commission after another, such
A - . . . .
a private ieieirrann una was
established and connected with the res- ! feelings have undoubtedly greatly weak-
uieunnoen. a. dusv wim eueu in me uuora to ur.h hivn mma
In the unreformed university, the tin
reformed college in which I had the
happiness to spend my youth, we had
time to learn something, because we
were not always being taught. We
were not kept through our whole time,
n was too. The hum of conversation,
if it can be termed such, was constant
throughout the evening. Stories were
paased over the electrical current, jests
and jokes bandied, chesa and checkers
played by individuals who liked this
sort of recreation, and in fact aa good
a time was usually passed as if the mem
bers were brought in contact with each
ther by person in one room.
Jokes of an innocent character were
also carried on over the circuit, which
had the advantage in so far as to allow
the perpetrator to remain unknown or
Talking it unnecessary to flee from the
wrath of the person upon whom it Was
inflicted. Quite a number of these axe :
stock property among the old members,
who relate them to friends with
gusto and enjoyment as if they had oc- I Freeman in Forum.
cwrrea oniy yesterday. One of these is
to the effect that two members after
practicing with another in the early
evening, during which the sender trans
mitted the Morse characters as fast as
(he could, or as telegraphers would say
"rushed" the receiver, notwithstanding
the protests of this unfortunate disciple
of America's noted inventor. The latter
promised himself that a speedy revenge
would follow, and sought to find some
means whereby he could make th.
'rusher" as uncomfortable as he had
been previously.
The practicing finally came to an end,
and the receiver waited until an un- :
earthly hour of the morning, when he I
supposed his victim had gone to bed and I
when the click of a sounder would strike
the gloom and quiet with the distinct
ness of a blow from a trip hammer. At
about 3 o clock in the morning he went
to the instrument and began to call his
victim in a manner which would indi
cate that a fire had perhaps broken out
or that the transmitter had serious need
of aid in some dire calamity. lie ciilled
m this furious style until he had awak
ened the sleeper, who jumped up out of
oeu ana went to the instrument, ex
jiecting to hear that something dreadful
had hapiwned. He answered the call
quakingly. His indignation can be im
agined when the query came slowly and
W ill you please tell me the time; my
rlr 1 j j 111 jl.iim
There Han Been a Great Deal of Korosnce
Circulated About the Lobbyists, and It
la Time That the Truth Was Known.
The Real Thing; Is Very Disappointing-.
"Show me a lobbyist" was the request
of a friend who was walking through
the Capitol with the writer. This visitor
was a reader of the newspapers, a man
of intelligence, and a believer in most of
the interesting 6tories he had read about
the number, ingenuity, boldness, skill
and usefulness of the body of lobbvists
that is supposed to be almost a necessary
part of the legislative machinery.
I showed my visitor a lobbyist. lie
was one of the best known of the lot
about the Capitol. He was leaning back
against the corridor wall, opposi : e the
entrance of the house of representatives,
with his hands thrust into the pockets of
a pair of trousers that were so raveled
about the heels that they might be said
to wear whiskers without provoking the
remonstrances of the most thorough de
tester of slang.
If this man had an overcoat it was
hung up somewhere, but the dusty con
dition of his rather thin frock coat,
which carried the polish on its back that
Catholic-M. Paul's riiim-h.
Fifth and Klxth. Father a tiey,
Hervlces : Wins at i-iiu 1 : am.
Hchool at 2 :3m, witfe to-neilici .
S II In lay
ChhImTIAK. t oil er l...riiM Hlui I u'till: M.
Services innruiny r. mi n n I ,. a
Ual'oway &Mir suij:i .- i. ..! ,v
EPl.H'.:OPAl Kt Luke's i lioi. l. : . I ,
and V in-, liev II IS lirm -.- ,. ;i .-.i
vices : 11 a. M a l 7 .'! v i ' !.. I v
at 2 :30 P. M.
GkKMAN MKTIIoli.'l . .full ,
liranit". Hv. Un (.. i, . ,x ... ,!
and 7 .30 p. m. Ni.ihiu) .n,. .', . -.:
PM KHM VT H I A N .- .-rvic.-NU , , v, ... , .
tifT MIXlli MIX! I I Mi ! s(r
I.Hstor ui!l;r -( I j,i
al 11 a in '.! m in
llif V K. . ('. I' . fhviii
Nabtialli fveiiii at ' i.'i ii.
Ilie OIllHTh All ; lei mini K
1,. I
First Mftiiiim;.i. smi, -t
and Pearl. (ev I. k. )uk.
Service : 11 , . m. x nu ? m
8:30a M l'r;tvi i tit. . li f.- v . ,
1. i
ii i kI
J'ltt-I"-.VTI. A N
Hi'V V. 1).', i;.x1.
iiimI.iV - dim I :t .
Collars and uurra
tweei Fifth ji'i.l .-.ixtli
CouiHru hAi-n.-T. Mi nv
lentb ul Fii'enth Hi v.
tor. HerVH-rs 11 n. m. iii 7
nieeliriL' W i;i.-M,i;i e.-ni! t.
VOTful i v A v n n. 7 n n a -.Mi. ' j I
j MMuumuuu tu. tor BiaminaHon. i nirh v.n., u: j. .
examined in thia ,hi.t - r.""'. y" vry awrepu-
ln this subject one term, in f
that subject the next term, all inmiw
ly combined for the better forgetting of
one ining Dexore the next was taken in.
We had one examination, and a search
ing one, the successful passing of which
could not seem ' to any but a fool to be
the goal of study, but which, by the
reading it required, gave a man the beet
possible start for study in several
branches of knowledge. Edward A
clock has run down,
His answer is not recorded, but it is
safe to assume that the immediate vicin
ity became as warm as a hot box of an
x overheated wheel.
The organization went on in the even
tenor of its way until two or three yearo
ago, when it liegan to languish, partly
on account of a defection of members
who moved away from the city or be
cause the remaining persons would not
shoulder in the proper or necessary man
ner tne worry and expense of conduct
mg such and organization. Then came
another club which was purely social
in its character and which was also
called the Phenix club. It may have
been that the similarity of names caused
- a bond of friendship to be established
or that some of the members of this
body were capable of handling a key
ana woriang tne electrical current
However this may be, the two organ
izations were amalgamated and a new
order of affairs brought about thereby.
The name was changed to the present
one, ana unaer which it started out with
bright and prosperous auspices,
a nat, corner ot Alarcy avenue and
Jr ulton street, has been made the head
quarters oi tne club, and which may be
termea me main omce of this amateur
telegraph company. Here are located
the battery room, which furnishes the
powerful fluid by which the wire is
worked, and another, which is called the
operating room, in which are placed four
sets or instruments and a double practic
ing outfit. A galvonometer, wherebv
the wire is measured, so that the where
abouts of any trouble on the line can be
detected, is also included in this space.
Meetings and social gatherings are held
in a larger room running off from this
1 1.1 A, T-" i r I . . . . 1 1 . 1 . . . . ,
- .ou,j vtju ji worK tne
circuit, which covers a distance of near
ly eighteen miles in this city, mainlv i;i
the upper residence section.
The old "string was overhauled lv
an exierienced lineman recentlv au'l
put in sufficiently substantial shajie in
order to enable it to more readily resist
the wear and tear of a line in a larye
and busy city. The circuit is placed
along the housetops- pn: the route, and
trouble of any kind or, as an operator
would say, "bugs" are rarely met witli
or experienced. Twenty-three so called
. offices" are on the circuit, all of which
'. have their calls in the same inanner as
t3o the stations of a telegraph company.
Among the present members of the
jlub are practical telegraphers of skill
tsnd records for sending and receiviu"-.
Considerable rivalry exists between
j them, and it is proposed at some future
i time to have a tournament for fast trans-
. j nutting and also for skill and ability in
1 receiving the Morse characters. Classes
J will be established in order to give every
one a cnance. une or tne tartest senders
in the country is the secretary of the or
ganization, Mr. Frank L. Cathri. Brook-
Jyn .Eagle,
A Question to Pucsle Over.
He was a "likely" looking Afro-American,
and as he boarded the elevated
train at Twenty-eighth street attracted
no small amount of attention. He be
took himself to one of the cross seats,
facing the rear of the car. As he set
tled himself comfortably, one of the
two male passengers seated opposite
said to his companion in what was
evidently intended to be an undertone,
but which was nevertheless plainly au
dible, "Do your people permit colored
folks to ride in first class compartments
. m puoiic conveyances!" What the re
! ply to the question may have been will
never be known. As for the occasion of
the query, he did not betray by so much
as the movement of a muscle or tha
quiver of an eyelash that he had over
heard what had been said.
uut just before Bleecker street was
reached he straightened himself up and
aaaressea tne inquirer. "Dis yere ain't
no question of the Fiftyent' 'mend
ments," he said. "I knows richt nlain
dat me and my race has all de rights ob
de white peoples to ride in dese ver
jteersso long as we got de money and
naves ourselves. So oat ain t de ques
tion. But what I ' would like to have
you gemmens tell is dis, How kin a man
be colored when he's born so?"
And as he stalked out of the car the
passengers all looked at one another and
wondered if they had been given a new
problem in socio-political economv to
puzzle over. New York Times.
Where "Ked Tape" Counts.
Said one of the oldest and most suc
cessful legal practitioners of the citv bar
to one of his rising young students a short
time ago: "My dear young fellow, nevpr
fail to remember that in the successful
career of a lawyer there is no one item
so important to his reputation as 'red
tape, loumay smile at this remark,
but it is as true as Holy Writ, and the
proper use of it in binding up a legal
document has saved many a court paper
irom being nanaea back for perfection
or revision to its legal sponsor. In ear
lier life I practiced in the court of one
of the most particular judges in thi.-
conimonweaith. I presented, as I be
lieved, a well prepared report which 1
asked for confirmation, and to my sur
prise tne judge unfolding it and looking
it over found a hundred and one fault
and directed me to prepare another one,
out in better form,' as he said. I was
utterly nonplussed.
My time was so limited it was utter
ly impossible. An idea 6truck me. That
night in my office I put on a showy out
side wrapper, with a hand indorsement
of the title, with the most liberal supply
of the widest red tape that I could find
in graceful bows. The next morning' T
nervously presented it again. The iudce
received it smiling, adding: 'That is the
correct way all papers for the court
should be drawn up.' There B not'iiTr
like red tape." Philadelphia Press.
The Governor's Quills.
The governor of this commonwealth
figns every bill with a quill. This isn't
because he is fonder of that particular
kind of pen, but it is rather in obedience
to a well established custom that has ob
tained with the chief magistrates of the
last decade. There are always a few
members of the legislature that have thp
collector's passion, and requests are
regularly received by Private Secretary
Roads from lawmakers and fliers for
pens that the governor has used for
signing bills. Accordingly dozens of
these quills are purchased ever so often
and the governor makes his signature
each time with a new pen. which is
carefully preserved and set aside for the
next quill hunter that calls. Boston
It is said that the manif estlv corrupted
word, "isinglass,' owes its change from
a foreign to its English dress to the pop
ular lancy, -wmcn, finding the Dutch
term, Vhnizenblas" (sturgeon bladder),
meaningless in English, quietly changed
it into isinglass" and secured ' its easy
remembrance from association with the
'icing" purposes for which it is used
and the "glassy" appearance it presents.
Chambers' Journal.
table looking slr.oes, justified the conclu
sion that he was not finding an overcoat
necessary this winter. He was a spare
man, with a gaunt face, crossed by a
white mustache stained at the ends with
tobacco juice. His shirt was not clean,
and he showed a good deal of it, but he
wore a white tie, which only added em
phasis to his otherwise forbidding lack
of neatness. When he moved away
from his place against the wall to meet
a member of congress who had come out
of the chamber upon the call of one of
the doorkeepers to see him, his gait was
a sioucmng one, and he might have been
mistaken for any other loafer about the
hall if he had not been so much more re
pulsive than the others.
My friend was disappointed. He
could not understand when 1 told him
that this man was one of the best of the
lot of lobbyists about the Capitol, that
he had been a member of congress, that
he was, therefore, entitled to the privi
lege of the floor, and that the house of
representatives has never yet had the
sense to makes its rules so strong as to
keep out this man and several others
just like him who are well known to ba
nothing more than strikers and lobbyists
who linger here to pick up odd iohs to
neip tnem bang on to a miserable exist
ence. They do not, one ought to be
thankful, thrive as they are popularly
supposed to do. If the public knew what
a mistake the professional lobbyist is
they would be driven to sawing wood or
working on the railroads, or into doing
some other useful and laborious busi
ness. Then I showed my friend another lob
byist. This was a thin, sliding fellow,
with a gray close beard, who toed in as
i . 1 1 - . , .
no wameu quicKiy aiong tne passage,
and who glanced furtively about as he
went, as if watching to pounce down
upon some one. This man was not an
ex-member of congress: but he hail
been an employee of the house mam-
years ago, and had been caught taking
money to enable a corporation to reach.
through the door of which he had
charge, the men who were to be pur
chased to get through a subsidy bill.
He was dismissed, and he at once went
into tne service of the corporation that
had led to his disgrace.
He is in that employment still, and he
associates with a great manv senators
and representatives who do not know, or
nave torgotten that others know, his
odious history. He is an errand runner
and a sneaking watcher of members
who are to be encouraged to vote this
way or the other on bills to be reported
or killed. He would buy a member
without hesitation if it were safe to buy
him, but he is cautious. He finds out
his venal man before takiner anv risks.
He is not ingenious, nor is he bold. He
follows the instructions of the corpora
tions that keep him here, and he gets off
in the course of the year very well in
deed if he does not get kicked out of a
gentleman's house more than half a
dozen times.
The female lobbyist is. generallv
speaking, a myth. The women who
come to the Capitol as promoters of the
bills for pensions or for claims, come on
their own account, and the onlv skill
they exhibit is that which consists in so
persistently bothering the members who
have introduced their bills for them that
they undertake to have them passed in
order to get rid of terrible afflictions.
The marvelous woman of charming
manners that cannot be resisted is to be
found only in the syndicate stories. The
women who undertake to promote legis
lation are, almost without exception,
bunglers, and failures. Few women
know enough about the ways of legisla
tion or the ways of the legislators to
qualify them to undertake lobby work
or to approach members to direct their
actions, except by the most vulgar spe
cies of blackmail made possible by con
tributory immorality.
Generally shaking, the lobbyist is a
fraud and au unnecessary nuisance. He
exists mainly because most people do
not know anything about the methods
ef legislation, and because nearly everv-
body interested in a bill not public be
lieves that the lobbyist is a creature who
can tide over difficulties and remove
them. As a rule the employment of one
of the throng of disreputable lobbyists,
and most of - them are disreputable on
their faces, is prejudicial to the legisla
tion they are . employed to promote.
They thrive on account of the general
ignorance about the legislative methods .
of procedure. Washingson Cor. Provi
dence Journal.
Vouao HtN's iini iiA .-.-M.. i
KooniH in V-. 'item. an l'li'-k, Mr.'i
pel meeting, for hum. only, ev. r. s
teriiouli at 4 ii'i'lwk. K.-i.n,-. open w.
from 8:30 a. III., U 9 ; :; p. iii.
W'Mid, i alitor. Soi vict s : iii..;iy
0.m. : I re.-wiui... n m. -prayer
meeting '1 urs.U.y n .;.!; vn,
flceKrid iy nuxhi ill hiv v.ein.....
Made Only by
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Subscribe for Tiik IIek.ii.i.,
15 cents a woeK or r0 mils a moi
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
Thk Bkst 8alvk in the wurld i. i :,'
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, tiult Ith. urn. Kv..r
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chill.ln 'w.
Corns, and all 8kin Eruptions, and p.r-i
tively cure Piii. or no pay requin-rl
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, ..
money refunded. Price 25 cents per I..-.
For sale by F. . Frirke
Lincoln, Blair, Beatrice and Kear
neynow have each two kinds of
gold cure.
The First step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do
anything- to your satisfaction, and
you wonder what ails you. You
should heed the warning-, you are
lasing ine nrst step into nervous
prostration. You need a nerve tonic
and in Electric Bitters you will tind
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. Surprising results fol
low the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe-
A. ' A. A. . I
me reiurns. gooa digestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's
drugstore. 6
Do not confuse the famous Rlnsii
of Roses with the many worthless
paints, powders, creams and
bleaches which are flooding the
market. Get the genuine of your
uruggist, u. 11. onyaer, o cents per
bottle, and I guarantee it will re
move your pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
Fort Sidney is to have a new de
tachment of troops, the twenty-first
infatry being ordered to New York
AMttle uirls Experiencein a LlgMt
Mr. and Mrs, Eoren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles,
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried Dr, King's New
discovery ana alter tne use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King,s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial, bottle
free at F. G. Fricke' Drugstore.
The Homliest Man in Plattsmouth
Ab well as the handsomest, and
others are invited to call on any
druggist and get free a trial bottle
of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma,
bronchitis and consumption. Large
bottles 50c and $1
How's This!
W e offer 100 .dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all buisness transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out an oblig
ations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drug
gist, Toledo Ohio., Waldmg Kinnan
& Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the S3'Steni.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist; Testimonials free.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring aa effective
?To other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years; almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
p q vmom cV02
A Full and Complete line of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Mourn.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
For Farmers, Miners and Mechanics.
Cnapped Eands, Wounds, Burn., Etc
DeUahtful Shampoo.
Breakers Ahead.
"Yes, I shall embark on the sea of
matrimony myself before long."
Then youH soon be a-marryin her.
Won't you?" Kate Field's Washington-
One Fare for the pound Trip.
. The B. & M. will, sell round trip
tickets for one fare to Hot Springs,
Arkansas, on the following: occa
sions: Meeting of the Government
Reservation Improvement asssoci
ation, April 12. Tickets will be sold
April 7 and 8, inclusive; final return
limit, May 10.
District meeting Southern and
Central Turnverein, May 9 to 10.
Tickets will be sold May 6 and 7f in
clusive; final return, June 10.
Annual meeting-creueral assembly
of the Southern Presbyterian
church, May 19. Tickets will be
sold May 16 and 17, inclt:.ive; limit
to return, June lo.
ior turther information inquire
at ticket office.- F. LATHAM,
- Agent
They Bilk heroic fforta to free tbemialTci,
o not snowing now co aeeeiiraur
toe j give np in derf-atr ani rink torn an erif
gr-f. iiBMu&iuiwjfriTiftereiftii&urxx
ct fr, pert psii. (Kiltd)
If a United ttme.ipluu
the phliocphy ot DlaeM-
nd Affliction! of tho
Orraai of Man , an! how by
by SMthodi czclcjlvoly oar
own, the wont raatea of
Loat or Faille Manhood,
General and Berrone Do-
Lrxr'! blllty. Weakneia of Body
I ... Miaa, uo-- v im u h
r Eicenei, Btnnted or
Ehrnckrn Orranl eail bt Corrd. Bnet In a day.
BowtoEnlarrt and StrenrtboaWEAZ. UNDEVELOPED
CRSAH8 PAST S of BODY mad plain to all Interested.
Men teitifr froea 60 Staue. Temloritn an Fereico Cennuiea,
Von rma writ thra. Per Book, fall eTp!enelo end prnefe, eddreea
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Care should be taken to .. .. T
Ten Tears spent in revising. 100 edi- Z
tors employed, over $300,000 expended.
Sold by all Booksellers.
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Springfield. Mass., rj. S. A.
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The Leading
A Ti D
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constantly keeps on t hand everythin
. you need to furnish your house.-
Plattsmouth - Neb
"rVn?an1 tor rMaphlettaad
------MWuki. n7- rmm le
-nMa, Mi