amji t r very Smoker's Nose . knows when it is pleased. It is always pleased with the fragrant and peculiar . aroma of BlackwelPs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco Which has been for more than a quarter of a century the desire and delight of comfort lovers everywhere.' It strikes the taste of many fastidious smokers. Try it. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., . . DURHAU, Circulation Large, Rates Reasonable, RpturnQ Rpmunp.rativR. PLATTSW10UTH HERALD Is q Weekly qid special ?qltie qs qi qd otit coqqty- Bates On -Vpplicati no.. A. B. KKOTT BUSINESS 31 501 Cor Fifth and Vine St. PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having purchased the J. V. "Weckbach store room on south Main street where I am now located can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stoves and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan. I. PEARLMAN. i THE POSITIVE CURE I K.TBBOTHXR9.M WMNnBCsifevTotk. Prleawdtl. N. C VhlocXo of A NAG El?. www r Get a move on your secretions by taking' "lialrena ,for your Hlood." Ciiren the worst. Skin and Ulood Disorders. Guaranteed by O. II. Snyder and Urown & Barrett. La Grippe. No healthy person need fear any dangerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Kemain quiet ly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and com plete recovtry is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. Among the many thousands wbo have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke Xc Co. La rlppe Successfully Treated. "I have just recovered from a sec ond attack of the grip this year," says Mr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of the. leader, Mexica Texas. ''In the latter case I used . Chamberlain's Cough remedy, and I thinic with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days, against ten days for the first attnek. The second attack, I am ratsfied, would have been equally as bad" as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being struck with it, while in the first case I was able to atiend to business about two days before getting down. 59 cent bot tles for sale bj F. G. Fricke & Co. The population of Platismouth Is about 10,000, add we would say at least Ineo-half are troubled with some effection on the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, ac cording to staaistics, more numer ous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drug gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam for the throat and lungs. Trial size free. LargeBottle 50c- and $1. Sold by all druggist. " Mothers Friend" makes child birth east. Colvin, La., Dec. 2, 1886. My wife used MO THEE' 3 FRIEND before her third confinement, and says she would not be without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of price, $1.50 per bot tle. xsooK 1 o Jrlotners mailed tree. BRADFIMLD RCOULATOR CO ran aLS av u DnuaaiaT. ATUAMTA, OA, unkenness fir tho Llouor Habit, Positively Curec by AommsirEiiKX) or. maim? ooioem specific it can oe given in a cud Of couee or tea. or in ar licles of ood. without the knowledge of the per- t sou taking It; It Is absolutely harmless ana win eu'ect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drlnkeroran alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in evary Instance. 43 page book FREE. Address in confidence, V.LDEN -SPECIFIC CO., 185 Rue SU Cincinnati. 0 Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ob Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Files. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by Vt after all other treatment bad failed, It is put up in 25 and SO cent boxes. BO LING WATER O!? MIH1. EPFS GRATKUL COMFORTING p (' u Labeled 1-U lb Tins Only. I P3raNESSHEAD301SE9CURED I fp f ij "S ' Vack'm Invisible Tubuhir Ear Cub. I i'"ifei lun. Whimpers hrard. Comfortable. I a&'UU l"n.. WhUpe. bccrenfuiwhereallrnneiliesfiil. Sold by F. IIlMox,only, 633 iiruadwae, Sw York. Wrile tur buuk of prouf $175, organs $iS. Want ats. catl'fiue free. Address Dan'l F Boat t v. vasli inyton N. J. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM vcr Fails to Kestore Grav w to its YouttXul. Color. -.-v'-- Cujch fjilp tii!cra I r i ki v l, Oiiier Tonic. Ji ci:rt the uurst Couh, . JV!:'.ifv, Inl.istion, paii, Take in time. 0j tti. HI'DniriCORrJ-S. T.-.e onTvroicctirfforComa. t..jt u..u. 1. -t im.insis, or UIsCO-X i CO., K. Y. How Lost ! How Regained KNOW THYSELF. Or SEIF-PKESEKVATION. A new and onlT Gold Medal I'KIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY, KRROB8 of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE. MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300 page, cloth, gilt; 189 invaluable prescription. Only $1.00 by mail, donbla sealed. Descriptive Prospect ca with endorsements wBfWmWm i crftin of the Press and voluntary I Kftii testimonials of the cure. I llbkl NUW Consultation in person or or mail. Emert treat ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER- TAiji ii nr.. Auujm it. j. xi. rsraer. or The Pea body Medical Institute, No. 4 BUlflnch St.. Boston, llait. - The Peabody Medical Institute lias many imi tators, but do equal. Jlerald. . .The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, Is a treasure more valuable thaa gold. Read H now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and leara to be STRONG . Jfedicui XetUic. (Copi righteaJ ROSAMOND. In bcr moire mxs her Bit Gown of antique tluen. Great blurred rows over it Sunk in iiiiMray urevn. A roe ber dainty corsage holds, A rose within her hair. And its blie elira her ttilken folds A rose scent in the air. O'er her antique, rose blurred gown See her fingers flit. While I envy, looking down. Every rose of it. I would i were a nilkrn thread. That they mitfht weave of me. Upon an antique moire bed, A notxlly rose to see. Would I were a rose, art born, 8iink in a fern green frond. That, 'inong the rent, I mifht adorn A t'uwQ for Rosamond. Nay, would I were a living rose Khe'd lx more soft and fond That I might kiss her bosom close. Then die for Kosamond. Lulau liagsdale In Detroit Free Preaa. DRAFTY ENGLISH HOUSES. In England Homes Are Devoid of Mod ern Comforts or Conveniences. The average dwelling house in any class upper, middle or lower built within a year is constructed almost pre cisely on the lines in vogue at the begin ning of the century. In England there has been "in ninety years no such ad vance in domestic architecture, with re gard to both convenience and style, as we have noted in the United States in the last decade. The Englishman . may explain this by alleging that he built better in 1800 than we did in 1882. In this he will not be altogether wrong, but he will be supported by fewer facts than he imagines. The British carpenter has not yet mas tered the art of making a window. There is always a gale blowing in around the sashes during the winter, whether the outside air be calm or raging. The more heat you get in a room and by lamps and gas you can contrive to raise the temperature the greater is the rush of cold air from without. It forces its way around the window sashes and the doors in obedience to a natural law. An English house is draf ty, whether it be the dwelling of a peer or a peasant The doors are hung even worse than the windows. In the first place there are no thresholds, and there is a gaping space between the floor and the bottom of the door. The room in which 1 am now writing has an admirable specimen of an English door. I have just measured the yawning crevices around it. Between the floor and the bottom of the door there is a space one-half an inch wide, extending across the entire breadth of the door. Around the other three sides of the door there is a space one-quarter of an inch wide. All the doors in the place (which is not the work of a "jerry builder," but is what the British call "a high class" and expensive structure) are hung in the same fashion. Imagine, then, the number of portieres and thick rugs necessary to exclude the drafts. The halls of an English house are un heated. Drafts are accordingly increas ed, for the cold air will always rush from the chilly halls into the apart ments of high temperature. Screens, portieres, rugs, heavy window hangings are essential in every room. Of course these things darken an apartment. Thus you can only break the currents of air in a London dwelling by adding to the depressing gloom of the almost sunless London winter. An American housekeeper setting up an establishment here misses the nu merous and capacious closets of the Yankee domicile. Closet making is an unknown art to the Nineteenth century British builder. I know of any number of new and expensive dwellings both flats and houses in which there is not a hanging closet. The most you can do is to provide a few cupboards in the "chimney jogs." For clothing you must have wardrobes set up in your rooms, monopolizing space and being as cheer ful to gaze upon as sarcophagi. Odds ai;d cuds you must stow away as best you can. Cellars, in the American sense, are unheard of. A small dungeon for coals or a penitential cell for wines ful fills the British housekeeper's notion of a cellar. "Set tubs" are usually reserved for the "mansions of the great." The bathroom is the latest innova tion in English houses of the better class, but it is still an innovation. The clumsy tin tub, a yard and a half in width and six inches in depth, continues to be the Briton's favorite instrument for the matutinal ablution. In this un wieldy contrivance, brought into his chamber in the morning, John Bull takes his frigid splash. His aversion to bathrooms is akin to his horror of ga3 "above the drawing room." J. B. pre fers to go to bed by candle light. He has a notion that gas will suffocate him in his sleep. Perhaps he cannot trust himself to shut off the illuminant by turning the "tap." London Cor. Boston Herald. Several Common Phrases. Some of our idiomatic phrases are amusing rather than didactic. Take, for instance, the very common remark mad ? when some one of the company has told a harmless secret "You have let the cat out of the bag." It is at once a figure of speech and a picture, but a veritable bugbear to a foreigner not versed in the mysteries of our language. The sam.; idea is expressed in another idiom. "You've tipped up the apple cart." A phrase that has an expressive meaning is one which epitomizes whole volumes of advice "Keep a stiff upper lip." Detroit Free Press. His Chances. "If I had half a chance I'd marry,' re marked a handsome millionaire bachelor to a good looking girl. "But you never will have." she as serted. "Why not?" he asked, somewhat t;;ken aback. "Because," and she smiled in a way that fascinated him, "every chance in your case is a whole one." It was the merest chance nhe took, but it netted her a million ami a man. Detroit Free Press. A Story of the Lata A. T.' Stewart. I was a young lawyer at tho time, about as poor as a home missionary. 1 had to go to tho lato A. T. Stewart's to take hi signature to an affidavit. He Figned and 1 swore him; then ho wished to know how much there was to pay. In view of what took place afterward, 1 am justified, I think, in saying that what Mr. Stewart exacted me to say when he asked "How much?" was "Oh. that's all right." But I didn't say that; I said, "Seventy five cents." "What?" shouted Mr. Stewart. "Seventy-five cents," I answered again. "I won't pay it," said he. "You've no right to ask so much. The price is a shilling, and that's all I'll give you." "But, Mr. Stewart," I replied, "a shil ling is tho price when you come to my office. I've come to jrour store and I've a right to charge for my car fare and a reasonable amount for my time. Seventy-five cents is really a very small charge, Mr. . Stewart, a very small charge." "I won't pay it," he persisted. "If you want a shilling you may have it. but not one cent more." I got angry then. I gave him one look, with which I intended to convey the idea that I held him in contempt. Then I said: "Mr. Stewart, you are m poor man and I'm a rich one. Twenty five cents is nothing to me and seventy five cents is & fortune to you. I'll make you a present of that seventy-five cents that you owe me." Then I made my best dancing school bow and walked off. Interview in New York Times. The Effectiveness of Modern Onnav The prominence given to a lecture by the German doctor, Dr. Billroth, on the wounded in war, has induced Mr. Archi bald Forbes to write on the' subject. Dr. Billroth estimates that of the cas ualties at Weissenburg and Worth dur ing the Franco-German war, 80 per cent, of all the wounded were caused by rifles, 15 per cent, by the large guns, and not quite 5 per cent, by the lance and sword. Mr. Forbes, however, says that the sta tistics for the whole of the war on tha German side prove that over 00 per cent, were due to rifle fire, about 9 ier cent, to artillery, and about 1 per cent, to cold steel. The smallness of the mortality from the French artillery is explained by the fact that their artillery was notoriously badly served. Dr. Billroth believes that the future will Bee a still greater pro portion of deaths resulting from rifle fire than from shell. Mr. Forbes points out that, in doing so, no account lwts been taken of the probable use of highly destructive explosives in the shells of the future. Army and Navy Gazette. Tlie First Protestant In Japan. The first Protestant Christian in Ja pan was one Murata, a military retainer of the Lord of Saga, in the southern is land of Kiushiu. In 1860 he went to Nagasaki, by order of his chief, and one evening, as he was crossing the harbor in a boat, he picked up a book that was floating about in the water. The writing ran from side to side, "like the crawling of crabs," and upon sending it to one of the Dutch tnen settled at Nagasaki, ho learned that it was the Christian Bible, then a proscribed book. Curiosity spur red him on, and ho had one of his as sistants learn the language of the book and translate it for him, sentence by sentence. His study was continued in secret, with a few friends, after his return home. When a difficult passage was found, a messenger was sent to Dr. Ver beck, a well known missionary then in Nagasaki, for its interpretation. Murata was afterward baptized, and his name now stands first on the roll of Protes tant Christians in Japan. London Times. Women Taking the Places of Men. In Holland men can no longer be trusted to work the switches on the rail ways, and women now fill their places. This is a slap in the face indeed to the male sex, and a great triumph to the ad vocates of female labor. But we have yet to see how tho thing works. The men say that there will now bo looking glasses in the switch boxes, and that the women will never leave them till they have smoothed their last hair and settled the bow of their last ribbon, and that in the meantime there will be collisions; that when left to themselves they never have been in time for the train as pas sengers, and will not be more punctual as pointswomen; and, finally, that if they hear their lover's whistle anywhere ia the neighborhood they will pay very lit tle attention to that of the locomotive. If these objections are not valid, con clude the men, "we are not Dutchmen." London Queen. An Old Fashioned Phrase. There is an old fashioned phrase of hospitality which consists of only two words, and I find it a parallel to the Greek salutation, and like it, a com mand. "Sit by," says the comfortable New England farmer to his guest be neath his roof. Now compare this com manding phrase with the more modern polite question, "Will you partake cf refreshments?" which is as empty and void as a Chinese invitation, and throws the choice of acceptance on the guest. One is the living soul of speech, the other a mere dead formality. Detroit Free Press. The Death of Christ. a book entitled "The Physical In Causes of Christ's Death," the writer states that Christ died from a broken heart, so that, when the soldier pierced his side, blood and water flowed out, which whould have been an impossibility if no rupture had taken place. The Wisdom of It. . Cora Don't you think that law pre venting one from niarrj-ing his deceased wife's sister was a very foolish oue? Merritt On the contrary, I've always considered it a wise one. because there'. seldom more than one pretty girl in u family. New York Epoch. TO SIIIPPKRS. Hutter, IvtfH, Clift-M', Hd Game, Poultry, Mi-sit, AiK-h, Potatoes Green ami Dried 1'rtiite, VeelableM Cider, IJeaiiH, Wool, Hidew, Tallow Sheep Pelts, lurn, -SkiiiH, Tobacco, Grain, Flour; Hay, Ueewwax, Feath ers, Ginning, Hroonicorn, and Hops. M. K. 11 A L I, A R I) (Jen. Com. Merchant ai d Shipper. 217 Market Street - St. lAmit, Mo. WANTED Airent, yne acxiiiiinted with Farm' era and .Shippers. TI310THY ( LARK DEALER IN COAL WOOD oTKRMS CASHo ards aad Office 404 South Third Street. Telephone 13. PLATTSMCTH, Nearask K. RKYNOhDS, Registered Physician and rharsaacist Special attention g-iven to Office Practice. Rock Bluffs - Nub. IKiLKR I Jl- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASSOAND QUEENSWM. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsrouth Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. WATBBMAN & SON PINF LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds Cnn supply everw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth 6trect in rear of opera house. 9 Ii L 1 . . v is"---- ir V . il For Atchinson, St. Joseph, leaven worth, Kansas City, St. L,ouis, and all points n'th, east eouth or west. Tick eta sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION" AS TO KATK5 AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H. C. Towxsexd, G. P. A. St. Louis. Mo. J. C. PHILLIPPr, A. G. P. A. Omaha. II. D. APGAR. Agt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, IT. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard eoft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horse, blood epavin9 , curbs splints, sweeney, ringbone, stiflee, sprains all ,ewoi len throats, coughs etc.. Save 50 cent by use of one bottle. Warrant ed the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co druggists Plattriuouth Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi tive cure Catarrh. Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For pale by F. G. Fricke & Co id -