The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 25, 1892, Image 4

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Mavor Richov and tho Old
Council Retire To night.
A New Kind of a Surprise Party
Strikes Plattsmouth Fre
mont Will Play the
Home Team This
The city council will hold its reg
ular meeting to-night. The old of
ficers will retire and the new ones
will be sworn in. The new mayor
will appoint the standing commit
tees. It is understood that the other
appointment will not be made un
til the next Hireling, when there will
be a clean sweep in the police force.
There are several names men
tioned for the position of chief of
police with James Grace in the 'ead.
although Al Burn's thinks he has
the appointment sure, while Tom
Fry, Dan Coffee, Win. Cole and Kd
Fitzgerald's names are frequently
metilioucd. If the mayor makes a
change in fie city attorneyship
Chas. C. (Crimes will be the lucky
man. The street commissioner w-U
in all probability remain the same
as it now is. with Geo. I'oisall at the
Orrnse Blossoms.
A very pretty wedding occurred
yes.erday atteriioon at the resi
dence of John IJooiie in the Third
ward. 1 he contracting parties
were Thos. II. Sccaver and Mss
Alice M. Boone, the oldest daugh
terof John IJoone.
Rev. II. B. Burgess joined the
couple in the holy bonds of mairi
mony, after wh;cli they took the
evening train for their future home
in Lotran lowi. The rrroom has
furnished aneatlttile home for his
bride and they will immediately
go to keeping: house. The groom is
engaged in the bakerv busi.iess.
A Ghost Party.
Surprise parties are very frequent
but Saturday evening was the first
time a ghost surprise party was
ever planned and successfully car
ried out in this city. The victims
were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hutchinson
A large number of their friends
planned and cat ried out the party
Saturday night and presented Mr.
and Mrs. Hutchinson with an ele
gant plush rocker. The presenta
tion speech was made by Mr. Thom
as Shepard, of Illinois, an old gen
tlemen 83 years old. Following is
a list of those in attendance:
Messrs and Mesdames A. Adams,
Steimker, Green and daughler;
Kepple, McCavigan, Schlegel and
daughter, Golding, Hodgson, Fred
Course3r of South Omaha, Frank
Coursey, J. H. Young, Gobbleman,
Kdwards, Pearleman K'-jus, L'nder
non, Longenhagen, Mrs. A. II. Dray
Mrs, A D. Vorheis, CampbeU, O. F.
Johnson, Hassimier, Hayes, Davis,
Kgenberger, Blake, Kempster, Allis
Weaten, and Messrs, Davis, Gra3",
Thomas Shepherd, Raudenbush,
Moore, Skinner Cox, Thompson,
Herold, Allis, J. Adams, A. Adams,
A3'er, Green, Golding, Dean Burton,
and the Misses Jennie, Nellie and
Minnie Draj-, Nettie Carmack, An
nie, Dora, Fannie and Dais3r Adams
Susie Huteln'nsoti and Mattie Car
mack. Echoes From the Diemcnd.
The ra":i 3-eslerda3'- mo -n:ng pre
verted our "Pa ra'yzers" .Vorn pol
ishing up Jack Ca :'s IIa3'den's
and all da3' long the canks were
sad in consequence. I t looks as if
Old Sol was go'ng to square things
with vhe baseball bo3s this 3'ear, as
he has shut them out without a run
or a hit so fa". The old man wants
ti look out or we will 133' for him,
and, if we do, he'll be shot all to
pieces. The team put in the day re
hearsing their minstrel show and
trying to look happ3".
Last Saturda3r a "phenom" devel
oped at the ball park in the shape of
G. Dalr3rmple Jones, the boy won
der. Dalr3-tnple is a little modest
in his pretentions as a tw;-ler but
he shoots em over-like a s reak of
light. He pitched for Pla'tsmorta
against a picked nine and would
have shut them out without a hit
or a : tin had he been pioperly sup
ported. He alleges that part of the
team conspired 'o defeat him.
Jack Reeves got here Saturda3'.
He looks like he wanted to scalp
somebody and he's big enough to
. do it, oo.
When we want to see an out
fielder we must get sun shades and
look at Long. He's a dazzler
Mr. Maupin must carr3' a rabbit's
foot. He couldn't catch like he
does if he didn't.
From all practice so far it is evi
dent we have the winners.
Johnson plays short like a Glass
cock. He's way up in G.
Fremont will play practice games
in this city with the home club on
Wednesday and Thursday next.
Pender, the Lincoln pitcher, held
Beatrice down to two rune Saturday
and the next day it rained.
Hastings and Grand Island were
to have crossed bats 3'esterday but
rain preventei.
Myers looks like he was going to
pitch 'em through hot this 3'ear.
A. J. Graves had business at Mur
ray to-da
Miss Gertude Hilton spent Sun
day in Omaha.
Hon. W. IJ. Shr3-ock of Louisville
is in the cit3' to-da'.
Dr. T. P. Livingston went up to
Omaha this morning.
Lester Stone spent Sunday with
his parents at Nehawka. .
1 o-mgli at 7:.J the choral union
meets at the M. K. Church.
Res'. T. T. Baird was an Omaha
passenger this morning.
A. K. Reinhackel came in from
Ilavelock to spend Sunday.
W. W. Drummond and Fred Race
departed for Lincoln this morning.
Mrs. Carter, wife of Conductor
Carter, left for Lincoln this morn
Hon. and Mrs.R. B. Windham were
passengers for Lincoln this morn
Tohn McCourt and Frank Robin
son came down from Omaha 3'ester
F. McCourt left th's morning for
1 trip through Loup count3 this
Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mrs. B.
LoveWn were Omaha passengers
th's morning.
The minstiel show for the benefit
of the base ball c'ub will be at the
opera house Ma3'G.
Mr. Tom Samson who has been
bedfast for four weeks with 13-phoid
fever is reported belter to-da3r.
Tom Sherwood has entered Frank
Carrtrlh & Son's jewelry store for
the purpose of lea rninglhe jewelers
Al O'Neil, the man shot Friday
niirht is neiiinjr ?long nicely. The
pol'ce are s.ill looking for the man
that done the shooting.
Mr. M. Shroeder, living on north
Eighth street, is building a.i addi
tion to his residence and Otherwise
improving his p opert3
William Alexander of Ur'vers'ty
Place, Lincoln, is in (bee iy x s'i-
iag ti ends, lie leaves or tj3a
to-nght where he has secured a
pos.'i'on in ;ne union Jt' neaa-
Miss Sre Matso?. a teacher in the
h:gh school, we at up to Omaha
this morn:r?g to v'sit the Omaha
schools. She will be joined in
Omaha by Miss Co a Cook, another
Plattsmouth teacher, who went up
The funeral of Ihe six months old
babe of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Sitzman
occurred this morning at 10 o'clock.
Duncan C.'ark's female mlnslie's
arrived on No. i th's mo - 3!nj from
Omaha and are installed at the
Perkins house.
A large nuoibe: of Mr. George
Schanz's friends assembled at that
gentleman's home 3esterday and
celebrated his birthda3r in true
German st3Ie.
Commencing April 25 the B. & M.
will run a Xiz'.i from Keartjer 1o
Kenesrw and relrrn to connect
w'.lh No. 6 and No. 3 daily except
Srndr'3', leav'.ig at 6:5 p. m. and
arriving at Kenesaw at 7:15 p. m.
The train will leave Kenesaw at
9:35 p. m. and w'l arrive at Kearney
at 10:35 p. tr.
The promptness and certainty of
its cures have made Chamberlain's
cough remedy famous. Jt is intend
ed especially for coughs; colds.
croup and whooping cough, and is
the most effectual remedy known
for these diseases. 50 cents bostles
for sale by F. G. Fricke.
Mrs. Chas. Wilsey left 3'esterday-
for Seward for the purpose o! ap
pearing against her husband, who
is charged with b.gamy. Ch'eF of
Po'ice Fiy returned from Sewa d
Saturday evening and sa"d thai the
feeling against Wi sey was at a
fever heat and that the sheriif
feared trouble.
Geo. E. W.llie, an employe of ihe
B. & M. Shops, severed hTs connec
tion with that company Satu day
evening and leaves to-day for Wis
consin, where he goes to join a c'r
cus. Mr. Willie has made many
friends during his short stay in
our cit3r and his departure is re
gretted by all who knew him. As
he retired from work Saturda3' eve
ning Foreman Barstow gave him a
letter of reccommendation and suc
cess signed by all the men who la
bored by his side, for which.through
the columns of this paper, he wish
es to return his sincere thanks. He
will also be missed in musical cir
cles as he was an important mem
ber of the B. & M. Band and orchestra.
He Passed Away Quietly At An
Early HourThis Morning.
Father Hayes Came to Plattsmouth
In I 856 and Has Been Identi
fied With Her Interests
Ever Since A Long
Life Well Spent.
The community was startled this
morning with the announcement
that Father IIa3'8 died at 3 o'clock
this morning; thus, not an unlooked
for event startled his friends and
the entire community, for all knew
he was a very old man, "full of
3-ears, ana ready lor tne grim mes
senger. Yet, he had lived among
us foi so many 3-ears, had been
such a familiar landmark for the
past thirty odd years on our
streets every da3r; always hale,
heart3 kindl3r, venerable, he came
to be regarded with love and ad-'
miration by all classes of our peo
ple. So, when the looked for, 3'et
startling, word passed from neigh
bor to neighbor, "Father Ha3rs is
dead!" there was, as it were, an in-
voluntar3r pause and exclamatio
of surprise and pain. Kveryon
had lost a friend. The community
one ot its very oldest, staunclies
best citizens, the cnurcti its ve
best, its oldest and most loyal
counsellor and guardian.
Father Ilayscame to Plattsmouth
in the earl3r territorial da3rs, abou
1850, and cast his lot with our peo
pie; was the founder of the Presby
terian society here and has eve
since remained with, us, leading
blameless, upright, Christian life
He was devoted to the Presby-terian
church and gave It his greatest
time and attention, and it is there
he will be missed the most. It ap
pears Mr Hays Had an attacK o
la grippe last winter and, although
he had apparent- overcome that
enemy ot tne old and innrm, 111s
intimate friends have noticed ever
since that he was gradual- failin
and breaking down. It was but a
week or ten da3s ago, while on his
way to prayer meeting, that he had
a veiv severe fall on the sidewalk
in front of Judge Chapman's resi
dence which cut and injured his
face severel3r, but from which acci-
den he had apparent- recovered
Last evening at about 5 or 6 o'clock
Mr. Hays was found at the front
door of Prof. McClellan's residence,
where he lived, gasping for breath
Help was called at once and he was
assisted to his room, where Dr.
Cook was summoned. His trouble
was pronounced heart failure and
he gradually sank away, dying i
about 3 o'clock thismorr'ng.
Mr. Hays was born in Dauphin
county, Penns3'lvania, July 15,
18C6, and resided in Ohio during
his ac.'ive business life. His age
was eighty-five 3'ears and some
months. He leaves two daughters
and one son living: Mr. Thomas
W. Hayes, superintendent of the
Westinghouse Brake establishment
of Pittsburg, Pa. ; Mrs. W. S. Mathi
son of Da3'ton, Ohio; Mrs. Annie E.
Gibson, widow of James Gibson, of
Springueld, Ohio; a'so Mrs. J. N.
Ha3's of Washing Ion, D. C, a
Funeral arrangements will be
held in obeyance until word is re
ceived from his children, who have
been wed of his death.
Plattsmouth Heard From.
Following are the orations as de
livered by three of Plattsmouth's
citizens at the graduation exerc'ses
of the Miner Institute at A srilaiid:
On Monday evening, April 16th,
Mat Schlegel, of Plattsmouth,
favored the Miner Club with a few
remarks. He said:
Mr. president and msmbeesof
THE Club: As the time has arrived
for me to take my departure from
yoa, my most lntimaie iriencs,
take this mode of thanking you all
.'or the kindness and consideration
3'ou all have shown me, especia;l3r
Dr. Miner for his kindness and good
advice and sucessiul' treatment, of
my worst habit or d"sease, that of
the appetite for liquor, which I had
contracted some twelve 3-ears ago,
and have : '.ed in various wajrs .0
'get rid o. I had quit dink:ng for
five 3rears at one time and at another
ti lie I had not drank any for nine
teen months. I had each time made
up my mind not to touch the cursed
stuff again, but during both periods
the craving for liquor would mani
fest itself. The only way I would
overcome it was not to go where the
stuff was to be had, but since I have
been cured of the appetite I think
(with the help of God) I can with
stand any temptation offered me.
I also desire to thank Mr. R. W.
H3'er8and others of Plattsmouth,
who have caused and helped me to
get here, and also to the kind people
Xjol Cacs, Coia.rn-t3r "
Who can write the most words on a
T1g foptilqi qqd Wide-H.Av'qliC
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3 Two Nice Shirts.
Send all Postal Cards
JOE, The One
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
of Ashland, whom I had the plea
sure of meeting, for the'r courteous
i -eatmenl. While I am anxious to
get home to my family, I hate to
leave Ashland and especially the
l isfi:ntp whe-e I felt at home the
day I came and ever since.
Now in conclusion I extend to you
aU, my best wishes, hoping at some
future time that we wiltmee.., not as
in the past, but as industrious and
sober meo. Thanking you ait again
I bid you all farewell.
At the club meeting last Saturday
evening J. W. Brantner spoke as fo--lows:
Mr. President, Msmdsks of th 5
the request of someof the members,
I intended to make a .ew remarks
this evening, but a Tier P oking the
matter over carefully, I find I am
not capable of so dol.ig. Had I ;he
oratorical powers of our brother,
Co'. Matbeney, or the winning ways
of Bro. Moo a, I wokld then have no
hesiiat ion in speakingto thisassem
y. Not being so g' fted, I will wnve
what I x'eel my duly to our le'iow
aduates who leave us th.s even--g.
I leel p -oud to-night that we
ave found a remedy for this disease
that is ruining more families, caus-
n'- more misery and sorrow in our
midst than all other diseases. x
have been affl cted with the disease
for a number of years. I have tried
everything, but found only tempor-a-y
relief. I have signed the tem
pe ance p'edge, jo:ned the Good
Templers, the Temple o. nonor,
made solemn vows to my meads
and to 1113' God, that I would never
taste the accursed stuff again. But
did not have the po p er to resist.
1 1
Now that we have louna trie remeay
ei us each, as members of this club
when we go from this Institute, go
with the determination t.iat we will
do all we can,notdepend:ngonour-
elves alone, but looking to a higher
power, who is willing to assist us in
the right, to he'.p out fellow man
who if unfortunate enough to be
afflicted as we were. In doing this,
the Miner Institute will prosper and
many a noble man will' be saved
from a drunkard's grave.
' Respectf ulb' yours,
' ' J. Wr. Brantxer.
J. R. Denson, a one arm graduate
of Plattsmouth, who graduated last
Monday evening, delivered the fol-
U. S. Postal
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb Coroner,
lowing address before the club:
As I am about to sever mv connec
tion with the Miner Institute, I feel
it my duly o express my ba iks to
you for the ma ay acts of kindness
you have shown me while here.
also thank Dr. Miner for tt?e kind
ness received from him, and the in
veresi 11 e nas tasen in my case,
nie 1 re, ei you, lam
happ3r to go back io my home and
the friends I left, a much better and
soberer man than I was when I left
them. The most of you knew my
coudition when I came here, andean
see what it is to-day; for the change
that has taken place, I am indebted
to my friends, first, who induced me
to come, then io Dr. Miner for his
treatment and also to the members
of the club for their k-ac'ness. All
ofyoul owe a debt of gratilude
which I will t -y and repay .by spend
ing the rest of my days in industry
and sobriety. Thanking you again,
I trust I may have the pleasure of
meeting you all at some future time
and that the Miner Institute will
prosper. I v 11 now b.d 'ou all
A Sensible Man.
Would use Kemp's balsam for the
throat and lungs, it is curing more
cases coughs colds, asthma, bron-
chitts, craup and all throat and
lung troubles, than any other rem
edy. The proprietor has author
ized any druggist to give 3'ou a sam
pie bottle free tr convince you of
the merit of this great remedy.
Ivarge bottles 50c and $1.
A Singular Request
The following note was found on
Main street and handed to a report
er. The owner can have the origi
nal copy by calling at this office.
Following is the epis'le:
"t'HABLIE-come down tonight as it is
rainliifr. come and i will watch for you
cometothekllchen window and i will have
every! h'n.j; reddy for to take a walk be
here by 8 o'clock as i don't think we can
get red of her she is going to see your
mother and if i go to town she w Ml be sure
to come along from your own A .
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying. J
GOINGlEsf m'
N'nl 9 ( o .
No. 2 5 : 17 P. M.
io. 4 10 :3 a. 11.
No. 8 7 ;44 p, m
No. 10 9:ila.m
No. 12 12:23 a. n
No. A n tiiCl
No. , H:(oa. m. Jdr
No. T 6 ;la. m.
No. 0 6 :25 p, m.
o,91 7:15 a. m.
f'ushiieirs extra leaves for Omaha about twifv
clock for Omaha aud will accommodate pas- N
No. 384 Accomodation Leaves......
No.3.j arrives
Trains daily except Funday.
10:55 a. ia,
4 ;00 p. m.
I feel it my duty to say a few
words in regard to Ely's Cream
Balm, and I do so entirely- without
solicitation. I have used it more
or less half a year, and have found
it to be most admirable. I have
euffered from catarrh of the worst
kind ever since I was a little boy
and I never hoped for cure, but
Cream Halm seems to do even that.
Many of my acquaintances have
used it witu excellnnt results.
Oscar Ostum, 43 Warren Ave., Chi
cago 111.
Some Foolish People
allow a cough to run until itgets
bey'ond the reach of medicine. They
say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them away.
Could they be induced to trv the
successful Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive -guarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking the first dose.
Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At
all druggists. "
For millinery and pattern hats or
an3'thing in the line of ribbons,
flowers of the latest st3'les and de
signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in
the Shei wood block. tf.
Good Looks,
Good looks are more than skin
deep, deqending upon a healthy'
condition of all the vital organs.
If the Liver be inactive' you have
a Bil ious Look, if your stomach
be affeeted you have a Dvsoentic
Look aud if bour Kidneys be effected
yov will have a Pinched Look. Sa
curs good health and vou will hava
good Jooks, Electric Bitters is tfne
great alterctive and Tonic acts
directly on those vital organs.
Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils and
gives a good complexion. Sold at
b. O. Fricke & Cot's Drugstore. 5c
per bottle:
Hot Springs. Ark- Carlsbad
On April 6th, 7th and 8th the M
P. will sell round trip tickets tn Tlr.
Springs, Ark., "at one lowest firat
class fare, good returning until
June 10th, on account of govern
ment sale of lots and mrfnn,r
of the Southern Central Turnvri
Association. Call at office for ar.